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Production and technical department of the enterprise. What are the job responsibilities of a VET engineer?

The energy industry, the construction of facilities and roads, and the housing and communal services system imply the implementation of complex and diverse objects. Dozens of professionals from various fields take part in the development and implementation of such projects. One of the most important basic links in a long chain of workers is the technical equipment engineer. The speed of work processes, the level of costs for implementing plans, and the quality of the result often depend on his skill, attention and responsibility.

The deciphering of the abbreviation accompanying the usual name of the profession “engineer” sounds like “production and technical department”. The presence of this direction in a number of organizations in the energy, production, construction, housing and communal services profile is mandatory. A key role in organizing the work of such a department is played by an engineer, who is also called an “estimator.”

To occupy a responsible position in a large company, you must meet a number of requirements. This list includes the presence of a university education of a technical type, work experience of at least 3 years in a similar position, possession of knowledge and skills taking into account the specifics of a particular field. The last point has particularly stringent requirements, because a construction professional will not be able to perform his duties efficiently on an energy-related project. To start a career, it is enough to graduate from a secondary specialized technical institution. Many organizations hire young, inexperienced professionals.

Mandatory wishes for the applicant:

  • the presence of general knowledge - awareness in terms of legal norms for organizing the production process, provisions of labor legislation. Orientation in the structure of the enterprise, principles of labor protection, fire safety, methods for reducing industrial risks;
  • Availability of specialized skills – understanding of the life features of a particular industry or a specific project. Ability to draw up, maintain and make changes to technical, design and estimate, and business type documentation. Knowledge of methods for assessing the quality of work performed, understanding of the conditions, compliance with which plays an important role in the delivery of the finished object;
  • personal qualities - willingness to carry out orders from superiors, ability to supervise the work of subordinates. Responsibility, attentiveness, pedantry, mathematical mindset. Even a minor mistake by an employee can lead to disruption of schedules or serious financial losses;
  • Preparedness for high levels of stress.

An engineer is usually hired by the head of his future department or the chief engineer, and in small companies this is often done by the director. Despite the similarity of the specifics of work of employees in companies in different industries, their job descriptions may differ significantly from each other, depending on the characteristics of the field.

Employee tasks

Regardless of the employee’s field of activity, his actions are aimed at ensuring the stable functioning of processes related to the technical side of the creation or development of an object. Related and additional expected results may be specific. The list of tasks and functions of a technical equipment engineer depends on the type of goals set.

Basic tasks of a professional:

  • distribution of tasks among employees, establishing the scope of responsibility for each project participant in the reporting area;
  • drawing up plans, monitoring their implementation, checking the quality of work performed;
  • request, receipt, processing of materials or documentation necessary for the smooth flow of the production process;
  • organizing cooperation with other departments of the company or third-party agencies in order to maintain the work schedule;
  • representing the interests of a particular organization in the bodies inspecting and regulating its technical activities, resolving controversial or conflicting issues.

The rights and responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer largely depend on his place of service, field of activity, level of experience and vocational training. They must be prescribed in the general or personal job description. The document becomes the main instrument regulating the employee’s activities.

Job responsibilities in the construction industry

During construction, the presence of a technical assistance engineer is required at all stages of the project, starting from the planning stage. Often, a specialist works with already commissioned objects, confirming their compliance with the declared characteristics, safety, and functionality.

List of universal job responsibilities of a technical and technical equipment engineer in the construction industry:

  • preparation, verification, correction of estimates at the planning stage, taking into account possible additional or unforeseen expenses;
  • the employee carries out technical supervision over the progress of construction installation work at a reporting facility;
  • monitoring the volume and quality of work performed, assessing the compliance of the achieved results with plans, drawings, and technical documentation;
  • providing guarantees for the safe conduct of work, conducting inspections to determine the facility’s compliance with established standards, indicators, and labor protection requirements;
  • drawing up schedules and their correction in accordance with achieved results or changed conditions;
  • interaction between the customer and performers, if necessary;
  • Carrying out inspections before putting objects into operation. The engineer's responsibilities include acceptance of the finished structure, assessment of its compliance with the drawings and estimates, preparation of supporting technical documentation, and preparation of reports on the work performed.

