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Download animation of the first day of spring. Postcards for the first day of spring - beautiful and funny with the inscriptions: Short SMS congratulations on the first day of spring

The arrival of warmth is not yet felt, but the frosts are already so boring. You just need to wait a little longer, and spring will explode with millions of raindrops, the noise of drainpipes and a bright fireworks of colors. March will rush after the disappearing February, still frightening in the mornings with frost and slush. Pictures of the first day of spring will be a wonderful reminder of the arrival of this wonderful time of year, because we all want to finally walk along the lively streets, inhaling the floral aroma and putting our faces warm sun. Postcards with the beginning of spring will lift your spirits, hinting at the imminent arrival of sunny days, and short SMS congratulations with beautiful poems will evoke a feeling of delight and anticipation of warmth. You can download free postcards with inscriptions and funny congratulations for men and girls on the first day of spring from the collection below.

Beautiful pictures of the first day of spring 2018 with inscriptions in verse

In ancient times, the arrival of spring was celebrated on March 22 at Maslenitsa. Nowadays, on March 1, they send each other beautiful pictures of the first day of spring with inscriptions in verse. According to an ancient Slavic legend, the insidious Serpent swallowed the Sun. And, when everything on Earth was plunged into darkness, one brave young man went to fight the Serpent to save all living things. At that moment when he defeated the enemy, the Sun turned into a beautiful girl - Spring, and the young man himself fell dead. In the place where the drops of his blood were, beautiful white flowers grew. Congratulations in the form of a beautiful picture with an inscription in verse for the first day of spring will cheer up all your friends.

Options for beautiful cards for the first day of spring with poems

Pictures for your beloved girl on the first day of spring 2018 (Can be downloaded for free)

Many countries around the world celebrate the arrival of the warm season. There are many holidays in Russia. On March 1, people simply congratulate each other by sending cute pictures of the first day of spring for their beloved girls and men, which are downloaded for free.

In the United States, Groundhog Day is traditionally celebrated. It falls on February 2 and serves as preparation for spring. On this day, they monitor the behavior of the groundhog - if the animal is not afraid to leave its home, spring will be warm, but if it is afraid of its shadow and runs back into its hole, the warmth will not come soon. The Japanese have been admiring the cherry blossoms since the beginning of March. This holiday is called Hanami and is traditional for many families. All relatives gather for picnics, where they contemplate the pale pink blossoms of the trees and communicate. Girls dress up dolls, which are shown to all guests, and parades take place. The Japanese festival Kanama Matsuri takes place in April in the city of Kawasaki. All participants line up in columns and carry huge phalluses.

A flower parade is held in the Netherlands. Millions of tulips decorate the streets, chariots and carts with flowers drive along the roads, music thunders and orchestras play.

You can download free pictures for your beloved girl on the first day of spring below.

Options for beautiful pictures for the first day of spring with congratulations to girls

The most beautiful pictures of the first day of spring with congratulations in prose

The biggest European festivals that herald the arrival of spring take place in Munich, Hannover and Stuttgart. They are called Frühlingfest, which means “spring festival”. During the celebration, people dance, go on rides, set off flower fireworks and, of course, drink beer. Frühlingfest also hosts various exhibitions, including those where you can look at vintage cars. If it is not possible to travel on the first day of March, you can congratulate yourself on spring using pictures with inscriptions in prose. You can download the most beautiful pictures of the first day of spring with congratulations in prose from the collection below.

Ideas for pictures with beautiful congratulations in prose for the first day of spring

Funny pictures of the first day of spring for your loved one

In Mexico, on the night of March 21, thousands of people watch as the god of wind and rain in the form of a serpent descends on the steps of the sacred pyramid of Chichen Itza. In Belarus, stoneflies sing and decorate homes. Loved ones are congratulated with the help of funny pictures on the first day of spring. Women's Thursday is held in Cologne. Women cut off men's ties, symbolically taking power into their own hands. In Brazil, carnivals are held, in India, Holi is held - a festival that is accompanied by theatrical performances, dances, elephant competitions, and the pouring of colors. In March, Spain holds the Fallas, or fire festival, which celebrates the arrival of spring. Cool pictures of the first day of spring for your loved one are presented below.

Ideas for funny pictures for the first day of spring with congratulations to your loved one

Beautiful cards with congratulations in verse on the first day of spring for men

It’s a pity that in Russia there are no noisy carnivals on March 1, because you really want to share the joy of welcoming spring with other people. To congratulate your friends and beloved men on this wonderful day, just send beautiful cards with poems that will definitely lift your spirits. And although the holiday of welcoming spring does not have state status, we are still happy about the arrival of the sun and warmth, which we have been missing all winter. You can download beautiful cards with congratulations in verse on the first day of spring for men from the selection below.

