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Seeing cigars in a dream. “Why do you dream about a cigar in a dream? If you see a Cigar in a dream, what does it mean? Dream Interpretation Meneghetti and Eastern

The article on the topic: “dream book of smoking a cigar in a dream” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out why you dream about a Cigar from the dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Cigar: interpretation of the dream

Why do you dream of a cigar in the fall?

Cigar - You will be taken advantage of and then thrown aside.

Why do people dream of a cigar in the summer?

Cigar - An important person will condescend to communicate with you.

Why do you dream about a cigar in spring?

What does Cigar mean - To aplomb

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Cigar – A symbol of the male gender. Body, strength, confidence, prestige, image of well-being.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

I dream about a Cigar, why?

Cigar – See – revival; smoking - you will lose your health; receive - beware of deception.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream of a Cigar according to the dream book?

Cigar - See - revitalization - smoke - lose health - get - beware of deception - a lot - drunkenness, fun

Why do you dream about a cigar?

If you dreamed of cigars or cigarettes, then this is a sign of peace, well-being and pleasure.

If in a dream you were intoxicated by the smoke and aroma of cigars, then entertainment, wealth and communication with people you like are waiting for you.

See also: why do you dream about smoking, why do you dream about tobacco, why do you dream about smoke.

Seeing a Cigar in a dream, why do you have a dream?

If you dreamed that you were smoking a cigar, then you will soon receive exquisite pleasure.

If you dream about a Cigar, what does it mean?

If you dreamed of a cigar, then you need rest, as you have an anxious and difficult life.

If in a dream you lit a cigar, then you will soon start a new business.

If in a dream you bought a cigar, then a serious illness awaits you.

Azar's biblical dream book

According to spiritual sources, what does a cigar mean in dreams?

Cigars - You will have to spend time with people with whom you have very little in common.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a Cigar in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream of a Cigar according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of a Cigar from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of a Cigar according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream of a Cigar from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of a Cigar in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream of a Cigar in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Cigar in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

What does it mean to smoke a cigarette in a dream?

Cigarettes according to the dream book

Such a bad habit real life like smoking, it has many connotations on a spiritual level. Some dream books claim that what a cigarette means in a dream is positioned as a good sign, talking about the opportunity to have a good time. Others associate this object in a dream with a person’s addiction and fatigue.

For the correct interpretation of the meanings of a dream, small details are important, consisting of appearance smoking attribute, as well as analysis of one’s own behavior and actions.

For heavy smokers who in reality are trying to fight nicotine addiction, such a dream is caused by a breakdown in the body, which means healing from a harmful illness. In this case, smoking a cigarette in a dream is a harbinger of victory in an important matter.

Appearance of a tobacco stick

Seeing a full pack of cigarettes in a dream means temptations arise. If the package contains only one nicotine stick, it means that in reality you will not get what you expected. Unauthorizedly giving your last cigarette to another person is an opportunity to make the right choice.

Vanga's dream book describes what a broken or smoked cigarette means in a dream. This image expresses the danger of being influenced by others, which can lead to a false replacement of values.

Seeing cigarette smoke from the perspective of the Modern Dream Book is interpreted as the emergence of difficulties in communicating with people. To be in a smoky room and suffer from this means that a sleeping person is powerless to cope with the accumulated problems on his own.

Smoke a cigarette

Some dreams in which a sleeping person puffs on a cigarette may signal respiratory diseases or diseases of the oral cavity. Another option for explaining why you dream about smoking is the dreamer’s erroneous opinion about someone.

Giving your interlocutor a smoked cigarette in a dream means that you will have common interests with the person you dreamed about. Lighting a cigarette yourself means starting a profitable and risky venture in reality.

Seeing someone smoking in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, means reconciliation with the dreamed character. I dreamed of an unfamiliar person - to new connections.

Other manipulations

Buying cigarettes means a desire to learn, learn new things. Buying and giving them to another person is explained in Miller’s dream book by the need to abandon one’s own goals for the sake of other people’s plans. Buying and throwing away tobacco products in a dream symbolizes the opportunity to correctly take advantage of the chance given by fate.

