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Questions in English about your future profession. Topic “Choosing my future profession”

Level B. My world.

My future profession

Future profession is a very important choice in every human life. Sooner or later everyone thinks about the profession. There are a lot of interesting professions in the world and I"d love to learn a few of them. It is very difficult to make a choice once and not to make a mistake. But desires don’t always coincide with possibilities.
Sometimes we do not choose what we need: some of us go to learn, where our friends learn, others study profession chosen by their parents. And only later a person realizes: “It’s not my cup of tea”: soul does not lie to her. The person making the choice must think not about how this or that profession will be paid or if there is a demand for it, and not about the tips of others. You should certainly listen to the opinions of adults, they never wish you bad, but it is the choice of your own and it must be done independently.

On the verge of leaving school we are often asked what we want to be, where we proceed, what we are going to do in the future. Some answer confidently what they want to link their lives with, others respond less confident, still doubting their choice. Not to suffer the wrong choice of profession in the future, you need to treat it with full responsibility and seriousness. But I still believe that it is not necessary to doubt in your choice, you need to act, to follow your heart’s calling.

For a long time I had doubts about my career choice, but at the last moment I centered college to study for a degree in travel and tourism. Now I"m on the third course and I do not regret my choice at all. I’d never thought before about the profession I chose. And now I"m glad I took the risk. I faced a great variety of opportunities. I have enough time to study and work, and I am not a burden. Besides, I can travel around the world not only as a tourist but as a specialist as well.

Youth is a period of one’s life that is more likely to commit errors. And even if after 15 years of training, you have not managed to find yourself - don’t give up. The main thing is to do what you like. Your job should not be just a job, should be fun, should not be a burden and should not be used for making money only. I would like people not to feel sorry for their choice of future profession. So I wish all of you to find the occupation you like.

A future profession is a very important choice in the life of every person. Sooner or later, everyone thinks about a profession. There are many interesting professions in the world, and I would like to learn some of them. It is very difficult to make a choice right away and not make a mistake. But desires do not always coincide with possibilities.

Sometimes we choose not what we need: some of us go to study where our friends study, others study the profession that their parents chose for them. And only later does a person realize that this is not his profession: his soul does not belong to it. A person making a choice should not think about how this or that profession will be paid, whether there is a demand for it, and not about what others will advise you. Of course, you should listen to the opinion of adults, they will never wish anything bad, but this is everyone’s choice and you need to make it yourself.

On the threshold of leaving school, we are often asked what we want to be, where we will go, what we are going to do in the future. Some answer confidently about what they want to connect their lives with, others answer less confidently, still doubting their choice. In order not to suffer over the wrong choice of profession in the future, you need to treat this with all responsibility and seriousness. But I still believe that there is no need to doubt your choice, you need to act, go where you want to go.

For a long time I doubted my choice of profession, but at the last moment I entered college to major in Tourism. Now I'm in my 3rd year and I don't regret my choice at all. I had never thought before about the profession I chose and now I’m glad I took the risk. Many opportunities opened up for me. I have time to study and work, and it’s not a burden to me. In addition, I will be able to travel around the world not only as a tourist, but also as a specialist.

Youth is the period of life in which you make the most mistakes. And even if after 15 years of study you still haven’t found yourself, don’t give up. The main thing is to do what you like. Your job shouldn't be just a job, it should be fun, it shouldn't be a burden, it shouldn't be just about making money. I really want people not to regret their choice in the future. Therefore, I wish everyone to find something to their liking.

Level B. My world.

My future job

I believe that every person should find his place in life and choose the right profession. It was my childhood dream to serve in the army. It is a difficult and responsible job. I"d like to do this job because I love my homeland.

To be a professional officer is a great responsibility and honor. In my job you need to be healthy, strong, flexible, brave, patient, hardy and have good intuition. Working in a team is another useful skill. I"ve entered the Cadet Corps and It was the first step towards achieving my dreams. Our Cadet Corps is a great school of life. After finishing it it"s much easer to enter and learn in a military university. Military men in a society are considered to be respected and noble people. This job is also well-paid. It's important too.

