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House project old fortress. Luxury houses in castle style

at 05/29/2017 1,683 Views

Country stylish house with a round tower

The tower house is fascinating with its peculiarity, and, perhaps, its design is as popular today as it was during the Middle Ages. Such a house can be made in different variations. This is a large castle in the style of fearless knights and fiery ladies, and a house in a classic design with towers, and a stylish solution for an aristocratic mansion. But in any case, the design of the tower house will meet the requirements of modernity and comfort.

  • Tower construction options
  • Construction of a house with towers
  • Ready project
  • Cozy country house made of stone with a tower

    Small bright house with a round tower

    Cute country cottage in castle style

    The main feature of an elegant tower house is a semicircular structure topped by a cone-shaped roof with a spire. Such a house is filled with architectural elements that emphasize the high status of its owners and their excellent taste. It is impossible to walk past such a castle and not pay attention to it. It is filled with peculiarity and personality, which is reflected in every detail of the building.

    Modern house with a square tower

    Cozy two-story house with a tower

    Construction of towers in the history of construction

    A tower is a narrow, elongated structure topped with a spire. It can be either an individual building or an element of a complex structure. They have been used in construction for many centuries in a row. The most ancient examples of the construction of cone-shaped structures are the towers of Egyptian fortresses. Such buildings were erected in a rectangular shape and ended with peculiar battlements. Unfortunately, such architectural phenomena have disappeared from the face of the earth, remaining only in ancient legends and manuscripts.

    The ancient fortress consisted of walls and towers attached to them. They were used in the Roman Empire and Byzantium. Later, the design was borrowed by Europeans and used for the construction of places of detention.

    Domestic architecture did not stand aside either. Elements of fortresses with towers built according to the Byzantine type have been preserved to this day.

    Cozy bright house with bright inserts and a round tower

    Modern house with free-standing tower and spiral staircase

    Mediterranean style villa with square stone tower

    In the Middle Ages, when there was a need to defend against the enemy, towers began to be attached to massive brick spiritual structures. They were used as an observation post and shelter for children and women. Excellent evidence of this is the Spassky Cathedral in Chernigov, cathedrals in Novgorod and others.

    Ancient art complemented the towers with clocks. It was thanks to antiquity that they appeared in houses and train stations, complemented by clocks. Currently they are still as popular. They are used in the construction of lighthouses, water reservoirs, and for astronomical research. But tower construction technology is especially in demand in the construction of private buildings. Projects with photos allow you to visually imagine the future construction of a house with towers. The most famous object of tower construction is the Eiffel Tower, which is 300 m high.

    Houses with towers are not very popular here

    Small cottage made of stone with a small turret

    Large family house with turret and landscaping

    Modern castle: style and nobility

    The design of a house with a tower, built in the form of an ancient medieval castle, is able to satisfy all the requirements of a modern person. Projects of modern houses may differ significantly from each other, but they have the same advantages:

    • an unusual design solution for the construction of an individual house that meets the needs of a modern person;
    • exquisite stylistic direction, which is conveyed in every element of design and external design;
    • possibility of construction with different parameters. You can build a house of different sizes and shapes;
    • high functionality.
    • The tower attached to the house serves as a living space. It is also comfortable and in most cases allows for individual design.

      Modern unusual house with a custom tower

      Wooden house with towers and weather vanes

      Houses with small turrets can often be found in the Baltics

      Large castle style house with two towers

      Huge mansion in castle style

      Tower construction options

      Structurally, it can be erected:

      • round, created as a living room. Very often, spiral staircases leading to the upper floor or attic are installed in them. The walls of such a tower are topped with small window openings. A new trend in home construction is the construction of glass towers. This direction is just in its infancy, becoming increasingly in demand;
      • square, which is created as a bedroom or office. In some projects, a square tower is used as a living room;
      • rectangular, which can perform the same functions as a square tower.
      • They can be built at different heights and be smaller than the building or have the same height as it. The number can also be unlimited, but the most common are houses with two towers.

