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All about agrofibre: features of the use of covering material. What covering material is best for greenhouses and greenhouses? Is it possible to cover the greenhouse with a covering material

Today they are very common in the arrangement of greenhouses and greenhouses. They are able to pass moisture and ultraviolet, but have a stabilizer that eliminates the harmful effects of sunlight on cultivated plants. The greenhouse, which was made using such a canvas, heats up slowly and cools down quickly enough. Thus, summer residents manage to achieve gentle temperature fluctuations during the day. Under such a coating, it is possible to create a special microclimate in which the soil does not dry out, and excess moisture is not absorbed by the material. The surface is easy to care for, in addition, it is easy to clean, if necessary, you can remove the canvas for storage. In this case, do not be afraid of the formation of cracks.

Features of spunbond

Covering nonwovens are on the market today by different manufacturers. Among others, spunbond can be distinguished, which is quite easy to mount, for this it will only be necessary to press down the material around the perimeter with stones or bricks. If there is a need to protect seedlings without using a greenhouse frame, then you can purchase the thinnest and lightest material that can be laid on top of cultivated plants. In this case, do not be afraid that the sprouts will be damaged. This material is characterized by durability, consumers emphasize that it can be used for several seasons in a row.

Varieties of spunbond

The described covering nonwoven materials are represented by several modifications. Each of them has its own density. The thinnest and lightest has this indicator within 17 grams per square meter. With it, you can protect young plants from insects, frost and rain. By choosing a density of 30 grams per square meter, you can protect plantings from birds and flying insects. If there is a need to equip a tunnel greenhouse in the southern region, then such a solution will be the most suitable. An arc greenhouse can be covered which is equal to 42 grams per square meter. Whereas a density of 60 grams per square meter is intended for the arrangement of stationary greenhouses. Such a shelter will provide protection from the effects of minimum temperatures.

Agrospan features

These covering nonwovens reduce the cost of disease control and fertilizer. You no longer have to deal with pests and weeds. This solution is the most suitable for sheltering rose seedlings in winter period. At the same time, a dry tunnel is to be built. Summer residents install a kind of frame, covered on top with agrospan in one or two layers. The edges are important to fix well. Summer residents choose such options for greenhouses and greenhouses also because of the economic benefits. The acquisition is cheaper, and the material lasts longer than the film, without being exposed to the damaging effects of frost, as well as the sun.


When choosing non-woven, you may prefer "Agrospan-17", which is the lightest and thinnest. It can be used to save seedlings after they have been planted in the ground. Plants will not be afraid of frosts down to -5 degrees, which is true when laying the canvas in 2 layers. If the plant does not imply the need for pollination, then such protection can not be removed until harvest.

Reviews about the material "Agrospan-42"

This non-woven covering material, reviews of which are quite often positive, has an extended service life. Buyers choose it for arranging tunnels and small greenhouses. Summer residents like the quality of the material, which is able to create an enhanced greenhouse effect. Consumers who have been using this solution for more than a season note that with the help of the material it is possible to create an optimal balance of day and night temperatures. This approach provides the right microclimate for plant development.

This non-woven greenhouse cover, priced below, is considered by customers to be excellent for structures that need to be protected from hail and bird attacks. This technique allows you to reduce the time of fruit ripening, prolonging the growing season. Summer residents emphasize that they managed to increase productivity by 40%.

Features of arranging a greenhouse using the material "Agrospan-42"

Smooth arcs should be used as a frame system for a greenhouse or greenhouse. The material must be laid out on the frame, and then fixed with special care with the help of pegs or heavy objects. It is important to provide some tension. It is important to avoid sagging canvases. It is permissible to use traditional greenhouses and greenhouses as a frame system. However, in this case, it is necessary to cover the construction material very carefully in order to avoid breaking through its corners. For the period of cold weather, the agrospan is removed and removed for storage until the next season.

Reviews about the material "Agrospan-60"

Non-woven covering material, the price of which is 60 rubles per running meter, can be used for special conditions. According to buyers, the canvas performs well in areas where strong winds prevail. At the same time, a greenhouse or greenhouse can be installed in open areas without fear that the system will be damaged. Agrospan of this variety is the most durable, its service life is especially long. Those who use this solution for growing plants note that this approach allows them to ensure the fruitfulness of plants from early spring to late autumn. At the same time, plants will not be afraid of frosts down to -9 degrees.

With the help of the material "Agrospan-60" it is possible to create a uniform circulation of air inside, which distinguishes this material from the film. In this case, condensation does not form, and the owner of the summer cottage should not be afraid of steaming plants. If the greenhouse has a rounded shape, then the canvas can not be removed for the winter. But if there is a desire to extend the service life, then the agrospan is removed and removed for storage for the winter. You can also resort to an alternative solution by removing the agrospan to use it to cover ornamental plants and rose seedlings.

Mulch covering material

Non-woven covering is used for mulching. It is intended to cover the soil in order to protect plants from pollution, weeds, diseases and pests. Mulch is designed to allow water, air and liquid fertilizers to pass through. At the same time, the soil is not compacted due to the microcapillary distribution of water. This indicates that the summer resident will not have to perform periodic loosening. It is important to consider that you don’t have to weed the soil either, because under the black cover, the weeds do not receive light and do not have enough room to grow. The cover does not need to be removed from the garden for the winter, leaving it for the summer until it wears out or until you have a need to grow the crop itself. Non-woven weed covering material has a density ranging from 50 to 60 grams per square meter.

