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Specialties for admission to Nevelsk State University. Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I.

The Amur branch of the university offers many interesting professions

Documents for admission:


Education document (original)

Medical certificate in form 086-u ( certificate of vaccinations, fluorography, ophthalmologist - vision norm from 0.5 to 1.0 - according to specialty)

4 photos without headdress (3x4)

Copy of passport

Copy of pension insurance certificate

Unified State Examination certificates (for applicants based on 11th grade)

GIA results (for applicants based on 9th grade) or results of conducted entrance examinations at the branch

TIN (after enrollment)

Higher professional education

Secondary vocational education

You can get naval specialties for free

Military department

State support

Opportunity to make good money during internship (from 1st year)

Opportunity to make good money during internship (from 2nd year)

Exceptional opportunities to see the whole world

Opportunity for prestigious employment in major shipping companies around the world

Possibility of obtaining higher education in Vladivostok under an accelerated program

Training 2 years in Blagoveshchensk, 3 years in Vladivostok


Unified State Exam: Russian language, mathematics, physics

Based on 11 classes

Based on 9 classes

Excellent health

Unified State Exam: Russian language, mathematics

GIA: Russian language, mathematics

Excellent health

Dates for entrance exams:

To the Faculty of Higher Education:

  • The terms of the Unified State Exam (Russian language, mathematics, physics) are basic and additional, determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

For departments of secondary vocational education:

  • GIA deadlines (test results in mathematics and Russian language) based on 9 grades.
  • The Unified State Exam (Russian language, mathematics) deadlines are basic and additional (for applicants based on 11th grade).

Applicants who are fit for study due to health reasons are allowed to enroll.

Additional information:

1. Full state support for cadets (food, accommodation, uniforms).

2. Benefits - for orphans and young men who served in the Republic of Armenia.

3. At the Faculty of Higher Education, cadets undergo military training with the assignment of officer rank.

4. Additional education programs are carried out retraining and advanced training according to the profile of the main professional programs university branch.

The Amur branch carries out vocational training according to programs ( for a period from 1 month to 6 months):

  • Sailor
  • Rescue sailor
  • Motorist (machinist)
  • Ship repairer
  • Turner
  • Marine electrician
  • Electric and gas welder
  • Transport security courses
  • Boatmaster of small vessels (yachts, jet skis, boats)

List of specialties at the Faculty of Higher Education




Form of study

Duration of training

Entrance tests

Competition (persons per place) in 2012





Mathematics (USE)

Russian language (USE)

Physics (USE)




Mathematics (USE)

Russian language (USE)

Physics (USE)


Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment



Mathematics (USE)

Russian language (USE)

Physics (USE)

List of specialties at the department of secondary vocational training




Form of study

Duration of training

Entrance tests

(based on basic general education)

Entrance tests

(based on secondary (complete) education)

Based on basic general education

Based on secondary (complete) education



navigator technician


3 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

Mathematics (USE)

Russian language (USE)


Operation of inland waterways



2 years 10 months

Mathematics (USE)

Russian language (USE)


Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation

electromechanical technician


2 years 10 months

Mathematics (USE)

Russian language (USE)


Operation of ship power plants

ship mechanic technician


3 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

Mathematics (GIA or results of entrance tests conducted at the Academy of Sciences)

Russian language (GIA or results of entrance tests conducted at the Academy of Sciences)

Mathematics (USE)

Russian language (USE)


Organization of transportation and transport management

Nautical state university them. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy (Vladivostok) enrolled about 826 cadets and students in 18 higher education programs. As PortNews IAA was informed by the university’s admissions committee, the total number of applications is several times higher than the enrollment quotas in all major areas.

On educational programs About 4 thousand applications were submitted for higher education. As a result, 360 people were enrolled in budget-funded places in four specialty programs represented by cadet specialties.

176 cadets (11 girls) were admitted to the navigation faculty (specialty “Navigation”), the average Unified State Exam score is 169, the competition is 1.44 per place. 153 cadets were admitted to the marine engineering faculty (“Operation of ship power plants”), the average score was 154, the competition score was 1.31. At the electromechanical faculty, 45 cadets with an average score of 162 (competition - 1.75) were enrolled in the specialty “Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment” and in the specialty “ Technical operation transport radio equipment" - 20 cadets (14 girls) with an average score of 171 (competition, 1.89).

Acceptance of applications for places with payment of tuition fees continues. Most first-year students are residents of Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai, however, the geography of applicants covers most of the Russian regions - from Far East and Siberia to the western part of Russia.

