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HIV what to do how to live. The devil is not as scary as he is painted: How to prevent, treat and live with HIV

In 2016, there were 26 thousand HIV-infected people in Kazakhstan. That same year, 2,900 Kazakhstanis became infected with the virus, and another thousand died from AIDS. These figures have increased by 39 and 32% respectively since 2010.

What is HIV and how is it related to AIDS?

(HIV) is a virus that attacks cells of the immune system. It destroys T-helpers, that is, lymphocytes that enhance the immune response, and fills their place with its own copies. The more viruses, the weaker a person’s immunity. If a person has HIV but does not take antiretroviral therapy, he or she begins to get sick more often and longer, scrapes or wounds heal slowly, and sometimes bruises appear.

Without treatment, HIV can develop into AIDS - acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is also called the last stage of HIV. At this stage, the immune system cannot fight infections on its own - without treatment, an infected person can live up to three years.

Who can become infected with HIV?

Anyone. There are stereotypes that most often positive HIV status is found in sex workers, homosexuals or. This is not entirely true. The virus can enter the body through blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Therefore, infections most often occur through the sharing of syringes, during sexual intercourse, or from mother to child during childbirth. There are known cases of virus infection in hospitals when using unsterile instruments.

Don't be afraid to drink from the same glass or share a towel with an HIV-positive person, shake hands, talk or kiss. The infection is not transmitted by airborne droplets or saliva.

How to identify HIV symptoms?

Symptoms may vary at all stages of the disease. In the first 2-4 weeks of infection, from 40 to 90% of infected people feel a cold. They have muscle pain, sore throat, scabies, mouth ulcers and swollen lymph nodes. Sometimes during the “incubation” period, some types of HIV tests may not detect infection in the blood. But most can detect antibodies, which begin to be released several weeks after infection with the virus.

If you suspect that you may have exposed yourself to the risk of infection, it is better to get tested. Even if there is no reason to worry, it is worth getting into the habit of taking an HIV test every six months or year.

Kazakhstanis can undergo free HIV testing in clinics at their place of residence and do it anonymously.

Can HIV be cured?

The human immunodeficiency virus can be treated, but in this case we are not talking about recovery, but remission. With the help of highly active antiretroviral therapy, doctors were able to extend the life expectancy of HIV-positive patients to 70-80 years.

The mechanism of therapy is based on the fact that the drugs either suppress the viral enzyme that affects proteins in human cells, or block receptors on immune cells, preventing the virus from contacting them. Due to this, the amount of virus in the blood decreases and in practice this is called an undetectable viral load. In this case, HIV will not be able to progress to the AIDS stage.

Deputy Chief Physician of the Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS in Astana, Saltanat Musina, emphasizes that when a virus is detected, the first thing you need to do is register with the AIDS center, since the most important thing is control over the disease. As part of the GOMBP, registered citizens can receive free antiretroviral therapy and artificial nutrition for newborns from mothers with HIV-positive status. Infected children registered at the dispensary under 18 years of age receive medications free of charge.

I had unprotected sexual intercourse. What should I do if I could become infected with HIV?

If you have unprotected sex (and even if you use condoms) with an HIV-positive partner, you can also use pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxis. These important medications contain the antiretroviral drugs tenofovir and emtricitabine. They look like combination pills.

As Saltanat Musina explains, such prevention allows you to minimize the risk of HIV infection. When certain conditions are met, pre-exposure prophylaxis can reduce HIV infections by 90%. This method is more suitable for people belonging to risk groups.

After unprotected sex or other contact with an HIV-infected person, post-exposure prophylaxis is most often used. Post-exposure prophylaxis reduces the risk of HIV transmission by preventing the virus from reproducing. However, it will be most effective if treatment is started within the first 72 hours of exposure and then continued for 28 days.

How should I behave as an HIV-positive person?

HIV-positive status is not a death sentence. You can live with it, continue to work and even give birth. If close person opened up and reported his illness, the best thing to do is support. At first, the infected person experiences a wide range of negative emotions because of his new status. It can sometimes lead to depression. Therefore, it is especially important that friends and relatives do not leave a person alone with their troubles.

