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The most practical wallpaper. Which wallpaper is better to choose? Paper, non-woven, vinyl, etc.

Nowadays there is such a large selection of wallpapers, it’s even difficult to choose. Which wallpaper is better?

Each type of wallpaper has its own characteristics; some wallpapers are well suited for the bedroom, others for the kitchen, and others can be hung in the living room.

If you are choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, it is better to choose the most environmentally friendly wallpaper, chemical-free and breathable. If the wallpaper does not allow air to pass through, the wall may begin to mold, and the fungus is harmful to health, especially in the bedroom. An adult sleeps on average 7-8 hours, and a child needs to sleep 10 hours or more, which is why it is so important to choose good wallpaper for the bedroom.

Paper wallpaper(entirely paper):

Wallpaper made from natural materials, such as paper and non-woven, is harmless to health. Paper and non-woven fabric allow air to pass through, so there will be no greenhouse effect in the room, and fungus will not form under the wallpaper. Non-woven fabric is a little stronger than paper and is easier to stick to walls. The joints on non-woven wallpaper are practically invisible; this material adheres well to the wall, can hide small unevenness in the walls and is not afraid of room shrinkage, therefore it is suitable for new buildings.

Non-woven wallpaper on a non-woven basis:

Recently a new product has appeared: acrylic wallpaper on a paper or non-woven basis, they are quite strong and at the same time breathable. They are recommended for use in residential areas of the apartment.

For the bedroom, wallpaper with a fairly smooth surface will be good so that dust does not settle on it.

But not vinyl. Vinyl wallpaper is not suitable for the bedroom, as it does not allow air to pass through, humidity may increase in the room, and fungus may form on the walls.

Vinyl wallpaper on paper basis, monograms and flowers:

Why are they needed? vinyl wallpapers? This wallpaper is great for the kitchen and hallway, and sometimes even for the bathroom. Vinyl fights can be washed with soapy water, some can even be scrubbed with a brush.

Paper-based vinyl wallpaper is good for the kitchen and hallway:

Vinyl wallpaper can be glued in the living room. The richest wallpaper options are usually vinyl. Nowadays gold wallpaper is in fashion, often in vinyl silk-screen printing.

Vinyl wallpaper is a chic option for the living room:

There are vinyl wallpapers on paper and non-woven backing. Non-woven fabric here serves as a material that is easily glued and does not shrink when dried. But the main properties are provided by vinyl, which creates a durable film on the wall. Therefore, vinyl wallpaper on paper or non-woven backing is suitable for wet rooms.

Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing:

On the contrary, paper wallpaper is completely unsuitable for the kitchen and bathroom. They can easily come off, get dirty, absorb odors, and are not suitable for washing. Smokers (smokers at home) and pet owners should not put paper wallpaper in all rooms, they will quickly become unusable.

In the living room you can use any wallpaper you like. Better, of course, not vinyl, but among vinyl the choice is much wider.

In living rooms, expensive eco-wallpapers coated with various natural materials are sometimes used: wool, bamboo and others.

Black non-woven wallpaper on a non-woven base:

Paintable wallpapers are now popular, for example, vinyl on a non-woven basis and acrylic on a non-woven basis; they can be initially colored, and then they can be repainted several times. A very convenient and practical solution.

Fully non-woven wallpaper is both environmentally friendly and suitable for painting and is considered good decision for both the living room and the bedroom. there are wallpapers different kinds embossing, paint can be applied in layers to create patterns on top of the relief.

Non-woven photo wallpaper:

Liquid wallpaper consists of natural fibers and is sold in the form of a dry mixture. They are diluted and applied like plaster. Unusual original material. But it is not so easy to apply, you have to be a little artist to make a really beautiful layer. Of course, with liquid wallpaper There will be no joints on the walls.

For office premises, paintable glass wallpaper is now usually used. This wallpaper is very durable, comfortable, and not expensive. Allows you to hide minor defects walls When gluing, you should use protective gloves and respirators, because of the glass dust that will appear when working with wallpaper, but will later be completely hidden by the paint.

