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Addition and subtraction without passing through ten. Addition and subtraction without passing through a ten Six-digit examples of addition through a ten in a column

Target: consolidate the written technique of adding and subtracting numbers without going through 10 in a column.


  • development of logical thinking, memory, attention;
  • practicing written addition and subtraction in a column, solving compound problems;
  • encourage the desire to creatively perceive the material being studied.


  • tree with coins,
  • illustrations of Alice the fox and Basilio the cat,
  • sad Pinocchio in a cage,
  • "Range",
  • recording songs.

During the classes

I. Preparatory stage.

Checking readiness for the lesson.

Now we have a math lesson in which we will continue to add and subtract numbers in a column.

But our lesson today is unusual. Guests came to us. And now we will find out who it is. To do this we need to count verbally.

Verbal counting.

1) Increase 36 by 4 units

2) Reduce 85 by 5 tens

3) 100 without 16

4) The Yunnats grew a watermelon weighing 14 kg and a pumpkin weighing 9 kg more.

What is the weight of a pumpkin?

5) Which number is greater than 54 by 24?

6) Subtract the largest single-digit number from the largest two-digit number.

7) From what number did you subtract 35 and get 13?

8) Lida has 70 calendars in her collection, and Katya has 21 calendars. How many fewer calendars does Katya have than Lida?

9) The first term is 32, the second is 51. Find the sum.

During mental counting, Alice the fox and Basilio the cat add up.

Who came to visit us? From what fairy tale?

What fairy tale hero chased by a fox and a cat?

And they imprisoned poor Pinocchio in a cage. Look how miserable he is sitting there. You and I will have to free poor Pinocchio, but we will have to face difficulties. (Recording of a cat and fox song about a tree with gold coins.)

II. Main stage.

There is a tree with gold coins on the board. Now we will collect coins for Pinocchio and put them in a bag so that he can buy “The ABC” and a jacket for Papa Carlo. But the coins are not simple; they have expressions written on them, which we will write down in a column and calculate the meaning of these expressions.

Solving examples.

83-62 76-53 89-66 43+15
24+53 53+34 23+46 99-52

Physical education minute.

While you and I were resting, the fox and the cat prepared another task, but I can’t understand what it is. Maybe we can all try to guess together. Rebus “Task”

The solution of the problem.

“Duremar caught 42 leeches on the first day, and 6 fewer leeches on the second day.”

Read it.

  • Is this text a task? Why? Pose a question.
  • Who is this problem talking about? What was he doing?
  • How many did you catch on the first day? On the second day?
  • What data was found in the problem? What do these numbers mean? What actions can these numbers be associated with? Which action is appropriate for our task? Why? What does this expression mean?

Frame the question so that the problem is solved in two actions.

To answer the main question, what should you know?

Do we know how much on the first day? In the second?

What should you know to find out how much is on the second day?

Recording the solution:

1) 42-6=36(p) – on day II

2) 42+36=78(p) – total

Answer: 78 leeches.

Duremar and Karabas Barabas had a dream. And which one we will now find out by doing independent work.

Independent work.

Write the expressions in a column and calculate the value:

Arrange these numbers in ascending order. It turns out the word

III. The final stage.

But the fox and the cat hid the key in mathematical expressions. Let's place the brackets in them so that the equalities become true.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

State budgetary professional educational institution

"Chelyabinsk teacher training college No. 1"

Technological lesson map


Completed by a student: group 43

Kabardina Maria

Checked by: Krutyakova I.I.


Date of:

Chelyabinsk, 2017


Class: 2 a



Summary of a lesson in mathematics on the topic:

“Addition and subtraction without passing through tens in a column.”

Goals: Continue to develop the ability to write and find the values ​​of the sum and difference in a column (without passing through the ten).

Planned results:

Personal: accept and master social role student; strive to develop motives for learning activities, skills of cooperation with peers and with adults, the ability to prove their point of view, attention, memory, logical thinking; demonstrate independence and personal responsibility.

Subject : various oral techniques for adding and subtracting a two-digit number with a single-digit number and a two-digit number with a two-digit number; oral and written numbering of numbers within 100; how to write two-digit numbers when adding and subtracting them in a column.

Equipment : presentation, textbook (Perspective) 2nd grade. Part 2.



