the main - Instruments
Verbena smell on what is similar. Smells of oils

Verbena - grassy and semi-stabilization decorative culturewhich popularly got the name "pigeon grass". Verbena includes approximately 120 species and varieties. Among the wide variety are both annual and perennial representatives.

The main advantage of the plant remains his unpretentiousness. It resistant tolerates cold, able to withstand freezing to -4 degrees.

What does it look like: Photo of Verbena and her flowers on a flowerbed

The height of the bush can reach 1-1.2 m. Stems can be the following types:

  • fluttering, reprehensible and outstretched;
  • smooth or lowered.

Leaves at Verbena, like their location can be:

  1. solid, dissected or cigrily abrupt;
  2. gear or oval-extended;
  3. rarely mutual.

As for flowers, they will also die diverse:

  • in the form of a 5-gear cup;
  • in the form of a 5-blade bunk;
  • collected with a brush, ears either by buggy inflorescences.

Color color can be:

  1. dark blue and blue;
  2. yellow;
  3. white;
  4. dark red;
  5. salmon;
  6. pink.

Below is a photo of Verbena flowers with many years of.

Color varieties

The high popularity of Verbena in flower growing is due to the unpretentiousness, the attractiveness of the flower and its wide variety of species. Below are the names and descriptions of various types of Verbena flower, as well as their photos:

Important! The main advantage of Verbena in front of the rest of the decorative blooming crops is that it blooms for a long time and has a high germination of seeds, even subject to storage of 2 years.

Read more about Verbena varieties Buenos Aires, Bonar and others read.

Where is growing?

This decorative culture occurred on two continents about the same time. This is American (from Chile to Canada) and the Eurasian (Caucasus, Central Asia). Today, see some species of Verbena, even in the countries of the Far East and throughout Europe.

For many varieties of culture the subtropical or tropical climate of South and Central America remains favorable.This should include the wild plant. But in Russia, the plant grows only in the southern regions where heat and is humid enough.

But at the expense of long-lasting cultivation, it was possible to bring stronger, frost-resistant varieties, followed by which they do not need to take care, while they give a lot of positive and excellent mood with their appearance and unpretentiousness in care.

Where can I get a plant and what is the price?

You can buy seeds of Verbena in any specialized store. The cost of packaging is approximately 30 rubles.

How smells Verbena?

The smell of Verbena is also predominantly on a gentle-lemon fragrance, which is very attracted. At this, the lemon notews in different varieties are added delicate fruit and sweet-tart inserts.

Care rules

It is absolutely easy to deal with the cultivation of Verbena, so this is a unique opportunity for those who are just going to start growing a decorative flower at home. Care is reduced to the following events:

Methods of breeding


The seed method of reproduction is suitable even for the most inexperienced flower. For planting optimal time is considered March. In winter, the process of germination occurs slowly, and as soon as spring came, the plants come to life faster. See the first shoots will be possible in 2 weeks.

Just before planting seeds, Verbena is worth soaring in advance in the biostimulant. It allows the plant to grow faster and develop. In the already prepared container, filled with a wet substrate, evenly put the planting material. Cover the container with glass and film to create a greenhouse effect.

REFERENCE! Capacity with seeds should be in a dark room, where the temperature regime is 25 degrees. If the specified temperature was observed, then the first sprouts will be punctured after 3 days.

After their formation, the container with seedlings is installed in a cooler climate.

Irrigation to produce spraying. Invalid excessive soil moisture. When landing seeds in separate cups, the pickup does not need. If they grow seedlings in large tanks, then as soon as the first leaf is formed, a dive is to be treated.

After the transplant of young plants in separate containers, you need to wait 2 weeks so that they can be rooted. After that, you can make nitrogen-containing feeding. In tall plants, for the formation of a lush bush, it is necessary at the initial stages of development to produce the tip.

Replant seedlings in open sad It is in the first numbers of June. Just before these pre-harden it. To do this, make seedlings into the street, every day increasing the time of such a "walk". During the landing, adhere to the distance between the plants at 20-30 cm.


Spring is performed. To do this, use the upper shoots. They are cut as carefully, leaving the cuttings with 4-pair of leaves. The lower part of the cutting should be cleaned from foliage and deepened in the ground.

Diseases and pests

With proper care, the verban can be avoided by the appearance of various diseases, because the immunity of the plant is pretty resistant. Problems may occur if the gardeners are overly watered or on the street too hot weather.

Then there is a chance of developing malievable dew.This is a fungal disease, in which the leaves begin to dry. It is possible to cure it using cheese using Saprol or Fundazole.

The plant can be affected by tool or ticks. To get rid of them it is worth using insecticides. Excessive moisturizing can lead to the development of black leg, spottedness and rot.

NOTE! Fighting mold fungi and nematodes, which lead to the development of these diseases, is rather difficult, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention.


Verbena is a popular decorative culture that has excellent reviews and enjoys in high demand among the flower skills with its wide palette of shades and not pending in terms of care. You can use these flowers by planting them singly or in combination with other plants. In any case, the flower bed will be original and unique.