Agrotex features

This material is considered safe for plants and people, as well as completely environmentally friendly. With it, you can protect even early shoots from spring frosts and cold dew. The material perfectly tolerates heavy rains, solar exposure, as well as hail. With it, you can leave the plants without fear that they can freeze to -2 degrees. The canvas is capable of transmitting 90% of the light, as well as air and water. Plants will produce two weeks earlier than usual without the need for chemical fertilizers.


For arranging greenhouses, greenhouses, as well as growing cultivated plants in your summer cottage, of course, you can use traditional plastic wrap. However, it is worth considering that with its help it will be quite difficult to achieve the same results that are provided through the use of non-woven materials. In support of this, you can read a lot of consumer reviews, which have been using the canvases described above on the farm for many years.

In order to create an ideal microclimate in greenhouses for the plants located there, it is important not only to organize the correct lighting, heating and watering. One of the main conditions for obtaining a high yield is the choice of a suitable and best covering material, which will be discussed below.

Do I need to cover the greenhouse with a covering material?

Since gardeners begin to grow seedlings in their dachas in early spring, when the probability of frost is very high, they use greenhouses for their own purposes, which must be covered with special covering material. Why is this being done?

This need is as follows:

  • to maintain heat and stable temperature in greenhouses;
  • for growing early varieties of vegetables and herbs;
  • to protect plants from ultraviolet radiation, sudden temperature changes, drafts and strong winds;
  • when the greenhouse is in use all year round.

Types and properties of covering materials for greenhouses

IN modern world There are a large number of covering materials for greenhouses and greenhouses. They can be expensive and cheap, durable and suitable only for 1 time, with good light transmission and not very good, easy to install and need strong frames. All these features must be taken into account when designing greenhouses.

  • One of the first polymeric covering materials was a polyethylene film, characterized by the following advantages:
  • the most accessible and cheapest raw materials;
  • transmits and diffuses light well;
  • well bent and operated;
  • the ground under the film does not dry out for a long time, so it does not need to be watered often.

  • The disadvantages are:
  • wears out quickly from exposure to the sun and temperature changes;
  • creates condensation from the inside;
  • has a specific unpleasant odor;
  • you need to carefully pull on the frames so as not to tear.

Did you know? In the manufacture of plastic film and paper, the same amount of energy is used.

  • A type of polyethylene film is considered reinforced, which has the following advantages:
  • can last up to 5 years due to its increased strength;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • translucent;
  • convenient to use;
  • environmentally friendly.
  • The disadvantages are:
  • unstable to mechanical damage;
  • costs more than a simple film.

  • Another type of polyethylene coating is a PVC film and it is beneficial in that:
  • has high light transmission;
  • does not let in infrared rays;
  • stronger and thicker than other films, can last up to 4 years;
  • well passes air;

Important!When disposed of, PVC film releases a harmful gas, which, if ingested, can paralyze breathing.

  • It has the following disadvantages:
  • does not withstand temperatures below -15 ° C;
  • accumulates dust, as a result of which the ability to reflect light is reduced.

  • Very often, glass is used as a covering material, which takes second place after polycarbonate and has such positive properties:
  • perfectly transmits light;
  • can be used many times;
  • not afraid of temperature changes, heavy snowfalls;
  • provides high thermal insulation;
  • inexpensive;
  • not afraid of any chemicals.
  • The disadvantages include:
  • requires a strong frame due to its heavy weight;
  • may break from hail or heavy snow load;
  • does not have an infrared filter;
  • not suitable for growing all kinds of crops.

  • Increasingly, gardeners began to use cellular polycarbonate for their greenhouses due to its advantages:
  • very strong and durable;
  • lightweight, foldable, easy to use and install;
  • keeps the temperature in greenhouses well;
  • provides full coverage of plants;
  • withstands strong impacts and does not break;
  • protects plants from harmful UV rays.

Important! When installing cellular polycarbonate on greenhouses, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is able to stretch and shorten under the influence of high and low temperatures.

  • But it also has some disadvantages:
  • melts from exposure to abrasive substances such as ammonia, solvent, etc .;
  • it can be damaged by sharp objects.

This is a new type of non-woven covering material.

  • It has its positive qualities:
  • protects against UV exposure;
  • not affected by mold and rot;
  • ecologically pure;
  • well passes air and moisture;
  • not afraid of significant temperature changes, protects from winter frosts;
  • relatively inexpensive;
  • it can be sheathed, creating a shelter of different sizes.
  • Negative qualities include:
  • after use, it must be disinfected to avoid infection of plants with fungal diseases.

How to choose a covering material for greenhouses or greenhouses

Given the above characteristics of each type of covering materials, it can be noted that they have almost the same properties. The choice of the best should depend on its purpose.