Putting out a cigar in a dream means a nervous breakdown due to bad news; if it goes out on its own, it means disappointment in old acquaintances is coming. If you dreamed that you had to sell tobacco products, it means that in real time your word has weight and authority among others.

The meaning of a dream in which someone is offering you a cigarette suggests deception or insincerity. Had a dream self-production cigarettes - in reality you are busy with something that does not bring moral satisfaction.

Various interpretations of dream books

The Interpreter of the Wanderer associates a cigarette in a dream with a break in the main activity, conversations and communication.

Freud, by cigarette, means the male genital organ; smoking it means the dreamer is completely ready for combat. If the nicotine stick is broken, problems with erection will arise. The cigarette butt expresses feelings young man about the insufficient size of your penis.

It’s easy to guess why you dream about a pack of cigarettes according to Freud’s dream book. This image symbolizes the female genital organs. If it is empty, diseases of the genitourinary system are possible.

The universal dream book examines tobacco products from the perspective of unreliable information and false values, advising you to filter incoming information and not trust others too much.

Why do you dream about smoking?

Since ancient times, dreams have been considered a special state of a person, when he can receive an important sign and omen about the future. To better remember the pictures you see at night, it is recommended to write down all the details immediately after waking up, as they will allow you to obtain more accurate and detailed information.

Why do you dream about smoking a cigarette?

Such a dream often indicates inaction in real life. In most cases, the person who has such a dream spends too much time thinking about his own life. A dream where you had to pick up cigarette butts in order to smoke is a bad sign that promises failure in business and various experiences and humiliation. Let's figure out why you dream of smoking a cigarette and choking on the smoke - this is a warning that you should be on your guard, because your enemies are building various traps. This may also mean the emergence of problems in life that will force you to change your lifestyle.

A dream in which someone gives you a light means that some trouble will happen soon. One of the dream books interprets differently the dream where you had to smoke - this good sign, which means that you will be able to live to a ripe old age and avoid serious health problems. If the dreamer smoked and burned himself with a cigarette, then we should expect betrayal from loved one.

Why do you dream about smoking a pipe?

Such a dream is a harbinger of a meeting with an old friend, or it will be possible to make peace with a loved one after a long scandal. Such a plot may also mean getting a chance to achieve a respectable position.

Why does a non-smoker dream of smoking in a dream?

Such a plot means that some unexpected and incomprehensible situation will soon occur and this will cause doubts and anxiety. In the near future, we will have to solve a rather difficult and controversial problem.

Why does a woman dream of smoking in her sleep?

For a young representative of the fair sex, such a dream indicates a love of work, which allows you to achieve your desired goals. For a woman, a dream about smoking indicates a desire to receive short-term pleasure.

Why do you dream of smoking a hookah?

If a person smoked a hookah in a dream, it means that you should soon expect to receive important and pleasant news. This plot can also be taken as a recommendation that you should beware of people who know how to speak beautifully, hiding their true face.

Freud's Dream Book

Cigar- is a symbol of the penis.

If you light a cigar- you are impatiently seeking sexual contact.

If you smoke a cigar- you want to have oral sex.

If you are purchasing or selecting a cigar- you strive for homosexual contacts.

Broken or extinguished cigar- symbolizes problems with health or potency.

If you only have a cigar butt- you have a complex about the size of your penis or your sexual attractiveness.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Cigar- a reflection of great misconceptions.

Cigar- an important person will condescend to communicate with you.

Cigar- they take advantage of you and then throw you aside.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

see a cigar- revival; smoke- you will lose your health; get- beware of deception.

General dream book

Smoking a cigar in a dream- to big profits.

If you dreamed that you saw someone smoking a cigar- one of your relatives expects a big profit.

In a dream you bought cigars- know, everything depends on you.

If you dreamed that you were selling cigars- be careful, luck may turn away from you.

Receive a cigar as a gift- to money.

If you dreamed that you gave someone a cigar- in the near future you will provide a favor to someone you know.

In a dream, you watched someone buy or sell cigars- you will have the opportunity to invest your money profitably.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Monitor your emotional reaction to a cigar or cigarette- if you associate a feeling of relaxation with them, spend more time relaxing. If you associate anxiety with them- ask yourself what you are replacing with the satisfaction of basic needs in your life. If it's a feeling of guilt, then you obviously should quit smoking.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Cigar- symbol of male gender. Body, strength, confidence, prestige, image of well-being.

