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Scheme of a bench with a metal profile back. Do-it-yourself garden bench from a profile pipe

For a comfortable rest on a personal plot, you can’t do without a bench. Previously, they were made mainly of wood, which does not differ in longevity. In order not to engage in annual repairs, it is better to give preference to shops from.

The design of the welded bench is chosen depending on the purpose:

  1. For a short rest, benches are made without a back. There are no restrictions on the length, the size of the width is chosen taking into account the anatomical features of the resting people. It takes a few hours to assemble the structure.
  2. On benches with a back, the conditions for rest are better, as the load is removed from the spine. To improve comfort, the design is made with armrests. They are installed in places reserved for a long rest.

The choice of materials for manufacturing

To assemble the bench frame, you will need a profile pipe of square or rectangular section. The strength of grades made of low-alloy and carbon steels is higher. The price of profile pipes directly depends on the wall thickness. However, when choosing, it should be borne in mind that welding thin metal requires experience. Regardless of the design and size of the bench, a pipe with a cross section of 40 × 20 mm with a wall of 2 mm is sufficient for assembly. A bench with such a frame will last up to 15 years without major repairs.

Additionally stocked:

  • paint, varnish or other coating;
  • primer;
  • anti-corrosion composition;
  • hammer enamel;
  • pine boards for the seat and backrest with a thickness of 20 - 30 mm;
  • self-tapping screws, bolts with nuts and washers;
  • antiseptic for boards.

A bench with such a frame will last up to 15 years without major repairs.

Drawing and requirements for benches

To accurately determine the amount of materials before starting work, draw up a drawing, taking into account the requirements:

  • the bench should be comfortable for rest, so it is desirable to have a back;
  • the design must be strong enough so that the seat does not bend under the weight of the seated people;
  • The material must be weather resistant.

To avoid errors during assembly, the drawing is made in three projections. Bench designs from profile pipe can be traditional or developed independently. At the design stage, the method of fastening the wooden or plastic elements of the seat and backrest is determined. Depending on the design, the connection of metal parts is carried out at different angles, which must be indicated on the drawing.

There are no strict size requirements, but when developing a project, they are guided by the following recommendations:

  • to ensure reliable stability, the width of the supporting part is chosen in the range of 0.45 - 0.65 m;
  • the back will be comfortable at a height of 0.5 - 0.55 m with an angle of inclination of 15 - 20⁰;
  • the distance from the base of the bench to the seat is chosen 0.4 - 0.5 m, so that the legs of the seated person reach the ground.


To avoid errors during assembly, the drawing is made in three projections.

A simple do-it-yourself bench without a back

A small shop from a profile pipe of a traditional shape is assembled from two rectangular supports connected by two horizontal crossbars. Wooden planks for seating are attached to the top. On long structures, the number of supports increases. Do-it-yourself welding of a metal bench is performed in the following sequence:

  • profile pipes are marked by size in the drawing;
  • a grinder or a hacksaw for metal cut blanks in compliance with required angles(for supports 45⁰);
  • on the welding table or a flat surface of the prepared parts, fold the support, check the conformity of the dimensions;
  • fasten the workpieces together with tacks;
  • with a square or measuring diagonals, check the angles between the details of the rectangle;
  • if everything is in order, the joints are scalded with solid seams;
  • similarly collect the second support;
  • both crossbars are welded to the finished rectangles;
  • slag is knocked down from the seams, then cleaned with a grinder;
  • prepared boards are cut to the size of the frame, the edges are rounded;
  • on the supports, places are marked for bolts or self-tapping screws for fastening the seat elements;
  • after drilling holes, the edges are cleaned of burrs;
  • the boards are impregnated with an antiseptic, after drying they are painted or varnished;
  • the surfaces of the profile pipes are cleaned with sandpaper, treated with an anti-corrosion compound, then the frame is coated with a primer, after drying it is painted with enamel;
  • fix the boards.

The seat can be made from sections of a rectangular profile, welded to the uprights. The shop will look more attractive if the metal strips are laid in a frame. Then the ends of the pipes will be protected from rainwater getting inside.

Bench with a profile pipe back: a step-by-step process

To weld a simple bench with a back, the rear pillars of the supports are extended by 0.5 - 0.6 m. To give a tilt at the level of the seat or slightly higher, a triangular cut is made. After bending, the joints are scalded. The free ends of the profile pipes are closed with metal plates or plastic plugs.