And they are as follows:

  • in order to save money, a plastic film is best suited;
  • if the greenhouse is installed for a short time, you can use reinforced plastic film or PVC film;
  • when constructing stationary greenhouses, glass or polycarbonate are ideal;
  • for those who do not have the opportunity to constantly care for plants in the greenhouse, spunbond will provide the best microclimate;
  • it is more convenient to cover small greenhouses with foil, large greenhouses - with cellular polycarbonate and glass.

Methods for laying covering material for greenhouses

Before using the material to close greenhouses, it is necessary to build a frame on which it will be stretched or attached.
Each of these types has its own nuances:

  • when using spunbond, a layer of this material is laid on top of the structure. On greenhouses they fix with the help of earth, on greenhouses - with sewn-on fabric ties;
  • when attaching the film, make sure that it does not tear. Therefore, it is fixed using an aluminum profile and PVC clips, throwing a mesh over the film and fixing it to the frame, tying the polyethylene with cords;
  • polycarbonate is installed with thermal washers, aluminum, connecting or end profiles, airtight tape;
  • glass is fixed into frames with glazing beads or sealant and thin self-tapping screws.

Did you know?Spunbond is used not only in gardening, but also in the automotive, furniture industry, workwear and hygiene products.

Where to store and how to clean the covering material

In order for the cover to last longer, it requires proper care for themselves and storage, which is as follows:

  • the film after use must be washed with clean water, you can liquid soap, dry, carefully fold and hide in a dark, dry place;
  • wash the glass with soapy water, dry it, clean it with any glass cleaner, put it in storage;
  • to clean polycarbonate, it is recommended to use a soft sponge or cloth dipped in soapy water, without the use of detergents and cleaners, then rinse with clean water and dry;
  • it is preferable to clean spunbond from dirt by wiping it with a damp cloth without using any detergents, it can be rolled up and stored in a dry place.

With such a large amount of raw materials for covering greenhouses and hotbeds, it is necessary to opt for the most suitable for each gardener, taking into account the positive and negative qualities each of the above types.

How is greenhouse covered? An incredible amount of materials, but each gardener has his own preferences regarding the quality, cost and natural characteristics of the canvas. For quite a long time, glass, polyethylene, and in rare cases, polycarbonate were used to finish greenhouses, and now you can find coatings such as non-woven covering material in almost every garden.

Greenhouse nonwoven fabric

Non-woven covering material has a lot of advantages, thanks to which it is so popular today.


  1. It is able to pass moisture, the rays of the sun, however, there is a certain stabilizer in the canvas, which is a component of the raw material from which a material is created that can prevent the penetration of harmful UV rays. It is the harmful rays that cause indelible harm to plants.
  2. Greenhouses made of covering fabric slowly heat up and cool down for a long time, respectively, inside the structure the temperature is maintained at an optimal level throughout the day.
  3. Under such material, the soil cannot dry out, even in dry weather, and during heavy rains, excess moisture is absorbed into the greenhouse cover.
  4. Removing and stretching the canvas is not difficult and does not take too much time. Due to the high strength of the material, it cannot be torn even under strong mechanical stress.

The average service life of nonwoven fabric is 3-6 years.

Features of working with non-woven material

There are some features of working with non-woven material that you should familiarize yourself with before purchasing a product and starting to install it on a structure. Experienced gardeners have a sufficient number of tricks that help extend the life of the material, as well as make the material more practical and convenient to use.

Operating secrets:

  1. When sewing a fabric strip along the central part of the fabric, as well as supplying it with bandages, the process of stringing the fabric onto the frame will be simpler and will not be difficult. To do this, you do not need to use a special tool, but only the skills to tie strong knots.
  2. To reduce the sailing effect, you can make wooden slats along the edges of the canvas.
  3. If you combine non-woven fabric and polyethylene film, you can significantly increase the life of the material. However, it is worth remembering that the film does not allow moisture to pass through, which means that you need to cover the second polyethylene layer only in rainy weather.
  4. If the structure is arched, then you can not remove the canvas for the winter. It is worth noting that in this case, the life of the material will be significantly reduced.

When the non-woven fabric can no longer be used to cover the whole greenhouse, its pieces are used to warm seedlings during seedlings.

What is better for a greenhouse: fabric, polycarbonate or film

What coating should be used to finish greenhouses so that the plants are in ideal conditions for germination and development? What to choose: woven or non-woven material? This is the question that gardeners ask themselves when they get up before the construction of greenhouses and hotbeds. The choice of paintings today is huge and it depends on various factors, for example, from cost, characteristics or from external data.

Types of coverage and their characteristics:

  1. Silicate glass has excellent light transmission, as well as an unlimited service life, but it has a high cost, weight and material is very fragile, which makes it less popular. For greenhouses, glass with a thickness of 4 mm should be used.
  2. Cellular polycarbonate is much stronger than the previous material, and it is also resistant to various temperature extremes, ultraviolet radiation. It is elastic and can be finished with a variety of configuration designs. The thickness of polycarbonate is 6-16mm. In terms of service life, it is the most durable, since the canvas can be used for up to 20 years.
  3. Polyethylene film is the most affordable material and is an excellent way to shelter plants from rain and wind. Unfortunately, the canvas is not durable and can be deformed at the slightest mechanical impact. The film is purchased, as a rule, for one season.
  4. Acrylic canvases are a rarity for vegetable gardens, but the material has excellent strength and elasticity. There is no limitation on service life.
  5. PVC sheets are an innovation in covering greenhouses and greenhouses small size. Such a canvas has excellent resistance to mechanical stress, temperature changes, as well as harmful UV rays.
  6. Non-woven covering material can be used up to 6 seasons, it perfectly passes moisture and prevents the penetration of the harmful rays of the sun.

