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The educational teaching line is aimed at developing primary skills in oral and written speech in German in elementary school students, mastering the rules of speech behavior, and obtaining basic regional knowledge. The authors took into account such characteristics of children aged 8–10 years as the plasticity of the mechanisms of speech acquisition, high cognitive activity and the ability to imitate, etc. In addition to achieving a minimum level of language proficiency, the textbooks are also aimed at the personal development of students: their emotional and creative capabilities, imagination, readiness for social interaction increases, a positive attitude towards German culture is formed.

The line of educational and methodological complexes in the German language is intended for children of primary school age who begin to study German in 2nd grade. The educational complexes in this series are aimed at students acquiring initial communication skills in oral and written form in German, as well as mastering the rules of speech behavior.

The educational and methodological complexes take into account such psychological characteristics of children of primary school age as the plasticity of natural mechanisms of speech acquisition, intensive formation of cognitive processes, rapid memorization of linguistic information, special ability to imitate, etc.

These features formed the basis of the five principles on which training is based:

  • communication focus;
  • person-oriented orientation;
  • interconnected training in all types of speech activities (listening, speaking, reading and writing);
  • awareness and activity of learning;
  • accessibility and feasibility.
  • the formation of a minimum level of proficiency in the German language, allowing the student to communicate in a foreign language orally and in writing at an elementary level, i.e., within the framework of the topics provided for in the sample foreign language programs for primary school;
  • personal development of students through the means of the German language, associated with the development of the language abilities of schoolchildren, their mental, emotional, creative capabilities, imagination, readiness for social interaction, as well as the formation of a positive attitude towards the German language and the culture of German-speaking countries.

The tasks offered in the textbooks will help organize language teaching as a process of interested communication between the teacher and students, as well as between students. Their implementation involves relying on types of activities typical for primary schoolchildren (art, games, music, etc.). The regional information used for these purposes corresponds to the experience and interests of primary school students.

Educational complex "First steps" in German for grades 2-4

The educational and methodological set in the German language “First Steps” is intended for students in grades 2-4 of secondary schools and is aimed at achieving the very first (initial) level of communicative competence. The study of a foreign language in a comprehensive school now begins in the 2nd grade based on the basic plan, and 2 hours a week are allocated for its study. This teaching aid consists of textbooks “Die ersten Schritte” (in two parts), workbooks Arbeitsheft A, Arbeitsheft B, three audio cassettes, and a teacher’s book Lehrerhandbuch. UMK has the stamp “ Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation."

The “First Steps” training course is based on a personality-oriented approach, which is aimed at developing motivation for learning the German language, at educating and developing schoolchildren through the means of the language itself. The textbook consists of introductory and main courses. The introductory course contains 30 “step” lessons. The main course includes a series of 6 “steps” organized into paragraphs. It should immediately be noted that all tasks, texts, situations are of interest to second-graders, correspond to their age and personal characteristics and have an educational, educational, developmental and regional studies orientation.

Schoolchildren will learn to read and write German letters, letter combinations, words, sentences, and master the alphabet. Second graders will also learn to correctly pronounce basic German sounds, sound combinations, words and phrases, observing the most important intonation rules (stress in a word, phrase, rising and falling melodies). Their vocabulary will increase significantly: the first part of the textbook contains 70 lexical units (LU), most of which are set phrases, figures of speech such as “Wie alt bist du?”, “Stimmt’s?” etc., and about 130 lexical units in the second part of the textbook, which results in a total of about 200 LE for the first year of study. The conjugation of the verb sein is available in rhyme. The textbook presents a variety of exercises for consolidating grammar (grammar songs), which do not need to be memorized; it is more important to comprehend them and draw conclusions. During the classes, students will learn to formulate their speech grammatically at an elementary level while solving initial communicative problems, and will master several basic types of German simple sentences. During the classes, the most important learning techniques already known to students will be improved: copying, writing out, working with text, including reading dialogues by role, etc. Children will also master such teaching techniques as basic translation from German into Russian of words, individual sentences, learn to use linguistic guesswork. Students taking the “First Steps” course will develop an understanding of some fundamental language rules, for example, the order of words in a German simple sentence, the presence of the article and its use, the peculiarities of conjugation, etc.

