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Patron saints of the military. Heavenly patrons of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies Patron of the military in Orthodoxy

Beginning in the fourth century, a patron saint appears in the Christian tradition. Hoping for the latter's favor and protection, the parents named the child by a similar name. Subsequently, many areas of life acquired such holy patronage.

Who is the patron

The easiest way to determine personal patron saints is by date of birth. We will figure out how to do this at the end of the article.

It is also interesting to know that in the process of the formation of Christianity, the lives of saints were studied and professions similar to their occupations or abilities received them as patrons.

So Levi Matvey, being a tax collector during his lifetime, became the defender of employees of financial departments. Clara of Asiz had the gift of seeing and hearing the Christmas Mass in the church, even while lying sick in bed. Therefore, she is assigned the role of patron of television.

If necessary, take a look at the icons and pictures. Guardian angels, saints, and martyrs usually hold in their hands attributes that show their belonging to some type of activity.

Patrons of professions

You will be amazed to find out how many saints patronize certain types of activities. The bulk of these names relate to Catholicism, but there are also many Orthodox ones. Let's take a closer look.

All professions that involve traveling by land, be it a bicycle, a car or a bus, are patronized by the prophet Elijah. He is depicted in Holy Scripture on a chariot of fire after being taken alive to heaven.

Doctors are also patronized by Gabriel, as well as the Evangelist Luke. All of them were somehow related to treatment.

Even housewives have their own patrons. They are considered to be Martha, a disciple of Jesus Christ, and Anna, the mother of Mary, the Mother of God.

Evangelist Mark is the patron of all activities related to animals. Zoologists, biologists, veterinarians and other specialists can ask him for help.

Being a messenger in the Christian tradition, he helps diplomats, couriers, ambassadors, postmen and other figures associated with the delivery of something or the establishment of relationships. In Orthodoxy, this also includes media workers.

The patron saint of journalists in Catholicism is Francis de Sales, and the patron saint of publishers, booksellers, writers and composers is John the Evangelist.

Andrew the First-Called is called the patron of sailors and singers. It is not for nothing that his cross is depicted on the flag of the Navy of the Russian Federation.

Archangel Michael is associated with professions that relate to military affairs, law, and management. This includes, in fact, soldiers, police officers and other law enforcement officers.

You will laugh, but the Vatican has even identified the patron of Internet users. The patron saint of this activity is Isidore of Seville. During his lifetime he was an encyclopedist and, after faith, he placed knowledge above all else.

Patrons of countries and cities

Patron saints are not identified by the name of the locality. But, based on different Christian denominations, every city and country has a patron. Some even have several. The prefix to the name of a saint signifies the place of his birth, and not the point to which he favors.

Let's take a closer look. Since the missionaries tried to identify the defenders of most settlements, we will focus on the most famous and significant cities and states.

The patron saint of Belarus is Euphrosyne of Polotsk.

Russia has several patrons when it comes to different faiths. Orthodox believe that Saint George the Victorious and St. Andrew the First-Called are patrons; Catholics consider Prince Vladimir, Basil the Great and Joseph the Betrothed.

Ukraine is patronized in Orthodoxy by the Apostle Andrew, and in Catholicism by Joseph of Polotsk.

The United States of America considers Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception its protector.

France relies on the help of two patroness. This is Anna, mother of Mary the Virgin, and Joan of Arc.

Great Britain is said to be under the protection of the Archangel Michael.

We have listed only a few countries from America, Western Europe and neighboring countries. Next, cartridges from some Russian cities and regions will be presented.

Icons of patron saints sometimes depict the location they favor. But this cannot always be determined by images. Let's look at who protects which city in the Orthodox tradition.

Moscow is favored by St. George the Victorious, he is even depicted on the coat of arms.

St. Petersburg is protected by the apostles Peter and Paul, as well as Alexander Nevsky.

The latter is also the patron saint of Transbaikalia, and the apostles Peter and Paul are also the patron saint of the entire Kamchatka region.

This topic is very extensive, but the scope of the article allows us to touch upon it only briefly. Next we will talk about holy helpers in various life adversities.

Patrons of the sick and assistants in treatment

In Christianity there is not only a patron of the dead, but also protectors from various ailments, as well as saints who help doctors with healing.

Let's meet the healers' assistants.

So, as the Orthodox believe, the martyr Boniface of Tarsus and John of Kronstadt help to cope with alcoholism. Catholics turn to Urban of Langres on this matter.

Pregnant women pray to the Great Martyr Anastasia or Silvia of Rome, depending on the denomination.

Simeon of Verkhoturye will help you cope with leg diseases, and for any ailments associated with your hands, believers turn to the “Three-Handed” icon, which depicts the Mother of God.

In principle, the Moor of Glanfey is considered the patron saint of all the sick in Catholicism.
They say the Archangel Gabriel helps with the eyes, and Francis of Sales is considered the patron saint of hearing problems.

Job the Long-Suffering is “responsible” in Catholicism for curing depression.

As it turns out, there is more than one patron of the dead. They are divided by age. The patrons of infant mortality are Jadwiga of Silesia or Matilda of Saxony, and the patrons of untimely death are the Archangel Michael.

If it is difficult for a person to understand the nature of the pain or the origin of the illness, there are saints who are believed to help with healing in general. This is the Great Martyr Panteleimon in Orthodoxy and Juliana of Nicomedia in Catholicism.

Helpers in difficult situations

As the proverb says, you shouldn’t swear off scrip and prison. Let's see what saints help people who have encountered troubles along the path of life.
In such situations, the patron is not determined by date of birth, but a candle is lit for someone who helps in such a misfortune.

So, it is believed that Kaztan Tiensky helps Catholics find a new job, and Ksenia from St. Petersburg helps Orthodox Christians.

Agnell in Catholicism, in Orthodoxy - Boris and Nevsky, Nil Sorsky and the Mother of God support and help those affected by the war to recover.

Those captured are patronized by Peter of Athos and Simeon the God-Receiver.
If nostalgia has crept into your soul and your heart is filled with longing for your family and loved ones, they pray to John Kushchnik.

The Mother of God (icon “Savior of the Drowning”) and Iakinthos from Krakow protect from death on the water. Rescue in a shipwreck is protected by Yudok.

The patron saint of children is Sergius of Radonezh. They pray to him if the offspring have poor academic performance.

If you feel despair, they say a candle will help.
Of course, this is a matter of faith, especially in our enlightened age, but there are situations when this remains the only way out. As the saying goes, “there are no atheists in foxholes.”

Disaster Protection

Natural disasters come suddenly, and the power of the elements frightens and delights.

Christianity believes that some saints help people, protect them from the wrath of nature and avert destruction.

Let's find out who they pray to in different faiths in similar situations.

During an earthquake, there is unlikely to be time to determine who your patron saints are by date of birth. Therefore, the holy fathers recommend turning in this case to Gregory the Wonderworker.