Before assembling the benches, plywood patterns are made from a profile pipe with bent elements in accordance with a pre-drawn drawing. After cutting, the workpieces that will have to be bent are filled with sand so that there are no creases. You can bend the pipe on the usual stop by preheating the bend with a blowtorch.

The assembly of the bench is carried out in the following order:

  1. The rear racks at a distance of 0.4 - 0.5 m from the end are bent at an angle of 10 - 15⁰, forming supports for the back. It is more convenient to drill holes for fixing boards immediately, holding the part in a yew.
  2. For the front legs and handrails, the profile pipe is bent at an angle of 90⁰ in the form of a semicircle. Holes are drilled at the fastening points of the boards.
  3. For a snug fit, grind off excess metal from the ends of the bent parts.
  4. To prevent the bench from sinking into the ground under the weight of seated people, metal plates are welded to the lower ends of the legs. When installed indoors, plugs made of plastic or rubber are put on.
  5. The prepared parts are laid out on the welding table and connected with tacks.
  6. To strengthen the rigidity of the sidewalls, a jumper is installed between the front and rear legs at a distance of 10 cm from the bottom. The crossbar for the seat is fixed at a height of 0.4 - 0.5 m.
  7. After checking for compliance with the drawing, the parts are welded with continuous seams.
  8. Finished sidewalls are connected by two crossbars. In the middle between them, for strength, a crossbar is welded.
  9. The seams are cleaned, the frame is primed, painted.
  10. Knots are drilled on the boards before fixing, wooden plugs are inserted into the holes. Otherwise, holes will appear after the knots fall out.

Decoration and design elements

A do-it-yourself shop will become original if you show a little imagination:

  • paint in different colors;
  • decorate the seat and back with wood carvings;
  • paint with patterns or pictures;
  • decorate with ceramic tiles, glass, pebbles;
  • decorate with forged elements or intricate figures bent from wire;
  • process wooden elements with stain and varnish, imitating valuable species.
  • bend the bearing parts from the profile pipe in the form of a variety of shapes.

It is not difficult to make a bench from a profile pipe for relaxation, since there is nothing complicated in the design. With insufficient experience with metal, you should not immediately take on complex benches with bent parts. Subject to technology, even a simple shop will look no worse than the factory one.

Benches are an essential attribute of any suburban area: their presence significantly increases the comfort of outdoor recreation. Since such furniture is used outdoors, special requirements are imposed on the reliability and durability of the material of manufacture.

What is needed to make a bench

When looking for a suitable material option for a bench, the choice often falls on metallic profile, which has a relatively long service life. How to make a bench from a professional pipe with your own hands? Going to the hardware store to purchase everything you need, it is important to have a pre-made project on hand. The main drawings of a bench from a profile pipe should contain the dimensions of the main elements, yet other details are indicated in more detailed diagrams. Drawings of shops from a profile pipe are equipped with the numbering of all parts of the structure, indicating their location on the diagram.

To make a garden bench, you will need the following materials:

  1. Profile pipes with a cross section in the form of a square or rectangle. They are mainly famous for their strength, and the presence of flat surfaces is very convenient for fixing any elements to them. It is impossible not to mention the aesthetic qualities of this material: they are superior to any other tubular products.
  2. Bars made of wood 50x80 or 40x80 mm. They are useful for the manufacture of backs and seats.
  3. Metizov. Be sure to have screws with a diameter of 6-8 mm, with a length of 80-100 mm. More accurate indicators are selected depending on the dimensions of the bars and profile pipes. Self-tapping screws for wood will not be superfluous.
  4. Enamels and primers. They will protect metal surfaces from rusting.
  5. Antiseptic impregnations and finishing coatings for wood.

As for the list of necessary tools, it looks like this:

  1. Bulgarian, grinding and cutting wheels.
  2. Electric drill with a set of drills.
  3. Welding machine capable of using electrodes with a cross section of 3 mm. This is the most acceptable option for welding metal parts thicker than 2 mm.
  4. Welder's hammer.
  5. Electric jigsaw.
  6. Sander with sandpaper.
  7. Core, tape measure, pencil (marker).

If it is planned to manufacture rounded parts, it is better to stock up on a pipe bender as well. In order for the paired elements to be the same, the use of the so-called. "eyes". It looks like an ordinary plywood fragment, on which the outlines of all rounded details are applied. To check the level of compliance of the available parameters, a plywood matrix is ​​applied to them.

