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Washing method for kitchen towels. How to clean kitchen towels at home

The kitchen is the heart of any home. There we are used to not only eating, but also chatting with friends, watching TV, discussing the news. The kitchen is a very special area where it is pleasant to arrange family tips or spontaneous gatherings over fragrant tea with homemade pies.Therefore, each hostess tries to make her especially cozy and comfortable.

But neat appearance dirty towels with old or greasy stains will ruin any kitchen. Therefore, a good housewife is faced with the question of how to quickly and efficiently wash kitchen towels at home without much effort and cost.

Our hardworking grandmothers did not have washing machines and they had no idea about household chemicals. But the towels and linens in their homes shone white and smelled fresh. How did they achieve such an amazing effect?

Today we will reveal some secrets to help you solve the problem of washing dirty towels.

Laundry soap

  • Thoroughly dampen towels in cold water and lather generously with regular laundry soap. Then put the towel in a plastic bag and wrap it tightly. Leave the laundry in this position for two hours, then remove and wash as usual. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Table vinegar

  • If the dirty towels are crumpled and damp, they will develop mildew stains and bad smell... Use ordinary table vinegar to fix this problem. Soak towels in lukewarm water with 50 g of vinegar, and wash after half an hour.

Baking soda

  • Heavily soiled towels should not be washed without presoaking. Add five tablespoons of baking soda to your laundry detergent and leave the laundry soaked overnight, then wash.

Vegetable oil

Method 1

  • To restore their former freshness to washed towels with old stains, you can use a rather unexpected method using vegetable oil.

In a large container of boiling water, add 50 g of any vegetable oil, 200 g of washing powder and 50 g of bleach. Put towels in the same place, and let them sit there until the water cools completely. Then take out the towels and wash as usual.

Method 2

  • You can use vegetable oil as one of the components for soaking. Mix equal parts (2-3 tablespoons each) of washing powder, bleach, baking soda and vegetable oil. Put towels in there overnight, and machine wash the next morning.

Lemon acid

  • Stubborn stains on towels can be removed with citric acid. First wash them with laundry soap and then rub over the stains. citric acid and leave it on for 5 minutes, no more, and then wash it again and rinse thoroughly.

Silicate glue

Enough unusual way washing towels with silicate glue and soap.

  • Toss a small bar of soap or 1 tbsp into a boiling bowl. washing powder. Add 25 g of silicate glue to the same. Stir the solution thoroughly until the glue is completely dissolved. Boil the laundry in this mixture for no more than half an hour and remove. Next, rinse the laundry in warm water.

This washing method will help you restore the white color of your kitchen towels.

By the way, you can boil old pots and pans in this mixture, they will shine with pristine purity.

Mustard powder

Method 1

  • A simple wash in mustard gives excellent results. Pour a bag of dry mustard into a bucket of hot water, let it brew a little and put towels there. After three hours, rinse in several types of water.

Method 2

  • You can also disinfect and restore whiteness with mustard. Dissolve the dry powder until thick sour cream, spread on washed towels and leave for four to five hours, then rinse in two waters.

REMEMBER: textiles that are brightly colored or with patterns cannot be boiled, so the mustard method will be the best in this case.

As you can see, there are many recipes for washing without boiling, but you must first soak the textiles and then wash in any way you are familiar with.

How to boil tea towels

If you have free time and are accustomed to, moreover, to approach business thoroughly, wash your dirty laundry with a boil. This process will remove stubborn stains from the kitchen towels and disinfect at the same time.

Method 1

After soaking in cool water and washing normally, place the laundry in the boiling tank. Then fill in hot water, add 50 g of detergent and 50 g of baking soda. Bring water to a boil and boil for about 30 minutes, then let cool and rinse thoroughly.

Method 2

Pour cold water into the boiling tank, rub a bar of household soap and place the dirty laundry. Then put the pot on fire and stir occasionally with a wooden stick while boiling. If you want to bleach your laundry at the same time, add half a kg of bleach or bleach to the water. But be careful, if there are bright stains from fruits or wine on the laundry, they can transfer to the rest of the fabric during boiling.

REMEMBER: Only linens made from natural fabrics can be boiled, so read the labels before starting this process.

How to bleach kitchen towels without boiling - video

How to remove stubborn stains from kitchen towels

No matter how neat the hostess is, anything happens in the kitchen and, unfortunately, stains systematically appear on kitchen linen. Therefore, the fight against stains is the primary task for a good housewife.

Fresh greasy stains

  • Fresh greasy stains are easy to clean if you grease them with dishwashing detergent and leave for several hours.

Old stains

  • You can try to remove old grease stains with hydrogen peroxide or citric acid. Using a cotton swab, dab some of the liquid on the stain and let it sit for two to three hours. Then wash.
  • If previously snow-white towels have turned yellow or gray, then return them to cleanliness with the help of vinegar or potassium permanganate. Pour 50 g of table vinegar into cold water or throw in a little potassium permanganate until a pale pink solution is obtained. Soak laundry for several hours and then wash.

Wine stains

  • A fresh wine stain must be sprinkled immediately with salt, and only then try to wash it off.

