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Fitness exercises - workouts for beginners. Top fit simulator - a set of exercises for weight loss Fit exercises

What can you do with this bulky beach ball that takes up so much space at home?

In fact, a fitball (as this ball is called) is a great projectile for keeping your body fit. You perform exercises in a precarious position, which forces you to maintain balance as well. And this is an additional load on the muscles.

By the way, exercises using balls are often performed by athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This is due to the fact that the ball helps to reduce the load on the muscles and spine compared to conventional exercises.

Before we move on to training, let's decide on the size of the ball that you will be comfortable with.

Most balls come in three sizes:

  • 55 cm - for those who are 150–160 cm tall;
  • 65 cm - for those who are 160–170 cm tall;
  • 75 cm - for those who are 170–200 cm tall.

Based on this list, you can choose the right one. Or there is another screening test that will help determine the ideal ball size for you. All that is required of you is to sit astride the ball. If your thighs and lower legs form a right angle, then this ball is the right size for you.

Performing the exercises, which we will discuss next, determine the number of repetitions and approaches depending on the level of your preparation. We recommend doing 3-5 sets of 10-20 reps of each exercise. Start small and then build up.

Ready? Go.

Lower Body Exercises

This group of exercises is designed to work out the main muscles of the legs.

1. Overhead ball squat

This exercise is based on regular squats, the only difference is that you hold the ball over your head with outstretched arms.

2. Wall squats

In this exercise, the ball is used to support the back. During the exercise, he should move from the lower back to shoulder level.

3. Squeezing the ball with the hips

It may look ridiculous, but the exercise works out the muscles of the hips and lumbar. Squeeze the ball to keep your balance. Hold this position for 30-45 seconds.

For this exercise, it is better to use a smaller ball than a regular one.

Lie on the floor, stretch your arms perpendicular to the body. Place the lower part of the shin and heel on the ball. Use your abs and glutes to lift your hips off the floor. You will find yourself in a precarious position, so use outstretched arms to maintain balance.

Exhale and slowly bring your knees to your hips so that your feet are on the surface of the ball. Hold this position for a second, and then inhale and stretch your legs back. Always keep your hips on weight to give the maximum load to the muscles of the buttocks.

5. Squats with holding the ball in front of you

This exercise works out the muscles of the arms, abs and legs at the same time.

6. Lunges with the ball

When performing this exercise, make sure that the knee of the leg standing on the floor does not go beyond the level of the toe. To maintain balance, you can hold on to a support (for example, a chair).

7. Reverse Hyper

Upper Body Exercises

This set of exercises works out the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

These are not just push-ups that you might be used to. This is a more complicated version of them, because you have to keep balance.

9. Plank

Unlike the regular plank, which is performed on the floor, this variation of it puts even more stress on the shoulders and arms. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds if you can.

10. Reverse crunches on the ball

Yes, and this effective exercise can be performed on the ball.

12. Triceps curl

13. Spire

Torso exercises

This set of exercises with the ball is aimed at loading the muscles of the body.

14. Abs exercise

In the top position, hold until you count to five, and then slowly lower yourself. The number of repetitions is 6–10, depending on your preparation. Pulling the knees to the stomach

Starting position as in push-ups. But instead of bending your elbows, tuck your knees under you and straighten your legs back.

18. Knee raise while lying on the ball

During this exercise, you need to press your knees strongly against each other so that your legs do not diverge. Hold a towel between your knees to avoid pain.

19. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the torso

Sit straight on the ball. Hands behind your head. Bring your legs together and lower your feet to the floor. Then simultaneously move your legs to the right, and turn the body to the left. Do 12-15 reps for each side.

20. Side bends with the ball

It is useful to finish the exercises on the press by stretching. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball above your head, back straight. Bend over and bring the ball to the outside of your left leg. Keep your back straight as you bend over. Raise the ball again and lower it to the right side.

CrossFit workouts are a program of functional and cardio exercises performed in a circular mode (that is, exercises follow one another, with minimal interruption). In turn, functional exercises are exercises that are as close as possible to the mechanics of human movement in ordinary life. Most often, CrossFit training is done in the gym, but with light weight or body weight.

The main advantage of CrossFit for beginner athletes is the combination of strength exercises (which are in many ways variations) with - which is useful both for enhancing the relief and elasticity of the muscles, and for increasing the overall fit of the body and for burning fat. An example of a functional CrossFit workout program can be found at the end of this article.

