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Do-it-yourself closed staircase to the second floor. Drawing stairs to the second floor made of wood

Most private housing construction projects involve a second floor or an attic, and then the question arises - how to make a wooden staircase to the second floor. At a cursory glance at the illustrations, it seems that only a talented master can master a reliable and aesthetic staircase. But this is quite within the power of anyone who has experience working with wood. You can order ready-made balusters and other elements in the carpentry workshop. But it is much more pleasant to perform all the stages of making stairs on your own, using the tips of the article.

The main types of stairs and their design features

The construction of stairs to the second floor of a private wooden house requires the skills of owning a tool, drawing up drawings and preliminary sketches. This is necessary in order to:

  • see the main structural details;
  • identify advantages and disadvantages;
  • figure out how to refine and improve the design;
  • determine how it will be decorated;
  • think over its main supports for greater reliability;
  • to work out the dimensions of the steps so that it is not only convenient on the descent and ascent, but also quite safe.

Choosing wood as the main structural material is the right choice both in terms of environmental friendliness of the material and for reasons of practicality. It is pleasant to work with a tree for experienced professionals and novice craftsmen who want to learn how to make a wooden staircase to the second floor? But it is important to choose the option that is possible at this stage, and it is important that it fits harmoniously into the overall design of the house. This is a malleable material that, with the right tool, allows you to make a ladder of any shape:

  • straight or round;
  • simple or decorative;
  • massive or lightweight.

According to the type of construction, mid-flight (straight) and spiral (rounded) stairs are distinguished. Wooden spiral staircases to the second floor are more beautiful, but also more difficult to manufacture structural parts and assemble, so they are quite rare. Basically, this is appropriate when space is limited, if the slope marching ladder almost black to place, only vertically between floors. It requires special installation precision and special design details, such as rounded railings.

But we can cite as an example a parable about a Chinese master, to whom a student came. The old man appreciated the admiration for the beautiful vase and the youth's desire to master the ancient technology, describing in general terms the features of the craft. But the impatient young man interrupted the master and asked why not make an elegant product, as in the sample, but easier and faster, using modern technologies. But the wise old man replied that when he was young, there were no technologies, only the secrets of craftsmanship, so he studied not on the primitive, but on perfect samples.

Of course, today many people try to use modern methods woodworking, machine tools and handy power tools. And if no one knew how to make the simplest version of a straight staircase, they would try to master a more complex technological process - wooden stairs to the second floor, photo:

Some complex designs are really not worth taking on, especially if this is an author's design from real masters. But they can be used as examples for inspiration, so that there is something to strive for.

For those who are confident in their abilities and ready to learn from good examples, it is better to start with a marching wooden staircase for the second floor. Depending on the area of ​​​​the room allocated for its design, you can choose not only a straight, but also a turning staircase. Up to the second floor usually do:

  • straight single-flight stairs;
  • rotary;
  • screw;
  • U-shaped two-march;
  • L-shaped two-flight stairs.

It is advisable to divide the installation of a wooden staircase to the second floor with more than 10 steps by a platform and a turn, after which it can ascend along the wall at different angles:

  • 180º
  • 360º (screw).

Attention: Spiral staircases are classified as structures with limited functionality, since it is difficult to lift heavy furniture and other bulky goods to the second floor. 2 people cannot disperse on it, and only 1 person can use it at a time. They are useful when another, marching staircase leads to the second floor.

The main structural details of a wooden marching staircase

It will take a lot of wood to make a wooden staircase to the second floor. Structurally, this is a broken plane (steps and risers) with additional restrictive elements. All of them have their own names.

For the manufacture of staircase details in a private house leading to the second floor, a high-quality dry board or timber is used, without knotting and other defects. Suitable:

  • bars of 40mm (steps);
  • edged board of the same section or similar in thickness;
  • for additional structural details, you can take a thinner board.

Tip: The thickness of the balusters varies, depending on the overall design, but you should not weigh down the design of a wooden staircase with too massive railings with wide chiseled details. It is much more expedient to order ready-made balusters, turned on the machine, in the carpentry shop.

Small dictionary:

  • railings consist of handrails and balusters of different sizes and shapes;
  • stringers - load-bearing beams on the sides of the degrees, and the main load goes to these beams, they hold the steps and risers;
  • risers are needed to close the gaps between the steps, but you can do without them;
  • bowstring - part of the supporting structure, but less reliable than the kosour;
  • stair steps - the main parts that the feet touch, consisting of a tread (horizontal) and a riser (vertical board under the step);
  • the design of turning stairs includes additional supporting parts.