Tea, coffee stains

  • If the laundry has stains from tea or coffee, then prepare a saline solution from 1 liter of water and 3 tablespoons. salt. Apply to stains, let dry and reapply to stains. Then wash with laundry soap.
  • Even old stains from strong coffee and tea will help remove ammonia. Prepare a 1: 1 solution and moisten the stains liberally. Leave for half an hour and then place in hot water with soap for 15 minutes. Then wash.

Fruit and berry stains

  • In the autumn-summer period, stains from fruits and berries appear on the towels. They can be removed with regular shampoo. Soak towels in warm water, and then apply shampoo to the spots, beat the lather well, leave for an hour and a half, and then wash.

Chocolate stains

  • You can treat chocolate stains with boiling soapy water. Grate laundry or baby soap and place in a tub of water. Bring to a boil. Dip dry towels into a bowl, simmer for 15-20 minutes, then rinse well.

Ice cream and milk stains

  • Mix equal parts ammonia, warm water and glycerin. Use this mixture to wipe the stain, then wash the woodpipes in warm water.

Fish, canned food and soup stains

  • Such stains can be removed with a mixture of 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp. water and 1/2 tsp. ammonia.

Tomato stains

  • Tomato stains should be wiped with a 10% solution of oxalic acid, then rinsed well with water.

Of course, it is best to remove fresh stains, so take the time and start fighting the problem right away.

  • To keep the towels clean for longer, you need to change them as often as possible, this will also extend their lifespan.
  • White towels must be soaked and boiled so that they always delight the eye with their freshness.
  • Use your towels only for their intended purpose. Do not wipe the dirty floor with them or use them as potholders.
  • Do not be lazy, and be sure to iron your kitchen textiles with a hot iron.
  • Try to use waffle towels for kitchen work. They not only perfectly absorb moisture, but also dry quickly. Good quality waffle towels can be used for many years without losing their attractive appearance.
  • When the kitchen is in turmoil, buy and use napkins or disposable towels to keep your towels clean.

How to wash kitchen towels in the microwave - video

Store in your kitchen cabinet along with expensive household chemicals such irreplaceable substances as ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate and dry mustard powder. These budget funds will help not only to tidy up kitchen linens, but also to bring such dazzling cleanliness in your kitchen that you and your loved ones will never want to leave it.

Some of the dirtiest items in the kitchen are towels. They accumulate grease, dust and dirt. They often give off an unpleasant musty smell.

The cleaning of such textiles can be carried out in various ways. This is the usual boiling, hand or machine wash, and stain removal by heating in the microwave.

Separate nuances are provided for washing white, dark and colored items, as well as items with old grease stains.

How to wash a kitchen towel at home, what to soak in so that there is no smell and greasy stains, read the article.

It is recommended to pre-soak the kitchen towel before removing stains. Soaking is necessary in cases where the product is very dirty... It is also recommended when available old stains.

Products can be soaked in soda or saline solutions. The first is suitable for white towels. It is recommended to mix 5 large tablespoons of baking soda with 25 g of washing powder. The mixture is poured with boiling water.

It is necessary to keep the thing in a soda solution for 4-5 hours. Soda removes a fetid odor well.

It is better to soak colored products in a saline solution, they lose color from soda... A liter of hot water and a large spoonful of salt are taken for the solution. It is necessary to soak a towel in it for an hour.

If there are old stains, it is better to soak the item in a solution based on a liter of boiling water and 15 g of stain remover.

How to wash a towel in the washing machine?

Textiles can be washed with powder and bleach. The second component can only be used to remove dirt from white kitchen towels, it is not suitable for colored items.


Black towels can be washed only at 40 C and no more, colored towels - at a maximum of 60 C. When washing, the rinse and spin modes must be used. This will remove the remaining powder.

Kitchen towels should not be washed with other items. When washed, they fade a lot, as a result of which cotton particles remain on the rest of the clothes.

It is not uncommon for kitchen towels to separate particles of food, grease and dirt, which can settle on other things with which they are washed together in the same machine.

How to wash heavily soiled fabric by hand?

You can pre-soak dirty towels for 1-2 hours in a solution based on a liter of hot water, a large spoonful of salt and detergent for hand washing.

How to quickly remove odors and stains using folk recipes?

Various products can be used to remove stains and odors from things. Among them, they have proven themselves:

  • vinegar,
  • lemon acid,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • mustard,
  • boiling,
  • vegetable oil,
  • using a microwave oven.

Vegetable oil

There are several known uses for vegetable oil for cleaning kitchen towels from dirt.

In some cases, a combination of boiling water, oil and bleach is used, in others, a combination of boiling water and oil with washing powder, soda and vinegar.

It is recommended to wash only dry towels in a solution containing vegetable oil. For washing, you should take purified oil without any smell.

Read more about how to wash textiles with vegetable oil.


With this express option, a textile product soaped with laundry soap is placed in a plastic bag and then placed in a microwave oven for 1-1.5 minutes. The microwave should be operated at low power.

It is important not to overexpose the towel in the oven as it is highly likely to catch fire.

Read more about this method.