Under such a fabric, the plants will be in an optimal microclimate, which means it will perfect option for growing a rich and high-quality crop.

How to choose a covering fabric for a greenhouse

Now many gardeners have to deal with a lot of outlandish names that are written on the labels of various covering materials. Initially, it may seem that this is a set of letters at all, however, each non-woven fabric has its own hallmarks, cost and original appearance.

It is worth noting that in general, non-woven fabric differs in density, each type of which is suitable for specific type plants:

  1. 17-30 g / m2 - suitable for protecting plants planted outside greenhouses from ultraviolet rays and frosts that adversely affect seedlings. Due to the excellent permeability of such necessary resources, like water, light and heat, plants are in an ideal microclimate in which they will perfectly develop, grow and bear fruit. The excellent quality of such a canvas is that it can save plantings from birds and insects, or in other words from major pests. Material with this density, as a rule, is used to cover shrubs, berry crops, vegetables and fruits, as well as ornamental plants that grow on open field.
  2. 42-60 g/m2 is excellent for building a greenhouse on arcs, and even for winter structures.
  3. 60 g/m2 is suitable for beginner gardeners. He has mass positive sides, which substantially pays for its cost. In the manufacture of the canvas, a special stabilizer is used to prevent the penetration of harmful UV rays under the canvas. The material is strong, durable and wear-resistant. Due to the presence of carbon in the composition of the fabric, the canvas has a black color.

This color contributes to the absorption of sunlight and gives a large amount of heat into the structure. In other words, the plants are warm and do not burn out under the influence of the sun. Weeds die in the absence of sufficient light. Such a woven material perfectly helps to grow a rich and high-quality crop.

Selection rules: non-woven covering material for greenhouses (video)

Making a greenhouse choosing such a fabric is not difficult. And the effect will be simply magnificent if you choose the right density.

How to cover a greenhouse: options

In spring, it is time to plant seedlings and sow seeds in the ground. The sooner this is done, the sooner the seedlings will sprout and the crop will ripen.

Therefore, care must be taken to create comfortable conditions for plants. Buy or make your own greenhouses and greenhouses in which young plants can be sheltered from the weather.

Film for greenhouse

Covering materials have long been used to protect seedlings and crops. Now there are more and more of them and it is not easy to figure out which of them are intended for what.

Closed plants are not afraid of short-term spring frosts, wind and hail. But it all depends on the correct choice of the material itself.

What are covering materials

Cover material for greenhouses

As a coating for greenhouses and hotbeds, glass, polycarbonate and materials consisting of non-woven polypropylene fiber are used: Spunbond, Lutrasil, Agril, Agrospan.

This is a new word in the market of covering materials, they have improved qualities compared to conventional film. But not all of them are designed for greenhouses and greenhouses.

Their quality depends on the use of a UV stabilizer, and strength, functionality and durability on density. They serve to protect seedlings after planting it in a greenhouse, promote rapid rooting and growth. If you familiarize yourself with the properties of all materials, you can decide what is better to cover the greenhouse.

Comparative characteristics of film and cloth Agrospan

Cover option for greenhouses - agrospan non-woven fabric

Agrospan, thanks to its qualities, creates a special microclimate in the greenhouse and surpasses ordinary film in many respects:

  • It allows moisture and sunlight to pass through in small doses, thereby protecting plants from drying out;
  • Maintains a stable temperature and reduces its fluctuations to a minimum;
  • Does not break when folded, easy to clean and does not tarnish;
  • Strong and durable, can be used for 4-5 seasons;
  • Protects plants from frost down to -3 degrees, and if you cover a greenhouse with it in two layers, then up to -5.

The properties of a conventional greenhouse film, the low price of which compensates for the shortcomings, are as follows:

  • Transparent, transmits light well;
  • Does not pass moisture;
  • Suitable for temporary shelters;
  • Quickly ages and collapses under the influence of low temperatures;
  • It does not transmit infrared radiation well, therefore it does not protect against temperature changes.

However, thanks to new scientific developments and modern technologies improved types of polyethylene film appeared.

They are used as a covering for greenhouses and greenhouses. This is a very popular material for the needs of gardeners and gardeners.

Types of film coatings

PE film for plant protection

Plastic film is the most famous material used by gardeners and gardeners. It is produced in rolls and sleeves 3, 4 and 6 m wide, of different thicknesses. Gardeners have a wide choice of how to cover the greenhouse.

What types of film coatings are:

  • Reinforced - a fiberglass mesh inserted into it makes the film stronger;
  • "Breathable" - it allows moisture to pass through, as it has tiny holes through which air passes;
  • Color light-converting - has special additives that convert ultraviolet radiation to infrared. Accelerates plant growth and protects against frost;
  • Air bubble - has high thermal protection and mechanical strength.