Modern universal dream book

If in your dream a cigar is also associated with manhood- perhaps your thoughts are focused on this.

What cigar did you see in your dream?- how did you feel? Were you concerned about its length or thickness?

Did you smoke a cigar in your dream? Or was it another person smoking the cigar? Did this annoy you?- did he “smoke” you out from somewhere? Who was this man? In real life, is he also trying to upstage you?

Do you enjoy smoking a cigar or does it leave a bad taste in your mouth?- who offered you a cigar, who lit it?

The way you feel about a cigar in a dream- can tell you how you feel about the person who offered it to you or lit it for you.

The old famous trick of exploding a cigar- do you associate a cigar with fear? Do you feel like someone is trying to trap you or play a prank on you?

The birthplace of the cigar is Cuba, a country of rebellion, strength and determination.- perhaps the dream suggests that you want to challenge those in power and appear before them in a certain sense as a rebel.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

hold it in your mouth- tooth loss.

When smoking, release regular circles of smoke- make profit from the work of your imagination.

Dream Interpretation Cigarettes, why do you dream about seeing Cigarettes in a dream?

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about Cigarettes: Dream book: If you dream about Cigarettes

According to the dream book, why do you dream of Cigarettes? - A symbol associated with false, alien, extraneous pleasure, a symbol close in meaning to negative symbols - smoking, drugs, syringe.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of Cigarettes in a dream?

Seeing Cigarettes in a dream means a misunderstanding with a man awaits you.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of Cigarettes - For friends, a party.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream about Cigarettes:

Cigarettes - Seeing a burning cigarette in a dream means that your impressions are deceptive, and the recently intense night of love does not mean anything. You shouldn't trust a new acquaintance so recklessly. If your cigarette goes out, such a dream is a sign of pleasant communication with an old acquaintance or good friend. Seeing yourself smoking in a dream means that obstacles and difficulties await you on the path to success to achieve your cherished desires, but you will easily overcome them. Putting out a cigarette in an ashtray means learning bad news about a loved one and getting nervous about it. If you dreamed that you were sitting in a room full of tobacco smoke, and it was unpleasant and difficult for you to breathe, in reality you will have an unpleasant meeting with a former acquaintance who can ruin your mood by reminding you of your exes intimate relationships in the presence of a loved one who is dear to you at the moment.

Spring dream book Why do you dream of Cigarettes according to the dream book?

Seeing cigarettes in a dream means you are in danger of throwing money down the drain.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Cigarettes according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see Cigarettes in a dream – Seeing cigarettes or smoking means that the dreamer needs rest and change life situation. Smoking in a dream means having a troubled life. Lighting cigarettes is opening a new business.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Cigarettes, cigarettes - Conversations, friendly communication, a break in activity.

Dream Interpretation Cigar

Why do you dream of a Cigar in a dream according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, a cigar symbolizes that you are mistaken in your position in life.

The dream in which you smoked it promises you material success in business.

Buying them is a sign that you are capable of a lot.

Selling them is a warning that failure awaits you.

If you dreamed that they gave it to you, you will receive money from someone.

I smoked in my sleep. What is this for?


If you dreamed that you smoke, it means that all matters will be resolved very soon, and successfully.

Smoking a cigarette or cigar means success in your business.

“Smoke a pipe of peace” - reconciliation, agreement, friendship; “your business is tobacco” - bad; “and nose in tobacco” - prosperity, contentment; “smoke out” - drive out; “give me a light” - give a thrashing.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Smoking is synonymous with idleness, short-term pleasure or peace.

If this action refers to a man, then it is a symbol of calm during work or wisdom.

Smoking - to diseases of the throat, larynx, lungs, trachea; the situation gets worse if you smoke drugs.

Smoking means peace, relaxation, idleness. Elements of oral eroticism, but also an appeal to the Superego (the sacred smoke of the peace pipe).

Seeing a person smoking in a dream foreshadows an impending threat that will change the course of your thoughts.