Attention: In order to save money, steps are often made narrower than the width of the foot. But if it is convenient to climb up the stairs and without touching the heels, but going down the narrow treads is inconvenient or even traumatic!

Steps come in different shapes, and even in the same design of a wooden staircase can be successfully combined:

  • rectangular,
  • radius,
  • rounded on the edge;
  • rounded corners;
  • zabezhnye, non-standard form;
  • swivel steps with a certain angle.

How to make calculations and drawings?

Before you come to grips with the manufacture of stairs to the second floor of a private wooden house, calculations and a drawing are required.

Attention: The sketch of the stairs can be developed on a computer using interior design programs - for better visualization. Drawings and calculations on the number of steps at the wooden stairs to the second floor are done independently or with the help of specialized architectural programs. Such services can be performed by architects or carpenters, as well as companies specializing in the manufacture of stairs. The quality and accuracy of the calculations will be guaranteed, although all calculations can be done independently.

Important: The choice of the design of a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands is based not so much on aesthetic preferences, but on safe and convenient movement. It should be so comfortable that in daily use there should be no discomfort when going up or down.

Let's remind a little about how to make a calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor. All calculations of the height and width of the structural details of the stairs are done in a different way:

  • by formulas;
  • by computer program;
  • simple calculations.

The width of the steps depends on the width of the doorway, and if the stairs go from one door to another floor above, they are guided by the size of the passage to the second floor. And in order to calculate the number of steps, it is important to take into account their height (including the thickness of the board) divided by the distance from the floor to the top of the second floor. But there are many subtleties that are important to consider, for example, a rotary design involves a landing that will replace one step. At the bottom there may be a wide winder step that does not fit into the general calculations.

Tip: Sloping wide stairs are considered the most comfortable, but they also take up a lot of space. However, under it you can equip a pantry, a toilet or niches for working tools and useful little things.

The calculation of a comfortable staircase is twice the height of the riser plus the width of the tread (step) and is directly proportional to the average step of a person. At the same time, the step of a person of average height on a straight plane is about 600-640 mm.

Attention: Climbing steps is derived by the formula: 2a + b = 600 ... 640 mm.

It is also important to take into account the sufficient headroom so that you do not have to bend over when there is another flight of stairs above. Calculations begin with measurements of the height between floors and the parameters of the stairwell, after which you can make drawings of wooden stairs to the second floor:

  • the angle of elevation of the stairs varies within 23° - 45°;
  • the width of the tread (steps), taking into account the width of the foot, varies between 200 - 330 mm;
  • height of risers within 150 - 180mm;
  • overhang of the tread over the step below within 50 mm.

More overhanging is done with a forced increase in the width of the steps with an insufficient march size. Having made all the calculations, you can purchase lumber or order ready-made structural parts. When ordering a project and structural elements from a specialized company, make sure that:

  • the wood was dry and of good quality;
  • all parts are numbered and correspond to drawings or sketches;
  • all cuts and grooves, which should include small parts, were decorated;
  • surfaces are processed (grinding, rounding, etc.), that is, they are completely ready for quick assembly.

Further work will resemble the assembly of a children's designer. However, if you are wondering how to build a wooden staircase to the second floor on your own, then with a good tool, you can do all the work yourself. Perhaps this experience will become your profitable business in the future.

Each version of the stairs needs its own step-by-step technology. In general terms, it is better to familiarize yourself with this process in the master class. To avoid incomprehensible moments, look at the wooden stairs to the second floor of the video:

The simplest plan for the construction of stairs

You should not start with stairs of complex design, so let's start with a straight single-flight design. Sample work plan:

  • we make calculations, make a sketch or diagram of the stairs;
  • we make a reference blank of the step and the riser, along which we further measure the rest of the details of our steps so that there is no different sizes due to errors;
  • we mark and cut stringers with notches for steps.

Tip: It is most convenient to work with a power tool, and if you do not have one, we recommend renting it. To save on the number of days of skiing, do all the calculations in advance to manage in 1 day. Having returned it, set aside a day for assembly by inviting 1-2 henchmen or auxiliary workers.

The stringers are set in parallel, on steps convenient for fastening, temporarily fixing with wooden slats through 3-4 cuts.

It is more convenient to first mount the risers, which will add strength wooden structure. And already on this basis we fasten the stairs with a screwdriver.