“Step” and “step” are united by a connecting thread - schoolchildren always begin classes by repeating the material covered. Lexical and grammatical material is presented sequentially - from simple to complex. Each lesson is summarized, which reveals the level of knowledge of each student. The undoubted advantage of the methodological kit is its flexibility and adaptability, which imply freedom in the teacher’s actions and the ability to take into account real learning conditions. Some tasks are given with an asterisk and can be used selectively depending on the level of understanding of the material by the children, as well as on their desire.

The authors of the textbooks offer for study such regional realities as the names of large German cities, typical German names and surnames, names of animals, names of characters in famous German fairy tales, etc. A positive aspect is that students are introduced to the new realities of our lives, reflecting the development of science and technology , for example, a computer mouse, a mobile phone.

The textbooks present many game moments: a relay race (who can write letters on the board faster), a game of blind man's buff, "absent-minded man", exercises that force second-graders to think, analyze, compare, express their opinion - agreement or disagreement. Children learn to address each other and adults. Reserve lessons and repetition lessons give complete freedom to the teacher's creativity. Children love to solve crosswords - it's interesting, entertaining, and develops memory.

Workbooks completely follow the structure of textbooks and contribute to better mastery of lexical and grammatical material. Assignments and exercises are completed in written form. In addition, the notebooks are beautifully illustrated; many pictures will attract the attention of schoolchildren and arouse interest in the phenomena being studied.

The authors have created a competent educational and methodological set, the learning process of which is creative, the lessons are interesting and effective, since the authors take into account the psychological characteristics of the students’ age.

Work programs in German


Teaching materials on the German language

in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for classroom and extracurricular activities


  1. Line of teaching materials “German language” I.L. Beam et al.Series “ACADEMIC SCHOOL BOOK”. 2–11 grades.

Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I., Sadomova L.V., Fomicheva L.M."Deutsch. Die ersten Schritte (FSES)". 2-4 grades.- M., Education, 2011-2013. UMK “German language. First Steps" for primary schools of general education institutions were created on the basis of Model programs in foreign languages, taking into account the requirements of the Federal component of the state standard of primary general education in foreign languages. Teaching materials for primary schools consist of the following components: textbook; workbook; teacher's book; book to read; audio application; additional exercises.

  • Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I.German. 2nd grade. Federal State Educational Standard. At 2 o'clock

Part 1. – 104 p.: ill. – Region

Part 2. – 128 pp.: ill. – Region

  • Bim, Ryzhova. German. 2nd grade.Set of workbooks.Part A and B. Manual for educational institutions. Federal State Educational Standard. 2012.
    More details:
  • Bim, Ryzhova, Sadomova. German. 2nd grade.Book for teachers.Federal State Educational Standard. 2012.– 127 p. (Newspaper)
    More details:
  • Bim, Ryzhova. Audio application "German language. 2nd grade.Audio course for the textbook(First steps) (CDmp3) Federal State Educational Standard." 2012. Playing time: 3 hours 28 minutes 52 seconds.
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  • Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I., Fomicheva L.M.German. 3rd grade. Federal State Educational Standard. At 2 o'clock

Part 1. – 128 pp.: ill. – Region

Part 2. – 112 p.: ill. – Region

  • Bim, Fomicheva, Ryzhova. German.Workbook.3rd grade. In two parts. Parts A and B. Federal State Educational Standard. 2013. 174 p. (Offset)
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  • Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I.German. 4th grade. Federal State Educational Standard. At 2 o'clock