We look at the video about growing and careful care:

Verbena lemon - a long-term shrub that is widely used in folk medicine. Verbena is spread on almost all components, and its homeland is considered South America. To Europe, the shrub was brought in the 18th century by the Spaniards. The fragrant plant has conquered Europeans so much that they almost immediately began to use it in the perfumery industry. Verbena was very popular in the 20th century, it was used as a decorative plant, the shrub was planted in all European gardens. The decorativeness and fragrance of Verbena retreated into the background when from this plant at the industrial level began to receive valuable essential oil. To date, large-scale recreation plantations are focused on Madagascar, in the south of France, as well as in North Africa and the United States.

The plant is an evergreen shrub with a large crown (see photo). Flowers with small inflorescences of light lilac. The word "Verbena" has a Latin origin and translated "Lose". This name Verbena received due to the characteristic appearance: Downstairs she is a magnificent, but closer to the top are visible to the prune-shaped stems, which are more like a wire than on a part of the plant. Also, the shrub is called "Lemon Louise" and "Bee Bush". The first of the names of the plant received in honor of the Spanish Princess Louise.

The people of Verbena lemon for a long time was considered a magic plant. People believed that the evergreen shrub was able to protect against the evil and damage, as well as from curses. Verbena was considered a plant that all wishes. The traditional medicine used the leaves of the plant from many diseases (at one time Verbenus was even considered to be real Panacea).

Many legends are associated with Verbien. Druids revered this evergreen shrub and called him medicine from all diseases. They prepared miraculous drinks from the leaves of the plant, the recipes of which were hidden from other people. The collection of Verbena turned into a real sacrament: she was harvested in a moonless night exclusively in the iron bowls, the collected plant was not recommended by their hands. The ancient Greeks and Romans also believed in the magical origin of the plant. They dedicated to Verben Mars and Venus. A wreath of shrub stems was a marriage symbol and defended from conspiracies. Christians called the plant "cross grass", as, according to belief, she was watered by the blood of Jesus Christ. In Italy, Verben was considered to be a witchcraft grass, and her patroness was called the goddess Diana, the Witch Lady.

Collection and storage

The collection of verbena lemon occurs in several stages. The first time the leaves are collected in June, and the second time - during the flowering of shrubs. Dosage purposes use the above-ground part of the Verbena. The plant is dried in special dryers.

Store dried raw materials in a cool room in paper bags.

Verbena essential oil is obtained from blooming escapes by distillation by ferry. Store it in a cool place in a tightly closing tank.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of verbenes lemon are due to the presence in its composition of essential oil, which is produced by the modern industry as a separate drug. The high cost of this product is explained by the small yield of Verbena. Essential oil is a yellow-green liquid with a fresh, sweet aroma. In aromatherapy it is used to treat and normalize digestive processes. Verbena essential oil acts on the nervous system as a tonic. It is shown to inhale under hysteries, rapid heartbeat, dizziness.

Medicinal properties of verbena lemon are widely used in homeopathy. The plant includes aldehydes, glycosides, terpene ketones, essential oils, alcohols, polyphenols. Verbena is used as declarations and info. Such drugs are a natural means for the normalization of food processes in the intestine.

The valuable properties of the plant also conclude in its soothing action. The plant contains verbenamine, which has a binding and healing effect. Verbenamine is one of the most valuable components of the essential oil of this shrub.

In Cosmetology, Verbena is used as a real beauty elixir. Plant extract is added to creams to remove redness and cure rashes. Verbena copes perfectly with skin problems, chirns, boils. Its essential oil is recommended to use for the treatment of problem skin. Before applying on the skin, several droplets of essential oil are bred in the base oil, since it is a concentrated tool and in pure form can cause burns. The regular use of funds based on extracts of verbenes lemon refreshes and levels the skin of the face, and also has a pronounced rejuvenating property. Verbenne oil perfectly eliminates wrinkles and leather flabbiness. Often it can be found in anti-cellulite mixtures. It not only increases skin elasticity, but also deodorishes and eliminates sweating.

High purification essential oil can be taken inside to get a beautiful tan in a short time. Verbenne Oil protects skin from pigment spots caused by solar activity as well as burns. In addition, it is a famous Afrosis. Oil fragrance removes fatigue, smoothes the consequences of stress, normalizes emotional condition. Verbena is sometimes called "food for mind", since its smell improves blood circulation in the brain and is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. Toning properties of oil are important for creative people, students, scientific workers.

Verbena has a high antiviral activity, so the plant is recommended to use during flu epidemics and colds.

Use in cooking

In the culinary Verbena Lemon is used as a natural flavor. Tea with the addition of Verbena is very popular in Spain. The drink has a pleasant taste and fragrance. Residents of Spain love to drink cooled tea with verban and mint. Such drink perfectly quenching thirst and refreshes well in the hot season. On the territory of North Africa Verbena is often found as part of herbal teas.

The plant retains almost all its beneficial features In dried form, which allows you to harvest the leaves for a long time. Verbena can be added to various mousses, souffle, creams, jelly, puddings. For the preparation of desserts, dried leaves of the plant are often used. Marinades and sauces will sound in a new way if you add some leaves of this shrub in them.

Verbena lemon due to its rich aroma can become a beautiful seasoning to many dishes. Its smell is much fresher and rich in comparison with other herbs. The plant is perfectly combined with strawberries, some kinds of cheeses, fish products, poultry meat. An interesting culinary solution of the cooks is a combination of verbena with seafood or meat. For example, pork ham is perfectly harmonized with sauce, seasoned garlic and verban.