Options for the coolest postcards for men with inscriptions in verse for the first day of spring

Short congratulations in prose on the first day of spring

With the help of short congratulations in prose for the first day of spring, you can cheer up all your friends and family. After all, in the daily bustle, people sometimes forget to enjoy such wonderful things as the change of seasons, the singing of birds outside the window, the sunrise. By sending your friends short congratulations in prose on the first day of spring, you may remind them of the importance of every moment, of the pleasure a simple expectation of warmth holds for a person.

Ideas for short funny congratulations on the 1st day of spring

The sun shines friendly and joyfully in the blue sky, distributing warmth

inhabitants of villages and cities who are bored with cold snow and icy conditions. Spring walks with a confident gait through forests and fields, bringing with it the joy of warmth and the hope of love. I sincerely want to congratulate you on the beginning of spring, wish you an enchantingly wonderful mood, family happiness and success in your career. Happy first of March!

How welcome is the coming of spring. Nature wakes up, birds chirping here and there. The ice becomes thinner and thinner and breaks under the pressure of the underwater current. Ice drift begins. My dear friend, friend, I congratulate you on the first of March, on the first day of spring. I wish you success in your work and personal life. May you always have warmth, prosperity and love in your home.

Congratulations on the beginning of the most wonderful time of the year, when all living things awaken and come back to life! May the first day of spring bring the fragrance of your favorite flowers and Have a good mood. Let joyful smiles play like sunbeams!

On the first day of spring, I wish everyone warmth and inspiration. Let not only the snow, but also all troubles and failures disappear with the cheerful ringing streams. Let the sun warm your souls and brighten your smiles. Let opportunities blossom and prosperity flow. Warmth, kindness and joy!

Finally we have waited for the beginning of spring. Congratulations to everyone on her first day! This is the time of renewal, the time of the first spring flowers. Let all the cold days be left behind, and a sea of ​​holidays and joys awaits us ahead. I wish everyone to receive more energy and positive charge. Enjoy everything that surrounds you and you will receive the best.

Beautiful SMS congratulations on the first day of spring 2018 in verse

A simple and accessible way for everyone to send SMS congratulations in short verses is very useful on the first day of spring, when people are already eagerly preparing for beauty and sunshine. It has become very easy to congratulate friends, pay attention to relatives, remind distant acquaintances about yourself - you don’t need to make an appointment or wait for the postal item. You can download beautiful SMS congratulations on the first day of spring in verse below.

Ideas for SMS congratulations for the first day of spring with beautiful poems

I congratulate you on spring,

Let the excitement burn in your eyes.

There is joy in the heart, sunshine, heat!

It's spring March outside.

I can't believe winter is over

And March entered into its rightful possession.

Let him kindly drive everyone crazy,

From happiness, so that there is no escape!

I wish you to welcome spring

In a good mood,

Whomever do you want to conquer?

Spring smiles!

The mood is spring,

The first day of spring has arrived!

I wish, without a doubt,

May you welcome spring easily!

Birds chirp joyfully

Outside your big window.

It's a holiday, let's have fun!

Happy first day of March!

The arrival of spring is celebrated on a grand scale in many countries around the world. Carnivals, balls are organized, flower fireworks, entire festivals are organized. It is a pity that in Russia they do not celebrate the arrival of the warm season as widely as before. However, even now people send each other beautiful pictures of the first day of spring. You just need to download free postcards with inscriptions and send them via the Internet or SMS to make a cool congratulation for a relative, girlfriend or man. Short poems will remind you of the onset of a time of bright colors, floral aromas and singing streams.

No matter how snowy and beautiful the winter is, we still all look forward to the arrival of spring. Winter is a period of cold weather, long nights and short days and sleeping nature, and spring is the time when everything around wakes up after winter sleep, birds return from wintering grounds, buds bloom on the trees, and hope is born in the souls of people for new successes and achievements that will certainly come with the spring sun.

Therefore, on March 1, many people send each other cards and pictures with the first day of spring, as well as SMS congratulations on the beginning of spring with wishes of all the best. Every person will be pleased to receive short, but sweet and funny SMS in prose or poetry, and beautiful and funny cards for the first day of spring with congratulatory inscriptions for men and women.

Such congratulations will definitely bring a smile to the recipient’s face and give him a feeling of spring warmth, even if there is frost on March 1.