As soon as all the necessary equipment for work is prepared, you can begin the process of building a shop from a profile pipe. As some elements are ready, they are numbered, which will greatly simplify the procedure for assembling the finished product, which is shown in the drawings. To make the pipe bench easy to use, its parts are made as identical as possible.

When cutting metal, it is important to take into account the thickness of the cutting wheel: in this case, the allowance is usually at the level of 5 mm. For an accurate fit, use a grinder with abrasive nozzles.

How to make a bench without a back from a profile pipe

The design of a bench without a back has the following form: three metal rectangles are fastened together by two pipes, resulting in a seat frame. For example, consider the manufacture of a bench with parameters of 230x60x45 cm (length / width / height). The frame of the bench from a profile pipe is a profile with a section of 3x3 cm, in the amount of 11 linear meters.

Cutting is carried out in this way: 6 pieces of 60 cm, and 6x45 cm. They serve constituent parts long and short sides of rectangular legs. The continuous framing of the seats and the fastening of the legs is carried out in a pair of long sections of 230 cm each. Next, you need to prepare 8 rectangular bars with a width of 60 mm: they are fixed to the metal frame with bolts and nuts.

It is best to purchase bolts that have a flattened rounded head, which will protect clothes from gusts. Sometimes, for these purposes, bolts are sunk into wood, but this increases its susceptibility to external climatic influences.

Assembling a bench without a back

With your own hands, a bench from a profile pipe without a back is assembled quite simply. The first step is to weld the supports together, then a pair of guides is attached to them in the same way. Sometimes they are used not as steel pipes, but as duralumin ones: in this case, they are fixed with bolts, since this material cannot withstand welding.

  • Any rectangular support should look in the vertical direction with its short part, and in the horizontal direction with its length.
  • During welding work, it is necessary to constantly monitor the angles of the supports: they should not deviate from the indicator of 90 degrees.
  • Often, as a result of the assembly, there is an increase in the parameters of both length and height than those that contain drawings of a bench from a profile pipe. If elongation occurs, then an additional support will be required.
  • After welding, a thorough cleaning of all seams with a grinder is carried out, followed by their primer.
  • After the frame is made, the framing pipes are equipped with a series of holes in the amount of 8 pieces: this will make it possible to fix wooden beams to them.
  • To protect the metal parts of the product from corrosion, they must be painted with a reliable paint for metal.
  • Wood for seats should be impregnated with a stain or varnished before use.
  • The design of the seats with boards occurs after all of the above operations.

Sometimes the boards are replaced with a profile pipe: a welding machine is used to fix them, after which the finished bench is hidden with paint. To make all-metal benches look aesthetically pleasing, a metal frame is put on top of the iron slats, which will cover sharp edges. Additional profile consumption will be somewhere around 120 cm.

A bench from a profile pipe without a back is usually made mobile, with the ability to hide it under a canopy or other shelter in rainy weather.

How to make a bench with a back

In this case, the consumption of material and time spent will increase, but it is precisely such garden elements that visitors to park areas love most of all. Do-it-yourself drawings of a bench from a profile pipe are quite simple to make, since there is free access to the relevant construction sites. Before starting work, boards of 25 mm are prepared for the back, and 30 mm for the seats, and a profile pipe of 25x25 mm.

It serves as material for the following components:

  • Intersupporting crossbar 155 cm long.
  • Pieces for the base of the seats: 2 pcs. 35 cm.
  • Bent segments, for the manufacture of the rear supporting surface and backs, in the amount of 2 pieces, with a bend span of 10 cm, and a height of 78 cm.
  • Sections for supporting elements of the front part: 2 pcs. 20 cm.
  • Support heels. They look like ordinary metal plates. They need 4 pcs. size 4x4 cm.
  • Bent planks of metal: they connect the supports on both sides: 2x45cm.

The seat is made from such boards:

  • Backrest: 3 pcs. 25x60x1600 mm.
  • Bottom: 3 pcs. 30x60x1600 mm.

The boards and the frame are fastened together with bolts having a semicircular head, in the amount of 24 pcs. When all necessary material ready for the bench, you can start making it. We recommend that you first learn how to bend a profile pipe, since such work will be performed in the process.

