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Dream interpretation of corn sticks. Discussion of why corn is dreamed of

Cooking corn in a dream - the appearance of a new fan will be quite unexpected for you. Eating boiled corn means seeing your friends whom you love very much. Corn flour is a small but pleasant hassle, and corn oil in a dream is a sign of a strong feeling that will cover you completely. Canned corn is a sign that material well-being will be with you a little later.

Yellow, densely located corn kernels in a fork in a dream are always an ambiguous symbol. Films often personify what this cereal dreams of with future events associated with a large number of closely interacting people.

Corn in a dream is not only material well-being, but also possible new interesting hobbies. True, in this case you can see not a field, not forks, but corn grits. Well, if a person in a dream made this cereal himself, husking corn and tarring it on a grain grinder, then his hobby in real life will give him a lot of pleasure.

Corn in a dream is always associated with fertility and abundance. Such a dream is usually interpreted differently for men and women. For a woman, an ear of corn is a symbol of her relationship with her husband, and the larger and riper it is, the more attractive her partner will be. A dream about forks on a corn stalk foretells pregnancy, healthy children, family happiness and prosperity.

According to the interpretation of the Ukrainian dream book, seeing corn in a dream is a symbol of prosperity and profit. The business that you just want to start at the moment can bring good income, so we advise you to start it immediately.

Cooking corn in a dream - the appearance of a new fan will be very unexpected for you. Eating boiled corn means seeing your friends whom you love very much. Corn flour is a small but pleasant hassle, and corn oil in a dream is a sign of a strong feeling that will cover you completely. Canned corn is a sign that you will have material well-being a little later.

Corn - Holidays, certain symbols, sacrifices, and rituals are traditionally associated with corn. It is even used to describe an unconventional sense of humor. Thus, corn can have many meanings, from food to a special kind of humor. Corn can also symbolize abundance, fertility and growth.

If you dreamed of corn that you collect yourself, soon all your merits will be recognized by society, and your efforts will be rewarded. If you eat corn in a dream, then soon you will find a profitable deal that you cannot refuse.

According to Miller’s dream book, corn that you collected grain by grain in a dream foreshadows a lot of pleasures from communicating with a circle of close friends. If you observed how someone else carried out this action, then you will rejoice at the successful completion of the business of your relative or friend.

According to the interpretation of the Ukrainian dream book, seeing corn in a dream is a symbol of prosperity and profit. The business that you just want to start at the moment can bring good income, so we advise you to start it immediately.

According to the dream book, buying corn in a dream is a symbol of unexpected news that will provide you with opportunities for self-development and discovery. A favorable time is coming to implement your plans.

A corn field can be interpreted from a business perspective. If you are planning to open your own business, then agricultural business will be the right decision. It is the cultivation of cultivated plants and the breeding of animals that will help you get rich dramatically. Such a plantation in a dream is especially favorable if the grains are already full and ripe.

If you dream that you are collecting a burdock leaf and waving it towards your interlocutor, this means that in reality you will have an unpleasant conversation with this person, and you will understand that your opinion of him is much better than he really is. In general, this the dream does not bode well. See large leaves of this plant - to deception. You should not hang your ears and succumb to the persuasion of dishonest people, even if you feel very sorry for them. Tell no one in more detail, and then you will be able to survive this rather unfavorable period without much loss.

Selling ears of corn in a dream or treating someone to corn - your generosity and your friendly, attentive attitude towards the people around you will pay off in the future in a way that is most incomprehensible to you. Seeing corn in a dream on Friday and Wednesday foretells that the dream will not come true soon.

If in a dream you witness a forest fire, then in reality you should be more careful about your own words. Otherwise, it may happen that all your efforts aimed at achieving your goal will be broken like a crystal flower. The same applies to your relationship with your partner. Try to prevent unnecessary destructive intensity of passions.

If in a dream you get lost in the forest, then you need solitude in the rural wilderness, away from the bustle of the city. At the first opportunity, take advantage of the opportunity and go to recuperate. Don’t worry - no one will be lost without you, and if you don’t decide to do such an act, remember that nerve cells are not restored.

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Vanga is a world-famous legendary clairvoyant and prophetess. One day she saw a horseman who promised to teach her to predict the future and talk about the past. But in addition to the gift of foresight, Vanga acquired the ability to interpret dreams.

Corn on the cob in a dream often promises prosperity, financial stability, success of business endeavors, and excellent relationships with others. The dream book only sometimes interprets this symbol as a harbinger of worries, troubles, and expenses. You can understand why he is dreaming by remembering the details of the dream.