Despite the fact that the first day of spring is not considered a holiday, people gave pictures with the first day of spring with inscriptions to each other even at a time when there was no Internet yet. And citizens of the republics former USSR, and residents of European countries bought greeting cards with images of spring nature and congratulatory inscriptions and gave them to each other in person or sent them by mail.

The tradition of congratulating friends on the beginning of spring has always existed in the northern regions and in those climate zones where winter is not too severe. Probably, the expectation of spring and the love of warmth and sun is an integral part of human nature, because the first grass breaking through the ground frozen during the winter and the swelling buds of trees delight the eye and evoke warm feelings even in the most pragmatic people.

Our website contains the best pictures of the first day of spring with congratulatory inscriptions. With these electronic cards, all users can congratulate their loved ones and virtual friends on the beginning of spring.

A congratulatory picture of the beginning of spring received on the morning of March 1 is guaranteed to make you get out of bed and look out the window at the first spring sun, and will also ensure a good mood for the whole day. Therefore, the idea of ​​a picture with the first day of spring for free to download and send via messenger to all your friends is a great way to give your loved ones a smile and a great mood on March 1st.

We found the cutest pictures of the first day of spring on the Internet and posted them here so that everyone could download greeting e-cards for the beginning of spring for free in one place. Choose from the selection below the best pictures of the 1st day of spring, download them and send them to your friends.

Since spring is considered the most beautiful and romantic time of the year, it is natural that postcards with the beginning of spring are different sophisticated style registration Such pictures depict flowers, spring landscapes, bright blue skies and other beauties of awakening spring nature. Choosing beautiful pictures of the first day of spring will not be difficult, because all the cards on this theme are cute and romantic.

Below is a selection of the most beautiful pictures from the first day of spring. All of them are available for free download.

First of all, you want to send congratulations on the beginning of spring to your beloved girlfriend or boyfriend. And this is not surprising, because spring is not only the period of awakening of nature, but also the time of blossoming of love and the most tender feelings in the soul. The winter cold will be replaced by the warmth of spring, and couples in love will be able to take long walks through parks and alleys, basking in the rays of the sun and admiring the trees waking up after their winter sleep.

And you can congratulate your loved ones on March 1st with cool pictures on the first day of spring. Such pictures will certainly evoke in the imagination of your beloved girl or guy pictures of future joint entertainment and romantic walks on warm spring evenings.

Here we have posted pictures of the first day of spring that are cool, cute and funny, the site reports. These e-cards will be an excellent congratulation on the beginning of spring for both loved ones and friends.

It is traditionally believed that pictures with romantic images of flowers, birds and beautiful landscapes are more suitable for girls than for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Therefore, funny cards for the first day of spring for men are somewhat different from the greeting cards that are usually given to women. On “men’s” cards, as a rule, the images are very bright and expressive, and instead of flowers and animals, such pictures depict beautiful girls.

So that all representatives of the fair half of humanity can easily find cool cards with the first day of spring for men, we have posted a corresponding selection here. The pictures presented below are guaranteed to please all representatives of the stronger sex.

You can congratulate friends and family on the beginning of spring not only with postcards, but also with beautiful texts in poetry and prose. The sincere and heartfelt words of such congratulatory texts convey the entire range of positive emotions that people experience from the arrival of spring. Therefore, short congratulations on the first day of spring, sent in instant messages or social networks, can touch the recipient to tears and give him a feeling of joy and happiness from the onset of spring.

It will be especially nice to receive congratulations on the 1st day of spring in verse for girls. Such congratulations are very beautiful and romantic, and they can evoke the warmest feelings in all representatives of the fair sex.

Below, all visitors to our site will find a selection of sweet congratulations in prose and poetry. These texts congratulating you on the beginning of spring are a great way to cheer up your friends and loved ones on March 1st.

Congratulations on the beginning of spring, let this time become a time of change, bright emotions and fresh feelings! We wish you to meet the new season cheerful, active, joyfully looking into the future.

Happy holiday, with warmth and light,

With the first greetings of spring.

Let everything in life be new,

Joyful, cozy, very cool!

Congratulations on the arrival of the beautiful Spring! May the first day of spring bring everyone warmth, faith in the future and hope for the present. Let the first ray of sun warm everyone with its warmth, giving a good mood!

The first day of spring is knocking,

Open the door wider!

He rushes to visit us with him

Warm wind of change.

May it bring joy

And hope and goodness.

Fatigue will disappear

Your soul will feel warm!