Part 1. – 112 p.: ill. – Region

Part 2. – 128 pp.: ill. – Region

  • Bim, Ryzhova, Sadomova. German. First steps.Book for teachers.4th grade: a manual for educational institutions. 2013. 95 p. (Newspaper)
    More details:
  • Bim, Ryzhova, Sadomova. German.Book to readto the textbook for 4th grade. 2012. 55 p. (Offset)
    More details:
    http://www.labirint.ru/books/171164/ ;
  • Bim, Ryzhova. Audio application"Audio course for the textbook "German Language. First Steps" for 4th grade in general education institutions." 2011. Playing time: 3 hours 07 minutes 42 seconds.
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  • Bim I.L., Sadomova L.V., Ryzhova L.I., Sannikova L.M., Kartova A.S., Krylova Zh.Ya."Deutsch. 5-9" for grades 5-9.The teaching aids for grades 5-9 are a continuation of the series of teaching aids for primary schools “First Steps” (“Die ersten Schritte”). Educational complexes for secondary school consist of the following components: textbook; a workbook including fragments of a language portfolio; teacher's book; book to read; audio application; additional exercises (hyperlink on the website of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie").
  • Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I.German. 5th grade.(4th year of study) 240 pp.: ill. – Region
  • Bim, Ryzhova. German. 5th grade. 4th year of study(CDmp3) Federal State Educational Standard. 2012. Playing time: 3 hours 46 minutes 10 seconds.
    More details:
  • Bim, Ryzhova. Steps. German. 5th grade.Workbook.A manual for students of general education institutions. Federal State Educational Standard. 2013. 112 p. (Offset)
    More details:
  • Book for teachers.5th grade (4th year of study): a manual for general education institutions. Federal State Educational Standard. 2012. 102 p. (Newspaper)
    More details:
  • Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I., Sannikova L.M.German. 6th grade. 272 pp.: ill. – Region The educational and methodological set (UMK) for the 6th grade of general education institutions "Deutsch. Klasse 6. Federal State Educational Standard" is addressed to students of the 6th grade of general education institutions who began studying German in the 2nd grade. The UMK includes:
    - textbook - authors I. L. Bim, L. V. Sadomova, L. M. Sannikova;
    - workbook - authors I. L. Bim, L. M. Fomicheva;
    - a book for teachers - authors I. L. Bim, L. V. Sadomova, R. X. Zharova (final test);
    - audio application.
    The course of study in the 6th grade aims to consolidate, improve and develop previously acquired language and regional knowledge, speech skills and abilities, general and special educational skills, as well as to form new ones, so that students advance further in their practical mastery of the German language, continued to become familiar with the culture of the country of the language being studied, learned to represent themselves and their country in the process of foreign language communication, and so that all this in its totality provided the education, upbringing and diversified development of schoolchildren with the means of the academic subject. 2nd edition, revised.
    More details:
  • Bim, Sadomova. German. 6th grade.Audio course for the textbook(CDmp3). Federal State Educational Standard. 2012. Playing time: 2 hours 22 minutes 02 seconds.
    More details:
  • Bim, Fomicheva. German.Workbook.6th grade. A manual for students of general education institutions. Federal State Educational Standard. 2013. 112 p. (Offset)
    More details:
  • Bim, Zharova, Sadomova. German. 6th grade:Book for teachers. Federal State Educational Standard. 2013. 93p. (Newspaper)
    More details:
  • Bim I.L., Sadomova L.V.German. 7th grade. 224 pp.: ill. – Region
  • Bim I.L., Sadomova L.V., Krylova Zh.Ya., Sannikova L.M. and etc.German. 8th grade. 240 pp.: ill. – Region
  • Bim I.L., Sadomova L.V.German. 9th grade. 256 pp.: ill. – Region
  • Bim, Zharova, Sadomova. German.Book for teachers.9th grade. A manual for educational institutions. 2013. 94 p. (Newspaper)
  • Bim, Sadomova. German.Workbook.9th grade. A manual for students of general education institutions. 2013
  • Bim, Zharova, Sadomova. German. 9th grade. Audio course to the textbook and teacher's book (final test) (CDmp3). 2012. Playing time: 1 hour 48 minutes. 18 sec.

More details: http://www.labirint.ru/books/319199/

  1. German. 2-4 grades.Expanded thematic planning according to the programs of I. L. Bim, N. D. Galskova. Compiled by: Tarovatova N., Tokareva E. Publisher: Uchitel. 2010. 72 p.
  2. Set “Business German” by I.N. Semyonova and others. Elective course.For high school students of general education institutions, college and technical school students with economic and financial specialization.

Semyonova I.N., Lyaskovskaya E.V.Business German. 10-11 grade.(Set with audio course.) (CD, mp3) - M., Education, 2011-2013. – 325s. – Region

  1. Series "Five Rings".M., Education, 2009-2013
  • Radchenko O.A., Buzoeva M.D., Goncharova N.A. and etc.German. All-Russian Olympiads. Issue 2.-128 pp.: ill. – Region
  • German. All-Russian Olympiads. Issue 3.-160s.: ill. – Region
  • Radchenko O.A., Eremenko E.I., Lukyanchikova M.S. and etc.German. All-Russian Olympiads. Issue 4.-224s.: ill. – Region
  1. Series “State final certification”. Certification manual.