Saltanat Musina says that in practice, in families or couples where relationships are built on respect and trust, indicators of physical and mental health are satisfactory. Where relationships with loved ones do not work out, there is low adherence to treatment and non-compliance with the regimen, which can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

The Deputy Chief Physician reminds of precautionary measures - a family member with HIV should use such individual means as toothbrush, manicure scissors and shaving accessories.

Sexologists and sex bloggers suggest talking openly with both new and regular partners about health and safety: using barrier contraception and regularly getting tested once a year.

I was told that HIV does not exist. This is true?

People who deny the existence of the immunodeficiency virus are called HIV dissidents. Despite scientific research, several generations of HIV tests, and even the fact that photographs of the virus exist, some people are convinced that the virus was invented by pharmaceutical companies for their own financial gain.

The saddest thing about this situation is that people who deny HIV and actually have it may refuse treatment and worsen their situation. Some of the dissidents, unfortunately, die from the effects of AIDS.

“I don’t believe in HIV dissidence. These are common offenders and law enforcement agencies should work with them. The method of intimidation with AIDS mortality statistics has shown to be ineffective. Therefore, you need to be able to explain. This is exactly what a doctor at the AIDS Center should be able to do. The explanation begins at the stage of taking an HIV test, when psycho-social counseling is carried out with the patient. High-quality and competent consultation helps the doctor achieve successful results in treatment in the future, and the patient follows all recommendations,” concludes Saltanat Berikovna.

I have HIV! What will my life be like with HIV? This question immediately puzzles a person who learns about his diagnosis. The patient has no idea how he will live further. However, being sick is not a shame! To be among those infected means to be careful. Life with the virus will be different, but not guaranteed to be worse. Much depends on the patient himself; only he is able to really help himself in difficult times. life situation. And yet, how to live if you have HIV?

Did you find out your diagnosis? The main rule is not to fall into despair and depression.

How can you live safely and happily with HIV? To do this, you need to know how to support yourself and not harm others. HIV infection is currently incurable, but diagnosis is not a sentence that comes into force immediately. In Russia, people live on average 70 years. Those infected usually live to 63 years of age, and this rate is constantly progressing.

If you follow medical advice and fight for yourself, a person with HIV-positive status can safely live a long and happy life. Every day today is worth its weight in gold. Every year, new products are released that help achieve positive results in the treatment of disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. Someday the panacea will recede.

Rules for an HIV-infected person

Live in HIV in modern society It's not always easy. Not only the patient’s way of thinking changes, but also the people with whom he lived, communicated, studied, and made friends.

The primary issue that arises is the safety of healthy family members and the entire person’s environment. At the same time, a huge responsibility is imposed on the infected person. A sick person tries to live fully with HIV and at the same time not become a threat to society.

However, there are a huge number of people living with this diagnosis. For all of them, HIV infection was the beginning of a new life, but not all of them accepted this situation and, by changing their own lifestyle, controlled a serious illness. How can you be among the strong and overcome a difficult path with dignity?

Joining an HIV group is positive, other people's experiences can help you too

Get rid of fears

To overcome the initial shock of diagnosis, it is important to acknowledge it. Thanks to the fruits modern technologies Today it is much easier for a sick person to find the necessary information about the disease.

Social media support can play an important role in the process of accepting the situation. There are communities on the Internet of people who became infected with HIV at different points in their lives. Here you can get acquainted with the real attitude towards HIV-infected people: a conscious society is ready to help the sick, respect the rights of the patient and not pity, but support.

After realizing what happened, the infected person is faced with two main fears:

  • fear about your health;
  • fear about the health of loved ones (husband, spouse, children, parents, etc.).

Indeed, there are cases when people living in the same house with an HIV-infected person become infected with the virus. We'll talk about how to prevent this later.

Now let’s look further, deeper into the problem and touch on fears about our own health. To overcome emotions, you need not only to operate with information, but also to believe in your bright future. Under no circumstances should you complain about how you managed to get infected, putting an end to your own life. We need to get together! If you cannot do this on your own, you need to contact a psychiatrist.

And the most important thing that the patient must understand is that in order to maintain health, you need to start treatment immediately, even if you do not at all believe in a favorable prognosis.