What is CrossFit: history

The CrossFit training methodology appeared in the early 1990s in the United States, and was used by employees of various special forces - primarily firefighters and the navy. Greer Glassman, the author of this program, served as a Navy SEAL for a long time. CrossFit gained wide popularity in the early 2010s, after the start of a global cooperation with Reebok.

At the moment, minimalistic CrossFit training rooms exist in all countries of the world and in most large and medium-sized cities in Russia. However, please note that any gym using the name "CrossFit" is liable to pay royalties as it is a registered trademark. Otherwise, the name "functional training room" is used.

CrossFit for beginners

It should be noted that CrossFit workouts are designed for people with enough good level physical training, since such functional training combines such types physical activity like interval running, intensive rowing, jumping rope, rope climbing, as well as various options strength training with and without weights.

For beginners with no fitness level (i.e. completely unable to run 500 meters in sprint mode) it is strongly recommended to pre-train with a trainer in a regular gym- this will help prepare the body for stress, and will also be extremely useful for learning exercise technique.

How are CrossFit workouts structured?

The CrossFit workout itself begins with warm-up cardio and a brief joint warm-up, followed by a main block of functional exercises performed in a circular mode (that is, one after the other with minimal rest time, and then the cycle repeats). At the end of the workout, high-intensity cardio is performed (running, jumping rope,).

Each CrossFit workout (Workout of the Day or WOD) has a specific name. In total, there are several hundred such WOD workouts, so the exercise plan is practically not repeated from day to day. This allows you to create an “unusual” load for the body every time and noticeably diversify the workout - in fact, it is never boring.

CrossFit: pros and cons

The main advantage of the CrossFit functional training system is not only the feeling of involvement in group activity, but also the comprehensive development of the body - both strength characteristics and reaction indicators are improved. general endurance(for example, work of cardio-vascular system). Beginning CrossFit athletes literally feel more athletic with every workout.

The main disadvantage of CrossFit is the increased risk of injury for beginners who do not want to study the technique of performing exercises in detail, but only who want to show the best results possible by performing the exercises fastest and with the heaviest weight. In addition, CrossFit is not very suitable for recruiting muscle mass, because, like any, it rather burns fat.

CrossFit Exercises

Most functional CrossFit exercises are performed either with lightweight barbells, or with, or on horizontal bars or on gymnastic rings. In addition, every CrossFit gym must have speed bikes, rowing machines, or other machines. That is why it is extremely difficult to repeat the classic CrossFit workout at home.

The situation is simplified if the WOD training is performed outdoors. In this case, it will consist of interval running (most often with a weighting agent in the form of a “sandbag” - a sandbag), strength exercises with body weight (push-ups, jumps in place, and so on), and also, if available, various exercises on horizontal bar. It is quite possible to repeat such a training on your own.

CrossFit: Program for Beginners

Note that the training program proposed below, although close to a typical WOD, is still not a CrossFit program in the full sense of the word. It does not require special training equipment and can be done in a regular gym - in fact, this program is designed for beginners who want to try their hand at CrossFit.

Workout A (Monday):

  • Warm up: - 5 minutes;
    • Warm up: lunges with dumbbells - 15 repetitions per leg, - 3 sets, - 3 sets with a maximum number of repetitions.
    • Main part: in 15 minutes, complete as many cycles as possible - 1 km of running at maximum speed, superset deadlift with standing press - 15 repetitions with light weight, - 2 km.
    • Hitch: stretching, breathing exercises - 5 minutes.

    Workout C (Friday):

    • Warm up: interval running - 5 minutes; joint warm-up exercises; 10 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 bodyweight squats - 5 minutes.
    • Power part: in 15 minutes, complete as many cycles as possible - 30 jump rope, 10 squats with a light barbell, 10 hanging leg raises, 15 hyperextensions.
    • Hitch: slow running, stretching, breathing exercises - 5 minutes.


    The combination of strength functional exercises with high-intensity cardio - The best way create a sporty and fit figure. CrossFit workouts are the most popular system of such workouts performed in a circular mode. However, for beginners with zero level of training, preliminary training with a personal trainer is recommended to learn the technique of exercises.

Losing weight quickly and without any special restrictions is the dream of everyone who has ever faced diets, exhausting exercises and serious power loads. The technologies of the future are available now. Fit-n-go studios, representing the fitness of the future, are designed specifically for the lazy. The principle of their work is aimed at losing weight with minimal effort.