Wallpaper is a great option for a budget-friendly makeover of any room. The only thing that complicates everything is the process of choosing a canvas because you will have to take into account many aspects, such as the type of room, ease of gluing, cost and quality of the finishing material. Let's figure out how to choose the right wallpaper to make your room renovation not only beautiful, but also durable.

What types of wallpaper are there?

Wallpaper for home is one of the most popular finishing materials for walls. Even today, given the large assortment various materials, stylish canvases are used to create an original room interior. This popularity is explained huge selection wallpaper

Paper wallpaper

One of the simplest and cheapest wall finishing options. Currently, manufacturers produce two main types of paper wallpaper: single-layer and multi-layer. The first (which is also called simplex) are thin and light in weight. While the latter (duplex) are much heavier and denser, which allows you to create not only a pattern on them, but also beautiful embossing.

In addition to the low cost among benefits paper wallpapers are distinguished:

  • a large selection of different shades and prints;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the material ensures good air circulation.

Disadvantages paper wallpaper has much more:

  1. Gluing them to walls is quite difficult - in the process the canvases can get wet, turn yellow and bubble a little.
  2. Extremely low degree of moisture resistance.
  3. Short service life (the material loses its attractiveness and functional properties after 4-5 years).
  4. Lack of resistance to sunlight (rapid loss of color).

Textile wallpaper

Among the varieties of wallpaper, textile fabric occupies a special place. Like vinyl, it consists of several layers:

  • base (paper or non-woven fabric);
  • decorative layer of textiles (silk, linen, velor, cotton).

Among benefits materials are distinguished:

  1. Luxurious appearance that will make any interior elegant and expensive.
  2. Resistance to sunlight (this is especially true for wallpaper made from linen).
  3. Providing excellent heat and sound insulation.
  4. Possibility to hide cracks and chips on the wall surface.

Flaws textile wallpaper:

  • high price;
  • Dust accumulates on the fabric over time, which creates a slight difficulty for people suffering from allergies;
  • textiles quickly absorb foreign odors;
  • difficulty in gluing and care.

Glass wallpaper

One of the most expensive wallpapers, which are distinguished by their attractive appearance and long service life. Quartz sand is used for their production. In addition, among benefits materials are distinguished:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ensuring air circulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • high degree of moisture resistance;
  • maximum strength (compared to other analogues).

Among shortcomings The only thing that can be highlighted is the high cost, which, however, is easily explained by the durability and quality of the material.

Liquid wallpaper

Paper wallpapers are the worst at masking defects. The thin canvas greatly shines through the wall, highlighting all the imperfections.

Advice: You can hide defects on the wall by gluing wallpaper with a bright and large print. An abstract pattern will become a bright accent in the room, and thereby distract attention from the problematic wall surface.

Choosing wallpaper depending on the lighting of the room

Lighting a room is an important step in the process of choosing the best wallpaper for your walls. After all, from constant contact with the sun's rays, some types of canvases can become significantly damaged (lose their primary color).

Modern manufacturers provide special markings that show the room with what degree of illumination certain models are suitable for.

  1. The first icon indicates that the finishing material can only be used in dark rooms. Such canvases are rarely found today due to the fact that they are not universal.
  2. If the plus sign is hidden in the half-sleep, you have a canvas with a greater degree of resistance to sunlight. This finishing material can be used in rooms where the sun's rays are infrequent guests. Otherwise, the canvas will lose its color.
  3. Sun is the most common type of wallpaper on walls, which is suitable for use in a room facing the sunny side.
  4. The fourth icon shows that this is wallpaper that is most resistant to sunlight. Even with regular daily exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the finishing material will not fade and will retain its attractive appearance.

Advice: If we start from the laws of visual expansion of space, then the less natural light in the room, the lighter the wallpaper should be. And vice versa - if a sufficient amount enters the room sunlight, you can glue both white and blue or even black canvases.

