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Workouts for ectomorphs at home. Training program for ectomorph at home

If your physique is ectomorphic, then this is not a death sentence for a novice athlete and you can engage in bodybuilding. The training program for an ectomorph beginner in bodybuilding will help you with this.

If you were born with a thin physique, this does not mean that you will have to walk around with a skinny body for the rest of your life. Find out how and how much an ectomorph needs to train in order to build beautiful muscles on a “skin and bones” body.

Ectomorphs tend to remain “thin and loud” even when consuming a lot of calories, and they have a hard time gaining muscle mass. However, difficult does not mean impossible. We'll tell you how to do it.

On thematic websites and forums you can often find desperate questions from those who happened to be born ectomorphs:

— How can an ectomorph build muscle?
— I have a hard time building muscle - how can an ectomorph overcome bad genetics?
— I train constantly, but my muscles don’t grow. How much does an ectomorph need to train?!

Often this problem can lead to almost despair, but ectomorphs need to remember that this may be part of their problem: constant stress is also not conducive to muscle growth. If you are an ectomorph, get ready for quite a long and gradual work on yourself. And don’t get discouraged by looking at the biggest jocks in the gym - set realistic goals for yourself, and go towards them without stopping.

Training program for a beginner ectomorph

Ectomorphs need to train a little differently than those who are naturally stockier and bulkier. The main rule of training for an ectomorph is that his training should not be long, intense and frequent. More precisely, sufficient - usually three times a week. In this case, the following rules must be observed.

Training for an ectomorph has its own characteristics and differs from that which is suitable for an endomorph and mesomorph. If you don’t know or aren’t completely sure what body type you have, we recommend that you read the article “ Body types».

This article will talk about the features of the training program and exercises that will help you gain weight.

Training program for ectomorphs for mass

When creating a program for an ectomorph, you need to consider:

  1. The intensity should not be high. Doing intense training with a lot of repetitions is unlikely to help you achieve the results you want. The lesson should be carried out at a moderate pace.
  2. The basis of the training is basic exercises. Please note that for the first 6-12 months the basis of classes must be the base. A split program (working out 2 or more muscle groups in one session) should not be too intense: first of all, basic exercises are performed, and then a smaller muscle group (for example: chest-triceps). Each muscle group is trained only once a week. Conducting a class without doing the basics (for example, many people like to spend “arm day” training only biceps and triceps), as well as training one muscle group several times a week, is an unaffordable luxury for an ectomorph.
  3. Periodically (approximately once every two months) it is necessary to adjust the program and change exercises. Also, taking into account progress, gradually increase working weights, the number of approaches and repetitions.
  4. The length of classes should not exceed 1-1.5 hours, rest between approaches - 3-5 minutes. It must be taken into account that an ectomorph needs a fairly long period of recovery, so it is preferable to train 2-4 times a week; daily training is not best choice. You should also completely eliminate cardio - treadmill and orbitrek is not for you.
  5. The technique must be extremely correct. The weight may be small, but the execution will be perfect. You shouldn’t follow the “pros” who can afford to do “non-technical” exercises with heavy weights, since this method will not bring you positive results, but you can easily get injured.

Attention! Va
It is important to understand that in order to gain weight, you need to get the right/sufficient amount of calories (per day, the number of calories received must be greater than those consumed). Therefore, be sure to watch your diet, because without it, no training will give a positive result. Supplements you can include in your diet include: protein, gainer. They will help add calories and also supply the body with additional protein.

The tables below show examples of programs that are designed for visiting the gym 2, 3 and 4 times a week (number of approaches - 3, repetitions - 8-12).

People with a thin physique are classified as an ectomorph somatotype, which is characterized by a low level of subcutaneous fat, thin bones and a weak muscle corset. Gaining muscle mass is especially difficult for such bodybuilders, but good strength training for an ectomorph gives good results.

Working out with your weight

Exercises with dumbbells

Pumping up at home is not so difficult. An effective training program for an ectomorph without a barbell gives better results than training on machines, since dumbbells condition high level neuromuscular stimulation. This promotes better recruitment muscle mass. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that when balancing the working weight while performing exercises, additional muscle fibers are activated, which are inactive when working in the simulator.

