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Do-it-yourself repair of cracks in plastic bumpers - methods and technology. Materials for self-repair of plastic bumpers Repair a plastic bumper

Bumper repair (both front and rear) is a very popular service in Moscow, as it is the most frequently damaged body element in accidents. This part made of plastic or fiberglass is a buffer between the obstacle and the life-supporting units of the car: radiator, fan, engine. The main task of the bumper is to take on all the impact force and prevent it from spreading to more important engine parts.

Estimated prices for bumper repairs:

  • Local bumper repair from 390 rubles. + painting from 985 rubles.
  • Repair of a plastic part from 415 rubles. + coloring from 3.870 rubles.
  • Bumper restoration from 530 rubles. + painting from 3.920 rubles.
  • Restoration of bumper geometry from 750 rubles.
  • Repair of torn bumpers from 780 rubles.

Our repairmen

As a rule, bumpers burst, tear, lose fragments. At their core, they are consumables: hit - changed, hit again - changed again. And everything would be fine if it were not for the high cost of these energy-absorbing elements. The cheapest bumper supplied by the Toyota concern costs about 7,000 rubles, for all other brands the prices are much higher: 15,000, 25,000, 45,000, and so on up to 150,000 rubles. It is here that theory diverges from practice, and it becomes clear to any sane person that repairing a plastic bumper with painting, especially a local one, will cost less than replacing a part worth 25,000 rubles, which eventually turns into 50,000. And they, in turn, grow up to 100,000 rubles. Where do these calculations come from? From life and professional experience: due to the huge concentration of foreign cars in Moscow, a car receives minor bumper damage at least 2-3 times a year.

Repair of fiberglass bumpers, plastic and expensive tuned models from exclusive body kits in "Professional"

Realizing the difficulties of clients, both financial and time-consuming, the Professional corporation, with the assistance of the world leader, the DUPONT company, has developed and successfully uses a unique technology for restoring parts - repairing bumpers (made of plastic, fiberglass and other materials) of foreign cars with various types Damage:

  • torn;
  • cracked;
  • crumpled;
  • textural;
  • with missing pieces.

When performing bumper repair, the price of work depends on the degree of damage to it. You can be offered such services at any car service in Moscow, but you need to remember that high quality their implementation is achieved using expensive specialized equipment.

How we are working

  1. Full or local repair of a car bumper in the "Professional" is carried out using special cooking units for plastic. They allow you to get seams with increased strength without the use of steel clips and mesh.
  2. Repairing the rear bumper and restoring its integrity makes it possible to achieve high strength of the part without the use of additional inserts, epoxy glue, wire or a large amount of putty. The seam is made of plastic specially selected for each case. The material used to repair a plastic bumper softens and sinters with the repaired product, resulting in a monolith that is not inferior in strength to the bumper before damage.

The restoration of the part is completed by painting the bumper, the price of which slightly increases the cost of repairs.

Bumper Repair Guaranteed!

From my own experience, I want to say that with most damages, repairing the front bumper of a car at a price will be much more profitable than purchasing and installing a new one. After carrying out repair procedures, we guarantee the strength of plastic products not lower than the original factory strength, and in some cases it is even higher due to the technology by which the repair material is applied in several layers. We are also ready to restore the part according to CASCO with the preparation of all necessary reporting documents.

Many car owners have probably noticed that one of the weak points of the car is the plastic bumpers. No matter how carefully we try to drive a car, bumper damage sometimes occurs due to inattention.
It can be hitting a pipe, rubbing against a curb, or a minor accident.

In the civilized world, broken plastic bumpers are usually thrown away, the same attitude is observed in most cases with us towards bumpers from VAZs (fortunately, a painted part usually costs no more than 3,000 rubles).
But if the cost of the bumper starts to exceed $ 200-300, which is beyond the reach of most motorists, and sometimes it is expensive to buy a new bumper for an old car.

Meanwhile, in most cases, plastic bumpers can be repaired and restored to their original appearance. The most important thing is to collect and not lose all the split parts of the bumper. Well, this article will discuss how to solder, putty, prime and paint your damaged bumper.