Attention: Before fixing the details of the stairs, it is important to sand all surfaces, remove all irregularities in the transverse sections. Rounded and milled edges look beautiful.

The most difficult task remains - to securely fasten this heavy structure to the passage to the 2nd floor. This is done in various ways, for example, so that the top of the span is attached to special wooden racks or directly to the floor and ceiling with special parts.

The final stage is the fastening of the handrails with balusters, we attach the railings to them. After that, the stairs are covered with stain and varnished or painted with enamel. LED lights would be a nice addition.

Attention: A different stair layout will differ in installation, so use the above as an example. At 2-flight stairs, first a platform and supports are fixed, to which spans are brought - photo.

So, how do professionals advise to perform the calculation in XXI century?

Stair design can be done in a variety of ways. Each is based on optimal dimensions flight of stairs necessary for comfortable and safe movement.

Naturally, the most comfortable there will be a gentle and not narrow staircase, but, as a rule, practical circumstances dictate restrictions on the choice key parameters which include: view stairs, lifting height, plan area, tilt angle, number of steps, width and height of each.

These indicators interconnected and cannot be determined individually. For example, for a simple single-flight staircase, the height of the rise and the angle of inclination rigidly set the area in the plan, and vice versa, knowledge of the area in the plan and the height will leave no doubt about the magnitude of the angle of inclination of the stairs.

In this article we we will not consider exotic options, like stairs with elements of three-dimensional curvature, but let's focus on the structures familiar and feasible for the home master on stringers and scarves.

Step size

This is perhaps one of the main characteristics of the stairs. It depends on them how comfortable and safe households will be able to go up to the second floor and go down.

Master Novitsky Oleg Vadimovich in the book “Modern stairs. Design, manufacture, installation.» (best wishes to the author and this marvelous work) mentions recommended and repeatedly tested values for lifting ( h) and tread ( a) steps:

h×a = 150×300, 160×300, 170×290 mm.

These sizes are good, but, unfortunately, cannot be used if the house has already been built and the total height of the stairs ( H) is not a multiple of a single step ( h). In this case, we can turn to the calculation formulas.

Widely known convenience formula:

a - h = 12 cm.

According to this ratio, the stairs will be the most convenient.

The ladder is considered safe if the sum of the dimensions ( With) the width of the tread and the height of the riser is equal to 45 cm:

30+15; 27+18; 25+20 .

Accordingly, this equation is called safety formulas :

c = a + h = 45 cm.

The difficulty is that the formulas are applicable in small range sizes and it is not always possible to realize the necessary proportion in practice. In this case, you should “get” into the indicated proportions with a minimum deviation or use the universal Blondel's formula, which takes into account the average step of a person. More on that below.

Floor height, m Number of steps n Step height h, mm Step width b, mm Grade h:b
2.25 for basements 12 118 260 1:1,38
13 173 260 1:1,50
2,50 14 179 260 1:1,45
14 179 290 1:1,62
2,75 15 183 260 1:1,42
16 172 260 1:1,51
16 172 290 1:1,69
3,00 17 176 290 1:1,65
18 167 290 1:1,74

note: in single-flight stairs, as well as in one flight of two- and three-flight stairs within the first floor, no more than 18 lifts (steps). Limit height steps - 220 mm ( SNiP 21-01-97).

For designing a simple wooden staircase on stringers measure the height between floors(vertical distance from the bottom floor to the top floor).

By the way height between floors- this is the "sickest" size. In houses made of stone, very often there are deviations from the project on 4-5 cm, and wooden ones are subject to shrinkage and shrinkage (up to 15 see per floor). Ideally, you should wait for the complete shrinkage of the log house in a few years.

Also dimensions for calculating the stairs it is better to remove when finishing floors are laid or should be clearly defined horizontal levels heights.

So let height in our case:

Choose riser height:

Dividing the height between floors by the height of the risers, we get required number of steps:

270: 18 = 15 pieces.

To determine the optimal step width, use convenience formula:

a - h \u003d 12, h \u003d 18 cm.

Comfortable tread width:

a = 12 + h = 30 cm.

So it is necessary 15 steps wide 30 cm and a length depending on the width of the opening in the interfloor ceiling. Checking the stairs safety formula:

a + h = 46 + 3 cm

In this case:

18 + 30 = 48 cm.

Stairs safe and convenient to operate.

