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Cesspool legislation. Distance from the well to the drain or cesspool: SNiP norm and SanPiN requirements

When a country or country house is being built, its owners immediately take into account the design of the drainage system. The most suitable solution to this issue is a cesspool. But it must comply with SNiP. If any points are violated during design and construction, operation may be accompanied by fines and many problems.

Why you should follow SNiP

Failure to comply with the requirements leads to contamination of natural water sources and the spread of infections. Before constructing a pit, the ideal option would be to include it in the building plan. It will also be necessary to coordinate with the government services involved. This should include SES. To obtain permits for work, this condition is necessary.

Selecting a location

By studying the sanitary standards and requirements for a cesspool, you will need to choose the right location. A pit is a container for receiving household waste. To determine the location and approval, according to SNiP, it is necessary to analyze the site and the surrounding area. When drawing up a diagram, you need to take into account the location:

  • wells;
  • residential building;
  • pipelines;
  • water supply;
  • outbuildings;
  • gas pipelines.

Here the elements of the landscape, highlands and lowlands of the area are taken into account. When planning, you must take into account the location of neighboring communication systems, wells, and houses in order to allocate an area for a sanitary zone. When planning the location, the direction of movement of underground flows should be taken into account. You can obtain information about them from the relevant services.

Regulations and conditions

Having studied the sanitary standards and rules for a cesspool, you can find out where to carry out work from neighbors or your own home. It is important to choose the optimal location correctly. For example, the pit should be removed 1.5 m from the boundaries of the plot. As for water intake wells, treatment systems should be removed from them by 20 m. The sewage system should be removed by 10 m from the structures of the neighboring house and the main building of the neighbors. The pit should be removed from the residential building by 10 m. should be removed by 8 m or more, water pipes should be removed from it by 25 m. As for gas pipes, the distance to them should be 5 m, but from underground flows - 25 m.

The standards for placing cesspools also regulate the condition of the soil in the building area. On clay soils, natural wells should be 20 m away from the pit. If your territory has loamy soil, then this figure should be increased by 30 m. As for sandy soils, natural wells should be 50 m away from the pit. Not recommended location of the structure downstream of groundwater. This will prevent contamination of natural wells.

What regulatory documents must be followed?

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to maintain the shortest distance to your home. If it is impossible to install the capacity with the mentioned step, then the mentioned parameters can be reduced only after agreement with some services. Experts do not recommend deviating from the requirements. When waste rots, which certainly happens in a pit, gases will be released. Don't forget about the unpleasant odor. When the windows are open in the summer, all these aromas will penetrate into the house. Therefore, it is important to understand that sanitary standards must be observed. The distance from the house to the cesspool is usually 15 m.

It is especially difficult to maintain a step to the nearest water pipes. This is due to the fact that you must take into account the direction of movement of currents underground. They flow from the drainpipe and head towards the cesspool. If in the opposite direction, then the selected distance must be increased from 25 to 40 m.

The main document that will guide you when constructing a cesspool is SanPiN 42-128-4690-88. Sanitary rules that regulate the maintenance of populated areas are spelled out here. You will be able to learn about the basic requirements for the design and location, as well as the care of the cesspool. The documentation was developed back in the Soviet Union, and analogues have now been adopted in almost all CIS countries.

Despite its relatively long history, the sanitary standards prescribed in this document remain relevant, but not all of them. For example, professionals in the field of sewerage installation advise increasing the distance from the waste collection tank to a residential building or additional buildings.

Having familiarized yourself with the standards for a drainage pit in a private house, you can begin to choose the type of such structure. The simplest option is a hole without a bottom. Such structures can only be constructed if the daily volume of sewage is no more than one cubic meter. The pit should be located below the level of the drinking water intake to prevent contamination of the water in the well by runoff.

When constructing a pit, you must take into account some parameters. For example, there are certain requirements for the location of a drinking well and pit, which depends on the properties and types of soil in the area. This was discussed above. If the household generates more than the mentioned volume of wastewater every day, you should abandon this pit option and consider similar structures made of metal, brick or concrete.

