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Fabrics and materials for workwear and corporate clothing. How to open a sewing workshop or mini-atelier from scratch: a detailed business plan Business plan for sewing workwear

Workwear for employees. - it's not only distinctive features, characteristic of a particular profession, but also safety and hygiene. The use of uniforms is very common in various industries, so the business of producing workwear is a profitable business.

Before starting a workwear business, study the regulations, they will help you set up production.

Types of workwear

The purpose of the work form determines it appearance, required properties, choice of raw materials, production method. Familiarize yourself with the main types of workwear and determine which one is right for your business.

Medical– clothing for medical staff. Includes:

  • robes;
  • costumes;
  • hats;
  • bandages.

Protective– intended for welders, builders, industrial workers, as well as other professions working in hazardous conditions environment. Includes:

  • costumes:
  • overalls;
  • sleeves

Complete with protective accessories:

  • respirators;
  • gloves;
  • glasses;
  • signal vests;
  • half masks;
  • helmets.

Corporate– purchased by organizations for all personnel. The main requirement is an aesthetic appearance corresponding to this specialty. Distributed among areas such as:

  • hotel and restaurant business;
  • transport service;
  • trade;
  • entertainment organizations;
  • various enterprises.

Protective against high temperatures– overalls for fire services, rescuers, and oil industry workers. It is characterized by increased fire resistance, includes special shoes and gloves.

For work at height– characterized by robust equipment and ease of use, which allows you to perform work with maximum safety. The equipment includes:

  • belts;
  • slings;
  • carbines;
  • claws;
  • leashes;
  • other special items.

Materials and equipment

Depending on the type of workwear used various materials. Medical clothing requires highly hygienic, antistatic fabric that can withstand washing with disinfectants and does not allow blood to pass through. These criteria are met:

  • cotton– natural, light, but highly wrinkled;
  • mixture cotton and polyester– a more modern fabric, lightweight, wrinkles less.

The protective form is made from:

  • twill– a special type of weave promotes strength, wear resistance, and is produced from yarn of different compositions;
  • moleskin– cotton material, protects from dust and convective heat;
  • tarpaulin– dense fabric based on hemp, linen, semi-linen yarn, impregnated with special compounds that provide water-repellent and fire-resistant properties;
  • calico– environmentally friendly, highly hygienic, suitable for workers’ underwear;
  • ripstop– strong, durable, weaved using military thread, used in the production of firefighter clothing;
  • cloth– very dense, woven fabric made from wool or cotton;
  • Condura– abrasion-resistant nylon material, impregnated with water-repellent agents, coated with polyurethane; flaws - heavy weight and high cost.

Corporate workwear is aimed at appearance, comfort, and compliance with the idea of ​​the corporation, therefore a variety of fabrics are used in production.

– a promising business with a quick payback, does not require large investments and complex skills. Profitability – 30%.

current business, with the proper approach, the monthly income will be 200,000 - 300,000 rubles.

Today's clothes special purpose Hundreds of enterprises sew for various industries. At the same time, there is not so much reliable information about the process of its production and the technologies used. We are revealing all the secrets of production together with the largest domestic company in this profile — SOOO "Stetskevich-Spetsodezhda".

The creation of any workwear begins with an analysis of the market and the needs of a potential buyer. Then a sketch is created, it is “born” in the head of a marketer or designer, sometimes taking into account the requirements of a specific client. In any case, the initial sketch turns into patterns, which are sent to the experimental workshop of the enterprise - here the first sample of the future pilot batch of workwear is sewn.

When the prototype is ready, it goes to the artistic and technical council for approval. Here the model is approved or rejected, or changes are made to the sketch. After the model receives final approval, the process of making patterns for the production of a pilot batch begins.

At the first stage, the design technologist, using a special graphic editor, produces patterns, including gradations of all sizes. At the same time, a technical sketch of the model is created, which displays all its elements: pockets, cuffs, buttons, stitches, snaps, insulation layer, etc.

Next, the spreader comes into play. He takes the patterns created by the designer and makes their working layout. The layout process is vaguely reminiscent of the game Tetris: on a rectangular piece of fabric with given dimensions, it is necessary to fit the maximum number of elements of future workwear so that as little waste as possible remains. Layouts using a usable area of ​​less than 75% are considered ineffective and are not put into use; only those where this figure reaches 85-90% are accepted (i.e., only 10-15% of the fabric from each specific piece ends up in waste). The work of the layout designer is very important: if a model has many large parts (for example, “halves” of a vest), the specialist must find a match among dozens of other models and occupy the free areas of fabric with smaller elements, say, collars or cuffs. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the direction of weaving of the fabric and the “border” space between the elements - the gap necessary for the normal operation of the cutting knife. In the case of using an auto-cutting complex, the layout is performed by a computer.