This example of calculations is given by Stolyarov A.N. in the book " We build stairs».

French architect and engineer still in the distant 1672 suggested the following relation:

Where S is the average step of a person who is within 600-640 mm.

Can be converted to inequality:

lower practical result would be minimum lift steps:

h = 120 mm, a = 400 mm, slope 17 degrees.

With a smaller angle, it is no longer a staircase, but a ramp (ramp) - a gentle inclined platform.

Upper step rise:

h = 220 mm, a = 200 mm, slope 48 degrees.

At the upper limit of the formula, we get not the most comfortable ladder, usable only when moving facing the steps.

Going down the ladder is more dangerous than going up, hence ease of use evaluate on the move down. An example of the master's thoughts according to Blondel's formula:

We measure the height between floors:

H = 3050 mm.

Determine the rise of the steps h by dividing H for the possible number of lifts ( n). Value options:

    With 17 lifts: h = H / n = 3050 / 17 = 179.4 mm.

    At 18: h \u003d H / n \u003d 3050/18 \u003d 169.4 mm.

    At 19: h = H / n = 3050/19 = 160.5 mm.

A = 5000 mm.

The length of the travel line should not be less than the height between floors ( H), otherwise the stairs will be impractically steep. In our example:

A (5000) > H (3050).

At n = 18 tread a = 5000 / (n - 1) = 294 mm.

The actual number of steps on 1 less than the calculated value. This fact is easy to accept if the first step is considered at the floor level.

Step parameter according to Blondel:

169 × 2 + 294 = 632 mm.

Consequently, size is acceptable, is organic and lies within the average human step. We determined the width of the tread and the height of the riser for easy movement, but this is not enough to build a comfortable and safe staircase.

Line of march and middle line of march

travel line (A) is a horizontal projection of the imaginary movement of a person along the steps. Passes in the distance 300-500 mm from the inner edge of the stairs. This average size determines handrail comfort. The children will go nearer to the railing, adults - farther.

Sometimes for direct march, this size is neglected, since the edges of the steps are parallel.

If the width of the stairs is up to 1000 mm, then the line of motion will coincide with the middle line of the march. If more 1000 mm, then the travel line is shifted to the handrail. The calculation algorithm is as follows:

    With chalk or a plumb line draw the intended line on the floor(or lines) of the course. Fix the size with a tape measure and correlate it with the height of the stairs. It's great if the line of motion more than the height in 1,7 times - then the slope will be 30 °.

    All received indicators of the size of the tread calculate using Blondel's formula to determine the optimal one.

The relative value of the rise of the march (angle of rise)

In construction practice, the angle of elevation, as a rule, is in the range from 20 before 50 degrees, but stairs with an angle from 30 before 45 degrees.

Dependency table step sizes from the angle of inclination:

Choice tilt angle causes a margin of distance (critical height) of at least 2000 mm from any step to the ceiling or any protruding element of the building (beams, parapet):

critical height convenient to check by drawing the calculated steps on any sheet material or directly on the wall. As design practice shows, very often a line drawn from a ceiling or a dangerous ledge will be less than the desired value.

It is for this reason that it is not possible to design a staircase that is gentle enough. With an increase in the angle of inclination, comfort decreases, therefore, with a low average height of all households, sometimes this size is still underestimated.

In the already mentioned work of Novitsky O.V. "Modern stairs. Design, manufacture, installation.» a real practical case is considered, in which even 6 options for the location of the stairs in the room.

In any case, the final result is usually golden mean between many conflicting arguments.

March width

March width is determined by the capacity of the stairs (the number of people per minute in the bottleneck) and assumes comfortable movement of an adult.

For indoor stairs building codes determine this value (the dimension from the wall to the railing or between two railings on the left and right sides) at least 900 mm, in luxury homes 1250-1600 mm.

Provided width exceptions flight of stairs ( 0,8 m) some types of stairs (for example, in garden houses), but when designing a staircase, this size should be guided only in conditions of a severe lack of free space in the room.

Width less than 0.8m can afford auxiliary structures, for example, stairs to the basement or to the attic.

Standard elements

Every good owner knows how to count money. Building stairs is no exception. Can good to save if the details of the stairs at the design stage turn out fit to standard blanks accepted on the territory RF.

Economic Considerations can become the key argument that will allow the owner to choose the only option for the location of the stairs from several possible ones.