An excellent option would be a plastic sealed drive. Standards for a drainage pit in a private house also apply to a sealed structure. It should have a slope towards the technological hatch for cleaning. The choice of location will depend on the distance to the building and the fencing of the site; these parameters are 10 m and 1 m, respectively.

Such a sealed pit will have to be cleaned periodically. A sewer truck is used for this. It is not recommended to locate the pit deeper than 3 m, otherwise emptying will not be effective enough due to the limited length of the hose. After all, the silt that forms at the bottom will remain there.

By getting acquainted with the standards for a drainage pit in a private house, you can find out that you need to ensure free access for cars to it. During the operation of the storage device, methane may be formed. In order to prevent the accumulation of explosive gas, the container should be equipped with ventilation. Regulatory requirements provide for the installation of a 10-centimeter pipe, which will rise 60 cm above the ground.

Detailed information on maintaining the distance to communications

The standards for a drainage pit in a private house also require maintaining the distance to communications, namely gas and water pipes. If the pipeline is made of reinforced concrete or asbestos cement, then the distance to the pit should be 5 m or more. To cast iron pipes with a diameter of no more than 200 mm, the distance is 1.5 m. When cast iron pipes have a larger diameter, the distance increases to 3 m. When constructing a pit, a step of 5 m is maintained to the gas pipeline.

Features of drawing up a diagram

In a private house, it is quite possible to equip a drainage pit with your own hands. Brick is often used for this. At the first stage, it is necessary to draw up a plan diagram, which should indicate all the buildings on the site and the distance between them. It is also important to mention the boundaries of the site. You will designate garden paths, water intake wells, gazebos, green spaces and groundwater flow.

Armed with a compass, you will need to install the leg on the plan in the place where the hole is supposed to be laid. The radius of the circle at a scale of 1 to 100 should be 12 cm. If the circle does not touch any buildings on the territory, you can continue to draw a geometric figure with a radius of 20 cm. The focus at this stage should be on how the line to the water intake source went. From this point you need to draw a circle with a radius of 2 cm. Here you should pay attention to the fencing of the area. If the lines of the circles do not cross out the points where the objects are located, then the pit is located correctly.

Features of arranging a pit made of concrete rings

If you want to equip a cesspool, the sanitary standards regulated by SNiP must be studied. This was discussed above. Next, you can choose the type of construction, which may involve the use of concrete rings. A standard system of this type consists of 2-3 products. Each ring will be able to hold up to 1.5 cubic meters.

Having decided on the dimensions of the well, you must prepare a pit with dimensions 90 cm larger than the diameter of the rings being installed. The walls should be cleaned and leveled. The bottom is well compacted. To create a sealed bottom, it is necessary to pour mortar or lay bricks. It will take about a week for the concrete to harden. To simplify the task, you should use ready-made concrete rings with a bottom.

Once the bottom has gained strength, you can begin installing the rings. Products are lowered into the well using a crane or winch. If they are skewed and stuck during immersion, the hole should be expanded. According to SNiP standards, the drainage pit in a private house must be sealed, so impacts and the formation of cracks should be prevented. To prevent problems, planks should be placed on the top of each ring.


The joints are covered with cement mortar, to which liquid glass is added. For waterproofing, rubber seals should be used. After installation is completed, the walls of the container are strengthened from the outside with broken bricks or stones. You can use construction waste or soil removed when digging a pit.

As you can see from the plan, the plot is 60x25m plus the road. The planned well is at a sufficient distance from neighbors - 48m, 16m, 12m, 15m.
I plan to do it much closer to the house (4-5 meters) than to the neighbors (tens of meters). I won’t influence them, but I ask about the distance from my house for obvious reasons - I’m afraid of the influx of moisture under the house and blind area.