How to assemble a frame with a back

The assembly of the frame is carried out in the following sequence of actions:

  1. They connect the crossbar and two profiles of 35 cm each: the segments should be at an angle of 90 degrees to the crossbar, fixing to it with their central point.
  2. This design is equipped by welding with two bent elements having a length of 78 cm. The welding point should be located on their bends.
  3. Next, the front support parts are welded onto the frame. When implementing this procedure, it is important to maintain a distance of 90 mm between the docking point of the base of the seats with the supports and their front part.
  4. To make the bench more durable, you can connect the crossbar and front supports with a profile.
  5. The final stage in the manufacture of the frame structure is the welding of two arcuate segments in the middle between the supports. After that, pads are welded onto the ends of the legs.
  6. All welds are carefully ground, and the entire frame is coated with a primer and anti-corrosion paint.

Upon completion of the frame, it is equipped with symmetrically arranged seat boards. Thinner elements are fixed on the back, thicker elements on the seat. For their fastening, prepared bolts are used. Instead of boards, the use of rectangular metal pipes.

To make a bench from a professional pipe look more impressive, it is often equipped with additional elements. First of all, these are armrests made of two sections of a profile pipe of 75 cm. To bend them, it is better to use a pipe bender, and then equip both edges of the bench with them. As a result, it will take on an even more professional look, despite its homemade origins. Do-it-yourself garden benches from a profile pipe are most often made for private households.

Greetings holiday lovers.

When arranging a personal plot, they are primarily guided by their taste preferences, but besides them, one should not forget about functionality and comfort. Garden benches, tables and benches from a professional pipe will not only decorate your site, but also allow you to have a good time with friends.

How to make a bench with my own hands and what is needed for this - read below.

Profile products are widely used in both private and industrial construction. For their production, low-alloy and carbon steels are used. You can make swings, carousels, horizontal bars, gazebos, tables, benches, pergolas and much more from a profile pipe.

Advantages of a professional pipe:

  • low weight of the structure;
  • affordable cost;
  • durability;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • great technological capabilities (profiled pipe can be welded, twisted, bent, etc.).

For the manufacture of backyard furniture (benches, benches, tables, etc.), it is better to use a thin-walled professional pipe - from 1 to 4 mm thick. Metal lends itself well to processing with hand power tools. Profile metal structures require a mandatory and high-quality multi-layer coating: priming, 1-2 layers of the main paintwork. It is the complexity and high cost of the coating that is the main drawback of the professional pipe.

Model selection

It is not easy to decide on the choice of a bench, because there are many interesting, original and budgetary designs from a professional pipe. To make your choice easier, don't look at the design, but ask yourself a few simple questions:

  1. Why do you need a bench? - To relax with a company, to bask in the sun and drink coffee with your spouse, etc.
  2. How often will you use the shop? – Daily, from time to time, etc.

These questions will help you decide on the size of the product, whether your bench will be with or without a back, what size professional pipe is better to use and how to decorate finished furniture.

In the manufacture of a bench, table or bench, a professional pipe of both rectangular and square sections is used. The average thickness of their walls is 2 mm. Depending on the design, the section is determined. The most popular and inexpensive options professional pipes: 20*40, 30*30, 40*40, 60*40 mm.

In addition to the professional pipe, it will be necessary to select:

  • LKM: primer for wood and metal, finishing impregnation or varnish, enamel;
  • galvanized self-tapping screws and other fasteners;
  • wooden bars for the seat and back of the bench.

When choosing, be guided by expediency and profitability. However, don't forget that good materials cannot be cheap.

Pay special attention to the choice of paintwork materials: the durability of the table, bench or any other product from the professional pipe will depend on them.

Calculation of the amount of materials

For the manufacture of a standard garden bench, you will need at least 2 pieces of 6-meter professional pipes with a section of 30 * 30 mm. Approximate cutting for a bench without a back:

  • 2 pcs. 2 meters each for the base of the seat, to which the transverse blanks and legs will be attached;
  • 6 pcs. 0.45 m each - transverse blanks from a professional pipe for sitting;
  • 6 pcs. 0.6 m for the legs (supports) of the bench.

From wooden blanks, you will need bars with a length of 2 to 2.2 m and a rectangular section of 30 * 60 (20 * 50) mm. The bars are attached to the corrugated pipe with flat head bolts. Their length is determined by the height of the bar.

If it is planned to make a garden bench with a back, then a board 30–35 mm thick and a professional pipe with a section of 25 * 25 mm about 6–8 m.p. are additionally purchased. Do not forget to purchase plastic plugs to protect the corrugated pipe from the accumulation of rainwater. For stability, metal heels 40 * 40 mm in size are welded to the bottom of the legs. The supports themselves are connected to each other either by a metal strip or a thin professional pipe.