The plant has the glory of "Punch grass". It is used to aromatize alcoholic and cool Drinks.

The benefits of verbena lemon and treatment

The benefits of the plant is known for folk and official medicine of many countries. Verbena-based preparations are used under reduced pressure, anemia, headaches, hepatitis, diseases of the liver and spleen. Outward rags of plants are used for angina, stomatitis, rash. Reequance Verbena woves a sore throat or oral cavity several times a day before full recovery.

Verbena Lemon is in great demand in folk medicine, healing from many diseases.


The method of treatment of verbaine lemon

Atherosclerosis, thrombosis

Pour two hundred milliliters boiling water a half tablespoons of leaf leaves lemon and remove to the side for insteading about sixty minutes. Take the infusion hourly two teaspoons.


In the pharmacy it is necessary to purchase a packaging of lemon recrehensive leaves. The leaves of the plant should be boiled with two hundred milliliters of boiling water (all packaging will be required for one glass) and give to stand for about five minutes. Drink twice a day after you are atheging (for lunch and dinner). Infusion it is necessary to drink to the complete disappearance of the disease.

Liver diseases, spleen

Such an infusion should be prepared: pour five glasses of boiling water about sixty grams of lemon recrehensive leaves and remove to the side to insist approximately sixty minutes. During the day you need to drink all the infusion.

With enhanced anxiety

You need to pour with two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Herbs picking from Verbena (two parts), Hypericum of the reinforced (three parts), Melissa and Ground Valerian root (one part), give to stand about sixty minutes, and then strain. It is recommended to take an infusion before taking food for two tablespoons three times for twenty-four hours.

Stomatitis, Angina

The treatment of verbinic lemon is as follows. To fervent two teaspoons of ground leaflets of the plant with two teaspoons of the ground plants, let it brew about sixty minutes, and after strain. Take infusion you need sixty-five milliliters no more than four times a day in thirty minutes before meals.

If you doubt the effectiveness of treatment with a verbian lemon, it is better to consult a doctor for advice.

Harm verbena lemon and contraindications

Harm the body can bring a plant with individual intolerance. Verbena essential oil has phototoxicity, i.e. it cannot be used before taking solar baths. It is contraindicated to apply oil during pregnancy, since. verbena increases the tone of the uterus. Like any other essential oil, it cannot be used in the occurrence of allergic reactions. If you feel discomfort during aromatherapy, then the procedures are better to cancel.

Growing: landing and care

Verbena lemon is grown by pavement either from seeds. The seed method is the easiest and does not require special costs and efforts. Before making seedlings to the ground, the seeds should germinate in wooden boxes filled with mineral substrate (from peat, sand and turf).

To do this, you will need to first put the seeds on a wet fabric for about a couple of hours (this will allow the seeds to quickly germinate), and then put them directly into the boxes, cover with a film and remove into a warm room, where the temperature regime does not exceed twenty degrees. Daily boxes should be tired, and seeds water as needed.

Twenty days later sprouts will appear. Then the boxes are transferred to a cool room with good lighting and remove the film. Sprouts are best planted in an open soil when the street will already be warm enough. Sprouted seeds need to be replant with the land in which they grew, at a distance of no more than three centimeters from each other.

Verbena Lemon does not require special irrigation conditions. It will be enough to water once every seven days. At the end of July, the interval between irrigation needs to be increased to thirteen days.

As for the care, the plant fertilizes only once - during the period of Verbena. Also, as needed to loosen the land (especially at a very hot time), remove weeds, tear the dried leaves.

Harvesting takes place after Verbena is blocked and covered in dry seed boxes.

11 Chose

There are about 120 species of recreation plants in the world. However, most of them are suitable only on the feed insect. True value for a person is representing only two types of Verbena - Drug (Verbena Officinalis) and Lemon (Lippia Citriodora, Aloysia Triphylla). Verbena drug has powerful therapeutic properties. Preparations based on recrehensive drugs are prescribed under various diseases and as a common assembly.

Verbena lemon got its most common name due to the fact that the smell of leaves and shoots Verbena is similar to the smell of lemon crust. Verbena essential oil is obtained by the vapor distillation using the blooming plant shoots for these purposes. The percentage of the finished product from raw materials is minimal, which is why Lemon Natural Essential Oil is quite expensive. Due to high cost, the essential oil of verbena lemon is often falsified by cheaper lemon grass oil (Andropogon Citralus), which does not have such valuable properties, and it smells a bit wrong.

Verbena is a rather ancient plant. His homeland traditionally consider the countries of South America: Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Peru. In Europe, the plant was delivered to the Spaniards in the 17th century.

However, the history of the use of Verbena with a person has about 2 thousand years. It is believed that it is the branches of Verbena that the body of a crucified Jesus Christ, so that his wounds stop bleeding.

Since the pore, the cable of a mysterious and mysterious plant stretches, surrounded by many secrets and legends. In the occult sciences it is believed that Verbena can drive off evil spirits and resist them.

In medieval books, Verben is referred to as a plant with magical power. On the basis of Verbena, various potions were created and ragners, which could, both treat, and cripple.