For some reason, everyone who speaks out about ecology is eagerly interested in the issue, but they tactfully keep silent about the construction nuances (moisture, inconsistently heated house, floor on the ground, loam-clay).

We have a poor SNT, mostly pensioners. So the appearance of a well among neighbors is unlikely.

In any case, planning a new facility (sewage or water intake) takes into account existing ones; everyone can ask and clarify who built what. In my opinion, the security zone arises after the appearance of the object, and not before. For example, no one will count the water intake protection zone from some vacant lot, because there is no drinking water intake there. And it doesn’t matter that tomorrow they might buy it and want to put a well there.
Otherwise, the requirement would have been stated “from the fence (property boundaries)”, and not “from the water intake”.

The question is complex. I won’t say that saving is at the forefront. Rather, a combination of rationality, economy, convenience and compliance with one’s vision of the norms.
Now I’m keeping statistics on water consumption/wastewater in my apartment, so far we’ve got 1 cubic meter to spare. m. per day. But this standard is fundamental - it is believed that bacteria and microorganisms in the ground can cope with such a volume of wastewater and pollution does not spread.
Other standards are met.

From the point of view of convenience and common sense, I am satisfied with only one- or two-chamber septic tanks. I don’t consider three because of savings and small volumes of waste. Sealed - I don’t see the point, too much volume is needed for a comfortable existence. It’s just inconvenient to pump out the sealed one regularly; I’m often too lazy to wash my car. Yes, and not cheap. Let those who have a groundwater level of less than 2 meters suffer from this. Let all aeration fields and other inventions remain the same.

So the savings remain - the planned construction is already very expensive for us. But I really want to!
I can’t afford a significant scope and reserve (as I like to do, such as a larger wire cross-section, better quality, Legrand “automatic” instead of ABB).
And we have to reduce the useful volume of a single-chamber septic tank to the recommended three times daily discharge, i.e. 3 cubic meters. m. I'll put one ring less than planned. When laying a sewer pipe at a depth of 1.5 meters (I don’t want to redo it if something happens, and I can’t guarantee constant drains), a two-chamber septic tank is almost twice as expensive only in terms of materials - because of these “idle” 1.5 meters of upper rings.

In my case, the costs are similar to a two-chamber septic tank. Dispose of fecal waste into the first well with a bottom, and drainage from the bathroom and washstands into the second (without bottom). Only if there is no overflow, the fecal container will have to be made large enough so as not to experience discomfort with the sewer. That is, somewhere around three cubes at least. Then, if there is a second well, this solution will be even more expensive.

So, given the compliance with the standards and lack of funds, my perfectionism has to be spurred on and made simpler.

Yes? I thought 7-8 meters, that’s usually what they write. Thanks for the information, before marking, I’ll just call local vacuum cleaners and ask about their cars.

To install a sewer system in a dacha or urban area, you need to follow not only construction, but also legislative standards. Cesspool: the norms and rules for its arrangement are observed especially carefully. Violation of sanitary and construction requirements entails administrative and, in some cases, criminal liability.

One of the main laws on which most of the norms and requirements of SanPin are based is Federal Law No. 52-FZ (“On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” of March 30, 1999).

The volumes of cesspools are regulated most strictly by SanPin. The design of the drain tank depends on the average daily amount of waste. Structurally, pits are:

IN SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 sanitary standards are specified to ensure the well-being of the population. They say that if the total volume of wastewater does not exceed 1 cubic meter per day, then the construction of an open pit is permissible. If there is more waste, then a filter or sealed bottom must be equipped. It should be noted that in open pits a complete lack of protection is also not allowed.

SanPin standards describe in sufficient detail the requirements for the protection of groundwater. These requirements are presented in the resolution SP of 2001. Particular attention is paid to the design of the lower part of the waste pit. Sanitary organizations require the installation of a filter bottom, which consists of:

  1. Sand pillow;
  2. Crushed stone pillow;
  3. A stone layer in which building materials of various fractions are used.

It is emphasized that if more than 4 adults live in a house and household appliances connected to the sewer are installed, then a multi-chamber pit or septic tank must be constructed. These are reservoirs with a higher degree of protection against contamination of the environment by waste toxins.