Life with HIV starts with food

HIV is not the flu, and the approach to this disease is regular and comprehensive. Link No. 1 in this chain is the patient’s nutrition. This is not about traditional calorie counting and dieting. In most cases, patients will have to completely change their eating habits and review their diet. So, planning a patient’s daily menu is based on the following five steps:

  1. Eat fruits and vegetables, drink less juices. Include dried, fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits in your diet. Choose products of different colors.
  2. Include grains in your menu. Give preference to whole grains (buckwheat, whole wheat, oats).
  3. Enrich your diet with dairy products and dairy substitutes. When choosing a substitute, make sure it is fortified with vitamin D and calcium.
  4. Don't exclude animal products from your menu. We are talking about lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs.
  5. Add a small amount of fats and oils to your diet (15-30 ml daily). Preference can be given to olive, rapeseed, and nut oils.

As you can see, the diet of a sick person cannot be called strict. In the case of HIV, as, in principle, with influenza, chickenpox, and respiratory infections, it is important to eat a balanced and regular diet.

To exercise every day

There is no need to talk about the positive effect of morning exercises. Physical exercise will not only strengthen your immune system, but will also help you overcome depression and recharge your batteries for the day ahead.

Nothing harmful

At this point we're talking about not only about exclusion harmful products food from the infected person’s diet (fried and fatty foods, fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, etc.). The HIV patient has to give up bad habits: Do not smoke or drink alcohol.

The fact is that the human immune system after infection is incredibly stressed. The effectiveness of the treatment and further prognosis will depend on the patient’s immunity status. There is no need to further test the strength of the body’s protective function.

Important! Taking drugs while sick is also unacceptable.

You need to completely eliminate drugs, alcohol and cigarettes from your life

In the mornings and evenings

It is important for HIV-infected people to adhere to special prevention, which, first of all, involves maintaining personal hygiene every day. This aspect is very important, since multiplying bacteria can lead to the development of secondary diseases, which progress very quickly against the background of weak immunity.

In addition, the patient should use public transport less often and visit crowded places, and should always wash their hands after using the toilet and going outside.

As you can see, a sick person does not have to follow any special technique - everything is quite simple.

Living with HIV: the patient's responsibility

Despite the fact that HIV treatment is often accompanied by a high degree of discrimination against patients, a person with a positive HIV status should be aware of the importance and necessity of antiviral therapy for the disease. The main goal of treatment is to reduce the number of viral particles in a person’s blood, strengthen the immune system and control AIDS.

In this section, one cannot fail to mention the high degree of responsibility that a pregnant woman diagnosed with HIV assumes. Of course, girls with an infectious dose in their blood are not doomed to infertility. However, the patient must understand that the child can become infected during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. Such an unfavorable outcome is observed in 1% of cases, however, it exists.

Another area of ​​responsibility that should be included here is the safety of others, because HIV is a contagious disease. This will be discussed in more detail below.

Keep others safe

The first thing worth emphasizing is the need for the patient to use a condom during sexual intercourse. This precaution plays an important role in ensuring the safety of others and the infected person. In the latter case we are talking about sexually transmitted diseases. When a disease affects a sick body, a person’s condition deteriorates sharply, and the disease rapidly progresses.

Maintaining good hygiene and using personal hygiene products will provide additional safety.

Is it possible to become infected with HIV in beauty salons during manicures, pedicures, piercings or tattoos?

There is a risk of transmission of infection during the mentioned manipulations. It can be minimized only through special processing of the tools used in the work.

Is it possible to become infected with HIV during a fight?

An unusual question. But oddly enough, the possibility of transmission of the virus during a fight cannot be ruled out. The statement is relevant when the blood of an infected person comes into contact with an open wound of a healthy person.

HIV treatment prognosis

In the fight against the disease, antiviral therapy is used today, which is aimed at preventing the development of AIDS (blood disease, progression of secondary diseases and other disorders) and prolonging the patient’s life. However, HIV is not yet classified as a curable pathology.

With the start of therapy, the patient is advised to follow medical recommendations. Maintaining healthy image life combined with drug treatment Give the infected person strength to fight the disease. Provided that patients take medications systematically and follow medical recommendations, they can prolong their life by an average of two decades.

Which doctor should I contact?

Which doctor should I see if I am HIV positive? An infectious disease specialist specializes in providing HIV care. The first person to listen to the patient is often the therapist.

Modern advances in treatment

There are currently 4 revolutionary methods of treating HIV.