1. Standards on the steps.

Available with fillet R12.5. invitations steps:

Size, mm
1 H 220×400×1200, R200
2 H220×400×1400, R200

Winder triangular a step of a non-standard size to order is calculated as a rectangular one (the necessary one is simply cut out of it). That's why it is advisable to order rectangular. The cost is identical, and trimmings will come in handy in the work.

Large steps can be made from furniture board sizes:

Size (H×W×D), mm
1 38×400×2000
2 38×500×1500
3 38×500×2000
4 38×700×1500
5 38×1000×1000
6 38×1100×1100
7 38×1200×1200

2. Riser.

Size (H×W×D), mm
1 18×180×900
2 18×180×1000
3 18×180×1100
4 18×180×1200
5 18×180×1300
6 18×180×1400
7 18×120×900
8 18×120×1000
9 18×120×1100
10 18×120×1200
11 18×120×1300
12 18×120×1400

3. Facing board.

Size (H×W×D), mm
1 18×200×2000
2 18×300×2000
3 18×350×1000
4 18×350×1500
5 18×350×2000
6 18×350×2500
7 18×350×3000
8 18×350×3500

4. Beam.

Size (H×W×D), mm
1 80×80×1200
2 80×80×2000
3 80×80×2500
4 80×80×3000
5 100×100×1200
6 100×100×2000
7 100×100×2500
8 100×100×3000

5. Bowstrings.

Size (H×W×D), mm
1 40×350×2500
2 40×350×3000
3 40×350×3500
4 40×400×4000
5 50×300×3500
6 50×350×3500
7 50×400×4500

6. Handrails.

The length of the handrails can vary from 3500 before 6000 mm. And here are the dimensions sections constant:

Section (W×H), mm
1 40×70
2 45×70
3 45×80
4 45×90
5 60×60
6 70×70
7 70×90
8 80×100

7. Balusters.

Diameter round balusters - 30 or 47 mm. Length all varieties up to 900 mm. Sections square items:

Section (W×H), mm
1 40×40
2 45×45
3 50×50
4 60×60
6 70×70
7 80×80
Diameter, mm
1 75
2 95
3 115
4 140
5 145

More at the stage of calculations you should familiarize yourself with the price list of the nearest supplier within walking distance.

So, it is not the gods who burn the pots. We hope we succeeded dispel the myth that the design and construction of stairs is available only to the elite. Read articles, literature, which we referred to in this text, take measurements, sketches and drawings.

A task in dry matter looks simple: based on the layout of the house, the location of the stairs, the aesthetic preferences of the owners, you need perform parameter calculations given in the article. It remains only to organically fit the indicators into the norms of comfortable and safe movement on country house or multi-level apartment.

We wish you comfort and goodness in your home.

Construction two-storey houses more preferable in small area conditions land plot. During the construction, there is a saving of some building materials, and the functionality of such buildings is much higher. Highly important point c is the drawing up of a plan and the designation of stairs on it, without which existence in the house would be meaningless.

The project of a two-story cottage with the original location of the stairs

It must be understood that the smaller the opening, the steeper the ladder should be placed. Steep structures, as a rule, are installed in summer cottages, where traffic from floor to floor is not too intense, but for residential buildings such stairs can cause discomfort to residents.

Read also

How to quickly make a hatch to the attic

Varieties of stairs

By design, the following types of stairs are distinguished:

  • Marching straight lines;
  • Marching with a turn;
  • Screw;
  • Curvilinear.

Let's consider each type in more detail and find out their functional features.

Marching stairs

Scheme of the device of the flight ladder

These stairs leading to the second floor are the most common and familiar in our opinion, however, they require the most usable area in the house. If, during the design, the flight of stairs is too long, then the plan and the designation on it of the stairs are divided into several parts, and at the same time it is converted into a turning one.

Turning stairs are divided into L-shaped and U-shaped. In the first case, the turn between marches will be a right angle, and in the second case - 180 degrees. To make the stairs more compact, the space between the flights is equipped with a step, which slightly reduces the comfort when moving. You should choose a specific option, taking into account the plan of the house and its design features.

Device of a spiral staircase

Such stairs are considered the most compact, and can be made from both wood and metal.

Existing types and types of stairs

Spiral marches allow such stairs to be placed literally on several square meters. In addition, the device of the spiral staircase looks very attractive and gives the interior a special look. Among the shortcomings, some difficulties in operation can be noted due to the fact that the steps are running.