        A small round tower, suitable only for an observation room

        Square observation tower on the roof of a house

        Rectangular tower with high windows

        Bright red and white house with a small round residential turret

        Construction of a house with towers

        When building a house in the style of an ancient castle, it is worth using the services of a landscape designer, because the site should be decorated in the same style. In addition, a castle-shaped house requires free space. If this feature is not taken into account, the castle will simply clutter the area. An incorrectly determined construction site can distort the future building beyond recognition.

        Once the construction site has been determined, you can proceed to the creation of design documentation. Of course, you can create a project yourself. But it is still worth using the services of professionals who have the necessary knowledge and skills. And only after approval of the project can the construction of a private house begin.

        Large country house with living room in the tower

        Fairytale house with a square turret

        Projects of houses with towers are popular abroad

        Modern country wooden house with large windows and tower

        Ready-made tower house project

        A house built according to such a project will be the pride of its owners. Its appearance is intriguing and fascinating, because the house exactly matches the appearance of medieval castles, albeit smaller. The size of the building may vary depending on the available space on the site.

        Experts do not recommend erecting more than 4 towers when building a castle, although their number can be any. With a large number of towers, the building often looks rough and unattractive. Structurally, a house can consist of different shapes and elements. The combination of a semicircle and a rectangle allows you to create a beautiful solution.

        Project of a small house with a turret

        In Europe you can even see small family houses with a turret

        Russian-style log house

        But in any case, the design should be entrusted to a specialist. Today, special companies offer land owners ready-made projects, which are selected depending on:

        • landscape design of the land plot;
        • size of the land plot;
        • customer needs and desires;
        • cost.
        • High-level professionals will offer the best construction option, which will take into account the entrance area and living room, kitchen area, toilets and bathroom, utility rooms, bedrooms, office. The location of these zones is determined depending on the design capabilities and desires of everyone who will live in the house.

          Project of a house with a tower in the Chateau style

          Design of a Victorian family house with a tower

          Materials for building a house with a tower

          You can build a castle from different materials. One of the materials for building a house is brick, which is considered the most durable and hardy. In addition, on the building materials market you can purchase special bricks that are used specifically to create rounded shapes. Building a house out of brick won’t pose any particular problems, as long as it’s a quality project. A brick house with a tower, the design of which can be purchased ready-made, will become a reliable fortress for all family members.

          Luxurious mansion with a stone tower

          Frame house, covered with siding, with a tower

          Today, the most popular option for building a castle is frame construction. This technology has been used in the West for many decades, and in our country it has been widely used for decades. The frame for a house can be either metal or wood. But special attention is paid to the choice of facing material. As a rule, it is decorative or natural stone. With this solution, the house looks like a real castle of reduced size.

          Another interesting option is a house project with a tower and a garage. Such complex construction not only increases comfort (who wants to get to a separate garage in winter), but also reduces construction costs (you can save on pouring a single foundation, a joint wall, and installing a heating system).

          Large wooden house with a high tower

          Modern large brick house with a tower

          Nice house made of painted timber with a square tower

          Projects of houses with balconies and towers, plans for the construction of one-story and two-story buildings of any shape and orientation allow you to build a stylish castle. Such a house design will become the pride of its owner, emphasize his excellent taste and, undoubtedly, indicate high status.

The castle style arose during the Romanesque era in the 11th - 13th centuries. This period was the most expressive in architecture - castles, monasteries, and temples were erected on hills. The events of those times, namely wars, unexpected attacks by ill-wishers, dictated their construction conditions. Therefore, the constructed structures had to, first of all, perform a protective function.

Despite minor differences in the styles of castle architecture in different regions, the basic structures were the same.

Castles were impregnable fortresses surrounded by a high stone wall. They necessarily included towers so that the enemy could be seen from afar. It was possible to move from floor to floor in the tower along a narrow spiral staircase. The width of the passage was designed for only one person. This decision was due to security measures. The knight walked first, who was ready to take the enemy’s blow upon himself, guarding an important person behind his back.

The road to the castle was laid so that visitors approached the building from the right side, which was not covered by a shield. The green spaces around were not high, so that opponents could not hide in them.

Another distinctive feature of castles is a deep moat along the perimeter of the building. It was possible to get into the fortress using a drawbridge.

Castle style in Russia

Castles did not become popular in Russia. Instead of them, kremlins, fortresses, and later palaces were built.