  1. Vaccine(facilitates treatment, helps reduce drug dosage, provides an immune response of leukocytes). In addition to the main one, there is also a recently developed second vaccine - Renum, which is also applicable only in tandem with an antiviral course. Good result, demonstrated by the described method, gives hope for the possibility of complete control over viral particles.
  2. Implant(a revolutionary method of taking the drug: the medicine is placed under the skin in the form of a cylinder, from which the substance enters the blood gradually). This approach to treatment significantly simplifies treatment: it allows you to take medications irregularly.
  3. Blood and bone marrow. There is information about a single case of complete recovery from infection. The patient had blood cancer; he underwent a bone marrow transplant from a donor who possessed one of the main “weapons” against HIV – innate immunity. It is believed that only 1% of people on the planet belong to the group of such lucky people.
  4. Antiviral therapy. Nowadays it's a classic, but it was once revolutionary.

What determines life expectancy

The life expectancy of a person with HIV depends on the following factors:

  • type of infection;
  • amount of virus;
  • the patient's attitude towards his health;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • treatment systems;
  • level of immunity;
  • condition of other organs and blood (kidneys, liver, etc.);
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • psychological state;
  • nutrition;
  • the patient's lifestyle.

Today, innovative therapeutic methods have emerged that slow down the development of this insidious disease. Practice demonstrates cases where HIV-infected people restored their physical condition and returned to their normal lives.

Work to create improved means to combat HIV continues to this day. Perhaps in a couple or three years, scientists will invent a drug that will kill the virus or at least make it possible to guarantee “keep it in check.”

How many years do HIV-infected people live without treatment?

According to statistics, in the absence of treatment, HIV leads the patient to the grave 10-12 years after infection. This indicator applies to residents developed countries. In third world countries this figure is reduced by several years.

Impact of HIV in the long term

If we touch on the topic of the impact of HIV in the long term in Russia or throughout the world, the most important thing to mention is the risk of reducing the life expectancy of the population. Many infected people die much earlier potentially possible period their lives.

Another aspect is the decline in the birth rate. HIV-positive women rarely give birth (for obvious reasons), however, the number of infected people has been growing over the years.

Your beauty will remain if you start treatment right away

The psycho-emotional state of the world population is also under threat. Not all HIV patients are able to fully live side by side with the disease, regardless of the existing restrictions. In addition, believing that he will not live long, the patient often commits suicide.

At the moment, it is possible to protect the world’s population from such “prospects” only through prevention, which involves the use of protective equipment during sexual intercourse and other measures.


How to detect AIDS? The question is irrelevant, since in this case we are talking about the thermal stage of HIV. Even before the development of AIDS, a person is guaranteed to learn about his discovered disease. It is easy to identify a serious illness: a person’s immunity “gives up”, all organ systems suffer (digestive system, intestines, central nervous system, etc.), and oncology develops.

When an illness is discovered in the thermal stage, it can be said that the person will die in a few years. Unfortunately, today there is no need to think about long-term life with AIDS.

Bottom line

It is impossible to say exactly how long a person with HIV or AIDS will live. Yes, we are talking about a very insidious disease, which is not easy to live with. Antiviral treatment, although not able to completely rid the patient of the “sore”, significantly prolongs the patient’s life.

A patient who wants to live a full life with a difficult diagnosis must understand a very important thing. It is very important not only to promptly respond to the emerging symptoms, but also to immediately begin treatment, that is, switch to taking antiviral drugs. Under such circumstances, the patient has a chance to live about 30 years (this is if real cases are taken into account), however, modern forecasts say that the life span of treated patients is not limited.

It is clear that the figure of 20-30 years was announced by practicing doctors. And it is quite real, because we are talking about a “young disease”. And at the moment it is not possible to operate real examples carriers of the virus who have lived to be half a century old.

However, in reality, there are no restrictions on the life expectancy of a patient who systematically takes medications.

The situation regarding HIV infection remains extremely unfavorable both in Russia and in other countries. Young, sexually active people are at significant risk of infection, because even a single unprotected sexual contact can lead to infection. As a result, the statistics of HIV infections in Russia reflect only their steady increase. In addition, today in our country there are many children living with HIV infection who were born from HIV-infected women. Therefore, each of us needs to have at least minimal information on how to protect ourselves during close contacts with HIV-infected people. Let's discuss how to live with an HIV-infected person?