Development of pectoral muscles

By choosing a training program for an ectomorph - a strength cycle or volume work, you can get good pectoral muscles. The dumbbell bench press or fly press is especially effective. To engage the upper chest bundles, do push-ups from the floor with your feet on a stool or sofa. To train for strength, you need to take maximum weights and work for 5-6 repetitions per set, and for volume you should at least double the number of repetitions, reducing the working weight.

Back muscles

Back strength exercises for ectomorphs involve a variety of rows using a straight, neutral, or reverse grip. You can perform deadlifts if you have sufficient weight.

Deltoid muscles

The most effective exercises for the shoulders are dumbbell presses in a seated position, swings to the sides, and lifting them in front of you.


To pump up the upper extremities, the program should include regular arm curls and so-called “hammers,” all kinds of extensions, and a French bench or seated press.


You can squat and lunge with dumbbells. To engage the hamstrings, perform a Romanian deadlift without bending your knees, or hold a weight between your feet and perform lying leg curls.

Calf raises help pump up your calf muscles. Use different options foot positions:

  • socks outward - the inner part of the calves is loaded;
  • inside - external works;
  • smoothly - the whole lower leg works.


For the abdominal muscles, training for an ectomorph with your own weight can be different. There is a huge amount effective exercises, starting with crunches on the floor and ending with leg raises on the horizontal bar.

Sample program

Do all exercises in three sets of 8-12 times. When working on the abs and calves, you can perform more than 20 repetitions.

First training day

We start with a triset (do all the exercises in a row without rest, and then rest for a few minutes):

  • wiring in a lying position;
  • bench press;
  • push-ups from the floor with your feet on a stool.
  • French press lying on the sofa or resting your shoulder blades on a stool;
  • close grip bench press;
  • biceps curl with wrist twist;
  • Hammer bicep curls.

To complete the superset:

  • alternate work on biceps;
  • Seated French press.

Second day

First the triset:

  • forward lunges with toes pushing;
  • squat with narrow feet, shoulder-width apart;
  • squat with wide feet.

Next triset:

  • lunges with heel push;
  • Stanovaya Romanian;
  • leg curl, holding the dumbbell between your feet.

Final triset:

  • raising on toes with straight feet;
  • spread your toes out and do the raises again;
  • raising your toes alternately on each leg.

Third training day

The last day of the program also consists of three trisets. First:

  • Bent-over dumbbell rows with a direct grip to the waist;
  • the same with a reverse grip;
  • one arm row.


  • swings tilted to the sides;
  • seated press;
  • swings while standing.


  • raising legs while lying on your back;
  • bicycle crunches;
  • raising the lower limbs in a sitting position.

Ectomorphs are people with a thin body structure who do not tend to gain weight. They have virtually no fat deposits due to their accelerated metabolism. For the appearance of appropriate muscle relief, you will need a special training program for ectomorphs for weight, combined with the correct diet.

You can exercise both at home and in the gym. The results directly depend on the efforts made. It is much easier for thin people to achieve better shape. They have an increase in muscle mass, even a slight one, that is immediately noticeable.

What should be the weight training program for an ectomorph?

The ectomorph training program, aimed at gaining muscle mass, has a number of features that you must pay attention to.

  1. Duration. Class times should range from an hour to 90 minutes. There is no need to increase the duration, otherwise the result will be the opposite.
  2. Periodicity. If there is no stress in everyday life, you can train 4-5 times a week. If there are loads, three times will be enough.
  3. Methods for working out muscles. Every 7 days you need to pay attention to one muscle group. There is no need to load them more often because the muscle fibers will not have time to recover.
  4. Limited number of approaches. The standard is three to four. It is not recommended to increase their quantity, as this leads to catabolism.
  5. The number of repetitions is no more than ten. The exception is pumping the legs and trapezius muscles.
  6. The main emphasis is on basic exercises. They are the basis of the workout and provide maximum effect.

A special nutrition program for an ectomorph is also necessary for gaining weight - this is a must. The diet should include slowly digestible foods that have sufficient calorie content.

Training program for ectomorph at home

To improve your physique, you don't have to go to the gym. You can practice at home; there is no need for special equipment. If you have a barbell, that’s good; if you don’t, dumbbells will suffice.

With an ectomorph body type, the basic program is based on exercises with your own weight and dumbbells.