Congratulations on the arrival of the youngest, brightest and most joyful time of the year - spring! Let there always be warmth, light and optimism in your souls.

The easiest way to congratulate any person on the beginning of spring is to send him an SMS message. If not everyone has access to the Internet and not always, then SMS messages instantly reach even people located in the most remote corners of Russia. Therefore, SMS congratulations on the first day of spring can be sent to your best friend in order to wake him up early in the morning with a cool wish for all the best in the coming spring and advice to look out the window at the first spring sun, and to your beloved grandmother living in the village.

Texts of cool SMS congratulations on the first day of spring can be found here. Send them to your family and friends in the morning and give them a great mood for the whole day.

The desired spring has come,

Brought with me

The snow remains are melting,

Chorus of birds, flowers, warmth.

For each of us.

The sun will give you warmth,

Love, shining eyes!

With the first day of spring,

With a warm breeze

With the little crazy one

A sonorous stream.

Let them come again

Fairytale dreams,

Joy and love

With the first day of spring!

The first day of spring is a wonderful moment

Reflected in the puddles, listen to the birds singing!

Let everything that bothered you be updated

Take a deep breath - it immediately becomes easier!

And love to you, love to make your heart sing,

And may happiness fly in like a flock of birds from the south!

The ray shone brighter

Everything around woke up from sleep,

The forest came to life and sounded,

The warmth has returned to us again,

The tender stem suddenly broke through,

And the snowdrop appeared,

The spring maiden has returned,

Her first day has arrived!

Finally the door was closed

Behind the cold winter.

And now spring has begun

In our lives we are at a standstill.

I warmly congratulate you,

Partner news

Colorful pictures of the first day of spring with inscriptions in verse and prose

IN Ancient Rus' The first day of spring was celebrated on March 22, the day of the vernal equinox. The holiday was called “Larks” and was extremely fun and on a grand scale - special rituals were held, traditional chant songs were heard everywhere. So, our Slavic ancestors tried to appease the sun so that the beneficial warmth would come as soon as possible. Welcoming spring, people asked in songs for good weather, warmth, and rich harvests. Today we just enjoy the warm rays spring sun, exchanging congratulations with family and friends on the beginning of spring. We bring to your attention colorful pictures of the first day of spring - with touching inscriptions in poetry and prose. Having chosen a few of the most beautiful pictures, send them to your loved ones, friends and all those who will happily share your good mood and positive life. May the first day of spring bring you happiness and good luck!

A selection of colorful pictures for the first day of spring, signed with poetry and prose words

Pictures and cards with the first day of spring (free download)

Since ancient times, the arrival of spring has been associated with the beginning of a new life, the rebirth and renewal of nature. IN different countries around the world, many ancient legends and customs are associated with this long-awaited time of year. Thus, Indians still celebrate the onset of spring with the bright and fiery holiday of Holi with the traditional burning of the evil demoness Holika - a real Indian Maslenitsa! According to custom, on this day it is customary to have fun and also sprinkle each other with colored paints in the form of powder. It is believed that the more generously you “paint” a person on Holi, the more happiness and good luck awaits him in the new year. In Russia, on the first day of spring, you can please your family and friends with beautiful pictures and postcards - just download any option from our collection for free. Such beautiful pictures of the first day of spring will lift your spirits, give you a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions. Spring came!

A collection of pictures and postcards with congratulations on the first day of spring for free downloading

Beautiful pictures on the first day of spring to congratulate your beloved girl, photo

Spring is a time of flowering, awakening and renewal of all life on earth. Thus, the ancient Slavs represented the goddess of spring in the form of a beautiful young girl dressed in green clothes. In honor of the arrival of the long-awaited guest, special songs were composed - spring flowers, which accompanied ritual games and ceremonies. Nowadays, you can congratulate your beloved girl on the beginning of spring by sending a beautiful picture or photo depicting tender spring primroses. We tried to collect the most beautiful pictures on the first day of spring - touching inscriptions in poetry and prose are best suited to congratulate your beloved. We are sure that every girl will be delighted with such a sign of attention from her loved one. Happy spring to you!

How to beautifully congratulate your beloved girl with a picture (photo) on the first day of spring

Funny pictures for a friend or boyfriend on the first day of spring

Options for funny pictures for the first day of spring for your beloved girlfriend or boyfriend

The funniest first day of spring cards for men

With the onset of spring, lightness appears in the heart, and a good mood becomes a constant companion. Indeed, it is not for nothing that this time of year is called the time of romance and love - nature itself contributes to the renewal of feelings. For men, spring opens up new love “horizons”, as well as the opportunity to find harmony and happiness in “active” relationships. But men are no less pleased with signs of attention than ladies - if you decide to be the first to show sympathy, we recommend doing this with the help of a cool postcard or picture with the first day of spring. Among the options presented, you will definitely choose the coolest postcard to send to a man on the first day of spring. Perhaps such a funny postcard with a touch of humor will mark the beginning of a new pleasant acquaintance.