The rules and regulations for arranging a cesspool in Ukraine are somewhat different from Russian ones. According to Ukrainian legislation, a cesspool can only be made of a closed type from durable, water-resistant material. In any other case, you will not be able to legalize it and are subject to fines, including a court order to remove the tank from the site.

Selecting a location

Sanitary organizations strictly monitor the distance from the cesspool to the facade of residential and non-residential premises, as well as wells and other bodies of water on the site. Special norms have been developed that specify standard requirements. They are prescribed in the Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of Populated Areas No. 42-128-4690-88 and SNiP 30-02-97:

  1. The minimum permissible distance from the facade of a residential building is 15 meters. Please note that if the basement exceeds the area of ​​the building, then the countdown is from the basement wall;
  2. A distance of 10 meters or more (if possible) should be maintained from non-residential premises and buildings located on another site. If these standards are not met, then the owner of the neighboring plot has the right to sue. Penalties are provided as punishment;
  3. If there is a well or borehole on the site, then a distance of 20 meters is maintained from them. Here the standards differ, because the footage depends on the groundwater level. The higher it is, the greater the distance. If the area is swampy, then a cesspool is not allowed. At the same time, on sand the minimum permissible distance is 50 meters. This is due to the high throughput of sand;
  4. There should be at least 1 meter from the road or fence.

Regardless of the distance, before starting the preparation of the pit, its depth is calculated. The lower boundary of the pit should be 50% below the level of drinking groundwater. This information can be obtained from your local geological organization.


  • 1 – top layer of soil (chernozem);
  • 2 – crushed stone backfill of the pit for compaction;
  • 3 – drains;
  • 4 – crushed stone cushion at the bottom of the pit.

Good neighborliness

This concept characterizes legal relations between neighbors. According to legislative acts, the owner of a plot can organize any buildings on his land. But at the same time, he must take into account the safety of the people around him.

An incorrectly chosen location of a cesspool can bring a lot of inconvenience to both its owner and his neighbors. Among the most common problems:

  1. Foundation destruction. The sewage tank not only contaminates the soil and water, but also increases the level of soil moisture. In this case, the foundation begins to collapse over the entire area. This is fraught with cracks in the walls, deformation of the structure and even its destruction;
  2. Unpleasant smell. Many believe that you only need to maintain a distance of 20 meters from the facade of your house, but not from your neighbor’s. Naturally, a stench will emanate from the reservoir, which, first of all, will disturb those who live closer to it. The smell not only interferes with normal life, but also harms health;
  3. Infection of the land and reduction in its productivity. Not only buildings suffer, but also garden plantings. Many fruit trees, ornamental plants and vegetable crops die from changes in the chemical composition of the soil. This entails a certain financial liability on the owner of the cesspool.

All the requirements and standards described above are mandatory for both private homeowners and individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities.

SanPin: operation of a cesspool

The cesspool codes also specify certain standards for drain care. Regardless of the type of garbage disposal, it must be cleaned with sterilizing mixtures twice a year. This is done after sewer cleaning, so that it is possible for some time to completely neutralize the effect of pathogenic bacteria.

For sterilization, a special acid-based chemical solution, gentle compounds or homemade mixtures are used. It is strictly forbidden to use lime chloride in its pure form. When mixed with water or other chemicals, it releases a dangerous gas. It has no odor, but can cause severe poisoning and burns of the upper respiratory tract.

For home self-service, a mixture is used, which includes:

  1. Bleaching powder;
  2. Creolin;
  3. Naphthalizol and some other compounds.

Cleaning is required every two weeks, and the cesspool is inspected every season. The pit can be cleaned independently, using a sewer truck, or cleaned with bioactivators.

