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Taking a smear for Neisser gonococci algorithm. Gynecology smear for gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a disease transmitted during sexual contact that affects the urogenital tract in men and women. The disease is most often characterized by the appearance of purulent mucous discharge from the urethra, burning, pain during urination and sexual intercourse, and may also be accompanied by the development of serious complications, including infertility. To diagnose gonorrhea, many laboratory diagnostic methods are used (microscopic, culture and PCR). The key to the study of gonorrhea is taking a smear, the correctness of which determines the results of the research and the choice of treatment.

Before undergoing a diagnostic procedure, in order to eliminate the possibility of false negative results, it is important for all patients, both men and women, to carefully follow all the rules of preparation for it. A few days before the test, the attending physician gives the patient a leaflet with a list of simple rules for preparing for taking a smear.

These include:

  • Refusal from sexual contact 3 days before the diagnostic procedure.
  • Discontinuation medicines, which may affect the result of the examination, except in cases previously discussed with the attending physician.
  • Stop using spermicides, vaginal suppositories, creams and sprays.
  • Women should avoid using aggressive intimate hygiene products. Don't douche.
  • Hygiene procedures must be carried out in the evening, before visiting the laboratory. You should not wash yourself immediately before taking a smear.
  • The last urination should be 3-4 hours before the procedure, since a stream of urine can lead to washing out part of the pathogenic microflora from the urethra and distorting the diagnostic results.
  • Taking a smear from women is planned a few days before the onset of menstrual bleeding or immediately after menstruation.
  • Men can undergo the study on any convenient day.

It is important to know! Any flora smear must be taken before starting antibiotic therapy. Self-administration of antibiotics started before the study can lead to distorted results and an incorrect diagnosis.

Since it most often manifests itself as urethritis, a smear is taken from the walls of the urethra. If a woman is suspected of having gonorrhea, biomaterial is taken for examination from the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervical canal.

The material taken for research must be subjected to several studies (microscopy, culture or PCR), since in the case of a sluggish, chronic infection or in cases of gonorrhea carriage, the causative agents of the disease are not always detected using bacterioscopic examination.

Technique for taking a smear from the urethra

A urethral smear is a routine diagnostic procedure in the practice of gynecologists or urologists. It involves “scraping” the top layer of epithelial cells from the mucous membrane of the wall of the urethra. The diagnostic procedure technique is as follows:

  • To take a smear, the doctor uses a special sterile disposable brush or swab, which is opened directly in front of the patient.
  • The instrument is inserted through the external opening of the urethra to a depth of 2-4 cm.
  • The brush is rotated for 5-10 seconds, scratching the epithelium.
  • The taken biomaterial is placed on a previously prepared glass slide and smeared on it.
  • If a cultural study is planned, the used instrument is placed in a special container and sent for further diagnostics.

In case of abundant discharge of pus from the urethra, the doctor can collect the material using a gentle method. When examining women, the gynecologist may insert a finger into the vagina and press on its front wall. This will lead to increased flow of pathological discharge from the urethra, which the doctor will collect with a swab for further examination. In men, to perform a painless procedure, you should lightly squeeze the head of the penis, which will lead to increased secretion of mucopurulent masses.

U healthy person the procedure for taking a smear from the urethra does not cause pain. Discomfort during the procedure, pain and increased discharge may appear when inflammatory disease genitourinary organs.

Normal urethral smear in men

The taken biomaterial is placed on a special glass slide, fixed and examined by a laboratory assistant under multiple magnification of a microscope. During the examination, the specialist counts bacteria and blood elements that have entered the discharge from the urethra, and also determines the presence of mucus and other pathological impurities. The result is indicated on a special form. Decoding the received data and purpose necessary treatment The doctor is a urologist.

Normally, a urethral smear in men contains the following components:

  • Leukocytes up to 5 pcs. in the drug. An increase in this indicator due to neutrophils or lymphocytes indicates the development of an inflammatory process (urethritis, prostatitis). The appearance of eosinophilic cells indicates the allergic nature of the disease.
  • Epithelial cells- 5-10 pcs. in a smear. A significant excess of this indicator indicates desquamation of the upper layer of the mucous membrane, which may be due to nonspecific inflammation. Most often, this indicator increases with a chronic and sluggish pathological process in the urethra.
  • Slime. Should be determined in moderate quantities. Thickening and increased mucus production is associated with an inflammatory process, which can be observed with gonorrhea.
  • Cocci- may be present in singular numbers.
  • Gonococci, Trichomonas, fungi- must be absent from a smear of a healthy person. Their appearance in the test preparation indicates the development of specific inflammation.

The presence of traces of blood in the smear indicates a tumor of the urethra, injury to the mucous membrane of the urethra, or a possible ulcerative process caused by an acute infection.

A urethral smear cannot diagnose diseases such as chlamydia and genital herpes, which often accompany other sexually transmitted diseases, including gonorrhea. Therefore, if gonococci are detected in the drug, for the purpose of comprehensive diagnosis, the man must undergo a PCR test for other STIs.

Interpretation and norms of smear in women

A flora smear is considered one of the simplest and most reliable methods used to diagnose diseases of the urogenital tract in women of all ages. Since biomaterial is collected from several areas, when you receive a form with the results, you can see several columns indicating the data identified during the study of the biomaterial:

  • U - from the urethra;
  • V – from the vagina;
  • C - from the cervical canal.

Based on the results obtained, the gynecologist makes the correct diagnosis and prescribes effective modern treatment.

Normally, the analysis has the following meanings:

  • Leukocytes- up to 5 in a smear from the urethra, 0-10 in the field of view when examining vaginal discharge and up to 30 in biomaterial from the cervical canal.
  • Epithelium- moderate in all smears, up to 10 per field of view during microscopic examination.
  • Slime- Normally absent in urethral smears, moderate amounts are recorded in smears from the vagina and cervical canal.
  • Gonococci, fungi and trichomonas- absent in all smears.
  • Flora- determined only by examining a slide with biomaterial obtained from the vagina. Consists of rods or lactobacilli.
  • Key cells- absent on all three micropreparations.

Any deviations from these norms indicate the development of a pathological process in a woman’s body. An increase in the number of leukocytes indicates the presence of acute inflammation, while the predominance of mucus and epithelium indicates chronic inflammation. In the absence of specific complaints, minor deviations from the norm can be regarded by the doctor as individual characteristics of the woman’s body. However, for the purpose of detailed diagnosis of some sexually transmitted diseases, the doctor may suggest repeating the study after a “provocative test”, which makes it possible to identify hidden chronic forms of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other STIs.

Repeated studies after provocation, as well as in order to determine the results of treatment, should be carried out in the same laboratory where the first analysis was performed, since the reference values ​​of different diagnostic clinics may differ, which will lead to a false assessment of the data obtained.

Diagnosis of gonorrhea

The final diagnosis of gonorrheal urethritis or gonorrhea of ​​another localization is made by the doctor on the basis of complaints, an objective examination, the results of microscopy and cultural examination in combination.