The film contributes to the preservation of fertilizers in the soil, does not violate its structure and integrity. It helps earlier flowering and ripening of fruits, retains heat and even protects crops from bird attacks. A greenhouse with a film coating is easy to do with your own hands.

Note! The film is sold in black and white. It is laid on the ground inside the greenhouse with the white side up. It reflects the sun's rays, and black does not allow weeds to develop.

What other types of coverage are there?

Photo of polycarbonate for greenhouses and greenhouses

Small greenhouses are not advisable to cover with glass. It is a fragile and heavy material. It transmits ultraviolet light, which can be detrimental to plants.

In addition, glass greenhouses are difficult to install and there are problems with sealing. Imperfect glass was replaced by more quality material- polycarbonate.

It has become relatively recent to use it as a coating for a greenhouse. It is cellular and monolithic.

Its popularity is growing every year faster and faster.

The properties of modern greenhouse polycarbonate, due to which it has replaced glass, are as follows:

  • Durability - does not crack or break;
  • Convenient for transportation - can be rolled up;
  • Passes the ultraviolet necessary for plants;
  • Plastic and non-flammable;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • Easy;
  • Not afraid of hail and wind.

The instructions for assembling a polycarbonate greenhouse tell you what tool it can be cut with and how to ensure sealing. often on summer cottages make stationary greenhouses. Previously, they were covered with glass or film, but with the advent of polycarbonate, there is a desire to replace the old coating with a new one.

This is quite possible and does not present any difficulties. On an old strong frame of any shape, it is easy to mount sheets of the desired size.

How to cover an old greenhouse with polycarbonate correctly:

  • Calculate the amount of material, buy it with a margin;
  • Prepare the right tools, it is easily cut with an ordinary knife;
  • Self-tapping screws for fastening and rubber bands and profiles for sealing.

Polycarbonate sheets are attached to the greenhouse frame with thermal washers - this is a plastic washer on a leg, the length of which is equal to the thickness of the panel. They provide reliable installation.

Moreover, modern thermal washers have rubber gaskets, which prevent moisture and dirt from penetrating inside the greenhouse.

Thermal washer

Big choice different materials will help decide how to cover the greenhouse. The main thing is to create all conditions for the growth and development of plants.


Protect plants from early spring to late autumn allow greenhouse facilities in the garden. Greenhouses, large and small, organically fit into garden design thanks to modern, reliable, functional and beautiful coatings. The video in this article will tell you how to choose them correctly.

Covering material for greenhouses: a variety of types, advantages and disadvantages of each

Every novice gardener who decides to break a greenhouse or build a greenhouse faces the problem of choosing a covering material. What is more suitable for your climatic conditions, traditional or non-woven covering material for greenhouses?

In this article, we will try to tell you as fully as possible about each type of covering material, its application, advantages and disadvantages.

To grow a crop, you need to cover seedlings and fruits from bad weather and pests.

Polyethylene film

Photo of polyethylene film in rolls

Our grandparents had a small choice of covering material: plastic film, although it was reputed to be in short supply, but wrapped with it wooden frames greenhouses stood in almost every area.

And it does not matter that polyethylene served only a season - the price of the material and ease of installation were not its only advantages:

  • firstly, the seedlings were securely hidden from gusts of wind and morning frosts;
  • secondly, the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse were higher than outside.

It would seem, why reinvent the wheel? But no, progress has touched this area as well. Agriculture, and new coatings have replaced unstabilized polyethylene.

The addition of special impurities to the raw material makes it possible to obtain a covering material for greenhouses with desired properties: light-transforming, heat-retaining and hydrophilic films; the use of polyvinyl chloride in production extends the life of the coating up to eight seasons; reinforcing mesh - gives strength, elasticity, resistance to tearing.

Reinforcing mesh visible to the naked eye

Be that as it may, plastic film of all kinds is still found in greenhouses and greenhouses, that is, it is in demand on the market.


In Soviet times, a glazed greenhouse was almost a luxury item - the neighbors looked enviously through the fence and mentally calculated the cost of the building.

Glass greenhouse - in the past the envy of neighbors

Indeed, with the task of protecting plants from adverse atmospheric phenomena (heavy precipitation, fog, dew), glass did an excellent job. The light conductivity of this material is much higher than polyethylene, but in terms of thermal insulation properties it loses to the film.

In addition, the glass walls of the greenhouse are fragile and prone to cracking with minor mechanical stress, and what about a large hail accompanied by a heavy wind?! Replacing the paintings came out to the owners for a "penny".

Cellular polycarbonate

This expensive, rapidly conquering the market, covering material has absorbed all best properties polyethylene and glass.

Cellular polycarbonate is available in all colors of the spectrum

Advantages of polycarbonate:

  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • high light transmission capacity - up to 84% (for comparison: this figure for glass is 100%) and at the same time reliable protection of plants from UV rays;
  • impact strength, resistance to snow and wind loads, guaranteed long service life;
  • simplicity and ease of installation of a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate.

Polycarbonate is produced in sheets up to 12 meters long and a little more than 2 meters wide. Sheet thickness varies from 4 to 32 mm.

