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Height of nipple drinkers for indo-ducks. Do-it-yourself drinking bowls for ducks: manufacturing features

Kira Stoletova

Large and small ducks love to drink water. It is important for people who breed birds to provide their birds with regular and clean water. A do-it-yourself drinking bowl for ducklings is very simple to make, but it must be multifunctional. The materials for the drinking bowl device are chosen to be durable and safe. There should be no inconvenience with cleaning and replacing water. You can make a drinking bowl for ducks with your own hands, taking into account the features and differences between devices for birds of different ages.

Requirements for drinking bowls for ducks

Proper care of poultry cannot be achieved without a water bowl and feeder. To make or buy the right waterer for ducks and ducklings, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. The number of duck flocks. Ducks drink a lot, so it is necessary that the drinker completely covers their fluid needs. A large flock requires several adaptations.
  2. Design. Ducks are waterfowl and will definitely want to get into the container and swim. It is necessary to provide a design that is inconvenient for swimming. It is necessary to make a narrow and deep drinking bowl so that the birds can completely lower their heads there on hot days.
  3. Convenient cleaning and disinfection. For convenient replacement of liquid and cleaning the walls of the drinking bowl, the narrow and deep design must also be compact.

It is important for ducklings to have a round-the-clock supply of drinking water. Drinkers need to be filled regularly. If the number of birds is large, simple designs made from improvised materials are suitable. When the flock is large, the best option for it is an automatic waterer. When breeding Indian ducks, the requirements for devices are the same.

Drinking bowls from scrap items

Most often, farmers use simple improvised items as drinking and feeding devices:

  1. small buckets covered with enamel;
  2. basins;
  3. bowls made of metal and plastic.

The main advantages of such drinking bowls are low cost and simplicity. No need to fool yourself: put a trough, pour water, and let them drink. But there are many more disadvantages:

  1. Ducks will constantly try to climb into a large open structure, bringing dust and traces of droppings into the water.
  2. Birds can easily knock over the drinker.
  3. Water will splash easily when drinking. If the air temperature is not high enough, birds can catch a cold.

Elementary homemade feeders create a lot of problems for the owner of a flock of ducks. You will have to change the water more often and constantly monitor the birds. Simple drinkers are only suitable for very small ducklings. For older birds, it is better to install more complex devices.

Automatic drinkers for ducks

You can buy a good waterer for ducklings in a special store or make it yourself. The most common types of devices:

  1. nipple pipe;
  2. vacuum drinker.

Making a nipple drinker for ducklings with your own hands is the most difficult thing to assemble, but it is the most convenient device. Vacuum drinkers are not much inferior in characteristics to nipple drinkers, but making them at home is much easier. Do-it-yourself vacuum feeders are often made from a large plastic bottle.

Complex watering devices have a number of advantages. The water inside is always clean and does not splash. It is easy to ensure a continuous supply of drink. You can make an automatic drinker yourself by watching a detailed video.

Nipple drinker

Nipple drinkers for ducks are very popular. These are the most convenient designs for breeders who have numerous flocks.

  1. The design of the nipple (nipple) feeder is a pipe that is filled with water.
  2. Small outlet tubes are connected to the pipe, through which water flows out.
  3. Ducks can drink directly from tubes, but more often the liquid is piped into small hanging cups.

A DIY nipple drinker for ducklings provides an automatic and continuous supply of drink; it is suitable for birds of any age.

What is needed to install a nipple drinker

Setting up a nipple device for a watering hole at home is difficult, but possible. When making a structure yourself, you will need the following materials:

  1. Nipples. The parameters of the parts depend on the age of the birds. In “younger” drinkers, a nipple of 3600 is used, for older ducks - 1800, which operates from top to bottom movement.
  2. Square pipe with grooves inside. The length of the pipe is selected taking into account the number of nipples and minimum distance between them, which should be equal to 30 cm. The number of nipples depends on the size of the flock.
  3. Microbowls, drip eliminators.
  4. Muffler for pipe.
  5. Connector for square and round pipe.
  6. Inlet tube and liquid reservoir (plastic container with a lid), if the device is not planned to be connected to a central water supply.
  7. Sealing material.
  8. Drill (9 mm drill bit).
  9. Threaded tap.