Having received information about his HIV positivity, a person finds himself in complete disarray and does not know how to live further. He naturally begins to think about possible discrimination, unemployment, the need to change his personal and sexual life, friendships and family relationships. At this stage, family and friends can provide a person with the most important moral support.


Once again, it is worth recalling that you can become infected with HIV only through contact with blood, semen or vaginal secretions. Other body fluids (vomit, urine, feces, tears and saliva) are not dangerous unless they contain blood.

In everyday life, you can become infected with HIV only by using a shared toothbrush and shaving accessories, and only if the mucous membranes of the oral cavity bleed, because brushing your teeth and shaving is accompanied by the slightest violation of the integrity of the skin.

HIV infection is not transmitted by talking, shaking hands, ordinary kisses, or hugs. Ordinary furnishings, etc. are also completely harmless.

How to create conditions for completely safe housing with an HIV-infected person?
In an apartment where a person infected with HIV lives, it is necessary to systematically carry out wet cleaning. It is best to do this every day and use any household cleaning products.

If furniture, furnishings or floors are dirty biological fluids organism, they must be thoroughly disinfected. To do this, you must first put on rubber gloves, and then:

Remove contamination using a paper towel. Next, it must be placed in a plastic bag or soaked in any disinfecting solution for about an hour. Then you can throw the napkin in the trash;

Wipe the area of ​​contamination with a damp cloth soaked in a disinfectant solution, or thoroughly rinse hot water with some household detergent intended for surface treatment or for washing;

Wash off the remaining disinfectant or detergent with plain clean water;

The cloth that was used for treatment must be soaked in a disinfectant for about an hour or boiled for half an hour. Also, for the purpose of disinfection, you can soak it for a couple of hours in a solution of some detergent for washing.

As for rubber gloves, after use it is advisable to soak them for an hour in the same disinfecting solution or for a couple of hours in a solution of homemade detergent intended for washing.

After such manipulation, hands must be washed with soap and thoroughly dried with a towel. If there is any damage to the skin, be sure to cover it with an adhesive bandage before you start cleaning.

All family members must strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene: systematically wash their hands, take a shower, and use exclusively individual toothbrushes, combs and razors. For home treatment, only disposable syringes can be used.

Careful care of those areas of the body that are at high risk of microbial infection (groin folds, armpits, perineum, genitals) plays an extremely important role.

When inserted narcotic substances It is necessary to follow basic preventive measures - use only disposable syringes and under no circumstances throw them away after injection.

During sexual intercourse, protective measures should also be observed: use female or male condoms. And if they are damaged, immediate preventive treatment must be carried out using special means: solutions of chlorhexidine or miramistin.

All used bandages, various napkins, hygiene bags and disposable syringes require disinfection or destruction.

It is extremely important to maintain cleanliness in common areas - baths, showers and toilets.

Of course, both patients and their family members should follow all the advice and instructions of doctors. It is therefore extremely important to complete the prescribed course of anti-retroviral and antibacterial treatment, even after discharge from the medical facility.

If the condition of an HIV-infected person worsens or he develops some kind of illness, he should immediately seek medical help.

An important role is played, of course, by the correct and balanced diet.

It is worth noting that rubber gloves when caring for a person with HIV are necessary only when in contact with his body’s secretions, which can be potentially dangerous. This applies to blood, sperm, etc.

In general, all patients with HIV infection and their family members need to follow all the recommendations of doctors and do not hesitate to ask any questions about living together.

It is clear that this did not happen by itself. Prevention and control of HIV in Russian healthcare is one of the priorities. Over the past 10 years, the state program implemented by the Ministry of Health has brought Russia into the group of world leading countries where the transmission of HIV to children has practically stopped.

What kind of help can a person with HIV expect? How to accept your diagnosis and is it possible to build happy family? AiF told about this Alexey Lakhov, Deputy Director for External Relations, Non-Profit Partnership “E.V.A.”, helping families with HIV patients.

The road to life

Yulia Nikolaeva, AiF: Alexey, what should a person who has received a positive HIV test do?