We select the coolest postcard for a man to congratulate him on the beginning of spring

Short congratulations in prose on the first day of spring to loved ones

The arrival of spring invariably evokes a lot of bright positive emotions - both adults and children rejoice in the warm rays of the sun and the sonorous singing of birds. In the first days of spring, a unique atmosphere of freshness reigns everywhere, into which you so want to plunge headlong. Spring sounds make the heart beat faster, awakening new feelings and desires forgotten during the winter. Here you will find short congratulations on the first day of spring in prose - to your beloved and to a loved one. Such congratulations on the beginning of spring allow you to briefly but succinctly convey in your own words your most sincere feelings and disposition. May spring bring new colors, luck and dreams into your life!

Congratulatory short prose for the first day of spring for loved ones

The first day of spring is a joyful holiday for both nature and people. All living things are drawn to the sun's rays. Congratulations on the holiday of spring rejoicing! I wish you great, warm and selfless love, beautiful outfits, wonderful friends, festive mood and Siberian health.

Spring holiday! Smiles, warmth, bright lights, positive thoughts, unforgettable moments, dizzying feelings. May luck, wealth and success rush to your home. May the first days of spring bring you a great mood and positive charge for the future.

Congratulations on the first day of spring and from the bottom of my heart I wish you wonderful moments, happy hopes, joyful meetings, loving glances, great ideas, playful mood, inspiration for the heart and soul, an endless flow of tenderness and a pleasant touch of the breeze of luck.

Congratulations on the first day of spring and I wish you with all my heart fresh ideas and wonderful inspiration, spring mood and awakening of desires, high aspirations and incredible luck, sincere joy and great love.

Congratulations on the arrival of the beautiful Spring! May the first day of spring bring everyone warmth, faith in the future and hope for the present. Let the first ray of sun warm everyone with its warmth, giving a good mood!

Cool short SMS congratulations on the first day of spring in verse

Since ancient times, the most famous poets have sung of spring in their poems, conveying the unique charm of the most romantic time of the year. Looking at the calendar, we eagerly count the weeks and days until the first of March - the beginning of a new spring. On the eve of this important date, we have collected cool short SMS in verse to congratulate your beloved girl, friend or man on the first day of spring. Convey your most sincere congratulations and wishes on the first day of spring using SMS verses. Imbued with joy and light, such poetic lines will lift your spirits and bring a charge of real spring optimism.

SMS poems with congratulations on the first day of spring

Spring is a wonderful time
And all the people are waiting for her!
The frost is leaving the yard -
We'll have fun!

Girlfriend, let spring in
Quickly into your soul!
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
We need March to be happy!

Darling, we were waiting for spring with you -
And now March is marked on the calendar!
We are happy in spring,
When the day was so warm, the evening so tender,

When the trees in the park bloom,
When sneakers are replaced...
Let wonderful moments await...
Happy spring to you today!

Let the warmth of spring warm your soul,
Winter has already handed over the post to her.
I love you, my dear husband, you know
And rest assured: I love you seriously!

Happy holiday, with warmth and light,
With the first greetings of spring.
Let everything in life be new,
Joyful, cozy, very cool!

The desired spring has come,
Brought with me
The snow remains are melting,
Chorus of birds, flowers, warmth.

May she be the best
For each of us.
The sun will give you warmth,
Love, shining eyes!

Spring is a time of charm and love, when you so want to share joy with your loved ones and loved ones. Our pages present the most beautiful cards and pictures of the first day of spring with inscriptions in poetry and prose. Just choose and download any cool picture for free and send it to your girlfriend, boyfriend or man on the first day of spring. Alternatively, you can use a selection of short SMS congratulations on the first day of spring to give your loved one a pleasant surprise. May spring give you many wonderful moments!

The onset of spring for many people means the emergence of new goals and the opportunity to achieve new heights. Both relatives and friends or colleagues should be congratulated on the first day of spring with beautiful poems or short prose. You can send wishes with thematic stickers and pictures. Or you can download for free a selection of ready-made postcards with congratulations, inscriptions and send them to everyone you know. Bright and funny pictures of the first day of spring 2018 should definitely be sent to your beloved man or girlfriend. We recommend supplementing postcards with funny or cute SMS.