If you dream that you enjoy smoking, this is a sign of future health complications.

Quitting smoking in a dream means that in reality you will have to fight ill-wishers and defend your beliefs.

Seeing a woman smoking in a dream sets you up for the news that someone you know has tried to commit suicide.

Smoking is a reflection of the desire to smoke (also a reminder of the dangers of this habit).

Dream book of the 21st century

Smoking means prosperity, a peaceful, carefree life, sweet illusions, and good health.

Wanting to smoke is a sign of blues, melancholy.

If someone smokes, it means you will find yourself in a society where strength and endurance will be needed.

Smoking a pipe is a dangerous hobby.

Smoking a cigar - to joy, enjoyment of tranquility; just holding it in your mouth means losing teeth; burning your lips with a cigar in a dream means treason, betrayal.

Buying cigars in a dream means that you will have to dramatically change your opinion about a person you know.

When smoking, releasing the right circles of smoke means making a profit thanks to your imagination.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Smoking means successful negotiations.

Smoking heavily in a dream means acquiring another bad habit.

Buying cigarettes and smoking in general in a dream means changing jobs.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To smoke a cigarette is to commit an unforgivable sin or make a fool of yourself in front of your friends.

Buying a smoke in a dream means purchasing something harmful to health.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Smoking - to loss of health; blow money away.

Taking a puff of smoke means someone will have serious mistrust of you.

Seeing people smoking in a dream foreshadows long-term doubts about the correctness of your actions, which will dissipate when your work style is set as an example.

Buying tobacco products for your smoking husband in a dream means that in reality you will outlive him for many years.

Seeing someone smoking a pipe in a dream foretells a meeting with an old friend or reconciliation after a long quarrel.

Seeing yourself smoking a pipe means you will achieve a respectable position. If smoking seems pleasant to you, and tobacco is fragrant, you will find yourself in a society where you will be successful. If smoking disgusts you, great misfortune awaits you.

Seeing people smoking hookah means you will soon receive important and pleasant news. Seeing people smoking cigars means improving your health; smoking a cigar in a dream means your health will deteriorate. Seeing a smoker with a tobacco pouch is a joy from a new acquaintance.

Smoking cigarettes means that your desires come down to one thing: to find peace of mind and the opportunity to indulge in calm reflections alone with yourself.

Smoking cigarettes - such a dream foreshadows the emergence of ridiculous rumors about your involvement in a scandalous incident.

Smoking with a mouthpiece means a pleasant surprise awaits you. Smoking incense is a sign of piety, peace and success in business.

Sasha bagel

So it's time to quit using LSD

Pavel Voronin

smoking in bed is dangerous, find out more by calling 01

why do I dream about cigarettes, but it’s not me who smokes, it’s my girlfriend

Fatima Nazaralieva

If in a dream you smoke a cigarette, then in reality you will need to make a lot of effort to achieve your goal. If you dreamed that you couldn’t light a cigarette, then in real life you experience difficulties communicating with the opposite sex. Dreams about cigarettes are often seen by people who have decided to quit smoking. In this case, a cigarette simply means that you have not completely given up the habit, which is deeply embedded in your subconscious.

You don't like her habit.

She's too calm a person for you.

Elvira Legge

Dreaming about smoke usually means gossip about you

Tatiana THINGS

BURNING CIGARETTE - your impressions are deceptive, you should not trust a new acquaintance. A CIGARETTE GOES OUT - a sign of pleasant impressions from communicating with old friends. Seeing YOURSELF SMOKING a cigarette in a dream means that numerous obstacles and difficulties await you on the path to success. Putting out a cigarette in an ashtray - you will hear bad news and get nervous about it.

Why do you dream about smoking?

Why do you dream about smoking?

A dream about smoking means an idle existence, inaction or reflection on one's own life.

Seeing smoking in a dream

To successful negotiations.

What does the dream of smoking mean?

To loss of health; blow money away.

Seeing smoking in a dream

Smoking in a dream and blowing smoke out the window means throwing away money for the evening.

What do dreams mean? Smoking

“smoke a pipe of peace” reconciliation, agreement, friendship.

Dream about smoking

Friendly location, support; meditation.

What does it mean to smoke in a dream?