And greenhouses are built traditionally white

Like any other covering material, cellular polycarbonate is not without drawbacks:

  • High price. Of course, given the service life of the material, the price of the issue will not seem prohibitively high, but it can be difficult for a novice gardener taking his first steps in the field of agriculture to decide on an expensive purchase;
  • When building a greenhouse, it is imperative to take into account the properties of the material, change the dimensions during cooling and heating: leave a tiny gap for expansion and securely fix it in the grooves in case of compression during cooling.

Greenhouses made of polycarbonate are equally well suited for both seasonal growing of vegetables and year-round strawberries or greens.

What is agrofibre

Remembering the love of pensioners for polyethylene film and taking into account its shortcomings, agricultural technologists have proposed a new covering non-woven material for greenhouses and hotbeds - Spunbond.

The entire canvas is covered with tiny holes (pores)

Spunbond (agrofibre) is made from fiber-forming polymers: polyamide, polypropylene, polyester and others.

Two types of agrofilm are produced:

  • black (for mulching the soil, warming seedlings in winter or protecting them from weeds);
  • white (most often used to cover greenhouses).

Advantages of nonwoven fabric for greenhouses

  1. The covering material allows moisture and sunlight to pass through, but thanks to the UV stabilizer, which is part of the raw material, harmful rays do not damage seedlings;
  2. A greenhouse made of spunbond covering material heats up slowly and cools down for a long time, i.е. temperature fluctuations during the day are not large;
  3. A special microclimate is created under the agrofilm: the soil does not dry out during drought, and during heavy rains, excess moisture ceases to be absorbed into the coating;
  4. Spunbond can be easily removed, cleaned, compactly folded without cracking;
  5. The service life of the material is from 3 to 6 seasons.

Agrofibre is produced in various densities from 17 to 60 g/sq.m. For greenhouses, it is recommended to use the densest material.

Features of working with agrofibre

The instructions for covering the greenhouse with agrofibre are similar to the sequence of work with plastic wrap.

  • If you sew a fabric strip with ties in the center of the spunbond fabric, it will be very convenient to “mount” the coating on the frame. This does not even require special tools, it will be enough to know how to tie knots.
  • To reduce the sailing effect, it is still desirable to beat the canvas with wooden slats from the outside;
  • Spunbond performed well in combination with polyethylene film, provided that it covered only the roof. Since the coating easily passes water and ensures the circulation of air masses in the greenhouse, the owners have much less trouble with watering and ventilation;
  • With the arched design of the greenhouse, the covering material can not be removed for the winter. However, manufacturers recommend not to practice this in order to extend the life of the spunbond;
  • “Used” agrofibre, no longer suitable for covering greenhouses, can be given a second life as a covering material to protect seedlings or perennial flowers from snow and frost.

Now the tree is not afraid of frost and wind

As you can see, spunbond non-woven covering material frees summer residents from the need for constant presence in the garden, daily ventilation, watering and weeding.

You don’t even have to worry about additional heating of the greenhouse - it will keep a more or less constant temperature and humidity level anyway. And a nice bonus will be accelerated fruit ripening and an extended growing season of plants.


We have tried to cover the range of covering materials as fully as possible:

  • from the most common and budget;
  • to recently appeared on the market and, accordingly, more expensive.

We talked about the advantages of each of the coatings and did not forget to point out minor disadvantages.

Even watermelons can be grown in a greenhouse - the main thing is to choose the right covering material

The traditional video in this article contains a few more useful tips from an experienced owner right choice and use of covering material.

Choosing a covering material for greenhouses: a comparative review of 4 options

Thanks to the rapid technological progress in the arsenal of an ordinary gardener, now there is nothing at all: these are the latest automatic systems heating and watering, and self-opening windows, and "smart sensors", and even a wonderfully warm floor made of thin film. And the new century also did not bypass the covering material for greenhouses - today you can already forget about the heavy old windows and thin muddy film, from which large and small greenhouses were massively built due to the lack of a more affordable option. And even in cold Siberia today, heat-loving plants are successfully grown under closed ground conditions.
And now, due to the availability of all the necessary components in modern stores, absolutely every owner can build a solid greenhouse on his site - no matter where he lives and what kind of area it is. The only thing you have to work hard on is the calculations. And the very first thing you need to decide initially is the material with which you can cover the greenhouses.

Polyethylene film - is it so simple?

In the late 90s, when a market was actively formed in our country due to unemployment, reinforced film began to be aggressively advertised among summer residents. It was touted for its extraordinary strength and especially long service life - up to 6 years. Unlike ordinary film, reinforced and more sun-resistant, and dense, and warm. And, as it turned out, this covering material really exceeded all expectations: even today it can serve the most thrifty owners for as long as 8 years. It is only important to follow some rules: protect such a film at the folds at the points of contact with the frame, get rid of sharp corners and do not stretch it too much.

But the simple polyethylene film has not remained in the past either. Even though it sometimes serves only one season, it is cheap for its owners, and it copes with its functions quite well. So, the ability to transmit light even in a two-layer film is 80%. And someone even thinks that it's bad - it's much better, supposedly, that the material skips 100%. In fact, it is by no means better - with an excess of light, greenhouse plants are too elongated in growth, and then the fruits are not pleasing to the eye. But 80% is enough for the tops to be exactly what they should be. These are such tricky moments, so never discard the good old traditions and experience - they can come in handy!