When a volcano erupts nearby, you should quickly move away. But later it won’t hurt to light a candle to Agathia of Sicily so that this doesn’t happen again.

In the Middle Ages, when there was a strong storm, they prayed to Judok, Walburg, Urban of Langres or Erasmus of Formia.

To avoid a lightning strike, they turned to Wirth of Rome and Magnus of Fussen.

Ermengild is considered a protector during thunderstorms, drought and floods.

It is noteworthy that mainly Catholicism has patrons and saviors from various disasters. The Orthodox turned to defenders only in two cases. In severe frosts - to the holy fool Procopius of Ustyug, and during a fire - to the recluse Nikita of Novgorod or to the icon “The Burning Bush”. Apparently, the rest of the cataclysms did not bother our people much.

Patrons of educational institutions

Often the name of a large educational institution, especially in the Middle Ages, was crowned with the name of the patron saint. The patron's name was used to judge the status of a school or university.
Separately, all schools in Catholicism are patronized by Thomas Aquinas, and universities by Contardo Ferrini.

And here the supporters of the Catholic confession were more prominent. The Orthodox mainly recognize only that the Apostle Andrew is the patron saint of the University of Patras in Greece.

In Western Europe, many universities have acquired holy protectors.

At the Bologna Academy of Arts - Ekaterina Bolonskaya.

Edeltrude is considered the patroness of Cambridge, and Fredeswinda in Oxford.

For greater success, he considers four saints as his patrons. These are Catherine from Alexandria, Nicholas from Myra, Ursula from Cologne and Charlemagne.

Thus, some of the oldest educational institutions have patrons. The problem is that, according to the canons, they protect the universities themselves, and do not help students study. So in exams you will still have to rely only on your intellect or a friendly cheat sheet.

Defenders of ruling dynasties

As usual, we will talk mainly about the Catholic denomination.

Apparently the desire to become a universal church and the love of wealth and luxury influenced the fact that almost every social, natural and other phenomenon, as well as various spheres of life, had its own patron saints. After all, only in this case can one influence the tithes, offerings and gifts to temples.
So, which saint became the royal protector?

Ferdinand of Castile is considered the patron saint of all heads of state, regardless of region or continent.

Next comes some specific feature. Every ruling house has patrons, in particular the French, English and German. And also separately for people who have different titles, such as king, princess and others.

So, the monarchs are patronized by Louis, Edward the Confessor and Henry of Bavaria, respectively.

The kings are helped to withstand the burden placed on them by Edgar the Peaceful and Dagobert.

Queens - Jadwiga of Poland and Matilda of Saxony.

The empresses are protected by Helen Equal to the Apostles.

Adelaide of Burgundy favors the princesses, and the counts are patronized by Charles the Good.

The patron saints of the family of the reigning monarchs of Great Britain are Edward the Confessor and the Archangel Michael, as the protector of England.

The Germans were favored by Maximilian, and the Dauphins of France by Petronilla.

Thus, many ruling families had not only their own confessors and advisers from the clergy, but also patron saints.

Patrons of animals

Cattle breeding has long been one of the most important human occupations. It was this activity that helped move from random luck during the hunt to planned food. Therefore, people were constantly concerned about the health and performance of their pets.

Here we will mention Orthodox and Catholic patrons of animals.

So let's start with the birds. Domestic ducks, geese and other flying creatures have a protector in the person of the Great Martyr Nikita among the Orthodox and Martin of Tours in Catholicism.

Pigeons are patronized by David of Wales, and swans by Hugh of Lincoln.

All horned animals are patronized by Guido from Anderlecht.

In Orthodoxy, Mamant from Caesarea is considered the patron of goats and sheep, but Catholics do not believe that goats can have a patron. Therefore, according to their tradition, St. George the Victorious only protects sheep.

How to recognize your patron saint

Today, most people are beginning to seek faith again. Some return to Christianity. In this religion, it is customary to celebrate Angel Day, that is, the date when one or another saint is honored.

The easiest way to determine the name of the patron saint is by the name of the child. Firstly, at baptism a new name is given (if the one given at birth does not belong to the Christian tradition, or the parents wanted to give a second one), but the old one can also be preserved.

What to do? Mainly determined Even if you don’t remember the name with which you were baptized (not preserved), find the closest Christian one. If there are several of them, choose the one that is more pleasant to you.

So, now we open the calendar and look for which patron suits you by date of birth. This is not the exact date on which you were born, but the closest day on which a saint with that name is venerated.

For example, you celebrate your birthday on September 2, and the nearest date when a patron with the same name is mentioned is December 11. It turns out that you have two celebrations. In September - Birthday, in December - Angel Day.

On such days, it is traditional to give children icons and pictures. A guardian angel does not have to be depicted there, but it would not be superfluous.

So, you and I have learned to identify our patron, and also recognized holy protectors in different areas of life.

We are finishing a series of publications about patron saints in business and career. Today is a story about the intercessors of soldiers and law enforcement officers. In difficult times, turn to your saint in prayer, and he will definitely help.

Patron of warriorsGreat Martyr George the Victorious

Saint George was a Roman military leader who was martyred in 303 during the persecution of Christians. In Rus', he has long been revered as the patron saint of warriors. Since the 14th century, the saint in the form of a horseman slaying a serpent with a spear has adorned the Coat of Arms of Moscow and the Russian State. Many victories of Russian weapons are associated with the name of the holy warrior.

Patron of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir

Vladimir's main merit was the baptism of Rus' in 998 with the command to “destroy idols and idol temples.” Under him, the formation of the Russian army took place - the first regular squads appeared. They became a force that contributed to the centralization of power and the creation of a single state with its capital in Kyiv.

Patron of the Airborne Forces and Space ForcesSaint Elijah (Ilya) the Prophet

The Prophet Elijah lived almost a thousand years before the birth of Christ. The Lord raised it up among the people of Israel, because this people would have been darkened by paganism and deviated from the true faith. Elijah's prayer - “Lord! Show people that You are the True God,” was heard. And fire fell from heaven and consumed everything. And then those who believed said: “Indeed, the True God is Elijah,” that is, the One whom Elijah preaches. The testimony of Elijah the Prophet is still repeated today. In Jerusalem, Fire descends on the Holy Sepulcher on Holy Saturday before Easter. And Elijah ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire.

Patron Saint of those who fought in ChechnyaHoly Martyr Eugene

Evgeniy served as a border guard in Chechnya and was captured. The bandits offered him his life in exchange for his renunciation of Orthodoxy. He refused. Alive and conscious, his head was cut off.

St. Martyr Eugene is still a locally venerated saint, but the troparion and canon for him have already been compiled and an icon has been painted. It can be seen in the Church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhi near the station. m. "Tretyakovskaya".

