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Declension of nouns examples of words. Declension of nouns

1. Case of nouns

Nouns change by case. Case- a form of a noun that expresses its syntactic relationship with other words in a sentence. Case is an inflectional category, realized with the help of endings. In russian language six cases:

  • nominative(the nominative case is always used without a preposition; in a sentence it is the subject or predicate);
  • indirect cases: genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional (prepositional case is always used with prepositions, other indirect cases can be used with or without prepositions).

2. Declension of nouns

Declension- this is a change in nouns by case. Exist three declensions nouns. The distribution by declensions depends on the gender of the nouns and their ending in the nominative singular.

3. Special endings for nouns ending in -й, -и, -я

Nouns of the 1st declension in -and I(army, lecture) and 2nd declension on -th And -ies(genius, sanatorium, meeting) in the prepositional case have the ending -And(about a genius, in a sanatorium, at a meeting, in the army). Nouns on -and I in the dative case they also end in -And(cf.: give to Marya, but give to Mary).

4. Indeclinable nouns

Ten nouns per -me (burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown ) and the noun path are indeclinable. In the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of the singular they have the ending of the 3rd declension -i. In other cases they have endings of the 2nd declension.

When nouns are declined to -me a formative suffix is ​​added to the root -en (-yon): names - names, banners - banners. Words seed And stirrup in the genitive plural they have the suffix -yan(but not - en): seeds, stirrups. Words burden, udder, flame, crown have no plural.

5. Indeclinable nouns

Indeclinable nouns have the same form for all cases, i.e. do not bow: bought a piano (v.p.), play piano (p.p.). The undecidables include:

  • many nouns of foreign origin with final vowels: radio, metro, scoreboard, taxi, stew, kangaroo, menu, Dumas, Oslo, Baku;
  • foreign language surnames ending in a consonant and denoting female persons: Roman Voynich (r.p.); if such a surname denotes a male person, it is inclined according to the 2nd declension: Remarque’s novel;
  • Russian and Ukrainian surnames with -o and -ih(s): Franko, Chernykh, Dolgikh, Zhivago’, such surnames are not declined regardless of the gender of the person bearing this surname;
  • many compound words: Moscow State University, State Traffic Inspectorate, Hydroelectric Power Station.

Nouns on -anin, -Yanin in plural h. lose the suffix -in: townsman - townspeople .

Nouns are especially declined: mother, daughter, path, child.

Declension of nouns in the singular. Table

6. Declension of nouns in the plural

1. Most nouns in nominative plural have endings:

1st class and. R. abbreviations s, army And, m.r. men s, young man And
2nd class m.r. Baby And, father s s.r. floor I, glass A
3rd class and. R. step And, daughter And

2. Some nouns masculine nominative plural are used with the endings -A, -Ya. For example: shore A, century A, city A, stamp I, anchor I.

3. Nouns differ in meaning:

Nouns come in 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension.

First declension

The first declension includes feminine and masculine nouns with endings –а, –я in the nominative case.
Example: news A, apple trees I, young man A.

Second declension

The second declension includes masculine nouns with a zero ending and neuter nouns with the endings –о and –е in the nominative case.

Example: student, hero, link O, hearts e.

Third declension

The third declension includes feminine nouns with a soft sign at the end in the nominative case. Example: area b, ate b.

Feminine nouns, singular in the nominative case, which end in a hissing sound, are written with a soft sign at the end of the word.

Example: night, brooch, rye.

So, in order to determine the declension of a noun, it is necessary to determine its gender. Then we highlight the ending of the noun in the nominative singular case. We determine the declension by gender and ending.

For example:

Saturday A– she, mine is a feminine noun with the ending –a in the nominative case singular. Therefore, the noun Saturday is 1st declension.

Apples O– it, mine is a neuter noun with the ending –o in the nominative singular. Therefore, the noun apple is 2nd declension.