Student activities


1.Organizational moment

Method - verbal

The technique is a leading dialogue.

2 minutes

Today, her big fan and lover, Mickey Mouse, will be with us in math class!

He has prepared many interesting tasks for you!

The guys greet the teacher.

Get ready to work in class.

Personal: establish a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive; formation of self-organization skills.

2. Updating students' knowledge

Arithmetic dictation

Verbal - answers to questions;

visual - looking at an illustration;

practical. Verbal counting.

Arithmetic dictation

3. Staging educational task and her decision.


questions of primary perception;

verbal – explanation.

15 minutes

4 22 10 20 18 6 12 2 24 8 16 26 14

– List the numbers in ascending order. Write them down in your notebook.

– What two groups can we divide this series into? (For two-digit and single-digit numbers)

– What is the difference between a single-digit number and a two-digit number? (To write a single digit number

one character (digit) is required, for two-digit - two)

– What is the name of the first digit on the right of a two-digit number? (unit digit)
– What is the second digit from the right called in a two-digit number? (tens place)
- Guys, why do you think we need to know the categories? (Flawlessly be able to solve any examples)

– Today we will continue to work with two-digit numbers, learn how to add and subtract them correctly.

Arithmetic dictation:

  1. The planned number was reduced by 7 and got 19. What number was planned?- 26
  2. The first term is 26, the second is 9. What is the sum? - 35
  3. What is the value of one of the factors if the product is 8 and the other factor is 2?- 4
  4. What number must be multiplied by 2 to get 6? - 3
  5. What number must be multiplied by 4 to get 12? - 3
  6. The boy has 10 rubles. How many notebooks can he buy if one notebook costs 2 rubles? - 5
  7. Divide the sum of numbers 18 and 12 by 1 - 30
  8. What number was divided by 5 to get 10? - 50

Now we will work in pairs:

Let's see which couple will be the friendliest and complete the task the fastest:

36*3=39 + 22*30=52 +
72*40=32 - 43*13=30 -
63*23=86 + 76*15=61 -

Well done!

A new task for you:

Option 1 – 1 column
Option 2 – 2nd column
Option 1: Option 2:
36 + 42= 78 69 – 21 =48
44 – 13 = 31 72 + 24 = 96
52 + 15 = 67 85 – 43= 42

Determine how many tens and ones there are in numbers, name the sum of the digit terms:

72 = … + …

56 = … + …

44 = … + …

93 = … + …

Let's solve this example together

60 +24= 84; 24

(we write units under units, tens under tens)

Explain what we wrote under what in this example, and is it possible differently?

Open the textbook on page 43, read what is written in the box.

So we did everything correctly.

Let's do exercise 1., write down each number and explain. We write on the board, the rest in the notebook.








Listen to the teacher.

Anwser the questions.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

They decide and choose the correct answer.

Work in pairs.

Solve examples.

Write the number into tens and units.

Solve an example.

Explain the solution.

Solve an example with an explanation.

Drawing up a task.


- the ability to set a learning task;

Develop logical thinking;

Develop skills in problem-search activities.


the ability to listen and understand others, correct mistakes.

4. Phys. just a minute

2 minutes.

Carrying out the movement

Repeat the movements.

5. Solving private educational problems

Practical, answering questions;

Written exercises.

20 minutes.

Now we will work in groups:

Don't forget to practice working in groups.

Read the tasks and complete the task.

a) An elephant knocked over a shelf of dishes in a store. At the same time, 15 cups were broken, and 18 survived. How many cups were stored on the shelf?

(15+18= 33)

b) 65 liters of tea were brought to the elephant. 12 liters left. How many liters of tea did the elephant drink?

(65 – 12=53)

c) The elephant ate 48 kg of vegetables. 7 kg left. How many kilograms of vegetables did you prepare for the elephant?

(48+7= 55)

1st group:

Select a problem that can be solved by adding. Write a short note, solution, answer.

Group 2:

Select a problem that is solved by subtraction. Write a short note, solution, answer.


(Who from groups 1 and 2 completed it first, go to the board and write it down, then discuss. A), c) - addition, b) - subtraction)

Well done!