How to choose the right wallpaper color?

Selecting wallpaper for a room is an important stage of any renovation. And it’s important to pay attention to how functional features material and its appearance. After all, the shade of the walls must match the rest color palette in the room.

What wallpaper color should I choose?

Important! When looking at wallpaper in a store, it is important to take into account that in different lighting conditions after hanging they may change color slightly. For best effect, it is better to examine the roll in sunlight.

Which wallpaper is easier to glue?

Do you want to save a little money and hang wallpaper yourself? With some materials this solution will fail. However, there are canvases that are extremely easy to glue. So, which wallpaper is easier to glue?

  1. Non-woven - you do not need to apply the adhesive solution to the canvas itself - you just need to treat the wall surface with it.
  2. Bamboo is a fairly dense canvas that quickly sticks to the wall.
  3. Liquid wallpaper - applied like putty.

Choosing eco-friendly wallpaper

The eco-trend continues to gain popularity today. Therefore, wallpaper made from environmentally friendly materials is an excellent option for wall decoration. Among the advantages of such canvases:

  • do not cause allergic reactions;
  • do not emit toxic substances;
  • easy to recycle and dispose of.

Which wallpaper for walls from all of the above options fits the description of eco-friendly canvases? Currently, natural materials are used to create wallpaper:

  • non-woven;
  • paper;
  • bamboo;
  • textile.

Choosing wallpaper for a room in combination of price/quality

The cost of canvases most often depends on the material used in their manufacture, brand, individual collection, etc. Do you want to buy high-quality inexpensive wallpaper? Or, on the contrary, do you want to invest in repairs and buy expensive finishing materials? Well, let's compare prices per roll:

  1. Paper: on average, high-quality canvases can be bought for 200-400 UAH. per roll. The most popular manufacturers: Erismann, Rasch.
  2. Non-woven: average cost – 400-600 UAH. Popular brands: AS Creation, Casadeco, Decoprint.
  3. Vinyl: starting price – 85 UAH, but higher quality products will cost 300-500 UAH. per roll. Brands: Marburg, Sintra, Sirpi.
  4. Glass wallpaper: 500-800 UAH.
  5. Liquid (per 1 kg): 100-150 UAH.
  6. Photo wallpaper (for 1 picture): from 400 to 2000 UAH. depending on size.

What should you pay attention to before purchasing?

How to choose the right wallpaper for walls? It is important to pay attention to all the nuances:

  1. Make sure all rolls you purchase are from the same batch.
  2. Carefully study all the icons on the packaging - they will say much more than the seller.
  3. When choosing wallpaper, it is better to buy a little extra than to buy the missing number of rolls. It is unlikely that you will be able to find paintings from the same batch.
  4. Ensure the integrity of the packaging and the canvas itself - all edges on the wallpaper should be intact and even.

So let's summarize:

Do you dream of moving walls, and also so that the mood of your household members rises as soon as they cross the threshold of their home? It's possible! You just need to learn how to control the element of color in your home. Wallpaper is a kind of backdrop to your home, which means it sets the tone and overall atmosphere for both family and guests. And even if we don’t notice this influence directly, experts say: the colors around us can change a person’s mood and even well-being! Therefore, do not chase fashionable wallpaper colors, but choose the wallpaper color carefully and thoughtfully so that your own walls really create comfort and peace for the whole family.

As a bonus, you will find tips on how to save money on wallpaper and avoid doing the same job twice!

How to choose the color of wallpaper?

The background color of the wallpaper should be selected depending on the location of the windows. Northern windows will not provide much light, and this can be compensated for with wallpaper warm shades. South windows do not exclude the possibility of creating a cozy atmosphere even with the help of cold, heavy colors.

Wallpaper for a large room can also be in rich colors. While wallpaper for a small room is allowed exclusively light, unless you want to achieve the effect of a monastic cell.