The traditional leaders of the admissions campaign in terms of quality of selection are two specialty programs (10 budget places each, passing score - 200): "Information security of telecommunication systems" (competition - 5.56) and "Information and analytical security systems" (competition - 3 ,8).

As Marina Kovalchuk, executive secretary of the university’s admissions committee, said, the admissions campaign revealed a predicted increased interest of applicants in technical engineering specialties. The number of school graduates aiming to work in a technical field and taking the Unified State Examination in physics and computer science is growing every year.

It is also noted that the attention of applicants is attracted by training programs carried out jointly with the university’s industrial partners. Thus, in partnership with Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex LLC (part of the Rosneft Oil Company), this year another enrollment was completed for training under the targeted training program in the areas of “Shipbuilding, ocean engineering and systems engineering of marine infrastructure facilities” and "Mechanical Engineering".

As for the humanitarian specialties, “Jurisprudence” and “Economics” are the leaders among them. A total of 208 applicants have been enrolled in undergraduate programs so far. The final results of the enrollment will be known in a month, when the acceptance of applications for full-time education with payment (according to the plan - more than 300 people) and for part-time education (according to the plan - 150 budget and paid places each) is completed.

Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy (Vladivostok) is a modern educational and scientific organization of higher professional education. The university provides training for traditional and developing maritime sectors of the economy, who can also work effectively in other sectors of the scientific and industrial complex of the Far East, Siberia and Vladivostok.

The swimming practice of 1st year cadets of the Navigation Faculty of the Maritime Academy of Moscow State University continues. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy, which takes place on a voyage to the Black Sea, where they will take part in the international race SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 on the sailing training ship “Nadezhda”.

Maritime University cadets will play in Sergei Brilev's new film

On July 12, an episode from a new film by the famous Russian TV presenter Sergei Brilev will be filmed in the waters of the Amur Bay. The role of sailors of the heroic icebreaker "Anastas Mikoyan" will be played by cadets of Moscow State University. adm. G.I. Nevelsky.

June 6 at Moscow State University. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy, a solemn presentation of diplomas to graduates of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies of the Maritime Institute of Information Technologies took place. Of the 51 graduates, 11 graduated with “excellent” marks.

On July 7, the coveted diplomas of higher education were awarded to graduates of the Marine Technology Faculty of the Maritime Academy of Moscow State University. adm. G.I. Nevelsky.

The faculty, graduates, parents and relatives gathered in the assembly hall for the ceremonial meeting on the occasion of the graduation from the Maritime University.

July 8 at Moscow State University. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy, nine graduates of the Faculty of Water Sports of the Maritime Academy were awarded diplomas of higher education.

2nd year student at the Institute of Economics and Transport Management of Moscow State University. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy Olesya Chernikova took part in the regional creative competition among organizations of higher professional education “Friendship of Peoples - a world without dangers” and became a diploma winner.

Olesya Chernikova wrote a poem and submitted it to the competition. The work of the young poetess was highly appreciated by the jury. Olesya was awarded a Diploma for 2nd place in the category “Poetic sketch on the theme: “I want there to be peace on the planet.”

Congratulations to Olesya on her well-deserved award!

The graduation ceremony for bachelors of the Faculty of Maritime Transport Management of the Maritime University was held in the assembly hall of the university on July 1. 67 graduates received higher education diplomas in the field of maritime transport management, 18 of them with “excellent” marks.
Special parting words to the graduates were said by the ex-head of the Rosmorflot Service, active state adviser of the first class, Doctor of Economics. A.A. Lugovets, a former graduate of the same faculty. He noted that the Maritime University is one of the most worthy universities in the country. And then, referring to Mikhail Bulgakov’s saying that a university does not make a person educated, but can teach one to be disciplined, the respected professor wished his students to use the self-organization skills acquired at the university and become, over time, truly educated people.

June 30 at the Marine Technology College of Moscow State University. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy held a ceremonial graduation ceremony for secondary vocational education specialists.

79 graduates received college diplomas. This event is both joyful and sad at the same time. Joyful because a new generation of young people has entered an independent life, and sad because they are saying goodbye to college, to their beloved teachers who walked alongside them all four years and supported them in difficult times.

On July 3, in Vladivostok, the Day of Workers of the Sea and River Fleet was celebrated with the solemn laying of wreaths and flowers at the monument to the “Merchant Fleet Sailors who died in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”.