However, let's go back these days. And today Verbena has not lost its popularity. View of Verbena Lemon is often used in perfumery. Her aroma is slightly tart, refreshing, with noticeable flower chords is ideal for creating flower-fruit compositions. In Arab countries, the smell of Verbena is considered an aphrodisiac.

How the essential oil smells, and is it possible to convey these words? We will try.

Find the essential oil of interest, and it will open your smell secrets.

How smells oil AIR
Strong warm, wood-spicy smell with a peculiar camphor notewood.

How smells of amber oil
Soft, musky, resin-tobacco with a barely caught sea loop. One of its features is the smell attraction. It acts as aphrodisiac, exciting feelings. The second its important purpose is to make perfume perfume. Only the tenth of a drop is enough for the perfume to hold during the day.
One of the common amber substitutes is Ambroxan. It gives a bouquet of wood-musky shade with fresh and velvety halftons and reveals on the skin gently and gently.

How smells anise oil
Anise oil smell has a characteristic pleasant smell of anise fruit; Spicy-sweet, cheerful, warm. Children's aesthetics of this fragrance is usually not perceived from the first breath, it takes a longer penetration into the fun world of Anisa, children can help, as well as an aromatic compliment - Petitgrin.

Orange Gorky
What smells of the essential oil of Gorky orange
The smell of the essential oil is fresh, bitter, peculiar, characteristic of orange fruits.

How smells oil orange
Orange oil is lightweight, warm, sweet, spicy and refreshing smell. Joyful and simple fragrance is light and understand. Usually he likes absolutely everyone.

How smells of basil oil
Strong, nice, fresh, spicy-sweet, grassy smell.
The cooling solemn rudeness of the Basil fragrance does not immediately penetrate the concept of the enthusiastic "like!". Therefore, at the beginning of the study of a complex basil "syllable", an aroma compliment should be added - ginger.

What smells of essential oil Bay
The smell of fresh, spicy, bitter-pepper, similar to the smell of carnations.
The combination of pepper and sweet tones is initially very difficult to perceive the smell, causes many unconscious antagonism. Therefore, for addiction to the complex dynamics of fragrance, an aroma compliment can be added, for example, verbena or limetic.

How smells of Bergamota
Light, smoky-bitter, tart, exquisite, refreshing, mysterious smell. Reminds the aroma of orange or lemon with light floral notes. Fresh fragrance nebula is so attractive that it is usually perceived easily.
how smells of valerian oil

Essential oil Valerian smell characteristic tart, wood-balsamic, sour, dense, resistant, deep. To the smell of Valerians, people are unfair, perceiving it with a none tint of "female nervousness", but this resistant oil has refinement and the first, and the second tones; Only in the third, a lightweight humidity appears, which can be neutralized, "married" is an oil with an aroma-complimentary-plating tree.

Essential Oil Verbena
The smell of verbena is an intense lemon with pleasant flower-fruit notes, slightly tart, fresh. The aroma of Verbena is always deceiving with its "ice" and first tone, demonstrating "nationality" and simplicity, it can be associated with the aroma of Levze and a limetic. The crystalline ringing mirror of the middle and lower tones gives true pleasure for olfactory "gourmets" and "Sommelier".

How smells of vetiver oil
The smell of vetiver wood, smoky, earthy, deep, dry, sweetish, tart.
It is impossible to forget the complex "shaman", which worrying the aroma of the vetiver, carrying the heat and the sun hun. But sometimes, when you first contact, this fragrance is perceived as heavy. For the "relief" of the top tone of the vetiver, the aroma compliment is used-gripfruit. A blend of a grapefruit vetiver is a symbolic name "Aphrodite Mix".

How smells oil carnations
Smell strong, sharp, spicy, tart; Warm, oily, sober.
This fragrance refers to the category of boring, besides, it causes frightening associations with the Cabinet of the Dentist. However, in the smell of the lower tones of the carnation there is a charming heat and aesthetic complexity. To eliminate the "upper" associations, add a drop of a complimentary aroma - juniper.

How geranium oil smells
The smell of geranium oil is fresh, sweet, oil, herbaceous with a clear fruit nota, bitter-floral, resembles a rose aroma with a tint of mint. A sharp sweet flowerness of a persistent aromatic shade is sometimes complex in his perception; You can correct the position by adding 1-2 drops of complimentary eucalyptus.

How smells of grapefruit oil
The aroma is so light, sunny and air, which likes its tone to all and always. Grepefruit oils pleasant, gentle, bitter-sweet, refreshing, resembling at the same time the smell of orange and lemon with sheet music and bitterness.

How smells of soul essential oil
The smell of herbal oil with a shade of wood, warm, fresh, spicy, a few tart, giving a camphor.
To facilitate the "character" of the aroma, it can be "married" with complimentary oil - orange.

How smells of Essential oil
It has a strong herbaceous smell.

How smells essential oil ate
The smell of ate nice resinisto-bitter, coniferous, refreshing.
If some straightness and sharpness of the aroma do not really like, then it is possible to give it transparency, adding complimentary oil - Petitgrin.

The smell of jasmine essential oil
The smell of oil characteristic for live jasmine flowers, intense, exquisite, gentle, sweet-honey, floral with a tone of fresh greenery, exotic, slightly drinking.
Unfortunately, the upper tone of Jasmine is very bright, thick and a few secretory, it is he prevents the perception of all the sophisticated charms of this perfect smell.
To facilitate the upper tone, you can add an oil-compliment - lemon.