When the layout is fully formed, it is sent to print, where a high-precision plotter prints all the details on a wide paper roll in full size (in a 1:1 ratio). The layout can also be transmitted electronically to the auto-cutting complex (more on this a little later).

The layout printed on paper for hand cutting goes to the factory, where patterns are cut out of it, which are then worked on the fabric - applied, outlined with chalk and manually cut out with a special automatic knife. As a rule, manual layouts are used for working with flaps or when cutting small batches of clothing. In most cases, automatic cutting is used. Before submitting the fabric to the cutting machine, it is necessary to check its quality.

For this purpose, a measuring and grading machine manufactured by Sirkon is used. The first function of the machine is to measure fabric. A reel is placed on the shafts; when winding, automatic sensor fixes its length, the width is measured manually. The actual length of a roll of fabric sometimes does not correspond to that stated by the manufacturer, so measurement is extremely important. The width is no less important: if it is different, it complicates the work of the auto-cutting complex; the fabric has to be laid according to the smallest width, respectively, the largest width falls into a flap or goes to waste. As a rule, cheap Chinese-made fabrics are characterized by unstable width, but they rarely work with them here, preferring high-quality products of domestic production (the same JSC Mogotex), Russian or foreign.

The second component of the machine is a clear stand. During the measurement, the fabric passes through it and the specialist visually determines the presence of defects. If any holes or weaving defects are present, the running of the fabric is stopped and a mark is made in the margins with chalk. Later, when using this roll of fabric in a layout, the defect site is either circumvented or cut out. Thus, thanks to the measuring and grading complex, the fabric undergoes double quality control: during fabric production - the first time, and the second time - before cutting.

After rejection and measurement, the prepared fabric is lifted to the production site and sent to an automatic cutting and spreading complex. He does the same thing as cutters (layers the fabric and cuts parts out of it), only several times faster and more accurately.

First of all, a certain number of pieces of fabric of a given length are inserted into the flooring complex. After this, the mechanism automatically spreads it into even layers. It moves around the stand like a carriage, while laying the fabric more accurately and faster than a person. After the fabric is laid, the stand is blown from below with air, creating an air cushion that reduces friction of the fabric on the table and facilitates its transportation to the cutting part of the complex.

A cutting map is loaded into the computer memory of the cutting part of the complex, which contains the exact coordinates of all the workpieces that the knife will cut.

Before cutting, a paper layout printed on a plotter is placed on a fabric laid in several layers before cutting - for the operator to visually control the accuracy of the knife. Then all this is covered with film and compacted with a vacuum, which is created thanks to the built-in compressor.

The lower part of the stand is a breathable fabric made of brushes with small bristles, through which air is taken in by the compressor. In addition, the bristles allow the knife blade to freely penetrate the fabric without resting against the “bottom” of the stand when cutting.

After the flooring is fixed and compacted, a head with a knife, equipped with a separate clamping device, passes along the contour specified by the program. Before the incision is made, the area of ​​tissue along which the head moves is additionally pressed. Thanks to the combination of vacuum and a clamping device, complete immobility of the fabric is achieved during cutting; it does not slide on the stand, which eliminates the possibility of defects.

The advantages of such equipment over manual labor are obvious: higher cutting accuracy, increased labor productivity (3-4 times higher compared to manual cutting) and gap-free operation (the fabric area is used as efficiently as possible).

The finished cut pieces are removed from the stand and put into boxes to be sent to the garment factory. Accompanying documents are also placed here: a technical sketch, a specification of cut details for the model and a table of measurements of the finished product - what parameters it should correspond to (sleeve length, waist width, shoulder, etc.). The cut pieces of fabric are lined with paper on which the coding is indicated. This is done to make it easier to take them out of the box and compare the availability and quantity of all parts of the future product with the specification.

In the process of cutting the fabric, flaps may remain. Let’s say, if a 10-meter roll was inserted into the complex, but according to the layout, 7 meters were needed, a 3-meter long section remains. It is no longer suitable for the subsequent 7-meter filling, so it is defined as a flap and stored on a rack for subsequent processing. Mostly, the flaps arrive at the factory hand-cut.

