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Filling foam. Penoizol: reviews, characteristics

The use of liquid foam as a heater has a lot of advantages, among which, first of all, its ability to fill the smallest gaps should be noted. In addition, the cost of this heater is quite affordable compared to alternative options. We will talk about the features and scope of liquid foam later.

Liquid foam: features and characteristics

The basis for the manufacture of foam is the use of resin polymer composition. There are a large number of varieties of this material, which distinguish:

  • by appointment - technical type foam is more harmful to environment, toxic substances are present in its composition, the foam installed in residential premises has a different composition, which is distinguished by absolute harmlessness and a good degree of purification;
  • according to manufacturing technology - materials based on already frozen foam are safer; in the process of working with liquid foam, there is a risk of release harmful substances, in the course of its solidification.

Most best option liquid foam is made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resins.

Each of the heaters, which has a foamed purpose, is formed by solidification of the material from which it is made. If the foam is applied directly to the surface that needs to be insulated, then its adhesion to it increases several times than if a foam plate is installed on the same surface.

To prepare liquid foam, you will need the presence of resin and a hardener. A special machine is engaged in mixing and whipping all the ingredients into a homogeneous foamy structure. Next, it is fed using a pump and a hose directly to the subject of insulation.

There are special units that are engaged in this process. Although it is possible to manufacture your own device, which is responsible for the preparation of liquid foam. The cost of purchased devices is quite high and reaches more than $ 3,000. For self-assembly of such a device, much less funds will be required.

Purchased liquid foam is produced in the form of a balloon. After the foam hits the wall surface, it instantly hardens and becomes an excellent insulation.

Among the advantages of liquid foam should be highlighted:

1. Excellent level of adhesion with almost any materials.

2. No need for surface preparation before laying foam.

3. The formation of a seamless perfect seam that does not let heat through.

4. Excellent vapor permeability, which allows you to maintain a healthy indoor climate.

5. It is used for warming surfaces of various composition: concrete, brick, wood, etc.

6. Liquid foam is able to fill all the space that requires insulation.

7. No or easy removal of excess and smudges.

8. Environmental friendliness and harmlessness to human health is ensured if a high-quality type of foam is selected.

9. Affordable cost, which is several times lower than alternative heaters in the form of mineral wool.

10. Good resistance to mould, fungus and microorganisms.

11. Ability to function in different temperature conditions. Resistance to temperature changes.

Despite this, liquid foam has certain disadvantages, namely:

  • the possibility of linear shrinkage, which appears if the foam was poured without the necessary pressure;
  • presence bad smell, which disappears over time;
  • the ability to absorb moisture, so the material should be protected from external influences on both sides;
  • due to the presence of formaldehyde, it is recommended for use as an outer layer of insulation or as an intermediate layer.

Liquid foam insulation - scope of use

Liquid foam has limited indoor use, but is still widely used in the process of insulating horizontal planes, such as attic floors of a panel house. In addition, it does an excellent job of warming the inter-rafter space and inclined sections.

Due to the presence of a liquid consistency, the foam perfectly insulates the space between two sections of walls that are tightly adjacent to each other. It is used to insulate formwork, false walls or floors made of wood.

Liquid foam is able to penetrate into the most remote sections of the walls. With its help, they are filled evenly and efficiently.

The use of liquid foam is associated with the insulation of containers. In addition, the unit with which insulation is produced is also used for the manufacture of any kind of foam products, such as skirting boards, baguettes, slabs, relief elements, etc.

Please note that all materials used in the liquid foam manufacturing process should be carefully checked. Since there are many scammers or pseudo-factories that make liquid foam at a low cost. In this case, a low quality hardener is used, which is not only harmful, but also dangerous to human health.

Liquid foam in cylinders is used as an adhesive. In relation to the form and application, it has similar properties to mounting foam, although in comparison with it it has a higher thermal conductivity and vapor permeability.

It is suitable for fixing various kinds of insulation boards on the surface. To do this, you must follow the instructions:

1. Make sure there are no defects on the surface. It should be smooth, without rust spots, cracks and chips.

2. Clean and dedust the surface.

3. In places where the adhesive is in contact with the board, water should be applied to improve their adhesion.

4. The option of applying foam to the full surface is possible. If it is planned to save, then it is applied only in horizontal and diagonal directions.

5. Once the liquid foam is applied to the surface of the plate, it should be pressed firmly against the wall.

6. Further slabs are laid in the same way.

Please note that thermal insulation with foam, in the absence of a properly organized ventilation system, leads to the formation of condensate masses.

Application of liquid foam does not require extensive surface preparation. This explains its wide popularity. When using a special installation that produces foam, only water and electricity are required for insulation. The foam is applied using a hose, the size of which is limited by the distance from the foam producing unit to the place of insulation.

