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egg albumin. Dry egg white

Egg white is one of the best nutrient sources for an athlete. True, it should be understood that in the phrase "egg white" by "protein" is meant a non-biological fraction of an egg, consisting of protein and yolk. And the meaning of the word "protein" in terms of nutritional value, a synonym for the word "protein". But since "egg protein" sounds somewhat tongue-tied, we will continue to use the phrase "egg white".

Since ancient times, eggs, along with dairy products, have been an invariable attribute of the human diet. True over the years, as it develops Agriculture and the food industry, they play an ever smaller role, giving way to exotic products and various dishes. However, eggs continue to play a critical role in both dietary and sports nutrition. What is their advantage?

The structure of the egg white

Like many foods, the egg is mostly water - about 85%. It contains 12% protein, less than 1% fat and carbohydrates, as well as various enzymes, glucose, B vitamins. Athletes are primarily interested in proteins. It is about the proteins included in the egg that we will talk:

  1. Ovalbumin. It makes up the bulk of egg protein - 54%. It was isolated in the 19th century and has since been actively used in the food and medical industries.
  2. Ovotransferrin(conalbumin) is a specific protein with an antibacterial effect.
  3. Lysozyme, which makes up about 3.5% of the total protein, is actively used in the commercial industry as a bacteriolytic enzyme.
  4. Ovomucin- makes up about 3% of egg white, is a complex multicomponent compound.

The remaining proteins are contained in small proportions and are not as interesting as those indicated.

Benefits of egg white

The main value of egg white is its high digestibility close to 100%. Also, unlike dairy products, egg white is well tolerated by almost all people without exception and is often used as a dietary food. A low content of fats and carbohydrates make it an indispensable element.

There are many options for cooking eggs. However, some of them are unacceptable for the athlete. A very common mistake is that it is best to drink eggs raw to preserve the entire amino acid composition and vitamins. Yes, raw is the best. But at the same time, there is a huge risk of contracting salmonellosis - a rather serious disease. For one egg, the risk may be small. But with regular use raw eggs the risk is more than real. Many lovers of raw eggs rest on the fact that they buy village eggs on the market. However, despite all the statements of the seller, you do not know where this product actually comes from. From a private farmstead or an ordinary poultry farm. Secondly, there is much more unsanitary conditions in private courtyards than in industrial facilities. And the risk of getting an infection from there is even higher than when buying products in a store. In factories, eggs are washed and often treated with antibiotics. Yes, feeding chickens is not the same as that of private traders. But after washing, the entire infection is most likely killed.

Therefore, you should not recklessly strive for the consumption of egg white in pure form. The very small benefits that you get from this way of consumption are not worth the risk of getting sick. Requires heat treatment.

Methods for preparing egg white

If you still really want to try raw eggs, then try using an air fryer. Heating it up to 280 degrees at high speed for a couple of minutes, the infection on the shell should be destroyed. In this case, the egg will not have time to bake completely.

  • Cooking. The most common and the best way. Does not cause the destruction of egg white, retains its nutritional value and taste. Well received by the body. By placing eggs in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, Salmonella bacilli will be destroyed, and the egg will retain all its beneficial features.
  • Frying. A highly undesirable method of preparation. At high temperatures, egg white denatures - its structure is seriously disturbed, nutritional value and benefits are lost. In addition, when frying, along with the egg, oils that carry carcinogens and other substances harmful to the liver and digestive system enter the body. For the same reason, you should avoid various dishes based on eggs - stuffed or as part of salads, dishes. Their components can seriously change the final nutritional composition, and not in the best direction for the athlete.

Downsides of egg white

Eggs also have one disadvantage. It is the cholesterol they contain. In small doses, it is not dangerous and, moreover, it is even needed by the body for many biochemical processes. But with a significant consumption of eggs (and bodybuilders sometimes eat up to two dozen eggs a day), cholesterol becomes a significant problem. To avoid it, it is recommended to eat only egg white (here we are already talking about the white component of the egg), throwing out the yolk. This is of course wasteful, and there is a lot in the yolk beneficial vitamins and amino acids, but this approach will allow you to take only the best from eggs. Therefore, if eggs make up a significant part of your daily diet, then we advise you not to consume more than 2-3 yolks per day. You can use as much protein as you like.

The use of egg white in sports nutrition

Naturally, like milk protein, the industry has not bypassed the attention of the egg sports supplements. In the assortment of almost any proteins based on egg white are presented. However, the demand for them is significantly inferior to the demand for food-based. There are several reasons.