A resident of an ordinary city apartment does not even think about installing sewer drains at home, but in a private house the issue of waste disposal comes to the fore and can cause serious problems.

When constructing a new country house, in the absence of fecal sewerage on the site, installing a cesspool is one of the most important issues.

Naturally, for comfortable living in a rural house, an analogue of the sewer system must be installed on the site, and this analogue must work simply and reliably. Equipping a cesspool, at first glance, is a very simple matter. But as in any serious business, it also has its own rules and technological wisdom.

Requirements for cesspools are reflected in sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN 42-128-4690-88), which are regulated by Federal Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.”
This structure is technically a container for collecting sewage and waste that is generated as a result of the life of the population. This container can be simply a hole in the ground or a more complex engineering structure - a well made of concrete or brick, or a corresponding plastic barrel.

Having completed the work of constructing a cesspool correctly, with a skillful approach and the use of appropriate technologies and materials, you can be sure that this engineering structure will last a long time and without problems. A properly constructed cesspool, connected by pipes to the corresponding premises of a residential building, will allow you to experience urban comfort in a country house or dacha.


Accommodation on site

Work on constructing a cesspool begins with choosing its location. Only after this can you plan the next work. The chosen location should be optimal: not very close and not very far from home, preferably outside the inhabited area.

On the other hand, the location of the sewage collection tank should be chosen on the personal plot in such a way that it would allow the sewage disposal truck to drive up to the required distance to it without interference. But that is not all. Such containers containing sewage can be a source of harmful and dangerous effects on people and nature.

For example, during the biological processing of sewage accumulated in containers, gases such as methane and hydrogen sulfide are released, which are explosive, and in addition, contaminating substances can leak into groundwater from cesspools. Therefore, taking into account all possible aspects of the use of such structures, recommendations have been developed for the location, design and use of different types of containers for collecting sewage in courtyards.

For example, it is prohibited to use a container without a bottom to collect sewage if the volume of waste sent into such a container exceeds 1 m³ per day. In this case, the natural soil filter and earth bacteria cannot clean up a large amount of waste, which, when released into groundwater, contaminates the surrounding area.

In cases where in a rural house there is only a washbasin with a shower, but there is no dishwasher, washing machine, or other similar equipment, and people do not live in the house permanently, containers with a hard, sealed bottom can be used to collect sewage. They can be made of concrete, brick or plastic, with the expectation of receiving wastewater up to 1 m³ per day. Such containers can be located at a distance of 5 m or more from a residential building.

An increase in the volume of wastewater discharged into the cesspool requires an increase in the distance from it to the house. For example, for a wastewater system with a capacity of up to 8 m³ per day, the distance from the house to the tank must be at least 8 m.

In addition, the following standards should be followed when placing the pit:

  • from its bottom to the aquifer the distance must be at least 1 m;
  • from its edge to the fence enclosing the land plot, the distance should be about 1.5 m;
  • from its edge to the source of drinking water (well or other sources) there must be at least: a) 20 m - for clay soil of the site; b) 30 m - for loamy soil of the site; c) 50 m - for sandy loam.

Waste collection volume

Correct calculation of the required volume of a container for collecting sewage from a specific building on the site will ensure its long service life. This volume is calculated based on the average volume of waste from the life of one person per day. This standard is taken equal to a volume of 0.5 m³. However, the data obtained through such a calculation is not always correct, since it does not take into account various incoming conditions that can change the final volume of waste in the pit upward.

In addition, when deciding on the planned volume of the cesspool, you should remember that it periodically requires cleaning, and the shorter the time period between these operations, the more unnecessary costs and worries residents have.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous if, when planning the construction of a cesspool, its volume is planned with some excess over the calculated volume. For example, for 3 people living in a house, it makes sense to provide a pit capacity of about 6 m³. If we evaluate the increase in this volume from the point of view of saving costs for cleaning the pit, then in any case, the payment for calling a sewage disposal truck is not charged depending on the filling of its tank.

