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An essay on the topic “Why do we need speech etiquette? Speech etiquette. Rules of etiquette

We all remember from childhood how our mother said: “Don’t forget the “magic” word.” We learn these words even when we don’t even know how to read and write. “Magic” words are part of speech etiquette. It is a set of socially regulated rules of speech behavior and stable phrases of polite conversation, subordinated to a system of specific national stereotypes. Speech etiquette allows us to conduct a dialogue and maintain the nature of the conversation without offending the interlocutor: advice, request, order, discussion, greeting, and the like. The most common and worldwide used are words and expressions that relate to greetings and farewells, requests and apologies. Speech etiquette also draws our attention to intonation, since even the right word may not sound sincere.

This is why speech etiquette is worth paying attention to. In particular, the first etiquette classes at school begin with it. After all, speech etiquette teaches us to structure our speech. This allows you to avoid possible awkward and difficult moments. For example, a meeting with a person whom we have not seen for a long time or would not like to meet can go more smoothly and naturally if we apply the rules of speech etiquette: greeting, polite tone, tolerance and accuracy in expressions. After all, even five minutes of the wrong conversation is enough to leave a negative imprint on a relationship. And who knows, perhaps this is the person you will need a service or help from. Thus, it is important to know the tenets of speech etiquette according to G. P. Grace: quality (information must be valid), quantity (a balance between brevity and vagueness must be maintained), attitude (the content of the conversation must be appropriate) and manner (clarity, clarity and accessibility for understanding). Failure to comply with these postulates leads to misunderstandings, negative feelings and resentment. Moreover, these postulates were invented even before Grace and recorded in sayings. For example, the saying “The word is not a sparrow, if you release it, you will not catch it” teaches us to think about what we want to say. Not all thoughts sometimes need to be voiced. And the proverb “Grandfather talks about a chicken, and grandma talks about a duck” reveals the difficulties of understanding the interlocutor. If you talk through all the points and listen to each other, then such a problem will not arise. Additional, but no less important, postulates include such concepts of speech etiquette as tact, courtesy, tolerance, benevolence and restraint. Tactfulness implies the need to understand the interlocutor and his characteristics (character, family and health, status). This ethical standard requires avoiding inappropriate words, statements, questions, and topics of conversation. Tolerance and restraint are similar to a sense of tact, but they draw the attention of interlocutors to the fact that during a conversation, opposing conclusions may arise and differences in opinions may appear. Therefore, it teaches us to refrain from harsh criticism and learn to accept other people’s choices and listen to opinions different from ours. Kindness and kindness are also related to each other. The first norm is responsible for the ability to anticipate the questions and wishes of the interlocutor and the willingness to answer them, and the second is for a friendly attitude. Despite the fact that these postulates are applicable to all cultures, and the most common rules of speech (address an older and unfamiliar person with “You”, greet equal and familiar people with the words “Hello”) are used in any country, it is necessary to take into account the relationship between behavioral etiquette and speech etiquette. In some cultures, showing sympathy or compliments is not acceptable. So in Japan, the phrase “I sincerely sympathize with you” will offend a person, since it is not customary for them to share grief and complain about it. Therefore, your words will expose the person’s misfortune, which is tactless. And in Italy, a fairly colorful compliment, like “What a chick!”, will not be considered an insult, it should be accepted as the highest praise.

Speech etiquette opens up opportunities for us to get to know each other. Thanks to him, we evaluate a person at the level with appearance. So, if a person says “Hello” upon meeting, the first thing we think about will be to evaluate this person as ignorant or illiterate. In addition, it is by speech behavior that we evaluate our relationships with classmates or colleagues, teachers or bosses, parents and friends. If, after the parent-teacher meeting, the mother begins by addressing her by her first name and patronymic, then the conversation promises to be serious. After all, most often for our parents we are “suns” and “bunnies”. Therefore, without speech etiquette, we would simply get confused in relationships, in rules of behavior, and simply would not be able to establish contacts: make friends, work, etc.

Theme description:
3 subtopics: speech etiquette; Business Etiquette; etiquette has always been

Etiquette is not just rules of behavior that are accepted and supported by a certain group of people. This is a way of self-identification for society, an opportunity to create a certain style of behavior that is generally considered appropriate. And in order to fit into any society, it is necessary to take into account the rules of etiquette.

Speech etiquette

It is speech that distinguishes a person from an animal. The ability to share our thoughts has allowed our species to achieve unprecedented dominance on the planet. The word is at the same time a powerful, powerful and very dangerous tool that can both bring great good and significant harm.

Speech etiquette is a way of keeping words under control and using them in a way that is accepted and appropriate in a particular society. Each microsociety is a separate linguistic universe, which has its own laws and characteristics. In court, in a bank, at a social event, at a steel mill, at a youth party - in each case there is a certain speech etiquette that must be observed. Otherwise, the person will look at least strange.