How smells of Ilang-Ilang essential oil
The smell of ylang-ylang is strong, pleasant, sweet, deep, warm, exotic, mounted, gentle, presented by various combinations of floral, fruit, wood and medicinal smells with a spicy-balsam.
The aroma of Ilang-Ilanga is quite bright and sweet.
In order to make it less candy and easier, complimentary oil should be added - lemon.

How smells of essential oil ginger
Pleasant, sharp, gentle, alive, fresh, exotic, warm, tart, spicy with a distinct citrus and pepper, smell. The fragrance of ginger is perceived easily, being a source of aesthetic pleasure.

How smells of iris oil
The aroma of the Iris is sweet, sophisticated, flower and powder, overflows herbal and floral shades. The violet root in the perfume gives royal sophistication and refinement, with a hint of superiority. In its minimum concentration, it acquires a powder shade.

How smells of Issop essential oil
The smell of isop warm, sweet, dense, spicy,
penetrating, with sour. The aroma, due to its wet, dense and soap substance, is perceived hard, good "drying" complimentary oil, creating a spicy shining aromatic firework, is a limetic.

How smells of casia oil
The smell is spicy wood, sweetish.

How smells the essential oil of an empty oil
Fresh, cold, grassy, \u200b\u200btart, sweet, floral, penetrating. The fragrance is easily perceived, since it resembles Eucalyptus to many. The combination with complimentary palm-rose oil will give it refinement.

The smell of wood wood, fresh, bitter, balsamic, reminds as smelling the essential oil of a cedarantal tree, but more dry. The first impression of the cedar is always deceptive due to the unspeakable, "attached" upper tone, in which you can even catch the acidic notes uncharacteristic for this. Magnificently "awakening" a cedar pulsation complimentary grapefruit.

How smells of cypress essential oil
Clean, deep, refreshing, woody, resinous, slightly spicy, sweetish smell, with a smell of balsam and smoke. The fragrance is a solemn and complex, to facilitate the perception of his aesthetics, you can add oil-compliment - bergamot.

How smells of cinnamon essential oil
The smell of cinnamon is strong, nice, balsamic, spicy, sweet, warm, cozy, soft.
Easy, affordable and very fertile. However, if you add a complimentary cytronella, it will cause outbreaks of shining lightning in a rounded cortical sky.

How smells of lavender essential oil
Lavender is soft, fresh, thin, lightweight, clean, floral smell, like fresh lavender flowers with woody tint.
The smell perception is always perfectly calm.

How smells essential oil incense
Oil smell of incense warm, resinous, smoky, wood, sweet, spicy, balsamic with lemon nota.
The rigor and the deep philosophy of this aroma of the VSE is perceived hard, for they require greater depth of breath, greater tank of the soul and less dismissal in the world. Therefore, to comprehend the Great Aesthetics of Ladan, it is required to start familiarizing with him alone.
The aroma, masterfully singing in the "Terration" with the incense and pulling the associative series of terry bass notes, is a complimentary pink tree.

What smells of essential oil of Levze
If you have a survey of people who apply fragrances, then exactly half of them are not fans of the smell of Levze, whereas the other half this fragrance causes enthusiastic feelings. It can be said that some lack of lousy in the eyes of people who prefer tart smells is the length and cannon of the two upper tones. The addition of complimentary ylang aroma turns the naive candy "bow" of the aroma to the gourmet seductive eloquence.

How smells of Lyme essential oil
The aroma is characteristic of fresh fruits; Pretty sharp, bitter-sweet, slightly tart, memorable, fresh, cool, frank and enhappy. Limette - frank, memorable and injected aroma. Typically, difficulties in his perception does not occur.

How smells of lemon essential oil
Lemon essential oil makes a unique fruit smell of fresh lemons, fresh, cold, bitter. Easy, affordable, as lemon fragrance will be generally accepted in everyday life. To eliminate the shade of oxidized metal in the lower tone, a complimentary addition of the yulang is recommended.

How smells lotus oil
Lotus oil has a lightweight sweet blurry with spicy herbal notes, a fraction of freshness and a honey hint. The fragrance of the lotus is disclosed gradually - a thin heart fragrance comes to the first slightly sharp earthy and watery notewings.

How smells smey oil
The smell of mayoran evening, warm, spicy, wood-tart with a shade of camphore. The slowness and heavyness of the fragrance can be "cheered", if you combine it with a compliment from grapefruit.

Mandarin essential oil smell
The smell is lightweight, cheerful, festive, gentle, warm, piquant, fruit-sweet, with floral notes, causing sympathy with the first breath. Imandarine is a lightweight, cheerful fragrance, causing a sympathy with the first breath. Some aromatic gourmets are neglected on the absence of depth in this aroma, which can be corrected by adding a drop of complimar vetiver.

What smells of essential oil Melissa
Melissa smell fresh, cool, morning, toning, sweet, resembles a lemon flavor with floral tones, explosive, impusty, sharp, concentrated, very stormy for fine smell.
Communicative addition of ginger gives this aroma aristocratic refinement.