With this method, it is necessary:

Colored and black towels must not be boiled. You should also avoid boiling white tea towels frequently. Hot water quickly breaks down their fibers.


  • pour a liter of warm water into a basin;
  • add 1 glass of vinegar to it, you should use a solution of 5% or 9%;
  • place dirty products in the resulting solution;
  • soak them for 10 minutes;
  • rinse things and hang them up to dry.

You can add half a cup of vinegar solution to the fabric softener compartment in your washing machine. Vinegar during washing will eliminate unpleasant odors.

Lemon acid

It is recommended to use this tool as follows:

  1. Wash a dirty towel with powder or laundry soap first. Squeeze it out a little.
  2. Sprinkle citric acid over the stained area. Wait 15 minutes. If the pollution is old, then you need to wait an hour.
  3. Rinse the product under water.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide only helps in removing stains when it's fresh. Peroxide, which has stood for a month in an open bottle, will no longer have the desired effect when cleaning things from dirt.


This method uses mustard powder. This requires:

You can mix a little mustard powder with water to make a mushy mass and apply it to the dirt.

Mustard powder is suitable for those cases where towels can neither be bleached nor boiled.

Nuances for white, black and colored products

White textiles can be washed at high temperatures. Especially if they have old stains. These towels can be washed at 90 ° C with soaking. In normal cases, you can set the mode to 60 C.

Also, when washing white products, it is allowed to use oxygen-containing and even chlorine-containing bleaches. Contamination from white products can be removed by boiling.

Black items should be washed at low temperatures (no more than 40 C)... When washing them, it is forbidden to use both stain removers and any kind of bleach. Boiling has a negative effect on the quality of black textiles.

Colored towels are recommended to be washed at low temperatures. Enough 40 C, maximum - 60 C. They shed strongly from high temperatures. Also, colored things cannot be boiled. When washing them, you should not use bleaches and stain removers containing chlorine.

Removal of old greasy stains

When cleaning things from old grease stains, it is recommended to use laundry soap. You can also use vinegar and dish soap.

They fight well with old spots of fat:

  • soda,
  • peroxide,
  • ammonia,
  • starch.

Read more about removing stubborn grease stains from kitchen towels.

Whitening options without bleaches

In the first case, you need to pour some warm water into the mustard powder.... The mixture should be kneaded until mushy. The resulting mass must be applied to the stain and left for 8 hours. After that, the thing must be washed in a typewriter.

In the second case, potassium permanganate is used for bleaching. It is necessary to pour boiling water into the basin, pour 180 g of washing powder there and add a little potassium permanganate. The water in the basin should only turn slightly pink.

Then a previously washed towel is placed in the basin. Then the basin is covered with a thick film. In this state, the product is soaked for about half an hour. Then it needs to be rinsed well.

In the third case, boric acid is used for bleaching.

It is necessary to act according to the scheme:

  1. 3 liters of hot water are poured into the basin.
  2. 3 large tablespoons of boric acid are also added there.
  3. Towels are placed in the basin and soaked for a couple of hours.
  4. Products are rinsed after soaking.

The latter option is suitable for bleaching terry textiles. Boric acid is also used when washing waffle towels.

  • heavily soiled items must be soaked before washing;
  • before bleaching, it is better to first wash the item or soak it with powder for a couple of hours;
  • it is better to use waffle towels in the kitchen, as well as products with a smooth texture;
  • do not use terry towels for wiping dishes, sinks, cabinets and food;
  • to prevent the appearance of a musty smell from textiles, it is always necessary to dry it well before washing;
  • kitchen towels should be changed every two days.

Terry products should not be kept in the kitchen. They get dirty quickly. To get rid of the musty odor, it is recommended to soak the item for 3 hours in a baking soda solution before washing.

It is better to dry textiles in the sun... It is recommended to iron the clothes after washing. This will make them less likely to get dirty.


Various products and methods can be used when washing kitchen towels. Among them are vinegar, citric acid, hydrogen peroxide, mustard, vegetable oil.

The choice of a particular method depends on the color of the textile. White towels can be cleaned using any of the following methods. Black and colored items are sensitive to boiling and bleach.

Any hostess wants her kitchen to be perfect, clean and radiant. Only this can not always be explained by kitchen towels, which are so fond of attracting incomprehensible stains to themselves, which are not always washed off even with the help of washing machines.

Today we will analyze 14 ways how to easily remove various stains from kitchen towels so that they continue to delight the hostess. And at the end there will be a bonus telling you how to return fresh look a towel in just one and a half minutes.

Method 1. Classic

If the towel does not look like a disaster, then it is quite possible to wash it in washing machine, or at least try. It is not difficult to decide on which program (or mode) to wash - it is advisable to choose the maximum temperature:

  • 90–95 degrees - white cotton towels;
  • no more than 60 - colored;
  • no more than 40 - black.

Ideally, if there is an opportunity to check the manufacturer's recommendations for washing, which are usually written on the label (and then cut off by the hostesses).

An additional secret in the right powder - it should be for colored or white linen: depending on the towels available. You can also add stain remover and even bleach, but these products are not suitable for all fabrics, for example, bright or synthetic, it is better not to risk it.