An important aid in the production of insulated clothing models is a quilting machine. With its help, so-called quilted bags are formed, in which the lining, spunbond and insulation are sewn together. The main insulation materials used are synthetic winterizer, fibertek and thinsulate. Spunbond is used as additional protection from wind; it also prevents the migration of insulation fibers through the outer layer to the surface of the clothing.

Previously, all these operations had to be carried out separately: insulation, lining, spunbond were cut. Then all this had to be folded, stitched, and only then the pieces of clothing should be sewn together. The use of a quilting machine made it possible to significantly increase labor productivity, with the exception of a number of operations.

The operating principle of the device is simple. First, rolls of stitched materials are “loaded” into it. Synthetic threads in bobbins are installed on a special stand - they will be used for the top of the future seam. WITH reverse side machine, small metal cocoons are placed in special holders, inside each of which there are spindle-shaped coils. This is the basis of the bottom of the future seam. When the machine operates, the upper and lower threads are intertwined in the quilted fabric and a stitch is formed.

The output is a roll of stitched multilayer material, which can be immediately cut and stitched into a finished product.

Quilted bags vary in thickness and composition. The “formulation” of the layers is compiled by the technologist and varies depending on the tasks assigned and the area of ​​application of the workwear.

Rolls of quilted bags turn out to be quite voluminous, especially if many layers are formed. For ease of transportation to clothing factories, the bags are vacuum packed - their volume is halved.

There is a category of special clothing, the task of which is to completely isolate the wearer from moisture. The fabrics used in the production of such clothing are membrane type; they allow air to pass through, but do not allow moisture to pass through. Finished products are equipped with buttons, zippers and plastic buttons to prevent rusting. The result is completely waterproof suits that will keep workers dry even in the heaviest rainfall.

But if there are no problems with the choice of material for such clothing, then the places where the clothing parts are attached to each other need additional waterproofing. There are two types of sealed seams: with the stitching area sealed with heat-shrink tape and fully welded seams.

A seam taping machine works on the following principle: first, the seams are sewn on a sewing machine, then a tape is placed on top, which heats up and “sticks” to the fabric. This completely isolates the holes from the needle and prevents water from getting into them. After gluing the seams, the finished product becomes completely waterproof, and air passes through without problems, allowing human skin to breathe.

The second way to create airtight seams is to fasten clothing parts with high frequency current. Such seams are made on appropriate equipment located in Chechersk.

In order to reduce transport costs, the material for waterproofing clothing is delivered directly here. The process of creating future clothing begins traditionally: a pattern cutter cuts blanks from the material. Cutting is carried out on a 6-meter stand, manually, using an electric cutting knife.

The cut blanks are supplied to HFC (high frequency current) machines made in Poland, where they are soldered in places specified by the clothing model. The operator places the material, takes aim, presses the pedal and the protective shield lowers. Then a current passes through the contact electrode inside the chamber, soldering the clothing parts. The machines allow you to adjust the frequency and current strength for a specific material so that high-quality soldering occurs, and the material itself does not burn through. The places where pockets and locks are attached are soldered in the same way.

All of the above steps are just the first part of the clothing creation process. Both the formed quilted bags and the finished cutting details go further - to the sewing production. In Rogachev, Borisov, Novogrudok and Lepel there are sewing factories of Stetskevich-Spetsodezhda JLLC, equipped with the modern ETON transportation system. These automated lines produced in Sweden help optimize the technological process of sewing clothes “from” to “to”.

First, the clothing parts go through the preparation section - pockets, cuffs, and collars are prepared. Almost all of these processes are automated. For example, a separate machine is responsible for the production of loops. A fabric blank is inserted into it, the pedal is pressed - the foot is lowered and the process of sewing a buttonhole begins (in this case, its right and left sides are sewn simultaneously). After that, tacks are made here (the seams are strengthened in places of greatest tension in the fabric), and an entrance to the loop is cut with a special knife.

Nearby, buttons are being sewn on a semi-automatic button machine. The algorithm of actions is similar: a button is tucked into a special holder, the pedal is pressed - one side of the button is sewn, then the other side is sewn in exactly the same way, after which the threads are automatically cut.

After the procurement section, all clothing parts are sent to the conveyor. The entire technological sequence of sewing a product is set by a technologist; this program is entered into a computer, where each operation is assigned its own time in seconds. The types of operations, in turn, are distributed among “stations”—the seamstresses’ workplaces. One sews the cuffs to the sleeves, the other sews the sleeves to the top, etc. Thus, the process of sewing any type of workwear becomes clearly regulated both in terms of operations and time.

