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The War of 1812 was the first at the end of which women were awarded. By decree of February 8, 1816, the medal “In Memory of the Patriotic War of 1812” was awarded to widows of generals and officers killed in battle, women who worked in hospitals and cared for the wounded, as well as ladies - the eldest in noble families who made large contributions. donations for the war. A total of 7,606 medals were produced for women. Our material contains seven women's exploits in the War of 1812...

Nadezhda Durova

A cavalry maiden, the prototype of Shurochka Azarova from the film “The Hussar Ballad,” Nadezhda Durova served first in the Cossack and then in the cavalry troops from 1806. She was then 23 years old and, with the permission of the emperor, she was Alexander Andreevich Alexandrov.

The cavalry maiden Durova commanded a half-squadron and at Borodino she defended the Semyonov flushes, where she was shell-shocked. By the end of the war, she received the rank of lieutenant and served as an orderly under Kutuzov, who, like the emperor, knew her secret. In 16, at the age of 33, she resigned.

Vasilisa Kozhina

Vasilisa Kozhina was the wife of a village elder from the Smolensk province. Together with the men, she escorted captured French to the city of Sychevka. There are many myths about her, but the only fact is reliable. During one of the marches, she hacked to death an obstinate French soldier with a scythe.

Lacemaker Praskovya

Illarion Pryanishnikov, “Winter”

Another resident of the Smolensk province, the lacemaker Praskovya, also became famous for killing the French. But, unlike Kozhina, she defended her home. The French, having captured the village, robbed the peasants and took everything indiscriminately. When the two broke into her house, she grabbed an ax and hacked them to death. Then she gathered a detachment from the village residents and took them into the forest.

Margarita Tuchkova

Semyon Kozhin, “M.M. Tuchkova on the Borodino field. Memorial service for General A.A. Tuchkov"

Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova, née Naryshkina, was the wife of the youngest of the four general Tuchkov brothers. Dressed in a batman's uniform, she invariably accompanied her husband in the campaigns preceding World War II.

In 1812, Margarita Tuchkova accompanied Alexander Alekseevich only to Smolensk: she had recently buried her eldest son and had just weaned her youngest. Having learned about the death of her husband on the Borodino field, she went to look for him. But the general’s body was never found, and in 1818 Margarita Mikhailovna founded the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands at the site of his death, and then, having taken monastic vows, founded the Spaso-Borodinsky Convent here.

Maria Fedorovna

George Dow, “Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna in Mourning”

Members of the imperial family could not stay away from the misfortune that befell the country. Through the efforts of the wife of Paul the First, Empress Maria Feodorovna, several charitable organizations were established in 1812 as part of the Mariinsky Department that she founded.

Maria Pavlovna and Ekaterina Pavlovna

Ekaterina Pavlovna

The sisters of Alexander the Great, Maria and Catherine, also made what they could to the defense of the country from Napoleon. Ekaterina Pavlovna participated in the convening of the people's militia: the Jaeger Battalion was formed from her appanage peasants, which participated in the main battles of the war and in the subsequent campaign abroad. And Maria Pavlovna, pawning her jewelry, set up hospitals for Russian soldiers and organized the Women's Benevolent Society.

Patriotic Society of St. Petersburg Ladies

Johann-Baptiste Lampi, “The Daughter of the Commander A.V. Suvorova Natalya at 20 years old"

The Women's Patriotic Organization, the first organization of its kind in Russia, was dedicated to helping people devastated by the war. They distributed cash benefits, placed the sick in hospitals, cared for orphans and children of the poor, and provided ruined artisans with funds to restore their work.

The patriotic society included the daughter of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov Natalya Zubova, Elizaveta Olenina, Zinaida and Sofya Volkonsky and many other representatives of the aristocracy. link

The War of 1812 was the first at the end of which women were awarded. By decree of February 8, 1816, the medal “In Memory of the Patriotic War of 1812” was awarded to widows of generals and officers killed in battle, women who worked in hospitals and cared for the wounded, as well as ladies - the eldest in noble families who made large contributions. donations for the war. A total of 7,606 medals were produced for women. Our material contains seven women's exploits in the War of 1812...