The complex includes:

  1. Push-ups from the floor. Designed to develop the pectoral muscles and triceps. The load is varied by changing the amplitude. With a wide position of the arms, it decreases and the impact falls on the pectoral muscles. With a narrow position of the arms, the triceps work more.
  2. Wide and reverse grip pull-ups. The first are aimed at increasing the relief of the spinal muscles, the second - at developing the biceps and latissimus muscles.
  3. Burpee. Provides stress on almost all muscle groups, the main thing is to do it correctly.
  4. Twisting while lying on the floor. Necessary for working the rectus abdominis muscle.
  5. Classic squats without added weight. Necessary for developing the muscles of the lower body.
  6. Lunges with dumbbells. Effective for obtaining relief of the thigh and gluteal muscles.

The program for an ectomorph at home can be supplemented with other exercises, which are selected individually depending on the tasks.

Basic exercises for an ectomorph - training program in the gym

Training program in gym for an ectomorph it can be designed for maximum load. The main thing is to distribute it correctly and use it one by one various groups muscles.

On Monday, the main emphasis is on developing the chest muscles. For these purposes, the standard bench press and on an inclined bench, exercises for raising arms with dumbbells, and push-ups are well suited.

On Wednesdays, triceps development is performed. The most effective are considered to be bench presses, especially with a narrow grip, and French presses – seated with additional weight.

On Thursday, exercises for developing biceps. The complex includes exercises with a barbell with the main load on the biceps, lifting dumbbells in a sitting position.

On Friday – the load on the shoulder girdle is given. The complex consists of barbell presses in a standing position and dumbbell swings.

This sample program training in the gym for an ectomorph, in which the number of approaches and repetitions is adjusted individually, depending on the existing training.

The best program for an ectomorph

If you wish, you can take care of your own body and improve it to the ideal, but a reasonable question arises, which exercise program for an ectomorph is the most effective. There is no clear answer to this. Exercises are selected on an individual basis. If the desired results do not appear, the program is modified and adjusted to meet specific requirements.

It is also worth paying attention to diet and rest. It is impossible for thin people to build muscle without a properly designed diet consisting of 5-7 meals rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Sports nutrition is not a replacement for full meals. It can be used to satisfy hunger after a workout, but after that, at least 2 hours later, a high-calorie meal is needed.

The most effective training and nutrition program for an ectomorph is determined by an experimental method, focusing on the individual characteristics of the body.

Ectomorphs are people who are naturally endowed with a thin physique. As a result of accelerated metabolism, they never have problems with fat deposition, but this feature negatively affects the desire to gain weight.

When drawing up a training program, the individual characteristics of ectomorphs must be taken into account without fail.

Features of ectomorphs

The requirement to take into account individual properties is due to the fact that only in this way is it possible to create an effective training and nutrition program. A careless attitude towards the characteristics of the physique leads to the fact that many hours of persistent training programs over a long period of time to gain muscle mass for an ectomorph are unsuccessful.

Ectomorphs are not distinguished by high strength indicators. IN ordinary life a person with this type of physique is called a “drishch”. They are characterized by an almost complete absence of fat. This type is characterized by the following features:

  • low fat content;
  • underweight;
  • low muscle mass;
  • high metabolism.

It is very difficult for ectomorphs to gain muscle mass even with long and hard training, and stopping training always reduces achieved result to no.

Features of the training program

Due to such features, the strategy and training program aimed at gaining muscle mass for an ectomorph must be special. In people with this physique, muscle growth takes a long time and is always associated with a special training program, which is based on basic exercises, a special diet and daily routine. Basic rules:

  • each workout should be preceded by a warm-up lasting from 5 to 10 minutes;
  • short training time, the duration of which should not exceed 40-50 minutes;
  • high-intensity exercises using medium weights;
  • absence or minimization of cardio loads;
  • visiting the gym no more than three times a week;
  • mandatory rest between approaches lasting at least 2-3 minutes.

The limitation on the duration of training is due to the fact that muscles with this type of physique do not have natural endurance, and prolonged exercise will lead to the opposite effect - weight loss. The peculiarity of the ectomorph training program is that one muscle group is trained no more than once a week.

At the same time, there is a main rule of training - the number of approaches without warming up should not exceed 3 or 4 times.

An attempt to use training with multiple approaches is fraught with catabolism for the ectomorph, that is, the breakdown of muscle fibers.

Despite the fact that gaining muscle mass with this body type is quite difficult compared to other body types, it is possible with the right diet and training program. The basis of a training program for muscle growth for an ectomorph should be basic exercises that involve most of the muscles when performing them. These include:

  • deadlift;
  • squats using a barbell;
  • push-ups;
  • bench press;
  • twisting.