To calculate paintwork, calculate the area of ​​metal and wooden blanks. Based on it, you can determine the volume of primer, varnish and enamel. On the packaging, each manufacturer indicates the paint consumption in grams or milliliters per 1 m2.

What are the requirements for a store?

Before developing a sketch, it is worth considering several important design features:

  1. The height of the legs of the bench varies from 0.45 to 0.5 m from ground level.
  2. The height of the back of the bench is 0.5–0.55 m - it is this value that is considered comfortable.
  3. The step of the cross bars of the seat can be 0.5–1.2 m.

When developing a working drawing, think over and sketch the junctions of parts, the angles of inclination of the legs and back, ways of attaching wood to metal. If you do not think over these nuances, then in the process of installing a shop from a professional pipe, problems may arise that will entail unreasonable time costs.

Step-by-step instructions for making a bench with your own hands

Before you start assembling a garden bench, bench or table, you should prepare all the necessary material, tools and equipment.

Required materials and tools

The standard set of a home craftsman who wants to quickly and easily make a garden bench consists of the following tools:

  • pencils, markers and core for marking;
  • roulette, at least three meters;
  • a set of sandpaper with grain size: 100, 180 and 200 for manual wood finishing;
  • grinder or grinder with a nozzle for sandpaper, as well as a set of circles and an emery tape;
  • electric drill with drills;
  • welding machine with a pack of electrodes;
  • grinding wheels for a grinder (angle grinder) for processing profiled metal pipes;
  • electric jigsaw with saws.

If curved elements are used in the shop, then a bender will also be needed. Before installation, it is desirable to cut all the material into the necessary blanks. To facilitate the work, you can prepare a table and order cutting profiled pipes at the metal base. It will be more expensive, but faster, the main thing is not to make mistakes in the calculations.

Drawings and dimensions

I will give a few illustrative drawings of the simplest and most reliable garden structures made of professional pipes and wood.

Support preparation

To begin with, prepare the legs of the bench, welding the heels to their bottom so that the bench does not go into the ground under load. Then the lower and upper jumpers from the corrugated pipe are welded, which ensure the rigidity of the structure. When the side elements are ready, they are interconnected by longitudinal crossbars.

Frame and seat fabrication

Between the longitudinal supports, transverse bars are mounted to which the seat board will be attached. If the bench has a back, a frame is made for it in the same way. After welding, all seams on the professional pipe are cleaned with a grinder, then primed and covered with alkyd enamel in 2 layers.

Board processing

Before assembling, the seat and back boards are sanded with at least two types of sandpaper: coarse (80 or 100), after finer grain (180 or 200). Places near knots are finished by hand to get a smooth and safe surface. For beauty, it is recommended to chamfer. After grinding, the boards for the future bench are primed and coated with enamel or impregnation.

Bench assembly

Before assembling the shop, the professional pipes are carefully inspected to identify coating imperfections. They must be eliminated, otherwise rust will appear on the bench. Assembly begins with the installation of wooden bars on the seat supports. First, it is worth making markings with a core or marker on the crossbeams in order to observe the pitch of the boards. Holes for fixing screws are also drilled in the boards.

At the end of the installation, if the boards were impregnated and not painted with enamel, they are varnished. It gives an aesthetic finish to the product and serves as an additional protection for the tree.

To decorate a garden bench from a professional pipe, significant costs are not required, it is enough to turn on your own ingenuity. The easiest way is to paint the bench in different colors, more sophisticated - the artistic decor of the bench.

How to decorate a bench with a pattern

Patterns on the bench can be applied in several ways, using improvised means:

  1. stick the pieces ceramic tiles or broken glass (they are used on the side elements so that the person sitting on the bench is not scratched).
  2. Cut out patterns with cutters.
  3. Make decor with pyrography (burning out with a pencil or a special device) or pyrotype (stamping patterns).

No less interesting and original are the patterns of wire, which are braided around the legs of a garden bench.

Photo of finished benches and benches

Do-it-yourself bench from a profile pipe can become a real decoration of your suburban area. This is an inexpensive and practical way to create a country environment, which, in fact, any man can handle.

It makes no sense to make a bench completely metal - this way it loses a significant part of its functionality. In cool weather, sitting on a metal seat is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health.

The profile pipe is used only for the construction of the bench support - the frame and legs. The seat, if desired, you can make of wood or plastic.

The metal base will make the bench strong, stable and durable, and this is exactly what we need.

There are several options for making a bench, depending on the material. You can use plastic products of this kind, but here you have to buy finished products, since plastic is not entirely suitable for folk art.