Bright pictures of the first day of spring 2018 with inscriptions - a selection of funny cards

The beginning of spring is usually associated with the melting of snow and the blooming of flowers. The appearance of new bright colors on the streets lifts your spirits and helps you forget about the cold and bad weather of winter. That is why, on the first day of spring, it is recommended to send colorful pictures with congratulatory inscriptions to everyone you know to lift their spirits. Such cards will certainly delight every recipient.

A selection of cool and bright pictures with inscriptions for the first day of spring

How to download pictures of the first day of spring for free - a selection of beautiful cards

You can easily and simply select suitable pictures to congratulate colleagues and friends on the coming of spring in a ready-made collection of images. We have created an original selection of postcards that can beautifully convey congratulations on the beginning of March. All pictures for the first day of spring can be downloaded completely free of charge.

Free selection of beautiful pictures and postcards for downloading for the 1st day of spring

Colorful pictures, which can be downloaded for free in a ready-made collection, will help our readers to congratulate their acquaintances and friends in an original way on the 1st Day of Spring. Stylish and funny images can be supplemented with personal wishes, short poems and prose.

The most beautiful pictures for a girl on the first day of spring - a cool selection of cards

Every girl will be pleased to receive from best friend or your favorite congratulations on the coming of spring. To do this, young people only need to choose a suitable card from our next collection. It includes the cutest and most beautiful pictures with congratulations on the first day of spring, which you can send to girls you know.

A selection of the most beautiful cards and pictures for girls for the first day of spring

We recommend sending a beautiful picture to your beloved girl or good friend on the 1st day of spring 2018 with wishes of happiness and goodness. Or you can print out one of the postcards from our collection and give it to her along with an original gift or a small bouquet of spring flowers.

Funny pictures with congratulations on the first day of spring - a selection of postcards

Beautiful congratulations in verse and prose are perfect for congratulating family and friends on the coming of spring. Therefore, for our readers we have selected the best postcards with original texts. Such cool pictures on the first day of spring can be sent to in social networks, mms, messengers.

A selection of funny pictures with congratulations on the first day of spring

Cool congratulations happiness and goodness in beautiful cards will definitely lift the mood of the recipient and give him maximum positive emotions. You can add your own wishes to such pictures.

A selection of video cards with congratulations on the beginning of spring

You can also please your loved ones on the first day of spring with colorful video cards. They include sincere wishes and congratulations on the coming of spring. The postcards with videos we have selected are complemented by cute songs and melodic music.

The coolest cards with the first day of spring for men - pictures with congratulations

Not only girls, but also men will be pleased to receive a beautiful congratulation on the 1st day of spring. For representatives of the stronger sex, we have selected original postcards with inscriptions. You can send funny cards with the first day of spring to men you know with funny stickers and kind emoticons.

A selection of the coolest cards and pictures for men on the first day of spring

Our readers will be able to choose the most beautiful and cool cards for men for the 1st day of spring in the next collection. It will help you beautifully congratulate your friends, colleagues and your beloved boyfriend or husband on the new season.

Short congratulations on the first day of spring - a selection of beautiful poems and prose

You can congratulate friends and family on the coming of spring with postcards, funny poems, and prose. Among our examples of wishes you can easily find both beautiful and funny texts. Short congratulations on the first day of spring are perfect for sending via SMS and instant messengers.

A selection of beautiful short poems with congratulations for the first day of spring

Original poems are ideal for congratulating the onset of spring. They can be sent with pictures from our collections or supplemented with your wishes and good parting words.

The long-awaited hour has come,

When spring comes into its arms

Encloses us tenderly

I want to scream with joy.

Melt the snow quickly already,

Birds fly closer to home.

Today is spring.

Now everything will be different!

Soon the streams will ring

And the sun will be warmer.

Today is the first day of spring!

Today everyone will become kinder.

Spring has come to its domain,

Winter is already on the run,

And the mood immediately lifted,

And the snow retreats from the soul.

Warmth replaces cold,

The return of summer is just around the corner,

Winter leaves the soul,

A ray of light comes into the soul.

May spring bring hope,

Fulfill old wishes

Let the ice in your soul melt quickly,

Let the sad memories be erased.

March is here.

The girls took off a hundred trousers,

We put on miniskirts.

Cars honk at them.

And although it's still frosty,

Their nose turned red

And my knees are already ringing,

Everyone wants to be beautiful.

After all, on this first day of spring

Everyone is in a special mood.