Method 2. Soaking

Soaking is rather a preparatory step for the classic wash from the first method. It will come in handy if the towels are very dirty. The question arises as to how to soak the laundry. There are several options:

  • in washing powder, adding 100 grams of salt - this method is suitable only for white towels, since colored ones can lose their brightness and pattern;
  • in Domestos or bleach that is suitable for the type of fabric;
  • salt water (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water) is a versatile option that will deal with tough stains like coffee or tomato paste on white and even colored towels.

The minimum period of soaking is one hour, but practice shows that laundry is most often soaked overnight.

Method 3. Boiling

This option for getting rid of stains is used after the classic wash, if it did not do it perfectly. For this you need:

  • take enameled dishes in which food will never be cooked again;
  • put towels or other things there;
  • cover with water and add powder or bleach.

The minimum boil time is 20 minutes, the maximum is not limited.

Method 4. From greasy stains

If a greasy stain has just formed, you can fill it with ordinary dishwashing detergent for a day. After that, you need to wash it in the classic way. It is possible with other things.

Method 5. Japanese - using vegetable oil

This method will come in handy if there is no washing machine, or if it breaks down. Surprisingly, in order to wash things, you need vegetable oil. It sounds strange and a little scary, but the method has been tested by a lot of people and really works.


  1. Get a bucket of hot water.
  2. Put two tbsp there. l. suitable bleach.
  3. Two tbsp. l. sunflower oil.
  4. A glass of powder.
  5. Mix.
  6. Put dry dirty things there.
  7. Close the bucket with a lid.
  8. Leave for 10-12 hours to cool completely.
  9. Rinse things first in hot, then in warm, then in cold water.

It is better to take the powder for automatic washing, as it foams less. If chemicals are available only for hand washing, then it is better to take a little less powder than a glass.

Method 6. Boiling with oil

If you do not like the length of the process described in the fifth method of getting rid of stains, then the oil can be used in another way.

For one liter of water, take one spoonful of vegetable oil, dry bleach and soda. All ingredients are mixed in an enamel pan (you cannot eat from it later), then dry, but dirty towels are laid.

They need to be boiled for an hour, then allowed to cool and washed in the classical way.

Method 7. Boiling with baking soda and soap

Another way to boil towels and other textiles to get rid of all stains. It is necessary to grate half a bar of laundry soap on a grater (it is better to do this with a mask and glasses), mix the resulting shavings with five tablespoons of soda and dilute in warm water. Bring the solution to a boil, load things.

After that, boil the contents for an hour over low heat, stirring occasionally. Then wash in the classic way.

Method 8. French - from an unpleasant odor

This method will help remove odors if the towel smells like damp or grease. Very simple. It is necessary to prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate (the water should be pink), lather a towel with laundry soap and put it in a cool solution overnight. In the morning, all that remains is to rinse the product thoroughly.

Method 9. From mold

If a problem occurs, and even after washing, mold stains remain on the fabric, then vinegar will cope with them. You just need to soak the towel in the vinegar solution for 5-10 minutes and then rinse it thoroughly.

Important! Many people wonder if kitchen textiles can be washed with the rest of the linen or clothing. In fact, it is customary to wash it separately from other things, because due to excess moisture, it is in tea towels that bacteria and fungi form in large quantities.

Method 10.With mustard

It turns out that even banal mustard is able to cope with dirt on kitchen towels and whiten white textiles to a new state. It is only about the powder version of the product. Necessary:

  1. Take two liters of water.
  2. Add 6 tbsp. l. mustard powder.
  3. Wait 20 minutes until completely dissolved.
  4. Soak the towels so that the water covers them completely.
  5. Leave on for 12-15 hours.
  6. Wash in the classic way.

This option is quite long, but it will help to tidy up those fabrics that cannot be boiled or bleached. Even the pattern on the towels will become brighter, and the greyness or yellow and reddish stains on the towels will go away.

If there is no such time for soaking, you can use the express recipe. To do this, you need to dilute the mustard to a mushy state and apply the resulting mixture to the stain. Fold the textiles in a bag, tie and leave for 3-5 hours. Then rinse and wash as usual.

Method 11. From old stains

If the spots are already a week old, then they can be called old. Breeding them is much more difficult than fresh newcomers. But even for such a task, there is a proven and not at all difficult way:

  • Dissolve citric acid or hydrogen peroxide in warm water;
  • moisten the stains with a solution and leave for a couple of hours;
  • then soak in warm water with powder for half an hour;
  • wash as usual.

Yes, the method turns out to be rich in actions, but it will get rid of even the most old and greasy stains.

Method 12. From coffee stains

Coffee stains are some of the most difficult to remove. The ammonia will cope with them:

  • it must be mixed with water in one to one proportions;
  • then apply the solution to the stain;
  • withstand an hour;
  • soak a towel in warm water with powder for 15–20 minutes;
  • wash in the usual way.

It is advisable to work with ammonia in a well-ventilated area.

Method 13. From coffee stains - 2

There is another recipe based on ammonia. Let's get rid of coffee and tea stains again. For this you need:

  • mix glycerin with ammonia in proportions 4: 1;
  • add the resulting mixture to a liter of warm water;
  • soak towels for two hours;
  • wash as usual.