As for wood, this is the ideal solution, due to the ease of processing of this material, which, moreover, is able to provide a special appeal to the final product. Also, a bench made of wood is easy to install.

A more monumental option is to refer to a material such as stone. The stone shop is impressive appearance and ultimate reliability of the design. At the same time, it has some disadvantages. For example, sitting on such a bench without the same pillows is fraught with health problems.

Finally, a good solution is the use of metal, through which a kind of work of art is created. This is achieved through forging.

A simple bench from a profile pipe with your own hands

You will need:

  • Profile - 8 meters long with a section of 25 by 25 mm.
  • Wooden board - on the seat 30 mm thick, for the backrest - 25 mm. The length is calculated according to the metal frame.
  • Fasteners - bolts with nuts - 24 pcs.


  • Pipe 1.55 m long on the crossbar between the supports.
  • Bent pieces 10 cm, length (d) 78 cm on the back.
  • A pair of 35 cm straight pieces on the seat. 2 more pieces 39 cm long to form the front supports and a couple of pieces to reinforce the last 20 cm long.
  • Four metal plates 40 x 40 mm for the production of a stand mounted on supports.
  • A pair of bent planks 45 cm long for attaching supports to each other.

Seat and back

Board - 3 pcs. 160 cm long, 6 cm wide and 3 cm thick for the bottom of the seat and three with similar parameters for the back. Bolts and nuts - 24 pcs.

How to make a bench without a back

A bench without a back is a structure of supports in the form of three metal rectangles connected to each other by two pipes forming a seat. Below is a drawing of a bench from a profile pipe.

Shop details

To make such a bench, you will need a square or rectangular profile pipe with a section of 30x30 mm. In total, 11 meters of pipe are needed, from which blanks are cut using a grinder or a hacksaw for metal:

  • 2 pieces of 2.3 meters (long parts of the seat, fastening the supports);
  • 6 segments of 0.6 meters (long parts of rectangular supports);
  • 6 segments of 0.45 meters (short parts of the support-rectangles).

From wooden boards, 8 rectangular wooden bars 6 cm wide should be prepared. To connect wooden bars with metal frame you will need bolts and nuts (24 pieces).

Mounting bolts should be selected with a rounded flattened head that does not leave defects on clothing. Alternatively, the bolts can be sunk into wooden canvas, however, this makes the wood more vulnerable to moisture in the fasteners.


Such a bench from a pipe is assembled quite simply with your own hands: first you need to weld 3 metal rectangles, and then connect them with two guides that form the seat frame. In doing so, it should be remembered that:

  1. Long segments of rectangular supports will be placed horizontally, and short ones - vertically.
  2. During welding of the segments, the angles of the supports should be controlled: they should be 90 degrees.
  3. The length of the bench, as well as the width, can be changed. In case of increasing the length of the bench, it will be necessary to increase the number of supports.
  4. After welding the supports, all seams on them are cleaned with a grinder or file, and then primed.
  5. After connecting the metal supports, 8 holes are drilled symmetrically on each of them for attaching wooden boards.
  6. The frame of the bench is covered with anti-corrosion paint.
  7. Wooden boards for seats are varnished or impregnated with stain in advance.
  8. Boards are attached to the frame last.

Wooden slats for the seat can be replaced with rectangular shaped tubes. In this case, they are simply welded to the frame, and then the entire structure is covered with paint.

For the sake of aesthetics, iron slats can be placed in a metal frame that will hide the sharp end parts. This will require an additional 1.2 meters of pipe. Such a bench can be placed autonomously - in a park or in a garden, but in rainy weather it is recommended to cover it with a film or place it under a canopy.

What are the requirements for a shop?

  1. Ease of use - the bench should provide the possibility of a comfortable stay. It is good if it is equipped with a back, as this will only increase its comfort.
  2. Ability to withstand appropriate loads - the quality of the assembly and the materials used must be high so that it does not collapse under the weight of people.
  3. Resistant to weather conditions on the part of the material of manufacture.

The process of making a wooden bench

The design of the bench in question corresponds to the following dimensions: the length of the back and seat is 1500 mm, the width of the seat is 500 mm, the backrest angle is about 20 degrees.

What materials and tools will be needed?