Place the signs
58 – 27 * 31 + 17 (31

74 – 40 * 34 + 15 (34 63 – 13 * 64 – 34 (50 >30)

36 + 42 * 59 –37 (78>22)

Didactic game "Mickey's Maze"

On the panel there is a circle labyrinth, numbers from 1-20 of one color, 1-20 of another color are depicted. You need to find and calculate half an order in forward and reverse order. Then, on the indicated number, the child must name the composition of this number. Make up an example and write it in a column. Make up an example and find the answer for it in the labyrinth.

Work in groups.

The solution of the problem. Choose a task to question.

Solve examples.

Setting up signs.

Working with panels.

Work independently.


learn to work in pairs, cooperation with the teacher and peers.


learn to define a concept (formulate a rule) based on identifying essential features; perform tasks based on the use of properties of arithmetic operations.

6. Reflection

Verbal, asking generalizing questions, returning to the purpose of the lesson, generalization.

6 min.

Using the example on the slide and the rule for adding and subtracting two-digit numbers, complete the task in your notebook.


5 des. 6 units - 6 units.

56__ - _6__ = _50__

6 dec. 8 units – 5 dec.

___ - ___ = ___

9 dec. 3 units + 4 units

___ + ___ = ___


Remember the rule for adding and subtracting two-digit numbers? (Tens are added with tens, units with units. Tens are subtracted from tens, units from ones.)

How do you write two-digit numbers by adding them into a column?

How do you find the amount?

How do you write two-digit numbers by subtracting them into a column?

How is the difference found?

From what digit do we begin to calculate? (From the smallest - the units digit

Thank you for the lesson!

Create a timeline.

Evaluate work in class.

Analyze the work done and evaluate it. Say goodbye to the teacher.

Regulatory: assessment and self-assessment of one’s own work.


Adding two-digit numbers

3. I add tens.

4. I read the answer.


Adding two-digit numbers

1. I write ones under ones, tens under tens.

2. I add up the units. (If you get a two-digit number, then write the units digit under the units, and the tens digit above the tens)

3. I add tens.

4. I read the answer.

36 + 42 69 – 21 44 – 13 72 + 24 52 + 15 85 – 43

72 = … + … 56 = … + … 44 = … + … 93 = … + …

58 – 27 * 31 + 17 74 – 40 * 34 + 15 63 – 13 * 64 – 34 36 + 42 * 59 –37

5 des. 6 units - 6 units. 6 dec. 8 units – 5 dec. 9 dec. 3 units + 4 units

The topic of this video lesson is “Written techniques for adding two-digit numbers with passing through tens of the form 37+48.” Often you have to perform addition when both terms are from the first ten, and the sum is from the second ten. Such calculations are called ten-step operations.

Lesson:Written techniques for adding two-digit numbers with passing through tens of the form 37 + 48

We need to find the sum of two numbers 37 and 48. First, we will do this orally, presenting the numbers in the form of models. (Fig. 1.)

There are 3 tens and 7 ones in 37. The number 48 has 4 tens and 8 ones. When we do , we combine both numbers.

Let's combine the units. To 8 units we add 2 units and we get ten. We can represent ten as a model of the number 10. (Fig. 2.)

What number did we get?

This number contains 8 tens and 5 ones. This number is 85.

Let's use another way to add numbers. This method does not require the use of number models.

Look at the expressions:

Let's imagine the second number as the sum of the numbers 40 and 8.

37 + 48 = 37 + (40 + 8)

Let's group the numbers differently. First, let's find the sum of the first two numbers, and then add the third term.

37 + 48 = 37 + (40 + 8) = (37 + 40) + 8 = 77 + 8

To make it more convenient to add numbers, you can decompose the number 8 into the sum of terms, one of which will complement the number 77 to a round number. These are numbers 3 and 5.

37 + 48 = 37 + (40 + 8) = (37 + 40) + 8 = 77 + 8 = 77 + 3 + 5 = 80 + 5 = 85

Do you think there is more quick way adding numbers?

Let's use the columnar addition method.

When adding, the numbers are written one below the other. We start calculations in a column with the smallest digit - the units digit.

To 7 units we add 8 units and we get 15 units. Under the units category we can only write ones. To do this, we must find out how many units are in the number 15. The number 15 consists of 1 ten and 5 ones. this means that under the units place we write the number 5.

We send the ten to the tens category.

Now let's count the tens. 3 + 4 = 7. And 1 more ten, 7 + 1 = 8. Write the number 8 under the tens place.