Liquid carbamide foam is used in such cases:

  • internal work on gluing various kinds of structural elements, for thermal insulation of bathrooms, in order to ensure sound insulation;
  • when carrying out outdoor work - facade insulation, waterproofing, installation of blocks made of concrete, etc.

The use of liquid foam is quite simple. Before applying it, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and dust, water should be applied to it to improve the adhesion of the foam. Work is best done at a temperature of about twenty degrees Celsius. If the air temperature is lower, then the finished mixture is heated with warm water. If the weather is too hot, then the mixture is cooled in the same way.

Before using a purchased liquid foam, you should first shake the container in which it is located about 10-15 times. Thus, there will be a uniform distribution of material inside the cylinder.

Advantages of wall insulation with liquid foam

If the foam is made directly at the facility where construction work is carried out, then its quality is much lower than that of bottled liquid foam. The use of purchased foam, which is sold in a balloon form, has the following advantages:

  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness and harmlessness to health, provided that the foam is made of quality materials;
  • fire safety and fire resistance;
  • resistance to biological influences;
  • resistance to insects and rodents.

Insulation with liquid foam is characterized by an excellent ratio of cost and quality of thermal insulation material. It is able to insulate both already erected walls and structures that are under construction. In addition, liquid foam is different:

  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • high manufacturability of use;
  • service life of 45 years;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • affordable cost;
  • fire safety;
  • high density;
  • good soundproofing characteristics.

Insulation of houses with liquid foam - technology and properties

Filling with liquid foam is carried out directly at the construction site, so the insulation work is done quickly and easily. Penoizol is not prone to increase, but still differs in the presence of slight shrinkage, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks that form as a result of shrinkage, the technology of filling with penoizol should be strictly followed.

The material must be tested and of high quality. The minimum temperature for work is six degrees. If a purchased type of foam is used, then you should first study the instructions for working with it.

Sometimes slab or tiny materials are used. Since the foam in the dry state is great for any surface. After pouring, a seamless layer is formed, which has excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics. This design practically does not allow moisture to pass through, despite the presence of small cracks in it.

The use of liquid foam is associated with insulation:

  • fences for external purposes;
  • wall insulation of a simple or combined composition;

  • thermal insulation construction made of bricks, consisting of three layers;
  • filling panels made of reinforced concrete;
  • providing sound insulation and sound absorption;
  • as a heater in layered panels;
  • interfloor insulation;
  • insulation of roofs, attics, attics and balcony structures;
  • insulation of garages, boxes, outbuildings, hangars, sites open type etc.;
  • thermal insulation of cottages, basements, vegetable stores;
  • thermal insulation and sound insulation of wall panels, which are installed on a frame made of both metal and wood;
  • soil insulation.

Manufacturing technology of liquid foam

To buy liquid foam, you should contact the manufacturers directly. They must be checked in advance with all the documents necessary for work. In addition, you should take care of the availability of certificates confirming the quality of products.

For purchased liquid foam, the price is higher, so its process self-manufacturing is much cheaper.

With the help of a properly made liquid foam, it will be possible to complete all the work efficiently, quickly and efficiently.

The procedure for making liquid foam involves mixing water foam with carbamide resin and a hardener. This is followed by polymerization, that is, the solidification of the finished substance.

After drying is completed, the material takes the form of the foam that is familiar to us. The foam is applied to the surface in the form of a thick foam, which has a thick consistency. It insulates very well building construction. In order to fill all the air gaps, it is necessary to provide a certain pressure, under which the foam is supplied.

Work should begin with the direct pouring of the material onto the surface. To obtain quality material, you should adhere to a certain technology for installing liquid foam.

To carry out thermal insulation in houses with a total area of ​​​​70 square meters, it will take about six hours of work. If you hire specialists who are engaged in insulation using liquid foam, then the cost of work will be about $ 25 per square meter. Self-insulation will reduce costs by two or even three times.

Insulation with liquid foam involves pouring liquid foam into all empty sections of the walls. This procedure is performed by pre-drilling holes into which the hose is inserted. It is the pressure that ensures the tight fit of the material to the wall, the filling of all cavities and the absence of cracks.

Subject to the correct manufacture of liquid foam and its application, the use of this material as a heater allows you to get high-quality, inexpensive and effective insulation.

Liquid foam video:

In a previous article, we wrote about . Today we will talk about insulation with penoizol. Reviews of people who are knowledgeable in this matter indicate the importance of observing the rules for working with this material. It is important to observe the proportions when mixing, otherwise the material will not have its declared characteristics and may even be poisonous. Being a descendant of polystyrene, this material has absorbed all its positive qualities, and in some aspects surpassed it. At the same time, the scope of penoizol is somewhat narrower, due to its fragile structure.