  • Before microscopic examination, a preparation with biomaterial obtained from a patient with suspected gonorrhoea is stained with aniline dye. In the case of acute gonorrhea, gonococci are found in leukocytes and are paired bean-shaped cells with dimensions of 1.5 * 0.9 microns.
  • In the case of the chronic form, there are few pathogenic diplococci in the smear and for better visualization they resort to a provocative test. It consists of the fact that on the eve of the study the patient needs to eat a large amount of pickles or spices and drink beer. Also possible biological method provocation, consisting of a single injection of gonococcal vaccine. After the provocative test, a second smear, bacterioscopy and cultural examination are performed.
  • Culture on a nutrient medium is one of the most effective tests for gonorrhea, indicative in 96% of cases. During this study, grown colonies are counted, which makes it possible to determine the intensity of inflammation, as well as identify the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to various groups antibiotics. The disadvantage of cultural testing is its duration. For reliable diagnosis, it is necessary to wait for the growth of gonococcal colonies for 7 days.

PCR diagnostics can be used as additional method if a chronic process is suspected and if the results of a microscopic smear examination are negative, if you do not want to wait for culture results.

The interpretation of the results and selection of treatment should be carried out by the attending physician. Self-medication may be ineffective, lead to complications, atypical forms, and also to the development of bacterial resistance to the standard treatment regimen.

Disadvantages of the diagnostic procedure

Like all diagnostic procedures, the urethral smear has a number of disadvantages that may limit its use. These include:

  • The need for special preparation for the diagnostic procedure (ban on the use of suppositories, antiseptics, urination), which does not allow for rapid analysis.
  • Painful sensations during manipulation. They may be associated with an individual decrease in the pain threshold, intense inflammation of the mucous membrane, as well as careless actions of the specialist collecting the biomaterial.
  • The need to purchase diagnostic instruments (gynecological kit for women, a special brush and glass slides), the high cost of research in a paid laboratory (in some private clinics, a urethral smear followed by microscopy costs 900-1000 rubles).
  • False-negative results occur when the rules for collecting material are violated (a large amount of blood gets into it, insufficient “scraping” of the mucous membrane - a scanty smear), as well as in case of chronic infection.
  • Increased inflammation, the appearance of pain, burning sensation in the urethra after diagnosis.
  • Long waiting time for results - 1 day for microscopy, 7-10 days for cultural examination.
  • Lack of sensitivity determination during bacterioscopic diagnostics.

At the same time, despite the indicated disadvantages, a smear on the flora in case of suspicion and in women is one of the key, most frequently used diagnostic procedures. For getting best result, you should carefully follow all medical recommendations and properly prepare for the study.

The doctor talks more about diagnosing gonorrhea in the video.

One of the most common pathologies transmitted through sexual intercourse is considered to be gonorrhea (gonorrhea). The disease can be contracted through traditional and anal sex; there are known cases of infection through the oral route. Everyone is susceptible to the disease: both men and women. For diagnosis you will need to undergo a number of tests. Patients are always concerned about many questions: how the examination is carried out, where the biomaterial is taken from, how to prepare for the examination, how many smears are required for gonorrhea.

Features of the disease

The causative agent of the disease is gonococci belonging to the genus Neisseria. Bacteria infect the genitourinary tract, provoking the development of purulent inflammatory processes in various organs and fabrics. The period from the virus entering the human body to the appearance of the first signs varies from 3 to 7 days. There are two forms of progression of pathology: acute and chronic. In the first case, the patient suffers from the following symptoms:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • painful sensations and burning sensations when going to the toilet;
  • the appearance of unusual yellowish-white discharge from the genitals;
  • soreness in the throat area (if there is a disease in the throat);
  • increase in body temperature.

The listed symptoms appear 3–7 days after infection. The duration of disease progression is about 3–4 weeks. After this, healing occurs or the disease passes into the chronic stage. Many patients with long-term disease have no symptoms. Most often this is typical for women. Severe forms of the pathology cause nausea and vomiting. Representatives of the fair sex experience menstrual irregularities as gonococcal infection progresses. In men, the disease is complicated by damage to the testes with subsequent development of infertility.

Recovery of an infected person is possible only with accurate and timely diagnosis and professional treatment. To identify the virus, a smear is taken and subjected to laboratory testing.

Patients with gonorrhea must undergo treatment on time, as the risk of complications is high. Danger to human body present complications: inflammation Bladder, damage to the skin and musculoskeletal system. In some cases, gonorrhea provokes the development of infertility.

Preparation for the procedure

Taking a smear must be done correctly, in compliance with established standards. Only in this case can an accurate diagnosis be made in the presence of infection or initial suspicions refuted. In order for the smears to be as accurate as possible, you should carefully prepare for the procedure. To do this, you will need to follow several rules:

  • A few days before going to the medical facility where the test will be done, you must abstain from sexual relations.
  • 3 days before the procedure, women should not use douching solutions, as well as all kinds of gels intended for intimate hygiene. Washing is done with heated water without any additives.
  • 7 days before the delivery of the biomaterial, the use of all medications is stopped. If giving up certain medications is not possible, you should talk to a specialist about it in advance.
  • The night before the gonorrhea smear test, intimate area needs to be cleaned with water. In the morning, before going to a specialist, you should not wash yourself.
  • For a couple of hours before the intended collection of material, you should not visit the toilet.

A bacteriological smear, which is taken from the vagina, should be carried out a few days before the start of menstruation or a couple of days before its completion. If the discharge begins at the time when the examination was scheduled, you should postpone your visit to the clinic. The presence of foreign elements in the smear is unacceptable.

Features of the procedure

A smear test for gonorrhea in men is much easier than in women. If purulent mucus is intensely secreted from the urethra, insertion of a probe is not practiced. The advanced form of the pathology leads to a decrease in the manifestation of symptoms. If there is practically no pus, a tampon is inserted into the urethra, approximately 3 cm deep. The doctor should hold it for no more than 10 seconds.

A smear for gonorrhea in women involves collecting cervical mucus, as well as discharge from the cervix, vaginal walls and urethra. Often, the analysis is taken during routine examinations with a gynecologist.

The technique of taking a smear for gonorrhea in women requires the insertion of a special device into the vagina - a gynecological speculum. With its help, the walls are carefully moved apart, facilitating examination of the cervix. Many patients experience discomfort due to the penetration of a foreign object. As a rule, the procedure is not accompanied by pain.

To make it easier for the doctor to take the material, you need to calm down, relax as much as possible, and try not to move. First of all, the specialist visually assesses the condition of the vagina and cervix. After this, the necessary materials are collected. For this, sterile cotton swabs are used. From them, the secretions are transferred to the surface of a glass slide and sent to the laboratory for detailed study.

This algorithm for taking a smear for gonorrhea is the norm for modern medical institutions. In the same way, biological material is collected for testing for Trichomonas.

The obtained material is examined using a powerful microscope. The samples are pre-stained with special reagents.