It goes without saying that we have to love our job because it"s our life.

I believe every person should find himself in life and choose the right profession. It was my childhood dream to serve in the army. This is a difficult and responsible job. I would like to do this work because I love my Motherland.

Being a professional officer is a huge responsibility. In my profession you need to be healthy, strong, flexible, courageous, patient, persistent and have good intuition. Working in a team is also a useful skill. I entered the cadet corps and this was the first step in realizing my dream. After this, it is much easier to enroll and study at a military university. A military man is considered respected and noble in society. It is also a highly paid job. This is also important.

It goes without saying that we should love our work because it is our life.

There is a wide choice of different professions and I`d like to tell you about my hesitation what to choose. In my childhood I wanted to become a famous singer or actor but when I was aware of all the difficulties of these professions I decided to refuse of my dream. Then I was going to become a vet. I imagined myself treating different animals, taking care of them, feeding and walking with them in the park, but this dream didn`t also come true.

It goes without saying that every person must choose his profession according to his natural abilities and inclinations to it. So I have decided to connect my life with a profession of a teacher because I am sure that it`s my cup of tea. On the one hand it`s a great responsibility for children, on the other hand it`s a very interesting, exciting and valuable profession in our life. Besides you won`t be able to succeed as a teacher if you don`t like children. Your success depends on a lot of things. At first you should be communicative, very organized and hardworking. You must be skilful in your profession. It is also necessary to understand pupils, give them a helping hand and be ready to solve their problems. More than that you must be polite and tactful.

Profession of a teacher is a great profession and it is known that who doesn`t work in this sphere, won`t be able to understand all the essence of it.

Nowadays there are thousands of different occupations but the most important role in choosing this or that one, plays a salary, of course. It is so, but to my mind, it`s impossible to work only for that purpose "earning a lot of money".Our job must bring us satisfaction and always only pleasant emotions. So in conclusion I`d like to advise people to choose their profession carefully, taking every thing into their consideration.


There is a wide choice of different professions and I would like to tell you about my doubts about what to choose. As a child, I wanted to become a famous singer or actor, but when I realized all the difficulties of these professions, I decided to give up my dream. Then I was going to become a veterinarian. I imagined how to handle different animals, take care of them, feed them and walk with them in the park, but this dream did not come true.

It goes without saying that every person should choose his profession according to his natural abilities and inclinations for it. Therefore, I decided to connect my life with the teaching profession, because I am sure that this is my cup of tea. On the one hand, this is a great responsibility for children, on the other hand, this is a very interesting, exciting and valuable profession in our lives. Besides, you can't succeed as a teacher if you don't love children. Your success depends on many things. At first you must be outgoing, very organized and hardworking. You must be skilled in your profession. It is also necessary to understand the students, give them a helping hand and be ready to solve their problems. Moreover, you must be polite and tactful.

The teaching profession is a great profession, and it is known that whoever does not work in this field will not be able to understand the full essence of it.

Currently, there are thousands of different professions, but the most important role in choosing one or another, of course, is salary. This is true, but in my opinion, it is impossible to work only with this goal of “earning a lot of money.” Our work should bring us satisfaction and always only pleasant emotions. So in conclusion, I would advise people to choose their profession carefully, taking everything into account.

The ability to describe your current or future profession in English will be useful in many situations. You can’t do without it during a job interview or an entrance test to an English-language university. Also a story on the topic of my future profession in English - one of the most common tasks in schools and in English language exams. We have created a detailed outline for this assignment so that you will learn how to describe your profession orally and in essay form.

Plan for a story about the profession - what should be

  1. Introduction.

    At the beginning of the topic, indicate what will be discussed, tell us what reasons prompted you to write this essay. After that, tell us what you are doing now: are you already working in your profession or are you just choosing it.

  2. Prerequisites for choice.

    Tell us what influenced your choice of profession, what you wanted to become as a child, who was your hero, what professions seemed interesting to you, and which ones were boring.