Not everyone has heard about EMS training as a way to lose weight. However, those who have tried to get rid of excess weight with the help of vibration stimulator belts are familiar with the principle of electrical muscle stimulation. Now sports studios have been created, where the basis is a bodysuit containing electrodes. It allows you to quickly and effectively get visible results from training.

A new way to lose weight - true or myth?

Is it possible to lose extra pounds by putting on special clothes and exercising only 20-30 minutes? Moreover, so that during this time the muscles receive a load, as in 3 hours of training in the gym. With the introduction of new technologies in the fitness industry, the myth is becoming a reality. Now EMS training is in high demand. It is a stimulation of different muscle groups, which allows you to get more results with less effort.

Miracles do not happen, you say. However, in this case, everything is explained very simply. Wearing a suit filled with stimulating electrodes, you allow your body to trust impulses that can be increased or, conversely, weakened.

What is EMS?

Electronic myostimulation is a process that triggers the work of different muscle groups. EMS technology is known all over the world, but in Russia this direction has appeared quite recently. Fit-n-go studios have opened in many major cities. Some innovation enthusiasts are already accustomed to EMS training, which fits very harmoniously into a busy work day. Classes in special clothes for 25 minutes are convenient and save a lot of time.

The advantage of fit-n-go over other types of training

  • The bodysuit starts the work of several muscle groups at once, which is impossible to achieve in a regular lesson.
  • EMS training is a short-term training that is suitable for people who do not have enough free time.
  • When practicing fitngow, muscle tension and inflammation are relieved, damaged tissues are restored, and internal tears are healed.
  • Training allows you to start the process of losing weight and achieve a relatively quick result.
  • For young mothers there is an opportunity to take a child with them, as the studios provide game Zone for babies.
  • Fitngo classes are conducted with a trainer who must determine what condition your body is in and choose a regimen that is right for you.

Features of the training suit

The peculiarity of fit-n-go classes is that a special bodysuit works for each client of the studio. Disposable underwear is worn under the suit. It is impossible to put on a bodysuit on your own. This should help the trainer who conducts individual sessions in a studio.

The bodysuit is connected to the computer, and after the start of classes, you will immediately feel the work of electrical stimulators. At first, it may seem that it is the suit that performs all the necessary actions for you. However, the muscles are included in the work, and soon you will see the effect of the exercises. Confirmation will be the results of testing, which is carried out by the coach before and after the lesson.

The bodysuit simulator (body - body, suit - suit) is used not only to activate the process of losing weight, but also for the rehabilitation of people after injuries resulting from accidents or sports competitions.

Contraindications for exercising in a bodysuit

Before embarking on training of this kind, you should consult a doctor, because the load on the body is expected to be serious. You should only do it in the presence of a coach: without him it will be difficult for you to navigate and understand all the nuances of this process.

In general, EMS training should not be practiced by those who are contraindicated in intensive training in the gym. If in doubt, consult your doctor or studio instructor.

Of course, it cannot be called a contraindication that visiting fit-n-go is an expensive service. If the coach guarantees you results in changing the figure, feel free to get down to business. In order for the financial costs to be justified, you will have to follow all the recommendations.

It should be noted that training best result if you go on a diet. Extra calories are useless even with this type of training. Fat will leave your body more willingly, but the expected effect will appear if you listen to the instructor's advice.

Doctors' opinions about fitngo

Do not be deceived - you still cannot do without a diet and a regimen. The EMS simulator is good, it is harmless for the body, I have already tried it on myself. However, do not think that muscles will not hurt after a workout. Lactic acid still accumulates after training, so a warm-up is required before a working day. Fitnogo is a good thing, but I advise you to carefully study the results of the test, which is carried out before starting classes. If everything is bad with metabolism, then you should reconsider your lifestyle.

Yulia Gennadievna, therapist

I don't think fit-n-go is any better than regular gym workouts. I may seem old-fashioned, but I can see from my patients how reasonable physical exercise on the human body. If someone likes to work individually with a coach, I don’t see anything wrong. It just isn't enough. I advise you to think about nutrition in the first place. Let the "fitness of the future" be an addition to the system of competent eating.