Radost b– she, my – a feminine noun with a soft sign at the end, in the nominative singular case, ending zero. Therefore, the noun joy is 3rd declension.

Nouns of the same declension have the same stressed and unstressed case endings.

For example:

1st declension

IP river – river

RP rivers And– rivers

DP river - river

VP river - river

TP river - river

PP about the river - about the river

Russian grammar is one of the most important parts of the language. Grammar allows us to speak confidently, correct and without errors. Often the speech of people who do not know grammar sounds very funny, because all the words sound ridiculous and incoherent. For example, everyone has heard how some foreigner tries to communicate in Russian. Frankly, they don't succeed and they look ridiculous. In order not to look like them, you need to know grammar.

In contact with


A noun is one of the most important independent parts of speech, which is practically the most common part of speech. It has such unstable features as number and case. The case paradigm is change noun depending on the meaning it has in a sentence. In this article you will learn how to determine cases of nouns, what are indirect cases, how to ask questions about them correctly, as well as about the cases themselves and their questions.


The only rule for correct modification of nouns is the correct placement of the ending in connection with the question asked. This is an easy task for native speakers, but foreigners need to remember the endings and identify them correctly.


There is also 3 types of declination in nouns.

  • First declension. Creatures name. masculine and feminine endings -a, -ya. For example, a flask, a pig.
  • Second declension. Creatures name. masculine and neuter with endings -о, -е. For example, a tree, a well.
  • Third declension. The name of feminine creatures with a zero ending, or ending in -ь. For example, horse, horse.

Changing nouns different declinations.

Declension of nouns

Declension- this is a change in nouns (and other nominal parts of speech) by cases And numbers.

In Russian

  • two numbers: the only thing (window, desk) And plural (windows, desks);
  • 6 cases (according to the school curriculum).
  • Case questions



    whom? what?


    to whom? what?


    whom? What?



    about whom? about what?

    How to find the case of nouns (and other nominal parts of speech)?

    To find the case of a noun, you need to ask it a question from the word to which the noun refers: Think(about whom?) about mom, No(what?) rain .

  • Then you need to use the table “Cases. Questions of cases" (see above), see which case this question corresponds to: Think(about whom?) about mom- prepositional; No (what?) rain- Genitive.
  • Notes:

    Each case corresponds to two questions (1st - for animate nouns, 2nd - for inanimate).

  • The names of cases and case questions should be memorized, since the ability to determine case is one of the important basic skills for students of the Russian language.
  • How to find the declension of nouns?

    All nouns can be divided into seven groups, which will have uniform endings (forms) when declined by case and number, i.e. There are seven types of noun declension:

    1st declension

    Feminine, masculine and common nouns with endings -а, -я

    spring A, earth I, lines I, uncle I, lord A, dirty I

    2nd declension

    Masculine nouns ending in zero

    house ABOUT, edge ABOUT, ball ABOUT, planetarium ABOUT

    All nouns ending in -o, -e

    windows O, floor e, suspect e - s.r.; wolves e, journeymane - m.r.

    3rd declension

    Feminine nouns ending in zero

    Mother ABOUT, daughter ABOUT, night ABOUT, steppe ABOUT

    Divergent nouns(have endings of different declensions)

    10 neuter nouns ending in -мя (ending -я);

    nouns way, child

    time, burden, stirrup, tribe, flame (flame- outdated ), banner, crown, seed, name, udder; way, child

    Nouns inflected byadjectival type(so-called substantivized nouns)

    Nouns formed from adjectives and participles by moving from one part of speech to another

    private, comma, animal,duty officer, canteen, ice cream

    A littlenouns, leaning towardspronominal type

    Nouns formed from pronouns by moving from one part of speech to another or inflected like pronouns

    draw,cable(unit of measurement)


    Nouns that do not have endings (their case and number are determined by context)

    drive(in what?) V Taxi (pp. units), parked(What?) Taxi (I.p. plural); coat, coffee, radio, cinema

  • To find the declension of a noun, you need to put it in original form(i.e. in the nominative singular) and find which type of declension of the 7 above this noun belongs to.
  • In that case, the noun does not have a singular form, then it does not belong to any of the types of declension: sleigh, pants, scissors.
  • Notes:

    Noun Human has different roots in singular and plural ( person people), therefore it has different types of declension in singular and plural:

    Human(singular) - declined as a 2nd declension noun;
    People(plural) - declined as a 3rd declension noun.