Alexey Lakhov: First of all, you need to find out whether there really is a disease (false-positive test results also occur). To do this, you need to contact the Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS, which is located in each region. The address of the nearest center can be found on the o-spide.ru portal in the “Where to contact” section. After confirming the diagnosis, an examination is prescribed to assess the patient’s condition in more detail in order to select the optimal treatment for him. Antiretroviral drugs are used for this. They suppress the reproduction of the HIV virus in the body to such an extent that it can no longer be detected in the blood. The patient's life prognosis is the same as that of people without HIV.

- It turns out that people don’t die from HIV now?

Only ignoring the diagnosis and deliberately refusing therapy can lead to death. Those who are treated live as long as healthy people. And thanks to the fact that they undergo regular examinations (at least twice a year), it turns out that HIV-positive people take even better care of their health than non-sick people!

- But the drugs are quite expensive?

In Russia, HIV treatment is absolutely free. Since 2017, the Ministry of Health has again switched to centralized procurement of drugs in order to provide all those in need. Thanks to this measure, as well as through the formation of a patient register, which will be prepared by the ministry in the near future, it will be possible to significantly increase the coverage of HIV patients with therapy. Funds for this have already been budgeted for next year.

Alone in the field...

- Nevertheless, society often does not treat such people in the best way.

This is complete ignorance. The fact of the matter is that modern drugs can reduce the viral load to zero. That is, an HIV-positive person no longer infects anyone.

But how can a person cope with his own emotions? Upon hearing the diagnosis, many experience shock and even lose interest in life.

You must try to accept your diagnosis and learn to live with it. Self-help groups help people with HIV with this - they can be found in social networks, on the basis of public organizations, in some AIDS centers. Psychological and emotional support is also provided by “peer consultants”, people who themselves have HIV and have learned to live with this diagnosis.

- Young people who want to have a family and children often become infected with HIV.

And this is quite possible! If you take antiretroviral therapy, you can have a healthy child. Timely initiation of chemoprophylaxis can reduce the risk of HIV transmission from mother to child to almost zero. Russia, represented by the Ministry of Health, very actively supports international programs to prevent the transmission of HIV to children from infected mothers. And these programs really work. Here's a fact: the number of HIV-infected women increases by 10% annually, but the number of children with HIV does not. Since mothers with HIV infection cannot breastfeed, they are provided with free formula feeding. Moreover, children with HIV infection began to be actively taken into families. The Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital in Ust-Izhora has a department for children with HIV infection - something like an orphanage. There are almost no patients there anymore - more than 100 kids have found adoptive parents.

Help "AiF"

To reduce the further spread of HIV infection and eliminate the transmission of HIV to children, the Russian Ministry of Health has developed and is implementing programs to increase coverage of ARV prevention. The risk of vertical transmission of HIV infection from mother to child has decreased in Russian Federation up to 2%, therefore, in 98% of cases, healthy children are born from HIV-infected mothers.

Patient stories

At least to space

Yaroslava Medvedev, 40 years old:

I had just the kind of story that couldn’t seem to end well. I used drugs for many years. And in 2010 I decided to change my life. I was 34 years old then. I learned about my disease from an infectious disease doctor at a district clinic, who had previously treated me for hepatitis. She referred me to the AIDS center. When I left the clinic, I burst into tears. I walked down the street, and it felt like it was written on my forehead what was wrong with me, and everyone understood it. I called my mom, she supported me and calmed me down. I registered with the AIDS center, went for examinations every six months, but I have not yet been prescribed treatment. And in 2013 I got a job at NP “E.V.A”. Now I am the coordinator of one of the projects, I am a 3rd year student at the Institute of Psychology and Social Work. I recently married the man I love. As soon as we met, I confessed to him that I had HIV infection. He said that he doesn’t care because he loves me, we will die on the same day and what difference does it make? But I started taking antiretroviral therapy because I can’t afford the slightest possibility of infection. I want to say to everyone who has received such a diagnosis: this is not the end of life. In our country, HIV infection has been excluded from the list of fatal diseases since 2010. This is an ordinary chronic sluggish disease. If a person goes to the doctor and receives medications, he lives as long as a person without HIV infection. If you don’t know that I have HIV, then you can at least send me into space based on all other health parameters.