Irina Valerievna, nutritionist

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Mar 13 2017


General strengthening physical exercises have a lot of advantages: they favorably affect the general state of human health, accelerating metabolic processes, as a result of which healthy foods digested faster, and excess calories are burned. You can do fitness at home or in sports clubs - everyone chooses the best option for themselves.

What is fitness

A specially developed technique helps to lose weight, strengthen and improve the body. At the same time, regular training will be as effective as possible in the process of fat burning, if you choose the right set of exercises and combine it with proper nutrition. The diet and the level of sports loads are selected for each person individually, based on his physical fitness, state of health, body structure, existing contraindications. There are several varieties (directions):

  1. Strength training. Training takes place at a fast pace with a load on the main or all muscle groups. Often during the lesson, weights such as barbells or dumbbells are used. Such workouts are among the most difficult and exhausting.
  2. Aerobic. Cardio is designed to develop endurance and help you lose weight quickly. In addition, this type of fitness has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. Aerobics workouts are intensive and designed for a long time.
  3. dance. Classes include elements of choreography and are held in a dynamic manner. Trainees gradually learn different movements and dance sequences.
  4. In the water (water aerobics). It has practically no restrictions / contraindications, it has a good effect on the joints, heart, blood vessels, and is ideal for those who want to lose weight.
  5. Soft. Ideal for beginners, while training is aimed at developing the respiratory system, stretching, correcting posture.

What gives

This sport is a program with which you can strengthen the muscle corset, lose weight and consolidate the result. The benefits of training are to correct the effects of physical inactivity, accelerate metabolism, prevent various diseases bones, cardiovascular system. The lessons not only form beautiful figure but also improve well-being. However, in order to maintain the result, it is important to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet.

How to exercise

The optimal training program will be compiled by an experienced trainer who will take into account the physical capabilities and wishes of the client. If you decide to practice on your own at home, you should follow some rules and take into account the tips:

  • start each workout with a warm-up, while doing it slowly at first, then faster (it takes about 10 minutes to warm up the basic muscles);
  • to lose weight, include cardio complexes in your classes (workouts on a treadmill, brisk walking, buckles with a rope, etc.);
  • conduct classes systematically, optimally - 4 times a week;
  • for homework, it is advisable to purchase dumbbells (2-3-kilogram shells are enough for girls, men need heavier dumbbells);
  • finish the workout with a stretch, while it must necessarily include those muscle groups that were loaded.

For weight loss

The main exercises for girls or men who want to lose weight are aerobic exercises. They are called so because when they are performed, a large amount of air enters the body due to rapid breathing. More preferable for girls who want to lose weight, running on the track, orbit track, exercise bike. When exercising on such simulators, the muscles are not pumped up, but warmed up and strengthened, in addition, accelerated metabolism occurs in the tissues.

To lose weight more effectively, women and men should exercise at a high pace - fast pedaling or running. At the same time, the load should be gradually increased: in the first six months it is better to work with the body moderately in order to strengthen the muscles, and then begin to increase the speed or duration of the run. Aerobic workouts are good because after them a person continues to lose weight for another day. It is recommended to practice every other day and continue training for at least one and a half hours.


By exercising at home, you can save money and time spent on a trip to the gym. In addition, you can train in this case at any time when it is convenient for you. Fitness at home will be effective if you follow some rules:

  • you need to do at least three to four times a week, while training for weight loss should last 40-90 minutes, otherwise you will not achieve success;
  • you should always start the lesson with warming up the muscles and stretching, while a more intense and longer workout requires the most thorough preparation of the body;
  • when exercising, try to work out all the basic muscles, and pay special attention to problem areas;
  • during physical activity you need to drink water (a lot, but in small sips).

Lesson programs

The complex, scheduled according to the number of repetitions and days, is called the program. Depending on what goals a person pursues, his own training methodology is selected for him. As a rule, a trainer selects a set of exercises for a trainee, but after studying the necessary literature, you can cope with this task on your own.

For beginners

The program described below is great for beginners, while women can reduce the time of classes by 2 times, while halving the number of approaches. Gradually increase the load to achieve the desired result. Fitness for beginners at home necessarily starts with a warm-up, which reduces the risk of injury, improves muscle performance and increases performance. A warm-up can be jumping rope, quick squats, running in place, swinging arms, etc.