Therefore, everyone needs to learn two key fundamentals of mastering speech etiquette: understanding the characteristics of the society in which you find yourself and being able to control your speech in accordance with these characteristics.

Business Etiquette

Rules of conduct in modern society go far beyond basic standards of decency. Business etiquette is a whole system of concepts and norms about how a person should behave in a business environment. Manners, speech, appearance, acceptable ways of doing business - all these categories are covered by business etiquette.

A key feature of business etiquette is a clear distribution of roles: each participant in the business process at different stages can occupy different positions and must behave accordingly. The roles of a subordinate, manager, company representative, client, partner and other positions common in the business world from which participants in economic relations have to act have certain norms that are usually adhered to. Failure to comply with business etiquette can not only be perceived with condemnation, but also cause quite tangible financial losses.

It should also be noted that business etiquette is a multifaceted concept. After all we're talking about not only about rules of conduct for individuals, but also for companies as a whole. Etiquette regulates the standards that must be adhered to legal entities to exist with dignity in the economic environment. In this case, the rules of etiquette form a kind of “matryoshka”, where the rules for the team are superimposed on individual rules for individuals.

Knowledge and observance of business etiquette are necessary elements of any business interaction in modern society.

There has always been etiquette. Rules of good manners

Humanity has set generally accepted rules of behavior for thousands of years. The rules themselves changed, historical conditions transformed, but the very fact of the presence of etiquette rules was always unshakable.

A simple example: just two hundred years ago, a woman in trousers was something impossible and unacceptable, and when meeting, it was customary to take off hats and bow. Today, women everywhere wear trousers, and only a few wear hats. However, the very fact of the existence of rules regulating the style of clothing, norms of behavior and acceptable speech patterns in a particular society has always existed.

Based on this, it should be understood that rebelling against etiquette is pointless. Society has always tended to have a negative attitude towards those who ignore generally accepted norms. This means that the most effective and simple way to interact with any society is to play by its rules.

Let's start with the definition of the concept; speech etiquette is an established rule of communication in a certain social sphere, implying politeness in the use of words and compliance with specific norms for their use.

The peculiarity of speech etiquette is that different countries other rules of communication.

Etiquette in speech is necessary for people. This is convenient for communication between people of the same circle. With the help of speech, you can find out the type of activity of a person, the level of his cultural development.

Typically, etiquette is used in business communication, during public speaking, and when writing business letters.

There are rules in communicating with people. You should always address your interlocutor as “you,” regardless of age. The norm is that the man identifies himself first. Afterwards the younger ones greet the older ones. If a woman enters a room with men, she should greet them, and they should get up and go to meet the newcomer. If you introduce people, you need to bring them to each other and introduce them. When you enter a room, greet those present. Do not interrupt your interlocutor, show interest in what your opponent is saying. It is not customary to start talking about yourself until you have asked, but you should not reveal everything about yourself. The intonation of the voice should be natural and pleasant to the ear. In high society, it is permissible to discuss any topic; the main rule is not to go into details.

There are a lot of rules, you need to gradually get acquainted with them. This knowledge will be very useful in life; it will point other people to your highly developed speech culture.

Each field of activity has its own style of speech, and also its own rules. For example, in a store we use one manner of speech, in a government organization the manner of speech changes.

Speech etiquette formulas have been created. The conversation should have a speech structure: the beginning of the dialogue, the main idea, the end of the conversation.

Naturally, speech etiquette is necessary in modern society. This is an art that requires painstaking training. Great speakers of the past and present have trained for years to captivate their audiences. The ability to speak encourages listeners to follow the speaker.

At home we receive a basic knowledge base about the rules of communication. The school is progressing in the study of cultural etiquette. What we say is perceived by the interlocutor, he creates a mental portrait of our personality. Before you say anything, you need to think carefully.

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We all remember from childhood how our mother said: “Don’t forget the “magic” word.” We learn these words even when we don’t even know how to read and write. “Magic” words are part of speech etiquette. It is a set of socially regulated rules of speech behavior and stable phrases of polite conversation, subordinated to a system of specific national stereotypes. Speech etiquette allows us to conduct a dialogue and maintain the nature of the conversation without offending the interlocutor: advice, request, order, discussion, greeting, and the like. The most common and worldwide used are words and expressions that relate to greetings and farewells, requests and apologies. Speech etiquette also draws our attention to intonation, since even the right word may not sound sincere.