Therefore I wish you

Everything is as simple as two and two,

May you have today too

My head is spinning with joy.

Snow on the street or slush,

I won't cry anymore.

The first day of spring has arrived

And drove away depression.

Hello, sun behind the clouds,

Hello, rain and snow!

No matter how she hides,

I know - spring has come!

The cats are screaming like crazy.

Tails like a pipe - ready for battle,

Husbands carry armfuls of flowers,

Rushing home faster than the wind,

Blood rushes to their loins,

And in our heads there is only love.

Today is the first day of spring,

Stockings on legs, not pants

And bright lipstick on the lips,

The ladies already have spring in their hearts!

Short beautiful congratulations on the coming of spring in prose

Sincere congratulations on the 1st day of spring in prose will definitely appeal to friends and family. Short texts include the best wishes for goodness, success and happiness. Our readers can choose suitable congratulatory prose from the following examples:

Congratulations on the First Day of Spring and I sincerely wish you wonderful moments, happy hopes, joyful meetings, loving glances, great ideas, playful mood, inspiration for the heart and soul, an endless flow of tenderness and a pleasant touch of the breeze of luck.

Congratulations on the arrival of the beautiful Spring! May the first day of spring bring warmth, faith in the future and hope for the present to everyone. Let the first ray of sun warm everyone with its warmth, giving a good mood!

Congratulations on the beginning of spring, let this time become a time of change, bright emotions and fresh feelings! We wish you to meet the new season cheerful, active, joyfully looking to the future.

Spring holiday! Smiles, warmth, bright lights, positive thoughts, unforgettable moments, dizzying feelings. May luck, wealth and success rush to your home. May the first days of spring bring you a great mood and a positive charge for the future.

After prolonged winter frosts, you want warmth and tenderness. Even though the first days of spring do not always bring dramatic changes, noticeable warming or bright sunshine, the thought that spring has already arrived warms the soul better than good weather. After all, very soon the first ringing singing of birds will be heard, nature will paint everything with the richest colors, and give a wonderful aroma of primroses. At this amazing moment, when the whole world seems more beautiful than usual, congratulate all your family and friends on the beginning of spring. Give your beloved girl or beloved man beautiful wishes in prose or poetry. Send your friends pictures of the first day of spring 2018 and postcards with funny inscriptions. Share your joy and bright positivity with those who are dear to you. But first, download suitable congratulations for the first day of spring for free from our selections.

Congratulatory pictures on the first day of spring 2018

It is worth remembering: astronomical spring begins on March 20 or 21, depending on one time zone or another. It is on this day that winter is replaced by a soft and warm spring. And it lasts until June 20 or 21 - the summer solstice. For some reason, the concept of “astronomical spring” has not taken root among the Russian people, so the beginning of the new season is traditionally considered to be its first calendar day—March 1. It is then that everyone, young and old, send each other pleasant wishes in verse and beautiful congratulatory pictures on the first day of spring. They most often depict symbolic things: flowers under the snow, bright sun rays, “March” cats, the first greenery on the trees, etc. As in our congratulatory pictures for the first day of spring from the following collection.

A selection of the best congratulatory pictures for the first day of spring

Bright pictures with inscriptions on the first day of spring

In Moldova, Bulgaria, Belarus and Romania they also celebrate the arrival of spring on March 1st. It clearly symbolizes the retreat of severe winter frosts before the onslaught of soft and welcoming spring warmth. This holiday is in no way connected with biblical events, Christianity, Lent or Maslenitsa. Its origin lies in one of the popular ancient legends about Spring. According to legend, the Sun came to earth in the guise of a young girl, and while she was having fun and enjoying life, she fell into the clutches of the terrible Serpent. After the disappearance of the Sun, the world began to become sad and frozen, covered with snow and ice. And only three months later, a young brave warrior managed to save the girl from the captivity of the formidable Snake. Appearing again, the Sun melted all the snow and returned life to nature. Remember this on the beautiful day of March 1st, send bright pictures with inscriptions on the first day of spring to your friends and family. Download the images for free and send them to your recipients at the right time. Pictures of the first day of spring with kind inscriptions and bright symbols are collected in our collections.

A collection of bright pictures for the first day of spring 2018 with interesting congratulatory inscriptions and poems

Funny pictures for friends on the first day of spring

Winter is finally receding, and it feels good. After all, the first page of the new season is visible on the calendar - March 1st. We invite everyone who is tired of gray and dull city landscapes to remember their friends and send them cool pictures on the first day of spring. Giving positive emotions to your loved ones and acquaintances, you will inevitably plunge into a world of genuine joy and fun. Funny pictures for friends on the first day of spring are not just a great way to congratulate, but also a good opportunity to confirm your affection, remind them of warm friendships, invite them to a fun party and make peace after an accidental quarrel.