Device options

Depending on the volume of waste entering the pit per day, its design can be:

  • without a bottom, if the daily volume of sewage is less than 1 m 3;
  • with a hard bottom in other cases.

An example of the first option for a pit design is an ordinary out-door village toilet. This option has its advantages and disadvantages.

  • low cost;
  • ease of installation;
  • low operating costs.


  • lack of usual comfort;
  • low waste treatment resource;
  • unpleasant odor present;
  • there is a danger of violating environmental requirements.

When using such a design, even with clayey soil on the site, it is recommended not only to monitor the volume of wastewater being drained, but also to arrange the level of the bottom of the pit below the level of the existing water intake on the site.

The construction of a cesspool of a hermetically sealed design for a large volume of sewage can be made using reinforced concrete components (rings, bottom and lid with a hatch), can be made of brick or using plastic containers.

  • do not lower the bottom of the container to a depth of more than 3 m, since at a greater depth, uncleaned sewage will remain at the bottom;
  • to ensure explosion-proof operation of the pit, it is necessary to install a ventilation pipe in it (its diameter must be at least 100 mm) with an outlet above the ground surface to a height of at least 600 mm;
  • Cover the neck of the container with a lid.

The completed waste collection tank is connected to the corresponding buildings by sewer pipes with a diameter of about 100 mm. If the sewage collection system being created is energy-dependent, then wastewater will be directed through pipes under the pressure of a special pump. If a gravity system is organized, then waste through the sewer pipe will flow naturally due to the slope of the pipes towards the pit.

This inclination should be about 2-3°. It is implemented during the laying of pipes from buildings to a tank by placing pipes in trenches with a slope of 2-3 cm per linear meter. If the sewer pipe route is long, the specified slope is adjusted downwards.

It is recommended to lay pipes in the ground below the ground freezing threshold for the given area. If such a laying is not feasible, then to ensure normal operation of the sewerage system in winter, it will be necessary to carry out the necessary insulation of the pipes when laying them in the trench.

Such structures, with different design options, must operate without failure and accurately ensure the required safety for the environment, objects and communications.

Setting up a cesspool is cheap, quick and convenient. In order for it to be legal and safe for owners, neighbors and the environment, installation should be carried out taking into account sanitary standards for cesspools (sewage) pits.

Important! Failure to comply with requirements that affect the location of the cesspool is fraught with substantial fines. Also, by law, you may be required to remove (reconstruct) a dangerous structure at your own expense.


Before constructing a cesspool, you must obtain permission. For this purpose, the SES provides:

  • Scheme of the location of the object on the site.
  • The design of the structure, and it must comply with sanitary standards and regulations.

If documents are submitted that do not comply with the requirements of the law, permission will not be obtained.

But that’s not all, because after construction is completed and even several years later, an inspection inspector may come. In fact, the distance to the cesspool from the well and from other key points must correspond to the submitted documents. Inspectors do not conduct inspections at their own discretion; they often appear on a “tip” from neighbors.

Important! Do not neglect obtaining a permit; it will not cost much. You will have to stand in the corridors of the government agency, but it is cheaper than paying a fine if the distance from the well to the cesspool is incorrect.

It will be possible to obtain permission only if the cesspool is located not on the territory of a neighboring plot, but on your own. Moreover, it does not matter whether this (someone else’s) plot is residential or not and whether it is owned by someone.

Types of structures

The placement of a drainage pit in a private house differs in distance standards, depending on the type. The classification is based on the tightness of the structure. Types:

  • A simple pit is a pit in the ground into which wastewater is discharged. There is no tightness in the design, so drains can spread in any direction. Here the distances should be maximum from all key points on the site.
  • Pit with hard walls. They create less emissions into the soil, which means they are safer. The drainage does not seep through the walls; it goes only into the soil, through the filter bottom - a mixture of sand and crushed stone. Since the wastewater still leaves the cesspool, the distance from the house and from the well is also the maximum according to the standards.
  • Sealed pits or plastic containers do not allow sewage to enter the soil at all. The cesspool is cleaned using the pumping method. It is allowed to maintain a minimum distance from the well.