At the beginning of the technological chain of the transportation system, the master hangs the prepared parts on special hangers with clothespins. On each hanger, he forms a strictly defined set of parts for stitching - in accordance with the operations performed by one or another “station”. The master hangs one set - and it goes to the “station”, while it is being processed there, the master hangs the second set, etc.

The hangers travel along the conveyor to a place determined by the program, where the seamstress removes them, sews them and sends them to the next station... Thus, continuity of tailoring is achieved.

From 700 to 1000 parts are simultaneously “spinning” in the flow, and the average output from the conveyor is 500-700 suits per shift. All operations are evenly distributed among the seamstresses. If one of them does not keep up (spends a little more time on the operation), hangers with parts begin to accumulate near it. The technologist-operator sees this on the computer and immediately redirects the accumulated hangers to the “station” / seamstress who can handle it faster. This eliminates downtime and ensures that all seamstresses are evenly loaded. Net flow time savings reach 30%.

In addition, the use of the ETON system allows you to avoid unnecessary movements of workers: they are in one place and do not waste time moving parts from the procurement area to the workplace. In the end, by minimizing movements on the line, the optimal number of workers is always working, extra people It's simply not here.

If at the “start” of the automated line parts of future clothing are hung, then at the “finish” a completely finished product comes off, which is loaded onto a cart and taken to the packaging area. There, the clothes undergo final quality control, they are labeled, folded and sent to the finished goods warehouse.

As a result, the widest range of workwear reaches store shelves - for every taste and color, to suit any needs and requirements. Clothing, all elements of which are made of high quality materials and sewn using the most modern equipment. Clothes that are pleasant to wear at work, regardless of whether you work as a pediatrician, a lumberjack or a builder. Clothing that protects you.

Sewing workwear: 7 main types + GOST standards for workwear + detailed instructions to open a small sewing workshop with a staff of up to 10 people and a profit of almost 70,000 rubles per month.

When organizing the tailoring of workwear, you first need to know exactly what it is. It's about about personal protective equipment against harmful factors that a person encounters in the workplace (construction, chemical production, metallurgy).

Workwear is a uniform that sets an employee apart from other people. One of its goals is to make a person recognizable (medical workers, police) and emphasize the company’s style. Uniforms are also used to create a positive, memorable impression (bank employees, service industries).

When producing workwear, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • hygiene – do not cause allergic reactions;
  • protect from external negative factors in the workplace: workwear must be moisture or chemical resistant, non-flammable and/or windproof - depends on the environment in which the employee will work;
  • convenience – do not restrict movement, workwear should be light;
  • aesthetics;
  • ease of care - clothes should be washed well and not lose their appearance after washing;
  • wear resistance;
  • comply with GOST standards for protective clothing.

What types of workwear are there?

1. Work clothes against mechanical contamination.

Protects workers from dirt, oil and dust. These are mainly cotton products: head scarves, aprons, overalls. Sewing can be done from a denser material if you plan to work in the fresh air - such materials are most often twill and greta.

2. Overalls for performing hot work.

Made from non-flammable, non-flammable fabrics, they protect against sparks, splashes of hot metal, ultraviolet radiation, provide fire protection and thermal insulation.

The simplest non-flammable fabrics are felt and tarpaulin, more complex ones are made on the basis of silica fibers and glass fibers + have a silicone coating, this also includes aluminum foil and polyurethane.

Widely used in fire fighting, metallurgical, electric and gas welding specialties.

3. Signal clothing.

These are jackets, vests, suits with various reflective details, which make it possible to notice an employee from afar, regardless of weather conditions and visibility.

In addition to reflective elements, such workwear is made of bright unnatural colors (orange, light green), so that, with relatively good visibility, the worker does not blend into the terrain.

4. Shielding special clothing.

Protects against electromagnetic radiation. This workwear is most often made from thin, highly flexible metal, most often copper, mesh. The kit must include appropriate shoes and a hat.

5. Insulated workwear.

Needed to protect people in the workplace from cold, wind and rain.

Most often, modern synthetic insulating fabrics are used, for example, with a polymer coating. Such fabrics are light and have all the necessary qualities: moisture resistance, windproof, non-flammable, light reflective.

6. Corporate clothing.

Clothes for employees of one company, most often from the service sector. Serves to create a positive image and corporate identity.