  • Most nouns are classified into the first three types of declension.
  • Types of declension should be memorized, since the ability to determine declension is one of the basic skills for students of the Russian language.
  • See Morphological norms. Features of the declension of nouns.

    Declension standards for nouns

    1st declension






    2nd declension. Masculine







    About the stallion

    About stallions

    2nd declension. Neuter gender








    About buildings

    3rd declension



    Indeclinable nouns



    From time to time



    In ways

    About the time

    About times

    Substantivized nouns (masculine, feminine and neuter)




    Dining room


    Duty officers

    Dining rooms


    Duty officer

    Dining room


    Duty officers



    To the duty officer

    Dining room


    On duty



    Duty officer

    Dining room


    Duty officers

    Dining rooms


    On duty

    Dining room


    On duty



    About the duty officer

    About the dining room

    About the animal

    About the duty officers

    About the canteens

    About animals

    Exercises for the topic “Declinationnouns»

    Exercise 1. Determine the declension of nouns.

    Spouse, child, book, poor fellow, orphan, angry, time, grandfather, warrior, roe deer, elephant, toad, shark, quiet, stirrup, stepmother, Betsy, bourgeois, name, seed, creature, little house, coat, nonentity, cocoa, coffee, window, deity, animal, monster, pants, sirocco, depot, porter, entertainer, goose, scissors, gander, goose, parent, doctor, director, letter, apprentice, horse, stallion, voice, bone, guest, knife, trembling, taxi, pitchfork, avenue, piano, shampoo, diagonal, tulle, veil, blinds, pasta, manger, talk, attacks, stretchers, watches, rags, animals, honey, porcelain, velvet, hemp, money, day, holidays, funeral, sweet tooth, sissy, ringleader, smart girl, reveler, crybaby, domina, living room, dining room, bathroom, maid, ice cream, roast, sleigh.

    Exercise 2. List a number of nouns that do not belong to any of the 3 declensions.

    1) Popsicle, candy, meringue, lollipop;

    2) pole, window, radio, chair;

    3) orphan, banner, action, Don;

    4) name, cake, lotto, role.

    Exercise 3. In which row are all the highlighted words nouns in the accusative case?

    1) Stay at the gate, put Add to cart, link chains, ahead forest;

    2) labor peasant, drink tea, book friend, service homeland;

    3) earring in the ear, live brothers, I see aside, captains teams;

    4) love Voronezh, read novels, stroke little fox, will jump on the stump.

    Exercise 4. In which row are all the words nouns of the 1st declension?

    1) Clever girl, bird, banner, mother;

    2) strength, cherry, boy, governor;

    3) daughter, daughter, mouse, mouse;

    4) mania, Kolya, Nikolai, Porlyushko.


  • Chapter “Gender, number, case and declension of nouns” in the manual by L.V. Balashova, V.V. Dementieva “Russian language course”
  • Section “Declensions of nouns” on the website morpher.ru
  • Additionally on the site:

  • What is a noun?
  • Which nouns have parallel masculine and feminine forms?
  • How to find the gender of immutable nouns (words of the class blinds, cocoa)?
  • What are some mistakes in the use and formation of nouns?
  • How does a noun change?
  • What are the categories of nouns?
  • Which nouns are used exclusively in the singular or only in the plural?
  • What are the orthoepic norms for placing stress in nouns?
  • Where can I find exercises for the topic “Morphological norms of consumption and formation of nouns”?
  • What are the features of proper nouns?
  • What is the syntactic role of a noun?
  • How to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns?
  • Question1st declension (plural)2nd declension (plural)3rd declension (plural)
    Nominative pad.who what?tire(s), mom(s)spaceship(s)horse(s)
    Genitive pad.who?, what?tires(tyres), mom(s)spaceship(s)horse(s)
    Dative case.to whom; to what?tire(s), mother(s)spaceship(s)horses(horses)
    Accusative pad.who?, what?tire(s), mother(s)spaceship(s)horse(s)
    Creative downfall.by whom?, by what?tire(s), mom(s)spaceship(s)horse(s)
    Prepositional pad.About who about what?about the tire (about tires), about mom (about moms)about spaceship (about spaceships)about the horse (about horses)

    In Russian there is such a concept as indirect cases- these are all cases except the nominative.

    They all have their own meaning:


    There are many ways to determine the case of a noun. The fastest, easiest and most effective way today is to use qualifiers. Different cases can be determined using the following determiners.

    Using determiners makes it easier to change nouns by case. To do this, just put this word in front of the noun, and then ask a question and put the correct ending. For each case, it is enough to remember one word.

    In addition, the question is of great importance for determining case. The table gives an idea of ​​what prepositions are used with case forms of nouns in the Russian language.

    Cases are the foundation of Russian grammar and everyone is required to know each of them by heart. But it’s very easy to remember all of them; two days of cramming is enough to remember them for the rest of your life. Good luck!

    Declension of nouns

    Declension- this is a change in nouns (and other nominal parts of speech) by cases And numbers.

    In Russian

  • two numbers: the only thing (window, desk) And plural (windows, desks);
  • 6 cases (according to the school curriculum).
  • Case questions



    whom? what?


    to whom? what?


    whom? What?



    about whom? about what?

    How to find the case of nouns (and other nominal parts of speech)?

    To find the case of a noun, you need to ask it a question from the word to which the noun refers: Think(about whom?) about mom, No(what?) rain .

  • Then you need to use the table “Cases. Questions of cases" (see above), see which case this question corresponds to: Think(about whom?) about mom- prepositional; No (what?) rain- Genitive.
  • Notes:

    Each case corresponds to two questions (1st - for animate nouns, 2nd - for inanimate).

  • The names of cases and case questions should be memorized, since the ability to determine case is one of the important basic skills for students of the Russian language.
  • How to find the declension of nouns?

    All nouns can be divided into seven groups, which will have uniform endings (forms) when declined by case and number, i.e. There are seven types of noun declension:

    1st declension

    Feminine, masculine and common nouns with endings -а, -я

    spring A, earth I, lines I, uncle I, lord A, dirty I

    2nd declension

    Masculine nouns ending in zero

    house ABOUT, edge ABOUT, ball ABOUT, planetarium ABOUT

    All nouns ending in -o, -e

    windows O, floor e, suspect e - s.r.; wolves e, journeymane - m.r.

    3rd declension

    Feminine nouns ending in zero

    Mother ABOUT, daughter ABOUT, night ABOUT, steppe ABOUT

    Divergent nouns(have endings of different declensions)

    10 neuter nouns ending in -мя (ending -я);

    nouns way, child

    time, burden, stirrup, tribe, flame (flame- outdated ), banner, crown, seed, name, udder; way, child

    Nouns inflected byadjectival type(so-called substantivized nouns)

    Nouns formed from adjectives and participles by moving from one part of speech to another

    private, comma, animal,duty officer, canteen, ice cream

    A littlenouns, leaning towardspronominal type

    Nouns formed from pronouns by moving from one part of speech to another or inflected like pronouns

    draw,cable(unit of measurement)


    Nouns that do not have endings (their case and number are determined by context)

    drive(in what?) V Taxi (pp. units), parked(What?) Taxi (I.p. plural); coat, coffee, radio, cinema

  • To find the declension of a noun, you need to put it in original form(i.e. in the nominative singular) and find which type of declension of the 7 above this noun belongs to.
  • In that case, the noun does not have a singular form, then it does not belong to any of the types of declension: sleigh, pants, scissors.
  • Notes:

    Noun Human has different roots in singular and plural ( person people), therefore it has different types of declension in singular and plural:

    Human(singular) - declined as a 2nd declension noun;
    People(plural) - declined as a 3rd declension noun.

