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Clever words. Lists of frequency words in the Russian language The most common words in English

Do you want to improve your spoken English? Learning colloquial phrases and expressions is exactly where you should start!

This article contains everything you need in a conversation on absolutely any topic. You will make your speech richer and more varied, and your communication with people more enjoyable and exciting!

Greetings and farewells

Of course, you can always get by with the words “Hello”, “How are you?” and “Goodbye”, but there are also more varied ways to say hello and goodbye, especially in a friendly environment (for example, in a group):

How is it going? How are things going?
How's life? What's up?
How are things? How is it?
Long time no see! Long time no see!
What are you up to? What are you doing?
What have you been up to? What have you been doing all this time?
See you soon! See you later!
See you later! See you later!
Till next time! Until next time!
Good luck! Good luck!
Take care! Take care of yourself!
Talk to you later! We'll talk to you later!
Until we meet again! See you!
Have a nice day! Have a good day!
Have a good weekend Good weekend
Have a safe trip Have a good trip
Say hi to... Give my regards to …
Send my love to… Say hello... (if we're talking about about relatives or close people)

Introductory words

They make sentences more coherent and help the interlocutor follow your train of thought. They also give time to find words without creating long pauses in speech.

In short / in brief in short
In a word in a nutshell
As far / as to concerning
Not to mention not to mention
First of all/ above all first of all
What's more Besides
By the way By the way
After all eventually; after all
Just for the record for reference; so that you know
And so on and so forth and so on
If I'm not mistaken if I'm not mistaken
In other words in other words
On the contrary vice versa
The thing is The fact is that
So as to / so that so that
Either way anyway
As a rule usually, as a rule
As well as as well as
All the same doesn't matter
On one hand On the one side
On the other hand on the other side
Such as For example
As I said before as I already said
Believe it or not, but believe it or not, but
If I remember rightly / If I recall correctly If I remember it right

Ways to express agreement or disagreement

There are many shades between “yes”, “no” and “maybe”. If you want to avoid direct refusal or, on the contrary, express your enthusiasm, these expressions will help you:

Perhaps Maybe, maybe
Of course / Sure Certainly
Definitely Definitely, definitely
Absolutely Undoubtedly
Naturally Naturally
Probably Probably
You are right You're right
It can hardly be so This is unlikely to be the case
Very well Very good
Most likely More likely
Most unlikely Hardly
Not a bit Not at all
I believe so / suppose so I guess that's true
I doubt it I doubt
No way No way, no way
Exactly so Exactly
Quite so Quite right
I agree with you I agree with you
I am afraid you are wrong I'm afraid you're wrong
I'm afraid so I'm afraid so
I'm not sure Not sure
I don't think so I don't think so; hardly
In a way / to a certain extent In a sense
No doubt Undoubtedly
I'm in / I'm game I am “for” (in response to a suggestion to go somewhere or do something)
I think I'll pass Better without me
Deal! It's coming!
It's a great idea! Great idea!
Not a very good idea Not a good idea
I'm looking forward to it I'm looking forward to it

Polite phrases

Always nice in any language. Rest assured, your interlocutor will appreciate knowing these phrases, whether it be a thank you, an apology, or just a simple courtesy.

I'm so sorry! I'm really sorry!
I beg your pardon! I'm sorry!
I’m sorry, I can’t. Sorry, I can't.
Sorry, I meant well. Sorry, I wanted the best.
It's very kind of you! It is very kind of you!
Thank you anyway! Anyway, thanks!
Thank you in advance! Thanks in advance!
Don't mention it! Do not mention it!
May I help you? Can I help you?
No problem / that’s ok! Everything is fine!
Don't worry about it! Don't worry about it!
This way, please! Here please!
After you! After you!