Throwing money down the drain.

Meaning of dreams Smoking

To prosperity, a peaceful carefree life, sweet illusions, good health.

What does smoking mean in a dream?

Diseases of the throat, larynx, lungs, trachea, the situation increases if you smoke narcotic substances.

Meaning of the dream Smoking

Smoking in a dream - in reality you can be deceived.

Interpretation of sleep Smoking

If a man smokes in a dream, it means a prosperous life and wealth.

What does smoking predict in a dream?

Surviving a serious illness.

Why do you dream about Cigar?

Why do you dream about Cigar?

Seeing is revival; smoking - you will lose your health; get - beware of deception

Seeing a Cigar in a dream

Cigars and cigarettes in a dream are symbols of peace, well-being, and pleasure.

What does the dream Cigar mean?

You will be taken advantage of and then cast aside.

Seeing a Cigar in a dream

What do Cigar dreams mean?

An important person will deign to communicate with you.

Dream about Cigar

Male gender symbol. Body, strength, confidence, prestige, image of well-being.

What does Cigar mean in a dream?

Smoking a cigar means a sore throat.

Meaning of dreams Cigar

A strong sexual symbol for smoking is to get exquisite pleasure.

What does a Cigar mean in a dream?

Monitor your emotional response to a cigar or cigarette: if you associate a feeling of relaxation with them, spend more time relaxing.

A cigar in a dream has several meanings. This symbol portends profit, revival of business activity, and prosperity. However, the dream book also names other meanings: wrong life position, betrayal. Use our dream interpreter to find out what the vision is about.

Possible success in business, profit

A dream about smoking cigars or cigarettes has several meanings. It can promise good profits, but also warn of health problems, says the dream book.

Why dream of seeing it in the hands of another person? The dream book is encouraging: revival in business and life awaits you. If it was your relative or someone you know, his situation will improve.

Make a mistake, your dreams won't come true

A cigar in a dream often reflects big misconceptions, mistakes of the sleeper, and symbolizes his wrong position in life.

Seeing a cigarette case means: the dreamer’s wishes will not come true. He often has his head in the clouds, disconnected from reality. We still need to return to earth in order to respond to the situation in a timely and adequate manner.

Attractive offer, prosperity

Did you dream of taking a cigarette out of a cigarette case yourself? The dream book says: you will receive a tempting offer from an influential person. If you treat it correctly, brilliant prospects will open up.

Sometimes a vision in a dream foreshadows peace, well-being, pleasure - if you dreamed of the subtle aroma and taste of a cigar.

Your health may worsen

Why do you dream about a Cuban cigar? Someone from the dreamer's circle will betray him. This person, demonstrating imaginary friendly feelings, will win the trust of the sleeper and use it for selfish purposes. We must try to determine who it is before he has time to cause harm.

The dream book interprets a half-smoked cigar seen by a man in a dream as a symbol of health or potency problems. Her cigarette butt reflects the dreamer’s complexes about his own sexual attractiveness or the size of his manhood. But don't get too hung up on it: for many women, the main thing is the ability to give pleasure, not size.

What did you have to do?

Remember what actions you happened to perform in a dream:

  • taking it means deception is possible;
  • buy - financial stability;
  • sell - plans will fail;
  • someone gave it - you will receive money from someone;
  • light a cigarette - impatiently strive for sexual contact;
  • smoking - deterioration of health;
  • burn your lips - treason;
  • extinguish - bad news will provoke a nervous breakdown.

Miller's dream book: we must overcome the addiction to smoking

Why do you dream of smoking a cigar? Dreams about smoking are often seen by those who have decided to quit this addiction. The plot means: this addiction sits deep in the subconscious of the sleeper.

New sensations, financial success

Did you dream of smoking a cigar with coffee flavor while enjoying it? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: in reality you will experience new pleasant sensations.

For a woman to see herself smoking a cigar in a dream, foreshadows the performance of work that is unusual for her.

There are many different books that give varied interpretations of dreams about a cigarette. Some consider this a positive sign, while others consider it a negative sign. Let's figure out what cigarettes are for in dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Interpretations from this dream book:

  • Seeing a cigarette is a surge of strength.
  • Smoking a cigarette means losing your health.
  • Get a cigarette - beware, you may be deceived.