Gallery of funny spring pictures with congratulations for friends

Pictures for your beloved woman on the first day of spring 2018 (free download)

It doesn’t matter what day March 1st turns out to be - clear or cloudy, rainy or sunny - it will still be associated with warmth, tenderness, lightness and feminine beauty. Perhaps because it is in the spring that the most amazing holiday dedicated to the female half of the population awaits us. Or maybe it’s because spring always means an abundance of flowers, gentle birdsong, and the awakening of nature to new life. Be that as it may, the first person who deserves congratulations in pictures on the first day of spring is the beloved woman. Whether it’s a wife or a girlfriend, she will definitely be happy with such a sign of attention. In addition, you can download pictures for your beloved woman on the first day of spring for free at any time in one of our collections.

A selection of bright pictures for your beloved woman for free downloading for the first day of spring

Funny cards for men on the first day of spring 2018

Since ancient times, the arrival of spring has been a signal of the awakening of nature and the impetus for the beginning of all agricultural work. But not only! The first days of spring awakened in young people the desire and readiness to get married and create their own family nest. Often it was during the mass celebrations on March 1 that boys and girls made their choice and took confident steps towards each other. First of all, the boys became bolder, which can still be seen in our society today. If you have already found your other half, give your man a cool card on the first day of spring. If the place of your betrothed is still empty, take advantage of the moment and start a new relationship. Funny cards for men on the first day of spring will help you attract the attention of the right person.

A selection of funny cards for men for the first day of spring

Congratulations on the first day of spring: short in prose

Our ancestors believed that on March 1, spring could defeat winter. And in order to help her, they performed symbolic rituals. Early in the morning on the first day of spring, women baked birds from dough and threw them into the sky, saying special words. It was believed that these birds would bring spring warmth on their wings. Meanwhile, the men burned large fires and threw all the old things into the fire. Around the fires, boys and girls danced in circles, symbolizing the cycle of life and solar energy. Also, on March 1, young people walked around the village from yard to yard, briefly congratulating in prose all the men and women they met on the first day of spring, wishing them a generous harvest and a large farm. Today, many traditions have sunk into oblivion, but the habit of congratulating loved ones remains relevant to this day. Don’t forget to prepare for the holiday: download free congratulations on the first day of spring (short in prose) on our website.

The best collection of short prose congratulations on the first day of spring

Congratulations on the beginning of the most wonderful time of the year, when all living things awaken and come back to life! May the first day of spring bring the fragrance of your favorite flowers and good mood. Let joyful smiles play like sunbeams!

Congratulations on spring, on the first drop, on the first snowdrop! I would like to wish you warmth, may spring bring new emotions and impressions, new meetings and romantic relationships. As winter goes away, let all the bad things go away. May good luck, love and happiness come into your life with the first warmth. With the first day of spring!

On the first day of spring, I wish everyone warmth and inspiration. Let not only the snow, but also all troubles and failures disappear with the cheerful ringing streams. Let the sun warm your souls and brighten your smiles. Let opportunities blossom and prosperity flow. Warmth, kindness and joy!

SMS congratulations in verse on the first day of spring

The best congratulatory poems for SMS for the first day of spring

Spring is coming - it brings warmth,
And again nature comes to life.
Everything will bloom again soon -
I congratulate you on this!
Spring is sweeping across the country
With flowers, fragrant greens,
Telling you and me again
About what is important in our life.

The first day of spring has arrived!
And nature woke up from sleep!
We have not yet heard the songs of birds,
But the weather smiled a little!

I came on this day to wish
May you sing in tune with spring!
I wish you to dream!
And turn dreams into reality!

Drive away melancholy and doubts!
Let there be jokes and laughter!
Today is the first day of spring,
And we congratulate everyone on this!
Everything is moving towards life,
Everything is awakening from sleep!
We wish everyone optimism!
May spring come to your heart!

It may still be frosty and white snowdrifts on the streets, but the sweet smell of spring is already in the air, inspiring amazing deeds. We invite you to tune in to kind and bright thoughts, recharge yourself with the positivity of the upcoming changes and congratulate all your loved ones on the 1st day of spring beautiful wishes in poetry and prose. The templates we have prepared will help you quickly compose your congratulations. And you can also download for free on our website the coolest cards and pictures with the first day of spring 2018 with suitable inscriptions.



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