You can start constructing the device only when all the details are prepared. If something is missing, the work will be delayed and the quality of the device will be in question.

Making a nipple type drinker

How to make a drinking bowl for ducklings with your own hands? You can make a nipple structure in several stages:

  1. Marks are made on the pipe for drilling holes, marks at a distance of 30 cm from each other.
  2. Drill holes in the pipe 9 mm in diameter.
  3. A thread is made in the holes using a conical tap and the nipples are screwed in.
  4. Prepare a container for water. At the bottom of the plastic tank, a hole is made to fit the size of the outlet hose. The joints between the hole and the hose are treated with sealing material.
  5. Drop eliminators (for nipples 3600) and microbowls (for nipples 1800) are installed on the tube under the nipples.
  6. All areas where there is a risk of water leakage are treated with sealant (feeders do not require such treatment). The pipe is mounted horizontally at a height accessible to the ducks. The fluid reservoir is installed higher above the nipple tube device.

The container must be installed in a warm room so that the liquid in the reservoir does not freeze. If such conditions do not exist, then an aquarium heater can be installed in the tank.

Vacuum drinker from a bottle

A vacuum drinker is a simpler, but no less convenient option for watering ducks. This is an insulated reservoir from which water flows into a tray. The drinker is universal; it will be comfortable for ducklings and large ducks to use. At home, it is easy to make such a drinking bowl from plastic containers.

  • Wire or fastenings.
  • When all the parts are ready, you can start designing. It is important to pay attention to the details as their quality and functionality determine trouble-free operation future water supply device.

    The procedure for making a drinking bowl

    Constructing a drinking bowl from a plastic bottle with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. Instructions and videos will help with this:

    1. The side surface of the bottle is connected to the wall at a low height using frame fasteners.
    2. Pour liquid into the bottle and screw in the cap.
    3. A tray is placed under the neck. Place the bowl so that there is a gap between the bottom and the lid of the bottle.
    4. Unscrew the lid.

    A hole is made at the bottom of the bottle to simplify the process of replacing liquid for ducks. Drinking water for the ducks will come from the bottle as the tray is emptied. The liquid will always be clean and fresh.

    This device is one of important details for the healthy growth of small ducklings and the life of adult ducks.

    Feeders also require attention, but the water device should also be as functional as possible. It is the owner's responsibility to help ducks adapt to the world around them. Birds love to drink, so it is important to provide ducks with a regular supply of water. It is important that the drink is clean. Automatic structures of the required volume can be bought in a store or made with your own hands using simple instructions, photos and videos.

    When planning to breed ducklings and goslings, you need to familiarize yourself with all the information regarding their growth and development. You need to take care of regular balanced diet and ensure an organized drinking regime. You will need feeders and drinkers, which are sold in specialized stores.

    If the poultry house has more than a dozen birds, you need to take care of a sufficient number of feeders and drinkers and the purity of the water in them.

    DIY drinking bowl for ducklings

    You can buy such equipment for a poultry house, but you can try to make it yourself. Since the duck is considered a waterfowl, there are special requirements for the design of the drinking bowl. The bird will be healthy and will develop normally if the drinking bowl for it is arranged correctly.

    Duck drinker - design requirements

    Ducks drink a lot of water, more than eats food. Therefore, she must have constant access to water. If a bird eats dry food, then for better digestion it will regularly moisten it.

    The duck is not a very neat bird; it likes to flounder in the water. If the drinking bowl is open, the bird will climb into it with its paws to bathe. As a result, the water will quickly become clogged and the litter will quickly become wet. And the bird kept in such conditions may get sick and die.