If this is specified in the job description and corresponds to the type of facility, the technical and technical equipment engineer must take part in the preparation of design drawings, selection of materials, and make recommendations for changes in structures. If the deadlines stipulated by the plans fall behind, he must analyze what happened and find ways to improve the situation in order to fulfill his obligations.

Job responsibilities in the housing and communal services sector

The area of ​​work of an employee in this area can be universal or narrowly focused. A professional of this profile must be familiar with the specifics of supporting the construction of new facilities, monitor the correct operation of industrial or residential buildings and their communications in the area under their responsibility.

Responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer in housing and communal services:

  • report and be responsible for the use of heating points and heating networks of objects that are listed on the balance sheet of a particular farm;
  • as part of special commissions or personally inspect buildings and evaluate them technical condition, accept new or renovated facilities;
  • cooperate with heat supply and supervision points, design organizations;
  • monitor the work of contractors on your site, take part in obtaining permits for the facility;
  • supervise reporting on metering devices.

A specialist in this profile is often subject to less stringent requirements than workers in the construction or energy sector. To start a career, it is enough to have a secondary specialized or higher technical education. At least 1 year of work experience is preferred.

How to become a VET engineer

To start working in your specialty, you need to get an education in the technical industry. You can start with a technical school or another institution with a secondary specialized profile.

This will allow you to become familiar with the specifics of organizing work at various types of facilities and will help you make the final choice in terms of the area of ​​activity. In order to get a high position and a well-paid position in the future, you need a university technical education with a focus on one of the profiles: construction, energy, etc.

Salary level for the profession "leading technical engineer"

Income indicators in the field vary greatly, depending on the level of education of the specialist, his work experience, the chosen profile, and the region. At the initial stage, the salary of an ordinary VET engineer ranges from 18 to 25 thousand rubles. As you gain experience, this figure can double. Professionals with good narrowly focused knowledge can count on an increase in income to 75-100 thousand rubles. In terms of career growth, development usually occurs in a horizontal plane - as the employee’s experience increases, he is assigned to more significant and expensive objects.

The profession of a VET engineer involves high level responsibility, therefore strict requirements are imposed on employees. A mistake made by an employee can lead not only to financial losses, but also to human casualties. Without such specialists, it is impossible to correctly design a new facility, create it and put it into operation.

The production and technical department in construction (abbreviated PTO) is one of the structural links of a construction organization. You could say the technical brain of the company. Because this is where the preparation of documentation for the start of construction begins (acceptance of design and estimate documentation from the customer, obtaining permission to carry out work, etc.) and the preparation of documents for putting the facility into operation ends.

Let's take a closer look at all the responsibilities of the department, its structure, and the distribution of functions between employees.

Functional responsibilities of the production department in construction

If the structure of the construction department does not have an estimate and contract department, then these responsibilities are performed by the production service. Initially, everything begins with the pre-contractual period, which provides for the consideration of design and estimate documentation before concluding a contract.

The customer provides the entire package of technical documentation to verify compliance of estimates with working drawings. Department employees carry out an analysis and, if there are any comments, formalize them for transmission to the customer.

After resolving all disagreements, an agreement or contract is drawn up for the volumes described in the estimate at current prices. The estimate is an integral annex to the contract, which indicates the cost in monetary terms, the timing of the work and the conditions for its production.

When the contract is concluded, all design and estimate documentation is transferred from the customer to the production department. It is registered and approved by the chief engineer “for production”. In addition to technical documentation, the customer also submits other papers (for site allocation and others) to complete the package of documents for obtaining permission to carry out work.