For such clothing, natural fabrics, such as cotton, are mainly used, because this workwear is in direct contact with the employee’s body.

7. Uniform, uniform, uniform.

Clothing for civil servants of law enforcement agencies, identical in style, shape, color. Most often they are sewn from synthetic fabrics with the addition of cotton and twill weaving.

Workwear styles

When sewing workwear, not only the fabric plays a role, but also a practical and beautiful style that complies with safety regulations.

The main types of styles for sewing workwear:

What points are important to focus the customer’s attention on when choosing workwear:

  1. Seasonality of clothing - it can be demi-season and insulated.
  2. It is preferable to choose multi-layer suits so that the worker can comfortably adapt to temperature regime when working outdoors.

  3. Type of fabric, its composition and color.
  4. Specify what the product consists of (jacket, trousers, overalls, vest, etc.)
  5. Specify the number of pockets and type.
  6. Set sleeve length.
  7. What will the cuff be fastened with (Velcro, button, button)?
  8. How will the logo be made (embroidery, chevron, thermal printing, silk-screen printing)?

GOST standards for sewing workwear

GOST is a national standard adopted by the government and is mandatory for the manufacturer. Without their implementation, the entrepreneur will not have the right to sell his products and generally engage in their manufacture.

When sewing workwear, you must be guided by the following GOSTs:

According to statistics, about 30 million people in Russia use professional clothing. The advantage of this type of business is the obvious ease of entry into the consumer market.

With such a high demand, only a few large companies manufacture workwear, so a beginner can easily find customers by setting competitive prices.

It’s worth starting with sewing corporate or work clothes, because... the rest of the special clothing (fireproof, shielding, or perhaps uniforms for security structures) requires additional certification, meticulous compliance with GOST standards and, most often, participation in government tenders. And production volumes there exceed thousands of units per month.

We suggest you start with something simpler and smaller until you get the hang of it. And then, perhaps, you will find yourself and become an innovator in the production of fire-resistant clothing for firefighters, or take up another complex area in sewing workwear.

Let's consider the option of organizing the production of various special-purpose clothing in a small workshop with a staff of 10 people.

Shop registration

Studying GOSTs is not the only legal side of organizing the tailoring of workwear. First of all, you should take care of registering your business.

Since in this material we are considering opening a small workshop, the most reasonable option would be.

To do this, you need to prepare and take it to the tax office at your place of registration:

After 5 working days you will receive:

Congratulations! Now you can begin official and absolutely legal activities.

Equipment for sewing workwear

For small workwear, you will need professional sewing equipment.

It may be new or used. New ones are 2-3 times more expensive, but will also last longer. However, for a beginner on a tight budget, it is still worth buying used equipment and gradually upgrading it whenever possible.

The main set of equipment for the production of workwear:

NameQuantityCost of new equipment (RUB)Cost of used equipment (RUB)
Total: 930,000 rubles411,000 rubles
Cutting tables2 pcs.20,000 * 2 pcs. = 40,0003000 * 2 pcs. = 6,000
Sewing machines7 pcs.: 5 main and 2 reserve30,000 * 7pcs = 210,00015,000 * 7pcs = 105,000
Overlock2 pcs.30,000 * 2pcs. = 60,00020,000 * 2 pcs. = 40,000
Embroidery machines1 piece500 000 200 000
Ironing tables and irons4 pcs.30,000 * 4pcs. = 120,00015,000 * 4 pcs. = 60,000

What kind of personnel is needed to sew workwear?

In order to do this, we need workers.

The staff of a small enterprise may well be up to 10 people (to calculate salaries, we offer the “minimum salary + bonus” scheme):

Job titleNumber of peopleSalary (RUB/month)
Total: 140,000 rub./month.
Designer-constructor1 25 000
Cutter2 15 000
Seamstress4-5 15 000
Equipment Maintenance Specialist1 15 000
Accountant1 10,000 (part-time)
Administrator-manager for purchasing and salesOwner-

We do not rely on the administrator-manager (owner) of the ZP; all net profit from tailoring goes to him.

How to sew workwear? Key factors in tailoring.

Consultation with specialists:

Calculation of the cost of tailoring work (protective) and corporate workwear

The most common fabrics for sewing work (protective) clothing are cotton, twill and greta.
  • Twill (roll width 140 cm) - 1 m.p. * 125 rub.
  • Greta (roll width 150 cm) – 1 m.p. * 65 rub.
  • Cotton (roll width 140 cm) – 1 m.p.*1000 rub.