  • The main reason is the very specific taste of any egg proteins. The characteristic bitterness can make even the most picky athlete to twist his face. Some manufacturers interrupt the egg flavor with powerful flavors, but this can hardly be considered a plus. Because and the composition receives unnecessary carbohydrates and fats, and the price of protein increases significantly.
  • Egg white foams a lot. This adds some discomfort during its preparation. You have to either mix it with another protein or, better, prepare a protein shake in advance so that it has time to settle.
  • The price of egg protein. It, alas, is significantly higher than that of dairy counterparts. And given that milk proteins also taste much better, many athletes prefer to turn a blind eye to the better nutritional value of eggs.

However, egg proteins have their own niche in the sports supplement market. Many people prefer just such proteins, regardless of their specific taste. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of sports results, you have to sacrifice something. And the specific taste is not the worst thing that can be. In the end, sports nutrition should be treated as specific supplements, and not as culinary masterpieces or delicacies.

Dry egg white is a universal product. Due to its properties and ease of storage, it is used in all areas of human activity related to food production - from dietary nutrition to haute cuisine.

We will talk about its composition and methods of application in this article.


Albumin (dry - a food product obtained from fresh chicken eggs. The protein is separated from the yolk, after which it is filtered and heat treated. The result is a tasteless cream-colored powder with a fairly pronounced smell of eggs. It is extremely useful due to the unique set of amino acids that are absorbed human body almost 100%. For example, protein from meat is absorbed by less than 80%, from dairy products - by 85%.

For 100 grams of dry protein, there are 74 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 3 grams of carbohydrates, 326 kcal.

Protein pancakes

From the composition above, it becomes clear that egg white powder is an ideal food product for athletes who need a large amount of protein. We offer to cook pancakes with albumin, which will fill the body's needs for protein:

  • dry protein - 75 grams;
  • oatmeal - 20 grams;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • - 5 grams;
  • skimmed milk - 150 ml;
  • sugar (honey, vegetable sugar substitute, etc.) - to taste;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vanillin - a pinch.


Stir dry egg white in milk until smooth, add the remaining products to them. You should get a thick, sticky dough.

Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat.

Pour the dough into the center of the pan, you should get round pancakes with a diameter of 10-12 cm.

Fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Serve with honey, yogurt and seasonal fresh fruit.

Way to confectioners!

Dry egg white is especially in demand among confectioners, as it has better physical characteristics compared to fresh protein - it beats better, the foam is stronger and it retains sugar better. All this is extremely important in the manufacture of meringue, marshmallow, soufflé and other air masses.

Albumin is also used in the process of making pasta cakes - they partially or completely replace fresh protein.

Dry product benefits include:

  • stability of final products;
  • high sanitary level of production;
  • acceleration of the manufacturing process.

Fresh raw materials can be completely replaced with dry egg white. How to use in this case? Simply dissolve 1 part powder in 7 parts liquid, knead thoroughly for 25 seconds, then let stand for 40 minutes. That's all - you can use according to the recipe.

Berry meringue

Albumin is ideal for those who like to experiment, as it will help you prepare the berry meringue.

Classical meringue (Italian, French, Swiss - it doesn't matter) does not tolerate a large amount of external additives such as berry puree or juice, as the percentage of moisture in the mass increases, due to which the consistency suffers. If you want to bake real raspberry meringue, then we highly recommend using albumin.

You will need the following products:

  • dry egg white - 34 grams;
  • water - 100 grams;
  • raspberries (strawberries, blueberries, currants, etc.) - 340 grams;
  • sugar - 300 grams.


Preheat the oven to 80 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with baking paper.

Combine water and sugar in a saucepan and place over low heat without stirring.

Grind the raspberries into a puree and rub through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. We recommend that you do not skip this step, as the bones can interfere with eating.

Bring the syrup in a saucepan to a temperature of 121 degrees.

Add dry egg white to the pureed berry and start beating the puree.

With the mixer running, carefully pour the boiling syrup into the bowl. Beat the syrup to strong peaks.

Place the resulting berry mass in a pastry bag and place the berry meringue on baking paper.

Bake for 2-2.5 hours - it should be evenly dry.

Cool completely, garnish with powdered sugar if desired.

Raspberry meringue can be used as an independent treat or as an element of dessert. For example, use berry meringue when creating - complement the protein base with fresh fruit and buttercream.