    If we consider a drinker for ducks, then it, like a feeder, should be:

    • comfortable;
    • located at the required height (for small ducklings and for adult birds this height is different);
    • closed to prevent various debris from getting into it;
    • water must be constantly clean and never run out;
    • The container will need to be washed periodically, so its design needs to be thought through carefully.

    Types of drinking bowls

    Depending on the size of the gosling, as well as on the employment of each family member, drinking bowls are selected. Of course, if we talk about the whole farm, then everything should be automated, since no one will run after every overturned can.

    Drinkers come in simple designs, nipple and vacuum. Let's consider each option in detail.

    Simple drinker

    In fact, these include containers such as buckets, basins, bowls and other containers that are available and no longer needed in the kitchen. But they have a number of disadvantages:

    Making a simple drinker

    It requires a PVC pipe with a diameter of 110 or 200 mm. Using a drill or jigsaw, you need to make several holes in it along the length, the size of which can be 6x8 cm, 7x7 cm, 8x10 cm, etc. . Bends must be installed on both sides of the pipe, through which it will be convenient to pour and drain water into the drinking bowl.

    Using special brackets, this structure must be attached to the wall. Buy required material For such a drinking bowl, you can find it in a specialized hardware store. It should be noted that the drinking bowl for goslings is made with your own hands in the same way.

    Nipple drinker - how to make it

    This type of drinker is considered the most convenient for poultry and for the farmer. It is also called the nipple. The design of this type of drinking bowl will be the most complex of all homemade structures. To make it you will need the following materials:

    If you regularly make feeders in your home, then you should have all the necessary tools. Namely:

    • drill;
    • drill, diameter 9 mm;
    • tap.

    If any of the above is not available, then you need to buy it in a specialized store.

    You need to make markings on the pipe where the nipples will be located, and drill holes there, the diameter of which will be 9 mm. Using a tap, cut threads into them and screw in the nipples.

    You need to put a plug on one edge of the pipe. Next you need to prepare a water tank. It must have a lid to make it easy to clean. At the bottom of the tank you need to make a hole that should match the diameter of the hose. The second end of the hose must be connected to the pipe. Wrap all joints with Teflon tape to prevent water leakage.

    Micro bowls must be secured under the nipples on the pipe if the nipple is 1800; or drop eliminators, if the nipple is at 3600. Next, a vessel with water is installed, followed by a tube with nipples. It should be installed at a height that is comfortable for the ducklings.

    It must be remembered that the water tank is installed at a height slightly higher than the pipe with nipples. It is advisable to install it indoors so that winter time the water in it did not freeze. Here you go, DIY duck drinking bowl is ready!

    Vacuum drinker

    Its design is very simple, and in use it is no worse than the nipple design. Most simple model can be made from a plastic bottle and a small pallet. A special tray can be bought at a specialty store, or you can adapt any other one you have in the household.

    With wire or metal profiles, from which the frame will be made, attach the bottle to the wall. Fill it with water, close the lid, and place it upside down in the frame. The prepared pallet is installed under the bottle like this: so that there is a small distance between the bottom of the tray and the neck of the bottle. It is necessary to ensure that the sides of the tray are higher than the neck of the bottle. In this state, the cap of the bottle is unscrewed, the tray is filled with water, and as it is drunk, it comes out of the bottle into the tray.

    When using such a drinker, you need to monitor the presence of water in the bottle. The design is considered very convenient, since there will always be clean and fresh water in the drinking bowl.

    How to make a vacuum drinker with your own hands

    For the container, you can use any container, up to 40 liters. But it is better to count on a larger number of drinkers than to install one, but larger one. This calculation is wrong.

    So, we select a five-liter water bottle, and select a container for it where the water will collect. The ducklings will have to drink water from this container, so it should be in good condition, without burrs or rust.

    The bottle should stand well in the container. Now you need to make a hole in the bottle through which water will flow into the drinking container. The hole is made with a soldering iron or a hot nail; just one will be enough.

    Determining at what height from the bottom of the bottle the hole will be is quite simple. You need to first install the bottle in the basin, but the hole should be located just below the sides of the basin. This will allow water, if there is not enough of it in the drinking bowl, to flow out of the bottle.