Which wallpaper to choose to make the room seem larger? In addition to the fact that they should be as light as possible, they should not have a clogged pattern with large elements. Only light stains, twigs, small flying elements. If the room is small, then contrasting colors should be avoided, as they visually make the room smaller. It is very desirable that the walls and ceiling and even the floor are the same tone. This simple trick seems to continue the space.

Many modern new buildings have low ceilings. In apartments where the ceiling height is low, residents feel as if they are hanging over their heads and are oppressive. To visually raise the ceiling and get rid of these very discomfort, glue vertically striped wallpaper. And in order to visually expand the space, you need to alternate or vary striped wallpaper with horizontal and vertical lines.

The variety of wallpaper designs is impressive, but choosing from a large selection is very difficult. At first you want everything, then you want nothing. You can quickly get tired of the selection process, and as a result, buy what is closest to the exit. Therefore, decide in advance what type of pattern will look best on your walls.

The wallpaper pattern is chosen taking into account the following features of the room: its layout and size, light level, and functional purpose.

When choosing a wallpaper pattern based on the size of the room, remember the rules:

  • low ceiling - vertical stripes on the walls;
  • small room - light warm colors, light pattern with small elements scattered far from each other;
  • narrow room - horizontal stripes;
  • large room - catchy, bright, deep colors with large, dense patterns;
  • a room with a niche, alcove, arch - simple, unobtrusive patterns with small patterns on a light background;
  • high room - large drawing on any background;
  • wide room - large drawing on a bright background;
  • the smaller the room, the lighter the tone of the wallpaper and the smaller the pattern;
  • well-lit room - rich colors, maybe cold, with large patterns;
  • poorly lit room - light colors of exclusively warm shades, with small patterns, or better without them at all;
  • kitchen, children's room - thematic drawings are suitable, but only in one of the zones;
  • bedroom - unobtrusive drawings;
  • office - strict drawings;
  • hall – one tone, highlighting a separate zone due to a catchy design;
  • hallway - a monotonous pattern on all free walls is appropriate.

Some people like plant motifs, there are many who like clear geometric designs, there is also a category of people who prefer abstraction, and some are even minimalists who do not accept any designs on the walls. Everyone will find a drawing to their liking.

But no matter how much you like abstraction, you cannot afford it if the overall style of the living room is classic. It will turn out to be tasteless. Few people would think of this, but this is just an example to once again focus your attention on the truism: each style has a certain type of drawing. Golden elements in the design, monograms and curls require a classic interior setting, floral motifs look very harmonious in Provence and country style, geometric predictability is best combined with general minimalism in the interior, abstraction is simply irreplaceable in a high-tech setting.

Choose a wallpaper design that takes into account all the features of the room - and you will have a cozy, stylish nest.

What wallpaper to choose for the room?

What color should you choose wallpaper for your walls?

The color is probably the most important factor, subconsciously influencing people's mood. How to choose the color of wallpaper so that it triggers the necessary processes in the brain that correspond to the purpose of your stay in a certain place in the house? The answers to this question have long been known.

The kitchen needs a color that stimulates the appetite, invigorates in the mornings and saturates with energy in the evenings. This yellow. Good colors for the kitchen are beige and silver. They combine well with the energy of water. White color also very favorable for the kitchen. It attracts a flow of positive energy. From the point of view of favorable energy, remember that kitchens with extravagant, provocative tones will be deprived of it. The only thing you can afford are bright splashes of one rich color, for example, red.

The hall needs to consciously create a friendly, peaceful environment as it gathers together. The desire to conflict will not arise when surrounded by green, beige or any other pastel color.

Deep blue color is very appropriate in an office or work area in a room. It stimulates brain function. When the eyes take in the color blue, mental work is done easily and quickly.

Beige, olive, peach are ideal tones for the bedroom, especially for those parts of it where your eyes look when you wake up. In the bedroom you can leave a bright, exciting corner of red or crimson, but it should be localized, say, on one of the walls, for example, behind the head of the bed. The point is that it will be in front of your eyes only during waking moments, it will help you tune into a passionate mood at the right moment, but it will not interfere with peace before bed.