Do-it-yourself plastic bumper repair technology in a garage

Diagnosis: Chips in the paintwork, primers, slight stretching of plastic on the body of the car bumper.

Stage 1: Removing the bumper and preparing for repair:

To carry out repairs, the bumper must be removed from the car, this will allow you to easily position the bumper in a position convenient for repair - soldering and painting.

The bumper must be washed and cleaned of dirt. To solder the bumper plastic, an electric or heated soldering iron can be used. blowtorch. Using burners will require more skill and skill, since plastic can “lead” under the influence of temperatures, if you do not have experience in this matter, then your option is still a soldering iron

Stage 2: Soldering the bumper:

To prevent further continuation of cracks, it is necessary to drill a hole at the end of the crack.

Before soldering, it would be convenient to fix the bumper with a clamp first.

We begin to solder the bumper parts with inside, this will allow you to understand what properties the material has without significant damage to the appearance.

Do soldering in 2 steps.

First, grab the edges of the damaged area to fix the relative position of the fragments and correct a slight deformation, just here it is convenient to use clamps. Soldering the tack is carried out after about 10-15 cm.

Only after tacking, you can start full soldering of the bumper along the entire length of the seam.

After soldering from the inside, the bumper looks something like this.

We reinforce the bumper for this, we fasten the seam with staples from the stapler, every 2 cm along the entire length of the crack. It is advisable to pre-shorten the legs of the staples so that they do not pierce the bumper and do not go to the front side, it is also convenient to use tweezers when soldering the staples.

We melt the brackets with a soldering iron and blur the seam more evenly.

The bumper on the outside has regained its shape.

To remove paint, primer and level the surface of the bumper, process it with a wheel No. 240 using a grinder, or a special nozzle on a drill.

We solder the bumper from the outside.

We grind the soldered seam with the same circle No. 240

The appearance of the bumper after grinding.

Remove dust from the bumper. It is necessary to blow with compressed air using a compressor.

Using a building hair dryer, we burn out and fuse the plastic hairs on the surface of the bumper.
But do not overdo it so as not to overheat the plastic

Stage 3: Bumper putty:

For the final leveling of the bumper, we use a special putty for plastic.

Putty is applied in a thin layer with a rubber spatula. The layer of putty should be minimal.

In hard-to-reach places, a finger is used as a spatula.

Bumper after putty. Small differences in putty are acceptable. We are waiting for the putty to dry and proceed to the next step.

Stage 4: Bumper polishing:

After the putty has hardened and dried, we grind the bumper with a circle No. 240

In hard-to-reach places we use sandpaper.

The appearance of the bumper after puttying and grinding.

Stage 4: Bumper primer

The dust formed after grinding is blown with compressed air.

Using a pulvizator and a compressor, apply the primer in 2 layers. Waiting time between primers is 15 minutes.

Applying paint. (Developing paint is specialized aerosols or special powders)

Developing paint should only be applied to the primed part of the bumper. Dry for 30 minutes using infrared drying.

We grind the bumper by developing with sandpaper 800 or 1000 to a layer of soil.

It is necessary to grind over the entire surface of the primed bumper.

After polishing, in places where red spots remain, they indicate problematic areas and the need for improvement. It could be holes or scratches.

To eliminate minor flaws on the ground, we use nitro putty.

Hello, dear guests and regulars of our site! We continue to talk about sore topics for car owners. Today I’ll tell you about do-it-yourself plastic bumper repair, a video about which will allow you to more clearly study the whole process in stages.

I understand perfectly well that situations are different, as are the bumpers themselves. In some cases, at home it is impossible to return the body kit element to its previous state. It is sometimes easier to buy a new one than to collect a whole set of tools and auxiliary materials. This applies to both the rear and front bumpers.

But sometimes repair is the best way out of the situation. The cost of such work will largely depend on the high cost of your car. This is if you look for the addresses of car services and contact them. But at home it is quite possible to do a local body repair, that is, to restore the integrity of the bumper without investing big money. Think about how much a new bumper on your car costs and compare it to the cost of a few new fasteners, i.e. lugs, putty, glue, and possibly fiberglass mesh. Here, act according to the situation when choosing materials.