But still, typical examples of castles exist - Mikhailovsky Castle in the city of St. Petersburg. It was erected by Paul I, choosing one project from 13 proposed options. Construction lasted 12 years. The castle was surrounded by 2 rivers - Fontanka, Moika, as well as canals. The finished castle stood out impressively against the backdrop of houses in the Baroque and classical styles.

No less famous is Vyborg Castle, built in the 13th century in the Gulf of Finland. It was built by the Swedes during the Crusade. This is one of the few buildings in Russia that has been almost completely preserved to this day.

Is the style alive today?

Over time, the style gave way to baroque and classics. However, projects of houses in the medieval castle style are still successfully developed and implemented by designers and architects. The style is alive and has its own distinctive features.

Most often it is ordered by people who want to fulfill their childhood dream - to live in a spacious, large castle. This solution will also appeal to those who like large houses with a predominance of stone and without an abundance of decor.

If you are interested in the history of the Middle Ages, then such a project will also be the best solution for you, since the environment will help satisfy cultural needs and develop hobbies.

Types of castle style

The castle style is divided into several types:

  • Romanesque.

Massive walls without decoration, small windows. The architecture is dominated by large forms. Heavy vaults with large columns.

  • Gothic.

The building “stretches” upward. Arches, narrow turrets, narrow windows, bas-reliefs, and pinnacle towers predominate. The constant elements of Gothic are gargoyles and other mythical creatures.

  • Renaissance.

Provides symmetrical shapes and proportions. Buildings include columns and domes. The walls are decorated with stucco and bas-reliefs.

Basic elements of modern castle style in architecture

Castle style houses have the following distinctive features:

  • Monumentality.
  • Massive walls.
  • A little decor.
  • Large windows with stained glass, stucco, and forging can be supplemented with canopies.
  • Semicircular arches.
  • High pitched roofs, spiers.

The key element of the castle style of a country house is a tower - one or several. Near it are placed the remaining elements of the home in the form of simple geometric shapes.

Castle-style mansions are built from stone or brick. Brick is often faced with panels of natural or decorative stone. The facades are made in muted, natural colors - brick, sand, gray, beige.

If in the Middle Ages there was practically no decor on the facades of buildings, then modern designs of houses in the castle style include stucco molding, bas-reliefs and figures of mythical creatures in the Gothic style.

Trends in the architecture of country houses

Recently, trends in the architecture of country houses show that people are bored with the typical manor style, as well as modern trends (minimalism, hi-tech). Customers increasingly prefer more natural materials, simple geometric shapes and moderate decoration.

The word “castle” is familiar to everyone, but does everyone understand its meaning? This word is associated with fairy tales and princesses who lived in fairytale castles. And as you know, there is some truth in every fairy tale. Castles were built back in medieval Europe. These were structures or entire complexes of structures that were used for housing, but in addition to this function they also performed a defensive function. Thick and high stone walls, drawbridges, and ditches with water along the perimeter protected people from attacks. In Russia, the first fortresses were wooden. Their construction dates back to the 9th century. Later, fortresses began to be built of stone, and wooden ones were reinforced with stone walls. Russia has a rich history. In its vastness, various castles have survived to this day. These are Kolomna, Zaraisky, Tula Kremlin, Smolensk, Staraya Ladoga, Porkhov fortresses, Shaaken Castle, Vyborg Castle and many others.

The castle designs are completely different, but they also have common features, namely:

Strong perimeter walls:

Small slits-windows in the walls for archers;

Towers along the entire perimeter of the castle, including corner ones;

Pointed hipped roofs of the towers.

All these architectural features were formed under the influence of harsh times. Frequent attacks by enemies and internecine wars forced people to be ready for battle at any moment. Even the settlements of farmers and cattle breeders tried to be located near such castles, so that in case of trouble they would have time to take refuge behind its walls. So the fortresses grew and gradually turned into entire cities.

Fortunately, today there is no need for such locks. Those buildings that have survived to this day are open-air museums and attract tourists. Their beauty fascinates and delights. Therefore, the features of their architecture are reflected in modern houses. Private houses built in the form of castles have the same sharp roof towers, may have arched openings for windows and doors, and a stone or stone-imitated façade. But that's where all their similarities end. Today there is no need to build high stone walls, observation windows for archers, or drawbridges and gates. And if someone is really afraid of being robbed or attacked, then it is enough to buy and install a security alarm system. The finished castle project will take this feature into account. The main thing is to order project documentation from a good company. And specialists will take care of all engineering systems.