Patroness of the Orthodox army on campaigns, the Holy Lady Theotokos

Miraculous icons of the Mother of God invariably accompanied the troops. You can also pray to the icons of the Mother of God with a request for deliverance from enemy invasions.

Patron of the army and militiaHoly Prince Dimitri Donskoy

Demetrius was born in 1350 and was raised in love for God. Demetrius strengthened Moscow, united the Russian lands and liberated Rus' from the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Patron of the army and Cossacks Nicholas the Wonderworker

At birth they gave him the name Nikolai, which means winner of nations. And he, with the blessing of God, truly became the conqueror of evil for the benefit of the whole world.

Nicholas the Wonderworker began to work miracles even before he began to feed on his mother’s milk. While still in the baptismal font, he stood on his feet for three hours, unsupported by anyone, thus giving honor to the Most Holy Trinity. Saint Nicholas was a faster all his life until his death and worked miracles.

Patron saints of the army

Mothers of conscript soldiers and the soldiers themselves can also pray to their namesake saint (i.e., the one with the same name as you), choosing the name closest in date AFTER your birthday:

St. Elijah of Murom, miracle worker of Pechersk - January 1st. Theodore Stratilates - February 21st. Theodore Tiron - March 2, 40 St. Sebastian Martyrs - March 22St. martyr St. George the Victorious - May 6St. blg. book Dimitry Donskoy - June 1st. right John the Russian - June 9St. Theodore Stratilates - June 21st. martyr John the Warrior - August 12St. Andrey Stratelat - September 1st. Alexander Peresvet and Andrey Oslyabya - the celebration takes place in the Cathedral of Moscow Saints (in the week before September 8) St. blgv. book Alexander Nevsky - September 12St. right Theodore Ushakov - October 15, Archangel Michael - November 8St. Vmch. Demetrius of Thessalonica - November 8St. blgv. book Alexander Nevsky - December 6St. martyr Mercury of Smolensk - December 7St. martyr St. George the Victorious - December 9ap. Andrew the First-Called - December 13

In every family there is a turning point when one of the men has to go to serve in the army, and in the future his decision may be long-term military service and a career. It is even more difficult when a person liable for military service has to go to a place of paramilitary operations, therefore at such moments the help of the Lord and intercession for the health of other saints before him are so necessary. To strengthen the spirit of a fighter and protect him from possible troubles, believers turn to the saints with various prayers. In addition to God himself, desperate, alarmed mothers of sons who have gone to war, the army or military service turn to her for intercession. There are many other saints who patronize warriors and even special units of troops.

Which saint should I pray to?

Many pious Christians wonder which saint to pray to and ask for protection when going to military service at will or obligation. Relatives of conscripted military personnel are asking the same question. There are many military patrons:

You can also turn to the following saints with prayerful words asking for protection: Nikita the Warrior, John the Warrior, Mercury of Smolensk, Igor of Chernigov, Varvara of Illiopol, Eugene of Sevastia, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, Ilya Muromets, Theodore Stratelates, Savva Storozhevsky, Fyodor Ushakov, Andrei the Pristine . Regardless of which saint you pray to, the main thing is to do it sincerely with faith in your heart.

Prayer for military personnel

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, unworthy of a slave [or slave] (name). Lord, in Your merciful power, my children [or my child], Your servants (names), have mercy and save them, for the sake of Your Name. Lord, forgive them all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that they committed before You. Lord, guide them on the true path of Your commandments, and enlighten their minds with the light of Christ for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Lord, bless their service in the army, on land, air and sea, on the road, in flying and sailing, and in every place of Your dominion. Lord, save them by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross under the shelter of Your saints from a flying bullet, arrow, sword, fire, from a deadly wound, water drowning and vain death. Lord, protect them from all visible and invisible enemies, from all trouble, evil, misfortune, betrayal and captivity. Lord, heal them from every illness and wound, from every defilement and ease their mental suffering. Lord, grant them the grace of Your Holy Spirit for many years of life, health and chastity in all piety and love in peace and unanimity with the rulers around them, near and far. Lord, increase and strengthen their mental abilities and physical strength, return them healthy and prosperous to their parental home.
All good Lord, grant me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant (name), a parental blessing on my children (names) at this time of morning, day, night, for Your Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.


The Russian land has three great intercessor warriors - Vladimir Monomakh, Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy. All of them are canonized by the Orthodox Church as saints. I will try to very briefly talk about them all in one article. They are united by unsurpassed heroism, patriotism, and the desire to defend their Fatherland, giving their lives in the name of the Motherland. All of them are an example for subsequent generations of Russian people.

Saint Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh

Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh (1053-1125) - Prince of Smolensk, Chernigov of Pereyaslavl, Grand Duke of Kiev, statesman, military leader, writer, thinker. Son of Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich. Nicknamed Monomakh after the name of the family of his mother, who was presumably the daughter or niece of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IX Monomakh.
What is this man remembered for many centuries in Rus', in Russia?

*First of all, he understood perfectly well that the scattered principalities of Kievan Rus, warring in internecine struggle, could not withstand the onslaught of the Polovtsian hordes, which ruined the economy, drove away the inhabitants into captivity, causing irreparable damage to the state. And Vladimir Monomakh becomes the organizer of the anti-Polovtsian union under Svyatopolk.

*During the reign of Vladimir Monomakh, the Novgorodians and Pskovites successfully fought with the Chud tribe, to the west of Lake Peipsi (1116). In the northeast of Rus', the Russians fought no less successfully against the Bulgarians and Mordovians.

*In 1116-1117, on behalf of Vladimir Monomakh, the 2nd edition of The Tale of Bygone Years was created by Sylvester, a monk of the Kyiv Vydubitsky Monastery. It is this edition of the chronicle that has survived to this day.
*The reign of Vladimir Monomakh was a time of strengthening of Kievan Rus. He managed to unite up to 3/4 of the territory of the Old Russian state and stop princely civil strife. Under Vladimir Monomakh, Kievan Rus briefly regained its former glory.


Prince Vladimir Monomakh spent his childhood and youth at the court of his father Vsevolod Yaroslavich in Pereyaslav-Yuzhny. He constantly led his father's squad, carried out long campaigns, suppressed the Vyatichi uprising, and fought against the Polovtsians.
In 1076, together with Oleg Svyatoslavich, he took part in a campaign to help the Poles against the Czechs. In 1078, his father became the prince of Kyiv, and Vladimir Monomakh received Chernigov. In 1080, he repelled the Polovtsian raid on the Chernigov lands and defeated the Torque nomads.
In 1093, after the death of his father, Grand Duke Vsevolod, he had the opportunity to take the Kiev throne, but, not wanting new strife, he voluntarily ceded this right to his cousin Svyatopolk, saying: “His father was older than mine and reigned in Kyiv before me.” He himself remained to reign in Chernigov.
After the Dolob Congress (1103), Vladimir Monomakh became the inspirer and direct leader of military campaigns against the Polovtsians (1103, 1107, 1111). He began to resort to the help of the people's militia. The Polovtsians suffered a series of defeats and left Russian lands for a long time.
After the death (1113) of the Kyiv prince Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, a popular uprising broke out in Kyiv; the top of Kyiv society called Vladimir Monomakh to reign. Having become the prince of Kyiv, he suppressed the uprising, but at the same time was forced to somewhat soften the position of the lower classes through legislation. This is how the “Charter of Vladimir Monomakh” or the “Charter on Res” arose, which became part of the lengthy edition of “Russian Pravda”. This charter limited the profits of moneylenders, determined the conditions of enslavement and, without encroaching on the foundations of feudal relations, eased the situation of debtors and purchases.

