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Weight and calorie content of 1 egg. Egg: how many calories are in the product

Bird eggs are a valuable dietary product. When following a diet, especially for weight loss, you need to know how many calories are in an egg. Are very popular chicken eggs, because they are widely available and cheap. Quail is also often consumed. More exotic ones - ostriches, turtles - are included in the menu of expensive restaurants and are not cheap.

Egg composition and nutritional value

Bird eggs are digested human body by 97%. The yolk is 1/3 part (17 g) of the total (50 g). It consists of:

  • proteins - 16% (2.7 g);
  • fats - 26.5% (4.51 g);
  • carbohydrates - 3.6% (0.61 g);
  • cholesterol - 0.8% (139 mg).

In the yolk, fats are represented by poly-, mono- and unsaturated fatty acids, incl. Omega-3 (0.06 g) and Omega-6 (1.2 g). The calorie content of a chicken egg mainly depends on the energy value of the yolk (352 kcal / 100 g).

It also contains vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine), B2, B5 (pantothenic acid), B4 (choline); B6, B7 (biotin), B12;
  • folic acid;
  • PP (niacin);
  • beta carotene.

The yolk contains a large number of macro- and microelements, but the main ones are:

  • phosphorus - 192 mg;
  • sulfur - 176 mg;
  • chlorine - 156 mg;
  • potassium - 140 mg;
  • sodium - 134 mg;
  • calcium - 55 mg;
  • iron - 2.5 mg;
  • iodine - 20 mcg;
  • copper - 83 mcg;
  • fluorine - 55 mcg;
  • selenium - 31.7 mcg.

Only 1 egg provides the body's daily need for cobalt (10 mcg). Due to this composition and energy value, the yolk is used to nourish and form various structures of the embryo.

Protein is poorer in its content:

  • fats - 0.3%;
  • proteins - 12.7%;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7%;
  • water - 85%.

In addition, the protein contains enzymes and B vitamins. Proteins have an antibacterial and bacteriolytic effect on the body.

Egg white, whose calorie content is 8 times lower than that of the yolk, is a source of protein. In 100 g of protein - 11 g of protein, which is much higher than in milk (4 g / 100 g) and beef (17 g / 100 g) with a low calorie content of the product. The total calorie content of a medium-sized egg is 70 kcal, or in terms of 100 g of the product, its energy value is 158 kcal or 663 J.

Calories in fried and boiled chicken eggs

In dietary nutrition, preference is given to soft-boiled products, because. proteins ovalbumin and ovomucoid, which have an allergenic effect, denature during cooking, and beneficial features yolks are preserved. They differ in energy value depending on the method of cooking. Before eating them, you should find out how many calories are in eggs:

  • soft-boiled - 159 kcal per 100 g of product;
  • in a bag - 157 kcal / 100 g;
  • hard boiled - 160 kcal / 100 g.

At various types heat treatment of the product, its energy saturation changes. So, for example, how many calories are in a fried egg depends on what type of fat is used for cooking. In terms of 100 g of product, the calorie content is (kcal):

  • on vegetable oil - 170;
  • on cream - 200;
  • on fat - 280;
  • omelet (with milk) - 155;
  • without oil - 160.

These figures are approximate, as it all depends not only on the type, but also on the amount of fat.

How many calories are in quail and other types of eggs?

The calorie content of a product depends on its fat content. Of the types of eggs familiar to us, the most high-calorie ones are duck (220 kcal / 100 g) and goose (190 kcal / 100 g). In contrast to the popular belief that quail eggs are much healthier than chicken ones due to their low calorie content, it turns out that the energy value of a quail egg (in terms of 100 g of product) is 168 kcal.

The lowest calorie are ostrich eggs - 118 kcal / 100 g. And in turtle eggs there are almost the same calories (155 kcal / 100 g) as in chicken eggs. The calorie content of egg white in all types of the product is significantly (4-8 times) lower than that of the yolk.

Eggs in the diet - the norm of consumption

Eggs have established themselves as a valuable product - high nutritional value with low calorie content. They provide fat burning, because. more energy is needed to digest protein. Protein provides building material the process of formation of muscle tissue, therefore the product is used in sports nutrition.