This way of getting rid of coffee stains is simpler, but just as effective.

Method 14. Silicate glue

Silicate glue is the most common solution for gluing advertisements in yards. You can buy it at any stationery store, and the cost starts at 20 rubles. And it is a super anti-pollution agent.

Add a tablespoon of silicate glue and the same amount of powder to boiling water (3 liters). The solution is stirred until smooth without lumps. The textiles are boiled for half an hour, then thoroughly rinsed and sent to the classic wash.

Bonus method! How to bleach a towel in the microwave

Recently, an express way to quickly and easily wash towels even from strong stains without boiling on the stove has been gaining popularity on the Internet. This method works on the same principle as a saucepan - all the dirt is simply boiled out, but you don't need to waste the pan and an hour of your time.

Yes, it sounds, everything is very charming and simple. All you need is a microwave oven and a few extra items. The principle of operation is very simple:

  • it is necessary to wet a towel and rub it with laundry soap (or dishwashing detergent, if the stain is greasy or the textiles are greasy);
  • put in a bag and do not tie it;
  • set the device power to 400-500 W;
  • start the microwave for one and a half minutes.

It is more efficient to replace a napkin with a bag

Everything looks quite simple (it is), but it is important to follow the instructions clearly - do not tie the package, reduce the power, and do not start the equipment for more than a minute and a half. This is due to the fact that the bag is a flammable thing, so violation of the instructions can lead to an accident.

Take out the bag very carefully, as it will be very hot. This is best done with forceps. If the stains are not completely removed, then you can repeat the procedure in the same bag, after it has cooled down.

Secrets of proper washing

Here are two tables that will help you get rid of the stain as quickly and efficiently as possible. In the first, we will list the main types of spots that cause difficulties for housewives, as well as the ways in which they can be defeated.

We also provide a list of popular bleaches and stain removers. Bleaches are divided into:

  • chlorine - suitable only for natural white fabrics;
  • oxygenated - suitable for everything (even colored and synthetic).

It turns out that, in principle, oxygenated bleach and stain remover are one and the same product. But when buying, you should pay attention to the restrictions that are most often written on the packaging - at what temperature and what fabrics to wash at home. It is also often indicated how often you need to wash with this product. On average, this is through washing.

Bleach nameChlorineCountryPrice in rubles
Chirton oxygenRussia150
Eared nannyRussia120
Oxy crystalRussia70
Vanish oxy actionRussia250
Bose +Russia120
Dr. BeckmannGermany400
Ace+ Russia100
White+ Russia50

The above products will help wash the dough. But it is important to take into account that before this, the soiled towel should be soaked in cold water, otherwise the dough will curl up and it will be much more difficult to wash it.

Now let's present the same selection of stain removers.

Here, again, you need to carefully study the packaging in order to understand how many degrees are required for household chemicals to work best. Most stain removers have special substances to keep things soft - again, you should look for information on this on the package.

How to keep towels fresh for a long time?

To keep the washed towel clean and fresh for as long as possible, you should use the following techniques and tips:

  1. Proper washing and drying is very important to keep your laundry smelling fresh. Towels should be taken out as soon as they are washed, and dried in the open air - so they will always be fragrant.
  2. Do not use kitchen hand towels to wipe the table, stove, or other surfaces. To do this, it is better to buy special microfiber rags, disposable or paper towels.
  3. A longer life for a bacteria-free towel is the reason why dishcloths should be washed frequently. It is advisable to change them every two to three days.
  4. Better to give up terry towels in favor of wafer - much less bacteria form on them, and it is easier to wash them. Terry, moreover, looks washed out after a few washes.
  5. If you grab hot dishes with towels, for example, to drain the water after boiling, this can just as badly affect the quality and cleanliness of textiles.
  6. It is better to iron the washed towels - this way they stay fresh much longer.
  7. During grandiose dinners, it is better to use paper napkins - it will save a lot of energy.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog! Today we will find out how to wash a kitchen towel at home from old stains and grease, how to bleach. You don't need to throw away dirty towels; they can be easily washed. I always have at least four towels in my kitchen, so the question is "how to whiten a kitchen towel at home?" very rarely occurs.

I always remember with gratitude my mom, how she could keep her kitchen in perfect condition. After all, we had a large family of six people: four children and parents. As far as I remember, my mother always had clean dishes, snow-white kitchen waffle towels hung near the sink, pans and pans glittered, there was no smell in the kitchen.

How to wash a kitchen towel at home

Some housewives think that it is necessary to wash the tea towel only when they are dirty and stained, but this is completely wrong. A large number of different bacteria always collect in the kitchen: you cook there dishes from raw fish, meat, dirty vegetables - and this helps to attract various microbes that multiply quickly.

When I was still a high school student, my mother always taught me to be clean and taught me how to quickly remove stubborn stains from kitchen towels. She always said that a good housewife in the kitchen should have everything sparkle, shine - now all her advice came in handy, and I often do as she taught.