  1. Monday. Pull-ups - 5 approaches, each with 5 p. Lifting dumbbells with arms tightly pressed to the body (part of the arm works from the elbow to the shoulder) - 3 sets, each 10 repetitions. Classic squats with the heel pressed to the floor and a flat back - 5 sets of 20 repetitions.
  2. Wednesday. Squats - 5 sets, 100 total reps. Push-ups on uneven bars with weighting in the form of a backpack - 3 sets of 10 r. Mixing dumbbells overhead while standing - 4 sets, each 10 times. Pull-ups / push-ups from the floor - three times 5 p.
  3. Friday. Lifting on toes, holding dumbbells in your hands - 4 times x 15 repetitions. Pull-ups - three times 5 times. Squats with dumbbells - 5 times x 20 reps. Push-ups - three times 10 p.

Online classes for weight loss at home with music

This program is universal and suitable for the most part for beginners, therefore, having mastered it, you will need to choose a set of exercises with a greater load. Fitness online at home is designed for classes for three months, it allows you to lose weight and tone the main muscle groups. You can perform the complex as you wish separately, according to the circular method or in supersets (alternating 2 exercises). With the help of various online resources, you can familiarize yourself with the correct technique for performing movements.

Pick rhythmic music for fitness in advance, warm up and start exercising. At the same time, it is better to combine movements, alternate and do different variations of sets, because otherwise you will quickly get tired of training and you will not enjoy it. Music options:

  1. Jump Squats. Place your legs parallel to your shoulders, squat with a straight back, pulling your pelvis back, hands can be brought behind your head. In a sitting position, jump up. You need to repeat 6-8 times, during the workout, do it at least three times.
  2. Exit at point-blank range. Starting position - legs parallel to the shoulders, arms along the body. Lower the pelvis down, crouching, rest your palms on the floor and jump back, leaving the upper body in place. Having accepted the emphasis lying as for push-ups, go back. Repeat 8 times.
  3. Book. You need to lie on the floor, stretching your arms up. After that, start simultaneously lifting them together with your legs, folding like a book. This is very effective for working out the abdominal muscles. Repeat it at least 8 times, doing 3 sets.
  4. jumping. You will need a step or a low, durable stool, on which you need to jump from a distance of about 40 cm. At the same time, keep your hands slightly behind, and when moving forward, swing them. Do 3 times 10 reps.
  5. Kicks. Place your legs parallel to your shoulders, slightly bending your knees, bend your arms at the elbows. Keep your fists at jaw level (as in kickboxing). Rhythmically kick back and forth with your heel. Do not fully extend the knee, otherwise you can be injured. It is performed in 5 sets of 8-10 times.

With a ball

The presented complex helps to strengthen the muscular corset of a person, improving his posture and working out flexibility. The gym ball is also considered an excellent stress reliever for those who are often stressed. The fitness program includes effective restorative complexes, before performing which you definitely need to warm up by jumping with a rope or squatting vigorously. It is recommended to do:

  1. Pelvic lifts. Lie on the floor with your back, place your ankles on the fitball, straighten your knees. Next, you should raise the pelvis, rolling the ball to the buttocks, linger at the top point for a few seconds, then go down, taking the starting position. Do 10 reps.
  2. Twisting. Take the same position as in the previous exercise, while the ball should be sandwiched between the ankles. Place your hands behind your head, start raising your legs with the fitball up, straining your stomach. Do 12 reps.
  3. Push-ups classic. Rest your palms on the floor, place your feet on the ball, keep your back straight. Slowly perform 10 push-ups from the floor.
  4. Reverse push-ups. Hands should rest on the fitball with a reverse grip (sitting with your back to the ball). Lower your pelvis to almost touching the floor, bending your elbows while keeping your knees at a right angle and slowly come back up. Repeat 8-10 p.

with tape

By means of an elastic band, it is possible to provide the muscles with an additional load, while if you fold it several times, the severity of the execution can be increased. The item is used to work out different muscle groups. The lesson may include:

  1. Steps. Fasten the ends of the tape with each other, put the resulting ring on your legs (at the level of the knees). Place your legs parallel to your shoulders, sit down slightly and in this position begin to take wide steps forward. Repeat for 1-2 minutes, alternating.
  2. Hip lift. The fitness band should wrap around your ankles. Lie down on your stomach, place your hands under your chin and begin to alternately raise your legs up, while pulling the shock absorber. Repeat the movements 20 p.
  3. Squats. Move the ring to the level of the knees, spread your legs slightly and, without bending your back, begin to slowly lower yourself down, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times.
  4. Press pumping. You need to stand up and straighten your legs. Take the tape in your hands, pull it up and lift it up. Bring the right back first, turning the body in the opposite direction. Then change to the left and do the same. Perform 20-30 repetitions.
  5. Leg raises. Lie on your side with a ribbon ring around your ankles. Start lifting your upper leg, pulling the shock absorber as much as possible. Roll over and repeat the movements. Do 20 times on each side.