Approved technical documentation is issued to the construction site to subcontractors with whom contracts are concluded according to the same scheme.

The department's engineers draw up a work execution project (WPP), technological maps, and a construction organization project (COP) if there is a license for this type of activity.

The next stage is engineering preparation. These are the volumes that are planned to be completed in a month. Linear engineering and technical personnel compose sets of works for which the production and technical department in construction draws up applications for material assets, deciphers labor costs by performer, analyzes the compliance of applications submitted by foremen with design technical documentation and regulatory documents.

After processing all sets and placing orders for materials and products (prefabricated reinforced concrete, reinforcement, concrete, mortar, etc.), orders for products and structures are placed in the summary sheet to manufacturing plants and supplier companies.

Before the start of construction, the department issues a work progress log to the site, laced and numbered, with the manager’s signature and seal. In addition, a work log is filled out to control the volumes completed.

At the end of the month, certificates of completed work are accepted from line engineering and technical personnel and subcontractors. Draft percentage bills must be checked and endorsed by a representative of the customer’s technical supervision. Only after this the documents are processed.

The production department engineer checks the percentage compliance with the estimate. According to the presented volumes, material assets are written off in form M-29 from financially responsible persons in accordance with the regulatory framework.

The summary of materials is assessed in monetary terms and will be included in the preparation of a certificate of completion of work (form KS-2). In addition, a form for payment is generated (form KS-3). Today, all this happens with the help of a computer program.

The production department carries out a monthly summary of completed volumes in the consolidated management register, control over timely registration by line personnel executive documentation, maintaining a log of completed volumes.

Often, customers contact directly a construction organization that has a design team with a request to carry out small construction, repairs, redevelopment, or reconstruction. In this case, with the participation of an engineer from the production department, a defective list is drawn up for the planned types of work.

It is approved by the managers of both parties and begins to be processed. The design team carries out the project, and the estimating engineer prepares the estimate. The project is coordinated with all city services (sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspection, etc.). A contract is drawn up, and everything then happens according to the scenario described above.

In addition, if a construction organization has established production own production, then the department engineer calculates the cost of products taking into account all costs and makes other calculations.

One of the main responsibilities of the department is the preparation of documents for obtaining a license for the types of activities or services carried out by a construction company.

Preparation necessary documents to participate in tenders. This is a commercial proposal, an estimate that has been examined by an organization that has a license and other package required to participate in the tender.

The production and technical department in construction takes part in the annual or non-planned inventory of management, prepares information through correspondence with the State Administration, customers and subcontractors.

Performs an examination of estimates of third-party organizations, if provided for by the license, prepares materials for participation in competitions, and, together with the firm’s lawyer, forms necessary materials to participate in Arbitration Courts.

Prepares materials within the framework of management accounting policies, participates in production meetings, technical councils, samples and analyzes the balances of completed volumes for construction projects and other current issues.

Preparation of documentation for putting the facility into operation falls entirely on the production and technical department in construction. These are all materials, according to the established list, which are presented to the acceptance committee and attached to the acceptance certificate for the completed construction project.

Workers in the production department in construction must have a higher or secondary technical education. The department reports directly to the chief engineer (technical director).

She herself worked for decades in the production and technical department, going from a young specialist to the head of the department, and performed all of the listed functional responsibilities. Therefore, I believe that there should be complete interchangeability in the production department - this is the key to competent and quality work in a single connection throughout the department.

In addition, I would like to note that often construction technicians with extensive work experience are in no way inferior in their qualifications to construction engineers. It all depends on the person’s desire to work.

And finally, on the eve of the professional holiday of builders, which this year falls on August 9, I would like to sincerely congratulate all builders on professional holiday. Health, success in work and personal life, create and admire the fruits of what you have done.