When I got married and also became a hostess, I use her advice, my kitchen is as clean as my mother was. Today we will talk about bleaching and washing kitchen towels from odor and grease, but this topic arose by accident. I had a birthday, I did not collect guests and did not think to celebrate this holiday, but I knew for sure that my friend and her husband would come to congratulate me.

I always have simple home remedies in my house, such as: dry mustard, vegetable oil, soda ash, vinegar, detergents, household soap, table salt and even silicate glue, with which it is quite easy to wash a kitchen towel and bleach.

  1. Laundry soap for washing kitchen towels. You can easily remove greasy stains from kitchen towels with soap, no need to boil: you just need to lather the dirty stains with soap on the fabric, then put them in a plastic bag overnight.

    In the morning you open the bag, take out the towels and send them to the washing machine, you will not see any more stains.

  2. You can wash tea towels with vegetable oil. At first glance, it seems very strange to wash dirty stains with vegetable oil, but when it gets on the stain, it softens the dirt, thereby helping to get rid of it. Stains of various origins can be removed with vegetable oil.

    It is necessary to do this: pour five liters of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then pour 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil into this water, add 2 tablespoons of automatic washing powder, 2 tablespoons of any stain remover.

    Personally, I always put the persal, then mix the composition and put dirty kitchen towels in this container. Then you need to cover and wait until it cools down. Usually I do this procedure at night, then I take out the towels from the container and put them, squeezing slightly, into the machine to wash.

    Washing kitchen towels with mustard. Mustard is great for bleaching and disinfecting towels. It is necessary to dilute the mustard with warm water until it becomes sour cream and spread this gruel on the soiled areas on a towel. After standing for five hours, we wash in the machine, when there are a lot of towels, and if there are not enough, then we wash by hand - not the ladies.

    Mustard can also remove yellowness from white towels: for this, you need to dilute a package of dry mustard powder in 2 liters of hot water and soak the towels in this composition for 12 hours, then rinse, wash with powder or gel in the washing machine.

    You can use baking soda to wash kitchen towels. Baking soda is an excellent stain remover, which works gently on the fabric of the towels without damaging the texture. If the stains turn out to be very old, then before soaking, you need to additionally treat with a paste consisting of water and soda, thus keeping it for half an hour.

    Three on a coarse grater a whole piece of laundry soap (brown 72%), pour 50 grams of baking soda. Pour the soap-soda composition into a boiling dish, add water (5 liters), put contaminated towels and boil for one hour or an hour and a half, this solution is enough to bleach 8-10 kitchen towels.

    Cooking salt against dirty kitchen towels. Salt can be used to wash kitchen towels at home and this method is versatile - suitable for any color of fabric. Salt will also preserve the saturation of colorful, bright towels, and protect old towels from gray plaque. Take your time to throw away dirty tea towels, they can be easily washed.

    We collect 5 liters of hot water in a container, add 5 tablespoons of table salt, mix the composition, lay out the towels, stand for 3 hours, then put them in the machine to wash.

    Bleach kitchen towels with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Our towels can be whitened by two effective pharmaceutical agents - hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. The method is very simple and inexpensive: you just need to buy whitening products at the pharmacy. You need to take one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia per five liters of very hot water (not boiling water).

    Immerse towels in this solution for 30 minutes, then squeeze and rinse - if the effect is not enough, then you can repeat it again. Reviews about this method of whitening are very good, the only one who is allergic to ammonia is not to use this method.

    Washing kitchen towels with silicate glue. Silicate glue is excellent for cleaning a tea towel from stubborn stains at home. Pour 3 liters of water into a container, bring to a boil, then add 1 tablespoon of silicate glue and one tablespoon of washing powder. Mix the solution thoroughly and immerse the soiled towels, boil for thirty minutes, and then rinse the towels thoroughly.

    After the towels have been rinsed, they must be washed in a washing machine with washing powder or gel, then the silicate glue will not be able to stick into the fabric.

    Bleaching with boric acid. Boric acid perfectly whitens kitchen waffle fabric, it can be bought at a pharmacy, and it costs a mere penny. Whitening process: take 2 tablespoons of boric acid, dilute in 5 liters of warm water, then lower towels into a container with this composition for 2 hours.

    Then - machine wash in the usual way with powder. You need to know that this method is used only for coarse waffle fabric, this method is not suitable for thin fabric.

    Bleaching kitchen fabric with green paint. Few people know about this method of whitening, but in vain: it is very effective. Add 15 drops of brilliant green to 200 ml of water, stir thoroughly, there should be a uniform color, then pour the solution into a bowl of water.

    Then carefully lay out the towels and let stand for 1 hour, periodically turning the fabric over. This method does not remove stains, but can restore the original whiteness of terry towels.

    Whitening with starch. I was very surprised when a friend told me how to bleach a kitchen towel turns out to be starch, I think I'm not the only one. Whitening process: first, the fabric is machine washed with powder, then 1.5 cups of potato starch is dissolved in 5 liters of warm water and towels are put there for six hours.

    Then, having slightly wrung out the fabric, hang it up, dry it, you do not need to rinse - after this procedure your towels will shine with whiteness, do not forget to iron them well with an iron.