Nadezhda Durova

A cavalry maiden, the prototype of Shurochka Azarova from the film “The Hussar Ballad,” Nadezhda Durova served first in the Cossack and then in the cavalry troops from 1806. She was then 23 years old and, with the permission of the emperor, she was Alexander Andreevich Alexandrov.

The cavalry maiden Durova commanded a half-squadron and at Borodino she defended the Semyonov flushes, where she was shell-shocked. By the end of the war, she received the rank of lieutenant and served as an orderly under Kutuzov, who, like the emperor, knew her secret. In 16, at the age of 33, she resigned.

Vasilisa Kozhina

Vasilisa Kozhina was the wife of a village elder from the Smolensk province. Together with the men, she escorted captured French to the city of Sychevka. There are many myths about her, but the only fact is reliable. During one of the marches, she hacked to death an obstinate French soldier with a scythe.

Lacemaker Praskovya

Illarion Pryanishnikov, “Winter”

Another resident of the Smolensk province, the lacemaker Praskovya, also became famous for killing the French. But, unlike Kozhina, she defended her home. The French, having captured the village, robbed the peasants and took everything indiscriminately. When the two broke into her house, she grabbed an ax and hacked them to death. Then she gathered a detachment from the village residents and took them into the forest.

Margarita Tuchkova

Semyon Kozhin, “M.M. Tuchkova on the Borodino field. Memorial service for General A.A. Tuchkov"

Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova, née Naryshkina, was the wife of the youngest of the four general Tuchkov brothers. Dressed in a batman's uniform, she invariably accompanied her husband in the campaigns preceding World War II.

In 1812, Margarita Tuchkova accompanied Alexander Alekseevich only to Smolensk: she had recently buried her eldest son and had just weaned her youngest. Having learned about the death of her husband on the Borodino field, she went to look for him. But the general’s body was never found, and in 1818 Margarita Mikhailovna founded the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands at the site of his death, and then, having taken monastic vows, founded the Spaso-Borodinsky Convent here.

Maria Fedorovna

George Dow, “Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna in Mourning”

Members of the imperial family could not stay away from the misfortune that befell the country. Through the efforts of the wife of Paul the First, Empress Maria Feodorovna, several charitable organizations were established in 1812 as part of the Mariinsky Department that she founded.

Maria Pavlovna and Ekaterina Pavlovna

Ekaterina Pavlovna

The sisters of Alexander the Great, Maria and Catherine, also made what they could to the defense of the country from Napoleon. Ekaterina Pavlovna participated in the convening of the people's militia: the Jaeger Battalion was formed from her appanage peasants, which participated in the main battles of the war and in the subsequent campaign abroad. And Maria Pavlovna, pawning her jewelry, set up hospitals for Russian soldiers and organized the Women's Benevolent Society.

Patriotic Society of St. Petersburg Ladies

Johann-Baptiste Lampi, “The Daughter of the Commander A.V. Suvorova Natalya at 20 years old"

The Women's Patriotic Organization, the first organization of its kind in Russia, was dedicated to helping people devastated by the war. They distributed cash benefits, placed the sick in hospitals, cared for orphans and children of the poor, and provided ruined artisans with funds to restore their work.

The patriotic society included the daughter of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov Natalya Zubova, Elizaveta Olenina, Zinaida and Sofya Volkonsky and many other representatives of the aristocracy. link

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  • Historical site Bagheera - secrets of history, mysteries of the universe. Mysteries of great empires and ancient civilizations, the fate of disappeared treasures and biographies of people who changed the world, secrets of special services. The history of wars, mysteries of battles and battles, reconnaissance operations of the past and present. World traditions, modern life in Russia, the mysteries of the USSR, the main directions of culture and other related topics - everything that official history is silent about.

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