What is penoizol made of, types

One of the methods is spraying on the walls.

Today, a new trend has appeared - this is insulation with penoizol. Reviews of contractors agree that the result primarily depends on the quality of the materials used for the manufacture. Penoizol is polymer material, which in its qualities is close to polystyrene. Its production, as a finished raw material, has not been established. Factories produce only components. For the production of penoizol is used:

  • resin - urea-formaldehyde, marked with the letters KFMT;
  • orthophosphoric food acid;
  • foaming agent - alkylbenzenesulfonic acid, marked with the letters ABSK;
  • medium hard water.

Wall insulation with penoizol, made from low-quality materials or with non-compliance with technology, will not give the desired result. So, for example, the KFMT profile resin can be replaced with a cheaper analogue used for the production of chipboard. Non-observance of proportions and temperature conditions also negatively affects. Wall insulation with penoizol should be carried out at +20 and above. The proportions of the components:

  • resin - 20 kg;
  • orthophoric acid - 400 gr;
  • alkylbenzenesulfonic acid - 100 gr;
  • water of medium hardness - 25 liters.

As a result, we get liquid material, which is poured into the cavity between the walls and ceilings. But this is far from the only method of insulating walls with penoizol. Reviews still agree that it is the most popular and effective, but there are other options. Penoizol can be:

  • liquid;
  • in sheets;
  • in granules (crumb).

Liquid penoizol is the basis for the production of sheet material.

In order to get sheets of penoizol, you need to pour liquid material into a mold, an ordinary cube. When the insulation hardens (polymerizes), it can be cut into sheets of the desired thickness. They do it both manually with a string and on special machines.

The crumb is made from urea foam. It is important that the fractions are not small - not less than 10-15 mm, and also sufficiently elastic. To make a crumb, one cubic meter of polystyrene is taken and crushed, resulting in small balls (grains), the volume of which is twice the original. That is, if you crush 1 cubic meter of foam plastic, we get 2 thousand liters of crumbs. There are some features at work, but the insulation of walls with penoizol, according to reviews, is more profitable when using crumbs.

Characteristics of penoizol

Another method is the pouring of liquid material into the interstitial space.

How effective is home insulation with penoizol? Reviews of those who have already tried the new product say that there is a benefit. It is associated with some characteristics of the material, which allow not to use additional heaters. In principle, penoizol wins a little in terms of performance from its relative - polystyrene. Main characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.028–0.038, despite the fact that for foam these figures reach 0.048;
  • density - from 10 to 30 kg / m. cube;
  • does not burn, at all;
  • service life of more than 50 years, which is twice as long as conventional foam;
  • better passes moisture, that is, breathes.

All these characteristics favorably distinguish penoizol, but only if they insulate the spaces between the walls, the ceiling or the floor. For example, it is not applicable for facades under plaster - it is too easy to crumble, it cannot withstand even the minimum mechanical load.

In some sources, one can find statements that his mice do not gnaw, although this is not so. Even in mineral wool, sometimes mouse clans thrive, not to mention their favorite polystyrene foam and its derivatives. The ability of penoizol to pass moisture has a positive effect on the microclimate in the room. Thanks to this, condensation does not form and, accordingly, the problems associated with it: fungus, musty smell, the need for good ventilation or constant ventilation.

How to insulate a house with penoizol

This is penoizol crumb, transported in bags. Inflated with a compressor.

Do-it-yourself insulation with penoizol should be considered in three planes, since the material can be in three states, as described above. Let's start with the most common and convenient way - this is filling voids with liquid material.

To insulate a house with penoizol, you will need:

  • installation for mixing the components of the composition;
  • large containers;
  • compressor.

As you understand, the process of thermal insulation begins with mixing the components of penoizol, since everything must be done in place. After the composition is ready for use with the help of a compressor, it is blown into the prepared cavity. If we are talking about the insulation of the roof with penoizol, then the buffer zone between the roof rafters acts as this very cavity. In order to prevent the material from flowing out, a dense plastic film is stuffed on the inside of the rafters. The degree of void filling can be seen visually, since the film is transparent. If the distance between the rafters is too large, then to hold the insulation layer, you can stretch a nylon thread or wire between them in zigzags.

Penoizol sheets are similar to polystyrene, only the grain fraction is much smaller.

To insulate the ceiling with penoizol, simply spray it over the ceiling in the attic. The result is a monolithic layer of insulation that does not transmit heat, while moisture does not stagnate under the ceiling. As you know, ceiling insulation is technologically more complicated than walls. We wrote about this in the article: ».

