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Causes of arthritis: why the disease occurs, how to avoid it. How does arthritis affect a person's life? Treatment with a mixture of juices

But it's much harder to come to terms with the fact that you have arthritis!

People who have arthritis never cease to amaze me.

What can they do to reduce and stop the progression of the disease. And, of course, by taking some steps, people with this disease live easier. But many, even those who communicate with a highly respected doctor and who follow a treatment regimen, can go astray and develop bad habits or a negative attitude that worsens their condition significantly.

What to do for arthritis of the joints?

It is difficult to live with chronic pain and other aspects of arthritis. This may seem like an obvious statement, and even an understatement of the actual inconvenience. But, it's important to keep in mind that living with arthritis can be easier if we stop doing certain things.

Paying attention to what we SHOULD NOT do may be just as important as focusing on what we SHOULD do.

Consider these TEN things you MUST STOP do if you have arthritis!

No. 1. Stop thinking you can NOT exercise!

This may be one of the biggest misconceptions surrounding arthritis.

People with arthritis are encouraged to exercise and participate in regular physical activity to keep their joints moving, reducing joint pain and stiffness, strengthening the muscles that support the joints, and improving overall mobility. Many people with arthritis, fearing that exercise will increase pain, choose to avoid activity.

In fact, this is ordinary inactivity (passivity, physical inactivity), which first brings less pain, and then disability in the long term.

To reap the benefits of exercise, you must start slowly with a safe type of movement, building on what you can do and respecting your pain, but not letting the pain stop you.

No. 2. Stop being sedentary

Not only do some people think they can't move, but they also have difficulty with the concept of balancing rest and activity.

Rest can help you feel better temporarily, but it shouldn't become a way of life. A sedentary lifestyle can increase joint pain and stiffness and lead to obesity, which is bad for weight-bearing joints.

No. 3. Don't buy junk food

It is a recognized fact that eating healthy foods is good for everyone. Proper and maintaining ideal is especially important for people suffering from arthritis. Overweight body can affect weight-bearing joints and may increase arthritis pain. Even moderate weight gain can worsen joints that are already burdened by arthritis. Be kind to your joints by balancing your intake.

No. 4. Stop ignoring physical limitations

Just as there are people with arthritis who avoid physical activity, there are those who push themselves beyond their limits. The recommendation is to keep the pace of your activity moderate and comfortable for you. Lack of movement and too much movement are equally harmful. Pushing past your limits can increase pain and increase the risk of joint damage.

Respect pain and choose activities with physical limitations.

No. 5. Stop avoiding mobility aids because pride gets in the way.

A cane, walker, or wheelchair may be necessary for some people with arthritis to increase their independence and ability to walk. Some people cannot bear the thought of giving up mobility by using aids. Because using these things reduces their self-esteem and self-esteem, people do not use them.

Some actually choose to isolate themselves at home rather than have to use a cane, hold a walker, or sit in a wheelchair. Canes and walkers can offer additional support and improve balance when walking. Do whatever you need to do to protect your joints and improve your balance.

No. 6. Stop Thinking Your Arthritis Will Go Away

Many forms of arthritis are chronic diseases. There is no treatment for them, only permanent pain. Treating it early and promptly will help you manage symptoms and disease progression, but for most, it will not go away. Make decisions that will keep you as healthy as possible despite your arthritis, but never deny that it is now a big part of your life.

No. 7. Stop being afraid of medications that can help.

Some people with arthritis do not agree to take certain medications, even if their doctor has recommended a specific course of treatment. Arthritis patients sometimes avoid pain medications because they are afraid of drug addiction or they prefer not to use biologic drugs because they are afraid of potential serious side effects.

Instead of being afraid, each person and their doctor should weigh the benefits and risks of using a particular medicine.

No. 8. Stop putting off visiting your doctor for a consultation

It is very tempting not to tell your doctor everything, especially when you think that full disclosure may result in changes resulting from diagnostic testing or treatment that you do not want. But in order for your doctor to have the optimal, and therefore the best, chance to help you, he must know everything. Talk openly about what makes your condition better or worse for you, and discuss what you don't understand.

Good communication with your doctor is important.

No. 9. Stop the guilt

Arthritis can invade your life. He may get in the way of carrying out normal duties and taking care of them at work or at home, disturbing you. You may begin to feel guilty when you fail to do what is expected of you. It may take a lot of effort, but learn to let go of the blame and be satisfied. It's worth doing the best you can do under the circumstances.