    If we talk about the number of holes, then it will be enough to do only one thing. Firstly, it will be quite enough, and secondly: it will be convenient to fill the bottle with water and carry it, tilting it so that the hole is at the top.

    This is such a stable and not small drinking bowl. It will be much better than any purchased option. The feeder may be located next to her.

    If you have a nipple drinker installed, then to prevent the water in the tank from freezing in winter, you need to place an aquarium heater in it.

    Learn to drink water The bird does not need to come out of the nipple drinker. When she sees a drop of water, she will intuitively press the nipple with her beak, thereby receiving a certain portion of liquid. She will find the feeder herself.

    Experts recommend calculating the number of drinking nipples based on the number of ducks on the farm. The optimal load on one nipple is considered to be ten heads of ducks. If there are 45 heads on the farm, then the nipple drinker must be made with 5 nipples.

    It is very important for little ducklings to immerse their entire head in water so that they can clear their nasal passages and cope with the heat. Therefore, e if you are raising young animals, then you need to install additional drinking containers that will be deeper than usual, but narrower.

    In duck breeding, the availability of clean water in the poultry house and in the walking area plays an important role. To do this, you will need high-quality drinkers that meet safety standards and are easy to use. You can design them yourself.

    Requirements for drinking bowls for ducks

    Basic requirements for drinking bowls:

    • high-quality material, safe for ducks, does not accumulate toxins;
    • ease of operation;
    • structural stability;
    • capacity;
    • possibility of heating water in winter.

    When equipping a poultry house and territory with drinking bowls, it is worth taking into account the behavioral characteristics of the bird. The water container must be stable and closed so that the ducks do not splash the water or swim in it.

    Did you know? A duck is able to independently find its way to a pond and then return home.

    Types of drinkers for ducks

    There are several types of drinkers:

    • cup;
    • nipple;
    • vacuum;
    • grooved;
    • simple variations.
    Simple variations are ordinary basins installed in a place convenient for the farmer. This design is the cheapest option and has a lot of disadvantages. Ducks will constantly knock over the basin and get their feet into it, which will cause a lot of inconvenience and complicate cleaning the area.


    The design is a container that supplies water in doses through a hose into the bowls located below. The cup drinker is easy to use and easy to assemble with your own hands. Suitable for birds of any age. If you have a water supply, you can install a water heater on the tap, and in winter warm water will flow into the drinking bowl.


    The nipple or nipple design is a container with dispensers coming out of it. Water is supplied after pressing the nipple. When using such a drinker, the water does not stagnate and is supplied only at the request of the bird. The only drawback of the design is the complexity of implementation.

    Important! There are nipples that open the water supply only at an angle of 90° - they are used for adult livestock, and those that operate at 360° - are used for young animals.


    The vacuum drinker is easy to use. It is an inverted tank filled with liquid, which is under pressure and flows into a pan. The design is universal and suitable for adults and for feeding day-old ducklings. The disadvantage is the instability of the structure.


    Trough drinkers are easy to use, but not always convenient. Most often used for manufacturing sewer pipe, in which holes are cut to the size of duck heads. This design is durable and spacious. The disadvantage of this drinker is the need for frequent water changes and the difficulty of performing this manipulation. Ducks, having free access to water, will not miss the opportunity to constantly rinse their beaks in it.

    How to make a water bowl for ducks with your own hands at home

    Before making the drinker, select the location where it will be located. Consider how to secure the structure to prevent it from tipping over. Think in advance about how the drinking bowls will be disinfected.


    A home-made nipple drinker will cost much less than a factory-made analogue, and will be fully adapted to the poultry available on the farmstead. We suggest you consider detailed description the process of creating a homemade drinking bowl.

    To make a nipple drinker you will need:

    • polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 20 mm;
    • corners;
    • tees;
    • flexible hose;
    • nipples 360;
    • fasteners;
    • ten cc syringes.