Everyone knows the beneficial properties of egg white, or egg albumin. This is an excellent source of protein, which, unlike the yolk, contains very little cholesterol and fatty acids. Liquid is used as a food additive.

Egg white protects the developing chick, but its main role is to provide nutrients to the embryo. It is for this reason that egg white is so rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Egg white contains over 40 types of protein molecules.

egg white proteins

While egg whites contain many types of proteins, some of which are of greater biological value. Approximately half (54%) of egg white albumin is ovalbumin, which is a nutrient substrate and binds digestive enzymes. Ovotransferrin (12%), ovomucoid (11%), and ovoglobulin (8%) are three other proteins that are widely distributed in egg white. Each of these protein molecules performs its own function, and together these proteins are involved in the digestion of food, bind to cell receptors, stimulate the immune system, or perform all of the above tasks.

Nutritional composition of egg albumin

Egg white accounts for more than half of the mass of one egg, and the protein itself is mostly water. If we study the residue, we will find in it a set of nutrients, among which the lion's share falls on the egg protein mentioned above. In addition, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are present in the egg white.

Unlike other products, egg white practically does not lose nutritional properties during heat treatment, and as for its energy value, then the protein of a large chicken egg contains only 17 calories.

The protein of a large chicken egg contains only 17 calories.

Methods for preparing eggs and egg albumin

There are a lot of options for cooking eggs. They can be fried, shaken up and made into an omelet, or made into fried eggs and eaten with or without the yolk. If all you want is the whites, hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs are easy to separate and remove the yolk from boiled eggs.

Many family recipes call for egg whites. Homemade cakes (pies, muffins or cookies) contain egg white or whole eggs. Don't forget the egg-based smoothies - make your own egg white eggnog or healthy non-alcoholic egg white eggnog!

Some people are accustomed to drinking raw eggs or liquid albumin, which is industrially produced from raw eggs. Note that although raw eggs are a valuable nutritious food, they may contain the pathogenic Salmonella bacterium.

Therefore, a more reasonable solution is packaged liquid albumin. By nutritional value it does not differ from raw eggs, but at the same time, liquid albumin undergoes pasteurization - heat treatment - during which salmonella die. Liquid egg albumin can be drunk in its pure form, or you can make fragrant cocktails from it by mixing protein with chocolate syrup.

Egg Albumin Powder

An alternative source of ovalbumin is a powder form. Technologists have long found a way to remove water from egg white and get a dry white powder as a result. Why is this needed? The powder form has a number of undeniable advantages.

For example, if you are using the powder form instead of raw egg white, you don't have to worry about salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria, as all microorganisms die during the dehydration process. Plus, if all you want is egg white, you won't regret throwing away the yolk when you use the powdered form - it's just not there.

The shelf life of dried egg albumin is significantly longer than that of raw egg white. Even after opening the package, the powder can be stored for a year on a regular shelf at room temperature. And in a sealed box, albumin retains its properties from five to ten years.

You can use the powder form in the same way as fresh egg white. Based on egg albumin, you can prepare protein shakes, you can add it to dishes, or you can steam it and eat it. Preparing egg albumin is very easy - just add water!

Egg albumin and allergic reactions

Individuals who are allergic to chicken protein (including eggs and egg white) should not take egg albumin. Manifestations of allergy to chicken protein can be nasal congestion and difficulty in nasal breathing, allergic asthma, nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps.

In some people, the allergy manifests itself in a very severe form, up to anaphylactic shock, in which a person cannot breathe. Treatment of anaphylaxis requires hospitalization of the patient in a medical facility, and emergency care at the prehospital stage is an injection of adrenaline. If these recommendations are not followed, anaphylactic shock leads to death.

However, it is possible that the cause of an egg allergy is a sensitization to only the protein or only to the yolk. If a person responds with an allergic reaction only to the components of the yolk, he can use egg albumin.

In addition to allergies, there is another problem - intolerance to egg albumin. The symptoms are similar to those of an allergy, but they only appear if a person eats an improperly cooked egg white. For example, a person eats a pie without problems, because the egg white is baked, but fried eggs cause symptoms of intolerance in him.

Egg Albumin: Potential Health Threats

Despite the fact that egg albumin contains many nutrients, eating it in very large quantities adversely affects our health. Excessive consumption of egg white lowers blood levels, and this can lead to skin rashes, acute conjunctivitis, hair loss, hallucinations and other neurological disorders.