Ways to keep the conversation going and respond to what is said

Undoubtedly, the most popular colloquial reaction is the word “Really?” Depending on the intonation, it can express a variety of emotions, from sarcasm and irony to surprise and sincere delight. But, of course, there are other ways to show interest in what is being said:

What's the matter? What's the matter?
What's going on? / What's happening? What's happening?
What's the trouble? What is the problem?
What's happened? What's happened?
How was it? So how? (How did everything go?)
Did I get you right? Did I understand you correctly?
Don't take it to heart. Don't take it to heart.
I didn't catch the last word. I didn't understand the last word.
Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Sorry, I listened.
It doesn't matter. It does not matter.
It is new to me. This is news to me.
Let us hope for the best. Let us hope for the best.
May I ask you a question? Can I ask you a question?
Next time lucky! Better luck next time!
Oh, that. That explains it. That's it, that explains everything.
Say it again, please. Could you repeat it, please.
So that’s where the trouble lies! So that's the thing!
Things happen. Anything can happen.
What do you mean? What do you have in mind?
Where were we? Where did we leave off?
Were you saying? Did you say something?
I’m sorry, I didn’t catch you. Sorry, I didn't hear.
Lucky you! What a score!
Good for you! So much the better for you! (In this phrase, a lot depends on intonation; it often implies sarcasm: “Well, well, I’m glad for you!”)
I'm so happy for you! I'm so happy for you! (But this is said absolutely sincerely)
What do you know! Who would have thought!

To their dictionary form, for example, all forms were, will be, former reduced to form be, which in the latter case may be disputed by some linguists.

Frequencies are given to fms (frequency per million word forms, ipm, instances per million words), which means that the word Moscow occurs on average 452 times per million words of text (based on materials from NKR). As a result of lemmatization, all words are reduced to lower case, including words that are usually written with a capital letter.

Three columns: nouns, verbs, adjectives.

Frequency Word
2369 Human
1529 time
1490 year
1195 case
1119 life
1024 hand
1005 day
839 word
835 once
747 eye
743 face
724 place
670 house
660 Job
658 Russia
624 Friend
622 side
611 head
590 question
550 force
543 world
529 happening
503 child
472 city
468 view
463 a country
453 end
452 Moscow
449 God
442 Part
Frequency Word
8900 be
2398 be able
2053 say
1492 speak
1427 know
1291 There is
1186 become
849 want
793 have
758 see
711 go
669 think
608 live
602 do
561 do
505 go
496 give
465 take
455 look
453 ask
451 be in love
439 understand
434 sit
402 seem
391 work
382 cost
381 come
380 understand
368 go out
359 give
Frequency Word
876 new
554 last
473 Russian
456 good
429 big
373 high
362 Russian
339 young
339 great
326 old
317 main
312 general
308 small
303 full
266 real
265 different
263 white
258 state
241 far
237 black
231 necessary
226 famous
224 Soviet
223 whole
213 alive
210 strong
209 military

see also


  • Lyashevskaya O. N., Sharov S. A. Frequency Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language (based on materials from the National Corpus of the Russian Language). - M.: Azbukovnik, 2009. - 1087 p. - ISBN 978-5-91172-024-7
  • Frequency Dictionary of the Russian Language / Ed. L. N. Zasorina. - M.: Russian language, 1977.
  • Frequency dictionary of the language of M. Yu. Lermontov // Lermontov Encyclopedia / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Russian lit. (Pushkin. House); Scientific-ed. Council of the publishing house "Sov. Encycl." - M.: Sov. Encycl., 1981. - pp. 717-774.
  • Sharov S. A. Frequency Dictionary.
  • Steinfeldt E. A. Frequency dictionary of modern Russian literary language. - M., 1973.

Wikimedia Foundation.


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The Russian language is rich and powerful, and this very wealth is constantly growing. Moreover, new words often come from other languages. Today we will tell you about the most frequently used words of English origin in the Russian language. You will find that you already know more than a hundred words in English without even studying them specifically.