The child's psyche is a very subtle instrument. Therefore, the main colors in the children's area can be calm green, yellow, and milky. Bright stimulating colors can only be present in the play area, and even then in a very dosed form. Limit depressing purple, frightening black, exciting red as much as possible not only in the children's room, but also in any part of the house.

We've figured out the basic colors for each room. But what if you find background wallpaper of the same color boring and want more interesting color schemes? In this case, we arm ourselves with the rules of color combinations. How to choose wallpaper of two colors? Just like in clothes, for example.

A harmonious combination of colors can be achieved by adding any of the following to the main color:

  • white + any existing color;
  • red + green, blue, golden, yellow, gray;
  • pink + gray, brown, burgundy;
  • orange + green, purple, brown, light blue;
  • yellow + green, golden, light green, brown;
  • blue + blue, orange, red, brown;
  • blue + red, gray, golden, silver, burgundy;
  • purple + orange, green, golden, yellow;
  • gray + yellow, black, green, blue, red, pink.

If you have difficulty with color combinations, you don’t have a table at hand, and you doubt whether this or that color matches another color, remember that nature has a universal hint. All color combinations that exist in nature are a priori harmonious. Like, for example, the orange fruit of an orange and its green branch with leaves. It's beautiful! Feel free to combine colors and create a unique style for your home.

How to choose the right wallpaper for the ceiling?

Wallpaper for the ceiling is still popular and competes with other types of “indoor sky” design. And all because this is an inexpensive way to complete the room, without limiting yourself to the usual whitewashing or painting of the ceiling. And although the most advantageous color of the ceiling is still white, you are free to play a little with colors and textures, bringing to life your own or the designer’s original ideas.

3 types of wallpaper are suitable for the ceiling, namely: foamed vinyl, structural wallpaper for painting and glass wallpaper.

How to choose wallpaper to match the color of the furniture?

The color of the furniture and the color of the wallpaper should look harmonious. It is important to achieve the effect so that the furniture does not merge with the walls. This means that a minimum contrast between them is required.

You cannot violate the principle that says: warm tones are combined with warm tones, and cold tones are combined with cold tones. This means that furniture and wallpaper should not conflict in this sense.

If the furniture is dark, then the walls are light. Accents on the walls are also appropriate only through paintings, but not through wallpaper designs. You can't argue with that.

If the furniture is white, then there are many options. And light shaded, and dark, and bright wallpapers - everything will do. White color is universal.

If the furniture is brown, you need wallpaper in warm colors.

If the furniture is multi-colored, for example, in the kitchen or nursery, choose wallpaper in pastel colors.

How to choose wallpaper for your interior?

Remember that it is easier to match the wallpaper to the furniture than vice versa. Therefore, when starting a renovation, we dance away from the furniture in any case. Even if you haven't purchased it yet, try to imagine what it will be like (style, color) and where it will stand. Only after this can you figure out what wallpaper you will need.

Depending on whether you will decorate the walls with photographs, paintings, tapestries, you can select a wallpaper pattern. If you plan a rich additional decor, then background wallpaper is needed. If there is no additional decor, the gap can be filled with a rich wallpaper pattern.

Do not forget that both the window composition and niches are important parts of the interior. When choosing wallpaper, try to imagine the whole picture. To make sure that you are doing everything correctly, try to look at your room from different angles: what will you see when entering the room from the door, and how will it look from the position of your workplace, and will everything look beautiful from everyone’s favorite sofa?

How to choose curtains to match the wallpaper?

It is imperative to design a window composition with an eye to the wallpaper of the room. They must be designed in the same style, and also be in harmony with each other in color and texture. In this matter, leading designers have developed certain rules for combining everything with everything. But for now we’re just gluing wallpaper, and we’ll start working on curtains, curtains, and roller blinds when we’ve completely prepared the walls and ceilings.