Based on the finished results, some patients are prescribed additional studies: colcospia or cytological analysis. In most cases, the procedure is easily tolerated, without complications. Occasionally, after a smear for gonorrhea, spotting and spotting occurs. In individual cases, this is the norm, as the body reacts to the penetration of gynecological instruments. During the day everything will go away on its own. After collecting the material, women may experience discomfort and a slight dull pain in the lower abdomen for several hours.

Such consequences are considered a natural reaction to medical intervention. In this case, no therapeutic measures will be required. If after the procedure you experience severe nagging pain, profuse bloody discharge, chills, or an increase in body temperature, you must immediately consult a doctor to find out the causes of the pathological changes and take measures to eliminate them.

Diagnostic methods

If a doctor's examination raises suspicions about the presence of an infection, a test for gonorrhea is examined in several ways.


The classic progression of the pathology leads to a pronounced accumulation of gonococci on the mucous membranes of the vagina and urethra. The breakdown of the analysis consists of the following indicators:

  • Detection of bean-shaped bacteria. They are located inside leukocytes, as well as two in one capsule. Neisser's gonococci have an unusual structure. They lead to a chronic course of the pathology. When using the Gram staining technique, pathogenic microorganisms acquire a pink color.
  • Determination of the number of leukocytes. A small concentration of leukocytes in the mucous membrane is normal. Gonorrhea, accompanied by a purulent infectious process, significantly increases the number of these blood cells.
  • Increased volume of mucus secreted. Such changes indicate the progression of the inflammatory process. The functioning of cells in an emergency situation is activated. As a result, they produce more mucus.

A smear on the flora during a protracted or unusual course of the disease may not show the causative agents of the virus, even if they are present in the body. For more accurate diagnosis, other types of tests are used.

Cultural research

The essence of the technique is bacteriological study. To do this, the collected material is placed in a special nutrient medium. If it contains pathogenic bacteria, they will soon create entire colonies. The study of bacteriological culture is considered not a very accurate diagnostic method, since it detects gonococci only in 95% of cases.

If the smear analysis shows the presence pathogenic microorganisms, their sensitivity to various groups of antibiotics is revealed. This allows you to determine the most effective remedy for treatment.

An important disadvantage of cultural research is the long period of time required to obtain data. This analysis is carried out over several days, since it takes time for the virus to multiply in a nutrient medium. Diagnostics involves counting the number of gonococci per unit volume of material collected from the patient.

Refers to the most specific, but reliable methods of research. The DNA of viral pathogens undergoes a multiple duplication reaction. PCR is done quite quickly compared to previous methods. In some cases, it is possible to obtain a negative result if gonococci are present in the body. This is due to an increased concentration of leukocytes, which lead to the breakdown of the DNA of the infectious agent. The risk of obtaining an inaccurate result increases if the technology for taking a smear is not followed, as well as with long-term storage of the collected material.

The attending physician always tells patients the details of how a smear is taken. He also determines what tests will be required and what diagnostic methods will be optimal for a particular case. Laboratory examination of a glass smear for gonorrhea does not cause difficulties.

Timing and features of analysis decoding

The duration of the research varies from 1 to 3 days. Experts decipher the tests quite simply, but much depends on the workload of the laboratory. Sometimes the result becomes known the very next day, but sometimes you have to wait longer.

The medical report indicates that gonococci were detected or not detected. The abs value indicates that the virus was not detected. After a cultural examination, a document is issued indicating the microorganism that became the source of the disease, as well as information about how much and in what quantities it has spread throughout the body. In conclusion, antibacterial drugs that are harmful to the identified type of virus are also listed.

We must not forget that only a qualified specialist has the right to interpret test results and prescribe therapy. The slightest changes lead to incorrect and ineffective therapy, which can lead to serious complications. Taking any medications on your own is strictly prohibited.

Tests for pregnant women

Many women are interested in how to take a smear for gonococci during pregnancy. There are several health screening options. The initial diagnosis includes a smear on the flora, which is taken from the cervix or urethra. The next method is PCR. Both tests are normal for pregnant women, but due to their low accuracy, additional examination of smears for gonorrhea is carried out using bacteriological culture.

Some patients are among the group of people most susceptible to contracting the virus. It includes:

  • women infected before pregnancy;
  • patients suffering from symptoms of other diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse;
  • girls under the age of 25 who are active sex life;
  • women who refused barrier contraception.

In patients at risk, a pathology is most often found that causes gonorrheal arthritis, colpitis and infertility.

The widespread prevalence of gonorrhea indicates a careless attitude towards one's own health. For many people, constantly changing sexual partners and refusing contraceptives is the norm. Regular medical examinations help identify gonococci early stage development, and timely prescribe quality treatment. If you notice the first symptoms of pathology, you must immediately consult a doctor. Only in this case is a favorable outcome and hope for recovery possible. If gonorrhea is suspected, a smear should be taken as soon as possible. When the tests are ready, have them deciphered by a medical specialist.

How to take a smear for gonorrhea in women and men

A gonorrhea smear is the most accurate way to detect a sexually transmitted disease. The procedure is performed on both women and men, but has certain differences. Before taking the test, you need to know how to properly prepare for it in order to get the most accurate results.

How to prepare for a smear for gonorrhea?

Before taking the test, many people are interested in what is a smear for gonorrhea? It involves taking the biomaterial necessary for research from the surface of the affected mucous membrane of the genital organs. When there is a suspicion of oropharyngeal type gonorrhea, a smear can be taken from the throat, rectum, or eyeballs (if a child is being examined).

On the eve of the procedure, women will need to adhere to several rules:

  1. Do not have sexual intercourse 1-2 days before the examination.
  2. A week before collecting biomaterial, do not take any medications.
  3. Stop using intimate hygiene products 2-3 days before taking a smear, use only clean water.
  4. On the day of the test, do not wash yourself.
  5. 2-3 hours before the procedure, refrain from visiting the toilet.

If at least one of the listed points is not fulfilled, the woman must inform the attending physician.

A smear should not be done during menstruation. It is best to get tested in the first few days after your period ends, or before it starts.

The training of men follows the same principle. Both sexes will need to thoroughly clean their genitals the day before the test (without using soap, gels, etc.).

In the chronic form of the disease, provocation of gonorrhea may be indicated. The doctor carries out special measures, which ensures the release of gonococcus onto the mucous membrane genitourinary system and facilitates further examination.


Gonococcus is unstable outside the human body, so the study should be carried out within 15 minutes after taking the biomaterial.

Bacterioscopy (research using the Gram method) - taking a smear from an organ that has pronounced signs of gonococcal inflammation. In women, such areas are the cervix and its mucous membrane, in men - the urethra. The resulting material is distributed on a glass slide and stained with special means. To detect the causative agent of gonorrhea (Gonococcus Neiser), a specialist examines the discharge under a microscope. During the study against the background Pink colour it is easy to identify brighter gonococci (photo below).