Eggs normalize the level of insulin and glucose in the blood, the jumps of which stimulate fat deposits. Useful substances of the product:

  1. Increase the activity of testosterone, which is especially important in the prevention of prostate diseases.
  2. Prevent cataracts. Oxygen-containing carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin - are necessary to maintain the structure of the retina.
  3. Maintain weight by boosting metabolism.
  4. Prevent cardiovascular and nervous diseases. The choline (B4) contained in the yolk normalizes the activity of cholesterol, protects cell membranes from adverse effects, improves the functions of the nervous tissue, and has antidepressant properties.
  5. Prevent the development of breast cancer. Scientists have proven that eating 2 boiled eggs per day reduces the risk of pathology by 85%.
  6. Compensate for blood loss, incl. with regulations (menstruation), because the yolk contains a large amount of iron.
  7. Rickets is prevented due to the high content of easily digestible vitamin D.
  8. They help the normal course of pregnancy and its planning, because. yolks contain folic acid.
  9. Strengthen bone tissue, hair, nails, teeth. The yolks and shells contain more than 26 minerals, incl. calcium and phosphorus.
  • children under 7 months of age are not recommended to use them, and older - there is only the yolk;
  • do not exceed the consumption (1-2 pieces per week) with cholecystitis;
  • exclude them in psoriasis, atopic dermatitis.

The calorie content of one egg eaten at breakfast helps not to feel hungry until the next meal and eliminate snacking.

Nutritionists do not insist on eating only boiled eggs. The calorie content of scrambled eggs is almost halved when vegetables and skim milk are added to it.

When following a low-protein diet and during the transition period to vegetarianism, nutritionists advise introducing quail eggs into the diet. They contain more vitamin B 12 than chicken. Only 1-2 pcs. a day help to get all the nutrients and reduce the calorie content of the dish.

Because Since this product contains less cholesterol, it can be consumed even by heart patients and the elderly. Nutrients in the composition increase memory capacity, stimulate cognitive functions, increase attention. This product is also shown to men, because it has properties that are superior to Viagra. But even in preventive and medicinal purposes should not exceed daily allowance, which is limited by nutritionists to 4-5 pieces.

Another property of the product is its ability to remove radionuclides from the body. Due to this, quail eggs are introduced into the diet of children and adults living in areas with a high radiation load, and patients who have undergone irradiation due to malignant pathologies. Scientists calculated the daily need for the product (pieces) depending on age (years):

  • 1-3 — 1-2;
  • 3-10 — 2-3;
  • 10-18 — 4;
  • 18-50 — 4-5;
  • from 50 and older - 4-5.

You are sitting on strict diet Or, on the contrary, do you limit yourself in anything, stick to the right balanced diet, or do you constantly snack on the go? Which product can go with almost any type of diet? This is a normal egg. It is it that can decorate your breakfast, lunch or dinner, boiled or fried, soft-boiled or hard-boiled. Eggs can safely be called one of the most popular foods for cooking. Such popularity is associated with accessibility and useful properties. From childhood, we are convinced that this product contains a lot of vitamins. But by what and to whom eggs are useful, how many calories are in them, not everyone knows. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Useful properties of eggs

Amino acids, vitamins and other substances - all this is what our body draws energy from, takes everything it needs for regeneration, growth, healthy life. Among the many useful properties of the product, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • are a means of prevention cardiovascular disease and oncology;
  • have a beneficial effect on immunity;
  • make bones stronger;
  • help to improve digestion;
  • improve the functioning of the male reproductive system;
  • positively affect vision;
  • stimulate the brain;
  • strengthen memory.

Composition and nutritional value

Why are eggs so highly valued by nutritionists and sports coaches? This is a product with a really high nutritional value. For all their usefulness, eggs are not high in calories. For various purposes, eggs are eaten as a whole, or divided into components. The average calorie content of an egg is about 75–80 kcal per 100 grams. But protein and yolk have different chemical composition, calorie content and a set of elements that our body needs. Eating eggs will help to regularly comply with the daily intake of essential vitamins and elements, as well as improve the external and internal condition of the body.