When furnishing a new home or transforming an old one, we often rely solely on our tastes and temporary moods. Although sometimes it is very useful to ask the opinions of psychologists and Feng Shui specialists. After all, how often we do not attach importance to invisible patterns, but regardless of this, they act and control our subconscious.

The most important advice is to choose a dominant color for a specific place in the house. Experts recommend the following color zoning solutions:

  • – zone intellectual work or creativity - blue background to enhance mental activity;
  • – common territory for all family members – a green background for peace;
  • – rest and sleep area – pastel tone of any warm color for relaxation;
  • – eating area – red-orange tones to stimulate appetite.

It remains to eliminate unwanted background colors for living spaces.

Naturally, black tops this list. Contrary to fashion trends in domino style, we do not recommend being tempted by this squeak of fashion. From a black background, thoughts that are not bright will come to you.

Brown as a background color is also bad. There are some noble shades of brown, but a high concentration of it on the walls is undesirable, since in large quantities it causes tedious boredom.

Dark purple is only good in small doses. Don’t be surprised at the development of depressive moods in your household if, on someone’s ridiculous advice, you made purple walls in your kitchen. And it’s unlikely that it will be pleasant to sneak into your room after work through the purple corridor.

Whatever color scheme you choose, make sure that there are no more than five colors in your interior. All other color heaps are unnecessary, without a doubt. Rainbows are only good in the sky because it is bright and big! And in our limited spaces, three to five colors are enough to achieve aesthetic and psychological comfort.

Feng Shui experts say that with the help of patterns and images on wallpaper, you can not only block the path of negative energy flows, but also attract positive ones into your home. And here not everything is decided by the choice of color. Considerable meaning lies in the symbols that will be depicted on the wallpaper. Thus, images of elephants, goldfish, dragons, and phoenix birds are considered symbols of good luck and prosperity.

A fan in the decor of a living space can protect its inhabitants from all sorts of unfavorable influences. It also supports the hovering of the erotic spirit in the room, and for this reason it is most appropriate in the marital bedroom. A map or globe on the wall of a schoolchild or student’s work area contributes to fruitful learning.

Symbols on wallpaper can cause harm! Especially if you put wallpaper on the walls with hieroglyphs and signs whose meaning is unknown to you. Be sure to take an interest in the meaning inherent in the symbols of the drawings and the meaning of foreign inscriptions on the wallpaper that you like.

  • Once you have made your choice, make sure that you end up purchasing rolls from the same batch, which is indicated on the label. Check the digital markings of all rolls. This is very important, because the color of rolls from different batches can differ significantly! Don’t be lazy and don’t be embarrassed to ask your sales consultant to unpack and unwrap each roll that you intend to purchase.
  • To understand under what conditions and for how long the wallpaper was stored, you need to pay attention to the edges of the rolls: they should be smooth, not cracked or torn.
  • Your choice of wallpaper should also depend on the level of the walls. If the walls in your home are perfectly smooth, then this precaution is not for you. But if minor irregularities are still present, it is better to give preference to relief textures, for example, foamed vinyl. This will help hide minor wall defects.
  • Carefully calculate the required number of meters of wallpaper. You can't go wrong if you take it with a reserve, about 10% more than that. Buying the missing 70 cm is a troublesome and time-consuming task. It is better to immediately foresee the possibility of accidental damage during transportation or sticking. It is also impossible to exclude a minor miscalculation in the preliminary calculations. Be sure to calculate the allowance for joining the pattern. Exactly how many centimeters depends on the design; this information must be indicated on the label. Preliminary calculations are carried out with the master who will glue the wallpaper, and final calculations are carried out with the sales consultant, based on the figures provided by the master.

  • If you need to wallpaper a small room, for example, a storage room, hallway or dressing room, good way save - pay attention to leftovers. There are always discounts for incomplete batches, sometimes up to 50% of the cost. And the quality is in no way inferior.
  • Few buyers know that some stores offer to take home a small piece of the wallpaper they like for free. The sample is cut from the exhibition roll, which is also intended for these trial purposes. Naturally, such demo rolls are provided only by manufacturers who are confident in the quality of their products. The price for such wallpaper is usually much higher. Why do you still need to use this service? Firstly, wallpaper itself is one thing, but wallpaper in a certain interior is something completely different. You may think that color and texture go perfectly with individual elements in your room, but when you put them close together, it turns out that this is not entirely true. In addition, you can safely check the quality of the material at home.