Plus to minus

Anastasia Mokina, 30 years old:

I learned about the diagnosis in 2010. Six months before that, my man was diagnosed with HIV. This was quite unexpected. We thought for a long time about where. They decided that he could have become infected when he got tattoos from some strange artists a few years ago. He went to register at the AIDS center, and I went there to get checked. The first analysis showed nothing. And six months later it turned out to be positive. I also started going to self-help groups, which helped me a lot. We got married then - the illness brought us together. Although later they broke up. Now I have an HIV-negative young man, we have been living together for 4 years. We are planning a child. There is no reason to treat HIV-positive people like some kind of lepers, we are exactly the same people as everyone else.

Happiness is in children

Elena Ivanova, 29 years old, two sons - 4 years and 1 year:

I dated a young man who was addicted to drugs. When he was admitted to the hospital one day, our mutual friends told me that he had been diagnosed with HIV, so I should get tested. That's how I found out that I was sick too. At the AIDS center I met an equally HIV-positive young man. We got married and really wanted children. When I found out about pregnancy, I was very happy. At two years old, the child was deregistered - he turned out to be completely healthy. The husband died in an accident. She got married a second time. At the very beginning of the relationship, I told him about my diagnosis (my husband is HIV-negative), and he reacted completely calmly. Now our child is one year old, and he is also healthy. I do computer design and organize support groups for HIV-positive people.

Not everyone goes to the doctor

When compared with other federal districts of Russia, the Volga region today has the largest number of infected people. But the alarming fact is that not all of them, knowing about their diagnosis, want to be treated! “39% of those diagnosed with HIV refuse the help of doctors,” says the deputy chief physician of the Samara Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and infectious diseases Olga Agafonova. - Now at Samara region More than 39 thousand residents are HIV carriers, and only 25 thousand of them are actively being treated.”

Socially prosperous people get sick

The history of the infection officially dates back to 1978, when several patients in the United States and Sweden turned to doctors with symptoms of an unknown disease. It was only in 1983 that the Frenchman Luc Montagnier discovered the HIV virus, which causes AIDS. In 1987, the first case of HIV was registered in Russia. In 1996, HIV spread among drug addicts in Russia, and the number of patients began to grow rapidly. In 2001, the beginning of an epidemic was announced in Russia, as the number of infected people exceeded 150 thousand. In 2008, there were already more than 480 thousand infected people in Russia.

For a very long time, both doctors and the population were convinced that HIV and AIDS were a problem of marginalized and dissolute people. Drug addict? Homosexual? You're leading a mess sex life? If you answer “yes” to even one question, you are at risk. But today we are faced with the fact that there are a huge number of sick people living around us. And these are not only drug addicts and prostitutes. “The situation has changed radically,” continues Olga Agafonova. - People from all over the world are registered at the AIDS center social groups population, all professions. Quite wealthy people, schoolchildren, students get sick. At every entrance apartment building there is at least one HIV-infected person.”

Yes, HIV is everywhere today. More than 53% of those infected in the Samara region are socially active people aged 30-40 years, they work, study, they are absolutely far from marginal categories. Many people are infected among women, who sometimes became infected from their only sexual partner.

“We don’t judge anyone,” says Oksana Chernova, head of the Tolyatti AIDS Center. – We urge everyone to understand: the virus has long since left the ranks of those who use drugs and joined the ranks of socially prosperous people. In 80% of cases, women become infected with HIV through sexual contact. Not drug addicts, not partiers. There are enough cases of infection from your loved one and only one.”

It's time to change the mentality

Indeed, infection does not select based on gender, social or professional characteristics. Therefore, doctors consider involving a person in treatment as one of the most important tasks. But alas, people, having learned about the diagnosis, cannot accept it, not wanting to realize that the disease does not push a person into the abyss of disadvantaged marginalized people. “The stereotypes of the 90s are still alive,” said Olga Agafonova. - A person labels himself and is afraid of it. This makes it difficult for him to go to the doctor.”

There is another side: a person is afraid to meet someone he knows at the AIDS center. For whatever purpose a person comes here, be it even a simple HIV test when planning a pregnancy, he sees everyone, he is also seen. This is additional stress and awkwardness. And it is likely that because of an accidentally inconvenient meeting, the person will not go to the doctor next time.