    • 8 mm wood drill, sharpened for a feather;
    • tap for cutting threads for M9x1 nipples.
    Step by step instructions:

    Important! Leave the cut end of the syringe sticking out of the pipe. In the future, a flexible hose and tee will be attached to it.

    A nipple drinker connected to a water supply line is easiest to heat. The heating device is installed directly into the faucet and is called a thermostat.

    Video: DIY nipple drinkers

    From a plastic bottle

    A drinking bowl made from a plastic bottle is the simplest and most affordable device. With its help you can build a full-fledged vacuum drinker. If you need to water a large population, you can make such a drinking bowl from a 5-liter canister.

    To create a drinking bowl you will need:

    • 2 liter plastic bottle;
    • a shallow bowl or flat plate with divisions (you can use a special bowl for dogs with divisions for food);
    • profile frame.

    To make a drinking bowl, use the following set of tools:

    • wire cutters;
    • 2 screws;
    • drill;
    • 3 mm drill.
    Step by step instructions:
    1. In a pre-selected location, screw the profile frame with screws. Place a bowl below.
    2. Fill the bottle with water, screw the cap on halfway and turn it over.
    3. Insert the bottle in this position into the prepared frame.

    Did you know? The first electric drill was created in 1895. It was a large unit weighing 8 kg, equipped with 2 handles. An even more ancient ancestor of the drill is the arc drill, which was used back in the Stone Age to make holes in the handles of axes.

    To keep the water warm in winter, IR lamps are a good option. They warm the objects they shine on and do not burn oxygen. They emit a pleasant, dim light that can be left on even at night. Thus, you will solve 2 problems at once: heating the water and providing additional lighting in the winter.

    From a canister

    An elementary version of the vacuum design can be created from a canister of any displacement. An automatic drinker of this type is equally suitable for day-old young birds and adult birds.

    To create a drinking bowl you will need:

    • a canister made of food-grade dense plastic for 5–20 l;
    • faucet with drip irrigation;
    • pallet 20x20 cm.
    To build the structure, you will need the following devices:
    • drill;
    • drill suitable in diameter to the faucet.

    Step by step instructions:

    1. At the bottom of the canister, approximately 5–10 cm from the bottom, make a mark for the hole. Try it on the side of the pallet. It should rise 3–5 cm above the level of the faucet.
    2. Install the faucet and your drinker is ready.
    3. Fill the container with water, place it in the pan and open the tap. Water will fill the pan until it covers the faucet itself. Then, under the influence of vacuum, the flow will stop.

    In order not to carry a canister of water every time, you can connect it to the water supply. Make a hole in the lid and thread a flexible hose through it. Connect the other end of the hose to the tap.

    Video: Automatic drinker from a canister

    If connected to a water supply, heating is extremely simple - installing a thermostat directly into the tap. If you collect water yourself, the option of using IR lamps in the poultry house is suitable.

    From a sewer pipe

    A drinking container made from a sewer pipe is a good option for large livestock. The advantage of this design is the ease of connection to the water supply system.

    To make a drinking bowl you will need the following materials:

    • polypropylene sewer pipe 1.5 m long, 20 cm in diameter;
    • stub;
    • turn signal;
    • wide latches.

    Tools you will need:

    • a jigsaw equipped with a fine-toothed metal file;
    • screwdriver;
    • 8 mm drill;
    • level;
    • construction pencil;
    • Phillips screwdriver.
    Step by step instructions:
    1. Fix the pipe and make markings using a level. The size of the slots is 25x10 cm. The step between the slots is 10 cm.
    2. Having made the markings, use a Phillips screwdriver to place marks under the holes in different diagonal planes of the first rectangle.
    3. Use a drill to drill the marked holes.
    4. Next, insert the jigsaw into the hole and draw a straight line along the edge of the rectangle. In this way, you need to go through the entire rectangle, and then take out the cut piece.
    5. Remove the chips and continue working on the next holes.
    6. Secure the pipe using latches in a pre-selected location.
    The problem with heating water is easily solved using the methods described above.