  1. Boards, bars.
  2. Antiseptic and varnish.
  3. Sandpaper.
  4. Self-tapping screws.
  5. Plane.
  6. Hacksaw.

Assembly instructions

  1. Using a hacksaw, cut the desired length of the workpiece from the boards. To do this, you can use strips in the amount of 6 pieces 1500 mm long and 140 mm wide.
  2. By means of a planer and sandpaper, the workpieces are given the required surface smoothness, including the side edges. Then they are impregnated with an antiseptic and left to dry.
  3. Two backrest holders with a leg 720 mm long and 140 mm wide are prepared. From the middle of these holders, a cut is made at an angle of 20 degrees, which is then ground.
  4. The supporting pairs of the bench are connected using bars and self-tapping screws. It is desirable to deepen the self-tapping screws into the tree using pre-drilling, which will reduce the effect of corrosive processes.
  5. A bench seat is assembled, which will require 3 slats 1500 mm long, and a backrest made of two of the same slats.
  6. To give additional rigidity, the legs are connected from below with a board.
  7. The bench is varnished or oil paint is used instead.

Simple construction. Option 2

If you need to assemble the simplest bench, then it will be enough to take two wooden blocks and nail a board about 40 cm wide to them. For greater reliability, especially if the structure is too long, another wooden block is installed in the center.

A more thorough approach to making a shop in a simplified form, which involves the absence of a back, requires the purchase of the appropriate material. To do this, you need a bar and boards about 30 mm thick. You can also use lining to make a seat.

The legs are made of timber, which implies:

  • sawing off 4 blanks, which should also be fastened with a beam in the middle, making an insert, and in the same way from above;
  • if a board about 40 cm wide is used for the seat, then it will be enough;
  • Prepared legs are attached to it with self-tapping screws, supplemented with 2 stops, again from a bar, where one side is attached to the crossbar of the legs, and the other - from the underside of the board used as a seat.

A profile pipe is a pipe made of carbon or low-alloy steel with a cross section other than round: rectangular, oval, diamond-shaped or square. Such pipes are widely used in industrial and private construction (frames of small buildings and kiosks, carports, garden arbors and swings, fences, gates or a bench from a profile pipe). This article provides a description of how a simple bench is made from a pipe without a back and with a back.

The difference between profile pipes and pipes with a round cross section is increased resistance to physical stress. Furniture made of steel pipes is usually not exposed to excessive loads, and therefore thin-walled pipes 1-4 mm thick are taken for its manufacture. Such pipes are easy to work with, they are inexpensive, and the resulting design is lightweight. As for the thickness of the pipe, it directly depends on the functionality of the future structure and the expected load on it. So, in the manufacture for adults, the thickness of the pipe will be at least 2 mm, and in the manufacture of a bench, 1-2 mm of thickness is sufficient. For the manufacture of furniture, pipes with a section of 40x25 mm or 20x20 mm are taken.

It is quite difficult to make a pretentious and complex bench without the appropriate experience, but a bench of a laconic design can be done even by those who have never had experience with welding machine and bending device.

What you need to make a bench

Regardless of which bench model will be made, the following materials and tools will be required:

  1. profile pipe of the required diameter,
  2. seat boards,
  3. welding machine and electrodes (diameter 3 mm),
  4. grinder or hacksaw for metal,
  5. file, drill with a polishing nozzle or grinder,
  6. building level,
  7. meter and square,
  8. planer (if the boards are not planed),
  9. anti-corrosion paint,
  10. wood paint or stain,
  11. round head bolts and nuts,
  12. hammer, drill and pliers.

Benches from a profile pipe can be decorated with curved elements. This will require a device designed for bending pipes. In this capacity, a mini-machine "Snail", a bench vise, or a bending tool made from old brake discs for a car is usually used.

In order for the bending of the paired parts to be the same, a plaza is used, made from a piece of plywood with the contour of the future part applied to it. To achieve smooth and graceful curves, you may also need to blowtorch- with its help, the bending points are heated.

Before flexible pipes are densely filled with sand, so its presence should be taken care of in advance. The bending procedure is simple: the sand-filled pipes are placed on the machine between the stop and the central ledge, and then bent to the desired angle by hand. Below is a picture of pipe bending on a machine made from a car disk.

For the manufacture of bent parts, preference should be given to round or oval pipes - they are easier to bend.

How to make a bench without a back

A bench without a back is a structure of supports in the form of three metal rectangles connected to each other by two pipes forming a seat. Below is a drawing of a bench from a profile pipe.