How smells oil mirra
Sweet-balsam Essential Oil Essential Oil With Easy Spicy Mirrier Essential Oil Tint, Warm, Smoke Tart, Smoldy, A little musky; This is a great fragrance - a complex, exquisite, multifaceted, philosophical. The great aroma, annoying, if the length and smoky tartness are seriously perceived, but in this case a grapefruit compliment is always ready.

How smells of the oil of mygo
Fresh oil smell, clean, transparent, penetrating, gentle, spiritual, grassy, \u200b\u200bcamphor-spicy, several tart and bitter. The aroma envelops its tenderness and purity, causing the brightest and spiritual associations. The only complexity in the aroma of the Mirta is a light camphoring of the first tone, which can be neutralized by adding a complimentary carnation.
The combination of myrtit and cloves can be called "magic charm", since this fragrance gives rise to the music of the flight, gives the sharpness and refinement of thoughts and movements.

How smells of essential oil juniper
Refreshing, fruit, smoky, balsamic, slightly woody. The main aroma is resinous, tart, smoky, balsamic.
Tints: Upper - Fresh, Ginne; Middle-stickiness of spring kidneys; Nizhny - prune-spicy.

How smells essential oil of nutmeg
The smell of the essential oil is warm, warming, pulsating, drunk, dramatic-spicy, sweet-tart, a little musky, slightly pepper. The harmony of heat, giving the aroma of Muscat, easily and gently envelops consciousness. Usually this fragrance causes admiration. But in case the spicy smells are not very close to you, a combination of muscat with an aroma-compliment - a lift can help in them.

As smell like absolutely
Musky fragrance is very complex, multifaceted and is often described using contradictory characteristics. Someone will say that musk has a sweet, creamy fragrance, someone will indicate on wood and leather notes. However, the aroma of Muskus is still the most exciting aroma that can cause passion and desire.

How smells of mint oil
Mint the smell is very strong, dominant, fresh, ringing, invigorating, menthol, mint with a shade of camphore. Mint has very long, strong, simple and "fascinated" top tones, which are associated with relatives who took on the occasion of Valokordin. To suppress the dominant aroma of mint to give it a more interesting picture, it is very difficult, perhaps, dotted it is possible only with the help of a complimentary yulang.

How smells essential oil hire
The smell is strong, penetrating, clean, fresh, cold, sweetish, spicy with camphor tones. The aroma of Naoli is exotic, although in the first colors you can catch eucalyptus light notes. For the framing of freshness of its wood pattern in mirror mystery, add Verbena as a compliment.

Smell of Nerior Essential Oil
Naroli essential oil has a five-line aroma with a complex and multi-capacity aromatic pattern, very pleasant, fresh, spicy-aromatic, floral, evening, dry, pulsating, magical, hypnotically elusive.
Among the many peoples, this magical fragrance is called Gypsy due to its hypnotic elusiveness. The complexity and multi-capacity aromatic pattern often deceive even those who are constantly useful. The presence of two additional tones, on which our consciousness is not fixed with the long-term perception of the fragrance, contributes "deceptive" shades into his perception. The aroma of neroli is always impa. Usually he likes everyone. If this aroma is associative, you can combine it with a complimentary lift.

How the essential essential essential oil smells
Osmanthus appreciate its noble and multifaceted fragrance. This is one of their magic aromatic notes, giving a stunning apricot peach, almost velor sound. Osmanthus fragrance is used in the most expensive perfume compositions. This is not a coating and unobtrusive, but very deep smell, which causes a feeling of happiness, joy and euphoria. This fragrance is like a lightweight beautiful dance with warm summer, among colors and fragrant fruits.

What smells of palmaris essential oil
And palmaroza oil has a smell of thin, elegant, mounted, morning, lollipop, sweet, floral, with shades of rose and geranium flavor. The fragrance is easy for perception, despite even some bass timbre of the upper tone, which can be slightly increased by a complimentary grapefruit.

How smells essential oil patchouli
Patchouli essential oil has a strong, penetrating, oriental, night, mysterious, intimate, earthy, exotic, bitter smoky, resin-tart, wood-balsamic, at the same time sweet and spicy with a shade of heavy leaves, raw wood and green grass; The aroma is complex, has an additional fourth tone - the tone of the heat.
For Europeans, the ability to his light perception is a whole science. The first touch of wise world of patchouli can be started with the addition of a complimentary ginger to drain the swamp shada of the first tone.

How smells of essential oil petitgreine
The fragrance is strong, soft, gentle, pleasant, bitter-sweet, flower-citrus with wooded shade, transparent, refreshing. During the summer heat, the fragrance allows you to create a cool, fresh atmosphere and quickly remove dizziness, drowsiness, sensation of gravity. For people who avoid green, soft smells, a complimentary sage "bore" steel and light "challenge".

How smells essential oil fir
The fir is clean, fresh, cold, saturated, spicy, tart, balsamic, resin-coniferous smell, resembling a fresh coniferous forest. The first two fir tones are excessively dense, oily and sharp, which usually does not add fans to this aroma. However, the dense "latex" fabric fragrance fir becomes the necessary element of the style of denim aromatic aesthetics of complimentary cinnamon.