    How to wash and bleach kitchen towels with potassium permanganate. With a solution of potassium permanganate, you can not only remove stains from dirty towels, but also whiten them.

    Pour 3 liters of hot water into a container, dissolve 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate, add 72% grated laundry soap (1/4 piece). We mix the entire solution thoroughly and dip the soiled towels into it, keep it for 3 hours, if there are a lot of towels, then wash in the machine, if not enough, we wash it by hand;

    We wash with vinegar. Table vinegar 9% perfectly cleans kitchen towels from various stains, even from rust and mold. If the towels are brought to the point that mold has started in them, then simply soak in warm water with vinegar (3 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water), and then machine wash with powder. I advise you to always keep kitchen towels clean, according to their condition, it is assessed whether the hostess is clean.

    You can bleach kitchen towels with citric acid. If there are stains on kitchen towels from red wine, coffee, juices, then it's time to get rid of them in this way: dilute 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid in 100 grams of warm water, moisten all the stains with this solution, after holding for three hours, you can soak them in warm water for 30 minutes, then machine wash.

    The Japanese secret to washing kitchen towels. I think it will not be superfluous for our women to know the ancient secret of washing towels from Japanese women. Pour 8-10 liters of very hot water (at least 60 degrees) into a container, pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add a glass of dry mustard powder and pour in 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar.

    Then put dirty kitchen towels in the container and close (it's good that the container is a bucket with a lid). After waiting 1/2 day, we take out the towels and rinse them well, you can use them in the washing machine, at the end you need to put them on rinsing and spinning again.

    Whitening with chemicals. I don't like to fiddle with bleaching dirty kitchen towels for a long time, I like quick methods, and I use those. I buy Whiteness bleach at a hardware store: it is both cheap and quickly removes any stubborn stains.

    I add 5 tablespoons of whiteness to five liters of warm water and dip the towels washed in the machine into this solution. Withstand up to 6 hours, if there are a lot of stains, after such an exposure you need to rinse the fabric well, or it is better to add a few drops essential oil to counteract the smell of chlorine.

Even if you have a perfectly clean and beautiful kitchen, all this will go down the drain if a yellowish unkempt kitchen towel hangs at the sink. If you want your kitchen towels to serve you for a long time, choose only products made from high-quality textiles, do not buy terry towels for the kitchen: such a towel will dry out for a long time, many microbes will accumulate in it, for the kitchen the best option is waffle textiles.

  • Never wash kitchen towels with bedding or clothing.
  • Do not store kitchen towels wet in the laundry basket, dry them first, and only then store them until washed;
  • Change kitchen towels more often, every 3-4 days, rather than once a week. Machine wash towels at the highest temperature (for white towels 90 degrees, color 40 degrees);
  • do not wipe the dirty stove or dirty dishes with towels, use sponges;
  • heavily soiled towels, first soak, then wash;
  • after washing and drying, you need to iron it with a very hot iron - this will keep the clean look.

Where to store kitchen towels is up to you. Just choose places where dust and dirt do not get, otherwise all your work will go down the drain. It is best to store them in a closet or dresser.


There are many ways how to wash a kitchen towel at home from old stains, grease, how to bleach. And you, dear readers, choose which one you like best! Many hostesses have amassed a large number of their own personal towel washing methods and often share them with readers.

Even if you use the washing methods described in my note, then your towels will delight and serve you for a very long time. Never forget that by the towels that hang near your sink, your friends and family will judge what kind of hostess you are.

Dear readers, if you have your own secrets of washing kitchen towels, please share them. If you liked the note, then write a review in the comments.

An indispensable assistant to the hostess in the kitchen chores is a towel. This important item is used several times throughout the day. It removes not only moisture from hands and surfaces. Ingestion of fats, food debris, sauces, etc. is inevitable. Regular wash in the car, it often does not give the desired result. These products are sold in a large assortment and are not too expensive. But this does not mean that you need to buy them regularly. For a practical housewife, this is not an option. She knows how to clean kitchen towels, regardless of the type and severity of the dirt.

Why kitchen towels should be washed frequently

Before you get acquainted with the ways to wash kitchen towels, it is worth remembering the wise advice of experienced housewives: you do not need to delay washing. Daily replacement is the best option, especially if the kitchen is heavily used. In any case, if dirt appears, the towel should be sent to the wash.

Compliance with this recommendation ensures that there are no problems with these faithful helpers. Any substance that gets on the matter gradually penetrates into the structure of the fibers, eats in more strongly. It is much easier to remove dirt from the surface than from the inner layers. Many substances are capable of destroying fibers, affecting the shade. Therefore, the more often you wash your kitchen towels, the less risk of tough stains.

Not only dirt, but also smells, of which there are many in the kitchen, eat into textiles. It is also easiest to remove them right away. Stubborn odors can remain even after washing if the towel has been left on for a long time.

Contaminated towels may not perform well for their intended purpose. Such a product will not remove moisture from your hands, will not allow you to wipe the surfaces with high quality.

Finally, there is another reason to wash your towel frequently. A clean, neat product adorns the kitchen, testifies to the desire, desire of the hostess to maintain perfect order.