If buying all these consumables is cheaper than buying a new bumper, then feel free to start repairing a crack or chip.

Sample work plan

Depending on the nature and complexity of the damage, different methods of restoration are used. Someone prefers to use epoxy resin and reinforce it all with fiberglass mesh. Resin and mesh hold the damaged structure together well and provide a fairly long service life of the body element after repair.

In the presence of chips and dents, I prefer to use the soldering method with additional priming and puttying of damaged areas. In principle, this way you can restore damage of any complexity, if you make an effort.

An approximate work plan for repairing a damaged bumper is as follows:

  • assessment of the current state;
  • work from the inside of the bumper;
  • processing of the outer side;
  • alignment;
  • padding;
  • putty application;
  • finishing and painting.

If you have a simple crack without dents or chips in the paintwork, you may be able to do without painting. But soldering a cracked element will come in handy anyway. The technology is not the most difficult. But if you want to get quality result, do not forget to buy an appropriate soldering electrode and learn how to handle the soldering iron itself.

To select an electrode, do not just read the reviews, but focus on the composition of the plastic from which the bumper is made. For plastic body kits, polyurethane or propylene is used in most cases. Depending on this, you will need appropriate flat plastic electrodes. The price for them is not so high. Choosing the wrong electrode will simply not hold and you will have to redo all the work. But now with a suitable electrode.

Carrying out repairs

Let's not delay, let's get to work.

  • We reveal the nature of the problem. Examine the condition of the bumper very carefully after the damage received. A large crack can turn into branches and spread far enough. All this will have to be repaired, otherwise the crack will crawl further and then again everything will have to be removed, repaired, soldered and glued.
  • We are preparing a friend for repairs. It is best to remove it, since all damage usually begins at the points of attachment to the car. On each machine, the element is removed in its own way, so we will not go into details. After dismantling, remove all dirt and dry the plastic.
  • We select a tool. I would recommend soldering as this method is better at joining the plastic when done correctly. Glue, epoxy and fiberglass mesh can serve as an alternative or additional fasteners. The choice is yours. I'll talk about soldering.
  • Inner side. Soldering always starts from the inside, because this way you can get rid of all the consequences of damage without harming the outside. Soldering is carried out along the entire length of the damage. If left unattended dead-end cracks, over time they will disperse, and you will get a new portion of problems.
  • Staples. They are used as an additional fixation element. Staples are inserted into the plastic along the entire length of the cracks. Approximately insert 1 staple every 2-3 centimeters. If the staples are long, shorten them first. Using a blow dryer, melt the plastic of the bumper a bit so that the brackets go into the material instead of just sticking out of it. The heated plastic is easily smeared, which will evenly distribute the elastic material. Or use glue and reinforcing mesh instead of staples.

  • Grinding. You will need a grinder with an abrasive wheel type P240. With its help, the shape is restored, the dimensions are aligned, and fine-tuning is done. Plus, you remove the paint and primer for further processing.
  • Soldering. Another soldering procedure is carried out from the outside. Here, proceed in the same way as in the first case, only staples are not required. Then also process and grind everything with an abrasive wheel.
  • Alignment. You need to remove all dust, small pieces of plastic and other debris, bringing the bumper surfaces to a clean finish. Plastic hairs may remain on the surface, which is very easy to remove with a building dryer. Next, a special putty for plastic is applied. Try to get to all areas. When the mixture dries, walk over it grinder, and where it does not reach - sandpaper.
  • Primer. The bumper must be primed in 2 layers. Between applications, take a break of at least 20 minutes. The primer itself is prepared and applied according to the manufacturer's instructions. Mixtures are different, so here focus on a specific composition.
  • Development. This is a contrast paint, spray or dry powder. Developing is needed in order to determine the irregularities and defects after puttying. So you can easily eliminate them and bring the condition to perfect evenness.
  • Removing the developer. Removed with sandpaper or a primer grinder.
  • Putties. Now another layer of nitro putty is applied over the primer. The surface is degreased and dries.
  • Restoration of the paint layer. When the bumper is restored, it is carefully polished, then a base is applied - a solvent that will help the paint to lie on the primer. Then comes the paint in the required number of layers, varnish and polishing. The main thing here is to choose the paint to match the color of the bumper so that it does not stand out, and traces of repair are not visible.
  • There shouldn't be any problems with the repair of the lugs. But I advise you to buy a ready-made set of fasteners and install them in place of the old ones. The job will take just 30 minutes.