The ceiling must breathe, so membranes are used that allow moisture to pass through, but do not allow heat to pass through. For penoizol, such membranes are not needed. Insulation of floors with penoizol is carried out according to the same principle as the ceiling. The required amount of liquid material is sprayed under the subfloor. After hardening, it is quite fragile, so the possibility of damage during operation cannot be allowed. What can not be said about extruded foam, which is quite rigid and can even fit under a screed. We talked about this in the article: ».

The use of foam insulation boards is justified only due to their low weight and absolute fire safety.

Although there are difficulties with this material. For example, because it is too fragile, it is difficult to transport it without losing its shape. Even a gust of wind can break a sheet, so they are made at least 10 cm thick.

Penoizol crumb, when used correctly, is somewhat cheaper than the liquid counterpart. But there are even more problems with it:

  • need for accurate calibration of the equipment;
  • work only with absolutely dry material;
  • with incorrect calibration or fine grain fraction, the filling density increases, material consumption too;
  • Lots of rubbish at work.

Those who are engaged exclusively in crumb insulation do not recommend doing the work on their own.

The process has many nuances, non-observance of which will undoubtedly lead to negative consequences, such as the formation of voids or waste of material and funds.

Penoizol liquid insulation - where to look for the catch

Whether it is insulation of the ceiling with penoizol or walls, almost everything depends on the level of skill of the performer. Naturally, you need to look at the resin certificates, but does this mean that the certificate is issued for the resin that is used to insulate your house? Probably the main indicator of the conscientiousness of the contractor's firm is the willingness to conclude a contract with long-term quality guarantees. A negative result may appear in 2-3 years.

The main problems do not arise from installation or equipment, but from improper mixing of components:

  • busting with resin - too loose material;
  • an overdose of phosphoric acid - penoizol burns out and simply crumbles in the hands.

Also, if the proportions are not observed, formaldehyde is released - a terrible poison. Based on the results of the foregoing, it can be concluded that liquid insulation penoizol is possible if intelligent specialists work with it. Crumb and slabs are not very popular, and most likely will not be widely used. Although the composition of the material includes toxic substances with the correct dosage, they do not cause any harm.

Modern technologies have stepped far forward, and today clay and sawdust used to insulate houses have been replaced by latest materials, like liquid foam in cylinders. Did not hear? It's time to fix this bug!

What is liquid foam?

So, penoizol (as it is also called) is produced in special foam and ejector plants right on the site during construction. However, such material is also found in cylinders. Of course, the operation of the latter is somewhat easier. As for the first type, in this case all the necessary components are loaded into the installation, which form foam under the action of compressed air.

After the liquid mass was applied to the treated area of ​​the wall, it turns into a solid state within 20 minutes. But in order for such insulation to acquire all its properties completely, it will take at least 3 hours. Not bad, right? Let's talk about this material in more detail, what are its advantages and disadvantages, when it can be used, and in what cases it should not be preferred. this species insulation, and, of course, we will focus on the features of operation.

Where can we apply penoizol in cylinders?

Liquid foam has found its application almost everywhere where insulation needs to be carried out, which means in the construction industry and during repair work. With the help of this new generation material, it is possible to provide thermal insulation of absolutely all structures, regardless of their purpose (residential or industrial). At the same time, it does not matter what exactly will be insulated, the facade of the building or its roof, foundation, attic, and maybe even the walls of the basement.

Moreover, thanks to the convenient form of release, insulation of the floor and walls of houses with liquid foam is available even to inexperienced builders, it will not be difficult to insulate even a pipeline or other industrial equipment. This construction material is in great demand not only due to its thermal insulation characteristics, which better properties sheet form, but also because of other positive nuances. For large-scale tasks, you will have to rent or purchase special equipment, and for small jobs, a very convenient form of release is suitable - cylinders.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid foam

Let's start, of course, with the positives. If we compare liquid foam with other insulating materials that are used to insulate the walls of houses, then its layer with a thickness of only 10 cm can easily be compared with 30 mm sheets of standard polystyrene foam, with 20 cm and with an almost three-meter layer of concrete. At the same time, it is incredibly easy to operate and isolates all cracks as reliably as possible.

It is also durable and is not afraid of temperature changes. Different microorganisms do not live on it, and such insulation is not of interest to rodents.

It is worth noting the environmental friendliness, high density, as well as excellent soundproofing characteristics of this material. But there is still a fly in the ointment in the use of such a novelty in the building materials market. Firstly, it gives linear shrinkage, the values ​​​​of which reach 5%, this is the case if walls or other cavities are poured without pressure. Secondly, a not very pleasant smell immediately appears, but over time it disappears.

We apply liquid foam ourselves

To carry out the casting foam, you should read the instructions for its use. In principle, this technological process is not difficult, especially if the material is sold in cylinders. To cope with such a task is within the power of absolutely everyone.