Too high doses of albumin provoke increased gas formation and lead to constipation. If you are on a salt-free diet, you should not eat a lot of egg whites, as one egg white contains 400 mg of sodium.

Eggs can be contaminated with salmonella. Bacteria are killed by thorough heat treatment, but during the cooking process you should be careful not to allow the protein to spread. The latter can lead to salmonella contamination of other foods and kitchen utensils.

Cooking and eating ovalbumin can pose some risk, however, with proper processing and moderate consumption, there should be no problems. Good news also that egg white is an FDA-controlled product, and you can be absolutely sure of its quality.

Possible side effects

  • Allergic reaction
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Flatulence
  • Hair loss
  • Neurological disorders

Synonyms and analogues

Milk casein hydrolyzate, C12, C12 peptide, calcium caseinate, casein decapeptide, casein hydrolyzate, casein peptide, casein phosphopeptide, extract casein protein, casein protein hydrolyzate, casein tripeptide, tryptic casein hydrolysate, caseinate, cysteine ​​milk peptide, hydrolyzed casein, hydrolyzed casein concentrate, hydrolyzed lactalbumin, antihypertensive peptide, isoleucine-prolyl-proline, lactalbumin hydrolysate, lactalbumin hydrolysate, lactotripeptide, milk protein extract, hydrolysate milk protein, C12 peptide, potassium caseinate, sodium caseinate, fermented milk extract, fermented milk peptide, casein tripeptide, valine-prolyl-proline


Despite some medical warnings, egg albumin is one of the best sources of complete protein. Albumin is not only nutritious, but also very versatile - you can make and eat a smoothie for breakfast, or you can pour it into a bottle and drink it throughout the day.

Albumin is a substance that is produced industrially by separating the whites of chicken eggs from the yolks and drying them. Dry egg white albumin well balanced and therefore has a high nutritional value.

Uses of albumin in molecular cuisine

It is not necessary to buy albumin in the store, you can easily make it at home. To do this, pour the protein on a silicone mat and send it to the oven to dry at a low temperature: 53-56 C. It will turn into a transparent, almost glassy crust, which you break and grind in a coffee grinder to make a powder.

Albumin foam

In molecular cuisine use albumin can be used to create bubbles. Imagine soap bubbles, but with delicious taste. Foam cranberry juice and garnish your cocktail, or use coconut water for it and bubble over caramelized apricots in a cheese tuile. Or create a foam based on lychee syrup and put it on oysters - there are many options.

To make the foam stable and fluffy, add albumin and a thickener such as xanthan gum to the liquid. The main product should have a rich taste, because the foam is mostly air, which makes it weak. For example, take salt water or concentrated pomegranate or other fresh juice.

Albumen,analogue egg white, good to use to create an irreversible gel when mixed with other ingredients. There is a huge range of textures that can be achieved with it, but it requires temperature precision, just like when cooking eggs.

If you add a gelling agent (gelatin, kappa, or agar-agar) to albumin and beat, the result will be a dense, stable foam, somewhat similar to marshmallows, depending on the consistency.

Ways to Use Egg White Albumin

It can be used in two main ways: with the help of rehydration and in dry form. To rehydrate the powder, combine 2 tsp. with 2 tbsp. warm water and leave it like that for a while. Stir gently. Don't whisk unless you want it to turn to foam instantly. Avoid overheating, as the protein will immediately curdle.

If you are using albumin to make foam, be sure to dilute it in warm liquid as well. Then aerate. Try this with an aquarium compressor and atomizer or oxygen bottles available from pharmacies.

In dry form, the powder is used to create a more concentrated taste.

Recipe for foam with dry protein albumin

  • 380 g concentrated liquid, such as cranberry or pomegranate juice or coconut water;
  • 1.5 g albumin;
  • 1 g xanthan gum.

Mix the liquid with the albumin powder. Add the gum and stir again until it is completely dissolved. Attach a clean PVC hose to the aquarium compressor and insert the other end with the spray gun into the mixture. Turn on the compressor and wait for the foam to form. Use a skimmer or spoon to scoop up the foam and transfer to the finished dish you want to decorate.

Effects of egg white albumin on human health

Forming the basis albumin protein essential for both children and adults. This is actually the same chicken protein, only purified from bacteria and diseases that can easily be infected by eating fresh eggs, especially raw ones. Therefore, replacing natural eggs with dry powder, if it is of really high quality, is absolutely harmless. In addition, due to the ease of use and storage albumin, reviews chefs about such a replacement is always the highest.