Shop details

To make such a bench, you will need a square or rectangular profile pipe with a section of 30x30 mm. In total, 11 meters of pipe are needed, from which blanks are cut using a grinder or a hacksaw for metal:

  • 2 pieces of 2.3 meters (long parts of the seat, fastening the supports);
  • 6 segments of 0.6 meters (long parts of rectangular supports);
  • 6 segments of 0.45 meters (short parts of the support-rectangles).

From wooden boards, 8 rectangular wooden bars, 6 cm wide, should be prepared. Bolts and nuts (24 pieces) will be required to connect wooden bars to a metal frame.

Mounting bolts should be selected with a rounded flattened head that does not leave defects on clothing. Alternatively, the bolts can be recessed into the wood sheet, however, this makes the wood more vulnerable to moisture in the fasteners.


Such a bench from a pipe is assembled quite simply with your own hands: first you need to weld 3 metal rectangles, and then connect them with two guides that form the seat frame. In doing so, it should be remembered that:

  1. Long segments of rectangular supports will be placed horizontally, and short ones - vertically.
  2. During welding of the segments, the angles of the supports should be controlled: they should be 90 degrees.
  3. The length of the bench, as well as the width, can be changed. In case of increasing the length of the bench, it will be necessary to increase the number of supports.
  4. After welding the supports, all seams on them are cleaned with a grinder or file, and then primed.
  5. After connecting the metal supports, 8 holes are drilled symmetrically on each of them for attaching wooden boards.
  6. The frame of the bench is covered with anti-corrosion paint.
  7. Wooden boards for seats are varnished or impregnated with stain in advance.
  8. Boards are attached to the frame last.

Wooden slats for the seat can be replaced with rectangular shaped tubes. In this case, they are simply welded to the frame, and then the entire structure is covered with paint.

For the sake of aesthetics, iron slats can be placed in a metal frame that will hide the sharp end parts. This will require an additional 1.2 meters of pipe. Such a bench can be placed autonomously - in a park or in a garden, however, in rainy weather it is recommended to cover it with a film or place it under.

Pipes made of duralumin cannot be welded. Such pipes are connected by bolting.

How to make a bench with a back

A bench made of a profile pipe with a back will require more time and materials, however, it is these models of this landscape gardening furniture that are more comfortable and loved by vacationers. Below is a drawing of a bench from a profile pipe with a back.

Shop details

To make such a bench, you will need 8 meters of a profile pipe with a section of 25x25 mm, as well as boards for sitting (30 mm thick) and backrest (25 mm thick). Frame parts should be prepared from metal pipes:

  • 1 piece 1550 mm (crossbar between supports);
  • 2 segments 780 mm high bent with a span of 100 mm (for the back and rear of the supports);
  • 2 pieces of 350 mm (for the base of the seat);
  • 2 pieces of 390 mm (for the front of the supports);
  • 2 pieces of 200 mm (to strengthen the front supports);
  • 4 metal plates 40x40 mm (for a stand on supports);
  • 2 bent metal strips 450 mm (to connect the supports on each side).

To create a seat, you also need to prepare boards of the desired length:

  • 3 boards 1600 mm long, 60 mm wide and 30 mm thick (for the bottom of the seat);
  • 3 boards 1600 mm long, 60 mm wide and 25 mm thick (for the back).

To connect the frame to wooden planks you will also need 24 pan head bolts and nuts.


After all the details of the future shop are prepared, it remains only to connect them. Start with the seat frame:

  1. First of all, the transverse crossbar and two segments of 350 mm are connected together. The crossbar should be located exactly in the middle of each segment and perpendicular to them.
  2. Further, 2 bent segments of 780 mm are welded to the resulting structure. Place of welding - at the bend of the pipe.
  3. At the next stage, the front parts of the supports are welded to the frame. In this case, the junction of the front supports with the seat base is 9 cm from their front.
  4. The front supports are connected to the crossbar with pipes - for the strength of the bench.
  5. The frame is almost ready. It remains to weld two arcs between the supports and the lining on the ends of the legs (supports).
  6. The resulting structure should be sanded (welding places), primed and painted with anti-corrosion paint. At this stage, a garden bench from a profile pipe should look like the one shown in the figure below.

After that, it remains only to symmetrically place boards for the seat on this frame. Treat the boards with a planer, varnish or stain them in advance. Thicker boards go to the bottom of the seat, while thinner boards go to the back. Fastening is carried out using two bolts on each side of the board. Below is how it will look like ready-made do-it-yourself shop from a pipe.

If desired, the boards can be coated with colored paint, and also replaced with metal rectangular pipes. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video instruction on how to make a simple bench from a profile pipe with your own hands.



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