Building a house is an important process in which many nuances must be taken into account. Every year more and more requirements are imposed on the construction of housing, especially in terms of achieving energy savings and fuel economy. Modern materials can significantly help in this, however, they should be chosen correctly. For example, recently such material as penoizol has received positive reviews and competes with the more popular ecowool and expanded polystyrene. What are its features? And why do you need to insulate your house at all?

How to insulate a house?

Let's start by answering the last question. In any house or apartment, especially those that were built back in Soviet times, heat losses are too high - they can reach 40%. Ultimately, heating your home costs a lot of money, as heat leaves our homes through exterior walls, floors, windows, doors, and also the roof. Modern methods insulation, for example, insulation with penoizol, allow you to solve a number of important issues:

  1. The optimum room temperature will be maintained throughout the year.
  2. The walls will be protected from moisture, accumulation of condensate, which means they will be reliably protected from fungus and mold.
  3. The acoustic properties of the building will improve.
  4. The level of sound insulation in the room will become higher.
  5. The hygienic condition of the premises will be much better.
  6. Reduce energy costs.
  7. The erected house will be more durable and economical in operation.

Of course, even the insulation of houses with penoizol will not completely protect the room from heat loss, but at least they will be minimized. In addition, it is important that the installation of insulation material is carried out competently and professionally in compliance with the technology.

Penoizol: what are the features?

As a rule, ecowool, polystyrene are most often used as a heater, but today penoizol is also becoming quite popular. It has many virtues, each of which plays a role in forming such a good opinion of the material. Firstly, penoizol is completely uninteresting to rodents and microorganisms, so you don’t have to worry that the walls will gradually be eaten away from the inside. It is noteworthy that if this material is mechanically affected, it will turn into dust. Second important point- penoizol reviews are positive due to the breathable structure and good thermal insulation properties. Due to the presence of capillary moisture transfer in the material, it can be safely used in wooden construction while avoiding mold growth. All excess moisture will be eliminated by the capillaries of the insulation. The third positive point is that compared to ecowool and glass wool, the material described by us is hermetic, it literally fills all the pores and details in its path.

Porous structure - the key to reliability

The studies carried out made it possible to bring together all the features that penoizol has. Its characteristics are as follows:

  1. The resistance coefficient is 40% higher compared to mineral wool and cellulose insulation, which means that the level of heat loss will be minimal.
  2. Penoizol is not afraid of moisture, which can destroy wood and lead to defects in walls or roofing. The material has a porous structure, so all the accumulated moisture dries up instantly, which means there is no reason to worry.
  3. The average insulation sags for 10-12 years, respectively, there may be gaps in the walls or floor. If insulation with penoizol is chosen, then this can be avoided, because it fills all the pores with itself, and its service life can reach 70-80 years.

Where is penoizol used?

The modern homeowner is always faced with the choice of high-quality and reliable materials, especially when it comes to thermal insulation. Penoizol received positive reviews precisely due to the fact that it is a unique combination of price and quality. In addition, this material can be used to insulate both the floor and the roof both in new buildings and in already operated houses. Penoizol is a urea foam that has a cellular structure. Due to the excellent physical and chemical characteristics, the scope of the material is quite wide. The material is produced in the form of liquid foam, so it can easily fill all the cavities in which it quickly hardens. For wall insulation, you can also choose sheet penoizol.

Features of warming a wooden house

Wooden housing construction is popular due to the fact that the walls in such buildings "breathe". But this same characteristic makes the process of warming quite difficult. For example, it is almost impossible to insulate the facade of a log house, but in the timber version, penoizol received good reviews. It is possible that this material can also be used for a panel house, however, in such cases, not liquid penoizol is used, but a sheet one, which is pre-mounted on a prepared profile.

Wall insulation: what to consider?

Penoizol insulation for walls is the most optimal solution, because it:

  • does not burn;
  • resistant to mold, fungus, rodents;
  • vapor-permeable, that is, excess moisture comes out;
  • durable (service life is at least 50-70 years).

Due to the excellent thermal insulation properties, insulating a house with penoizol is not only convenient, but also profitable, since it is easy to install and retains heat well. Penoizol can be laid in two ways - in the form of plates or thick foam. At the same time, it is important that the resistance to vapor permeability of the inner layer be higher than the resistance of the outer walls.

Secondly, you should not choose a film, foil, roofing material as a vapor barrier material, since there will be no air layer between the walls of the building and the outer territory. To increase the effectiveness of this insulation, it is best to combine it with wood, concrete, brick or plaster. When laying the slabs, the gap between them and the wall should be avoided.

Stages of wall installation

The process of thermal insulation of walls will consist of several stages:

  1. Installation of sheet insulation in masonry during the construction of walls.
  2. Sheathing with sheet material of the outer walls, after which they are facing.
  3. Laying sheet insulation on internal walls for finishing material.
  4. Backfilling of penoizol crumbs into the voids of the walls, as well as under drywall.