The reign of Vladimir Monomakh was the period of the last strengthening of Kievan Rus. Vladimir Monomakh, through his sons, ruled 3/4 of the territory of the Old Russian state. Monomakh received Turov after the death of Svyatopolk as a Kyiv volost. In 1118, Monomakh summoned the Novgorod boyars to Kyiv and swore them in. In 1118, Yaroslav was expelled from Volyn, after which he tried to return the principality with the help of the Hungarians, Poles and the Rostislavichs, who broke the alliance with Monomakh, but to no avail. In 1119, Monomakh also took possession of the Principality of Minsk by force of arms.
Under Vladimir Monomakh, dynastic marriages between the Rurikovichs began to take place. Yaroslav Svyatopolchich and Vsevolod Olgovich - the Chernigov prince were married to the daughters of Mstislav Vladimirovich (granddaughters of Monomakh), Vsevolodko Gorodensky was married to Monomakh's daughter Agafya, Roman Vladimirovich was married to the daughter of Volodar Rostislavich of Peremyshl.
Stability in the state rested on the authority of Monomakh, the presence of a common enemy - the Polovtsians, and the concentration of all power in the hands of the Grand Duke.
Vladimir Monomakh is buried in Kyiv, in the Church of St. Sophia.
After the death of Vladimir Monomakh, the feudal fragmentation of Rus' intensified again.

“God does not lie in power, but in truth.” Alexander Nevskiy.

Holy Blessed Grand Duke
Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky

Alexander Nevsky, in schema Alexy (1220-1263).
Memory: August 30, November 23, July 16.
Church-wide glorification of the blessed Prince Alexander by the Russian Church followed at the Moscow Council in 1547, when they ordered him to compile a lengthy life, service and eulogy.
The holy relics, on the orders of Emperor Peter I, were solemnly transferred to St. Petersburg and placed on August 30, 1724 in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Since 1753, the holy relics have rested in a silver shrine. The day of August 30 is revered as the day of the transfer of holy relics. This event secured the title of the new capital for St. Petersburg.
Empress Catherine II established the Order of Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky. On August 30, 1790, the cavaliers of the order transferred the shrine with relics to the newly rebuilt grandiose Trinity Cathedral. At the same time, a religious procession was established from the Kazan Cathedral to the Lavra.
The holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky is depicted on icons in the schema and robe of the venerable...


How did the great warrior of Rus' deserve such glorification of the Orthodox Church that upon learning of his death, Metropolitan Kirill said in the Assumption Cathedral of the capital city of Vladimir: “My dear children, understand that the sun of the Russian land has set,” and everyone cried out with tears: “We are already perishing! "?
There will be many different answers to this question, all of which may be correct. But their essence will be in just three words - “Intercessor for Rus'”!
What exactly is his intercession? There are many answers. Here are the most important of them:

*Victory over the Swedes on July 15, 1240 on the Neva. This victory coincided with the day of remembrance of Prince Vladimir the Saint, the baptizer of the Russian land, which was imprinted in the memory of generations.

* Victory over the German invaders on the ice of Lake Peipsi on April 5, 1242. An end was put to the encroachments of enemies who threatened Rus' from the west at a time when Rus' was fighting the Tatar-Mongol invasion in the east.

*To protect the Motherland from new troubles, Alexander Nevsky travels to the Horde and Karakorum and, reluctantly, shows humility before the Horde.

*Constant settlement of clashes between Russian people and Tatar tribute collectors. These clashes could provoke the Horde into new raids on Rus'.

*The prince saved the Russians from harm during the census and levying taxes on the population in favor of the Horde. Reluctantly, the defender of Rus' persuaded the people not to resist, thereby averting a much greater misfortune from the Motherland. Rus' did not have the strength to resist the winner for the time being.

*He rejected the offer from the Pope to accept Catholicism and with it the title of king. He remained faithful to Orthodoxy. This is how the Life of the Prince conveys his famous answer to the papal envoys:

“Once upon a time, ambassadors from the Pope from great Rome came to him with the following words: “Our Pope says this: We heard that you are a worthy and glorious prince and your land is great. That’s why they sent to you two of the most skilled of the twelve cardinals... so that you could listen to their teaching about the law of God.”

Prince Alexander, having thought with his wise men, wrote to him, saying: “From Adam to the flood, from the flood to the division of languages, from the confusion of languages ​​to the beginning of Abraham, from Abraham to the passage of Israel through the Red Sea, from the exodus of the children of Israel to death King David, from the beginning of the kingdom of Solomon to Augustus the King, from the beginning of Augustus to the Nativity of Christ, from the Nativity of Christ to the Passion and Resurrection of the Lord, from His Resurrection to the Ascension to Heaven, from the Ascension to Heaven to the Kingdom of Constantine, from the beginning of the Kingdom of Constantine until the first council, from the first council to the seventh - we know everything well, but we do not accept teachings from you.” They returned home."

*Prince Alexander won his main military victories in his youth. During the Battle of the Neva (1240) he was at most 20 years old, during the Battle of the Ice - 22 years old. Subsequently, he became famous more as a politician and diplomat, but he also periodically acted as a military leader. In his entire life, Prince Alexander did not lose a single battle.

*Through the efforts of Alexander Nevsky, the preaching of Christianity spread to the northern lands of the Pomors. He also managed to promote the creation of an Orthodox diocese in the Golden Horde.

*Prince Alexander Nevsky is one of those great people in the history of our Fatherland whose activities not only influenced the destinies of the country and people, but largely changed them and predetermined the course of Russian history for many centuries to come. It fell to him to rule Russia in the most difficult, turning point that followed the ruinous Mongol conquest, when it came to the very existence of Rus', whether it would be able to survive, maintain its statehood, its ethnic independence, or disappear from the map, like many other peoples of Eastern Europe , who were invaded at the same time as her.

*The prince erected churches and rebuilt cities.

*The whole life of Alexander Yaroslavich was given to serving the Fatherland.