Bacterioscopy allows you to quickly obtain the necessary result, however, in some cases, gonorrhea may not be detected (if the material for research is taken from the patient’s cervix). Therefore, undetected gonococci in a smear do not always indicate the absence of a sexually transmitted disease.

How a smear is taken in women

A smear test for gonorrhea is indicated in different situations, including pregnancy. Before submitting it, it is important to know where the biomaterial comes from and how long its research takes. In women, the specialist penetrates the areas of greatest accumulation of mucus and secretions - the vagina, cervix, and urethra. To make it easier to examine the cervix and spread apart the vaginal walls, the doctor or nurse inserts a speculum into the vagina.

The procedure often causes discomfort, however, in most cases there is no pain. The patient will need to relax as much as possible and not move in order to facilitate access to the desired areas and the supply of biomaterial in the required quantity.

In order to take required material, use sterile medical swabs or plastic spatulas. After taking the required amount of mucus, it is applied to a glass slide and sent for research to the laboratory. As a rule, a conclusion about the absence or presence of the disease can be obtained from a doctor 2-3 days later.

In most cases, the procedure is tolerated without complications. In some cases, mild dull pain in the lower abdomen or spotting discharge from the vagina may occur. Such unpleasant phenomena go away on their own within a few hours after the test.

If the condition does not improve within several days, in addition to pain, the body temperature rises, chills and discharge mixed with blood appear, the situation requires consulting a doctor.

Taking a smear for gonorrhea in men

In men, taking a smear for gonorrhea occurs differently than in women. The algorithm is quite simple. While in the office, the patient washes the genital organ again and carefully wipes it dry. Immediately after these steps, a special probe is inserted into the urethra.

The material for analysis is taken at a depth of several centimeters and is accompanied by rotational movements, which may cause pain in the patient. The more pronounced the inflammatory process, the more acute they are, but in most cases they are tolerated.

After the manipulation is completed, the probe is removed, and the resulting material is prepared for laboratory research. Often, after taking a smear, a man continues to feel discomfort, and it becomes especially painful during urination. To ease discomfort in the first days after the test, it is recommended:

  • take analgesics;
  • Take warm showers or baths daily;
  • drink enough fluid (anti-inflammatory decoction of chamomile leaves);
  • wear loose underwear made from natural fabric.

If your health worsens, you must notify your doctor and undergo a medical examination.

How is smear testing for gonococci performed?

In addition to bacterioscopy, they resort to the use of other techniques. Often, smear tests for gonorrhea are carried out using the following method:

  1. RSK (complement fixation reaction).
  2. Immunofluorescence.
  3. Sowing material.

RSK, also known as the Bordet-Gengou reaction, refers to serological methods that allow the detection of gonococcal antigens in the patient’s blood. This method is auxiliary and is used infrequently. It is used for complicated and chronic gonorrhea, as well as in cases where the disease could not be confirmed bacteriologically.

In cases of mixed infection, gonococci can be identified by immunofluorescence reaction. During the examination, the patient's discharge is heated and painted with a special composition that can glow (fluoresce). When examined under a microscope, gonococci become clearly visible, as they take the form of luminous round formations.

Culture of the material (bacteriological examination) is considered to be as reliable as possible. It is often carried out if a negative result is obtained after bacterioscopy, or if controversial situations arise. The secretions of the patient under study are inoculated onto a medium containing nutrients(ascites agar). The possible growth of gonococcal colonies is monitored for 5-7 days. If this occurs, the diagnosis of gonorrhoea is considered confirmed.

Culture of the material helps not only to make a reliable diagnosis, but also to determine the choice of appropriate antibiotics. This method is aimed at identifying the resistance of microorganisms to various types medications, and significantly facilitates subsequent treatment.

During pregnancy, culture for gonococci is carried out several times: at the stage of registration, at 28-30 weeks, and immediately before birth.

Interpretation of examination results

Besides government agencies, testing for gonorrhea can be done in independent medical laboratories (Invitro, Helix). The price of the service remains affordable, and the results are as fast and reliable as possible.

Decoding the examination results is the work of a venereologist. The norm demonstrates the complete absence of gonococcal bacilli (GN). If the smear analysis confirms gonorrhea and the presence of gonococci, the following is detected:

  • number of leukocytes - 10-20;
  • the presence of gram-negative bacteria (extracellular diplococci);
  • altered mucus levels (more than 1+), indicating infectious type inflammation;
  • increased amount of epithelium.

Symptoms of gonorrhea often overlap with many other sexually transmitted diseases. That is why a comprehensive study of the vaginal flora is carried out, which also determines trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc. In the presence of trichomonas or chlamydia, diagnosis can be difficult, which requires the destruction of these microorganisms.

Timely testing for gonorrhea is very important. A negligent attitude towards one's own health and the progression of the disease can lead to the most tragic consequences - causing peritonitis, prostatitis, impotence, infertility, gonorrheal sepsis.

What is a smear test for gonorrhea called?

Most often, gonorrhea is transmitted from man to woman during sexual relations, and dangerous bacteria enter the vagina, from where they penetrate the uterus, cervix, ovaries and tubes. In the future, gonococci can infect the rectum and urethra.

When should women get a gonorrhea smear test?

The main symptoms of gonorrhea infection are itching and burning in the vagina, and purulent discharge is also possible. IN Lately The asymptomatic course of various gynecological diseases, including those that are sexually transmitted, is quite common.

The main indications for taking a smear test for gonorrhea are:

  • infertility;
  • presence of signs of acute inflammation;
  • the presence of chronic urogenital infections;
  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • spontaneous abortions;
  • presence of a sexual partner with urogenital infections.

How to prepare for a smear test

If the gynecologist has prescribed a vaginal smear, you need to:

  • refuse sexual relations one or two days before the examination;
  • stop douching and refuse any intimate hygiene products two to three days before the examination. It is recommended to wash the genitals with warm water;
  • stop using any medications in the form of tablets, suppositories or sprays a week before the examination. The exception is those cases when their use was agreed in advance with a gynecologist;
  • In the evening before the examination, it is necessary to perform genital hygiene. On the day of the examination, in the morning, you do not need to wash yourself;
  • refrain from going to the toilet two to three hours before taking a smear.

A bacteriological smear from the vagina is often carried out in the first few days after the end of menstruation or before it begins. If your period begins on the days on which the examination is scheduled, you should try to reschedule your visit to the doctor.

Where and how to take a smear for gonorrhea

To test for gonorrhea, the doctor uses a small amount of mucus and secretions taken from the vagina, cervix, and urethra. Most often, a bacteriological smear is taken during a simple examination by a gynecologist.

At the very beginning of the examination, the doctor inserts a gynecological speculum into the vagina, selected according to the size, with the help of which he pushes the vaginal walls apart. Due to the feeling of a cold foreign object, insertion of speculum can be an unpleasant procedure. To make the doctor’s work easier, you need to try not to strain, breathe evenly and deeply.

After a gynecological examination of the cervix and vaginal walls, the doctor will collect a small amount of discharge from the uterus, cervical canal, vagina and urethra. This is done using special sterile swabs. The gynecologist applies the collected secretions onto special glasses using swabs, which are then sent to the laboratory, where they are stained and studied using a microscope.