Photo and video instructions will make it easier for you to navigate. This technique is tested by me personally. But there are other ways to repair a damaged bumper. The easiest of them is to contact a service station in St. Petersburg, Neftekamsk or any other city. Moscow alone has hundreds of car services.

Scuffs and scratches on the bumper are a common problem. They often remain after an unsuccessful parking near high curbs or posts. It is also easy to scratch the bumper with tree branches during a trip to the forest or to the country. Although the bumper is not a load-bearing part, such problems greatly spoil appearance car. Therefore, bumper repair is the most common body work. However, you should not immediately go to the workshop, repairing a plastic bumper is easy to do with your own hands. do-it-yourself can be purchased at a car store or in the market.

Removing bumper dents with a hair dryer

Removing dents with a household hair dryer does not make sense - there is not enough power - you need to use an industrial hair dryer.

If the bumper has a dent, or is simply deformed but not cracked, it can be easily straightened. To do this, first remove the front or rear bumper. The bumper is then heated with an industrial hair dryer. It makes no sense to use a regular household hair dryer, its power is not enough for such work. At the same time, the temperature of the air that comes out of the industrial hair dryer is not enough to melt the plastic. The bumper heats up and returns to its original position. That is, all defects should go away. It is desirable to carry out heating as early as possible, within a few days after deformation. If the plastic has been deformed for a long time, you will have to straighten the bumper. In addition, straightening is performed in cases where the bumper has metal parts, as on older cars.

Sealing bumper

If there are cracks on the bumper, then they must be sealed or soldered. If the crack is not removed in a timely manner, it will grow. As a result, the bumper will simply break into several parts and it will no longer be possible to repair it. Small cracks can be soldered with an ordinary soldering iron. But it is also desirable to reinforce this place with metal staples or a tire made of a piece of plastic. After sealing, there are irregularities that must be puttied and painted.

Do-it-yourself bumper gluing

Special glue for plastic bumpers will hold better and not crack for a long time.

In addition to sealing, you can also glue cracks on the bumper. For this you can use epoxy resin or any other glue on plastic. Also in stores sold special glue for repairing car bumpers. Such glue will hold better and not crack for a long time. Some car enthusiasts also use super glue and baking soda to repair bumpers. In this case, glue and soda are applied alternately in thin layers, it is desirable to apply at least 5-6 layers, at intervals of several minutes. This connection allows you to create a material similar in density to plastic. If the bumper is repaired with epoxy glue, then you need to mix the base and hardener in a certain proportion according to the instructions.
Before gluing, you need to dismantle the rear or front bumper. Then the bumper is completely cleaned of dirt and degreased with an alcohol-containing liquid. In place of the crack reverse side a piece of plastic is applied, and glue is applied. After gluing, it is desirable that the bumper lie down for several days and not be used, so the glue will better hold the connection.

Bumper putty

After gluing or sealing, irregularities are bound to remain. Such a bumper cannot be painted immediately, since as a result, irregularities will be very visible on the painted surface. Therefore, putty must be applied. In the store you need to purchase putty for plastic parts. There is also a putty with fiberglass on sale, which holds its shape better and cracks less.
It is impossible to apply too thick a layer of putty, it will not hold and fall off. If there is too much recess or hole, you need to repair the bumper with a mesh. That is, first a special mesh or fiberglass is glued, then putty is applied to the bumper at the repair site. This mesh helps to keep the putty from cracking. If you need to apply a thick layer of putty, more than 5 mm, even when laying the mesh, it is better to apply it several times. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely hardened. At the very end, after the putty has dried, the surface is cleaned and leveled with fine sandpaper.