Prince Alexander was born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, and from 1222 he lived in Gorodishche near Veliky Novgorod, where his father, Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, reigned.
In 1225, Yaroslav gave his sons “princely tonsure,” after which the experienced governor, boyar Fyodor Danilovich, began to teach them military affairs. In 1228, together with his elder brother Fedor, they were “installed” by their father in Novgorod, but due to unrest, the princes were forced to go to their father that same year (according to other sources, in February 1229). In 1230, Grand Duke Yaroslav managed to leave Novgorod again to Fedor and Alexander, but three years later, at the age of fifteen, Fedor died.
In 1236 Yaroslav left to reign in Kyiv and Alexander began to rule independently in Novgorod, which was proud of its prince. He acted as a defender of orphans and widows, and was an assistant to the hungry.
From a young age the prince revered the priesthood and monasticism, i.e. was a prince from God and obedient to God.
In 1238, Mongol hordes approached the Novgorod lands. The young prince had to solve the problem of protecting lands from the south and east. Alexander fortified the city and borders, and the enemy did not invade.

Another, closer and more serious danger also arose. It came from the Swedes, Livonians and Lithuania. The struggle with the Livonians and the Swedes was, at the same time, a struggle between the Orthodox East and the Catholic West. In 1237, the scattered forces of the Livonians - the Teutonic Order and the Swordsmen - united against the Russians.
In 1240, the Germans attacked the Pskov region, and the Swedes, encouraged by the pope, moved to Novgorod under the leadership of the ruler of the country himself, the royal son-in-law Birger. Confident of victory, Birger sent Alexander a declaration of war, proud and arrogant: “If you can, resist, know that I am already here and will take your land captive.” Novgorod was left to its own devices. Rus', defeated by the Tatars, could not provide him with any support.
With a relatively small squad of Novgorodians and Ladoga residents, Alexander surprised the Swedes on the night of July 15, 1240, when they stopped at a rest camp at the mouth of Izhora, on the Neva, and inflicted complete defeat on them. The impression of the victory was all the stronger because it occurred during a difficult period of adversity in the rest of Rus'. In the eyes of the people on Alexander and Novgorod land, the special grace of God was manifested. Historians called the battle itself the Battle of the Neva.
However, the Novgorodians, always jealous of their liberties, managed to quarrel with Alexander that same year, and he retired to his father, who gave him the principality of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Meanwhile, the Livonian Germans, Chud and Lithuania were advancing on Novgorod. They fought and imposed tribute on the leaders, built a fortress in Koporye, took the city of Tesov, plundered the lands along the Luga River and began to rob Novgorod merchants 30 versts from Novgorod. The Novgorodians turned to Yaroslav for a prince; he gave them his second son, Andrei. This did not satisfy them. They sent a second embassy to ask Alexander. In 1241, Alexander came to Novgorod and cleared his region of enemies, and the next year, together with Andrei, he moved to the aid of Pskov, where the German governors were sitting. Pskov was liberated, and Alexander headed to the Peipus land, to the domain of the order.
On April 5, 1242, the Battle of Lake Peipsi took place. This battle is known as the Battle of the Ice. Before the battle, Prince Alexander ordered his warriors to take off their iron armor. By a cunning maneuver (the enemy was let through the Russian barrier), the enemy soldiers clad in iron were lured onto the ice. According to the Novgorod chronicle, the Russians drove the Germans across the ice for 7 miles, 400-500 knights fell and up to 50 were captured; According to the Livonian chronicle, the order's losses amounted to 20 killed and 6 prisoners. The Master of the Order was frightened by Nevsky's campaign against Riga and turned to the Danish king for help. But Alexander still needed to put an end to the Lithuanian raids. With a series of victories in 1242 and 1245, according to the chronicler, he instilled such fear in the Lithuanians that they began to “fear his name.” Alexander's six-year victorious defense of northern Rus' led to the fact that the Germans, according to a peace treaty, abandoned all recent conquests and ceded to him part of Letgolia. There is news that Pope Innocent IV in 1251 sent two cardinals to Nevsky with a bull written in 1248. The pope, promising help to the Livonians in the fight against the Tatars, convinced Alexander to follow the example of his father, who allegedly agreed to submit to the Roman throne. According to the chronicler's story, Nevsky, after consulting with wise people, outlined the entire history of Rus' and in conclusion said: “We know everything good, but we do not accept teachings from you.”

Alexander pursued a completely different policy towards the Tatars.
The Khan granted Andrei the principality of Vladimir, and gave Kyiv and Novgorod to Alexander (1249). After the Tatar devastation, Kyiv lost all significance; Therefore, Alexander settled in Novgorod. He realized that submission to the conqueror could bring benefits to the princes that they had never had before. It was easier and more convenient for the Tatars to deal with obedient princes than with the numerous and fickle veche. It was in their interests to strengthen the princely power, especially the power of the Grand Duke. And this was necessary to strengthen Rus', torn apart by strife. Andrei, by his nature, was not capable of such a role. In 1250, Prince Alexander had to go to Mongolia to visit the Great Khan. Knowing what was to come and with whom he was to meet, Prince Alexander said before leaving: “Even if I shed my blood for Christ’s sake from the godless king, like my relatives, I will not worship bush and fire and idols.” This was a refusal to perform obligatory rites in the Horde. The prince kept his word, and the Lord saved him.
In 1256, the Swedes tried to take the Finnish coast from Novgorod by starting to build a fortress on the Narova River, but at one rumor about the approach of Alexander with the Suzdal and Novgorod regiments, they fled back. To frighten them even more, the prince, despite the extreme difficulties of the winter campaign, entered Finland and fought along the coast.
In 1258, Prince Alexander went to the Horde to “honor” the Khan’s governor Ulavchiy, and in 1259, threatening a Tatar pogrom, he obtained consent from the Novgorodians to a census of the population for a universal tribute. By his submission, Alexander saved the Russian land from defeat even when in 1262 Tatar tribute farmers were killed in Vladimir, Suzdal, Rostov, Pereyaslavl, Yaroslavl and other cities. The Tatar regiments were already ready to move to Rus', but Alexander Nevsky came to the khan, averted trouble and even achieved benefits for the Russians in the delivery of military detachments for the Tatars. Having lived in the Horde during this last, fourth trip, winter and summer, he fell ill and on the way back he fell ill in Gorodets on the Volga, where he took monastic vows and received the schema with the name Alexy. He died on November 14, 1263.

Several decades after the death of the prince, his Life was compiled, which was subsequently repeatedly subjected to various alterations, revisions and additions (in total there are up to twenty editions of the Life, dating from the 13th-19th centuries). The official canonization of the prince by the Russian Church took place in 1547, at a church council convened by Metropolitan Macarius and Tsar Ivan the Terrible, when many new Russian wonderworkers, previously revered only locally, were canonized. The Church equally glorifies the prince’s military prowess, “never defeated in battle, but always victorious,” and his feat of meekness, patience “more than courage” and “invincible humility” (in the seemingly paradoxical expression of the Akathist).