How long does it take to smear for gonorrhea? Usually the smear results are ready on the same day after a couple of hours or from one to three days. Sometimes, depending on the results of the initial examination by the gynecologist, the doctor may decide that it is necessary to prescribe some additional tests - cytology and colposcopy.

It is worth contacting a gynecologist if, a few days after a gynecological examination and obtaining a vaginal smear, the following symptoms are observed:

  • prolonged nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • temperature;
  • chills;
  • bloody issues.

Smear test for gonorrhea during pregnancy

In the case when a woman is pregnant, there are several ways to smear for gonorrhea. For preliminary diagnosis, a smear of flora is taken from the urethra or cervical canal, but the accuracy of such a study is only 30-70%.

The next method is the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) swab, but this can often give a false result. The most reliable method is bacteriological culture, which can detect gonorrhea in 95% of cases.

There is a certain risk group:

  • infected with gonorrhea before pregnancy;
  • the presence of any other infections transmitted through sexual intercourse;
  • girls who are sexually active before the age of 25;
  • having an active sex life from an early age;
  • girls who refused the barrier method of contraception.

At his own discretion, the gynecologist may prescribe any additional research.

We will tell you whether it is possible to become infected with AIDS and HIV through saliva.

Results of smear test for gonorrhea

Decoding the analysis results is quite simple. Based on the results of the bacteriological study, they write: gonococci were detected (not detected). Alternatively, the conclusion may say: gram-negative diplococci were detected (not detected), which means the same thing. Gram-negative diplococci are a descriptive characteristic of the pathogens.

The conclusion after the cultural examination should contain information about which microbe was identified and in what quantity (massiveness of its growth), to which antibiotics this infectious pathogen is sensitive.

Thus, a smear test for gonorrhea is performed during a gynecological examination. It is often performed easily and does not cause any complications. A gonorrhea smear test is necessary if you have symptoms or are at risk of the disease.

We also invite you to watch a video on how to properly prepare for the upcoming tests for sexually transmitted infections:

Smears for gonorrhea. Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases

Gonococcus is the most common causative agent of infectious diseases. Gonorrhea is called the most “popular” sexually transmitted disease in our time. The origins of the disease come to us from biblical times. Hippocrates in his writings described a disease with similar symptoms.


Gonorrhea (gonorrhea) is a disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This bacterium is found only in humans. In 90% of cases, infection occurs through sexual contact, in 10% - through household contact (towel, underwear), although this is rare, because a harmful microorganism can die once outside the human body, under the influence of sunlight, or when treated with antiseptic agents.

The probability of infection during unprotected sexual intercourse reaches 70% if the partner is infected. A fairly high percentage of infection with gonococcal infection compared to other sexually transmitted diseases. The infection primarily affects the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system.


Smears for gonorrhea are usually prescribed by a doctor when a patient contacts her. Most often, obvious symptoms of a gonococcal infection can force you to see a doctor:

  • pain during intercourse;
  • purulent discharge;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • dysuria;
  • presence of an unpleasant odor.

Having contracted an infection, a woman feels a burning sensation and pain when urinating, and they become frequent and quite painful. If the infection is not treated, it can cause a serious illness - infertility, both female and male. In men, gonorrhea causes purulent urethritis. If the disease progresses, it is fraught with additional diseases, such as prostatitis.

If the infection progresses to chronic form, it is difficult to diagnose. In 80% of cases, the disease is asymptomatic, or they may be minimal.


Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases involves many methods and various methods detection of infection:

  • Examination of the genitals by a doctor.
  • Bacterioscopy (a method of bacteriological examination to isolate the causative agent of gonorrhea).
  • Microbiological culture with determination of sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs.
  • Smear microscopy.
  • Determination of infection using PCR (polymer chain reaction).
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent method (ELISA).
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Smears for gonorrhea, indications for smear:

  • infertility;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • chronic urogenital infections;
  • acute inflammation;
  • communication with a partner infected with the infection.


Preparation before taking a smear:

  • exclude sexual intercourse 1-2 days before taking a smear;
  • do not use alkaline intimate hygiene products 1 day before and immediately on the day of the test;
  • You can wash yourself with warm clean water;
  • do not use synthetic wipes;
  • do not douche or use vaginal suppositories;
  • Do not urinate for 2-3 hours before taking a smear.

Gonorrhea smears are not taken during menstruation. It is better to get tested 2-3 days after the end of your period or before the start of your menstrual cycle.

How is a smear taken?

A bacteriological examination of a stained smear for flora is taken by a gynecologist from three locations:

For research, a small amount of mucus is taken from the above locations.

Immediately before this, the doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina to spread its walls. The size of the mirror is selected individually for each patient. This procedure is unpleasant, and in order to experience a minimum of sensations, the patient must relax her muscles and breathe deeply and evenly.

The biomaterial is taken with a special sterile probe and applied to a special glass. After this, the glass is dried at room temperature and sent to the laboratory for research. In the laboratory, slides with smears are stained and examined under a microscope. Smear results are usually prepared within 2-3 days after the test.

Immediately after taking a smear, a woman may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain, and observe spotting. It's not scary, the symptoms usually go away within a couple of hours.

Where to get a smear test

When signs of infection appear, a woman may incorrectly assess the presence of the disease. She can easily mistake this for thrush, and the burning sensation when urinating for cystitis. Often a girl finds out that she is infected when her partner is diagnosed with gonorrhea. Therefore, it is important to contact a gynecologist on time and undergo the necessary tests.

For examination, consultation and smear tests, you can go to the venereology clinic at your place of residence. But there is another way.

You can get tested for gonorrhea at any antenatal clinic. The gynecologist conducts an examination and, if necessary, may prescribe additional tests, such as colposcopy, oncocytology, or additional tests to detect infections.

Men can get tested when visiting a venereologist, a urologist, in any paid laboratory or in a skin and venereal disease clinic.

The Dermatovenerological Dispensary provides a full range of services for patients. Most of them can be obtained free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.


A smear test for gonorrhea is determined by a venereologist. The result of the analysis will indicate whether gonococcus is detected or not. In some cases, it is written about the presence (or not) of gram-negative diplococci, this is also evidence of the presence of gonococcal infection.

You should not interpret the smear result yourself; it is recommended to consult a specialist for proper decoding, interpretation of the tests and making an accurate diagnosis.


It is important to get smears for gonorrhea regularly, even in the absence of symptoms, since gonorrhea and many other infectious diseases can be asymptomatic.

Regular examinations and preventive laboratory diagnostics do not take much time, but thanks to them you can not only identify any disease in time and begin treatment, but also eliminate the risk of its occurrence.

Occurs through sexual intercourse. In this case, all mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, intestines, mouth, throat and eyes are affected.

Most often, this disease is found in men and women aged 19 to 35 years. During childbirth, the baby can also become infected with this infection, which results in infectious conjunctivitis. At the slightest suspicion of this disease, you should immediately take a smear test for gonorrhea.