No. 10. Stop asking "why me?"

Arthritis can change your life in profound ways, especially when you're in severe pain or having a particularly bad day. You may begin to wonder what you did to deserve arthritis and may get stuck asking yourself, "why me?" This thinking must be short-term. Negatively oriented thinking can only work against you.

Fifty percent of people will experience some form of arthritis at some point. You can significantly reduce your health risks by paying attention to these recommendations shared by rheumatologists and other doctors.

Maintain Healthy Digestion

If you have normal microflora in the intestines, you can reduce pain and inflammation from arthritis. Healthy bacteria need to be varied so that the intestinal lining is not damaged. Damage from food, toxins, stress and medications can lead to inflammation throughout the body, especially in the joints. To prevent this, take care of your intestinal microflora.

Do strength exercises

It may seem counterintuitive: how can lifting weights relieve joint pain? Wouldn't this create additional stress? Nevertheless muscle mass is key to preventing osteoarthritis and relieving pain. By strengthening the muscles around your joints, you take pressure off them and improve their condition. Try to workout several times a week to improve your fitness.

Eat an anti-inflammatory diet

Inflammation, both in the joints and throughout the body, is a painful symptom of arthritis. You can reduce inflammation through nutrition, avoiding antibiotics and eating plenty of fermented foods like sauerkraut or yogurt. They perfectly stabilize digestion. Try to eat as little processed sugar as possible and focus on healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocados and fatty fish. They improve health and help get rid of excess weight.

Do yoga

To prevent osteoarthritis caused by wear and tear on joints, it is important to maintain body strength and flexibility. Exercises like yoga, Pilates, or martial arts strengthen the muscles around your joints and help you move with maximum range of motion. Try to do some physical activity periodically to protect your health.

Watch your weight

One of the most important ways to control osteoarthritis is to maintain a healthy body weight. Osteoarthritis develops due to stress on the bones, so everything should be done to prevent mechanical damage. Excess weight puts extra stress on your bones and joints, so losing weight can be the first step to improving your condition.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco

There are more than one hundred types of arthritis and joint diseases. Some risk factors, for example, gender or genetic predisposition, cannot be excluded, but some can still be reduced. For example, quitting smoking helps reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, and quitting alcohol helps prevent the development of gout.

Try tai chi

Gentle stretches like tai chi can help you maintain healthy joints and ligaments. Be sure to try to stretch your arms as you move as well. Your hands are the third most common area for arthritis symptoms, and stretching can help prevent the problem.

Treat injuries immediately after they occur.

The most important recommendation for preventing arthritis is to closely monitor your condition and treat injuries as soon as you get them. Chronic injuries can lead to arthritis, such as ballerinas having ankle problems and powerlifters suffering from back pain. To prevent ligament and bone damage, seek early treatment, get physical therapy, exercise moderately, and lose excess weight if you have any.

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Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to prevent arthritis. However, arthritis prevention is possible by reducing the risk of developing it and delaying the potential onset of certain types of arthritis. Those with healthy joints are encouraged to take every possible step to both maintain joint mobility and function and prevent the disability and pain caused by arthritis.

There are also states associated with it. All of them are combined with various factors risk, individual manifestations, dynamics and other circumstances.

There are risk factors that cannot be influenced. This means that they cannot be corrected. Being female or having a family history of arthritis (genetic profile) are examples of two factors that make you more likely (but not certain) to develop certain types of arthritis.

And – on the contrary – a number of risk factors are recognized as modifiable. These include behaviors and circumstances that can be changed to reduce the risk, delay the onset of arthritis, or prevent arthritis altogether. Here are just a few types of arthritis and their associated modifiable risk factors:

  • Osteoarthritis – Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - Don't smoke
  • Gout – Eat a diet low in sugar, alcohol and purines

In some cases, preventing the triggering incident can significantly reduce the threat of arthritis. Proper equipment, adequate training and safe standards sports game can prevent rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee. This injury can lead to osteoarthritis in a few years or even decades.

Until scientists fully understand the causes and mechanisms of these disorders, complete disease prevention seems impossible. However, there is reasonable hope that some or even all types of arthritis and their associated problems may one day be preventable. Breakthroughs in these directions may happen faster than it seems. Please note: Many types of arthritis are thought to result from a combination of genetic predisposition and a trigger such as a virus or toxin. Identifying the specific trigger for a particular type of arthritis may be the key to preventing it, even in the presence of genetic risk.