In any organization, the production and technical department is engaged in planning production activities, its technical support and operational management. This department is an independent division of the organization and reports to its immediate manager or his deputy. At the same time, he constantly interacts with other departments and services of the organization. The production and technical department is guided in its work by current legislation, acts of the regulatory code, specialized teaching materials and organizational documents of the enterprise.

Who is a VET engineer?

This is a specialist who participates in research and scientific development of VET and works with estimates, projects, technical documentation and the like. He is responsible for collecting and analyzing scientific and technical information, as well as for conducting clear deadlines necessary work and their quality.

The VET engineer is also the leader of the work on schematic design of all kinds of scientific and technical developments. He oversees the testing of new devices and describes the principles of their operation and specifications. In addition, he is responsible for compliance with safety regulations during the implementation of new developments. Collecting the necessary documents to file a patent for a new invention is also his job.

What is expected from a technical equipment engineer?

An employee of such a high technical level is obliged to constantly improve his knowledge by studying various specialized literature and staying up to date with the latest scientific and technical achievements. The duties of a VET engineer include participation in conferences, including international ones, seminars and other similar events for the exchange of professional experience. He is also required to prepare publications on new scientific discoveries and developments. His presence is necessary during various examinations.

A VET engineer, of course, must have a technical mindset, be well versed in technical terminology and be able to competently draw up any documentation. In addition to all this, he needs to navigate the labor legislation of his country.

Of course, developing technical projects is not done alone. A whole group of specialists participates in it. Therefore, a VET engineer must, among other things, be sociable, hear the point of view of other specialists and find a common language with the team.

Skill level by category

A category III VET engineer can be a person with a higher technical education without work experience or with a secondary technical education and three years of experience as a category I VET technician, advanced training by at least one level within five years of work and a professional certificate.

A Category II VET engineer must have a higher technical education, three years of professional experience, at least one advanced training within five years and a professional certificate.

For a VET engineer of category I (highest) similar requirements are imposed, but they are also supplemented by the need for three years of experience as a VET engineer of category II. The lead technical engineer, who supervises junior employees and other department engineers, must, of course, have deep and up-to-date technical knowledge and sufficient professional experience.

Types of higher technical education

In the production and technical department, productive work is impossible without a quality education. A technical equipment engineer can specialize in the following areas:

  • construction;
  • transport construction;
  • civil and industrial construction;
  • production building materials, products and structures;
  • drainage and water supply;
  • hydraulic engineering;
  • ventilation and heat and gas supply.

If necessary, a person who has a technical education in any of these specialties can undergo retraining in accordance with the position he will occupy.

Job description

A job description is a document that is filled out when a person is hired and with which he must be familiarized. Among general provisions, which stipulates is mentioned, first of all, what professional knowledge he should have. It also describes his duties, responsibilities and rights, the basic conditions of his work and the criteria by which the results of his work and business qualities are assessed.

Main responsibilities

Responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer include:

  1. High-quality performance of job duties specified in the employment contract and job description.
  2. Compliance with labor discipline.
  3. Compliance with labor standards.
  4. Compliance with established work procedures.
  5. Compliance with all safety requirements.
  6. Carefully handle the property of the employer and colleagues, as well as property for which the employer is responsible.
  7. Timely notification to the employer or the head of his department about situations that pose a threat to human life or to the safety of property for which the employer is responsible.

An engineer has a great responsibility and anyone who decides to master this profession must be prepared for it. Depending on the specialization, the professional responsibilities of different engineers vary. For example, a technical equipment engineer in construction must perform the following tasks:

  • control that the cost of construction or installation work carried out according to the project and estimates corresponds to their quality and volume;
  • take part in the preparation of construction subcontracts and contracts;
  • accept and issue the necessary design and estimate documentation;
  • improve your qualifications and expand your professional knowledge.

Basic rights

Of course, when applying for a job, a person must have a clear understanding not only of his responsibilities, but also of his rights. Then he will have satisfying, productive work waiting for him.