IN Modern dream book There are the following interpretations:

  1. Eating sweet smoke means well-being. If you don't like the smell, beware of people who flatter you. They will try to harm your happiness.
  2. You were treated to cigarettes - beware of deception.
  3. Smoking means peace and a pleasant pastime.
  4. You get burned while smoking - this is a warning sign that you may be betrayed.
  5. Seeing a person smoking means a threat is approaching you that will change your views.
  6. Smoking with pleasure promises health complications.
  7. Quitting smoking means that in reality you will fight enemies, as well as defend your views on life.
  8. Seeing a woman smoking in a night vision means that your friend or acquaintance is trying to commit suicide.
  9. Seeing smoke means difficulties in communicating with people will appear.

Miller's Interpreter

Why do you dream about a cigarette? Miller's dream book has several interpretations. If you see a lot of cigarette butts in your house, then know that this portends minor troubles.

If cigarette butts are in someone else's house, then the owner of this home will bring you trouble.

A dream in which you cannot light a cigarette means that there will be problems in communicating with the opposite sex.

If you are treated to a cigarette, then this is not a good sign. Such a dream warns a person about ill-wishers who want to ruin his life.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a cigarette according to Sigmund Freud’s dream book?

The cigarette is a symbol of male genital organs, and the pack underneath is a symbol of female genitals.

If a man smokes a cigarette, he is satisfied with his intimate life. If a woman does this, it means that she prefers oral sex. If you give people a cigarette, it means you want to have group sex.

What does it mean if you saw an empty pack in a dream? This is a warning about sexually transmitted diseases.

Seeing a cigarette butt in a dream is a sign of concern about your manhood.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a cigarette according to Vanga’s dream book? Let's figure it out now. If you smoke in a dream, then know that such a vision promises a serious illness. Moreover, it can lead to death. But don’t be afraid, everything can be fixed.

In a dream you bought tobacco products - you should be careful in the financial sector, there is a possibility of making a bad purchase.

Dream Interpretations of Maya and N. Grishina

Smoking in the Mayan interpreter means see you soon with a former lover.

N. Grishina's dream book interprets such a vision differently. What does it mean to smoke a cigar or cigarette? Such a vision is a harbinger of joy.

But burning your lips with tobacco products means betrayal in real life.


The general dream book gives the following interpretations:

  1. Smoking in a dream means big profits.
  2. You see someone smoking, one of your relatives is expecting a profit.
  3. Buying a pack of cigarettes in a dream - in reality, in any situation, everything will depend on you.
  4. But if you dreamed about how you sold tobacco products, then beware, luck may turn away from you.
  5. Did you dream that you received a cigarette as a gift? Get ready to get paid.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine II

Why do you dream about a cigarette? This interpreter gives the following interpretations:

  1. You see a lit cigarette in a dream - your impressions may be deceiving.
  2. You smoke - the path to success will be difficult.
  3. Keeping a cigarette in your mouth means problems with your teeth.
  4. If you burn your fingers or lips, you will soon suffer from betrayal.
  5. The cigarette goes out in your hands - you will relax in the company of old friends.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti and Eastern

The Italian dream book Meneghetti interprets the vision as follows:

  1. Smoking is joy, short-term pleasure or peace.
  2. If the action refers to a man, then this symbolizes calmness and wisdom in relation to any matter.

According to the Eastern Dream Book, if you smoke, it means that all your affairs will soon be resolved successfully. That is, success awaits you in any endeavor.

Long-time interpreter and dream book of ancestors

What does it mean to smoke in a dream according to a long-time interpreter? This is very bad sign. It promises you various diseases and troubles. But if you gave the cigarette you smoked to another person, then you will be able to cope with all the problems in reality.

The dream book of our ancestors contains the following interpretations:

  1. Smoking in a dream is a symbol of authority in reality.
  2. If in a dream you blew smoke rings, then this promises you a promotion up the career ladder. Such a vision is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Recent and psychoanalytic interpreters

The first gives the following interpretation of smoking in a dream: such a vision promises diseases of the lungs, throat, larynx or trachea.