When creating a plan for a spiral staircase, it should be understood that it will not be possible to transport bulky cargo to the second floor along it, and also that you cannot equip the place under it in a useful way.

In relation to residential private houses, the design of a spiral staircase is rarely used. Much more often, it is erected as an interior decoration or another place for transporting people to the upper level. It is also worth noting that with the help of a screw structure, houses for temporary stay are also equipped.

The staircase is far from the last and not always a simple detail in building a house. The planning and construction of the stairs must be approached with the same thoughtful and balanced approach as the construction of the house itself. At the stage of creating a home improvement design project, it is necessary to consider what role the staircase will play in the interior, whether it should merge with the interior and be inconspicuous, or, on the contrary, be “explosive” and focus on itself. On our site you can find options for the construction of stairs from different materials, in this article we will tell you about the options for manufacturing wooden stairs.

Design Options

The design during the manufacture of stairs made of wood, like any other material, is classified according to the following parameters:

  • installation site;
  • direction;
  • fastening method.

According to the place of installation, the stairs are divided into:

  • Internal - such stairs are located indoors and they are not directly affected by external factors (rain, snow, frost, sun). Stairs to the cellar or basement can also be attributed to internal ones, but they, like external ones, must be treated with a protective coating.
  • Outdoor - located outdoors, they require special attention at the stage of selection of materials (it is desirable to use moisture-resistant materials), as well as at the stage of processing the finished product (it is necessary to cover with weather-resistant coatings to protect the entire structure). External stairs are made not only to the second floor, it can also be a porch for entering the house and a staircase to the roof.
  • Swivel - a staircase to the second floor made of wood with a turn. They are divided into: L-shaped (with a turn of 90 °), U-shaped (with a turn of 180 °), with turntables and turntables, spiral staircases, as well as combined versions of L- or U-shaped with spiral staircases.

Mounting methods:

  • Kosour is an element that is obtained by cutting out triangular elements from the board of the same shape as the groove on the bowstring. As a result, you get a board in the form of a saw, on the second board, you need to make exactly the same cutouts as a mirror. Steps must be laid on the platform, and the riser is screwed to a vertical plane. If you look at the side of the stairs on the stringers, steps will be visible.
  • A bowstring is an element in which grooves are cut out for steps, in the form, as shown in the figure, such grooves must be made mirrored on two boards, then steps and risers are inserted into them. If you look at the side of the ladder on the bowstring, you will not see the steps.
  • On bolts - in the bolt design, load-bearing railings are used, to which steps are attached with metal rods, on the other side the steps are attached to the wall, provided that the wall is strong enough. In the absence of a solid wall on the second side, it is possible to use a kosour or bowstring. Sometimes load-bearing railings are placed on both sides, this is more common when the stairs are located not near the wall, but in the middle of the room.
  • Console design stairs gives a complete feeling of weightlessness, on such a staircase there are no risers and the railings are usually located on one side near the wall, it seems that the steps just float in the air.
  • A folding ladder has many advantages, especially in rooms with a shortage of free space. Such ladders include attached, attic, stepladder. It is also easiest to make a ladder with your own hands from wood; this does not require special equipment, such as welding machine when working with metal.

Stair elements

To date, the manufacturing technology of wooden stairs is the most convenient and practical, there are many ready-made elements on the market with which you can assemble your staircase. For the installation of stairs, it is necessary to understand its constituent elements and their functionality.

The main elements of stairs:

  • handrail, or railing;
  • rack - the supporting part of the structure;
  • kosour - an element that carries the main load;
  • the bowstring is also a support-bearing component;
  • steps;
  • risers - vertical components of steps;
  • treads - horizontal fragments of steps;
  • steps are radius;
  • winder steps;
  • radius riser;
  • balusters - partitions between the railings and steps.

Plans and drawings, features of the calculation of the parameters of the stairs

If you want to make a staircase to the second floor with your own hands, do not forget to prepare a project for the future staircase or, in a minimum set, a drawing with all the necessary calculations. Completion of this stage is important to minimize and eliminate the possibility of making a mistake at the installation stage, as a result of which it will be necessary to redo the work performed.

At the design stage, it will be necessary to answer several questions on which all parameters of the future staircase depend:

  1. the purpose of the stairs (attic, interfloor, stairs to the basement or cellar, porch to the house, stairs to help with the housework);
  2. functional (foldable with various options- step-ladder-chair, ironing board-step-ladder, step-ladder-pedestal);
  3. intensity of use and in what conditions (in-house or house adjoining for personal use, stairs at work, in a store, in public places to move a large number of people and goods).