A VET engineer under an employment contract has the following rights:

  1. To give him a job.
  2. On timely salary in full.
  3. To safety workplace from point of view state regulations labor protection.
  4. For professional training, advanced training in the manner established by law, and retraining in the relevant technical specialty.
  5. For rest, which, for example, includes a normal working day, weekly days off and paid annual leave.
  6. To create trade unions and join them in order to protect their rights, professional interests and freedoms.
  7. To resolve various labor disputes of a collective and individual nature, as well as to strike as provided for by law.
  8. For compulsory social insurance.
  9. To compensate for damage, including moral damage, which was caused as a result of the performance of professional duties, in the amount and manner established by law.

Working conditions

The job description of a technical equipment engineer stipulates the following working conditions:

  • working hours in accordance with established labor regulations;
  • characteristics of working conditions at the workplace;
  • the employee’s obligation to go on professional business trips;
  • emergency procedures;
  • relationships with other team members in accordance with their positions;
  • instructions on who will be temporarily assigned the duties of the employee in the event of his absence.

Criteria for assessing professional qualities and labor productivity

Main evaluation criteria professional qualities engineers are:

  • qualification level;
  • professional work experience in a technical specialty;
  • professional competence;
  • level of compliance with labor discipline;
  • flexibility in performing work and the ability to quickly find sometimes non-standard solutions to complex production issues;
  • ability to work with documentation;
  • work ethics, creativity, initiative and other important professional qualities.

The main criteria for assessing the results of an engineer’s work are:

  • quality of work performed;
  • timely performance of official duties;
  • level of labor productivity.

The engineer's business qualities and work results are assessed in accordance with objective indicators and the impartial opinion of the immediate supervisor and the team with whom he works.

As you can see, the work of an engineer is quite complex and responsible. When deciding to become an engineer, you need to realize that this profession will require complete dedication. But it will also bring satisfaction, since in any organization a technical equipment engineer is an irreplaceable worker whose work is highly valued.

General provisions

The Production and Technical Department (PTO) is an independent structural division of PrikamNefteStroyServis LLC (LLC) and reports directly to the Deputy General Director for Production Activities.

A PTO is created, reorganized and liquidated by order of the general director of the LLC.

The head of the VET directly manages the activities of the department.

A person with a higher technical education in a specialty corresponding to the profile of the LLC’s activities, with at least 5 years of experience in electrical installation production in engineering positions, is appointed to the position of head of the VET.

Appointment to the position of head of the VET LLC, transfer and dismissal are made by the general director with the agreement and petition of the deputy general director for production activities.

VET in its work is guided by:

LLC Charter;

Regulatory legal documents on construction issues on the territory Russian Federation;

Orders, instructions of the management of the LLC;

Guiding and methodological materials regulating production planning, operational production management;

By these Regulations.

Main tasks of VET

Organization of construction and reconstruction, preparation of production.

Ensuring timely commissioning of construction projects.

Saving enterprise funds through the effective use of capital investments, developing measures to reduce the cost of construction and installation work.

Organization of rhythmic work of sections, divisions and the enterprise as a whole.

Increasing the organizational and technical level of electrical installation production.

Coordination of annual volumes of work with customers, general contractors and subcontractors.

VET structure.

PTO consists of:

Pre-production and design groups,

Estimate and contract group.

Changes in the structure and staff of the VET are developed by the head of the department, based on the conditions and characteristics of the LLC’s activities, in accordance with the feasibility and requirements of the economic situation, agreed with the general director and approved by order.

The distribution of functional responsibilities between VET employees is determined by job descriptions approved by the head of the VET and the general director of the LLC.

Functions of PTO.

A) pre-production and design group.

1.Preparation of production:

Obtaining working documentation; examination project documentation for compliance of the physical volumes of the EMR and the specifications of materials provided for by the project, the completeness of the package of documents. Drawing up comments and suggestions, consideration with customers, drawing up decisions.