Attention to the ceiling and facade

Penoizol is also well suited for ceiling insulation. True, experts recommend using it in rooms with large area, since the presence and work of professional craftsmen will be required. easier to do. Due to the fact that penoizol has excellent characteristics, it is able to become a reliable protection for walls. The essence of the facade insulation is as follows. First, a supporting structure is mounted on the wall, for example, from a galvanized profile. Magnesite plates are screwed onto it, in which holes are made - this is where penoizol is poured. After its polymerization and solidification, the walls can be painted or lined with decorative materials. For the facade, such a solution is quite convenient and functional, since penoizol in combination with magnesite slabs has good vapor permeability. The walls will "breathe", maintaining a favorable microclimate in the room. In addition, the facade will meet all the requirements of fire safety and sound insulation.

Floor and roof

Penoizol is great for floor and roof insulation, but it is important not to forget about the ventilation system. The installation process itself includes several stages:

  1. Installation of material under the floor covering (under concrete screed or between lags).
  2. Laying sheet insulation in the attic, attic, as well as technical floors.
  3. Installation of penoizol in a false ceiling.
  4. Roof system insulation.
  5. Backfilling of penoizol crumbs in the floor, attic.

Depending on the design features a specific residential facility, along with sheet material, penoizol pouring can also be used. This type of foam can be poured immediately at the construction site. The effectiveness of this method is that the liquid material does not increase in volume and slightly "shrinks". Accordingly, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks in the walls, it is important to strictly follow the technology of its installation. Liquid penoizol should be used at an air temperature of at least +1 degree. With such a composition, it is quite possible to insulate buildings already in operation, filling voids and cavities in structures that will remain strong at the same time.

How is it produced?

AT modern construction such insulating material as penoizol is quite in demand. Its production is based on a specially prepared foaming composition with the addition of various components. Due to them, the physical and mechanical properties of the material change, as well as its operational characteristics improve. A foamed mass appears from a special foaming sleeve, from which a heater will then be obtained. Within 15 minutes it hardens - this is the first stage. The next stage occurs in about 3-4 hours.

Penoiziol contains approximately 90% of the gas sphere, but the following components are supposed to be used as raw materials:

  • phosphoric acid;
  • foaming agent;
  • resins;
  • carbamet;
  • water.

Equipment Features

Equipment for the production of penoizol is a range of units that are inexpensive. Firstly, it includes a gas-liquid installation, which directly produces penoizol. It consists of a GZhU, a supply hose, a set of taps for connecting containers, as well as various application documentation. Thanks to its compactness, the unit can be easily transported. Secondly, you will need a compressor that produces compressed air. Thirdly, for the production of penoizol, containers will be required - ideally there should be three of them. In this capacity, you can use ordinary polyethylene or iron barrels with a volume of 30-200 liters. For the convenience of transporting the unit around the construction site, it is advisable to purchase a trolley with GZhU. Thus, to create such material as penoizol, the installation must be assembled entirely.

How and where is penoizol applied?

Carbamide foam is used quite widely, while in different countries it is produced under different brands and names. Thanks to the manufacturability of the material and its excellent performance characteristics penoizol is as popular as in most developed countries, it is the filling of souffl-like penoizol in the cavity that is used. However, this material can be used in non-standard ways. For example, in the Czech Republic, reinforced concrete panels are used in three layers, one of which is just penoizol 50 mm thick. In the USA, concrete blocks are used for construction, in which the cavities are filled with penoizol.

In Poland and Hungary, the use of this material is due to its resistance to combustion, so in these countries it is poured into landfills - a kind of coating protects waste from fire.

As a heat-insulating material, porous foam is used in the Netherlands, Poland, France, and also in the Baltic States. During the construction of houses, a gap of 40-60 mm is traditionally left between the walls, which is subsequently filled with a foam insulation mass.

Why is penoizol so popular?

In the search for quality insulation materials, many builders are looking for something that would be not only reliable, but also economical in terms of cost. As a rule, the use of penoizol is explained by the fact that it is good for them to insulate buildings with a wall thickness of about 10-20 mm, since this will reduce the cost of heating a house several times. And the cost of the work carried out on the insulation will pay off already during the first operation of the residential facility. Using urea foam to decorate internal wall openings or insulate the facade of a house, you can effectively protect it even in severe frosts. An important role is played by the cellular structure, which perfectly protects the interior from the penetration of noise.

Among various types of heaters, penoizol is distinguished by the highest thermal insulation performance. This material is excellent for performing various kinds of heat-insulating and sound-proofing works. We will talk about its positive qualities, installation features further.