Related article: Film for greenhouses and greenhouses: a comparative review of 6 options

Cellular polycarbonate is the sales leader of the modern market

Why do most summer residents still prefer cellular polycarbonate? It's all about durability - you only need to build such a structure once, and you won't have to think about repairs anymore. It remains only to grow and enjoy the harvest.

Cellular polycarbonate is indeed much warmer than window glass - even with a thickness of only 8 mm, it already retains heat inside the greenhouse twice as well, and a thickness of 16 mm is comparable to triple glazing. For modern greenhouses, the material is sold exactly cellular - i.e. with cellular structure. It consists of an upper and lower layer, between which there are stiffening ribs. The sun's rays settle on the bottom and top sheet, but penetrate inside in different directions - scattering, which is especially good for the growth of the future crop. Manufacturers also claim that it delays "hard" ultraviolet rays - exactly those that act destructively on plants, but "useful" ones completely miss. Therefore, in such constructions, you can even sunbathe safely, without fear of getting burned - this will not happen.

According to its chemical structure, it is a polycondensation of diphenylolpropane with carbonic acid. And all derivatives of the latter are called carbonates - that's where the famous name comes from.

For the installation of polycarbonate, special aluminum fastening systems, profiles and other structures that can be ordered are traditionally used. But many summer residents are stunned by the question of how to fix polycarbonate - is it really possible to do without branded thermal washers or is it more rational to use self-tapping screws for profiled sheet? Should the sheets overlap or use a special profile to connect them? To answer this question, let's look at the coefficient of thermal expansion - 0.068 mm from each meter per 1 degree. At first glance, this seems insignificant - but with a temperature drop from -20, as in Russia in winter to +30 in summer, a six-meter sheet will change in size by exactly 34 mm, and this is already quite noticeable. And the self-tapping screw, which is always in place due to the almost complete absence of thermal expansion in the metal, will simply “break” an oval hole in the material. At the same time, branded washers with a diameter of more than 30 mm completely seal the holes and are designed for any thermal deformations that are invisible to the eye. Just pay attention when buying plastic thermal washers that they are too fragile after two years - due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

And, finally, polycarbonate has high impact resistance - it perfectly tolerates strong hail and even a thrown stone will not particularly harm it. That is why the manufacturer generously gives a guarantee for such covering material for all 10 years. And sheets can be bent, unlike glass - and therefore such different structures are built from them today. A real outlet for landscape designers!

Related article: Which polycarbonate is better for a greenhouse - learning to choose

Tent as a shelter: clear advantages or advertising?

Unusual options have also found their application - they are somewhat similar to a foreign awning, only their properties are slightly different. Day by day, non-woven materials are becoming more and more popular - Agril, Lutrasil, Thermoselect and others. There are many such brands, and all of them are designed for multifunctional use.

But the closest attention should be paid to their qualities and properties - so that it does not turn out that the plants will subsequently lack some important light spectra, and the harvest will be poor. In total, modern non-woven options hold heat well in the greenhouse and slowly release it at night. But they cannot save seedlings from frost, and like fabric, they can tear and cost a lot. The choice is yours!

If you nevertheless purchased such material, then during the rains, be sure to cover it with ordinary plastic wrap, and then remove it: this way the non-woven fabric will last longer.

Glass - for the most industrious gardeners

Modern technologies allow growing vegetables, flowers and berries all year round. Owners of summer cottages seek to extend or accelerate the fruiting period. To do this, equip structures of closed ground.

The microclimate of a greenhouse or greenhouse and plant health depend on the covering material. Value for money plays a major role in the choice. Proper installation and use affects the life and payback of the structure.

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    How to create optimal conditions?

    Most fruit and ornamental crops are united by the development of general rules. Their observance is the key to success in cultivation. If on mechanical and chemical composition Since the gardener can influence the soil in the course of cultivation, it is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly change the design.


    1. 1. Temperature. This aspect is important for cultivation in any period. In winter, a well-made structure retains heat, and in hot weather it serves as protection against overheating. Temperatures above +32 negatively affect the formation of pollen and ovaries.
    2. 2. Air exchange. Necessary for respiration (transpiration) and plant photosynthesis. Even in the open ground, there is a natural movement of air currents. After the rain, the wind rises and dries the surfaces, preventing the spread of fungi. An imbalance in the content of gases and stagnation of air in the greenhouse lead to problems in the development of seedlings and diseases.
    3. 3. Light. Ensures the stability of photosynthesis. Lack of light causes the plant to stretch. The skeleton becomes fragile, absorption is blocked minerals from the ground.

    What's better?

    The choice of covering material for a greenhouse or greenhouse is not easy. Each composite material has its pros and cons. If there was an ideal material according to all criteria, there would not be so many disputes among farmers about them.