Obtaining permits for work, incl. opening warrants, work orders, orders and coordinating the execution of work with supervisory, control and other territorial bodies;

Drawing up work schedules based on data provided by line personnel;

Development of work production projects;

Development technological maps;

Drawing up requests for materials and equipment;

Checking superintendents’ requests for materials, registration (extract) of materials and equipment supplied by the customer;

Preparation of orders for the manufacture of products.

Monitoring the status of orders and the quality of their production.

2. Timely delivery of working documentation, work projects, work production logs and other specialized journals to construction sites, also necessary documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements and customer requirements.

3. Carrying out technical supervision of construction:

Verification of compliance with the decisions developed in the work project;

Monitoring the timely delivery of work to the customer and regulatory authorities;

Development of measures to reduce the cost of construction and coordination of changes in design solutions with the customer and design organizations;

Solving current issues related to work that arise during construction.

4. Commissioning of objects:

Preparation of documentation on completed objects for the selection committee;

Control of timely delivery of work to the customer (signing of acts).

5.Working with subcontractors:

Current control of the volume and quality of work performed, for their compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building codes, standards, safety regulations, requirements for rational labor organization;

Monitoring the implementation of the work schedule;

Checking the PPR developed by subcontractors and monitoring compliance with the decisions made;

Monitoring compliance with the work schedule and timely delivery of work.

6. Participation in the work of the qualification commission for assigning categories to workers.

7. Reception of material reports, implementation of control measurements.

8. Taking photographs of the working day.

9. Calculating orders for products, preparing cost estimates.

10. Implementation of electrical installation projects for buildings and structures at voltages up to 10 kV, based on agreements with customers.

11. Review, study and implementation of electrical calculations, carrying out the necessary approval for the implementation of the design task according to the information received from the customer for the design. Performs the graphic part of the project and its reproduction, in accordance with the requirements of design documentation.

12. Calculates the cost of design work and prepares documentation for payment.

Preparation and delivery of completed design documentation to the customer.

13. Preservation of control copies of completed projects.

B) Estimate and contract group.

1. Preparation and execution of contracts concluded by the LLC with customers, contractors and subcontractors for the performance of construction and installation work. Coordination of estimate documentation when concluding contracts.

2. Receiving design and estimate documentation for the production program from customers, contractors and subcontractors and providing documentation for linear sections.

3. Drawing up local estimates, forms KS-2, KS-3 for construction and installation work at construction sites.

4. Taking part in the compilation of sets of work together with linear sections for the next month.

5. Preparation of contracts, estimates and other necessary documents for participation in tenders.

6. Conducting analysis based on the results of participation in tenders for the period (6 months, 9 months, a year).

The construction of any facility, especially a large one, is a complex process that requires organization and preparation at all stages. raw materials, labor and energy resources must be used in the right quantities at different periods in accordance with the construction schedule. The main task of the production and technical department is to ensure preparation of production in construction at all its stages.

What is the production and technical department

Fundamental structural subdivision construction organization. Processing of primary information about the planned construction project, acceptance of design and estimate documentation from the customer, registration of permits for work - all this is handled by the technical department even before the start of construction.

The work of the department at the site after completion of construction is supported by the preparation of documents for commissioning and transfer of the facility to the customer.

VET specialists carry out engineering preparation for construction: analyze the compliance of applications with regulatory and design standards, draw up and place applications for raw materials and supplies, and decipher labor costs.

In the course of activities in the VET, the volume of work performed and the material and labor resources used and their compliance with the estimate are checked. PTO data are used in management accounting when drawing up reports of work performed and documents for payment of labor.

In addition, specialists of the department prepare documents for obtaining licenses for certain types activities, participation in tenders, conduct examinations of estimates of third-party organizations.

Acceptance of an object requires the preparation of a large package of documents and materials according to the established list. This package is presented to the acceptance committee and attached to the object acceptance certificate.