How to pre-soak towels before washing

One of the most popular contaminants in these household textiles are fats and substances with coloring pigments. It is usually not possible to remove such stains with a simple machine wash, even in an aggressive mode. It is possible to eliminate this problem.

Dish towels should be soaked before washing. This process removes most of the dirt from the fiber surface. As a result, they are qualitatively removed during washing.

In the process of soaking, you can use various household chemicals, proven folk remedies.

The choice largely depends on:

  • type of pollution
  • the time of their appearance,
  • features of textiles.

An affordable, reliable remedy is regular laundry soap. If it is necessary to remove fresh stains, soak a towel in water at a temperature of about 60 ° C, lather well, wash after 1-2 hours. Stubborn dirt must first be washed off a little, then left in a soapy state for several hours, and washed.

Baking soda removes greasy, dirty stains well. Its alkaline properties ensure high-quality destruction of any contamination. You can substitute vinegar for baking soda. Acid is no less active in fighting fats. A dirty product is poured with a hot solution. After cooling down, you can wash it. After the vinegar, it is advisable to wash the textiles a little with laundry soap to remove the specific smell.

Serious stains will be removed by gruel made from mustard and water. It covers pollution. After a few hours, you need to remove the dried mixture, wash.

It is not difficult to clean kitchen towels properly if they have been soaked in a solution containing a dishwashing detergent. They are left in the composition for several hours.

Washing kitchen towels with household chemicals

Many people prefer to choose kitchen towels made of cotton, linen. These products retain their dignified appearance for several years, even with frequent washing. They can be machine washed in hot water with any detergent. Such textiles are not afraid of aggressive chemicals. Can be used to remove stains "Persol", bleach "Whiteness".

It is convenient to wash kitchen towels made of natural textiles with laundry soap. It has an effective alkaline effect, copes well with any stains. If the dirt is old, too ingrained, the products can be boiled. This method will help remove any stains. For a liter of water, you need about 2 tablespoons of powder, crushed soap or soda. The boiling time depends on the nature of the stains.

How to wash kitchen towels with folk remedies

It may seem strange, but experienced housewives believe that the best option To remove stubborn dirt, wash kitchen towels using refined sunflower oil. There are several technologies.

One of them is called "Japanese", in which it is necessary:

  • Pour hot water - 10 liters into the container.
  • Pour in vinegar 9% - 1 spoon.
  • Pour in mustard - 100g.
  • Add sunflower oil - 40 ml.
  • Lay down the towels.
  • Close hermetically with cling film.
  • Remove towels after 12 hours.
  • Rinse alternately in hot and cold water.

How to remove stains from towels at home

If you are unable to wash your towels frequently, stains will inevitably remain that cannot be removed with conventional products. And in this case, laundry soap will help. To do this, moisten the textiles with hot water, thoroughly lather, put in a plastic wrap, tie it up and leave for about 20-24 hours. You can wash it by hand or in the machine. If you want to speed up the process, you need to process the bag with the product in the microwave, setting the time for one and a half minutes, then wash the towel.

To remove stubborn dirt, ammonia is used. Alcohol and water are mixed in equal amounts, glycerin is added. To do this, the product is soaked in the composition for five hours, then washed. Some housewives wash textiles before soaking for a reliable result.

Contamination from juice, fruit, greasy stains can be removed with any shampoo. It is applied to problem areas for three hours. This technology can only be used for fresh, light soiling.

The best way to remove odor and grease from towels

If you wash kitchen towels frequently, dirt and odors will not accumulate in them. But this is not always possible. Getting rid of tough, old, greasy stains the best way is boiling. In creating a solution, a crushed piece of laundry soap, 50 ml of ammonia, 2 tablespoons of soda ash, 5 liters of water are used. It takes about half an hour to boil the products. Wash after cooling down.

Any contamination will be removed by boiling in a solution including laundry soap and ordinary silicate glue. First, the textiles are soaked in this mixture for 2-3 hours. After that, the container is put on fire. Boil for about 5 minutes. There is no need to wash after this procedure, rinsing is enough. Laundry soap will remove not only stains, but also stubborn odors. But boiling is not used for printed products, they will lose their attractive shade.

It is difficult to wash kitchen towels stained with ketchup, beets. They need to be well lathered with laundry soap, leave for two hours. Then treat the stains with citric acid, leave for five minutes. Rinse, machine wash.

How to machine wash kitchen towels with bleach

Time-consuming, drastic methods of pollution control are not always needed. Many housewives prefer to machine wash towels with bleach on a regular basis.

There are three types of these funds:

  • containing chlorine;
  • with oxygen technology;
  • optical.

It should be noted that a chlorine agent can not be used for every unit. It is worth carefully reading the instructions in which this nuance should be indicated.

If the dish towels are washed regularly, oxygenated bleach will help remove stains. They can be used in automatic models. Popular drugs include "Persol", "Vanish", "Synergetic" and others. Optical agents are more suitable for whitening, removing grayish plaque.

When using any type of bleach in the washing process, you must first study the instructions, understand exactly where you need to place the product, how to use it correctly. This will help eliminate the risk to the machine.



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