  • Protein. It is approximately 60% by weight of the product. The protein of one egg contains about 46-50 kcal. It consists almost entirely of high quality proteins (ovalbumin, conalbumin, lysozyme, etc.) and water. The rest is a variety of enzymes, most B vitamins, lipids, various micro and macro elements. Due to its composition, the protein is perfectly absorbed, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. If we consider separately the beneficial properties of this part of the egg, we can distinguish participation in the normalization of metabolic processes, the impact on maintaining the structure of hair, skin and nails.
  • Yolk. The remaining 40% of the egg is occupied by an equally valuable component. The calorie content of the yolk is much higher in comparison with the protein. Like protein, it is made up of many useful substances. Among them there are vitamins, proteins, but lipids occupy a predominant place in the composition of the yolk. The high nutritional value of the component is provided by fatty acids (linolenic, stearic, etc.). They greatly affect the well-being and condition of a person, both physical and psychological.

Nutritional value of meals

What do you cook for breakfast lunch or dinner? There are thousands of recipes complex and simple meals containing eggs. If they are simply hard-boiled or soft-boiled, their nutritional value differs little from raw ones. But other dishes, depending on the composition, may have a different calorie content.

Calorie content of eggs of different birds

When we talk about cooking and mention an egg, in most cases we mean chicken. For our country, it is a more accessible and familiar product. But eggs of other birds are often used for cooking. Basically, their composition is about the same. The proportions and caloric content of 1 egg may differ.

Can everyone eat eggs?

In fact, all products, even those that are rich in nutrients and vitamins, may have a number of contraindications. There are very few of these eggs. The product is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance. Usually such hypersensitivity to a product is found out in the childhood. It manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction. But egg intolerance can also occur in adulthood. Of course, if you have an allergy to eggs, then it is better to refuse to use them even as part of other dishes;
  • high cholesterol. Most often, this factor becomes the reason for limiting the product in use. Egg yolks contain a lot of cholesterol. Therefore, it is impossible to abuse the product even healthy person. Experts recommend eating no more than two eggs a day. You can afford more if you only eat protein, which is safer in large amounts. If you have problems with cholesterol levels, then eggs should be completely abandoned.

If you have no contraindications, then be sure to include this product in your diet. The optimal weekly amount is more than 3-5 eggs per week. If there are still contraindications, you can get the optimal dose of protein not only from animal products. Don't want to spend a lot of time cooking? There is an alternative! Herbalife offers to replenish protein with Formula 1 protein shakes. Ten different flavors, a vitamin and mineral complex and the ability to prepare a full breakfast, lunch or dinner in just two minutes are the undeniable advantages of such a product. And you can take a protein bar with you on the road: it contains 10 grams of protein and only 140 calories - a great snack for a sweet tooth. Such protein supplements not only fully saturate the body with the necessary substances, but also provide a feeling of satiety for a long time.

October 5, 2019, 19:00 2019-10-05

Get Fit

Eggs are a frequent guest in our diet. Some people prefer to eat them raw. Most often, this option is preferred by athletes for gaining muscle mass. But most prefer to boil eggs: soft-boiled, hard-boiled, poached, in a "pouch". There are many variations in the preparation of this natural product. But for those who carefully monitor their diet, it is important to know the calorie content of a boiled egg.

Calorie boiled chicken egg

The average value of 1 boiled egg is 70 kcal. But in order to determine this figure with maximum accuracy, it is necessary to know the features of cooking and the duration of the heat treatment of the product. If you calculate calories not in 1 piece, but by weight, then the values ​​\u200b\u200bmay vary.

The easiest way to determine the calorie content of a boiled egg is according to the table:

The table shows the values ​​​​of the product grade C1. In the homemade product, the figures are slightly higher, since the eggs are somewhat larger.

Many nutritionists (and the table proves it!) Consider the yolk to be the most high-calorie part of the egg. But the protein is more "light". That is why it is recommended to include it in the diet.

In raw form, the egg has almost the same indicators. But after frying, the figure increases several times.

Composition and nutritional value of boiled eggs

Regardless of the state of the chicken egg (boiled or raw), only 1 pc. contains:

  • vitamins of almost every group;
  • zinc;
  • biotin;
  • iron;
  • choline;
  • magnesium;
  • omega acids;
  • calcium;
  • poly- and monounsaturated acids, etc.