Here are some ways to check:

  • – rub the drawing with a damp, necessarily very light, ideally white rag to see if the color will smear;
  • – hold it over the steam for several minutes and check whether the material has become limp and does not begin to tear easily after this;
  • – deliberately smear it with a pollutant typical for the room (swamp, if the wallpaper is intended for a corridor, or grease, if it is for the kitchen) and try to wash off the dirt according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

If you approach the choice of wallpaper consciously, act slowly, listen to our simple advice, doubts will no longer torment you. The right choice will be made. All that remains is to put up your best, most suitable wallpaper and enjoy the result for many years!

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If you want changes in your home, but, as always, you don’t have enough money and energy for a grandiose renovation, just change the wallpaper in the room - and your home will look new.

What do we see first in the interior? Of course, walls. Our gaze always glides over them, and the impression of the rooms depends on the correctly chosen wall covering. Many people wonder which wallpaper to choose, best to find among the abundance presented in stores, because this is the most popular wall covering.

Every renovation store's wall materials section is teeming with a variety of textures and colors. Don't get lost or confused in this wide choice A simple order of questions will help: why exactly they are, in which room and to whom which wallpaper is best suited.

Many people, when choosing a material for wall decoration, are faced with the question: wallpaper or painting - which is better to choose? Or maybe decorative plaster? Although it is expensive and you still have to paint it.

  • The downside to paint is that its finish often looks cold and inhospitable.
  • In addition, the long preparation process is confusing: after all, every unevenness on the painted wall will be visible.
  • evoke unpleasant associations associated with old Khrushchev buildings, as if from the past. Although this can be corrected by using stencils or special textured rollers.
  • However, modern paints look completely different, are easy to clean, and you can choose any color and level of gloss: from matte to super glossy.

Pros of wallpaper

The decision to cover the walls with wallpaper is based on the numerous advantages of this material; we will list them.

  • Minimal preparation, optional
  • Wide choice of colors, from white to black, from the lightest shades to rich, flashy colors
  • Variety of textures: washable, dyeable and other options for all occasions
  • An endless selection of designs, there are patterns for every taste: flowers, butterflies, lines, geometric figures and others
  • A harmoniously selected design of two types of wallpaper will emphasize some details and allow you to highlight areas of the room
  • Eco-friendly, safe material
  • Using best wallpapers on individual elements, you can use them for decorative purposes
  • When gluing there is no specific smell, as when painting walls.

Wallpaper also has disadvantages. They can peel off (especially near radiators), get dirty and fade in the sun.
Having studied all the pros and cons, armed with knowledge of the subtle nuances, it is easier to determine whether paint or wallpaper is right for you.

Choosing wallpaper for different rooms

When thinking about choosing wallpaper for your bedroom, close your eyes and relax. Try to imagine a room that will have a calming effect. This is the standard of harmony you strive for, taking into account your knowledge of textures. A wallpaper covering with a pleasant outer layer looks harmonious; washable coverings definitely look out of place in the bedroom.
Wall color can visually expand or reduce a space. Bright patterns on wallpaper inspire high spirits.

When we wake up and stretch in bed, we often stare at the ceiling. To set a good mood in the morning, you should think about its decoration. There are different light wallpapers for the ceiling. It is better to choose wallpaper without a tacky pattern, highlighting only the corners of the room if desired.

When choosing, it is important to consider that washable types of wallpaper are suitable here. The kitchen walls are often splashed. Any housewife will be happy to get rid of unpleasant drops on the walls by simply wiping them with a damp cloth. In this case, the working area must be covered with an apron made of another, more reliable material (glass, tiles, special panels).
When renovating a guest room, the design must be carefully thought out to please anyone who visits your home. When choosing wallpaper for the living room, you need to take into account its size and shape, plan the color and finish. If you love festive decorations and want a luxurious interior, textile collections are a good choice.