The first symptoms of the disease in men are yellowish mucus secreted from the genitals. At the same time, sharp pain appears. In women, vaginal discharge is yellowish-white, and there may be bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen and when urinating.

With advanced gonorrhea, damage occurs not only to the organs of the reproductive system, but also to many internal organs and systems of the body. In some severe cases, the disease can lead to serious cases such as infertility and even blood poisoning.

Diagnostic methods

A number of tests are used to diagnose an infectious disease. Gonorrhea has such striking symptoms that an experienced doctor can make a diagnosis. However, symptoms alone are not enough for such a diagnosis, so the patient is immediately sent for an appropriate study.

An infected person must undergo the necessary diagnostics in order to clarify the severity of of this disease. So, in women, the infection can be hidden, so it is more difficult to make a primary diagnosis. It is necessary to undergo a considerable number of tests in order to detect the exact infection.

Basically, laboratory diagnosis of this infectious disease has two examination bases: bacterioscopic and bacteriological. There are a number of other methods for determining gonorrhea, which we will also consider.


To solve the problem, the method of bacteriological research is widely used today, thanks to which it is possible to obtain additional information about this microorganism. The finished product undergoes macroscopic and microscopic examination, as well as the special properties of this crop. In some cases, the enzymatic properties of the infection being studied are determined.

Cultural examination

This method is most effectively used to determine the nutrient medium. To cultivate gonococcus, Russian scientists have developed four versions of such a medium, which have enough protein and also have fast growth properties. In terms of quality, such a product can be put on the same level as foreign analogues.

The cultural method of diagnosing a disease such as gonorrhea is undoubtedly superior to the microscopic method of examination. If with the bacteriological method there are cases in which gonococci are not found in patients or have questionable data, then with the cultural method an accurate diagnosis is made.

We see that this method of studying gonorrhea has obvious advantages. The cultural method is especially important for determining an accurate diagnosis in sick children. It is worth noting that in our time, in almost all countries, when determining gonorrhea, the main diagnostic methods are used - bacteriological.


If a specialist doubts the results of microbiological studies, he refers the patient to tests using the molecular genetic method. PCR for gonorrhea can determine the exact type of pathogen.

To do this, a smear is taken from the problem area for gonorrhea. These are organs such as the vagina or urethra that secrete a thick fluid gray. If the anus becomes infected, discharge is taken from it for analysis. Due to the high sensitivity of PCR, it is possible to accurately determine the severity of gonococci and the development of the disease in the patient.

This method of studying gonorrhea does not take much time, however, not every patient can use it. The fact is that its cost is quite high. In addition, there is another significant drawback - such research is carried out only in some laboratories.


To perform microscopy, special rules must be followed. Mucus samples for analysis are taken from the vagina, cervix, urethra, and rectum. 5 days before the biomaterial is taken, the patient must stop taking antibiotics. You should refrain from urinating 3-4 hours before the procedure.

To determine the infection, two samples are taken. The first smears are painted in certain colors, which will help identify the presence of cocci. If they have been identified, the study of the second copy of the sample begins using the Gram method. In this case, the detected gonococci acquire a bright pink color. Only after such an examination is an accurate diagnosis of gonorrhea made.

Tests for pregnant women

The fetus developing in the womb of an infected woman can be seriously damaged. In medical practice, miscarriages in this case are often observed. Therefore, sexually transmitted infections in pregnant women should be treated under medical supervision.

At the first suspicion of gonorrhea, the expectant mother should immediately undergo the appropriate examination:

  • It is necessary to examine the microscopic method of isolation from the cervical canal, vagina and urethra. The sample is taken at the first visit and then in the third trimester.
  • At the same time, a blood test is taken for HIV infection.
  • At the first visit, an examination is carried out to determine the type of pathogen.

How long does it take to test for gonorrhea and how are the results interpreted?

Carrying out diagnostics for this disease includes a whole list of tests that can help determine the type of pathogen and its approximate amount in the patient’s body. That is why only a specialist should refer you for such an examination, who will tell you how much testing for gonorrhea is done.

First of all, the patient is sent for a smear test for infection. It is worth knowing that the technique of this procedure differs significantly between men and women. So, in women, a test for gonorrhea is taken from the vaginal mucosa. In addition, an analysis of the contents of the urethra and cervical canal is often done. Moreover, such a study is not carried out in women during menstruation.

Where is the smear taken from?

As a rule, the sample is taken from those organs that have suspicious discharge, similar to gonococcal infections. Such problem areas can be the mouth, throat, eyes, urethra, rectum. In women, samples can also be taken from the cervix.

Men mainly complain of an unpleasant discharge of cloudy mucus from the urethra, which may be signs of infection. To conduct a bacterioscopy, a smear is taken from the urethra. In women, contents are collected from the cervix and vagina, since gonococcus, in most cases, first affects these organs.

Sampling technique

The general rule for infected men and women is that before conducting a bacteriological analysis of biomaterial, antibiotics should not be taken. Before starting the procedure, you should thoroughly toilet the genital organ. 2 hours before taking a test for gonorrhea, begin to fill your bladder.

Taking a smear for gonococcal flora in men is much easier than in women. In this case, only biomaterial is taken from the urethra. It is important to prescribe small manipulations of the prostate before collecting the sample and male organ. A medical probe is inserted into the patient's urethra, from the surface of which a smear is then taken. If the discharge is abundant, then a probe with a tampon is inserted shallowly into the urethra.

If the disease is in a chronic stage, the probe is inserted into the urethra 3 centimeters deep and turned there several times. Despite the fact that this procedure brings some discomfort to patients, it is painless and quite easily tolerated. In a similar way, secretions are collected for testing for gonorrhea in women.

Interpretation of examination results

It takes a small amount of time to decipher the data from the analyzes performed, and the technique is quite simple. As usual, the specialist describes in detail the results of the bacteriological study. He writes about whether gonococci have been found or not.

If the doctor in the conclusion indicates that gram-negative diplococci have been detected, this is the same as gonococci. These are the characteristics of the causative agents of this infection, which the doctor describes in detail in the certificate. The conclusion contains information about what type of infection was detected, as well as its quantity and weight. And most importantly, the doctor indicates the type of antibiotics that can destroy this infectious agent.

How much is done depending on the type of study

The most effective way to diagnose gonorrhea is by taking a smear. It is best determined in mucus, which is taken from the urethra, urethra or vagina. As a rule, patients are sent for blood and urine tests.

Patients want to receive test results as soon as possible, so they often ask the question of how long it takes to test for gonorrhea. The fact is that it all depends on the type of examination. For example, the data of a cultural examination will be known in 7-10 days.

If a person wants to know much faster whether he is infected or not, rapid tests are sold today. With their help, you can get analysis results at home. They are very convenient and simple to use. In addition, you will get the result immediately. However, the tests have one important drawback - they can show dubious results.