strength training

The program is aimed at increasing endurance and developing strength, in addition, strength training in fitness has a positive effect on general well-being and correct the figure. Such training involves the use of sports equipment - barbells, dumbbells, simulators and various weights. The program is divided into 3 sessions, between which there should be a day of rest for muscle recovery.

  1. First day. The muscles of the chest, triceps and shoulders are being worked out. You can do a bench press with dumbbells, a horizontal bench press, an overhead crossover, an army press, breeding arms with dumbbells on an incline bench, dumbbell raises to the sides, extension of the arms from behind the head, push-ups on the uneven bars.
  2. Second day. Squats, deadlifts, lunges, leg abductions in a crossover are ideal for strength training. It's best to do it with weights.
  3. Third day. The back muscles and biceps work. Suitable fitness exercises would be shrugs, various tractions (chest, bent over, etc.), hyperextension, forward bends, dumbbell/barbell curls.

How to practice at home

Before you start training, warm up well by performing rotational movements with your shoulders, neck, legs, arms. The complex for weight loss should be performed at least 3-4 times a week, while each session should last at least 40-50 minutes. Listed below are fitness complexes that can be combined during each workout. To achieve the expected results, work at full strength.

  1. Push-ups for beginners. Rest your palms and knees on the floor, place your hands at chest level and parallel to your shoulders. Begin to go down, bending your elbows, then push yourself up with your hands, returning up. Repeat three times 10 times.
  2. "Bridge". You should lie on your back, rest your hands and feet on the floor, while your knees should be at an angle of 90 degrees. Push the pelvis up, reaching a peak, linger for 1-2 seconds, then slowly return to the floor. Repeat 40 times.
  3. "Plank". Rest your elbows and toes on the floor, keep your forearms parallel to each other, strain your back as much as possible and keep it flat. Stay like this for 40 seconds (optimally - withstand 1.5 minutes, but only physically prepared people can do this)
  4. "Dog". Get on all fours, bend one leg and begin to take it back up, straining the thigh and buttocks. Do 15 reps on each leg.
  5. "Bike". Lying on your back, begin to bend your legs alternately and move towards them with your body - this will help work out the front of the thigh and the press. Do 1 minute.
  6. "Cobra". Lie on your stomach, the body should be pulled forward as much as possible, arching your back (the face “looks” at the ceiling). This will stretch the press well after the "bike".
  7. "Side Lunges". Stand straight, take one leg to the side, sit down deeply, keeping the body in the middle. Stand up on an exhale. Repeat 15 times on each leg.

For the back

Beginners should do 12-15 sets, using light weights to develop proper technique and accustom the body to the load. After the intensity of fitness training can be increased. With each subsequent lesson, increase the number of repetitions, then start taking more weight. Effective fitness exercises for back muscles:

  • normal grip pull-ups(rhomboid, latissimus dorsi muscles are trained);
  • underhand pull-ups(the load goes to the large round and latissimus dorsi, biceps, shoulders);
  • block pull to the chest(helps to expand the spinal muscles, trains the trapezius muscle);
  • neck pull(involves the lower and upper bundles of the spinal muscles);
  • narrow grip block pull(develops the rhomboid, trapezius, deltoid muscle).

For the press

You can get rid of excess fat deposits in the waist area and pump up the press cubes even at home, the main thing is that fitness training for the abdomen takes place systematically 3-4 times a week. It is recommended to do:

  1. Straight Leg Raises. Lying on your back, press your hands to the floor and begin to raise your legs, reaching an angle of 90 degrees. When lowering, do not touch the floor with them, lingering a couple of centimeters from it. For 10-15 rubles. for the approach.
  2. Crunches with bent knees. While lying down, raise your knees, keeping your shins parallel to the floor, your feet should be in contact with each other. Bring the brushes behind the back of the head, take the elbows in opposite directions. To tighten your stomach, you should raise your head and shoulders, then return to the starting position. Repeat 8-15 times.
  3. "Side Plank". Lie on your side, rest your elbow and foot on the floor. Raise the pelvis, stretching the body in a straight line, as shown in the photo, and hold this position for 40-60 minutes. Repeat on the other side.