This is why speech etiquette is worth paying attention to. In particular, the first etiquette classes at school begin with it. After all, speech etiquette teaches us to structure our speech. This allows you to avoid possible awkward and difficult moments. For example, a meeting with a person whom we have not seen for a long time or would not like to meet can go more smoothly and naturally if we apply the rules of speech etiquette: greeting, polite tone, tolerance and accuracy in expressions. After all, even five minutes of the wrong conversation is enough to leave a negative imprint on a relationship. And who knows, perhaps this is the person you will need a service or help from. Thus, it is important to know the tenets of speech etiquette according to G. P. Grace: quality (information must be valid), quantity (a balance between brevity and vagueness must be maintained), attitude (the content of the conversation must be appropriate) and manner (clarity, clarity and accessibility for understanding). Failure to comply with these postulates leads to misunderstandings, negative feelings and resentment. Moreover, these postulates were invented even before Grace and recorded in sayings. For example, the saying “The word is not a sparrow, if you release it, you will not catch it” teaches us to think about what we want to say. Not all thoughts sometimes need to be voiced. And the proverb “Grandfather talks about a chicken, and grandma talks about a duck” reveals the difficulties of understanding the interlocutor. If you talk through all the points and listen to each other, then such a problem will not arise. Additional, but no less important, postulates include such concepts of speech etiquette as tact, courtesy, tolerance, benevolence and restraint. Tactfulness implies the need to understand the interlocutor and his characteristics (character, family and health, status). This ethical standard requires avoiding inappropriate words, statements, questions, and topics of conversation. Tolerance and restraint are similar to a sense of tact, but they draw the attention of interlocutors to the fact that during a conversation, opposing conclusions may arise and differences in opinions may appear. Therefore, it teaches us to refrain from harsh criticism and learn to accept other people’s choices and listen to opinions different from ours. Kindness and kindness are also related to each other. The first norm is responsible for the ability to anticipate the questions and wishes of the interlocutor and the willingness to answer them, and the second is for a friendly attitude. Despite the fact that these postulates are applicable to all cultures, and the most common rules of speech (address an older and unfamiliar person with “You”, greet equal and familiar people with the words “Hello”) are used in any country, it is necessary to take into account the relationship between behavioral etiquette and speech etiquette. In some cultures, showing sympathy or compliments is not acceptable. So in Japan, the phrase “I sincerely sympathize with you” will offend a person, since it is not customary for them to share grief and complain about it. Therefore, your words will expose the person’s misfortune, which is tactless. And in Italy, a fairly colorful compliment, like “What a chick!”, will not be considered an insult, it should be accepted as the highest praise.

Speech etiquette opens up opportunities for us to get to know each other. Thanks to him, we evaluate a person at the same level as his appearance. So, if a person says “Hello” upon meeting, the first thing we think about will be to evaluate this person as ignorant or illiterate. In addition, it is by speech behavior that we evaluate our relationships with classmates or colleagues, teachers or bosses, parents and friends. If, after the parent-teacher meeting, the mother begins by addressing her by her first name and patronymic, then the conversation promises to be serious. After all, most often for our parents we are “suns” and “bunnies”. Therefore, without speech etiquette, we would simply get confused in relationships, in rules of behavior, and simply would not be able to establish contacts: make friends, work, etc.

Composition " Native language» Essay on the topic “Why do we need speech etiquette?”

Essay on the topic “Etiquette9”

3 subtopics: speech etiquette; Business Etiquette; etiquette has always been

Etiquette is not just rules of behavior that are accepted and supported by a certain group of people. This is a way of self-identification for society, an opportunity to create a certain style of behavior that is generally considered appropriate. And in order to fit into any society, it is necessary to take into account the rules of etiquette.

It is speech that distinguishes a person from an animal. The ability to share our thoughts has allowed our species to achieve unprecedented dominance on the planet. The word is at the same time a powerful, powerful and very dangerous tool that can both bring great good and significant harm.

Speech etiquette is a way of keeping words under control and using them in a way that is accepted and appropriate in a particular society. Each microsociety is a separate linguistic universe, which has its own laws and characteristics. In court, in a bank, at a social event, at a steel mill, at a youth party - in each case there is a certain speech etiquette that must be observed. Otherwise, the person will look at least strange.

Therefore, everyone needs to learn two key fundamentals of mastering speech etiquette: understanding the characteristics of the society in which you find yourself and being able to control your speech in accordance with these characteristics.

The rules of behavior in modern society go far beyond basic standards of decency. Business etiquette is a whole system of concepts and norms about how a person should behave in a business environment. Manners, speech, appearance, acceptable ways of doing business - all these categories are covered by business etiquette.

A key feature of business etiquette is a clear distribution of roles: each participant in the business process at different stages can occupy different positions and must behave accordingly. The roles of a subordinate, manager, company representative, client, partner and other positions common in the business world from which participants in economic relations have to act have certain norms that are usually adhered to. Failure to comply with business etiquette can not only be perceived with condemnation, but also cause quite tangible financial losses.