Let's see what concepts relating to the names of clothing items and the world of fashion came to us from the English language.Russian wordEnglish word
Meaningivoryivory - ivory
Ivory.a body - bodyApparently the word comes from the fact that this type of clothing fits the body.
windproofa wind - wind; proof - impenetrableWindproof clothing, usually a jacket.
jeansjeans - trousers made of thick cotton fabric (denim)They were once the clothing of gold miners, but today they find a place in the wardrobe of almost every person.
clutchto clutch - grab, squeeze, squeezeA small handbag, which is squeezed in the hands.
leggings/leggingsleggings - leggings, gaiters; a leg - legFashionable glamorous leggings are now called leggings :-)
long sleevelong - long; a sleeve - sleeveT-shirt with long sleeves.
sweaterto sweat - to sweatIt really can be hot in a sweater, so the origin of the word is quite logical.
the tuxedoa smoking jacket - “a jacket in which they smoke”This word interesting origin. Previously, “jackets in which people smoke” were home clothes. When a gentleman was going to smoke, he put on a thick jacket (a smoking jacket), which was designed to protect his clothes from the smell of smoke and falling ash. By the way, in English a tuxedo is a tuxedo or a dinner jacket, and smoking is “smoking.”
stretchto stretch - to stretchThis is the name for elastic fabrics that stretch well. In Russian, there is also a common incorrect pronunciation of this word - stretch.
chylisa heel - heelSneakers with a wheel on the heel.
hoodiea hood - hoodHoodie.
shortsshort - shortBorrowed from the English short trousers.
shoesshoes - shoesThis is what shoes are called in slang.

The cuisine of English-speaking people contains hundreds of delicious and healthy dishes, which is why our domestic hostesses also prepare all kinds of overseas dishes. These are the words and dishes that have enriched the Russian language thanks to English:

Let's see what concepts relating to the names of clothing items and the world of fashion came to us from the English language.Russian wordEnglish word
jamto jam - squeeze, crushAn analogue of our jam, only the fruit is crushed and mixed so that the dish has a jelly-like consistency.
crumbleto crumble - crumbleA pie whose base consists of butter and flour crumbs.
crackerto crack - to breakCrispy cookies that break easily.
pancakea pan - frying pan; a cake - cake, flatbread, pancakeAmerican version of our pancakes.
roast beefroast - fried; beef - beefPiece beef meat, usually grilled.
Hot Doghot - hot; a dog - a dogLet's figure out why this favorite dish was named so strangely. The fact is that hot dogs came to the USA from Germany, where they were called Dachshund sandwiches (sandwich dachshund). This name was difficult to pronounce and was replaced by hot dogs. But why was the dish associated with dogs in Germany? There is a version, defended by many historians, that in Germany, until the middle of the 20th century, dog meat was often added to sausages, so long sausages began to be called “dachshunds”.
chipschips - fried crispy potatoesThis word is interesting because in American English chips are chips, and in British English they are French fries, which in American English are called French fries.
shortbredshort - fragile; bread - breadThis is what they call crumbly shortbread cookies. The word short is used to mean “fragile, brittle” for dough products that have a high ratio of butter to flour.

English - international language which is most often used in business negotiations high level. The terminology of the business world is based on words of English origin, so if you work in the field of economics, management, marketing and finance, you already know hundreds English words. Let's present the most frequently used of them:

Let's see what concepts relating to the names of clothing items and the world of fashion came to us from the English language.Russian wordEnglish word
outsourcingoutsourcing - attracting resources from external sourcesTransfer on a contractual basis certain types work to third party specialists.
branda brand - brand, nameA brand of goods that is extremely popular among customers.
brokera broker - intermediary, agentPhysical or entity, which acts as an intermediary in concluding transactions on the stock exchange, and also acts on behalf of its clients.
deadlinea deadline - deadline, final dateDeadline for submitting work.
defaultdefault - non-payment, negligence, defectFailure to fulfill obligations to repay borrowed funds or pay interest on securities.
diversificationdiverse - different, variedDevelopment of new (different) types of activities by the enterprise. As well as the distribution of investments between various objects.
dealera dealer - merchant, sales agentA company that engages in wholesale purchasing of goods and selling them to consumers. Also a professional participant in the securities market.
distributorto distribute - distributeA representative of a manufacturing company who purchases goods from it and sells them either to retailers and dealers, or directly to the buyer.
investoran investor - investorA person or organization that invests money in projects in order to increase its capital.
crowdfundinga crowd - a crowd; funding - financingFinancing new interesting ideas funds or other resources by a large number of people on a voluntary basis, usually carried out via the Internet.
leasingto lease - to leaseA form of lending for the acquisition of fixed assets of an enterprise, in essence it is a long-term lease with a subsequent right of purchase.
marketingmarketing - market promotion, market activitiesOrganization of production and marketing of goods/services, which is based on the study of market needs. A marketing specialist is called a marketer or marketer.
managementmanagement - managementManagement of socio-economic organizations.
networkinga net - network; work - workEstablishing business contacts, creating a network of useful acquaintances for work.
know-howto know - to know; how - howTechnology, a production secret that allows you to create a product/service in a unique way.
PRpublic relations - public relationsActivities to create an attractive image of someone/something, including through the media.
prime timeprime - the best part; time - timeThe time when the largest audience gathers near screens or near the radio
price lista price - price; a list - listPrice list, a list of prices for goods and services of a particular company.
promoterto promote - promoteA person who promotes a product/service on the market.
releaseto release - release, publishRelease of a new product, for example, a film, music album, book, program, etc.
retailerretail - retail salesA legal entity that purchases goods wholesale and sells them at retail.
realtorrealty - real estateReal estate sales specialist, intermediary between buyer and seller.
startupto start up - start the projectA newly emerged company that builds its business on the basis of innovative ideas or technologies.
freelancera freelancer is a self-employed employee who provides his services to various companiesA person performing temporary work (work to order).
holdingto hold - hold, ownA company that owns controlling stakes in several enterprises and thereby exercises control over them.

The vocabulary of sports fans consists almost entirely of English borrowings, so it can be said that fans not only learn sports terms, but also expand their lexicon in English. Look at what words English has given us from the world of sports.

Let's see what concepts relating to the names of clothing items and the world of fashion came to us from the English language.Russian wordEnglish word
arm wrestlingan arm - hand; wrestling - wrestlingArm wrestling.
basketball, volleyball, football, baseball, handballa ball - ball; a basket - basket; a volley - volley, receiving the ball on the fly; a foot - leg; a base - base; a hand - handBall sports.
body-buildinga body - body; to build - buildExercise with machines or heavy weights to build muscle mass.
scuba divingto dive - dive; scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) - scuba gearScuba diving.
dopingdope - drugProhibited drugs that invigorate the body for a short period of time.
curlingto curl - twistA game in which you need to hit a target with a stone sliding on ice. At the same time, the round-shaped stone rotates.
kickboxinga kick - kick; to box - to boxA type of boxing that allows kicks.
crossto cross - to crossRunning or racing over rough terrain.
penaltya penalty - punishment, fineFree kick at the opponent's goal.
rope jumpinga rope - rope; to jump - jumpJumping with a climbing rope from a height.
surfingsurf - surf waveRiding the waves on a board.
skateboardto skate - to ride; a board - boardRoller board.
sportsport - sportThe word originally came from disport, meaning “entertainment, distraction from work.”
startstart - departure, startThe beginning of something.
halftime - time, periodSports game time period.
fitnessfitness - endurance, Physical Culture, formA healthy lifestyle that includes exercise to stay in good shape.
forwarda forward - one who goes ahead of othersAttack.

In the IT field, almost all words are taken from English. We will present here the most frequently used ones, and you can read about the rest in the articles of our teachers “Ok, Google, or All about gadgets and devices in English” and “Computer basics or how to survive in cyberspace. Basic computer concepts in English."

Let's see what concepts relating to the names of clothing items and the world of fashion came to us from the English language.Russian wordEnglish word
browserto browse - browseA program for searching and viewing Internet resources.
viralviral - viralPopular, spreading among Internet users like a virus.
gamera game - gameA person who is interested in computer games.
displaya display - demonstration, showingA device for visually displaying information.
driverto drive - manage, leadA program that provides interaction between a computer's operating system and its hardware components.
clicka click - clickPress the mouse button, click on a button or link on the site.
communitya community - communityA group of people with the same interests.
loginto log in - log inLogin name.
laptopa notebook - notepad, notebookLaptop.
fastto post - publish informationPost on a blog or forum.
providerto provide - to supply, provideA company that provides access to the Internet and mobile communications.
traffictraffic - movement, flow of informationAmount of data that passes through the server
hackerto hack - to hack, chopA person who is good with computers and can hack various systems.
usera user - userComputer user.