We calculate prices using the price list of the company TK TekstilOpt LLC: https://opttextile.ru/prajs/tkani.html

Natural fabrics are chosen for sewing corporate clothing: cotton, linen, wool.

  • Cotton (roll width 140 cm) – 1 m.p. * 900 rub.
  • Linen (roll width 140 cm) – 1 m.p. * 1000 rub.
  • Wool (roll width 140 cm) – 1 m.p. * 2000 rub.

We calculate prices using the price list of the fabric store “All Fabrics”: https://vce-tkani.ru/magazin/folder/hlopkovye-tkani

Let's decide on the amount of fabric for sewing workwear:

Types of clothingFabric width, cmHeightFabric consumption, m
Depending on size
Finished product length (m)
44-46 48-50 52-54 56-60
Long, loose-fitting jacket with hood140 Low Medium
Lining fabric for jacket140 Low Medium
Trousers140 Low Medium
Slim fit jacket90 Low Medium
Straight skirt140 Low Medium
Long straight robe150 Low Medium
Women's blouse with short sleeves100 - 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 60
Men's shirt with long sleeves90 - 2,5 3 3,15 3,6 76

We will make a calculation using the formula: the amount of material for sewing a product (on average, for size 52-54 - for protective clothing, and for size 44-46 - for corporate clothing) multiplied by the cost of the material.

The resulting value is compared with the cost in online store"Nikol+", specializing in clothing for staff and employees ( https://www.nikolplus.ru)

ProductFabric cost calculationProduct cost
Cost in the online store (RUB)
Long, loose-fitting protective jacket with a twill hood + twill lining fabric2.9 m * 125 + 1.95 m * 125 = 362.5 + 243.7 = 606.25606,25 From 3520
Twill protective trousers1.65 m * 125 = 206206 From 2600
Long, loose-fitting protective jacket with Greta hood2.9 m * 65 = 188188 From 2500
Greta protective trousers1.65 m * 65 = 107.25107,25 From 2000
Linen fitted jacket3,5 * 1000 = 3500 3500 From 4500
Straight linen skirt0.9 m * 1000 = 900900 From 1800
Straight wool skirt0,9 * 2000 = 1800 1800 From 2200
Cotton trousers1.35 m * 900 = 12151215 From 1650
Straight cut long cotton robe2.6 m * 900 = 23402340 From 2250
Women's blouse with short sleeves cotton1.6 m * 900 = 14401440 From 1500
Men's shirt with long sleeves, cotton2.5 m * 900 = 22502250 From 1800

It is believed that 1 seamstress should sew 6 jackets per shift (8 hours).

Using Greta protective jackets as an example, we will calculate the profit from sewing workwear:

  • 1 seamstress – 6 jackets/day;
  • 4 seamstresses – 6 * 4 = 24 jackets/day * 21 working days = 504 jackets/month;
  • the cost of material for one jacket is 188 rubles;
  • 504 jackets * 188 rub. = 94752 rub. – cost;
  • 2500 rub. – market price;
  • Taking into account the materials spent, we will sell in bulk for 1000 rubles. * 504 jackets = 504,000 rub. (profit).

Tax – up to 21% on income upon registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP). At the same time, if you are an individual entrepreneur and switch to simplified system Taxation (STS), then you have the right to a tax holiday of 2 years in some areas of business (production, social, scientific and the provision of household services).

We are in the manufacturing sector, so we have the right to “Credit holidays” and will not pay taxes.

  • 504,000 - 94,752 = 409,248 rubles. – net profit;
  • 409,248 – 90,000 (salaries) – 250,000 (bonus of 10,000 per person) – 20,000 (premises rent) = 69,228 rubles.

With a net profit of almost 70,000 per month, our used sewing equipment will pay for itself in about six months. Taking into account the costs of registering a business, renting premises for a workshop and related expenses, tailoring clothes for special purposes can pay for itself after 9-12 months of work.

Tailoring of workwear- a difficult task, “multi-layered”, painstaking, requiring considerable initial investments - up to 500,000 rubles. But it also quickly pays for itself and brings significant profits with a smart approach to business.

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Attachments: from 400 thousand rubles

Payback: from 6 months

It is no secret that the greatest profits come from business ideas based on the production of in-demand, and even better, irreplaceable products. This type of product includes workwear. There are many industries where its use is mandatory. For example, medicine, construction, catering, mining. At the same time, such products cannot be found in a regular store. Often it is made to order.