It is better to collect material from the urethra. If well organized, the resulting smear is examined immediately after collection. In this case, the patient can receive ready results within a day. The next day, all the data goes to the doctor, who deciphers it. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations such as cytology and colposcopy.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that no matter how much time it takes to study an infectious disease, after receiving the data you should definitely visit a venereologist for consultation.

Today, there are high rates of various sexually transmitted diseases in men and women. This list also includes gonorrhea. People are negligent about their health, as well as the health of their children. It is necessary to undergo a timely medical examination and, at the first suspicion, visit a doctor to identify such diseases. If gonorrhea is treated correctly at the initial stage, it can be defeated.

How is a smear taken for gonorrhea in women and men?

Gonorrhea smear– a special medical procedure that must be performed by an experienced medical professional who is fluent in the technique of sampling.

Incorrect actions by a health care worker can result in an incorrect result that does not reflect the presence of gonorrhea.

This is a sexually transmitted disease caused by gonococci. The disease is transmitted sexually, although purely theoretically there is a possibility of infection (1% of cases of gonorrhea) through domestic means: the pathogen is practically unviable outside the human body.

Those most often infected are those who lead a promiscuous and overly active sex life, neglecting protective measures. No one who enjoys unprotected sexual intercourse is immune from such an illness. With orderly family relationships, infection with gonorrhea is excluded; the infection can only be introduced by a third party.

For people at risk, such as prostitutes, escort workers, as well as those who travel a lot, live away from home and indulge in the pleasure of sleeping with an unfamiliar partner, a gonorrhea smear should be taken at least once every six months.

Gonococcus is transmitted through all types of sexual intercourse - vaginal, anal, oral. The disease is dangerous, as it can quickly become chronic and destroy the body, affecting many organs and systems. The peculiarity of this disease is that there may be an almost complete absence of symptoms, in which case the carrier of the infection himself is not aware of it. In most situations this is . In 80%, symptoms appear, and quickly.

Studies show that after a single sexual contact with an infectious partner, the smear result in 85% of women will be positive, while gonococci will be found in only 35% of men. This discrepancy in statistical data is explained by the different structure of the genital organs.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms manifest differently in men and women. The general ones are:

  • increased urge to urinate, accompanied by a burning sensation;
  • copious and unusual discharge (from the genitals);
  • temperature increase;
  • possible sore throat;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the affected organs appears - genitals, oral cavity, rectum;
  • lymph nodes swell.

Men begin to feel discomfort almost immediately, within 1-7 days from the moment of infection, while in women the incubation period lasts 5-10 days.

Men notice redness of the head of the penis, swelling of the mucous membrane, and drops of pus are released from the tip of the penis, especially in the morning. As soon as there is a suspicion of infection, it is important to visit a venereologist or dermatologist as soon as possible; embarrassment in such circumstances is inappropriate.

In women, the discharge from gonorrhea is more abundant than in men, but in both of them, the sticky substance secreted has an unpleasant putrefactive odor. Among the manifestations of the disease, swelling of the mucous membrane is observed, the structure of the vaginal epithelium becomes loose, and when pressed, ichor may leak.

Experts note in last years an increase in the number of cases of asymptomatic gonorrhoea. This is explained by the general availability of broad-spectrum antibacterial agents, as well as the prevalence of modern gadgets with the Internet, where you can find tips on how to quickly get rid of sexually transmitted infections.

Untreated gonorrhea can often cause infertility and impotence. Because of a casual relationship, you can lose your health, so it’s worth putting aside shame and getting checked: it is possible that the tripper has already gained momentum, which will become known from the decoding of the smear analysis.

How to take a smear for gonorrhea

First of all, taking any medications is strictly prohibited: self-medication is ineffective and leads to a distortion of the typical picture of the course of the disease and to difficulty in diagnosis. Smears must be done before starting medication.

The algorithm for taking a smear for gonorrhea in representatives of different sexes is almost the same.

It is also important to properly prepare for this procedure:

  • 3 days before the smear test, stop sexual intercourse;
  • Before coming to the doctor, thoroughly wash your genitals;
  • Try not to visit the restroom for 2-3 hours before the procedure.

It is forbidden to wash the genitals with disinfectants or antibacterial agents: the patient must be aware that it is important not to mislead the doctor, and if gonorrhea is present, to diagnose this disease in a timely manner and begin treatment as quickly as possible.

A smear for gonorrhea is taken from the mucous membrane of the affected organ. This is usually the penis or vagina, but if there are grounds - the oral cavity, pharynx, rectum, mucous membrane of the eyes.

Since bisexual and homosexual relationships are not uncommon, forms of the disease such as gonorrheal proctitis are identified. In women, it is possible for the rectum to become self-infected by the discharge of vaginal discharge into the anal area after traditional sexual intercourse.

The modern method of taking biomaterial to detect gonorrhea takes into account all these points, so a smear is taken from all likely places.

Make smears this way:

  • the doctor prepares a special probe-tampon;
  • inserts the tampon deeper, trying not just to smear it on the mucous membrane, but to take a drop of discharge;
  • repeats the procedure with a separate swab for each of the probable lesions;
  • the resulting biomaterial (pus, mucus) is distributed over laboratory glass and labeled.

Taking a smear is usually easy for patients.

Differences between the procedure for men and women

Biomaterials are collected in different ways. For women, a smear is taken from the following places:

  • vagina;
  • urethra;
  • Cervix.

Gonorrhea spreads quickly through the female genitourinary organs, often leading to the development of colpitis, urethritis, and inflammation of the cervix. Trichomoniasis and chlamydia can be associated with gonococcal infection, so it is important to do a comprehensive bacteriological study of biomaterials to select the correct treatment.

Gonococci are identified without problems, but if antibiotics were used and the disease became chronic, the pathogen may not be detected. However, this does not mean that there is no clap.

How is a smear taken in men?

An instrument with a tampon is inserted into the urethra, capturing purulent discharge. If the discharge is abundant, then you can do without penetration into the urethra. When the discharge is scanty, then the tampon must be advanced to a depth of 3 cm and wait about 10 seconds for the tampon to become more saturated.

Smear in virgins and pregnant women

Taking a smear for gonorrhea in women who are pregnant is carried out in the same way as in those who are not pregnant. Expectant mothers should be examined for sexually transmitted infections twice:

  • when registering for pregnancy;
  • at 36 weeks.

Timely identified illness and effective treatment will prevent infection of the baby, whose infection occurs in utero or during childbirth. The expectant mother may become infected after taking the first smear, and a repeat analysis will finally clarify the situation.

If a potential gonorrhea patient has an unbroken hymen, the biomaterial is collected through a hole in the hymen: it is not painful, and virginity will be preserved, since the doctor will not allow mechanical damage to the film.

Smear in children

In children, infection with gonorrhea can be intrauterine or acquired. Boys, according to statistics, are practically not infected through everyday means.

Girls become infected in everyday life in the following ways:

  • through personal hygiene items – washcloth, towel, etc.;
  • from sick parents who do not observe personal hygiene rules;
  • through sexual intercourse.