Modern castle project

A modern castle is a warm, convenient and comfortable private home with beautiful architecture and well-thought-out functionality. Such a house does not have to be large. The main thing is that its appearance really resembles a castle. At the same time, all turrets also have their own functionality. This can beat an ordinary semicircular bay window, which will look like a tower from the outside, but inside it will simply increase the space of the living room. Instead of a stable there is a garage, instead of guards there are video cameras, instead of a drawbridge there are automatic gates, and instead of a moat around the castle there are flowers and a green lawn. At the same time, castle projects are freely available for everyone.

A small plot of land is enough to make the dream of any princess come true. A castle of two or three floors with a small perimeter will fit perfectly even on 4-6 acres. And the castle project is the first step towards a dream. Of course, the architecture must be complemented by appropriate interior and design. Furniture, textiles, and decorative elements should complement the home with chic and sophistication. Only in this way will the architect’s idea be achieved as accurately as possible.

A private cottage, stylized as a medieval castle, is a completely unusual, original and extraordinary solution.

There is an opinion that the construction of such a building requires a lot of time and money. However, it is not. Professional construction companies today can offer a number of ready-made and inexpensive design projects or develop individual plans based on all the wishes of customers.

Some historical facts

The beginning of the construction of palaces for high-ranking persons dates back to the 10th century AD. It was at this time that wars broke out in the world between various principalities and states. To protect cities, fortresses were equipped with moats, strong walls, and towers.

The latter were most often made round or polygonal. The larger the fortress, the more majestic its owner looked. Mostly very influential and rich people lived in medieval castles.

Subsequently, such structures were often rebuilt not to protect their possessions, but as residences for influential people. Today, castles built in the Gothic, classical or Renaissance styles are considered historical monuments.

Castles began to be created in Russia, starting with the construction of kremlins and protective structures. Then they were built as palaces for emperors and people close to them. The most famous domestic buildings are: Mikhailovsky, Vyborg, Peterhof architectural ensembles.

There are a number of very interesting facts about the castle mansions:

  • As a rule, the toilet in them was dressing rooms, which were equipped with an ordinary hole;
  • they were built on a hill to make it easier to spot and destroy enemies;
  • natural wood was used to recreate the first buildings - this was necessary so that in the event of a lost battle for the territory they could be easily burned;
  • staircases in such structures were always made spiral-shaped - they also performed a defensive function (it was harder for the enemy to get into the head tower).

The main advantages of castle houses

Experts in the construction field note a number of advantages that distinguish castle-type cottages from other projects:

  1. they are more monumental, massive and look much more noticeable against the background of other houses in the cottage village;
  2. they organically combine classical architecture and modern design;
  3. if the size of the land plot allows, you can create a beautiful garden next to the building;
  4. The facades of such mansions are usually decorated with climbing greenery.

Stylistic decisions

There are several design variations in which cottages are now being rebuilt in the form of luxurious mansions, now on the market.

1. Gothic

One of the most popular is the Gothic one: despite the fact that such a building may look gloomy from the outside, its main decorations are stained glass windows, wide arches, and beautiful spiers.

2. Renaissance

Another quite popular design solution among country property owners is castles in the Renaissance style.

In order for the cottage to look sophisticated, when developing such a project, it is worth clearly thinking through every detail - from the arrangement of furniture to the territory of a small garden inside the mansion.

3. Baroque

For those who want to have a home that is distinguished by its pretentiousness and many decorative elements, the best option is Baroque.

4. Romanesque style

Cottages with Romanesque architecture are also distinguished by their massiveness and abundance of various columns.

Construction Features

Most owners of country real estate choose the castle style to make their own cottage more original and give it a romantic appearance. True, doing this for an already built house is much more difficult than rebuilding a new one.

To transform ready-made cottages, there are several interesting techniques that professional designers readily use. One of them is the addition of stairs, gates, balconies and railings with unusual, artificially “aged” forged elements in a medieval style. Often such products are made in the form of bas-reliefs and images of animals.