Business concept

This type of business involves sewing special clothing according to individual orders and for sale through retail stores. It is necessary to provide a wide range to satisfy the needs of different customers. Special clothing is easy to make. As a rule, these are trousers, skirts, overalls, vests and other elements of a simple cut made of practical fabric that is resistant to stains. At the initial stage of activity, you can focus on producing the most simple models, such as robes, aprons, mittens, gradually expanding and complicating the list of products.

Receiving orders is possible both directly from clients and through specialized retail outlets, in which the products will be sold. It is assumed that the bulk of customers will be enterprises purchasing workwear for workers.

What will be required for implementation?

In order to carry out business legally, it is necessary to go through the procedure of official registration of the enterprise. For a small sewing workshop, it is advisable to choose the IP form. You can carry out the necessary steps for registration yourself, or by contacting the specialists of a law firm for advice and assistance in preparing documents.

An obligatory step in the process of implementing a business idea will be the search for work space. It is possible to work from home, but this is inconvenient for many reasons. It is possible to establish more or less serious production only if you have free working space. However, about 150 square meters will be enough to start. m.

The list of production equipment is quite simple. You will need a cutting table, a circular knife, sewing machines, overlock, iron, embroidery machine. The latter is not a mandatory item, but will allow you to embroider logos and emblems on clothes, which is also a popular service.

In addition to the premises and equipment, it is necessary to hire personnel to run the workshop. Even with tailoring skills, a business owner alone is unlikely to cope with fulfilling orders. As a rule, workwear is purchased, albeit in small quantities, but still in bulk. However, given the simplicity of the products, very high qualifications from workers are not required. Basic knowledge and skills are enough.

The last, but very important element in the process of implementing a business will be advertising. Just like any other type of product, workwear needs to be promoted. Advertising on the Internet, newspapers, radio, through the distribution of business cards and leaflets, as well as placing banners are not the only possible ways to express yourself. Less obvious, but perhaps more effective options are to make an offer directly to companies that need this kind of product, as well as participate in specialized exhibitions to attract potential customers.

Step-by-step launch instructions

Instructions for starting a business in in brief will represent the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Analysis of the industry and market in the region where the activity is planned.
  2. Drawing up a business plan.
  3. Registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  4. Searching for premises, concluding a lease agreement, repairs (if necessary).
  5. Selection and purchase of equipment.
  6. Selection of materials and selection of materials supplier.
  7. Establishing contacts with retail outlets, conducting an advertising campaign to attract potential customers.

Financial calculations

Sewing workwear is a type of business, the scale of which can be varied already at the initial stage.

If one entrepreneur starts his business with a small workshop and 1-2 assistants, then another may come up with the idea of ​​starting a small factory right away. Of course, financial calculations in this case will be different.

Let's consider an option with minimal investment.

Starting capital

Costs for opening a workshop will include:

  • business registration (IP);
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of the first batch of raw materials;
  • remuneration of workers;
  • initial advertising budget.

The minimum amount of the above expenses in total will be about 400 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

In addition to the starting capital, you will need funds for monthly payments, which include:

  • rental payment for premises;
  • public utilities;
  • wages;
  • advertising expenses.

Payback period

The estimated payback period for a small business is about 6 months. Of course, for enterprises producing the same type of product, they may differ depending on the action various factors. For example, depending on the region in which the entrepreneur operates.

Business Features

At the stage of planning a business for sewing workwear, you should carefully study the market for this type of product in your region and identify existing competitors. It is important to correctly assess your capabilities. If in one city or even region next to a small workshop there is a large sewing enterprise that is ready to offer a cheap and high-quality product, then the chances of success are significantly reduced.

It should be borne in mind that in products of this type the quality of workmanship is extremely important. Special clothing must withstand everyday work loads. To do this, you need to carefully consider the choice of materials and think through the design of the models. Not enough high quality products can ruin the reputation of the enterprise, which will undoubtedly affect its income.


The idea of ​​organizing a workshop for sewing workwear has a number of significant advantages, making it attractive for a novice entrepreneur. It does not require special knowledge and skills, because Personnel are hired to make clothes. The initial investment is relatively small, and the payback period is about six months. With proper planning and promotion, an enterprise can generate decent and stable profits.

Vasily Kuznetsov

Expert in the selection of workwear


Special clothing is designed to protect the health and life of the employee from all kinds of negative factors that arise in the work process. The technology for designing and sewing such clothing is regulated by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of personal protective equipment.”