How smells essential oil rosemary
The smell of rosemary is strong, fresh, clean, penetrating, warm, cozy, bitter, spicy, herbal-mint with a camphor balsamic tint, refreshing and exciting.
Spicy twilight bitterness of rosemary can be painted with fun paints and screen in a merry dance verbena complimentary carousel.

Pink tree
How smells of rosewood essential oil
This oil smell has fresh, forest, floral with a valley tone, sweet, a little bitter-spicy, piquant. As a rule, the fragrance of pink wood causes admiration and joyful mood. Fans of cold smells, can add a small complimentary climbing ice.

rose flower
How smells of rose essential oil
Rose oil has a storm with strong and sharp flower-pink, slightly sweet, somewhat spicy, tart, smoky, low, deep, blues, honey, gentle. Perception is perfect. If the rose is too "dry" floral aroma, it is possible to slightly pour the rain of complimentary palmaroza.

Chamomile blue
How smells of daisy essential oil
The chamomile has the smell of deep-balsamic, sweetish-grassy with a blue fruit nota, a shade of hay, tobacco and sweet spices, very resistant. The aroma is very viscous, dense and dried. The first tone is usually quickly tiring. To turn the felt fabric of the fragrance into the finest lace for only one complimentary oil - Petitgrin.

How smells essential oil sandal
The smell of essential oil Sandala is not very strong, but very resistant; It does not have a single sharp and loud note, it grows slowly, exquisite, deep, soft, gentle, exotic, foggy-musky, sweet-woody balsamic, delicate, complex philosophical, having two additional tones of heat, and the tone of the cold.
The aroma is very resistant and exquisite, it does not have a single sharp and loud note and grows slowly how trees grow. For people with ordinary smell, preferring screaming smells, the scent of the sandalwood first may seem weak, similar to the whisper, but ingenious thoughts usually encourage quietly. Communrally sandals can be combined with neroli, amplifying his sound.

How smells pine oil
Fresh pine smell, forest, coniferous, resinous, cool, balsamic. The fragrance causes confidence and is perceived easily, the only drawback of the pine aroma is a light camphor "flattened". If adding a compliment is myrtle, the fragrance becomes an estate thin, acquiring ingratiating gentle melody and celestial depth.

Stirax (Benzoin)
The aroma of the stirass is sweet, vanilla, very saturated. Vanillin in the composition gives a sweet wood-shaped aroma sweet, but the barely noticeable shade of warm vanilla. Benzoin is an excellent odor lock. Possessing a pleasant resinous aroma, the stirax is perfectly combined with the smells of roses, Mirra, cypress, lemon, orange, bergamot, lavender and coriander.

Thyme (Chabret)
How smells of the oil of the chasty
The smell is strong, warm, sweetish, oily, spicy grassy, \u200b\u200bwith a notched of a dumping tree cortex. The reality of oily, fertile land, felt in this aroma, is very difficult perceived by the city inhabitants. Turning a modest chamberry "Cinderella" in a thin princess helps a complimentary fairy - ginger.

How smells of essential oil of the Tui
The smell of the car seems enhanced aroma characteristic of the tree itself. The camfight, strong and bright base with a fresh, sharp character is supplemented with volatile, typical of coniferous resinous top notes and wood base. The aroma of the Tui is perfectly felt even at a very low concentration in the mixtures. A sharp, intense, it seems to symbolize the powerful effect of the oil itself.

UD (agar)
How smells of agar oil
The smell of natural bounce is the magical warm aura of smoky, balsamic, wood shades with sour-sweet nuances. This is a complex, deep, harmonious, balsamic flavor, slightly resembling sandals and styrax. This is an intense, warm, sensual, attractive, even slightly faded oil, so the udic flavors are considered to be aphrodisia

How smells of fennel essential oil
The smell of the essential oil of Fennel Medovo-Sweet, warm, herbal-earthen, a little spicy, camphor, slightly bitter with Operton pepper, looks like an Aisa smell. A mixture shade of aroma is somewhat dumb and often associated with a pharmacy. Communrable Melissa will easily change the atmosphere of this fragrance, give him cozy and sweet notes of the evening at the cottage.

How smells of hop oil
The smell of hops is fresh, strong, spicy, sweet and heavy, but very pleasant.
Spicy smell is successfully combined with fir oil, citrus esters (mandarine oil, orange ester, grapefruit oil and other), nutmeg and hyacinth ethers.

How smells of henna oil
Fragrance Wood oil, strong, warm, spicy, drug, with deciduous lower tone, phenol. Flower essential oil has a tea rose aroma. It is well combined with sandalwood, aloying tree, rose, jathamami.

How smells of cytronella essential oil
Strong, sharp, fresh, sweet, herbby-lemon with an edema of fresh land. The smell is too asymmetric and an active fragrance, a little cools its "temperament" compliment - patchouli.
The combination of cytronella and patchouli is one of the most exquisite, delicate and irresistible attractive smells.

Tea tree
How smells of tea tree essential oil
The essential oil of tea tree smell is fresh, cold, bitter, balsamic, camphor, slightly spicy with shades of the smell of cardamom and muscat walnut.
The active mustard of the first tones of the tea tree becomes transparent and affectionate if add a complimentary pink tree.