We added two numbers and got the number 85.

The little fox, the little squirrel and the kitten also learned to add numbers into a column. Let's see if they got it right. Look at the two numbers that the little fox put together in a column. (Fig. 3.)

Let's check the correctness of his calculations. Let's find the sum of units. 5 + 7 = 12. Under the units place we write the number 2 and transfer 1 ten to the tens place. The little fox didn't show it. Let's see if he forgot to add it later?

Add up tens. 3 + 2 = 5. We need to add another ten. 5 + 1 = 6. Therefore, you need to change the number in the tens place. Therefore, let us remind Little Fox that he must not forget to give away ten. (Fig. 4.)

Let's look at Kitten's calculations. (Fig. 5.)

First we add up the units. 7 + 6 = 13. The Kitten has the number 1 written, which means that a mistake was made. Now we add up the tens. 4 + 1 = 5. And we also add the ten that we gave from the ones category. 5 + 1 = 6. We see that the Kitten got the wrong answer. Have you guessed where the Kitten made a mistake? He mixed up the action. He subtracted the number 16 from the number 47. Therefore, we replace the sign and get the correct expression. (Fig. 6.)

Let's check Belchonka's example. (Fig. 7.)

Add up the units. 8 + 5 = 13. Write down the number 3 and give 1 ten to the tens place. Now we add up the tens. 2 + 1 = 3. And we also add 1 ten, which we removed from the units digit. 3 + 1 = 4. We must remember to write down the unit, which we transfer from the ones place to the tens place. (Fig. 8.)

Make it at home

1. Solve the expressions:

a) 28 + 43 b) 34 + 17 c) 22 + 69

Solve the expressions:

Solve the expressions.

Topic: “Moving through the discharge”

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

Basic goals:

    develop the ability to perform addition of two-digit numbers with the transition through ten, writing an example in a column;

    repeat the composition of numbers 1-10, consolidate knowledge about ranks, the algorithm for adding into a column without going through the rank;

    to develop experience in identifying and eliminating the causes of difficulties based on the reflection method;

    train mental operations, consolidate the ability to act established rule, develop memory, attention, speech, fine motor skills hands; develop communication skills, cognitive interest, and self-confidence.

During the classes.

    Org moment.

Please open your notebooks. Write down today's date, underline the spelling.

II. Motivation for learning activities.

What topic did we study in the last lesson? (addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers in a column)

At the last lesson, most of the students completed independent work at 5. How did you manage to do this? I wish you good luck in this lesson too.

What is important to remember when writing numbers in a column? (write identical digits one below the other)

III. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial action.

To remember the digits of numbers, we will conduct a mathematical dictation.

(one student works at the board)

    Write the number in the cat. 8 dec. 1 unit

    Write the number in the cat. 7 dec.

    Write the number in the cat. 4 units

    Write the number in the cat. 3 des., and units. 1 more

    Write the number in the cat. 6 des., and units. 2 less

    Write the number in the cat. 6s. 5 dec. 2 units

    Write the number in the cat. 6s. 2 units

    Write down the largest two-digit number.

    Write down the smallest two-digit number.

(81, 70, 4, 34, 64, 652, 602, 99, 10.)

(The student is given a mark)

We will perform the next task orally. Please look at the diagrams on the board: A+B = 10, A+B 10, A+B 10.

A and B are single digit numbers.

Select the required numbers for the first scheme, for the second and for the third.

(frontal survey)

A+B = 10 (1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5)

A+B 10 (1+2, 1+3, 1+4, 1+5, 1+6, 1+7, 1+8, 2+2, 2+3, 2+4, 2+5, 2 +6, 2+7, 3+4, 3+5, 3+6, 4+5)

A+B 10 (5+6, 5+7, 5+8, 5+9, 6+7, 6+8, 6+9.7+7, 7+8, 7+9, 8+3, 8 +4, 8+9, 9+2, 9+3, 9+4, 9+9)

Well done! Let's move on to the next task.

Look at these examples.

What do they have in common? (all for addition)

Let's write these examples in a column.

What algorithm will we use?

3 examples are solved on the board with comments:

IV . Identifying the location and cause of the problem.