But the protein contained in the egg is of particular value. Due to the diverse and valuable composition, this food has a beneficial effect on the body of an adult and a child.

Also, BJU of boiled eggs deserves special attention. For greater clarity, it is worth using the table. It presents the indicator for 100 g of the product:

Accordingly, the calorie content of one yolk from hard-boiled eggs is 106 kcal, and protein - 14 kcal. Each one weighs 30 grams. It turns out that without the yolk, boiled eggs become a low-calorie food.

For comparison, it is worth noting KBJU 1 piece quail egg. How many calories are in it? 168 kcal per 100 gr. This weight includes almost 8 pieces. The same volume accounts for 13.07 grams of fat, proteins - 12.04 grams, carbohydrates - 0.17 grams.

Each product has both positive and negative properties. Much depends on the quality and method of preparation.

Photo source: shutterstock.com

Beneficial features

Boiled chicken eggs are valued not only for their high levels of protein. It is also an excellent natural source of vitamin D, which is of particular benefit to people who, for one reason or another, are faced with a lack of sunlight.

Also, this product and dishes based on it contribute to:

  • memory improvement;
  • removal of toxins, slags, other harmful substances from the body;
  • normalization of hematopoietic processes;
  • good nutrition for the brain.

Harmful properties

It is widely believed that chicken eggs are a source of bad cholesterol. Therefore, it is better to eat them rarely, and without the yolk. But as medical studies show, this is a myth. The use of such a natural product does not affect the level of cholesterol in the blood.

The danger of omelettes and scrambled eggs lies elsewhere. This is a powerful allergen. Therefore, people who are prone to such negative reactions should not lean on poached and fried eggs.

Without harm to health, you can eat 2-3 medium-sized eggs per day. This is how much the daily need of the body for them is.

You can find out the opinion of experts on the value of eggs from the video:

Egg calorie table

There is hardly a person in the world who has not tried some kind of egg dish. This is one of the most common food items. Eggs of all kinds of birds and even some reptiles (turtles) can be eaten.

Usually people use chicken eggs, less often - quail, in very exceptional cases - goose, duck, ostrich and turkey.

Eggs are not only useful but also a unique product. Egg digestible human by the body by 97%. The third part of the egg is the yolk. It includes proteins, fats, cholesterol. The rest is occupied by a protein consisting of 90 percent from water and ten percent from protein.

Egg calories

calories directly depends on egg size, one hundred grams of the product contains 158 kilocalories. One medium raw egg contains 70 kilocalories. In a large egg - 80 kilocalories, and in a very large one - 90 kilocalories.

The calorie content of cooked eggs is different. In a fried egg - 125 kilocalories, assuming that it is cooked in vegetable oil. The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is 50 kilocalories, and a soft-boiled egg is 70 kcal. The yolk contains three times more calories than the protein.

Quail egg calories(this product is becoming quite popular and is often sold in supermarkets) - 16-17 kilocalories. Its mass is about 10 - 12 grams.

Useful material

  1. active vitamin content BUT,
  2. vitamin content D(for comparison, in the amount of vitamin D, eggs are second only to fish oil),
  3. eggs contain vitamins of the group B1, B2, E,
  4. the yolk contains a large amount of vitamin choline,
  5. found in eggs 96% useful minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, iron),
  6. cholesterol, which is part of the yolk, is harmless to health, because it is balanced by lecithin,
  7. the fats contained in the yolk are polyunsaturated in nature, therefore, they will not cause any harm to health.

The use of eggs in the diet

Many nutritionists advise eating eggs during a diet. It is recommended to use 2 - 3 boiled eggs per week. If you are sitting on, then you can eat more eggs.

Eggs promote weight loss and support the functioning of the human immune system. Hard boiled eggs are used in many popular diets: the blood type diet, the Protasov diet, the Kremlin diet, the Atkins diet.


Eggs are contraindicated if you have allergies, cholecystitis or increased intolerance to any component of the protein or yolk. Egg yolks are allowed to be consumed even by infants from the age of seven months.

How to choose the right eggs

In this matter, you need to decide which eggs you need - table or diet. According to the marking adopted in Russia with the letter " D” denotes a dietary egg, it must be sold within seven days. The letter " With» denote table eggs that must be sold within 25 days.