A new page in the veneration of the holy and blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky began in the 18th century, under Emperor Peter the Great. The conqueror of the Swedes and the founder of St. Petersburg, which became for Russia a “window to Europe,” Peter saw in Prince Alexander his immediate predecessor in the fight against Swedish domination on the Baltic Sea and hastened to transfer the city he founded on the banks of the Neva under his heavenly protection. Back in 1710, Peter ordered that the name of St. Alexander Nevsky be included in the dismissals during divine services as a prayer representative for the “Neva Country.” In the same year, he personally chose the place to build a monastery in the name of the Holy Trinity and St. Alexander Nevsky - the future Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Peter wanted to transfer the relics of the holy prince here from Vladimir. Wars with the Swedes and Turks slowed down the fulfillment of this desire, and only in 1723 did they begin to fulfill it. On August 11, with all due solemnity, the holy relics were taken out of the Nativity Monastery; the procession headed towards Moscow and then towards St. Petersburg; Everywhere she was accompanied by prayer services and crowds of believers. According to Peter’s plan, the holy relics were supposed to be brought into the new capital of Russia on August 30, the day the Treaty of Nystad was concluded with the Swedes (1721). However, the distance of the journey did not allow this plan to be implemented, and the relics arrived in Shlisselburg only on October 1. By order of the emperor, they were left in the Shlisselburg Church of the Annunciation, and their transfer to St. Petersburg was postponed until next year.

The meeting of the shrine in St. Petersburg on August 30, 1724 was distinguished by special solemnity. According to legend, on the last leg of the journey (from the mouth of Izhora to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery), Peter personally ruled the galley with a precious cargo, and at the oars were his closest associates, the first dignitaries of the state. At the same time, an annual celebration of the memory of the holy prince was established on the day of the transfer of the relics on August 30.

Nowadays the Church celebrates the memory of the holy and blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky twice a year: November 23 (December 6, new style) and August 30 (September 12).

“For our native land!” Dmitry Donskoy

Holy Blessed Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy
Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir

(12 October 1350 – 19 May 1389)

During his 30-year reign, Dmitry Donskoy managed to become a collector of Russian lands (“bringing all Russian princes under his will”) and the recognized head of anti-Horde politics in Rus'.
Dmitry also sought recognition of the independence of the Russian Orthodox Church from Constantinople. Under him, fortress monasteries were erected (Simonov Monastery, Andronikov Monastery), which covered the approaches to the center of Moscow.
For the first time in Russian military history, Dmitry introduced a new (territorial) principle of formation instead of the old principle of recruiting troops.
Under Dmitry Donskoy, silver coinage was introduced in Moscow - earlier than in other Russian principalities and lands.
The reign of Dimitri Donskoy belongs to the most unfortunate and sad times of the era in the history of the long-suffering Russian people. Incessant ruin and devastation, either from external enemies or from internal strife, followed one after another on an enormous scale.
Over the course of several centuries, the name of Dmitry Donskoy has become a symbol of Russian military glory. In 2002, the Order “For Service to the Fatherland” was established in memory of the Holy Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and the Venerable Abbot Sergius of Radonezh.
The military exploits of Dmitry Donskoy are sung by Safoniy Ryazan in “Zadonshchina”, as well as in “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev”.
In Moscow, a monument to Dmitry Donskoy was erected in front of the Marinka Tower of the Kolomna Kremlin.
Since the fall of 2007, the largest nuclear submarine in the world, the Dmitry Donskoy, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, has hosted an exhibition at the Kulikovo Pole museum-reserve.
The memory of Saint Dmitry Donskoy is celebrated on May 19/June 1.
The Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow Dmitry died on May 19, 1389. He was buried in Moscow in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin. Canonized as a saint at the Local Council in 1988.


The name of the Great Russian Hero, who cared for Holy Rus' all his life, is not forgotten, and cannot be forgotten! Its glory is passed on from generation to generation. His heroism is a shining example for all Russian people. His pride is his exploits on the battlefield. The desire to unite the Russian principalities, suffering under the yoke of eastern conquerors, did not leave him until his death. Throughout his reign, Moscow was drowning in internecine wars. When, after the invasion of Tokhtamysh, the capital weakened again, civil strife broke out with renewed vigor. After this, Dmitry Donskoy, in order to save Rus' from new raids, gave his son Vasily to the Horde, and also promised to constantly pay tribute. “Life is a Feat”, this is how his phenomenon in the history of Russia is characterized.


Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy was born on October 12, 1350. He is from a family of princes who formed a single principality. Descendant of the Ruriks, the family of the first Russian princes, with whom the new state formation began. Son of the Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow Ivan Kalita, grandson of the Blessed Prince Daniil of Moscow and great-grandson of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, descendant of Vladimir Monomakh and Yuri Dolgoruky.
Dmitry Donskoy's childhood was spent in completely childish worries.
At the age of nine, Dmitry ascends to the princely throne. Moscow lands are given to him to manage. And at the same time, ill-wishers appeared, but the Moscow boyars stood for the young Dimitri; For the most part, these were people who did not belong to Moscow by origin; partly they themselves, and partly their fathers and grandfathers came from different directions and found a common Fatherland in Moscow. It was they who took up arms together for the primacy of Moscow over Russia. Because Moscow sheltered them all and contributed to their mutual assistance in the interests of their common Fatherland.

Many times Prince Dmitry was forced to travel to the Golden Horde.
At the age of ten, Dmitry was taken by the Moscow boyars to Khan Khidyrem for a label to reign. Thus, Moscow at this time acquired primacy among other lands and cities in Rus'; before elevating it. And the ten-year-old young prince Dimitri becomes the oldest, precisely because he became the prince of Moscow. And just as at that time there was an internecine war among the Russian princes, so a turning point occurred in the Horde, many were eager to take control of the khan’s place.
Eleven-year-old Dmitry went to the Horde. At first, the label for the reign was obtained by the boyars from Khan Murid, who at that time was stronger than his rival Abdul, but already in 1362 they received the label on behalf of Abdul. Both khans did not like the policy of the Grand Duke, he lost the favor of the khans, and the label was given to Dmitry Konstantinovich of Suzdal. But Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy soon went against him with an army and drove him out of the city of Vladimir.

Dmitry pursued a very active foreign policy. He humbled the Suzdal, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan and Tver princes (1363), and repulsed the great Lithuanian prince. Olgerd, who tried to seize the Moscow Principality (November 21, 1368, battle on the Trostna River near Moscow). Uglich, Galich Mersky, Beloozero, as well as the Kostroma, Dmitrov, Chukhloma, and Starodub principalities were finally annexed to Moscow. Dmitry forced Novgorod the Great to obey himself.
Under Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, a white stone Kremlin was built in Moscow in 1367.
In 1376, his troops defeated the Volga Bulgars, and in 1378 they defeated the strong Tatar army of Murza Begich on the Vozha River.