The ceremony was attended by acting Head of Vladivostok Konstantin Loboda, representatives of the city administration, representatives of the administration, officers and cadets of the Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy, management and veterans of the Far Eastern Shipping Company, representatives of the Primorsky regional branch of the All-Russian movement to support the fleet and maritime community, students of patriotic clubs. In honor of the holiday, the “Flame of Memory” was lit at the memorial.

The flower laying ceremony is a tribute to memory and respect not only to those sailors who gave their lives for victory in the Great War, but also a tribute to those who through their labor made and are making their contribution to the development of the country’s maritime industry. These people devoted many years of their lives to the sea and the fleet, there are thousands of them in our port city.

Our graduate Ivan Shtyl is the 2016 European champion!

On June 24-26 in Moscow at the European Championships, a graduate of the Faculty of Aquatic Sports of Moscow State University. adm. G.I. Nevelskogo 2011 Ivan Shtyl in a two-man canoe crew with Viktor Melantyev took first place at a distance of 500 m.

Contrary to rumors, machinations of enemies and other universities, for which with Moscow State University named after adm. G.I. Nevelskogo is a big and serious competitor, we inform you that the LICENSE for the right to conduct educational activities at our university there are!)))

Admissions Committee of Moscow State University Nevelskoy's cover photo

On June 28, a solemn farewell ceremony took place for 1st year cadets of the Navigation Faculty of the Maritime Academy of Moscow State University. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy to the Black Sea, where they will take part in the international race SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 on the sailing training ship Nadezhda.

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science recognized the university’s activities as effective

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation the collection and verification of the accuracy of the data provided has been completed educational organizations higher education within the framework of the main indicators for monitoring the activities of universities. Activities of Moscow State University. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy in the monitoring system of universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, as in previous years, was recognized as effective.

The long-awaited day has come - the launch vessel "Nadezhda" has weighed anchor and set off on its first voyage this year. There are currently 110 cadets of the Maritime College and the Marine Technology College of the Maritime Academy of Moscow State University on board. adm. G.I. Nevelsky.
The first sailing rush was played and the yards were thrown. Very soon the port of Shanghai (PRC) awaits us, where cadets and crew of the Nadezhda vessel will take part in the International Exhibition “Transport Logistic China 2016”.

4th year cadets of the navigation department of the Sakhalin Higher Maritime School showed their navigation skills on radar simulators.

According to the legend, which was developed for the cadets by teachers of the Sakhalin Higher Maritime School and the Maritime Education Center, three crews of future navigators must navigate their container ships safely along a given route in Tokyo Bay, where more than 100 ships are moving simultaneously with them.

On June 2, the sailing training ship “Nadezhda” with the Russian Maritime Center on board departs for the first voyage of this year. On board - 111 cadets of two maritime colleges Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy - first-year and second-year students - future navigators, ship mechanics and electromechanics.
For a whole month from the moment the entire cadet team arrived on board, the guys were putting the ship in order after a lengthy repair - sanding, scrubbing, painting, doing all the dirtiest work, primitively simple at first glance, but so necessary for any ship. In addition, almost three thousand cadets led by boatswains square meters the sails were raised by the cadets' hands and armed on all the yards, the last of which - the bomb-bram-yards - are at an altitude of almost fifty meters.
The ship will leave Zolotoy Rog Bay after a ceremonial farewell on the morning of June 2.

May 30 at the monument to G.I. Nevelsky, teachers and cadets of Moscow State University gathered in the city center. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy, members of the Primorsky branch of the Russian Geographical Society- The Society for the Study of the Amur Region, the Maritime Assembly of Vladivostok and other public organizations to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the stay of Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, the future Emperor of Russia, in Vladivostok.
Near the monument, a prayer service was held for the holy passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas II in front of his miraculous myrrh-streaming icon, led by Metropolitan Veniamin of Vladivostok and Primorsky. The Bishop reminded those gathered that on May 30, 1891, Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov at this place personally installed a silver foundation board for the future monument, which was built in 1897; funds for its construction were collected among Vladivostok residents on the initiative of the sailors of the Siberian crew.

Schoolchildren's underwater robot will be beautiful

Team of schoolchildren “The MSUN oceanus” from the Moscow State University Lyceum. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy is preparing for the Regional stage of the underwater robotics competition MATE ROV competition, which will be held for the second time in Russia in Vladivostok on May 6-7 at the Moscow State University. adm. G.I. Nevelsky.



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