Of course, it is difficult to place in one article all the words we took from the English language. Below we present some of the most frequently used borrowed concepts. We think that every person has used these words at least once in their life.

Let's see what concepts relating to the names of clothing items and the world of fashion came to us from the English language.Russian wordEnglish word
animalisticsan animal - animalA genre of art that uses images of animals. You'll often hear "animal print" referred to as a leopard print blouse.
outsideroutsider - outsider, extremeA non-specialist in any field or a loser, as well as a team or athlete who has virtually no chance of winning.
best-sellerbest - the best; a seller - a sold, hot commodityProduct that sells best.
blenderto blend - mixA device for chopping and mixing products.
blockbustera block - quarter; to bust - explodeA popular film that has the effect of an exploding bomb.
boilerto boil - to boilDevice for heating water.
briefingbrief - shortShort conference.
backing vocalbacking - support; vocal - vocalsSingers who sing along with the performer.
glamorglamor - charm, charmDemonstrative luxury.
granta grant - gift, subsidy, subsidyFunds used to support the arts, science, etc.
destructiveto destruct - destroyDevastating, unfruitful, destructive.
image makerimage - image; to make - to doA person who creates an image, an external image.
impeachmentimpeachment - distrust, condemnationRemoval of the head of state from power due to any violations of the law.
campinga camp - campA recreation center equipped for tourists with tents or small houses.
coolclever - smart, dexterous, giftedAccording to some sources, this slang word also has English roots.
clowna clown - uncouth guy, jester, clownA favorite of children in the circus (circus comedian).
crosswordcross - intersecting; a word - a wordEveryone's favorite puzzle where words intersect each other.
loserto lose - to lose, miss, fall behindJonah.
mainstreamthe mainstream - main line, main directionThe predominant direction in any field.
parkingto park - park, parkCar parking.
Puzzlea puzzle - a puzzleA puzzle consisting of many pieces.
playlistto play - to play; a list - listList of songs to play.
pressingto press - pressPressure, pressure. Often used to mean “psychological pressure.”
ratingto rate - to rateRating of something, degree of popularity.
remakea remake - remakeUpdated version of an old product.
reportageto report - reportA report in the press about some events.
summita summit - the topA meeting of heads of state or government at the highest level.
soundtracka sound - sound; a track - trackSound track, usually music from a film.
second handsecond - second; a hand - handUsed items.
securitysecurity - safety, securitySecurity service, security guard.
selfieself - self-Self-portrait created using a camera.
squarea square - areaGreen area in the city.
speakerto speak - to speakSomeone who speaks at a conference, webinar, meeting, etc.
Test Drivetest - trial; a drive - a tripTest drive to evaluate the qualities of the car.
talk showto talk - to talk; a show - presentationA show during which participants express their opinions on any issue.
trama tram - carriage; a way - wayType of public transport.
thrillera thrill - nervous tremblingA work of art that makes you feel nervous trembling and goosebumps running down your spine.
trolleybusa trolley - roller current collector; a bus - bus, omnibusThe name appeared because trolleybuses used to have roller current collectors.
tuningtuning - setting, adjustmentRemodeling and improvement of the car.
handmadea hand - hand; made - doneThings made by hand.
shampooa shampoo - washing your hairHair wash.
escalationto escalate - rise, escalateIncreasing, strengthening of something. For example, conflict escalation is an exacerbation of the conflict.

We also invite you to watch a video about words that came to Russian from English.

These are the words of English origin in Russian that we often use in our speech. Now you know their origin and also understand their true meaning. However, there are many more similar borrowings from English in the Russian language. Do you know any words that came to us from English? Share your observations in the comments.

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According to research by British scientists, the language of Foggy Albion has more than 600 thousand words. It would seem, how can you master all the vocabulary in a short time? For comparison, the Russian language contains about 400 thousand, which does not prevent us from expressing ourselves freely. After all, to understand each other you do not need to know all the words; it is enough to have a minimum of the most frequently used lexemes. We present to your attention the 100 most common English speech lexical units, knowing which you can understand three-quarters of any text in the language of Tom Sawyer. Check it out!