    Video: Drinking bowl from a sewer pipe

    From a barrel

    An equally interesting and simple option is a duck drinker made from a barrel. Such a device will make it possible to provide water not only for a large number of ducks, but also for other inhabitants of the yard.

    Did you know? First of all, the duck takes its brood to the pond to swim. The ability to swim is inherent in babies at the genetic level, so they feel free in the water within a few hours after birth.

    To complete the task you will need:
    • metal barrel 50 l;
    • 6 pieces of pipe 10 cm with a cross section of 25 mm;
    • 3 pieces of pipe with a cross-section of 25 mm, 20 cm long;
    • drop eliminators;
    • ready-made drinkers with nipples 3 pcs.;
    • irrigation faucet;
    • wooden block 80–90 cm long;
    • flexible hose.
    Tools you will need:
    • drill;
    • drill for 19;
    • screws;
    • screwdriver
    Step by step instructions:
    1. Make a hole at a convenient height in the bottom of the barrel. Attach the faucet to it.
    2. Attach the drinkers and nipples together using pieces of pipe.
    3. Attach the drip eliminators to a wooden block and then insert the tube with drinkers into the grooves.
    4. Fill the drinking bowl with water, connect one end of the hose to the faucet, the other to the structure with drinking bowls. For convenience, you can make several holes in the barrels and connect taps to them.

    This option is very convenient when keeping several species of birds and animals in enclosures at once. In this case, the barrel is installed in the central part and wiring is made from it to all enclosures.

    Video: How to make a drinking bowl from a metal barrel

    Heating water in a barrel is easy, since it will be in a place isolated from pets. In winter, you can lay hot bricks under it or install a thermostat directly into the water supply tap.

    Installing drinkers in a cage

    Several automated water supply tanks should be installed in the poultry house. This will save your time and keep the ducks healthy. Most good option- nipple design. Water does not spill out of it, and the ducks absorb only the amount of liquid that they need.

    Drinkers are attached to the walls next to the nests and near the feeders. Drinkers are hung on the cages from the outside.

    Drinking bowls must be constantly cleaned and disinfected. Over time, plaque accumulates on the surface of the material, which can be removed by cleaning with a Kärcher. Parts made of metal can be boiled.

    Important! Washing drinking bowls should be done every 5 days. If there is a sick bird - once every 3 days.

    What kind of water to give ducks

    Water is of particular importance to ducks. Their body temperature is much higher than that of humans - 41–42 °C, respectively, and metabolism occurs faster. A duck consumes 270–300 liters of water per year. In the first days after birth, the duckling drinks up to 0.03 liters of water. By 20 days, the need for water increases to 200 g. At 1 month. The duckling already drinks 300 g of water daily. Ducks not only need a watering hole, but also a pond for swimming. In birds deprived of the opportunity to bathe, the sebaceous glands begin to work worse and reproductive system, immunity decreases.
    Rules for watering ducks:

    • the water is clean, fresh, without odor or additives;
    • liquid temperature - 9–13 °C;
    • Water in the required volume must be kept in the poultry house and in the walking area at all times.
    There are always many different details remaining in farming. All of them can be put to good use and built automatic drinkers for ducks and other birds.

    Every breeder thinks about how to save money, so he often arranges the poultry house on his own. Many of them decide to do DIY drinking bowls for ducklings, because they want to create optimal conditions for individuals. For this purpose, they build a place to keep ducklings and arrange the appropriate equipment.

    As for drinking bowls, they must correspond directly to the size of the number of ducklings. Wood, glass or metal are perfect for making your own drinking bowl.

    Features of drinkers for small ducklings

    The average length of the structure itself should be on average about 20 cm. The thickness of the walls is 3 cm. When making drinking bowls for babies with your own hands, the breeder should take into account the following aspects:

    1. The drinking bowl should be deep enough for individuals to dip their heads, this is especially important during periods of extreme heat.
    2. Compact design – important factor, because the more ergonomic the drinker, the easier it will be to clean.
    3. A carefully thought-out design with clean water that matches the age and number of ducklings.
    A large automatic waterer for ducklings, which is very easy to make yourself

    Often, such drinking bowls at home are made from scrap materials, including basins, plastic bowls, enamel buckets or other available means. However optimal option for “refreshing” - this is the manufacture of an automatic drinker.