Bim I.L., Biboletova M.Z., Babushis E.E. and etc.German. State final certification. Collection of tasks for the exam in 9th grade.– M., Education, 2012-2013 -96 p. – Region

  1. Bogdanova N.V., Kryachina S.N.German for children.- Publishing house "Golden Age", "Diamant", St. Petersburg, 1999. - 400 p.
  2. Gerashchenko T.B., Bartosh D.K., Demidova N.V.German grammar. Theory. Exercises. Keys.M., Education, 2009-2013 -336 pp.: ill. – Region
  3. Grechko V.K., Bogdanova N.V.Deutsch fur die Kinder / German for children .- Corona-Vek, 2011, 240s
  4. Games for children of the first and second year of study. - Mediahouse LLC, Moscow, 2006
  5. Kucherova E., Engler V., Volkov A. Spielgramm.German grammar in games.- Publisher: AST, Vostok-Zapad, 2007.- 160 p. ISBN 978-5-17-045767-0, 978-5-478-00580-1, 978-985-16-2531-0
  6. Minina G. P., Yakhnin L. P.Baba Yaga to distant lands.Let's start learning German. IDroit Catherine.
  7. Wir spielen Theater. Collection of plays in German from CD. - M.: JSC "MSNK-press", 2008. - 40 p.
  8. Morokhova N.E., Lukyanchikova M.S., Bushueva E.T., Zharova R.Kh. Wir feiern Feste. Lehrerbeiheft. Educational and training complex for students of the German language. - JSC "MSNK-press", 2004
  9. Rastrigina L.P. German ABC book. Sounds and letters.Deutsches Alphabet. Laute und Buchstaben.- Bao-press, Ripol Classic, Moscow, 2005. - 64 p.
  10. Role-playing and situational dialogues for German language exams.Editor: Potapova E.G. Publisher: Korona-Print. 2002. ISBN: 5-7931-0210-8 – 336 pp. (Newspaper)
  1. Ein Koffer Deutsches. Landeskundliche Unterrichtsmaterialien für Kinder.Lernstationen und Freiarbeit für frühen Deutschunterricht. Mit 2 Audio-CD.- Goethe-Institut, Munich, 2004

Educational and methodological kit (UMK) “German language” (“Deutsch”) (authors: Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I., Sadomova L.V., Sannikova L.N., Krylova Zh.Ya. and etc.) is intended for grades 5-9 of general education institutions. The educational complex “German language” (“Deutsch”) for grades 5-9 is a continuation of the educational complex series “German language” (“Deutsch”) for grades 2-4. UMK issues publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" .

Textbooks on the German language Bim I.L. etc. are included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253). The content of the textbooks corresponds to the federal state educational standard for basic general education (FSES LLC 2010).

Main characteristics of the educational complex:
- personality-oriented orientation of teaching materials;
- development of communication skills in all types of speech activity;
- use of authentic materials;
- acquaintance of students with the countries of the language being studied;
- involving students in creative, including project activities;
- students achieve level A2 (in reading - B1) by the end of 9th grade.

Composition of the educational complex “German language” Bim I.L. etc. for grades 5-9:
- Textbooks with electronic applications (on the publisher’s website). 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 grades. Authors: Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I., Sadomova L.V., Sannikova L.N., Krylova Zh.Ya. and etc.
- Workbooks. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 grades. Authors: Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I., Fomicheva L.N., Sadomova L.V., Krylova Zh.Ya.
- Tests to prepare for the OGE. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 grades. Authors: Sementsova E.A., Reznichenko N.A.
- Collection of exercises. 5-9 grades. Authors: Bim I.L., Kaplina O.V.
- Books to read. 5-6 and 7-9 grades. Authors: Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I., Ignatova E.V.
- Books for teachers. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 grades. Authors: Bim I.L., Sadomova L.V., Artemova N.A., Zharova R.Kh.
- Work programs. 5-9 grades. Authors: Bim I.L., Sadomova L.V.