The second mark indicates the weight of the eggs: 1, 2, 3 – depending on the weight, the letter “ O"- selected eggs, weighing from 65 grams to 75 and " AT"- the highest grade, eggs over 75 grams in weight.

When choosing eggs, look at the expiration date, the release date of the eggs. Be sure to open the container with the product and make sure that there are no cracked or broken eggs.

Eggs often vary in color (from white to light brown), but this is not does not affect their quality or taste.

Quantitative rate of eggs

According to generally accepted nutritional standards, the average person needs to eat 300 eggs a year. People who are suffering increased level cholesterol in the blood, it is recommended to use 2-3 eggs per week the rest can eat 5-6 eggs.

Young children are introduced to the yolk from the age of seven months. To kid 2 – 3 years can be eaten 2 to 3 yolks per week a child 4-6 years old is recommended to consume 3 eggs per week.

When compiling your menu, it is worth considering that eggs are found in many products: mayonnaise, pastries and others.

egg recipes

Eggs can be used in different form. Hard-boiled eggs are used in the diet, as this is the lowest calorie product. There are several popular and delicious meals from this product.

  • boiled hard boiled eggs- Boil the eggs for 7-8 minutes.
  • boiled scrambled eggs- Boil the eggs for 2-3 minutes.
  • Fried eggs- fry the egg in a frying pan, in a small amount of vegetable oil, add salt, black pepper to taste. You can not turn the egg over - you will get a wonderful fried egg, you can turn it over and fry it on both sides, or you can shake it in a frying pan, then you will learn how to scrambled eggs - talker.
  • Omelette- A popular, easy-to-cook dish. To prepare it, beat eggs with milk, add salt and pepper and fry in a pan. You can add ham, tomatoes, fresh bell peppers, sausages and even cheese to the omelet. It all depends on your imagination.
  • Poached eggs- Eggs boiled in water without shells. This is an original French dish that many people like.

Let's summarize...

In terms of composition, eggs are unique and irreplaceable product recommended for both children and adults. They are tasty and healthy, in addition to this, they are also low in calories.

It's a storehouse of nutrients. Vitamin E strengthens our heart with blood vessels, vitamin D and phosphorus beneficial effect on bone tissue.

Eggs are good for pregnant women because they contain choline and lecithin, which properly develop the baby's brain. Egg yolk contains lutein, a powerful antioxidant. In addition to all that has been said, it is useful to eat eggs for people suffering from eye diseases, it is useful to eat them with cataracts.

Eggs are used even in face and hair care. They nourish the skin, fight dandruff and hair loss. There is not a single hair mask that does not include eggs.

Egg dishes are constantly present in our diet, so many people are wondering what the calorie content of a boiled egg, as well as egg dishes, is it possible to eat eggs often. And for athletes, it is important whether eating eggs helps build muscle mass, and whether eggs can be drunk raw. We will talk about all this in this article.

Egg composition

It is difficult to find a product that in all respects (the content of nutrients, trace elements and amino acids) would suit our body more than an ordinary chicken egg. It is almost ideal for absorption - the body uses 95 percent of this product for its intended purpose. This is explained by the fact that the egg is ninety-seven percent water, and the remaining three are proteins, fats, some carbohydrates and cholesterol. The latter, by the way, is absolutely harmless, as it is in combination with lecithin.

56% of a chicken egg is protein, 32% is yolk, and the remaining 12% is shell. One egg weighs an average of about 50 grams.

The protein contains B vitamins, calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, zinc, fluorine, potassium, phosphorus, substances such as ovalbumin and conalbumin, which ensure one hundred percent digestibility of the egg by the body.

The yolk contains lecithin, vitamins A, D, E, K, B3, B4 and B12, carotene, folic acid, biotin.

The composition of the egg is distributed as follows:

  • proteins - 12%
  • fats - 11.5%
  • carbohydrates - 0.5%
  • water - 75%
  • minerals - 1%.

In addition, the egg contains a lot of unsaturated omega-9 fatty acids: linoleic, oleic and arachidonic. These substances are important for the processes of tissue regeneration and resistance to diseases.

More recently, nutritionists around the world warned against the daily consumption of eggs, but today they recommend eating eggs for breakfast, as eggs give a feeling of quick satiety that lasts for a long time.