Penoizol is a kind of carbamide-formaldehyde type of insulation. The history of its application originates from Germany. Now it is actively used in many countries not only in Europe, but throughout the world. The material is characterized by low thermal conductivity and low bulk density, which ranges from 6 to 60 kg per cubic meter. Outwardly similar to polystyrene foam. It has the appearance of a white fine-mesh material, on which there are practically no large air inclusions.

After penoizol dries, it becomes more elastic, has no smell, and under the influence of minor deformations it can easily recover. When the cut is touched, small bubbles are shed. In addition, the material is resistant to microorganisms and insects.

According to the manufacturers, one foam slab 0.1 m thick can easily replace a layer of concrete almost 3 m thick, a brick wall - 1.8 m, mineral wool- 0.2 m, and expanded polystyrene - 0.15 m. From this it follows that it is penoizol that has the highest thermal insulation performance.

In relation to the density of the material, carbamide-formaldehyde insulation is distinguished by various strength characteristics. Penoizol has a light structure, similar to polystyrene, it compresses like a sponge without much effort.

If we consider the difference between penoizol and polystyrene foam, then, first of all, penoizol is absolutely non-combustible material incapable of ignition. This quality is based on its composition, namely the presence of nitrogen. For the manufacture of the material, thermosetting resins are used, which, after cooling, are not able to become liquid again, so the insulation does not melt. Penoizol is able to function normally even at temperatures above 110 degrees. Subject to the technology of laying the material and its proper operation, the service life of penoizol is more than 90 years.

Penoizol - scope and features

Since this material is an organic substance with a cellular structure, it is characterized by high density, low thermal conductivity, good resistance to fire, microorganisms, rodents, affordable cost and ease of installation - the main area of ​​​​its use is the insulation of buildings of a multilayer building structure.

Since this substance is poured directly in the process of construction work, it is easy to use. Penoizol is not able to increase, however, it has a certain shrinkage, in order to avoid the formation of cracks, it is necessary to strictly observe all the technological points associated with its installation, and in particular, fill the surface at a temperature of more than 6 degrees and use high quality materials.

It is possible to use slab or tiny material. Its dry state facilitates pneumatic laying on any hollow surface. In this case, a seamless insulating and noise-insulating layer with excellent strength characteristics is formed. Structures filled with penoizol are not able to pass moisture, even if there are small cracks.

This material is used:

  • for thermal insulation of various kinds of external fences;
  • in the insulation of walls of a simple or combined type;
  • for thermal insulation of three-layer brick structures;
  • when filling reinforced concrete wall panels;
  • as a soundproof and sound-absorbing layer;
  • as a heater of layered panels, consisting of prefabricated structures;
  • when insulating the roof, attic, attic, balcony;
  • with interfloor insulation;
  • in the insulation of garages, hangar, box, open areas;
  • when carrying out thermal insulation in the country, in vegetable stores, cellars, basements;
  • when arranging wall panels having both a wooden and a metal frame;
  • when warming the soil;
  • as an absorbent in an oil spill.

Benefits of foam insulation

The use of this material in construction has the following advantages:

  • Quick insulation work - this advantage is due to the convenient form of the material and its application.
  • Unlimited service life - since the duration of the building's operation is about 100 years, penoizol will serve the same way, so the use of this material as a heater will not require additional thermal insulation in the future.
  • Fire safety is explained by the presence of nitrogen in the penoizol, which is a non-combustible material. In practice, ignition of the material is possible, however, later, it will only slightly lose volume due to the evaporation of moisture, but will not emit any harmful substances.
  • The absence of shrinkage is ensured by adhering to a certain technology for installing penoizol. If during the installation of thermal insulation all the conditions specified by the manufacturer were met, then there will be no shrinkage.
  • In addition, this material has good moisture resistance and vapor permeability. Therefore, a healthy microclimate and comfortable living conditions are provided in the room.
  • Due to the presence of a certain composition, the insulation does not emit substances harmful to the environment, which means it belongs to the category of environmentally friendly materials.

  • Penoizol perfectly resists the influence of various kinds of chemical aggressive substances, fungus and mold do not form on its surface.
  • It is resistant to microorganisms and is not eaten by rodents.
  • Due to the absence of butt joints, the reliability of thermal insulation and sound insulation is ensured.

Insulation of houses with penoizol: manufacturing technology

Penoizol is called a heater, which allows you to carry out heat-insulating work quickly, efficiently and efficiently.

The manufacturing process of penoizol consists in mixing carbide resins with water foam and substances in the form of a hardener. Further, the process of its polymerization of hardening takes place. After complete drying, the material resembles a fine-mesh porous insulation.