Important! According to SanPiN, any cesspool must be installed only in accordance with the project and after approval by the relevant regulatory authorities.

SNiP standards

According to SNiP, a cesspool is an object of increased environmental hazard, so its placement must comply with certain standards, namely:

  • The distance between the well and the cesspool is 20-50 meters. The same standards apply to the distance from any source of drinking water - a well, a standpipe, or another type of water intake.
  • From the foundation of your own house, the neighbor’s, the foundations of other buildings, at least 10-12 meters. If you place the cesspool closer, in the event of a violation of the integrity of the wastewater storage facility, there is a risk of erosion of the foundation and, as a result, destruction of the building.
  • The distance from the cesspool to the water supply and its pipes. At least 10 meters; such a distance will prevent sewage from entering the water supply in the event of an accident on the sewer pipeline.
  • The depth of the pit should not be more than 3 meters, and only in case of deep groundwater. If they are located high, then only sealed containers or septic tanks can be installed. In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 1 meter from the bottom of the pit to the groundwater level. The release of wastewater into the soil is dangerous because it pollutes groundwater, and therefore sources of water intake.
  • There should be at least 1.5 meters to the property line (fence), but it is better to do more, then you will be able to avoid troubles with neighbors.
  • To the highway, road, if there is one near the site - from 5 meters.
  • Distance from a stream, river – from 10 m.
  • If there are trees and shrubs on the site, then you need to place cesspools and septic tanks at a distance of 3 meters or more. The decision to move the cesspool into the garden is not the best, because the roots of the plant can simply rot from excess moisture, and besides, not all of them are so moisture-loving.
  • It is also impossible to place a cesspool closer to the garden; placement standards are 20-30 meters.

Important! The arrangement of an outdoor toilet also requires compliance with similar standards if a sealed container is not used as a cesspool. A toilet in a country house, although it is not used as often as a sewer system in a private house, it must be placed in accordance with the above standards.

If there are communications on the site

When the location of the site is such that underground communications pass through it, then a certain distance must also be maintained to them. The distance of the cesspool depends on the type of pipes:

  • Asbestos-cement or reinforced concrete - from 5 meters.
  • Cast iron with a diameter of up to 20 cm - 1.5 m.
  • Cast iron with a diameter of more than 20 cm - from 3 m.
  • Gas pipes – from 5 meters.

Important! When moving pipes away from the cesspool on a site, you should be guided by the rule, the farther the better.

Punishment for non-compliance

They are punished for violating the rules for the location of cesspools and street toilets with a ruble, that is, they issue a fine. Its size depends on several factors:

  • Have any cases of violation of environmental legislation by a citizen been previously recorded?
  • How badly the norms have been violated. This means that if the cesspool is closer than necessary to the foundation of the house, the fine will be less than if a potentially dangerous object is located closer than 20 meters from a source of drinking water.

The specific amount of punishment is determined by the court; it is in court that the punishment for such an offense is determined. Violation of environmental standards is dangerous for many people, so fines amount to thousands of rubles.

If there is not enough space

It happens that those responsible for violating sanitary standards make excuses by saying that there is not enough space, and that is why they violated the rules. But in fact, it is possible to install a toilet correctly or arrange a cesspool. If, according to the standards, there is not enough space on the site, the solution is to construct a pit using a sealed container. There are also septic tanks and other installations that can be mounted on the surface, they are also sealed.

Of course, such solutions are more expensive than a cesspool, but by not complying with SNiP standards, the owner of the site primarily harms himself. It pollutes water and makes the soil unsuitable for growing any vegetables, trees, and shrubs.

Compliance with sanitary standards regarding the placement of a cesspool and the location of the toilet according to SNiP in the country is very important. Violation is fraught not only with fines, but also with harm to one’s own health.



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