Textbooks clearly structured, divided into chapters representing individual structural units aimed at implementing the dominant types of educational and speech activities. Each chapter includes several blocks: lexical, grammatical, regional studies, blocks of listening, speaking and writing, reading and control. All UMK textbooks contain texts of various genres and forms (description, dialogue, interviews, letters, etc.) about Russia. The textbooks present the most stable cultural traditions that unite the peoples of our country with the peoples of German-speaking countries. Students will get acquainted with some of the sights of these countries, their spiritual and material values. The textbooks reflect current problems of both foreign and Russian schoolchildren. E electronic supplements to textbooks can be downloaded from the publisher's website.

Workbooks fully correspond to the structure of textbooks. The notebooks include a large number of training and creative tasks (lexical, grammatical, conditionally communicative), which ensures that students activate the lexical and grammatical skills necessary for communication in German, and also allows you to vary the amount of training depending on the capabilities and needs of the students. Workbook assignments are a logical continuation of textbook assignments and are intended for students to work at home and in the classroom.

In manuals “Control tasks for preparing for the OGE” Presented are tasks to activate oral and written speech skills, tasks to consolidate grammatical and lexical skills, as well as final tests in the OGE format. The manuals can be used both for classroom work and for independent preparation for current and final tests.

IN collection of exercises All grammatical material for grades 5-9 is presented in a systematized form. The collection allows you to consolidate the material you have covered, repeat forgotten material, and helps systematize your knowledge of grammar.

Books to read intended for home reading during the school year or during the holidays. Texts of different genres are presented: comics, jokes, fables and fairy tales, stories for children by famous German writers. Each text is preceded by one or two tasks that should focus students on working with the text, and a wide selection of post-text tasks is also offered. At the end of the reading books there is a small German-Russian dictionary and lexicon, which contains brief information about German writers - the authors of the texts included in the book.

Books for teachers contain thematic plans for the chapters of the textbook, methodological recommendations for carrying out the work, the final test and keys to the test tasks, as well as texts for listening. Thematic plans indicate practical, educational and developmental tasks for each topic, provide recommendations for a differentiated approach to students, provide language and grammatical material, and indicate objects of control. The methodological recommendations formulate specific educational, cognitive and communicative tasks, provide comments on the exercises, and indicate possible options for completing certain tasks in order to individualize learning, taking into account the capabilities and abilities of students.

Work programs give an idea of ​​how the components (federal, regional, school) of the Federal State Educational Standard are implemented in the practical activities of a teacher when studying the German language. The work programs contain an explanatory note, thematic programs and recommendations on the logistics of the educational subject “German”. The explanatory note outlines the goals of the German language course in basic school, gives general characteristics of the course and requirements for the results of mastering the content of the German language program in basic school, indicates the place of the course in the curriculum, and reveals the main content of the course. Detailed thematic programs are developed for each class of the basic school. Work programs can be downloaded from the Prosveshcheniye publishing house website.

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“German language” (“Deutsch”) is an educational and methodological set (UMK) for students in grades 2-11 of secondary schools. Authors: Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I., Fomicheva L.M. UMK is published by the publishing house "Education".

Teaching materials for grades 2-4 focused on achieving the very first (initial) level of communicative competence. The course textbooks comply with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES NOO) and are developed on the basis of the Model Program for the German Language.

German language textbooks Bim I.L. and others for grades 2-4 are included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253). The educational complex "German Language" is included in the system of textbooks "Perspective" and "School of Russia" publishing house "Education", but can also be used as part of other programs.

Composition of teaching materials in the German language Bim I.L. etc. for grades 2-4:
. textbooks (in 2 parts) with an electronic appendix;
. workbooks (in 2 parts);
. control tasks;
. books for teachers;
. work programs (grades 2-4).

Electronic supplements to textbooks and tests, books for teachers and work programs can be downloaded from the publisher’s website.

IN textbooks Many game moments are presented: a relay race (who can write letters on the board faster), a game of blind man's buff, "absent-minded man", exercises that force second-graders to think, analyze, compare, express their opinion - agreement or disagreement. Children learn to address each other and adults. Reserve lessons and repetition lessons give complete freedom to the teacher's creativity. Children love to solve crosswords - it's interesting, entertaining, and develops memory. Textbooks are designed for 2 hours per week.

Workbooks completely repeat the structure of textbooks and contribute to better assimilation of lexical and grammatical material. Assignments and exercises are completed in written form. In addition, the notebooks are beautifully illustrated; many pictures will attract the attention of schoolchildren and arouse interest in the phenomena being studied.