    The owner of the site is considering purchasing what is necessary for the construction in advance. This will help to avoid surprises when mounting the structure. Issues to be resolved:

    • what area of ​​the greenhouse is supposed to be covered;
    • how much money will be allocated from the family budget;
    • what they plan to grow (required indicators of temperature and lighting);
    • type of construction - with or without a foundation;
    • heating and ventilation system;
    • the rigidity of the frame and the substance from which it is made;
    • how much time is planned to allocate to the maintenance of the structure.

    A convenient option is a modular greenhouse. The principle of using modules makes it possible to mount them additionally, without interrupting the growing season, and increase the usable area.

    glass structures

    They require thorough preparation. Since glass is heavy, construction begins with laying the foundation. Metal corners are used as a frame.

    Positive properties:

    • high transparency;
    • ease of care;
    • convenience of designing additional elements - vents, transoms;
    • absolute resistance to atmospheric phenomena and the sun (durability);
    • no toxicity (environmental friendliness).

    Wall-mounted greenhouse with glass cover

    Glass is easy to clean. You can not be afraid to use chemical reagents when restoring order in the offseason. The use of a glass base with the addition of phosphors can increase the yield.


    • big weight;
    • high price;
    • increased thermal conductivity (rapid heating and cooling);
    • installation duration.

    When choosing glass, pay attention to its structure. Small air bubbles, microcracks are unacceptable.

    A glass greenhouse is a serious investment. Leading specialists from the Netherlands and Belgium use glass as a coating for capital all-season structures. Many are afraid of the fragility of the material. But extreme weather events (large hail, windbreak hurricane) can destroy any translucent structure. Most natural and synthetic composites require careful handling.

    Polyethylene film

    Like glass, it comes in different thicknesses. Dense material is used in the construction of overall greenhouses. Manufacturers increase resistance to atmospheric influences due to stabilizing additives. If polyethylene usually cracks by the end of the first season, the stabilized polyethylene film can withstand 2-4 years of use.


    • ease of installation;
    • low cost.

    Airing film greenhouse

    The sides of the greenhouse are easy to raise for summer airing. Accidental cuts or rips are repaired with duct tape or by layering on a heated patch.

    Negative points:

    • fragility (destruction by UV rays);
    • evaporation of chemical compounds.

    During installation work make sure that the polyethylene is well stretched. Covering is recommended in warm weather (+5...+15). In the heat, the film stretches and can tear when frost sets in. Material stretched in frost will sag after warming. Parts in contact with sharp and metal joints are protected from mechanical damage: rough metal is isolated with a cloth, and wood is polished.

    To make a glass or film greenhouse capable of keeping the temperature in winter, it is designed in the form of a thermos. Between external and internal material there is an air gap of 5-20 cm. Air is more inert than film or glass. Due to this property, the structure cools down much more slowly.


    Non-woven covering material has different names depending on the brand of the manufacturer. The most common are lutrasil and spunbond. polymer material has several types depending on the density:

    • 17gsm m protects from cooling down to -1...-2;
    • 30gsm m: -2...-3;
    • 42gsm m: -3...-5;
    • 60gsm m: -4...-6.

    lettuce under nonwoven fabric

    Advantages of agrofibre:

    • light weight;
    • low cost;
    • ability to pass air and moisture.

    The main disadvantage: the matte surface retains most of the sun's rays. The transparency of a material is inversely proportional to its density. Seedlings are covered with a thin cloth during spring frosts. During the day, it serves as protection from sunburn. Dense is used to shelter dormant plants for the winter. For greenhouses, spunbond is used in case of emergency additional insulation with a lack of heating.

    Cellular polycarbonate

    Plastic 2-layer or multi-layer material is widely used for the construction of winter greenhouses. Gained great popularity due to its positive qualities:

    • wear resistance;
    • service life from 5 to 30 years;
    • plasticity (the ability to take any shape);
    • light weight (16 times less than glass);
    • good thermal insulation due to air gaps.

    The translucency of cellular polycarbonate is equal to glass. They equally do not pass part of the rays of the ultraviolet spectrum (up to 10%).

    Like any material, it has disadvantages:

    • high cost;
    • fragility when using a weak frame structure;
    • property to fade with time;
    • instability to abrasive particles and chemical detergents.

    Greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate

    Installation of a polycarbonate greenhouse is carried out carefully, following the following parameters:

    1. 1. Seam sealing. Poor embedding causes moisture to enter the cells of the honeycomb, which encourages green algae to grow between the layers and reduces transparency.
    2. 2. Protection. To slow down the destruction of polycarbonate, a protective layer is applied to one of the sides of the sheet. When installing, it must be outside, otherwise the material will quickly collapse.

    The structure is also covered in a combined way. The sides are made from one material, the roof from another.

    The dense framework has high strength, but transmits less light into the greenhouse. To improve illumination, the sides are made inclined, and gable roof converted to polygonal.

    Reinforced film has good strength. Average service life - 3 years.

    What else may be needed for greenhouses and greenhouses?

    Agrofabric - polypropylene material of different density of black, brown, green tint. Designed for soil mulching.


    Double-sided agrofibre is also used as a mulch. The white surface is turned outward so that it does not allow the soil to overheat. The inner black side prevents the growth of weeds.

    The film, dyed in contrasting colors like non-woven material, is used to make bags in soil and hydroponic cultivation.



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