At what stage of the algorithm did the difficulty arise? (at the stage of adding units)

Why? (it turned out to be a two-digit number, it’s not clear how to write it)

V . Building a project for getting out of a problem.

How to get out of this situation? (children’s answers are listened to and analyzed)

Let's compare our thoughts with the textbook. (p.30 reading rule)

Let's clarify our algorithm:

1. I write ones under ones, tens under tens.

2. I count units. (If you get a two-digit number, then write the units digit under the units, and the tens digit above the tens)

3. I count tens.

4. I read the answer.

(An additional stage of the algorithm is posted on the board)

This is an example of addition with transition through digit. Why are they called that? With the transition to what category?

Read the topic of our lesson on the board or in the book.

VI . Implementation of the completed project.

We write down the example 27+35 on the board and in a notebook using the new algorithm (draw children’s attention to writing tens: the size of the numbers is slightly smaller)

VII . Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Solving examples on the board and in a notebook with commentary (K. p. 31 No. 4)


VIII . Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

By options:

Option I: 23+45, 44+28

Option II: 35+38, 21+49

(after 3 minutes the teacher inserts the correct answers into the examples and asks the students to check their work)

Who did the job correctly. Would you please raise your hand? Who made the mistakes? Which?

IX . Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Let's create a task. (in the picture there is mother and daughter)

Let's solve the problem, for this we will make a short note:

Mom – 58 kg

Daughter – 27 kg

Total - ? kg

The solution is on a line, under the solution is written in a column.

X . Reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

What examples did we solve today? What makes them special? How should they be resolved? Where else can you use the columnar solution?

(Students draw a smiley face on one of the steps)

Raise your hand who has placed themselves on the middle step. What does this mean? (We didn’t succeed, we still need to try)

Who put themselves on the top step? Well done! You can take on more difficult tasks!

In mathematics, of course, it is important to be able to think and think logically, but practice is no less important. Half of the mistakes in math exams are made due to incorrect calculations of simple operations with numbers - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. And it is important to develop these skills in primary school. In order not to miss anything, it is necessary to systematically work with the child using special exercise books. They allow you to practice mathematical skills and abilities and bring them to automaticity. There are a variety of simulators, you don’t have to download them all, just one or two you like is enough. The manuals can be used when working with younger schoolchildren regardless of the program under which the training is conducted.

Mathematics. We solve examples with passing through tens.

A notebook for practicing addition and subtraction skills with passing through tens. Not just examples, but Interesting games and tasks.

Task cards. Mathematics. Addition and subtraction. 2nd grade

Convenient cards for teachers of second graders. 2 options for addition and subtraction of the same type. Suitable for organization independent work in mathematics depending on progress in the program.

Mathematics. Addition and subtraction within 20. Grades 1-2. E.E. Kochurova

In various mathematics courses, the topic of addition and subtraction within 20 is studied either at the end of the 1st grade or at the beginning of the 2nd. In any case, the manual will help to consolidate the learned methods of manipulating numbers; in some tasks these methods are presented in the form of unique hints. During independent work with a notebook, the child is guided by the sample implementation and algorithmic instructions. The ability to use such tips in studying will allow the student not only to find and use the necessary information while completing a task, but also to carry out self-test.

The notebook begins with practicing addition and subtraction skills within 10; this part is also suitable for first-graders.

Mathematics exercise book for 2nd grade

The notebook contains not only examples of addition and subtraction, but also conversion of units into each other, and comparison of calculation results (more or less).

3000 examples in mathematics (counting within 100 part 1)

Timed counting simulator. Time it to solve one column of examples and write it down in the box below. Pay attention to the columns that the child took more than 5 minutes to solve, which means he has difficulties with this type of example. Examples are given for addition and subtraction within ten and with transition through ten, addition and subtraction of tens, manipulation within hundreds.

Counting from 0 to 100

This copybook gives many examples of addition and subtraction to strengthen mental counting skills within 100.

We think it's correct. Mathematics workbook. G.V.Belykh

The notebook is also made in the form of a simulator, full of examples and equations. It starts with counting within ten, then within a hundred (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), and ends with comparing equations (examples with greater than, less than, equal signs).

The manuals will also be useful for teachers primary classes in their work, and for parents to study at home with their children, in particular in summer holidays. Tasks of different difficulty levels will allow for a differentiated approach to learning.



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