Doctors believe that it is time for us to change our mentality. It's time to engage in premarital health assessment, which is common in many countries. “If our women and men were examined before marriage, if everyone were examined before conceiving a child, then doctors would catch all infections in a very timely manner and begin timely treatment,” says Oksana Chernova.

To contact the AIDS center, no referrals or preliminary procedures are needed. Just come to the address: Samara, st. Lev Tolstoy, 142, room 7, from 8:00 to 17:00. You must have your passport and insurance policy with you. Help for patients with HIV is provided free of charge.

“Of course, the fear of being discovered puts a lot of pressure on the psyche,” adds her colleague Olga Agafonova. - Why does this still happen? Because for ten years, an HIV diagnosis has been compared to a death sentence. The word HIV sounded like a plague. And although the situation has changed radically, this mark remains in society to this day. Not much is changing in people's minds, despite the fact that we try to educate the population every day. HIV has long been no longer a death sentence! It's like any other viral disease. You can be treated and live a long and high-quality life, even give birth to healthy children.”

To tame HIV and live happily, there are medications. “The state provides free treatment for a person who is registered at the AIDS center,” says Oksana Chernova. - Every applicant undergoes free diagnostics and therapy. You definitely need to get tested and, if the result is positive for HIV, get treatment, this will prolong your life.”

“We need to be silent and talk about this” together

There are a lot of controversial issues associated with HIV. Should we know that someone infected with HIV lives next to us? Should AIDS center doctors inform the “general public”? Do I have the right to understand that I am now communicating with a not entirely healthy person? If information about the disease infringes on his rights, then to what extent does the secrecy of this information infringe on my rights? Doctors speak sensibly. “This is psychologically difficult, but we must know: people living with various infections have been, are and will always be with us! - says Olga Agafonova. - There is widespread tuberculosis, for example. In addition, there is a high risk of “catching” something while doing a manicure or pedicure if the tools are not properly processed. And how many infections are floating in the pool?”

Society will inevitably be divided into “us” and “them”, healthy (or not yet aware of infection) and infected. So how should we behave with each other? And what are the infected people afraid of and what do they expect from the healthy?

“HIV-positive people are the same people, they need human communication,” says psychologist Natalya Bogdan. - You should not stop seeing a person if his diagnosis suddenly becomes known, so as not to traumatize him with your attitude. Avoiding, rejecting is the most terrible and unfair punishment towards people. If desired, and with time, prejudices can be overcome. It’s better to be honest, sincere and natural, because it’s already difficult for HIV-infected people.”

You cannot become infected with HIV if you:

Living together,



Visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool,

Using the bathroom and toilet,

Sneezing, coughing,

Insect bite.

Indeed, in the first weeks after the infection is discovered, most people withdraw, trying to maintain anonymity. They believe that this is the only way they can move forward. normal life and maintain the same relationships with others. And the fear that the diagnosis will be revealed sometimes leads to complete isolation from society.

“We must stop believing in myths about HIV and AIDS,” continues Natalya Bogdan. - We must stop hiding from the problem, from information, from infected people. Do you know such a person? You can tactfully make it clear that you know the diagnosis, and then immediately say that you are ready to communicate further without adjusting for the disease. If something is confusing, you should ask directly and tactfully clarify all questions. An HIV diagnosis is stressful, a strong shock for a person, associated with the loss of the most important values ​​in life. And every person in a state of stress needs to simply “have a heart-to-heart talk,” “pour out his soul.” You can be silent “about this” together, talk, listen. You may have to listen to a lot of offensive aggressive words addressed to healthy people and including personally to yourself. Don't take it personally, let it be time will pass. Very significant, especially at first, for HIV-positive people, are physical contacts - a handshake, touching the shoulder, holding the arm, the elbow. Do it - don't be afraid. HIV is not transmitted this way.”

How can you catch this infection?

The first - the sexual route - is the one that each of us controls independently, and this is the route of transmission of any infection.

The second - together with infected blood - such infection usually occurs in injection drug users, and is also possible through transfusion of infected blood. But here we must understand: in the Samara region there are no cases of infection from blood transfusions.

And finally, from mother to child during pregnancy (if the mother is not treated). In addition, we must remember that an HIV-infected mother should not breastfeed her child. The virus is transmitted 100% through breast milk. To avoid infection and help the mother, today the regional government provides the family with free formula for artificial feeding.



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