What smells of essential oil sage
The smell of fresh, cold, smoky, tart, spicy herbal, camphor.
If adding an aroma compliment is a limette, then the light "doctoral" shade of Sage disappears, turning into an aroma of air, carved by sharp emotions of the free fall when jumping with a parachute.
Shizandrakak smells of Essential Oil Shizandra
Schisandra oil smell causes admiration if you emphasize the magnificent drawing of the second tone. For this purpose, ginger is an ideal compliment.

How smells of saffron essential oil
Saffron oil obtained with ferry distillation is one of the most expensive essential oils, and in free sale it is rare. The aroma of oil is very peculiar, extremely sweet, spicy, flower-aldehyde smell; Nizhny tone fatty, climber.

How smells of eucalyptus oil
The smell is strong, penetrating, light, fresh, cold, resin-tart, spicy, resembles a camphor. For the aroma of eucalyptus, some "simplicity" and monosyllability are characteristic. To create a foggy, blurry pattern, you can add a complimentary nero.

How smells essential oil element
Essential oil smell of elevated, fresh, herbal, spicy-balsam, combining lemon, wood, pepper and balsamic notes.

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Verbena is one of the favorite components of French perfumes. Naught latin name - Lippia - she received in honor of the Italian naturalist of the XVI century Augustus Lippi. Currently, about 220 species of this shrub and herbal perennial plant are known. Most plants from this manifold presents value only for caterpillars, butterflies and animals, serving them with food. However, there are several species of Verbena, which are of great interest to a person. One of them is a Dosage Verbena (Verbena Officinalis) used in phytotherapy. It does not smell and has exceptional healing properties. In perfumery, Verbena is used.

Verbena Lemon has many titles, for example, some of them: Lemon Lippia, Aloysia Triphylla, Lippia Citriodora. Very often, many are confused lemon verbena with lemon grass. Both plants smell the lemon, but lemon grass oil is much cheaper, and unscrupulous manufacturers can produce it for more expensive Verbena oil.

Motherland Verbena Lemon South America. It is common in Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru and Chile. In the XVII century Verbena was brought to Europe, and later she became a decorative decoration of English gardens. Verbena essential oil is obtained by distillation by ferry blooming shoots. The high cost of oil is caused by a very low percentage of extract from raw materials.

Smell Verbena

Verbena essential oil has a thin, gentle-fruit, sweet-tart fragrance. To obtain such a valuable product, the plant is cultivated in Tunisia, Algeria and in the south of France. The height of a nonsense shrub with a thick light green crown reaches two meters. The leaves have a lanceal form, and it blooms with small pink-lilac tubular flowers.

Verbena has many applications: in perfumery it can be found in the central part of the composition; In the cooking Verbena used when preparing liquors, teas and soft drinks; In medicine, it finds use due to its bactericidal, sedimentative, toxins, which improve digestion and antipyretic properties. Cosmetologists recommend using Verbena when taking sunbathing. In total, as far as the oil drops dissolved in the juice glass will give a smooth tan, protect against the burning and appearance of pigment spots. In Arab countries, from ancient times, Verben is considered an aphrodisiac.

Verveine Fragonard
This universal light perfume, fragrant citrus tenderness and freshness, is suitable for both women and men. Verbena in combination with chamomile and petthegreyan is located in the "Heart" of the composition of the Verveine Fragonard. The base of the aroma of Washkan from the shades of musk and the Siamese benzoine.

Perfume revealed by the motives of Anisa and Verbena is inspired on light and elegant creativity, allow you to forget about stereotypes and realize the most bold fantasies and bold dreams. In the central part of the fragrance, the motives of roses prevail, giving a trip to the country of dreams, where the eternal bright summer reigns. The White Wings base fell a wonderful combination of roses and white musk.

Pour Monsieur is dedicated to famous artists, aristocrats, designers and businessmen with whom Coco Chanel was familiar personally. Perfume is a symbol of elegance, ability to cope with life difficulties and solve problems. The fragrance combines the classics and a refined style.

Din Dan Lostmarch.
Transparently sparkling cheerful composition of this unisex fragrance built on a combination of lemon globes in sugar with motifs of gentle peach color And bright verbena.

Presence (S) De Bach Les Fleurs de Bach
The fragrance gives its owner a peace of mind, harmony and equilibrium. The initial notes of Verbenn and Lemongrass give the charge of energy, the central motifs of the honeysuckle and wild rose envelop cool freshness, and the final chords sound with pine and oak tones, harmoniously binding with shades of the color of the wild apple tree.

Musk Etro.
In the aroma Musk, the initial tones of Verbena in combination with Grapefruit and Bergamot Blood Blood desires. The central chords of the cedar, white colors, the sandalwood and guayak are enveloped by a pleasant Eastern Nehoy. The basic notes of the Indian Sandala and Musk are attached to the aroma unique shining aura.

Among other fragrances with the scent of verbena is worth noting: Silver Rain La Prairie, Daliflor Salvador Dali, Verbenas of Provence Jo Malone, Boucheron Homme Fraicheur 2008 Boucheron, L "Eau du Gouverneur Comptoir Sud Pacifique, Corps et Ames Eau de Toilette Apaisante Parfumerie Generale, Creen Irish Tweed Creed, Mouchoir de Monsieur Guerlain, Bois D`orange Roger & Gallet, Very Irrsistible Sensual Velvet Givenchy, Brise de Lavande Il ProFvmo and others.



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