  3. Justification for choice.

    Explain what reasons influenced your conscious choice of profession: career prospects, prestige, the opportunity to help others, high salary, family tradition, persuasion of family and friends.

  4. Pros and cons of the profession.

    List the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen profession and tell which one outweighs them. Choose the main plus and the main minus of the profession and focus on them.

  5. Expectations from the future.

    Tell us what your career plans are, whether you want to work in this specialty all your life or plan to change it. If you change it, to what kind and why. How long do you plan to work and what do you want to achieve in your chosen profession?

  6. Conclusion.

    In conclusion, tell us whether you are satisfied with your choice, whether you are satisfied with your profession, whether you are proud of it, and whether you would recommend it to your children and friends.

What text you need to add if you want to talk about your future profession:

If you are not yet working in your chosen specialty, but are just planning to master it, the topic needs to be slightly adjusted:

  1. Other people's experience.

    Tell your friends and family what you think about this profession. What is her image in the public consciousness?

  2. Studies.

    Tell us what you need to learn and what skills you need to master to start working in this specialty. Where and how do you plan to study: at university or on your own?

  3. Place of work.

    Describe where and who you would like to work after graduation: a manager in a large international company, a designer in a small quiet office, or maybe even a programmer remotely from home.

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Useful words and expressions

Words/phrase in English Translation
Agency agency
Art and creative work art and creative work
Banking and financial activities banking and financial activities
Company company
Construction, repair, maintenance construction, repair, maintenance
Digithead technician
Earn your living make money for living
Employee employee
Employer employer
Humanity scholar humanitarian
Intern trainee, young specialist, intern
Jobless unemployed
Knowledge based skills knowledge-based skills
Law and order law and order
Look for a job Looking for a job
Management management
Manager manager
Medicine medicine
Occupation profession, occupation
Office worker office worker
Permanent job Full time job
Art profession creative profession
Promotion promotion
Realistic expectations realistic views for the future
Salary wage
Sales sales
Science the science
Stable job stable work
To fire somebody fire someone
To get a raise get a raise
To quit quit
To resign resign from one's responsibilities
To sack somebody cheat someone
Opportunities possibilities
Knowledge knowledge
Respect respect
Prestigious job prestigious job

Example of a story about a profession (for adults)

Let me tell you about my profession. The job that I have is also the same as the job that I would hope to have if I didn’t already have it. I'm an English teacher.

I chose the profession of English teacher after several years working as a researcher and journalist, as English is my first love and my passion. I love English literature, poetry, newspapers, films.

When I was a child, I used to like games such as organizing words into categories, and I think perhaps the kick I get from explaining grammar well is an extension of that. I like to bring order out of chaos.

Different aspects of my job involve different skills. When it comes to teaching, the job involves, of course, teaching students for general and business English, exams, legal English and so on. This requires a detailed knowledge of grammar, syntax, business skills such as presentations and meetings and more.

I'm interested in this job for so many reasons. As I mentioned, I love the English language. I am also fascinated to learn about people and their life stories, and in this job I meet a huge variety of people from all over the world. I'm keen to help bridge the divides between cultures.

Translation of the story (for adults)

Let me tell you about my profession. The job I have is the one I would want to work in even if I didn't have one. I'm an English teacher.

I chose to become an English teacher after working for several years as an academic and journalist because English is my first love and passion. I love English literature, poetry, newspapers, films.

As a child, I loved vocabulary games, and I think the pleasure I get from teaching grammar is an extension of that love. I like to bring order out of chaos.

Different aspects of my job require different skills. When it comes to teaching, this job involves, of course, teaching students general and business English, preparing for exams, teaching legal English and so on. This requires detailed knowledge of grammar and syntax, as well as business skills: preparing presentations, conducting meetings, etc.

I like this job for many reasons. As I already said, I love English. I'm also interested in getting to know people and their life stories, and in this job I get to meet a lot of people from all over the world. I strive to build bridges between different cultures.