  • Most nouns are classified into the first three types of declension.
  • Types of declension should be memorized, since the ability to determine declension is one of the basic skills for students of the Russian language.
  • See Morphological norms. Features of the declension of nouns.

    Declension standards for nouns

    1st declension






    2nd declension. Masculine







    About the stallion

    About stallions

    2nd declension. Neuter gender








    About buildings

    3rd declension



    Indeclinable nouns



    From time to time



    In ways

    About the time

    About times

    Substantivized nouns (masculine, feminine and neuter)




    Dining room


    Duty officers

    Dining rooms


    Duty officer

    Dining room


    Duty officers



    To the duty officer

    Dining room


    On duty



    Duty officer

    Dining room


    Duty officers

    Dining rooms


    On duty

    Dining room


    On duty



    About the duty officer

    About the dining room

    About the animal

    About the duty officers

    About the canteens

    About animals

    Exercises for the topic “Declinationnouns»

    Exercise 1. Determine the declension of nouns.

    Spouse, child, book, poor fellow, orphan, angry, time, grandfather, warrior, roe deer, elephant, toad, shark, quiet, stirrup, stepmother, Betsy, bourgeois, name, seed, creature, little house, coat, nonentity, cocoa, coffee, window, deity, animal, monster, pants, sirocco, depot, porter, entertainer, goose, scissors, gander, goose, parent, doctor, director, letter, apprentice, horse, stallion, voice, bone, guest, knife, trembling, taxi, pitchfork, avenue, piano, shampoo, diagonal, tulle, veil, blinds, pasta, manger, talk, attacks, stretchers, watches, rags, animals, honey, porcelain, velvet, hemp, money, day, holidays, funeral, sweet tooth, sissy, ringleader, smart girl, reveler, crybaby, domina, living room, dining room, bathroom, maid, ice cream, roast, sleigh.

    Exercise 2. List a number of nouns that do not belong to any of the 3 declensions.

    1) Popsicle, candy, meringue, lollipop;

    2) pole, window, radio, chair;

    3) orphan, banner, action, Don;

    4) name, cake, lotto, role.

    Exercise 3. In which row are all the highlighted words nouns in the accusative case?

    1) Stay at the gate, put Add to cart, link chains, ahead forest;

    2) labor peasant, drink tea, book friend, service homeland;

    3) earring in the ear, live brothers, I see aside, captains teams;

    4) love Voronezh, read novels, stroke little fox, will jump on the stump.

    Exercise 4. In which row are all the words nouns of the 1st declension?

    1) Clever girl, bird, banner, mother;

    2) strength, cherry, boy, governor;

    3) daughter, daughter, mouse, mouse;

    4) mania, Kolya, Nikolai, Porlyushko.


  • Chapter “Gender, number, case and declension of nouns” in the manual by L.V. Balashova, V.V. Dementieva “Russian language course”
  • Section “Declensions of nouns” on the website morpher.ru
  • Additionally on the site:

  • What is a noun?
  • Which nouns have parallel masculine and feminine forms?
  • How to find the gender of immutable nouns (words of the class blinds, cocoa)?
  • What are some mistakes in the use and formation of nouns?
  • How does a noun change?
  • What are the categories of nouns?
  • Which nouns are used exclusively in the singular or only in the plural?
  • What are the orthoepic norms for placing stress in nouns?
  • Where can I find exercises for the topic “Morphological norms of consumption and formation of nouns”?
  • What are the features of proper nouns?
  • What is the syntactic role of a noun?
  • How to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns?


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