Particular attention is paid to the selection of fabric. Unlike casual wear, workwear is made from denser and more durable types of fabrics that are resistant to stretching, abrasion and tearing. Special treatment with chemicals gives this fabric additional properties: waterproof, fire-resistant, resistant to chemicals, petroleum products and other aggressive environments.

The ideal fabric for workwear, in addition to its protective qualities, has excellent hygienic properties. It is pleasant to the touch, does not cause allergic reactions and ensures normal air exchange.

Three types of fabrics are used for sewing workwear: synthetic, natural and mixed.

Synthetic fabrics for workwear

Synthetic fabrics are made from fibers obtained by chemical reactions from petroleum products, cellulose, natural gas etc. Despite the variety of such fabrics, they all have similar advantages: they weigh little, are easy to wash, dry quickly and retain their original properties and appearance for a long time. The disadvantages include the inability to “breathe”, minimal hygroscopicity, the ability to accumulate static electricity. However, it is synthetic fabrics that are suitable for making the top and lining if the main purpose of the product is protection from wind and moisture.

Most often, polyester fabric of the brand is used for sewing workwear Oxford. It consists of nylon and polyester fibers. A polyurethane coating is applied to the inner surface of the fabric. Using fibers of different thicknesses, fabrics of different densities are obtained (from 210 to 600 Denier).

It is often used as an insulating lining for demi-season workwear, as well as for the manufacture of thermal underwear. Fleece. This synthetic knitted fabric is made from polyester and has excellent heat-protective and breathable properties.

Used for sewing raincoats and waterproof suits Nylon– woven material made of synthetic threads. Despite its lightness, it has good water-repellent properties and prevents the penetration of cold air.

One of the high-tech types of synthetics can be called Membrane fabric. It consists of several layers. Top layer the most durable and resistant to external influences. The bottom one is soft and comfortable. Between them there are membranes, the special structure of which ensures the unhindered and natural removal of water vapor. The fabric is popular among manufacturers of sportswear, as well as clothing for hunting, fishing and tourism.

Natural fabrics for workwear

It is no secret that fabrics made from natural fibers have the highest hygienic properties, therefore they are relevant for workwear that is in direct contact with the body. These are medical gowns, chefs' jackets, massage sets, etc.

The most popular type of fabric of natural origin is Calico. It is made from cotton, so it perfectly absorbs moisture, “breathes” and does not cause allergies. Ideal for summer clothing for confectioners, cooks, bakers, as well as sanitary clothing.

Natural Twill, made of 100% cotton, differs from calico in the way the threads are intertwined and more high density. It is quite durable and can withstand significant loads.

Cloth is a wool or wool blend fabric, the strength and heat-shielding properties of which are ensured due to the high surface density and felting of the fibers.

Tarpaulin or Canvas- a very dense and durable natural fabric; drops of molten metal and sparks literally roll off its surface. It is used for sewing economical suits for welders and metallurgists. The fabric is previously subjected to special fire-resistant treatment.

Blended fabrics for workwear

The perfect combination positive characteristics synthetic and natural fabrics is expressed in mixed fabrics, since they contain both. There are many varieties of mixed fabrics. They differ from each other in the percentage of synthetic and cotton, density, weave and thread structure.

Fabric consisting of cotton and polyester threads is very popular. Thus, medical and sanitary suits and gowns are most often made from fabric "TC" density 120 g/m2. It is made of 35% cotton and 65% polyester, and is also water-repellent.

By twill weaving cotton (65%) and polyester (35%) a fabric called Sattori. Soft and comfortable, it is also used for making medical clothing and kits for the service sector.

Almost the same ratio of cotton and polyester (49% x 51%) can be seen in the fabric Greta. The structure of the fabric is such that synthetic threads form the outer surface of the fabric, and cotton remains on the back. Greta with a density of 210 -321 g/m 2 is used for the manufacture of uniforms for law enforcement agencies, workwear for housing and communal services workers and agriculture, clothes for hunting and fishing. Depending on the purpose, the fabric may have a special treatment (ASO, VO, MVO, MNVO, K20, K50) or a protective film coating (PlPU, PlPUM, PlZLAM).

Which fabric to choose?

The properties and characteristics of the workwear depend on what fabric is used for sewing. Before placing an order, you should make sure that the selected models are made from the “correct” fabric and have the necessary protective properties.



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