As the pace of research accelerates with support scientific program Arthritis Foundation, the search for new methods of prevention (as well as treatment) may soon become a reality.

For many people, preventing arthritis is a top priority, although they may not realize it. The reason is that when modern look Many people are at risk of developing of this disease. But functional joint damage is a very serious problem that interferes not only with professional activity, but also Everyday life. Constant pain at the slightest movement causes discomfort, distracts you from work and makes it difficult to carry out everyday activities. It is for these reasons that it is extremely important to know how to properly prevent and treat this disease. Do not think that this information can only be useful to elderly and inactive people. Joint diseases affect both children and active young people. Competent prevention is important for any person.

First of all, it is worth learning how to prevent arthritis and similar diseases. If you take competent preventive measures in time and regularly follow them, then the chance of developing joint diseases is significantly reduced. Prevention of arthritis and arthrosis is especially important for those who are at risk. Regular patients of orthopedists include people with a history of the following:

  • joint injuries (athletes often suffer from this);
  • excess weight, which puts serious stress on the joints;
  • transferred infectious diseases(against the background of general weakening of the immune system);
  • genetic predisposition to joint diseases (gout, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • autoimmune diseases.

In addition, there is a high probability of developing arthritis or arthrosis in healthy people working in conditions that place special stress on the joints. And, of course, the risk group includes older people over 60 years of age. It is important to prevent inflammation and joint dysfunction physical activity and keeping the body in athletic shape.

For this reason, the most effective measures are:

  • regular competent physical activity and exercises;
  • healthy eating and a balanced diet;
  • massage.

Class physical culture will allow you to maintain muscle tone and help avoid problems such as excess weight.

  1. Exercise has a beneficial effect on many muscle groups, joints and tendons and relieves unnecessary stress on the joints. Experts note that the following exercises are especially useful for preventing arthritis:
  2. Physical activity aimed at restoring muscle elasticity;
  3. Walking and hiking; Swimming (it is important to observe temperature regime
  4. water - it should not be cold);

But not all exercises are equally beneficial. Some may worsen your health and increase your risk of joint inflammation. Avoid strenuous activities such as intense running, jumping and heavy lifting.

Besides classes physical activity, a proper and balanced diet can have a beneficial effect on joints. Eating fruits or vegetables rich in coarse fiber will help remove toxic substances from the body. It is believed that gelatin products can improve your joint health. Fish and foods rich in vegetable fats are a recognized source useful acids, necessary for the normal functioning of tissues. Therefore, it is recommended to include them in your diet. And it is necessary to limit the consumption of salt, sweet foods and foods rich in cholesterol.

If you are already worried about pain and discomfort in the joints, then under no circumstances should you diagnose yourself. In this case, you need to consult a specialist and undergo a full diagnosis. Because often pain is only a symptom of a disease that has nothing directly to do with the joints. Standard methods for examining and identifying joint diseases are:

  • tomography;
  • arthrography;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • x-ray of joints;
  • blood test to detect inflammatory processes.

When painful sensations occur, people often try to get rid of the discomfort on their own. This is usually done either with the help of medications or using folk recipes.

But when choosing a method of dealing with pain, you must first consult with your doctor.

Do not forget that many drugs and techniques have contraindications. Trying to cope with the problem on your own, you can only aggravate the resulting inflammation.

If you are injured, be sure to see a surgeon and get an x-ray of the injured joint. Even if the injury seems minor to you, it can turn into serious trouble in the future. Often inflammation occurs precisely because of old injuries that were not treated at the time.

Correct load distribution

If you spend a lot of time at the computer, then you should not neglect special gymnastics, which is aimed at restoring joint mobility and restoring proper blood supply. Experts note that arthritis of the hands in last years rapidly “rejuvenated”. Since the fingers and wrists of a person working with a keyboard and mouse are constantly in an unnatural position.

Involvement in strength sports, including lifting weights, is also not good for your knees, elbows and spine. If you want to acquire sculpted muscles, then it is wiser to contact an experienced trainer who will select individual complex exercises.

Such a complex must necessarily take into account not only the general health of a person, but also his age, weight and lifestyle. Extreme types of hardening, for example, winter swimming, also often lead to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

And remember that it is wiser to prevent the development of a disease than to treat it. Preventing arthritis and other joint dysfunctions in the future will save you a lot of time and money. In addition, competent preventive measures will have a beneficial effect on the entire body, strengthening the immune system and developing the body.



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