But the hardest, bloodiest battle took place on the Kulikovo Field.
Leaving for the battle, the prince stopped by Sergius of Radonezh, the spiritual father of Rus', for a blessing.
The fact that the holy noble prince Dimitry Donskoy clearly understood his role as a holder is evidenced by the “Word” about his life. “Establish me, Lady, a pillar of the fortress from the face of the enemy, magnify the Christian name before the filthy,” Saint Demetrius asked the Most Holy Theotokos in prayer before the battle on the Kulikovo Field. From time immemorial, the attitude towards the Mother of God in Rus' was especially reverent and affectionate - it was not for nothing that the Russian land was called the House of the Most Holy Theotokos. Even if the Russian fate is difficult, the path of service of the “Holy Russian” is full of sorrows and narrow, fidelity to one’s duty does not remain without heavenly reward.
A reliable defender of the southeastern borders - the miraculous Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Don arrived together with the Don Cossacks in the Russian camp to help the Grand Duke and the entire army, for victory and defeat the enemy. On the day of the battle, the icon was carried among Orthodox soldiers to encourage and help them against the Tatar army.

“On that Kulikovo field
The Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary herself walks,
And behind her are the apostles of the Lord,
Archangels - holy angels...
They perform the funeral service for the relics of the Orthodox,
The Most Holy Mother of God herself censes on them.”

Before the battle they told him:
“You should stand apart from the battle and look at those fighting, and then honor and favor the survivors and create a memorial for the slain.” If we lose you, sovereign, then we will become like a flock of sheep without a shepherd; the wolves will come and scare us away.
“My dear brother,” answered Dimitri, your kind speeches are worthy of praise. But if I am your leader, then I want to start the battle ahead of you. I will die or live with you.

When the battle was over, the Cossacks presented Dmitry Donskoy with an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos as a gift. In memory of the victory won by the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the banks of the Don, the icon was named Donskaya.
Eight days after that, the Russians remained on the Kulikovo field, held funeral services, and buried their brothers. Fifteen of the princes alone fell. Many noble boyars were also killed.

People of that time understood the Russian army only as a holy, valiant army. For nine years, until 1389, Prince Dimitri defended the Russian land from Tatar raids. And although the Tatar yoke had not yet been thrown off, the Russian people already knew: the Tatars were not so terrible.


Three great warrior-defenders of Rus'. Three great warriors. Three politicians. Three great hearts are only the brightest constellation preserved in the memory of the Russian people. And there are too many of them - Defenders of the Motherland - to count. Can't remember. But they were, are and will be. And we must not forget in our prayers all the famous and nameless Heroes, thanks to whom Rus'-Russia stands!

Since the appearance of the first regular army in our country, a good tradition has arisen for Orthodox warriors to have their heavenly patrons. In pre-revolutionary Russia, everyone who wore a military uniform, of course, considered the Archangel Michael their patron. But the air fleet, for example, still especially honored Elijah the Prophet. Saints Florus and Laurus were considered patrons of the cavalry. And Saint George the Victorious patronized the Cossacks. Temples were built in all military units in the name of beloved saints. In today's Russian army, this bright tradition has not been forgotten either. Almost every branch or type of army has its own heavenly protector. Here are some of them.

The main patron of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ground Forces is the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious

He was born in the mid-270s in Cappadocia (a region in Asia Minor), into a very rich and noble family professing Christianity. His father was killed when George was still a baby. The mother, who owned estates in Palestine, moved with her son to her homeland, where she raised him. When the boy grew up, he enlisted in the Roman army. The young man surpassed everyone in intelligence, courage, and physical strength and quickly became the most notable warrior in his cohort (a division of the legion, about 1000 people). Already at the age of 24, he was appointed commander of an elite cohort of invictors (translated from Latin - invincible). In the war with Persia in 296–297, George more than once showed courage and was included in the number of comits - the emperor’s close associates. In modern times, this is a member of the military council of the military branch, a representative of the supreme headquarters.

In 303, Emperor Dilectian began persecuting Christians, and his first blow was aimed at the army, where there were a large number of them. He thought that it would be easy to break the others if he overcame the military resistance. His plan didn't work to its full potential. Many soldiers decided to leave service and become ordinary citizens, so as not to renounce their faith in Christ. But there were also those who openly objected. George distributed property to the poor and publicly declared himself a Christian before the emperor. He was arrested and began to be tortured.

For eight days, George was subjected to the most sophisticated torture. But it was all in vain. Every morning there was no trace of the wounds. In bewilderment and horror, the guards peered at him and became convinced that a miracle was really happening.
George endured all the torment and did not renounce Christ. The night before his death penalty, the Savior appeared to him in a dream and said that paradise awaited him. The next morning, the former warrior calmly and courageously bowed his head under the sword. It was April 23, 303.

Saint George could become a talented commander and surprise the world with his military exploits. He died when he was not even 30 years old.

Many may ask why in the iconography St. George is depicted on a horse, killing a snake? This is one of the most famous posthumous miracles performed by a saint. As the legend says, in the lake on the shore of which the city stood, a monster appeared - either a serpent or a dragon. Attempts to defeat him with weapons in hand led to nothing. Then the inhabitants, being pagans, decided to sacrifice the king’s daughter to the beast. At the moment when the girl was supposed to be eaten, George appeared from heaven to earth on horseback and pierced the snake with a spear, saving the princess from death. The appearance of the saint contributed to the conversion of local residents to Christianity.
This legend was often interpreted allegorically: the princess means the church, the serpent means paganism. This is also seen as a victory over the devil - the “ancient serpent”.

Patron of the Airborne Forces - Prophet Elijah

August 2 marks the birthday of the Russian Airborne Forces. The same day is the day of the prophet Elijah; liturgies are held in his honor and a procession of the cross is held.

The Holy Prophet Elijah - one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament - was born in Thesbia of Gilead in 900 BC. The name Elijah (the fortress of the Lord) given to the baby determined his entire life.

From an early age he devoted himself to God. He lived in the desert, observing strict fasting and prayer. At that time, the people of Israel worshiped pagan idols, which led to complete moral decay. Seeing the death of his people, the prophet Elijah began to denounce King Ahab of wickedness, urging him to repent and turn to faith in one God. The king did not listen to him. Then the prophet Elijah announced to him that as punishment there would be no rain or dew on the earth for three years and the drought would end only through his prayer. And indeed, there was drought and famine throughout the land.

After three years, the prophet Elijah ordered all the inhabitants of Israel to gather on Mount Carmel. When the people gathered, he proposed to build two altars: one from the priests, the other from the prophet Elijah to serve the true God. “On which of them fire falls from heaven, that will be an indication whose God is true,” said the prophet Elijah, “and everyone will have to worship Him.