Well-being, great relationships

Did you dream of seeing her? Material wealth, financial stability, and successful endeavors await you.

Corn on the cob in a dream means: the sleeping person will have excellent relationships with relatives, acquaintances, and colleagues. Friends are always ready to help out in difficult circumstances and help with advice.

Be careful: losses and troubles are possible

The dream book states: the interpretation of visions depends on their quality. If they were beautiful, ripe, full, there is joy ahead, because everything will be fine at home and with your family. When they turned out to be immature and had flaws, losses, worries, and troubles are possible.

Why do you dream about stalks of almost ripe corn falling to the ground and lying under your feet? The vision portends failures, large expenses, even poverty.

To see a green, immature tree in a dream - according to the dream book, you will experience material losses that can negatively affect your health.

Successful business, good income

If the corn on the cob turns out to be ripe, the grains are full and large, success in doing business, profit, and a good income lie ahead. However, this will require some effort.

Picking it in a dream foreshadows, according to the dream book, an excellent break from work. You will have a great time, relax, and gain strength for new achievements.

Why dream of eating corn on the cob? There will be an opportunity to invest money in some business that will bring great profit.

Other interpretations

Did you dream about eating it? The dream book suggests: the dreamer will soon meet friends whom he values ​​very much.

Also, such a vision in a dream promises love joys, sexual relations that can leave unforgettable impressions.

Did the woman dream of a lot of corn on the cob on the stalk? The dream book promises the birth of long-awaited children - strong and healthy.

What they were doing?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what had to be done:

  • harvesting - recognition ahead, a good reward for work, prosperity;
  • steal - unexpected receipt of funds, additional income;
  • peel - to pleasure and success;
  • cooking for a woman is a new fan;
  • buying boiled water on the beach means it’s time to take a break from work;
  • eating is a conversation on an unpleasant topic with household members.

Miller's Dream Book: a time of prosperity

Why dream of walking across a field and seeing golden, ripening ears of corn? In reality, a period of prosperity and joy will begin.

Hello! Today is 01.11.14. Dreamed from Sat to Sun.
I'm in a cornfield. Autumn. Night. The field belongs to my family. I'm with 2 relatives. (At least in a dream I knew so. In real life I have not seen these people and do not know them.) The soldiers are stealing our corn. The three of us are hiding, but I don’t understand why, if we can see each other. Corn, by the way, is already unsuitable for human body, i.e. You can’t eat it anymore. Unless you put it on feed. So, they are tearing up, and we do not interfere with them, but not out of fear, but because we understand that the soldiers are having a hard time right now, like no one else. (I must say, I live in the Kherson region.)
When they left, the fun begins. The three of us scatter (I don’t know why) deep into the field. For some reason, the aisles between the rows are very wide. meter, a little more. So, we’re walking (not tearing) and then I somehow turn around and in front of me at arm’s length, a little less, is the sickly white face of an unfamiliar round-faced black-haired girl. I was dumbfounded. She looked into my eyes, I looked into hers. I understand that she is not alive. I ask her: “Are you dead?” and I hear that one of my relatives, standing somewhere to the left of me in the area of ​​3-4 meters, asks who I am talking to... But I cannot take my eyes off this girl. She is silent. I understand that no one sees her except me. She signaled for me to follow her. I doubted, but followed her. After a minute or two, we reached the edge of the field, which was fenced off with slabs. There, to my left, there was a full-length mirror. It was as if it was hidden. It stood where the row of corn should have continued. She starts babbling something to me. Not to speak, but as if to babble, as soon as her lips opened like that. But I didn’t hear her voice or words. I told her about this. She took something like chalk from the ground, but black. Like a coal or something... And she began to write something on the stove. From the inscription I understood that she was asking me to look in the mirror, that I would see there instead of myself a person whom I would soon meet and be with him, well, that is, my betrothed. I looked... But I didn’t see anyone there except myself. I told her about this. For a moment it seemed to me that she was a little upset. And the dream ended. But regarding what I saw in the mirror, it was really me there. This is who I am in life. She’s just dressed in a worn old sheepskin coat and a hat with earflaps. I was surprised by my reflection. I don’t remember feeling disappointment or satisfaction from my appearance, just surprise, and then acceptance of myself as I saw myself.
I looked at the symbols separately, found a bunch of things and everything contradicted each other. It seems to me that all the symbols need to be interpreted, taking them together as one whole.. Help me interpret the dream, please..