The psychoanalytic dream book interprets this differently. Smoking in night vision means feeling calm, being relaxed.

Dream book of the 21st century

This dream book also contains interpretations of visions about a cigarette. Let's look at them.

Smoking in night vision portends prosperity, a peaceful, carefree life. If in a dream you have a desire to smoke, then know that this is a sign of melancholy. It is possible that you have health problems.

If someone smokes in night vision, this means that you will find yourself in an environment where you will have to show your strength.

What does smoking a cigar mean in this dream book? Such a vision means joy and enjoyment of peace.

Buying cigars in a dream means that you will have to dramatically change your opinion about someone you know.

Dream interpretation of birthday people

What does smoking mean according to this interpreter? Such a vision promises that negotiations will be successful. Smoking in a dream means that you will find another bad habit. It is possible that you will develop a craving for alcohol. Therefore, watch what you do to avoid problems in the future.

Smoking in a dream and blowing smoke through the window means that in real life you lead a rather wild life and waste money. Come to your senses! It may be worth rethinking your values.

Smoking a cigarette means that you will commit some bad act in front of your friends.

If you buy tobacco products in night vision, then know that you may have some health problems.

Non-smoker smokes

What does it mean for a non-smoking girl to smoke a cigarette in a dream? There are several interpretations of this vision. They sound like this:

  1. In reality you will be able to achieve what you want, you will be satisfied with your life.
  2. The desire to win a young man who does not pay attention to you.
  3. Secret dissatisfaction with life.
  4. Frivolity warning.
  5. The desire for independence, the desire to get rid of guardianship.

But you should not attach special importance to such a dream if you are a smoker who is trying to quit a bad habit. Most likely, such a dream is caused by the subconscious.

Monitor your emotional response to a cigar or cigarette: if you associate a feeling of relaxation with them, spend more time relaxing.

If you associate anxiety with them

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

Dream about Cigar

Cigars and cigarettes in a dream are symbols of peace, well-being, and pleasure.

Their smoke and aroma can make you intoxicated in life. And therefore, if this happens in a dream, then pleasure, prosperity and meetings with pleasant people await you. See interpretation: smoke, aroma, smell, suffocate.

But if in a dream you feel that their aroma is unpleasant to you or you are choking on smoke or suffering from suffocation, then you should beware of flatterers, scoundrels and envious people who will try to harm your happiness. Cigarette butts in a dream symbolize minor chores, worries, thankless work for little money. If you dream that you saw a lot of cigarette butts in someone else's house, then this person will do a lot of bad things for you, bring you pain and suffering. Often such a dream indicates that through this person you can lose your fortune. If you dream that you were presented with cigars or treated to cigarettes, then beware of liars who want to deceive you. Smoking a cigar in a dream is a harbinger of peace and a pleasant pastime. If in a dream you burned your lips, tongue or fingers while smoking, then the dream warns you of danger or betrayal. See interpretation: tobacco.

Interpretation of dreams from

Find out from online dream book, why the Cigar is dreaming, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about Cigar by day of the week?

Cigar - You will have to spend time with people with whom you have very little in common.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

To see a cigar in a dream:

Cigar - see - revival; smoking - you will lose your health; get - beware of deception.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Cigars from your dream

Cigar - A symbol of the male gender. body, strength, confidence, prestige, image of well-being.

Modern dream book of Elena Avadyaeva

Why do you dream about Cigar?

If you dreamed of a cigar, then you need rest, as you have an anxious and difficult life.

If in a dream you lit a cigar, then you will soon start a new business.

If in a dream you bought a cigar, then a serious illness awaits you.

See also: smoking, tobacco, smoke.

Smurova's Big Family Dream Book

Why do you dream about Cigar, what does it mean?

Cigar - If you dreamed of cigars or cigarettes, then this is a sign of peace, well-being and pleasure.

If in a dream you were intoxicated by the smoke and aroma of cigars, then entertainment, wealth and communication with people you like are waiting for you.

Astrological dream book

Cigar see what does it mean?

The cigar is a strong sexual symbol. Smoking is an exquisite pleasure. 5th house of the horoscope.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Cigar - To aplomb.

For those born in May, June, July and August



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