In girls, gonorrhea is noted 15 times more often. If symptoms are detected, the child should be taken to a specialist. A smear for gonorrhea in children is taken, depending on the localization of the process, from the following places:

  • genital organs, carefully selecting biomaterial;
  • conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • oral cavity.

Boys, as a rule, become infected with gonorrhea during early sexual relations in adolescence. Depending on their gender, children should be checked by a gynecologist or urologist. It is important to carry out educational work aimed at preventing infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

The child must learn that using someone else’s bathroom or toilet in a public toilet should be done carefully, avoiding contact of the genitals with common objects. Each family member should have at least two or three separate towels, including the child. The child should be washed under running water, then household gonorrhea will be excluded.

Research methods

The following methods are used to test samples for gonorrhoea:

  • bacteriological;
  • cultural.

So in men and women, for both methods, a smear is taken according to the same algorithm, then to complete the picture, the studies are carried out in parallel. Bacterioscopy involves staining slides with biological samples with special dyes.

The flora is identified against a colored background under a microscope, revealing:

  • gonococci;
  • fungi;
  • Trichomonas;
  • lactobacilli, etc.

Leukocytes also differ. Bacterioscopy is done quickly, the result can be ready the next day after the samples are taken.

For cultural studies, samples of biomaterials are placed in a special nutrient medium and kept at optimal temperature, promoting the propagation of crops. After about 6-8 days, colonies of bacteria (if they are contained in the samples) are visible under a microscope. This method is quite accurate and does not allow microorganisms to camouflage themselves, but it is not fast.


Each of the research methods is effective; upon completion of laboratory tests, a result is issued. Deciphering a smear in women shows what microorganisms are found and, most importantly, whether there is gonorrhea.

A positive test means that:

  • gonococci (a “+” sign may be added);
  • epithelium;
  • slime;
  • leukocytes (regular or mutated).

A white blood cell count of more than 10 indicates severe inflammation.

When it is written that the smear is negative or “gonococci were not detected,” this means that there is no gonorrhea. It may be indicated that chlamydia, trichomonas, or a fungal infection have been detected: this allows the doctor to diagnose other genitourinary diseases that are just as serious, but less dangerous than gonorrhea.

A smear for gonorrhea in men is interpreted in approximately the same way. Regardless of the results of studies of biological material from the genital organs, a visit to your doctor is mandatory. Only a specialist can correctly interpret what this or that number of identified bacteria, leukocytes, epithelial cells, etc. means.

The doctor makes the final conclusion based on the summary data:

  • inspection;
  • bacterioscopy;
  • cultural analysis;
  • colposcopy, etc.

The doctor will prescribe treatment and give recommendations. At the end of the prescribed course, you will need to do control smear tests. Only a doctor’s conclusion about complete recovery gives a signal to live fully, while remembering that sex must be protected.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection that affects the genitourinary tract. The causative agent of the infectious process is gonococcus, a bacterium from the genus Neisseria. The main symptoms of inflammation caused by gonococci are discharge from the urethra (urethra), pain and burning when urinating.

Gonorrhea is diagnosed based on laboratory data. Based only on the clinical picture, it cannot be argued that discharge from the urethra is caused specifically by a gonococcal infection.

The key methods used in diagnosing this disease are bacteriological. They include bacterioscopy (examination of a smear under a microscope) and cultural examination (inoculation of bacterial flora on nutrient media).


For bacterioscopy, a smear is taken from an organ in which there are signs of gonococcal inflammation. Biological material (mucus, pus) is applied to a glass slide and painted with a special composition. The doctor examines the stained specimen under a microscope in order to detect gonorrhea pathogens in it.

Gonococci are poorly preserved outside the human body. Therefore, an important question is how much time passes between the moment of taking a smear and the beginning of its study. Ideally, this interval should not exceed 15 minutes.

Gonococci look quite characteristic. If gonococcal flora is detected in a smear in a case where a person has a typical clinical picture of the disease, the diagnosis of gonorrhea is considered confirmed.

Bacterioscopy is a good, fast and cheap diagnostic method with simple interpretation. However, for various reasons, gonococci may not be visible. Therefore, the absence of gonococci in a smear does not exclude gonorrhea.

Cultural examination

The cultural method is most often used in parallel with the bacterioscopic method. Its essence lies in the fact that excretions taken from the urethra or other organs are sown, i.e. applied to a special nutrient medium.

On this medium, a colony of microorganisms grows for the required time (usually up to a week). The nutrient medium contains everything necessary substances for the development of this type of microbial flora. In the thermostat, where the bacterial cultures are located, the appropriate temperature is maintained.

After colonies have formed, their properties (shape, color and other characteristics) can be used to determine which bacterial organism formed them.

This method also allows you to determine the sensitivity of gonococci to antibiotics.

Cultural examination is a highly accurate method for diagnosing gonococcal infection. Its disadvantage is the duration of execution (the analysis is done about a week).

Where is the smear taken from?

A smear is taken from organs in which gonococcal infection is suspected. In both men and women, this can be the urethra, oropharynx, rectum, or conjunctiva of the eye. In addition to the listed anatomical areas, a smear in women can be taken from the vagina and cervix.

If a man complains of classic symptoms of gonococcal infection, i.e. discharge from the urethra, material for bacterioscopy must be taken from the urethra. The classic course of gonorrhea in women in most cases is manifested by urethritis, colpitis (inflammation of the vagina) and cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix). Therefore, a smear for bacterial flora is taken from the urethra, vagina and cervix.

Sampling technique

A universal rule for both women and men is that material for bacteriological analysis must be collected before starting antibiotic use.

Before going to the laboratory, a thorough toilet of the genital organ (washing with soap) is necessary. Before taking a smear, you need to refrain from urinating for 2-3 hours. Directly in the laboratory, the head of the penis is wiped with a sterile cloth.

An analysis for gonococcal flora is taken with a special swab probe. The technique for taking a smear for gonorrhea in men is simple. If pus is discharged profusely from the urethra, then inserting a tampon deep into the urethra is often not necessary. In the case of chronic gonorrhea, when the discharge is scanty and unnoticeable, a tampon is inserted 3 cm into the urethra and rotated there for 10 seconds. The procedure is not so much painful as it is uncomfortable, and is easily tolerated by all patients.

Preparation for the study for women is similar to preparation for men. It is necessary to toilet the genitourinary organs and refrain from urinating for 2-3 hours.

Biological material is collected using a tampon, which is inserted into the urethra and/or vagina and cervical area.

Interpretation of examination results

Decoding the results of a bacteriological study is quite simple. Based on the results of bacterioscopy, the doctor writes: gonococci were detected (not detected). Alternatively, the conclusion may say: gram-negative diplococci have been identified, which means the same thing. Gram-negative diplococci are a descriptive characteristic of the causative agents of gonorrhea.

The conclusion based on the results of a cultural study contains information about which microbe was identified, in what quantity (massive growth) and to which antibiotics this infectious pathogen is sensitive.



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