Preparing plastic bumpers for painting

Preparing the bumper for painting

One can of a special primer is enough to prime the bumper.

After the bumper is completely repaired and puttied, you need to prepare it for painting. It is quite possible to prepare the bumper for painting with your own hands, without outside help. To do this, you will need fine sandpaper, an alcohol-based degreaser and a primer. Preparing the bumper for painting is the most important step, and takes the most time.
After puttying, the bumper should be perfectly even and smooth, without defects. If there are any defects, they must be eliminated. On a painted part, even small cracks or dents will be clearly visible. If everything is in order, then you can clean the bumper under the primer. The primer is applied to a clean surface, cleaned and degreased. You can not immediately paint the bumper, as the paint does not adhere well to the plastic. You need to use a special primer for plastic.
One can of primer will suffice for the bumper. The primer is applied only in a clean and warm room. First, the can is shaken according to the instructions, then the primer is evenly sprayed. It is advisable to apply it in 2-3 thin layers, each should dry well. After complete drying, the primers proceed to painting.
Preparation of a new bumper for painting is usually not required. As a rule, new bumpers are sold already primed. Such a surface simply needs to be degreased before painting.

Do-it-yourself car bumper painting

Do-it-yourself bumper painting

The technology for painting a car bumper is quite simple - the paint is sprayed onto the surface in 3-4 thin layers.

You can paint the bumper yourself, or just take it to the workshop for painting. Typically, the cost of painting a car bumper is about 5-6 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you have skills in painting, then it is better to do it yourself. If we are talking about an inexpensive car, then painting the bumper of a car in a workshop simply does not make sense.
car bumper is quite simple - the paint is sprayed onto the surface in 3-4 thin layers. The main thing is to carefully and evenly apply the paint, and avoid dust. It is better to do this in a clean indoor area, and wet cleaning here in advance. Bumper paint is available at any auto shop. One standard can is enough for the bumper.
When painting a bumper, it is very important to guess the color. If the color is specified in the vehicle documentation, then the paint can be purchased using this code. If there is no such information, then you will have to select manually. As a rule, in stores or markets there are catalogs with all standard colors, according to which you can choose the right paint. In some cases, cars are painted with non-standard colors, only computer-aided paint selection will help here.
After painting, the bumper is installed on the car. It is advisable to do this carefully, as fresh paint can be easily damaged. metal tool. As a rule, the painted bumper stands out from the rest of the details because of the shine. Therefore, it is advisable to wash and polish the entire car. So all the details will look about the same.

Bumpers are mostly made from plastic. Polymeric substances are also added to the raw materials that can increase the strength of the structure. However, damage cannot be completely avoided. The reasons are varied, from a traffic accident to poor product quality. In order to save money, car drivers repair plastic bumpers with their own hands.

Any damage to the bumper falls into one of two categories - non-through or through.

In the case of the first type, the repair of the front bumper is usually carried out due to the carelessness of the drivers. They may not see an obstacle in front of them in the dead zone, or notice too late. As a result, a collision occurs.

  1. Non-penetrating damages are dents, scratches and scratches left on the surface as a result of weak mechanical impact. If the bumper is damaged, they will not be able to influence general functionality, but spoil the look of the car.
  2. Penetrating damage includes breaks, breaks or cracks in the structure. Since such defects have a direct impact on the safety traffic, it is recommended to carry out repairs in a timely manner.

Cracks are thin through damages that can have different lengths and configurations. A poorly repaired front or rear bumper, which previously had cracks, will certainly make itself felt in the future. Of course, you can also repair the bumper of the car with your own hands, but only if all necessary materials and understanding of the procedure. Otherwise, seek help from specialists.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding to the main stage of restoration, you should initially determine the material from which the part is made. Manufacturers use two types of raw materials - soft or hard. The first category includes polyurethane and polypropylene, the second - plastic solid as well as fiberglass.
To simplify the repair of a plastic bumper for both owners and specialists, a special stamp is applied on the inside.