It should also be noted that business etiquette is a multifaceted concept. After all, we are talking not only about rules of behavior for individuals, but also for companies as a whole. Etiquette regulates the norms that legal entities must adhere to in order to exist with dignity in the economic environment. In this case, the rules of etiquette form a kind of “matryoshka”, where the rules for the team are superimposed on individual rules for individuals.

Knowledge and observance of business etiquette are necessary elements of any business interaction in modern society.

There has always been etiquette. Rules of good manners

Humanity has set generally accepted rules of behavior for thousands of years. The rules themselves changed, historical conditions transformed, but the very fact of the presence of etiquette rules was always unshakable.

A simple example: just two hundred years ago, a woman in trousers was something impossible and unacceptable, and when meeting, it was customary to take off hats and bow. Today, women everywhere wear trousers, and only a few wear hats. However, the very fact of the existence of rules regulating the style of clothing, norms of behavior and acceptable speech patterns in a particular society has always existed.

Based on this, it should be understood that rebelling against etiquette is pointless. Society has always tended to have a negative attitude towards those who ignore generally accepted norms. This means that the most effective and simple way to interact with any society is to play by its rules.

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Good manners one of the most important indicators of a well-mannered, cultured person. From early childhood, we are instilled with certain behavior patterns. A cultured person must constantly follow the norms of behavior established in society observe etiquette.Knowledge and compliance with etiquette standards allows you to feel confident and free in any society.

The word "etiquette" came into the Russian language from French in the 18th century, when the court life of an absolute monarchy was taking shape and broad political and cultural ties between Russia and other states were established.

Etiquette (French) etiquette) a set of rules of conduct and treatment accepted in certain social circles (at the courts of monarchs, in diplomatic circles, etc.). Typically, etiquette reflects the form of behavior, treatment, and rules of courtesy accepted in a given society, inherent in a particular tradition. Etiquette can act as an indicator of the values ​​of different historical eras.

At an early age, when parents teach their child to say hello, say thank you, and ask for forgiveness for pranks, learning occurs. basic formulas of speech etiquette.

This is a system of rules of speech behavior, norms for the use of language means in certain conditions. Speech communication etiquette plays an important role for a person’s successful activity in society, his personal and professional growth, and the building of strong family and friendly relationships. To master the etiquette of verbal communication, knowledge from various humanitarian fields is required: linguistics, history, cultural studies, psychology. To more successfully master cultural communication skills, they use such a concept as speech etiquette formulas.

IN Everyday life we constantly communicate with people. Any communication process consists of certain stages:

  • starting a conversation (greeting/introduction);
  • main part, conversation;
  • the final part of the conversation.

Each stage of communication is accompanied by certain cliches, traditional words and fixed expressions formulasami speech etiquette. These formulas exist in the language in finished form and are provided for all occasions.

To the formulas of speech etiquette words of politeness include (sorry, thank you, please), greetings and farewells (hello, greetings, goodbye), appeals (you, you, ladies and gentlemen). Greetings came to us from the west: good evening, good afternoon, Good morning, and from European languages ​​- farewells: all the best, all the best.

The sphere of speech etiquette includes ways of expressing joy, sympathy, grief, guilt, accepted in a given culture. For example, in some countries it is considered indecent to complain about difficulties and problems, while in others it is unacceptable to talk about one’s achievements and successes. The range of conversation topics varies across cultures.

In the narrow sense of the word speech etiquette can be defined as a system of linguistic means in which etiquette relations are manifested. Elements and formulas of this system can be implemented at different language levels:

At the level of vocabulary and phraseology: special words, set expressions, forms of address (thank you, excuse me, hello, comrades, etc.)

At the grammatical level: for polite address use plural And interrogative sentences instead of imperative (You won't tell me how to get there...)

On a stylistic level: maintaining the qualities of good speech (correctness, precision, richness, appropriateness, etc.)

At the intonation level: using calm intonation even when expressing demands, dissatisfaction, or irritation.

At the level of orthoepy: usage full forms words: z hello instead of hello, please instead of please, etc.

On organizational and communicative level: listen carefully and do not interrupt or interfere in someone else’s conversation.

Speech etiquette formulas are characteristic of both literary and colloquial, and rather reduced (slang) style. The choice of one or another speech etiquette formula depends mainly on the communication situation. Indeed, the conversation and manner of communication can vary significantly depending on: the personality of the interlocutors, the place of communication, the topic of conversation, time, motive and goals.

A place of communication may require participants in a conversation to comply with certain rules of speech etiquette established specifically for the chosen place. Communication at a business meeting, social dinner, or in the theater will differ from behavior at a youth party, in the restroom, etc.

Depends on the participants in the conversation. The personality of the interlocutors primarily influences the form of address: you or you. Form You indicates the informal nature of communication, You to respect and greater formality in conversation.

Depending on the topic of conversation, time, motive or purpose of communication, we use different conversational techniques.

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