The primary phase of the use of insulation provides the possibility of its application in the form of a liquid foam, resembling a dense thick foam. It does an excellent job of insulating private houses built of brick or sandwich panels. Filling of air gaps is carried out due to the presence of a certain air pressure. Then polymerization and solidification occur, the material takes the form of a lightweight insulation that has excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

Wall insulation with penoizol can significantly save on heating costs. Within a maximum of three years, all the costs of carrying out work related to thermal insulation will be fully paid off.

Work with this material begins with the work of the fill. In order for penoizol to serve its owner with high quality, a certain technology for carrying out this process should be observed. In addition, in the process of buying penoizol, certification of its quality and written guarantees from the manufacturer should be required.

A variant of the construction of equipment for insulation with penoizol at home is possible. This will significantly save on hiring intermediaries and builders. Thermal insulation of a medium-sized house takes place within a maximum of 6 hours.

If you use the services of specialized companies involved in insulation using penoizol, then the average cost of work per 1 square meter is 30$. With independent work, the amount is reduced by 50-75%.

The insulation procedure consists in pouring penoizol into all voids and air gaps of the building. This happens through specially drilled holes. It is due to the presence of a certain pressure that the material is able to fill all the cracks and crevices.

When hiring a specialized team, you should be very careful about the quality of the products, since there are a large number of scammers who use cheaper resin in the production of penoizol, in which case its quality is significantly reduced. For example, there is the possibility of using furniture resin, which is a cheaper but dangerous type of hardener.

If you follow the foam insulation technology and use high-quality material, then insulation with this material is the best in terms of quality, price, durability, efficiency and thermal conductivity.

It is possible to fill this insulation under plasterboard, wooden and plywood surfaces, if the thickness of the material from which the wall is made is at least 5 cm. Since the filling process uses equipment that provides pressure from 3 to 5 atmospheres, fragile walls are not capable of withstand it. If you use less pressure, there is a risk of formation of cold bridges, shedding of the material and its uneven distribution, because of this, the energy efficiency of the building and the quality of the insulation are significantly reduced.

There is an option for manufacturing sheet penoizol. This is appropriate in the case when there are no voids in the walls to fill and it is attached directly to their outer or outer surface. For the manufacture of sheet material, special cubic molds are used, which are filled with material under pressure. After it dries, they are cut in proportion to the required size. The remains of the material are used to make crumbs, which are filled with cavities.

Penoizol: safety of use and disadvantages

The high cost is one of its disadvantages. This is due to the fact that among alternative species Penoizol heaters have the lowest thermal conductivity. Another disadvantage of this material is its fragility and instability before deformation, so it is used exclusively as a middle layer of insulation, but not as an outer or inner layer. In addition, penoizol requires compliance with a certain technology for its installation, if you do not follow all the rules for its application and drying, then all the positive qualities will turn into negative ones.

Since penoizol is not able to expand, stick to anything or stick to the surface, it is necessary to use a special apparatus to fill the voids, with the help of which the material is supplied under pressure from 3 to 5 atmospheres.

Retention of penoizol on the surface is due to its solidity. In addition, shrinkage is possible, ranging from 1 to 3% of the total treated surface. As a result, small cracks form, which are covered with penoizol crumbs.

When applying penoizol to the surface of brick walls, shrinkage is only 1%, since the material fits snugly against the brick and fills all the cracks. To minimize the appearance of voids or cold bridges, the material should be applied at a pressure of at least five atmospheres. But, not all structures are able to withstand such strong pressure.

If the temperature of using penoizol exceeds 90 degrees, then it loses some of its properties and begins to gradually break down.

It is forbidden to use penoizol in such cases:

  • when warming a car engine, hood;
  • when arranging a warm floor of any purpose and type;
  • when heating heating pipes for ventilation or chimney purposes;
  • in the process of warming the water supply system, since penoizol is characterized by a lack of adhesion and will not stick to them;
  • when arranging a pitched roof, consisting of a plasterboard layer;
  • as an interventional insulation for door and window structures;
  • in baths it is used only if they are made of brick.

If high-quality raw materials are used in the production of penoizol, then it is absolutely safe. This material has been subjected to various tests and studies that confirm this fact.

Although, in case of violation of the technology of pouring penoizol into the cavity between brick walls, leads to negative consequences of its use, and in particular to the release of formaldehyde, which causes irritation, allergic reactions and other negative disorders.

To avoid the risk of formaldehyde emission, a high-quality vapor barrier of the interior of the room should be carried out. In this case, if this substance is released, then only outside the building.

Also, when choosing the quality of products and specialists performing pouring work, attention should be paid to the availability of appropriate quality certificates confirming the safety of penoizol. If penoizol is of poor quality, using cheaper resins, it will be very difficult to remove it from the surface.

Insulation with penoizol video:



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