Books for teachers in their structure, they are oriented towards a textbook and a workbook. The books for teachers clearly state the goals and objectives of the educational complex, its structure, teaching principles, and recommendations for conducting classes at each step in each chapter. Thanks to a logically structured system of tasks and exercises, schoolchildren constantly develop their creative potential and are aimed at enhancing speech and thinking activity in accordance with their level of training. The books devote a lot of space to all types of speech activity.

Test tasks are an integral part of the educational complex “German Language” Bim I.L. etc. They have a clear structure and cover all types of speech activity. The selection and arrangement of educational material, as well as the system of tasks as a whole, correspond to the age and psychological characteristics of students and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The textbook can be used both for work in the classroom and for independent preparation of students at home for current and final tests.

Working programm contains an explanatory note that specifies the general goals of primary general education in the German language, a general description of the subject “German Language”, a description of its place in the curriculum, the main results of mastering this subject, detailed thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students and a description of the material - technical support of the educational process. The program also contains a brief description and description of the main components of the educational complex “German Language” for grades 2-4.

Books for teachers and work programs can be downloaded from the publisher’s website.

Training course “German language” Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I., Fomicheva L.M. is based on a personality-oriented approach, which is aimed at developing motivation for learning the German language, at educating and developing schoolchildren through the means of the language itself.

UMC on n German language Bim I.L. and etc. builds on the following general didactic principles :
- principles of accessibility;
- the principle of clarity;
- the principle of conformity to nature (in essence, it may include the previous ones).

The principle of conformity with nature provides, in particular:
- taking into account not only the age, but also the individual characteristics of second-graders, every possible stimulation of the development of each child;
- reliance to a large extent on involuntary attention and involuntary memorization and to a lesser extent on voluntary;
- reliance on intuitive understanding and experience, emotions and imagination;
- use of “child-oriented” technologies, in particular games.

General didactic principles are supplemented and specified with the help of the following methodological principles :
1. The entire process of teaching the German language must be subordinated to the implementation of a complex communicative learning goal.
2. Training in all types of speech activity is carried out in conjunction.
3. The selection and organization of language and speech material and all work on the formation of skills and abilities are carried out on the basis of a structural-functional approach and the modeling method.
4. Training is built in stages with a differentiated approach to students.
5. The entire system of actions of the student and the teacher and their interaction must be ensured through exercises.
6. The entire organization of the pedagogical process is designed to ensure the creation of motives for learning.
7. In order to create a language atmosphere in the classroom, it is advisable to resort to the mediation of the Russian language as little as possible.
8. The teacher’s actions should be the model and guideline for any student’s speech action.

The structural unit is"step" . That is why the course was previously called "German. First steps". To take a “step” on the path to mastering the German language, you need to study a certain dose of foreign language material, master actions with it, practice using it in speech, then move on, returning, if necessary, to what you have learned. Each “step” of the textbook, together with the “step” of the workbook, generally coincides with the actual lesson. “Step” and “step” are united by a connecting thread - schoolchildren always begin classes by repeating the material covered. Lexical and grammatical material is presented sequentially - from simple to complex. Each lesson is summarized, which reveals the level of knowledge of each student. The undoubted advantage of the methodological kit is its flexibility and adaptability, which imply freedom in the teacher’s actions and the ability to take into account real learning conditions. Some tasks are given with an asterisk and can be used selectively depending on the level of understanding of the material by the children, as well as on their desire.

Textbook authors “German language” (“Deutsch”) offer for study such regional realities as the names of large German cities, typical German names and surnames, names of animals, names of characters in famous German fairy tales, etc. A positive aspect is that students are introduced to new realities of our life, reflecting the development of science and technology, for example computer mouse, mobile phone.

In teaching speaking, the authors present three strategic lines :
. way "from below"- mastery of individual statements based on drawings based on fixed vocabulary;
. way "from above"- mastery of dialogues and patterns with the replacement of individual replicas or parts thereof;
. the “transfer to oneself” path- development of skills to talk through the text with the actualization of the thoughts and problems of the schoolchildren themselves.
This path is the most productive, as it contributes to the generation of speech in a foreign language for each student individually.

The authors have created a competent educational and methodological set, the learning process of which is creative, the lessons are interesting and effective, since the authors take into account the psychological characteristics of the students’ age.

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