An example of a story about a future profession (for children and teenagers)

I am going to describe my career plans. As for me in the future, I would like to become an interpreter. I know that interpreters have opportunities to visit different countries and continents. It attracts me because I’ll get acquainted with various people and I’ll learn their customs, rituals and traditions.

I’m sure that this creative profession enriches our mind and we become more educated. I think that an interpreter is a very useful profession because it helps people to communicate. But of course, if you want to be an interpreter, you will need definite qualification. At first, you must know one foreign language at least. It’s good if you know English (the language of the planet) and any other language. Also, you should know colloquial expressions and slang. You should know the history of the country the language of which you are studying, ways of life that are typical for this country, etc. And of course, you must be a sociable, communicative and patient person.

I think that this kind of career will suit me because I have almost all qualifications that are needed. But I must continue to work with English grammar and vocabulary as well as the German language. I try to read English books in the original, learn 10 words at a time and listen to English songs every day because I want to fulfill my ambitions. I like this profession and I hope that I’ll become an interpreter. I hope that my dream will be realized.

Translation of the story (for children and teenagers)

I'm going to describe my career plans. As for me, in the future I want to become a translator. I know that translators have the opportunity to travel to different countries and continents. This profession attracts me, because I will meet different people and learn their customs and traditions.

I am sure that this creative profession enriches our minds and we become more enlightened. I believe that a translator is a very necessary profession because it helps people communicate. Of course, if you want to be a translator, you will need certain qualifications. To begin with, you must know at least one foreign language. It’s good if you know English (the language of world communication) and some other language. You should also know colloquial expressions and slang. You must know the history of the country whose language you are studying, the way of life characteristic of its inhabitants, etc. And of course, you must be an open, sociable and patient person.

I think that such a profession will suit me because I have almost everything necessary for it. But I still have to continue working on my English grammar and vocabulary, as well as learning German. I try to read English books in the original, learn 10 new words at a time and listen to English songs every day because I want to realize my ambitions. I like this profession and I hope to become a translator. I hope that my dream will come true.

Video on how to write a story about a profession:

My future profession

A child usually dreams to be a doctor, a teacher, a firefighter or even an astronaut in the future. These professions are very important, so it is wonderful when child’s dream comes true and he or she becomes an expert in the particular field, for example, in medicine.

I think that everyone should work. It may be easy or difficult work, well-paid or low-paid. However, what is even more important is that the work must bring the joy. Of course, the salary is important nowadays but if you are not happy with your job, the salary will mean almost nothing. In this case you should find something else, something that will make you smile. This work may even become just a little addition to the main job.

My dream is to become an interpreter in the future. Why have I chosen this particular profession? The answer is quite simple. I like studying foreign languages ​​and cultures. When I study a new foreign language, a new world seems to be opened to me. I can find something unusual, unique, fascinating or even strange there but it is the wonderful experience.

The profession of an interpreter gives you an opportunity to meet new people from different countries or social groups. It teaches you to make decisions right here and right now. It is the experience that you cannot get even being a translator, for example. This is the main reason why I want to be an interpreter.

I will do my best to become an interpreter in the future because this is the work that can make me happy.


My future profession

A child usually dreams of becoming a doctor, teacher, fireman, or even an astronaut in the future. These professions are very important, so it is wonderful when a child's dream comes true and he or she becomes a specialist in a certain field of activity, for example, in medicine.

I think that every person should work. It can be an easy or difficult job, well paid or poorly paid. However, what is even more important: work should bring joy. Of course, salary plays a significant role these days, but if you are not happy with your job, salary will not mean so much to you. In this case, you must find something different, something that will make you smile. This job could even be just a small addition to your main profession.

My dream is to become an interpreter in the future. Why did I choose this particular profession? The answer is quite simple. I love learning foreign languages ​​and cultures. When I learn a new foreign language, it's like a new world opens up for me in which I can find something unusual, unique, exciting or even strange, but it's a wonderful experience.



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