  • PPTV or PP - polypropylene
  • ABS, GF15, GF30 or PAG6 are hard plastics.
  • PUR - polyurethane.

Repairs are never carried out on the car. To improve the quality of material recovery, the parts are dismantled and only then they start work. When removing the body kit, you should be careful so that the edges of the crack do not crawl further. If necessary, other body parts are also removed in parallel - for example, wings that need polishing and painting.

Types of bumper material

The part can be made from:

  • fiberglass;
  • hard plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • polyurethane.

Repair of a plastic bumper is carried out taking into account the physical characteristics of the material. Appropriate materials are selected to eliminate cracks and chips on the surface. When restoring a plastic bumper, care should be taken to use personal protective equipment.


Bumper repair equipment can be found in hardware or other shops in the city. The main tool is a soldering iron. In the case of soft plastic, you should use an alternative equipment in the form of a hot air gun.

Through thermal blower technology, it softens the structure of the plastic, which allows you to effectively restore the surface affected by the dent. Soldering irons are used only to restore the part after receiving cracks on the surface. The technology of using a soldering iron can restore the buffer even in cases where there are no fragments of it.

There are also special materials for repairing plastic bumpers on the market. They are selected depending on the type of material.

First remove the part from the car to familiarize yourself with the stigma. It will help you choose the right kit for repairing the part.

How to repair a car bumper with your own hands

When repairing the bumper with your own hands, it is necessary that the design regain its integrity. To do this, all broken particles, cracks and chips are fastened. In the presence of a part made of soft plastic, welding is used. It contributes to the prompt and reliable fixing of broken parts, recovery after cracks.

When using the plastic welding method, follow the parameters of the selected temperature. The soldering iron can operate in several modes, while there are still often models on the market that just plug into a power outlet.

If the temperature is chosen incorrectly, soldering will not restore, but on the contrary, it will damage the part.

In some cases, owners have to deal with the problem when there are not several broken pieces available that could be soldered. The solution in this case will be a repair kit. It includes plastic that can be fused to the surface, "propagating" it. When restoring fiberglass parts, fiberglass and resin will be required.

As soon as all work is completed and the part returns to its original shape, all traces of repair are eliminated by local painting.

Repair of polypropylene parts

In the case of polypropylene parts, the restoration of the bumper requires the mandatory use of a special repair kit. The material is selected depending on the type of raw material used by the vehicle manufacturer. Before carrying out repairs, it is necessary to get rid of the paint layer. Its presence can adversely affect the final hardness of the material.

Polypropylene bumpers usually require dent repairs. The soft structure of the plastic dissipates most of the energy in its structure.

Some owners try to restore the body kit with a hard surface and a hammer. Remember - it is impossible to repair the part in this way!

To eliminate the defect, here it is necessary to use a hot air gun, which will heat the structure of the plastic, making it more plastic.

Restoration of polyurethane bumpers

There are no additional problems with polyurethane bumpers - you can restore the original look either with a soldering iron or with a hot air gun. To increase the level of structural strength, a metal mesh can be additionally used, installed on the inside of the part.

Restoration involves the use of a repair kit, which includes polyurethane plastic in the form of a wire, as well as other materials. To improve the efficiency of restoration, the paintwork is removed. If there are only dents on the part, this procedure can be abandoned.

Restoration of hard plastic or fiberglass

In the case of fiberglass parts, things are not so simple. The structure of the part is characterized by increased strength, so it will no longer be possible to pull out dents. Disadvantages are eliminated with fiberglass.

To repair a fiberglass bumper, a special fiberglass cloth is required. You can find it in any automotive market. A layer of liquid resin is first applied to the damaged area, and then a tissue is attached. After letting it dry, the resin is applied again, and another layer of fabric is applied on top of it.

This is done until the desired thickness of the section is reached. To give desired shape, excess fiberglass is removed with a grinder. Then the part is painted and installed back on the car.

Restoring a damaged bumper is not a difficult task. All that is required from the car owner is attentiveness, the correct choice of tools and materials for repairs, as well as knowledge of the restoration technology. Now you will not have to spend extra money and effort on the purchase and installation of a new part.



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