For buttocks

Before doing the workout, be sure to warm up the muscles, then proceed to the serious part. After completing classes, you can’t immediately sit down or lie down - walk around for a couple of minutes, catch your breath, do self-massage. Fitness at home for the buttocks may include:

  1. Mahi. Place your palms on the wall and do side swings with your legs 20 times on each side. In addition, you can do jerks with your foot forward or backward.
  2. Squats. The legs should be parallel to the shoulders. Lower the pelvis to the level of the knees, then straighten up. During the exercise, keep your back straight, and take the pelvis as far back as possible.
  3. Plie. Squat as low as possible with your feet wide and toes turned out. 10 times per set.
  4. Lunges. Stepping forward, squat until a 90-degree formation between the hip and knee (as shown in the picture). Perform 10-15 repetitions for each.

For all muscle groups

This complex is suitable for general strengthening of the body, body shaping, restoration of weakened muscles. Fitness training for all muscle groups may include:

  1. For arms, chest. Push-ups, pull-ups, arm swings - perfect option to tone the biceps, triceps, pectoral muscles.
  2. For the back. You can quickly strengthen the spinal muscles by doing the plank, hyperextension, pulling the block to the back and to the chest. At home, you can perform slopes with weighting.
  3. For the stomach. Varied Options twists - with even legs, on oblique muscles, the "bike" exercise and others - will help you quickly pump up the press.
  4. For buttocks and thighs. The most effective for strengthening and giving relief to the muscles of the priests and legs are swings, lunges and squats. Workouts can be selected, combined and alternated according to own will. In addition, it is better to use weighting agents during fitness classes.


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Fitness Exercises - Workouts for Beginners

What is Fit'N'Go workouts? Are they really more effective than usual? And most importantly - is it possible to quickly lose weight with their help? Sveta Grishina checks everything on her own experience.
The life-affirming decision “I start losing weight on Monday” is usually postponed to January 1, forgotten until February 14 and remembered again before the bathing season. In general, it is postponed, postponed, postponed ... Just like extra calories on the stomach, sides and buttocks. I decided that I should start now. Moreover, the remaining 2-3, well, okay, 4 kilograms from 21, gained during pregnancy, do not allow you to live in peace. And for home-carpet fitness, motivation and willpower are no longer enough.

True, with a small child, visiting the gym on a schedule 3-4 times a week for 1.5-2 hours is an even greater challenge for me than finding motivation to pump the press at home. Well, as usual, I want to see the results. And faster. Wake up in the morning after a workout, and so that the figure immediately, like Cindy Crawford. But, I'm afraid, even Santa Claus cannot do this.

And the suit itself with electrodes.

Three sizes - S, M and L.

The impulses that come from the EMS-trainer cause the muscles to contract. And at this very moment we give the muscles a load with the help of simple exercises. But in reality, everything turns out to be very difficult :) Moreover, all muscle groups work at the same time. Therefore, there is no need to hope for unloading days :)

For each part of the body, you can separately select the strength of the impulse. Somewhere - less, somewhere - add. The higher the impact, the stronger the muscles contract and the more difficult. Feels more difficult. I've been stuck somewhere around 70%. And I’m generally silent about the hands - I don’t even reach 30%.

The same EMS simulator

The Fit’N’Go training studio (in the Znamenka shopping center), where I train as a young fighter, is very compact. Nothing distracts from the classes - there are not even photos of pumped-up athletes on the walls. But the studio has everything you need for training and after. Suits, socks, towels, shower gels, shampoos, body and hand creams - and slippers. Green :)

Big and small :)

There are only two trainers in the gym. And you can do it either alone, or with someone from friends or family. No one else. You and the coach. Which says what, how and how much (how much???) to do. And he is following it closely. To cheat, even if you really want to, will not work.

Meet my coach Mikhail Kravets. Before each workout, he “waters” the suit like a flower bed to improve momentum throughput. Cool water. You know how invigorating :)

My size S suit weighs 2.5 kilos. Now, after two weeks of classes, when I don’t even notice his weight, I can say - “ha, only 2.5 kilograms”. But at the first training session, I was not in the mood for jokes.

Or into space, or plunder tombs like Lara Croft.