By answering these questions, you can create the most comfortable and functional staircase. In this article we will try to talk about the main standard parameters of the stairs. You can get the calculation of the parameters of a particular staircase using the online calculator on our website or in the article about stairs for a specific design.

Ladder height

The height of the stairs will depend on the distance on the ground floor from the finished floor to the ceiling and on the thickness of the ceiling between the first and second floors (often the installation of the stairs begins at the stage of building a house, it is important not to forget that the height of the first floor is calculated from the finished floor, taking into account the floor screed and clean flooring). The figure clearly shows the parameters, the knowledge of which is necessary at the initial stage of the construction of stairs.

Number of steps

To determine the number of steps, it will be convenient to use the table below. It shows the dependence of the number of steps on the height of the stairs and the height of the riser. Dividing the height of the stairs by the height of the riser, we get a number, rounding which, you get the required number of steps of the stairs.

Riser height

The height of the riser depends on the angle of the stairs. The figure below shows the optimal tilt angles for different types stairs and ramps. The most comfortable tilt angle for use in residential areas is 24-37°, which corresponds to approximately 160-180 mm, in the figure the area is highlighted in green.

Step width

To determine the step width, it is more convenient to use the formula shown in the figure, the dependence of the step width (600-640 mm) and the height of the riser. There are a number of restrictions that must be adhered to when calculating:

  • The edge of the tread should not hang down more than 50 mm.
  • The width of the tread should not be less than 100 mm.

The width of the steps based on the formula: 600 - 2 * 160 = 280 mm.

March width

The width of the march will depend on the functionality of the stairs:

  • For safe use, the span must be at least 90-100 cm.
  • To transfer furniture between floors and for a calm divergence of two people in the opposite direction, a width of 125-150 cm is required.

Ladder length in plan

To determine the length of a staircase, multiply the number of steps by the width of the step. For our example, the initial data: the height of the ceiling of the first floor is 2700 mm, the height of the riser is 160 mm, the number of steps is 17 pcs., Based on this, 17 * 280 = 4760 mm is the length of the stairs.

Based on this parameter, you will be able to understand whether a straight single-flight staircase fits into your room or whether it is necessary to use a staircase to the second floor made of wood with a turntable or turning steps. You can also use the ladder calculation calculator available on our website.

Ceiling opening size

Making a ladder with our own hands from wood, we are faced with the need to calculate this parameter. It will depend on the angle of inclination of the stairs, it is also necessary to take into account the height of the people who will use the stairs. The distance between the step and the edge of the opening in the ceiling must be at least 200 cm, and if there is a person who regularly uses the stairs and has a height of, for example, 220 cm, the distance between the step and the edge of the opening must be at least 230 cm. The staircase must be as convenient as possible, and compliance with this parameter is necessary so that you do not have to bend down during the descent and ascent.

Necessary tools and materials

The staircase to the second floor made of wood with and without a turn should be comfortable and safe, so it is better to use quality material sufficient strength.

When installing stairs with your own hands, among other things, you will need self-tapping screws, nails and metal corners to reinforce the structure. To mount the ladder, you will need the following tool:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw or saw;
  • roulette;
  • corner.

How to make a wooden staircase with your own hands

Having gone through all the previous stages from design to the choice of materials, you have come to the most important stage - the installation of the stairs itself. During the construction of a wooden staircase with your own hands step-by-step instruction very useful. In this section, we will talk about a straight single-flight staircase. Description self-assembly stairs to the second floor made of wood with a turn, as well as a spiral staircase, you can find on our website.

Mounting a bowstring or stringers

The assembly of a wooden staircase begins with the installation of a stringer (string):

  1. On the board for the kosour, it is necessary to measure the previously calculated length of the kosour and cut it in such a way that the lower part of the kosour lies with an edge on the floor plane.
  2. To prepare the kosour, it is necessary to mark on the board with the help of a corner the width of the step and the height of the riser, taking into account the thickness of the boards for them.
  3. Using a hacksaw, cuts should be made, it is important that the plane on which the steps will be installed is parallel to the floor.

When installing a wooden staircase, depending on the width of the span, you may need more than two stringers to reinforce the structure.

Mounting a ladder made of wood is possible not only on a solid kosour, the figure below shows a variant of the assembly of a kosour with fillies and a variant of the assembly of a bowstring.