Don't miss the opportunity to improve your English without getting bored. A weekly dose of current English in every new video on the EnglishDom Youtube channel - click to subscribe.


Since any English statement begins with a subject, let's start with it. The subject is main member sentences (subject), performing some action, and giving an answer to the questions “who?” So what?" Often English subjects pronouns appear:

He He
She She
You You you
We We
It It
They They

In total there are 7 of them in the British language; for comparison, in the Russian language there are much more. An undeniable advantage of the structure of British thinking is the absence of such a large number of cases as in ours. While Russian grammar presupposes 4 more word forms for each pronoun (me, me, me, about me), in English for all other cases when the word does not come first, a generalizing, objective case is created:

English pronouns
I Me Me, me, me, about me
He His His, him, them, about him
She Her Her, her, her, about her
It It His, him, them, about him
You You You, you, by you, about you
We Us Us, us, us, about us
They Them Them, them, them, about them

A separate important group are words indicating who the object belongs to - “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?”

Total: 25 words that appear in almost every sentence. Knowing them, you can understand the main idea contained in the text - who performs the action, who owns this or that thing, and to whom the action is directed.



The second main member of the sentence is the verb denoting action. The most important in English language are the "Holy Trinity" - do, be And have. These verbs have a lot of additional meanings and serve to form thousands of idioms. We can say with confidence that by remembering these 3 words and their word forms, it is already possible to convey about 50% of all actions.

The remaining most common action words:

  • Say- speak
  • Use- use
  • Will-will (indicates future tense)
  • Would- would (indicates the subjunctive mood)
  • Make- do
  • See- see
  • Look- look
  • Know- know
  • Could- could
  • Can- be able
  • Like- like/love
  • Give- give
  • Want- want
  • Go- go
  • Think- think
  • Take- take
  • Get- receive
  • Come- come

Prepositions, conjunctions and particles

The most numerous group of frequently used words. Prepositions and other dependent parts of speech serve to connect words in a sentence. The difficulty in remembering them is that they do not carry any semantic load. That is, if you can mentally attach a picture to each noun or verb, then you won’t be able to do this with prepositions.

To K (indicates direction) With WITH
For For From From
Of (indicates genitive case) As How
And AND At Around, on
In IN But But
That What By K (indicates the term)
Not Not Or Or
On On Because Because
Up Up Out From, you-
About ABOUT No No
Than How Into Inside
Back Back After After

The translations presented are only the most commonly used versions. Depending on the context, many prepositions can have other definitions with similar meanings.

Question words

Quite a significant, although not numerous, group of words. Used to build questions or as conjunctions in complex sentences:

  • What- What?
  • Who- Who?
  • When- When?
  • How- How?
  • Which- Which?

There are 13 question words in British speech, but today we are considering only the most popular and frequently used ones.

Adjectives and everything else

Words that endow someone or something with beauty, kindness, intelligence and other attributes. They give answers to questions such as “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?” etc. A very broad group, each of the adjectives is unique, so only 3 of the frequency ones are distinguished:

  • Good- good
  • New- new
  • Other- another
  • How- How?
  • Which- Which?

One hundred of the very best can be found in the article 100 most used adjectives.

Due to their small number, we will not separate the remaining words into a separate block:

It is worth mentioning the articles separately - special part speech, which has no analogues in Russian grammar. There are only 3 articles in British speech - a, an And the- and they are needed to identify nouns in the stream of speech.


Having memorized this base of English words, you will be able to easily perceive simple American speech by ear and form your thoughts. It only remains to mention that more effective method memorization is not cramming, but reading texts in a native language, listening to music and watching films. And the best is live communication. You can chat in our Conversation Club, and train your self-confidence in the Online Trainer.

Good luck in learning the language!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family



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Lush sweet buns (7 recipes)

Lush sweet buns (7 recipes)

Sweet buns - general principles of preparation Sweet buns are an ideal treat for any holiday or just for every day. Exists...

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