An egg satisfies hunger well. Breakfast of 2-3 boiled eggs or scrambled eggs will give you a boost of energy for several hours and feel great.

For those who are on a diet, eggs are an ideal source of protein that is quickly and completely absorbed by the body and replaces other protein foods that contain fat. By eating eggs, you can easily lose weight. However, you need to know exactly how many calories are in a boiled, fried, raw egg or egg dishes, and energy value in each individual case.

Chicken egg calories

Chicken egg protein - according to most, the most useful and necessary for the body food product - contains only about twenty calories. Everything else falls on the yolk.

The calorie content of an egg - boiled or cooked in other ways - depends on its size. The larger the egg, the higher its calorie content. It is known that the calorie content of 100 g of a chicken egg is about 160 kcal, but chicken eggs weighing 100 g are rarely found in nature. - has a calorie content of 112 kcal. These values ​​​​are very approximate and conditional, since the calorie content of a boiled chicken egg also depends on the method of preparation, which will be discussed below. The calorie content of raw and boiled eggs is not fundamentally different.

How many calories in protein and yolk

But the calorie content of protein and yolk have different meanings. For protein, it is 17 kcal, since protein does not contain fat. The calorie content of the yolk is 50 kcal, therefore, the simultaneous use of the yolk along with animal fats, the same butter, is not recommended, since the fat contained in the yolk does not contain bad cholesterol.

Since the way an egg is cooked affects its calorie content, it is important to know which method to use for optimal calorie intake.

raw egg calories

There is no particular need to drink raw chicken eggs, since the possibility of contracting salmonellosis is not excluded, however, for those who still take risks and drink, the calorie content of a raw chicken egg is about 155 kcal per 100 g, while it contains 13 grams of protein, 11 grams fat and contains no carbohydrates.

Boiled egg calories

Hard-boiled eggs have a slightly higher calorie content than raw eggs, and is 160 kcal.

Soft-boiled eggs have a calorie content of 157 kcal.

Hard-boiled eggs should be boiled for no more than 9 minutes and immediately put under cold water, soft-boiled - no more than 4, and eat only hot. Overcooked eggs are too dense, the yolk has a greenish shell, the smell of sulfur.

Fried eggs calories

Fried eggs are one of the simplest and most popular dishes on our table, many cook them in the morning, but not everyone thinks about the calorie content of fried eggs, since oil is also involved in the process. It is undesirable to eat scrambled eggs on a diet, since its nutritional value reaches 200 kcal per 100 g. However, if only proteins are used, then the number of calories of this product decreases to 110-120 kcal.

poached egg calories

Method of preparation of poached eggs - on the water and without the shell. The water is brought to a boil, the fire is reduced, a teaspoon of vinegar is added, a water funnel is created with a spoon clockwise, and an egg is poured into the center of the funnel. It is important that the yolk does not break. Boiling such an egg takes only two minutes. The finished egg is removed from the pan with a slotted spoon. The white hardens and holds the yolk. The calorie content of this dish is 80 kcal.

Calorie omelette

This dish has two components - eggs and milk, you can cook it with oil, and without it, if you use the oven. The fat content of milk greatly affects the calorie content of an omelet. If we take the average fat content of milk - 2.5%, then the calorie content of an omelet from two eggs in such milk will be 210 kcal. If you cook ommmm years only from proteins, the calorie content of the dish will drop to 100 kcal.

There is a lot of controversy about whether it is not easier to saturate the body with ideal protein this way. We believe that this is not necessary, since boiled eggs are digested better, and boiled eggs are safe for health. When raw, the egg contains an inhibitor of the enzyme trypsin, which slows down the digestion process, as well as an indigestible compound of the protein avidin and biotin. During heat treatment, these harmful factors are destroyed.

The optimal number of eggs that can be eaten per week is 8-10 pieces. It is not necessary to use them daily. For greater benefit, the use of eggs should be combined with vegetables containing a lot of fiber, since an excess of protein in food is fraught with constipation and deterioration of well-being.

So eat chicken eggs for health, sit down, but with one "but". Make sure in advance that you do not have, which we have already talked about, as well as kidney diseases, in which the amount of protein in the diet is limited.



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