Corn in a dream is mostly a favorable symbol, promising happiness and excellent prospects for the future. However, depending on the details of the dream, corn can also mean financial difficulties or failures. For a more accurate interpretation, you need to remember what it looked like cultivated plant, in what form it appeared, or what actions were performed with it. Let’s try to understand in more detail why corn is dreamed of, and what such a dream can promise to a person in real life.

Why do you dream about corn?

1) If you saw fully ripe corn in a dream, this is good sign promising an improvement in your well-being;

2) If this crop appears still green in a dream, this means that you should be more attentive to your health, it is likely that you will get sick very soon;

3) In some dream books, corn is defined in its shape as a symbol of sexual intercourse without any romance. Collecting this crop in a dream is a sign that you will have a very happy life;

4) If you peel corn in a dream, this is an unfavorable sign, promising difficulties in the material sphere that will appear due to the activity of your competitors or ill-wishers. During this period of time, there is an increased risk of financial losses, so be extremely vigilant, do not agree to dubious transactions, they will bring you nothing but costs and disappointment;

5) If you peel the grains from the cob, this is a good sign that promises you communication in a pleasant circle of friends. Also, such a dream is a harbinger of success and great pleasures;

6) If you buy corn in a dream - to unexpected news that will open up excellent prospects for you;

7) If you see a dream in which this culture is just being sown, this is a sign that you will have to work hard to achieve your goals, so do not look for easy ways, try to correctly distribute your forces, and then you will be able to improve your well-being;

8) If in a dream you are very happy that the corn has yielded well, this means that your ill-wishers are plotting tricks against you. However, if you are vigilant, the plans of your enemies will not be realized and your reputation will remain untarnished;

9) If you see yourself walking through a field of young corn - expect serious changes V personal life, marriage is very likely, and it will turn out to be very successful;

10) If in a dream you look at the stalks of corn and see many cobs on it, this is a wonderful sign that in the future there will be many beautiful, healthy children in your family;

11) If in a dream you watch other people collecting this crop, this means that in real life you will be very happy about the success of one of your relatives. Also, such a dream can promise a trip that can make you a successful and wealthy person, which will help you realize your entrepreneurial spirit in the future and succeed in your own business.

We determine the exact value depending on the details of the dream

1. A corn field in a dream, especially with ripened grains, is a symbol of the success of your own business. That is, if you decide to start a business, then an agricultural business can be a successful solution to all your financial problems. Moreover, both growing crops and breeding animals can become a very profitable activity for you.

2. If you eat corn in a dream, this is not a very good sign. Because of your wastefulness and carelessness, you can easily “waste” all your funds that were acquired through hard work. The dream book recommends being more careful with your money.

3. If you purchase this plant in a dream, this is a sign of pleasant and unexpected news that will help you fully realize your ambitions and goals.

4. Seeing grains of this cereal in a dream is a good sign that promises you excellent financial prospects. After such a dream, you can be sure: your perseverance and hard work will be very well rewarded!

5. If you are picking corn in a dream, this is an excellent sign at a time when you are somewhat confused and cannot decide on a decision that can have a serious impact on your future life. You will finally be able to find an activity or hobby that will not only help you improve your financial situation, but will also give you great satisfaction.

6. If a girl saw boiled corn, and she cooked it herself in a dream, this is a good sign, promising favorable changes in her personal life. The girl will finally meet a faithful and wealthy young man, who in the future will become a loving and reliable husband and father.

7. For the young unmarried girl who saw boiled corn in a dream, such a dream means a pleasant meeting with friends, which in the end will not only be a fun pastime, but may also bring business proposals that may definitely interest her.

8. The appearance of canned corn in a dream is a very piquant symbol. This sign promises you a lot of variety in your intimate life, a relationship without love, but only for the purpose of satisfying physiological needs, a momentary thirst for passion.

Why do you dream about corn according to Miller’s dream book?

The famous American psychologist Gustav Miller interprets the appearance of corn in a dream as a favorable symbol that promises the dreamer a life full of joyful and pleasant moments.

The dream book also offers other interpretations of this symbol:

If you are collecting this crop in a dream, this is a good sign, promising in real life the success of one of your relatives or friends, which you will sincerely rejoice at;

If a farmer sees himself walking through a huge field with ripe corn cobs, this is an excellent sign for him, promising him harmony in family life, smiles from his children, and also a very fruitful year;

If a young man saw this cultivated plant in a dream, this is a sign that happiness and many interesting acquaintances will soon await him. If a culture appears beaten and crushed in a dream, this means misfortune and loss;

Seeing a grain of corn thrown into newly plowed ground means that you will be supported by some serious and influential person who will help you achieve great success in life;

The appearance in a dream of the first corn sprouts, just emerging from the ground, is a good sign, promising success and prosperity;

If you saw in a dream a grain of corn that was poured into a manger, this means that good luck will favor you, your secret desires will come true, and the seriousness of your plans will be well received by those around you;

Popcorn in a dream is a symbol of support and patronage of an influential person who will trust you;

Eating green corn is a sign of harmonious friendships.