The first visible result in an ectomorph can be noticeable after 2.5 months of training. After weight gain, exercises to increase strength endurance can be gradually introduced into the complex, which will further prepare the body for the transition to the next stage to strengthen muscle mass using isolation exercises.

Nutritional Features

To grow muscle mass, ectomorphs must provide the body with high-calorie nutrition with a high protein content. The diet should contain at least 3 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. The following proportions should be adhered to:

  • 20-30% proteins;
  • 50-60% carbohydrates;
  • 20-30%. Zhirov.

Calculating the required number of calories is very simple. General value is calculated in such a way that there are from 45 to 55 kilocalories per 1 kg of weight. With an average weight of 65 kg, the calorie content of food per day should be 2,900-3,600 kcal. In nutrition, you should give preference to foods with a low glycemic index. These products are:

  • durum wheat pasta;
  • brown rice;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal porridge;
  • whole grain bread.

Ectomorphs must take a complex of vitamins; the diet must contain vegetables and fruits. In order to accelerate the growth of muscle mass and more quickly restore energy, it is recommended to take a gainer - a mixture of protein and carbohydrates.

Proper nutrition can be easily monitored. If during the week the weight gain is 300-400 grams, then the diet is compiled correctly and the training program for the ectomorph for growth and gain of muscle mass is also chosen correctly. A lower figure indicates the need to make adjustments.

Training program for ectomorphs

The weight training program for ectomorphs is designed taking into account three visits to the gym and its duration is 2.5 months. Between each workout there is a rest break of 1 day. The program is based on basic exercises that ensure a sufficient level of muscle stress when performing them.

You should not try to increase the intensity and number of approaches by trying to perform more of them.

Such actions can lead not only to a lack of muscle growth, but also to the exact opposite result.

Beginning athletes are not recommended to immediately start with complex training programs, using a set of exercises from world bodybuilding stars. Such activities in most cases are purely individual and are not suitable for ectomorphs. The main rule of training for this body type is that simpler is better.

Workout 1 - development of chest and triceps muscles

The first approach is performed to warm up using a bench press. A total of 5 approaches are performed, taking into account the warm-up and the 10x8x8x8 pattern. Between each approach, a rest period of 2 minutes is given.

  • 4 sets of bench press using dumbbells according to the 8x8x7x6 pattern;
  • 3 sets of dumbbell raises in a lying position, 10 reps;
  • Push-ups using parallel bars 3 sets with reps 12x10x8;
  • 3 sets of push-ups with narrow arms, 10-15 repetitions.

Between each basic exercise during repetitions, a break is given for 2 minutes to allow the muscles to rest.

Workout 2 - development of back and biceps muscles

  • Warm up using classic deadlifts. The following complex is done sequentially:
  • taking into account the warm-up, 5 hikes are performed according to the 10x10x8x8 pattern - deadlift;
  • 4 sets with repetitions 12x10x8x6 - bent over barbell;
  • 3 approaches according to the 10x8x6 pattern - overhead pull-down;
  • 4 sets according to the 12x10x8x6 pattern - standing arm curls using a barbell;
  • 3 sets of 6 repetitions - hammer curls using dumbbells.

Between each approach, a rest of at least 2 minutes is required.

Workout 3 - development of leg and shoulder muscles

To warm up, use 2 sets of squats with a barbell. Next, the main complex is performed:

  • 6 approaches including warm-up according to the 10x10x8x6 pattern - squats with a barbell;
  • 3 sets with repetitions 5x12x10 - leg press on the machine;
  • 3 x 12 repetitions - barbell row to the chin;
  • 3 x 12 repetitions - dumbbell press in a sitting position;
  • 3 x 12 repetitions - raising dumbbells while standing to the sides.

The peculiarity of the ectomorph’s body is its rapid adaptation to a specific training program. The total training time for one program should not exceed 3 months, otherwise the growth of muscle mass will slow down. It is enough to make minor changes to the program in the form of degrees of inclination, grips, and weights used to ensure further weight gain.

In the ectomorph training program great value has proper nutrition, training, and daily routine. Any mistake and lack of proper attention to the characteristics of your body type will lead to muscle development slowing down, and in exceptional cases regression may begin.



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