    How to build a drinking bowl for ducklings with your own hands?

    Simple tips and recommendations from farmers will certainly make the task easier for beginning breeders. There are many manufacturing options, but let's consider the simplest and most budget method. Stages of making a drinking bowl for ducklings at home from scrap materials:

    1. Take an ordinary glass jar, the volume of which is 1.5-2 liters, as well as a plate or saucer.
    2. Then this container must be covered with a plate and turned over sharply. A stick or tube should be placed between the jar and the plate, so that the liquid will gradually and slowly pour out as it decreases.
    3. When there is no more water in the drinking bowl, you should turn the structure back 180 degrees.

    Simple drinking bowl for ducklings

    Before you start breeding poultry, you should carefully study the information about keeping and proper care. Ducks, like other birds, need regular balanced nutrition and a well-organized drinking regime. Therefore, an important part of any poultry farm are special feeders and drinkers for indo-ducks. Ready-made drinkers for ducks can be purchased at a pet store or made yourself.

    In small poultry farms, many breeders use ordinary household items that are available in any home as drinking bowls:

    • Metal or plastic basins;
    • Enameled buckets:
    • Small bowls.

    U simple designs has its merits. First of all, they are easy to use and do not cost a lot of money.

    You should know that they have more disadvantages:

    • Ducks will always try to climb into an open container, thereby knocking it over;
    • The water in simple drinking bowls quickly becomes contaminated, droppings and other dirt get into it;
    • The liquid cools quickly and is easily sprayed by ducks, so if the temperature drops sharply, they can catch a cold;
    • Simple containers are more suitable for young animals. It is inconvenient for adults, especially in large poultry farms, to drink from them.

    There is a large selection of specialized drinking bowls for poultry.

    The most popular are automatic designs, vacuum and nipple drinkers.

    It is very easy to make water bowls for ducks with your own hands. The most difficult part is manufacturing the nipple structure. But at the same time, it is considered the most convenient device for ducks.

    In terms of popularity and convenience, vacuum drinkers are practically not inferior to nipple drinkers and are well suited for self-made. Most often it is made from a large canister or plastic bottle.

    Such products have more advantages. They protect drinking water from dirt and droppings, and also make housekeeping easier. Automatic designs provide a continuous supply of liquid and take up little space in the poultry house. You can make them yourself from scrap materials.

    Requirements and dimensions

    Ducks need a lot of water.

    The amount of fluid consumed per day exceeds the amount of food. To improve digestion, birds always drink dry food with liquid. For this reason, ducks must have constant access to water, regardless of the time of year or living conditions.

    Ducks are very messy birds, they scatter food and love to swim. If the water in the house is openly available, they will definitely climb into it to swim. This is not very correct, since the drinking liquid should always be clean and the bedding dry. Otherwise, in damp conditions, birds will often get sick and may even die.

    What are the requirements for duck drinkers:

    1. The size of the product depends on the number of individuals in the poultry houses. It is necessary to install such structures that can fully satisfy the liquid needs of birds. Large poultry houses will require several large structures;
    2. When choosing a drinking bowl, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of birds. Indians love to swim. Therefore, in addition to devices for drinking water Poultry houses in summer need to be equipped with containers for swimming. It is advisable to install them away from drinking bowls and use shallow basins for this;
    3. Drinking structures must be easy to clean and disinfect. For this, it is best to use shallow, narrow drinkers. They take up little space and are easy to clean;
    4. Separate containers should be provided for ducklings. They should fit correctly and be comfortable. Automatic waterers for ducklings are suitable for these purposes. For a small number of young animals, you can equip simple homemade structures.