Department head

The head of the VET is a leadership position. It should be noted that, in accordance with the Qualification Directory, such a position is provided only in construction and is described in the section “Qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists in architecture and urban planning,” approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 23, 2008 No. 188. As amended by On February 12, 2014, in the Qualification Handbook for the position of head of the production department, there is an addition that in construction and geology, a manager who has several more responsibilities related to construction is called: head of technical and technical department. The job description (this specialist is involved in construction) in the qualification requirements stipulates the presence of higher education related to construction, or technical, also higher, and professional retraining in the construction sector.

The complexity of the tasks solved by the department requires that the head of the technical and technical department have at least three years of work experience in construction, improve his qualifications at least once every five years, and have a qualification certificate for the position held.


The head of the technical and technical department must understand the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of construction, know the regulatory, administrative and methodological documents in production planning and operational management of construction.

The job description of the head of the VET obliges him to know the structure of the organization in which he works, the specialization of departments and the connections between them, production capacities and even development prospects.

The range of products manufactured for the construction industry, the types of work (services) performed in it, the basics of technology and innovations in these areas - all this knowledge is needed by the head of the technical and technical department in his work.

Organization of production planning, construction production, operational accounting of construction progress, warehousing, loading and unloading operations and transport, the procedure for developing calendar schedules and production programs, as well as the basics of economics and labor legislation, labor organization and management, labor protection issues - the necessary knowledge in professional activity, and they are stipulated by the instructions of the head of the VET without fail.


The head of the VET performs all five classic functions of a manager:

  1. Forecasting and planning the progress of construction of the facility.
  2. Organization of work, linking their sequence, drawing up calendar schedules and production programs.
  3. Managing the work of the department and between its employees.
  4. Coordination of the actions of contractors, subcontractors, suppliers of raw materials and materials, operation of equipment and resources involved.
  5. Control of design and its completeness, quality of work, cost of expenses.


The general management of the work of the department is carried out by the head of the technical department. His responsibilities are varied, but depend on the scale of activity and structure of a particular construction organization. After all, not every company conducts experimental, much less scientific research, or has so many divisions that they can present mutual demands and claims to each other.

But the technical management of construction, linking the sequence of work and their deadlines by contractors and subcontractors, operational regulation of the progress of construction of the facility, development and control of calendar schedules for construction stages - these items are included in any job description of the head of the technical and technical department.

The head of the technical department organizes the progress of construction and provision of production with resources, documentation, equipment and tools. He is in charge of operational accounting, monitoring the fulfillment of daily tasks, the status of compliance with reserve standards at workplaces and warehouses, and the rational use of resources and construction equipment.

Rights of the head of the technical department

Like any employee, the head of a technical department has not only responsibilities, but also rights.

He has the right to issue orders on production issues with his signature, to endorse and sign documents within his competence, to participate in the preparation of instructions, administrative and contractual documents, and estimates. In his work, the head of the technical department has the right to interact with the heads of related departments, request and receive from them the information necessary for his work in the field of production management - to check the activities of these departments.

In connection with his job responsibilities, the head of the VET can represent the interests of his organization in relations with the authorities state power and other enterprises and organizations. He can also submit proposals to the management for the consideration of rewarding employees and imposing penalties on them, to improve the activities of the department he manages and the organization as a whole.


In compliance with the norms of labor, administrative, civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, the responsibility, and not only official responsibility, of the head of a technical department for improper performance of duties provided for in the job description, for offenses and causing material damage is the same as for any employee. The head of the technical department, in addition, is responsible for non-compliance with trade secrets and violation of labor regulations and fire safety.

The complexity and variety of tasks that the production and technical department, headed by the chief, have to solve every day, control and coordination of deadlines for work, supplies and use of resources, and the state of unfinished construction evoke respect from everyone who understands the specifics of the process. It’s not for nothing that VET is considered the technical brain of any construction organization.



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