Castle-style windows are made massive and equipped with stained glass or stucco. In addition, they have arches and must be made of wood.

They try to make the roof bright and unusual. As a rule, a pitched roof is chosen.

Before you start building a country cottage in the form of a castle, you need to carefully select the site. It is optimal to build such a building on a hill. This way the building will acquire additional fundamentality.

To carry out all the necessary work, you should hire only experienced, highly professional specialists, ideally already having experience in the construction of castle houses. So, definitely, you cannot do without a natural stone processing specialist, a carpenter, or a qualified blacksmith. It is advisable to provide them with comfortable living quarters during the work. Believe me, this way your cottage or dacha will be ready even faster.

Materials, style, layouts

When planning the construction of a country residence in the form of a castle, it should be taken into account that for this it is necessary to use only natural building materials. Typically this type of building is constructed from decorative stone or brick. Natural wood panels are used for wall decoration. Marble masonry will cost more.

Naturally, when creating a design project for a cottage-castle, you need to carefully work out its interior. In this case, one cannot do without antique decorative elements and, of course, functional components.

In principle, sometimes it is enough to give the house only the appearance of a medieval palace, and arrange the living space in a modern style. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about such essential elements for this style as a fireplace, wrought-iron stair railings and other details.

Toilets and bathrooms are best located as close to the stairs as possible. For finishing residential premises, only natural and environmentally friendly materials should be used.

Inner space

It is equally important to pay attention to the interior decoration of the castle-style cottage. First, you should correctly and accurately plan the placement of electrical wiring.

Don't forget about fire safety. In principle, the pipes of heating and water supply systems are placed according to a standard layout. As for light sources, to give the rooms a medieval look, you can place a large number of lamps around the perimeter. For more ambiance, you can install candles in the bedrooms and living rooms.

Experts who have been constructing buildings in medieval style for many years give some advice on arranging their interior space:

  1. to decorate walls, floors and ceilings, you can use marble, decorative stone or modern products that imitate similar building materials (this option will be much cheaper);
  2. You can also simply plaster the walls and ceilings, and subsequently paint them in any suitable color;
  3. antique furniture will fit perfectly into the overall interior of absolutely any room (however, you should not install it in a nursery);
  4. curtains should be made of natural fabric, and fur accessories, tapestries, stuffed animals will complement the interior ambiance.

In addition, it would be a good idea to decorate the interior with several paintings decorated with gilded frames.

Another accessory that will optimally fit into the interior of a castle house is massive, original bookcases for storing books. And the books themselves obviously won’t hurt!

Since the project of building your own castle is complex and requires special skills of designers and builders, it is recommended to regularly monitor the actions of the construction company’s craftsmen. Be careful when signing the contract, clearly write down all the details and do not be deceived!

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Many people, who in childhood loved to read fairy tales about beautiful princesses and brave knights, dream of their own huge castle. Nowadays, turning a dream into reality is not at all difficult, especially if you approach the matter wisely and patiently. But before you build your castle-style house project, you should understand a little about the main directions of this style.

What are the distinctive features of castle-style houses? First of all, its architecture contains many fairly large forms, especially massive walls, which are almost devoid of any decoration. Strength and stability are the main features of this style. In interior design, mosaics and wall paintings are often found, although this issue is a matter of taste of the owner.
This video shows an example of a 3D project of a house in a castle style

The castle style is divided into several main directions: classical, Gothic, Renaissance, Romanesque, Baroque.

If you dream of your own castle, then you need to choose the desired direction, and then turn to specialists to create a suitable project.

House project in the style of a medieval castle

A chic castle, which is made in a medieval style, can become a real decoration of any site. A massive roof, an abundance of various architectural details, and decorative finishing of the facades, which are thought out in the most careful way, allow you to create a simply stunning look for your home.

The layout of the cottage is quite rational and is made in full compliance with all requirements and standards. There are two zones on the ground floor. In one of them there is a garage, an entrance area and a boiler room, and in the second there is a room for daytime use.

On the second floor there is an office with a bay window, three bedrooms and a spacious bathroom.

The attic is used as a playroom.



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