    Manufacturing instructions

    The duck drinker must meet all the requirements for homemade designs. To save money, you can not spend money on ready-made designs, but make any model you like yourself.


    Based on the principle of liquid supply, a nipple drinker for ducks is called a nipple drinker. It is suitable for adults and small ducklings. To make a nipple structure you will need the following items:

    • Square plastic pipe;
    • Nipples. The size of the nipples depends on the age of the birds. For young animals, type 3600 is suitable. It is very convenient, as it rotates in different directions. For adults, it is better to use type 1800, the operating principle of which is based on the “up and down” movement;
    • One square pipe plug;
    • Rubber tube;
    • Large volume liquid storage container;
    • Electric drill. You will need a drill with a 9 mm drill bit;
    • Conical thread tap;
    • Adapter for fastening pipes.

    Nipple drinker diagram

    To manufacture a nipple structure, you must adhere to the following sequential steps:

    1. We take a square pipe and make a small hole in it measuring 9 mm with a drill;
    2. Using a conical tap, we make a thread and carefully attach a nipple suitable for the size of the drinker into it;
    3. We carry out the same actions throughout the pipe; the nipples should be located every 40 cm from each other. The length of the structure should correspond to the number of birds. On average, three points are enough for a small farm;
    4. We install a plug at the end of the pipe. Important point- water should not flow out of the pipe, so you need to carefully check it for possible leaks.
    5. We attach a rubber hose to the other end of the pipe, the second end of which will be located in a large container. To prevent water from dripping, all joints must be treated with special sealants or wrapped with FUM tape.
    6. Under each nipple we install special bowls into which excess moisture will go.

    The automatic nipple design is ready.

    From a plastic bottle

    To make a drinking bowl from plastic bottles You will need 2 and 5 liter plastic bottles, a nut, bolt and washers.

    • Cut off the top part of a five-liter bottle so that you get a neat bowl;
    • Then we attach the cap from a two-liter bottle to the cap of a five-liter bottle. The covers can be fastened with self-tapping screws or a bolt with several washers and a nut. The connection point must be treated with sealant to avoid leakage;
    • We attach a two-liter bottle to ready bowl. Make a hole in the side of the bottle. It should be slightly below the rim of the bowl;
    • Then unscrew the bottle, pour clean water into it, screw it on;
    • After the structure is ready, we attach the bottle to the wall of the poultry house.

    Nipple design made from plastic bottles


    Cup drinkers for ducks consist of a container of water, a bowl and a rubber hose.

    The homemade design is suitable for adults and young animals.

    It is easy to assemble with your own hands. To do this, a hole is made in the container for the hose. The connection between the hose and the tank must be treated with sealant. Then insert the hose into the drinking bowl and securely fasten it in it.

    The cup drinker is considered automatic. The liquid enters the bowl due to atmospheric pressure.

    From a canister

    To make a drinking bowl you will need a plastic canister, a small faucet, and a water tray. The volume of the canister can be any from 10 to 100 liters.

    1. A hole for the faucet is drilled in the lower side part. Screw it securely into the canister and fill it with water.
    2. Place the canister on the tray, close it with the lid and open the tap. When the liquid reaches the pan and reaches a certain level, the water supply will automatically stop. As it decreases, it will independently be added from the canister to the pan.


    One of the main problems when raising poultry in winter is the rapid freezing of water in drinking bowls.

    If the house has electricity, you can use a special heating device. It helps to safely heat water in winter.

    If purchasing such a device is problematic, the best solution will make a special non-freezing drinking bowl with your own hands. For this you will need:

    • Rubber bath;
    • Old car tire;
    • Foam;
    • Stuffing balls or other insulating materials.

    We take the tire and insulate it with foam and stuffing balls. Then we place it in the sun and place bricks, sawdust or paving stones in the center and under the tire. Thus, the tire should be a short distance from the ground. Then we place a rubber bath inside the tire and fill it with water. The bathtub should be flush with the tire and not extend beyond its edges. Thanks to solar warmth the water in the structure will not freeze, and the ducks will always be able to drink.



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