Types of wallpaper

To make it easier to understand which wallpaper is suitable for a room, let’s take a closer look at their varieties. They are divided into roll wallpapers, which are more familiar to us (which often contain a paper or fabric base) and liquid wallpaper, which are presented in plastic buckets.
We will talk specifically about roll wallpaper.


Paper wallpaper appeared many years ago, does not withstand light resistance, is prone to so-called fading (that is, it loses its brightness over time), and deteriorates when exposed to moisture. Their main advantage is that they are cheap and environmentally friendly, they are light in weight and easy to stick. Which design to choose depends only on taste and imagination; their range is always wide.


Vinyl wallpaper is moisture resistant, its pattern is so clear that it can be imitated brickwork can be confused with a real brick wall. Housewives love to use vinyl wallpaper for the hallway or kitchen, as they are easy to clean, durable, and abrasion-resistant.

This coating gives durability to the repair. The drawings are varied: from imitation to conveying beauty flower garden. Vinyl is easy to apply, but you need to choose a pattern. If wallpaper for the kitchen has not yet been chosen, then vinyl - best option.

It is important to consider the scope of the design: the larger the printing step, the more scraps may remain. After all, when selecting a pattern, you will have to cut not just a few centimeters, but whole decimeters. At this consumption, there is a considerable amount left in the roll, but it is not enough to cover the height of the wall.


Non-woven wallpaper contains a combination of natural and artificial fibers (for example, cellulose and polyester). More often, non-woven fabric acts as a base for vinyl coating, but sometimes it can also be an independent coating.

Vinyl-coated rolls are distinguished by their voluminous texture: you can find paintable white wallpaper with any textured pattern, from strokes to clouds, stick it on the walls and paint it with suitable colors.

Wallpaper idea for a teenager

If the non-woven fabric is not coated, a design is printed on it. The material is quite velvety and smooth to the touch. Non-woven wallpaper is suitable for a children's room: they are painted in different tones or patterns. You can repaint them up to a dozen times.

Children's non-woven wallpaper

Most often, the width of modern rolls is 106 cm. If wide rolls require some skill, it is better to take an assistant and work together.


Textile wallpaper is glued onto a paper base and covered with a protective layer and laminated. Usually silk or cotton acts as a decorative layer. This type is relatively new, its texture is very pleasant to the touch. This material is best suited for the bedroom of any connoisseur of beauty.

When choosing textile wallpaper, you should understand that the joints will be noticeable, this shows the exclusivity of this type of wallpaper. The main thing when gluing is not to smear the joints with glue, otherwise the wallpaper will be damaged. The textile wallpaper itself is quite resistant and durable.

Wallpaper for painting

We should also talk about which wallpaper is best for painting. There are three options to consider:

    • vinyl on a non-woven basis - a relief pattern is created using vinyl applied to a non-woven canvas, therefore their ability to “breathe”, i.e., to allow air to pass through, is reduced;
    • non-woven - less wear-resistant, unlike vinyl, but more expensive;
    • glass wallpaper allows air to pass through well, so there is no risk of feeling like you’re in a greenhouse. They have high wear resistance, high environmental friendliness, but a small selection of designs. The most popular are designs and matting;

Fiberglass web is not a finishing material, unlike conventional glass wallpaper, but is used as a preparatory layer for protection against cracks.

Gossamer fiberglass wallpaper is the cheapest and protects walls well from cracks.

Most often the choice is based on appearance drawing, but it is worth paying attention to other important characteristics. For example, you should choose the most environmentally friendly materials or coloring wallpapers for the nursery and bedroom (if the child likes to draw), and wear-resistant, washable types for the bathroom and hallway. So, choosing the best option for yourself in terms of price, quality and design is not so difficult.



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