Why do you dream about corn according to Nostradamus’ dream book?

French astrologer Michel Nostradamus interprets the appearance of corn in a dream as a symbol of prosperity, and the more of this crop there is in a dream, the better the dreamer’s well-being.

If a person dreams of thieves trying to steal cobs from him, this is a sign that in real life he will face troubles and losses.

Why do you dream of corn according to the Mayan dream book?

According to the Mayan dream book, planting corn in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is unlikely to be able to significantly change his life, despite all his efforts. All he can do is wait for better times. The Mayan dream book recommends doing this: to prevent such a dream from coming true, you need to plant a grain of corn in the ground and take it away from home. So, when the grain begins to sprout, the black streak will go away, and positive changes will again come to the dreamer’s life.

Interpretation of dreams about corn according to Loff's dream book

Seeing corn cobs in a dream means profit;

Husking corn means success and pleasure;

Watching other people harvest corn means rejoicing at the success of family or friends.

Modern dream book

Walking through a field of ripening corn and seeing golden-colored cobs means joy and excellent prospects in life;

Corn flakes in a dream are a symbol of your tendency to exaggerate existing problems, which in fact are not serious and can be easily avoided.

Corn in a dream is an ambiguous symbol and can have both a positive meaning - wealth, promotion on the career ladder, well-being in the family, and a negative one - life difficulties, financial problems, deteriorating health and other troubles. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember its details: appearance product, its quantity, the actions of the dreamer and his emotions, the situation in the dream and the people around him.

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    Interpretation in different dream books

    The meaning of a dream about corn in popular dream books:

    • Spring. This plant is a symbol of friendship and fidelity. The more cobs you dream about, the more friends the sleeping person has.
    • Autumn. If you dream of yellow corn in grains, the dreamer has many enemies; such a night dream foreshadows betrayal and deception.
    • Summer. Seeing a corn field in a dream means a bountiful harvest. Eating corn in a can is a sign of great luck. Eating boiled on the cob is a sign of joy and unforgettable emotions. Cook to make a profit.
    • Islamic. Such a dream means prosperity and family harmony.
    • Freud's Dream Book. Canned in a jar - for passionate sexual pleasures and love adventures.
    • Dream book of Smirnov. Seeing a product means experiencing financial problems. This grain crop symbolizes poverty and misfortune.
    • Interpreter of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima. Seeing young cobs means material wealth and prosperity in the dreamer’s family. Dried grains - be tough and uncompromising. If a girl dreams of corn cobs, then she will soon get married and give birth to a child.
    • Foreteller Vanga. The dream promises a pleasant pastime with close friends and the successful completion of an important task.

      If you dreamed of rotten corn, serious troubles and financial problems are coming.

      Decoding a dream according to Miller

      According to Miller's dream book, dreams about corn can be deciphered based on the circumstances of what is happening:

      • If you dream of being withered and old, the sleeping woman should be gentler with the people around her.
      • Walking through a corn field in a dream means participating in a risky and dubious event.
      • Harvesting ripe grain crops means quick cash profit.
      • Seeing green grains means a serious illness.
      • Separating the cob grain by grain means communicating with loved ones and enjoying spending time together. Watching someone take apart a cob means being happy for other people, being selfless and merciful.
      • Boiled corn is a sign of the appearance of a new admirer or secret admirer in the life of an unmarried person. D For married women, such a dream promises a strong and harmonious relationship with their spouse, and for pregnant women - an easy birth and quick recovery after childbirth. For businessmen and business people - to improve their financial situation and conclude a profitable deal. If a person decided to open his own business and dreamed of boiled corn, this is a good sign that promises success and prosperity; the business must be related to agricultural products and animal breeding.
      • Buy a cob on the beach - a sleeping person needs emotional release and proper rest.
      • If a girl dreams that she eats corn grains with great appetite, the young lady is careless about her finances and wastes money in vain.
      • Sharing young cobs with your beloved and happily absorbing the delicacy together - soon your loved one will give you an expensive gift. If a guy refuses boiled corn, then the girl should be extremely careful with her chosen one, since there is a high probability of betrayal and betrayal.
      • Cooking a lot of cobs and treating loved ones with them in a dream means being generous and good-natured, always helping your family and supporting them in difficult life situations.


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