This costume cannot be put on, it can only be dressed. Because you can't do it on your own. Maybe only for those who practice yoga. And a very long time ago. Tighten here, fasten here, connect there. I even tie my sneakers in a suit with difficulty.

When we first met, the coach looked at me and said: “You are doing well anyway.” But this “not bad” effect on me is stronger than all the motivational pictures and photos on Instagram, calling to immediately quit everything, squat with a barbell and eat only celery.

Especially after the body composition analysis on Tanita. There will be something to compare and understand what has changed and what has been achieved in the end. After all, one thing is my enthusiastic, but unfounded exclamations that it is necessary to change the entire wardrobe, because everything is great. And the other - merciless, soulless and incorruptible figures.

So where did we start.

  1. Weight - 52.6 kg (norm - 53 kg). The norm is the norm. But up to my usual weight, of course, I’m not like up to the Canadian border, but three kilograms are definitely superfluous here.
  2. Fat - 26.8%. And according to this frightening indicator, I managed to meet the norm. But too close to the upper limit, on the verge of risk. Almost jumped on the bandwagon of the outgoing train.
  3. Muscles - 36.5%. Also the norm. But you can (and need!) More. Moreover, this figure, on the contrary, is very close to the lower limit. And more relief :)
  4. Water - 53.5%. The habit of drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day makes itself felt. It's the only thing that suits me :)

Not enough muscles. Too much fat. Everything is documented.

But for all the other indicators you need to work. And when you hold such a detailed analysis in your hands, “I want to lose weight” takes on quite specific forms and outlines. And takes off her rose-colored glasses. You immediately understand that these kilograms are not at all excess water and not muscles that traditionally weigh more. It's also very motivating, by the way. Someone hangs photos of their dream figure on the refrigerator, and I hang this printout.

And, by the way, training is training, but to lose weight without proper nutrition will not work. No one and never. Therefore, the first thing Misha asked me was what I was eating. And then he told me what I can eat, what I need to eat, and what to forget about and not even remember. And, of course, drink and not drink. And if chicken breast, rice, vegetables and cottage cheese, and before that they forced out almost all the rest of the food from my diet, then giving up coffee or starting the day with oatmeal turned out to be beyond my strength. So we agreed on muesli and one single cup of coffee a day.

For quick results, Misha suggested a 2/2 schedule: two consecutive days of training, two days for recovery. The entire session lasts 25 minutes. 20 minutes is a strength or functional (cardio) workout and 5 minutes for the final massage. True, this is not the kind of massage during which you can relax and go into nirvana or doze off. It massages almost to the marrow of the bones :) But the skin is noticeably tightened. Now I scrupulously and closely observe cellulite: I will give up - I will not give up :)

"And this is a massage???" :)

Considering the results given by Tanita, Misha said in a voice that brooks no objection that we are focusing on cardio training. Therefore, I run two classes in a row, occasionally interrupted by jumping and working on the abdominal muscles. Then I curse and run again. And the next workout is strength training. Squats and lunges for the priests, dumbbells and push-ups for the arms and back, fitball and twists for the press.

Strength exercises are easier for me. Or is it Misha who pities me for the time being :) But this is an inexpressible feeling of helplessness when I can’t bend my left arm at the elbow with dumbbells weighing 1 kg (and in the studio, by the way, there are no dumbbells with more weight - all the load is created by impulses). I can do the right one, but not the left one. Misha explained this asymmetry to me: “You are right-handed. That's why your left arm is weaker." Looking ahead, I’ll say that I like the relief of my hands more and more with each workout :) Although I don’t reach 30% of the impulse impact.

After the first three workouts, I really wanted to sleep. She literally fell asleep on the go, crawled like a sleepy fly and thought “wow load.” But everything turned out to be easier. “The brain is in shock. He's trying to figure out what's going on. After all, the brain does not send signals to the muscles, but they contract, ”Misha put everything on the shelves.

Now I know what "brain in shock" is. And how it is when you literally can’t stop trembling and neither your hands nor your legs obey. And what it means to be exhausted after a workout - I also know. And it's only been 20 minutes.

The most interesting thing remains - the results. Misha is optimistic about a month and a half. And he adds - "if we do not slow down the pace."

About the pace, about the sensations, about “I can-I can’t-or still I can” and, most importantly, about the results and my sporting achievements - I will tell in the sequel.

You can find out more about prices, programs and subscriptions. Plus, there's a trial run.



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