Through the prayer of the prophet, fire came down from heaven and burned the sacrifice, wood, stones and even water, and then the sky opened and abundant rain fell, watering the thirsty earth. Having seen what happened, millions of people drew conclusions for themselves.

Later, for his fiery zeal for the glory of God, the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven alive in a fiery chariot, which is how the iconographic tradition depicts him. According to legend, the prophet Elijah will be the forerunner of the terrible second coming of Christ to earth and will suffer bodily death during the sermon.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - patron saint of the Navy

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant was born in the city of Patara, Lycian region (now Türkiye). Very young, he was elevated to the rank of priest. While serving the Lord, the young man was burning in spirit, and in his experience in matters of faith he was like an old man, which aroused the surprise and deep respect of the believers. Constantly working and vigilant, being in unceasing prayer, priest Nicholas showed great mercy, coming to the aid of the suffering, and distributed all his property to the poor.

Nicholas's miraculous gift was revealed when he was sailing on a ship as a pilgrim to the Holy Land. He warned the crew of an impending storm and revived a sailor who had fallen from the mast.

Going to worship the holy places in Jerusalem, on the way Nicholas predicted an approaching storm that would threaten the ship with sinking, for he saw the devil himself entering the ship.

He performed many other miracles. Through the prayers of the saint, the city of Myra was saved from severe famine. More than once the saint saved those drowning in the sea, and brought them out of captivity and imprisonment in dungeons.

Having reached a ripe old age, Saint Nicholas died peacefully in 345.

He is especially revered in Russia as an ambulance in the most seemingly hopeless and insoluble problems - both spiritual and everyday. It is difficult to imagine a ship flying the Russian flag that would not have an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on it.

Patron Saint of the Strategic Missile Forces - Holy Great Martyr Barbara

The memory of the Great Martyr Barbara, a saint who accepted death for Christ in the 4th century, is celebrated on December 17. On this day in 1995, the President of Russia signed a decree establishing the Day of Strategic Missile Forces. In the same year, having visited the Main Headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces in Vlasikha, His Holiness the Patriarch handed over the icon of St. Great Martyr Barbara. Her image is now on every command post of all Russian missile divisions.

The Holy Great Martyr Barbara lived with her father in the city of Iliopolis, Phoenician, during the reign of Emperor Maximilian. She lost her mother early. Having been widowed, the father focused all his attention on raising his only daughter. Protecting her in every possible way from communicating with unwanted people, he settled her in the tower. Only teachers and maids had access to it.

One day, when her father was not at home, Varvara left the tower and met Christian girls who told her about Jesus Christ and his teachings. The desire to be a Christian burned in the girl’s heart. She was baptized.

Returning and learning about his daughter’s act, the father severely beat her, and then handed her over to the authorities, persecutors of Christians. They bullied her for a long time, forcing her to renounce her faith, but she did not give in. According to legend, at night an unspeakable light shone in the prison, and the Lord himself appeared to the suffering great martyr, healed her wounds and consoled her with the hope of bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The next day, Varvara was executed by her father. This happened around 306. In her dying prayer, the Holy Great Martyr Barbara asked the Lord to deliver everyone who resorted to her help; from unexpected troubles, from sudden death without repentance and would pour out his grace on them. In response, she heard a voice from heaven, promising to fulfill her request. Immediately after the burial, miraculous healings began at her relics.

Patron of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir

Prince Vladimir was born in 963. In 972 he began to rule Novgorod. In 980, having defeated his brother Yaropolk in the war, he conquered Kyiv. Later he conquered Galicia, humbled the Vyatichi, fought with the Pechenegs, and extended the boundaries of his power from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Bug River in the south. He had five wives and numerous concubines. He installed idols on the Kyiv mountains, to which they began to make human sacrifices. Then the Varangians Theodore and John died for Christ. The circumstances of their death made Vladimir doubt the truth of the pagan faith.

At the invitation of the prince, preachers from different countries came to Kyiv: ambassadors from the Muslim Bulgarians who lived beyond the Volga, Latin Germans, Jews and Greeks. The prince asked about their faith, and each offered him theirs. But the strongest impression on him was made by the Orthodox Byzantine preacher, who at the end of his conversation showed him a picture of the Last Judgment.

Vladimir was baptized himself, and later invited his twelve sons to do so. They were baptized in the same spring, known in Kyiv as Khreshchatyk. Many boyars followed them, and a little later all the residents.

After Kyiv and its environs, the Orthodox faith was planted in Novgorod, Suzdal, Rostov and everywhere else. Under her influence, the Slavic tribes began to unite into a single state.

The era of Saint Vladimir was a key period for the state formation of Orthodox Rus'. The unification of the Slavic lands and the formalization of the state borders of the Rurik power took place in an intense spiritual and political struggle with neighboring tribes and states. The baptism of Rus' from Orthodox Byzantium was the most important step in its state self-determination.

Prince Vladimir held back enemies on the borders with a firm hand, built cities and fortresses. He built the first “zasechnaya line” in Russian history - a line of defensive points against nomads.
Prince Vladimir, whom the people called the Red Sun, died on July 15, 1015. He ruled the Russian state for thirty-seven years.

Patron of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia - Rev. Ilya Muromets

Very little reliable information about the life of St. Elijah of Murom of Pechersk has survived to this day.

It is believed that he was born around 1143 in the village of Karacharovo near Murom in the Vladimir region into a peasant family. Folk legend identified him with the famous hero Ilya Muromets, about whom numerous epics were written.

From childhood until the age of 30, Ilya was paralyzed, and then miraculously received healing from three prophetic elders - beggar wanderers, who predicted that “death in battle was not written for him.” Having taken his parents' blessing, Ilya was a member of the squad of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Monomakh for many years. There was “the first hero in Kyiv” who did not know defeat.

Ilya Muromets became famous for his numerous military exploits and unprecedented strength, which he used only to fight the enemies of the Fatherland, protect the Russian people and restore justice. And then there was someone to endure insults from: the “filthy idol” (as the Pechenegs were called) prowled the steppes, the forests were favored by robber nightingales, and the “damned Jew” threatened from the Khazar side.

All legends testify to the truly Christian humility and meekness of Ilya Muromets, majestic calm and peace of mind: “I am a simple Russian hero, a peasant son. ...My wealth is heroic strength, my business is to serve Rus', to defend it from enemies.”

Having received an incurable wound in the chest in one of the battles with the Polovtsians and obeying the call of his heart, Ilya took monastic vows at the Kiev-Pechersk Dormition Monastery. At that time, many warriors did this, replacing the iron sword with the spiritual sword.

Ilya Muromets died around 1188, at about the 45th year of his life.



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