Assembly of steps and risers

Installation of fences

For the safety of movement and giving the structure an aesthetic appearance, fences are installed.

Support balusters are installed on the lower and upper steps, a rope must be pulled between the balusters, which will imitate a handrail, under which it will be necessary to fit the rest of the balusters. Holes are made in the steps at a distance from the edge of ½ the width of the baluster. Then dowels are glued into them (so that they protrude 10-15 mm above the surface).

Holes equal to the diameter of the dowels are made at the bases of the pillars and balusters. The blanks are planted on dowels with glue, aligning vertically. Next, a railing is prepared, the edges of which are cut at the right angle and milled from below. For mounting on a support, holes are made on the cut of the blanks. The railing is mounted on a dowel fixed with glue in the support post.

Finished product processing

The processing of the stairs directly depends on its location and the conditions in which it is located. If this is a staircase in the basement, where it is damp, it is necessary to treat the wood with a moisture-resistant coating, otherwise such a staircase will not last long.

Depending on what materials were used during installation, whether some elements were puttyed and what effect you plan to achieve, the type of staircase processing is selected.

Various compositions are used for processing: stain, varnish, paints, veneering is also possible.

When building a house with at least 2 floors, you definitely need to think about the stairs in it. And if the house will be built with your own hands, it is logical to do the stairs as well.

Various photos of stairs help to make a preliminary choice and clearly understand what type of lift you need. But before undertaking work, carefully calculate the future design for strength and dimensions, this will save time and money, because incorrect calculations (or lack thereof) will lead to numerous alterations of the original project.

Stair types

There are a large number of different options for flights of stairs. They differ in the material of manufacture (wood, concrete or metal), the type of rise (sloping stairs, spiral, with a turn by a certain degree).

The most common is a ladder made of wood. Also often construct a staircase with a turn of 90 degrees. It is not uncommon for these two types of lifting device to be combined into one.

In case of limited space, a spiral staircase is made of metal. The screw type of lifting saves space, and the manufacture of metal increases the strength of the structure. Concrete is used for stairs in massive buildings (for example, mansions).

What to look out for

In a low-rise building, having no construction experience, it is better to order a modular staircase, a kind of designer, where all the details are sawn and numbered, and you just have to assemble them using the instructions. These are usually made of wooden stairs.

When building a staircase made of concrete, in addition to pouring the frame, you will need to perform an external finish (beautiful stone or wood materials). It's a double waste of time and money. However, for cottages of 3 or more floors, they are mandatory according to fire safety requirements.

When making a staircase for the first time, you do not need to aim at a complex structure right away. The simpler the model, the more likely it is that you will be able to successfully build this lifting device on the first attempt.

Pay attention to the angle of inclination of the stairs: if it is more than 45 degrees, the ladder will be considered attached, and you can only go down it backwards. The optimal angle of elevation is considered to be 37 degrees.

Wood as a material for construction is preferable, as it allows, thanks to its properties, to correct minor construction flaws that have arisen due to inaccurate calculations and inexperience of the contractor.

Also, after construction, the building may settle due to loose soil, as a result, the staircase can become several centimeters higher or lower than the floor, and it is easier to fix this in a wooden structure.

When constructing a lift with a turn towards it, the distance between the spans must be at least 100 mm.

Stages of construction

Answering the question of how to make a staircase to the second floor with your own hands, there are several stages of construction.

The first stage of any structure, whether it is a staircase to a house or an interfloor staircase, is the creation of a project. Particular attention should be paid to the safety of the building and its ease of use.

The structure must be able to withstand the average weight ordinary person with a fair margin. Be sure to use railings!

If they are not available, another fence must be designed to ensure the safety of descent and ascent.

Consider creating a wooden staircase with stringers

After you have designed your building, you need to prepare the materials. In our case, choose boards of suitable thickness and length, prepare balusters with railings and prepare stringers. This will be the second stage of construction.

As a material for stringers, a pine board 4 cm thick is suitable. On it, we mark the steps according to the pattern and cut them out with an electric jigsaw.


We use the resulting product as a model for the second (and if the width of the stairs is more than a meter, then the third) kosour. We cut the required number of steps in size.

The third step is to assemble all the parts together. First of all, the stringers are installed in their places of permanent placement. Then, with the help of self-tapping screws, the steps are attached to the stringers.

Then, using studs, they put balusters on the steps, and handrails are attached to them. The stairs are ready!

DIY staircase photo




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