Subtleties of using egg white albumin

  • High acid and fat content in the bulk does not contribute to the formation of a stable and good foam.
  • If the task is to make foam with large bubbles, the use of a sprayer and a thickener is mandatory. Allow time for the thickener and albumin to dissolve into the bulk. I do not recommend using a blender, do not beat the mass prematurely.
  • Do not heat the mass above 60C* to avoid clotting of albumin.
Successful experiments, feedback and results, questions that appeared during the work, write here in the reviews.

Egg protein is not as common among consumers sports nutrition, and not all manufacturers produce it. And why, isn't the egg the most bioavailable source of amino acids? Perhaps the reason is cost or composition. We will figure out in which cases it should be consumed, how, and what egg protein supplements exist.

Features of egg protein

Egg protein is obtained during the production process from eggs, egg albumin. Although the egg itself has a broad amino acid profile, some is lost during production. This is because, unlike whey, egg white is exposed to high temperatures due to the predisposition of the product to salmonellosis, so the protein is partially destroyed and eventually loses some of its properties.

Pros and Cons of Egg Protein

Main advantages:

  • It has a rich amino acid composition compared to other supplements.
  • It is slowly absorbed, providing a constant supply of amino acids, preventing the destruction of muscle tissue.
  • Does not contain lactose and fats.
  • Easily mixes in water and milk.
  • Suitable for taking at night due to long absorption.


  • Often causes side effects in the form of constipation, therefore, additional consumption with fiber is necessary if the manufacturer did not include it in the product.
  • The long breakdown of proteins does not allow the use of the product solo after training or after sleep for emergency prevention, compared with or.
  • Not suitable for athletes on.

Which protein is better - whey or egg

These two products should not be compared. Each is necessary for athletes in the same way, and as usual, there are several products in the complex, different in action. If whey is absorbed faster, great for closing, then egg albumin can be compared with in action. The last two types are suitable for use at night.

Top 5 Best Egg Proteins

Optimum Nutrition-Gold Standard 100% EGG

The composition of the protein powder of the world famous brand includes the entire spectrum of essential and non-essential amino acids. One serving replaces seven egg whites. The cost of shopping varies from 1790 - 3030 rubles per 908 grams.

Dymatize Nutrition - Elite Egg Protein

One serving of 32.5 grams contains 110 calories, 24 g of protein, cholesterol - 5 mg, sodium, potassium, 3 g of carbohydrates. The product is completely devoid of fat, suitable for both gradual weight loss and mass gain. Packing 910 grams costs about 2750 rubles.

Sci-Fit - 100% Egg Protein

The product contains 100% egg albumin, which can lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 100% Egg Protein contains no fat. Serving 28 grams contains: 24 g protein, 2 g carbohydrates, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium potassium, cholesterol 5 mg. A can of 2.27 kg costs about 3,500 rubles.

Pureprotein - Egg Protein Base Line

The domestic manufacturer did not leave athletes without high-quality egg protein, devoid of lactose, containing fiber, wheat germ, a minimum of fat and cholesterol. Plus all the essential amino acids, contains 21 grams of protein per 35 g serving. The cost for 600 g is 650-790 rubles, and for 1000 g - about 1500 rubles.
One serving of 30 g contains 95 calories, 1.8 g of carbohydrates, 22 g of protein, salt, sugar, taurine 50 mg. The product is completely devoid of fat. The approximate cost for 930 grams is 1940 rubles.

How to take egg protein

For increase muscle mass, unfortunately, egg protein should not be the only one, it should be supplemented with amino acid complexes or whey protein of fast acting.

  1. That's why after workout egg protein can be consumed after taking BCAAs after 20 minutes.
  2. second portion must be taken at bedtime.

On rest days:

  1. one serving is also taken at bedtime;
  2. and the second at any time for sustained protein release.

For weight loss, egg protein is not the most desired product., because the complete absence of fat does not yet block the presence of carbohydrates. Thus, it is not advisable to use it before bedtime, but before and after training, if the athlete is not on the cut, it can be left as an additional source of protein.


Like any product that has its pros and cons, egg protein is not a universal remedy for all purposes. It can be used when gaining weight, but when losing weight, it is better to purchase full-cycle amino acids, BCAA or. And if you have lactose intolerance, it will the best option compared to vegetable protein.



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