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Greed: how to get rid of vice. How to get rid of greed? How to deal with stinginess

All energy larvae of greed feed on the energy of hoarding that a person emits. Usually people who passionately desire to own something completely, who strive for meaningless accumulation and who show greed in everything themselves attract. For some people it is a thirst for money, material goods, gold, while others simply strive to own and appropriate as many different material goods and things as possible. Intangible things can also act as coveted objects: power, attention, pleasure. At the same time, a person does not want to share what he has, he is engaged in hoarding, often this is senseless, not for the benefit of himself and others, and is absolutely not related to frugality and economy.

A large adult greed larva independently causes and strengthens the habit of its owner. She even manages to create entire situations in which a person shows his negative character traits. Over time, a person becomes so drained that he turns into a vampire, he begins to feel ill, has health problems, fades away, becomes withdrawn and angry.

How to get rid of the larva of greed

If everything is too neglected, and the maflock has turned into a hefty entity, you will have to resort to the help of specialists in this matter. Help is needed for your biofield to be competent and safe. There are special techniques that allow you to get rid of the larva of greed safely and without harm to human life and health. The safest method is cosmoenergetics. We will talk about how to get rid of the larvae of greed using cosmoenergetic frequencies later.

And for those who have declared war on their larva of greed on their own, we offer a simple mental method.

Methods for how to remove the larva of greed yourself

Every day you need to read the Lord's Prayer 27 times in the morning and evening. Regularly receive communion and attend church services. You also need to drink structured water and perform the following meditation technique once a week:

  • Take a comfortable position in the chair. Place a candle nearby. To your left.
  • Relax and imagine that you are standing over a large fiery pit, with a net under your feet, this is for those who are afraid of falling into it.
  • You are standing in a fiery sieve with your feet. The sieve burns and begins to rise from the feet to the head. A fiery sieve passes through the body. Fire does not damage your body and organs, but only burns the larva and its suckers. After the sieve passes over your head, it rises 0.5 meters above your head and falls into the fire pit.
  • Then imagine that the vacant space in your biofield is filled with solar energy. You end up becoming a bright sunshine. You feel calm and good.

Perform the meditation technique for six months. During this period of time, do not let greed get the better of you. Try to remove the cause and at the same time the source of food for the larva of greed. Otherwise, another one will take the place of the destroyed larva. After a while you will get rid of the parasite and become free. There are other methods for independently cleansing the biofield of parasites; you can try meditative

How many people constantly count pennies just to survive! They are constantly in a situation of poverty. But poverty is not determined by the amount of money in your wallet. Poverty is in our brains. And until you stop thinking and acting a certain way, you will not be able to get out of poverty.

Say no to pity

Those who consider themselves poor constantly feel sorry for themselves. They gradually get used to being content with little. They think that nothing can be changed, their lot is so difficult and they need to come to terms with it. They think that it is not their destiny to be rich. Unlucky - the eye color is not the same, the height is not the same, and the voice is not very good... All this is nothing more than self-pity. This is a disgusting, sinking feeling. And other people feel this very well. We need to eradicate it, because who would want to communicate with such a person? Who would want to hire him for a normal job? You know the answer.

Stop being greedy

Do you think you are poor because fate is unfair to you? No, most likely it's because you're just greedy. And the less money, the more greedy.

The problem here is simple: greedy people want a lot, but do not want to give anything in return. If a person works, then he has at least some money. And if you don’t have any money and don’t expect it, then you don’t really work.

Someone constantly complains that they cannot find a suitable job. By suitable, as a rule, we mean a salary that is sufficient. But maybe stop being greedy and it’s worth trying to get a job with a salary other than what you would like to get right now? Maybe you are overestimating yourself altogether? And if you work well, then good prospects will definitely await you. If you think that they don’t exist, and your job doesn’t bring in money... well, it’s worth wondering if you’re giving enough, if you’re putting in enough effort.

There are many more excuses a greedy person can come up with. For example, that he is a sociopath and can only work from home, but such a job cannot be found. Or that the city is small and there are no good jobs in it. Remember - if you have a head, two legs and two arms - all these “problems” can be solved. You can find remote work, and you can learn a profession from scratch. Deciding to move to another city is also not that difficult.

Recognize the greed in yourself. This is quite easy to do. Start paying attention to the following: Are you choosing the cheapest products? Are you trying to get something for free? Is it hard to part with money when buying a gift for someone? If yes, then you are greedy.

The poor have a lot of problems: they cannot improve their living conditions, they have debts, they have no job or career prospects... It is a shame to be poor - poor people think. Therefore, they do everything to... not seem poor (instead of not being poor)!

As a result, the money is spent on the wrong things. A person with a salary of 20 thousand can take out a loan for a foreign car worth 800 thousand. After all, you want a more or less prestigious car. Why take “all sorts of rubbish”? Every second person on public transport (and anywhere else in general) has a smartphone from a popular Apple manufacturer in their hands. A person can spend his last money on branded clothing, and then sit on bread and water until his next paycheck.

Having the attributes of a rich life will not stop you from being poor. There is no need to deceive yourself. Stop taking loans unnecessarily and using your last money to buy things that are not really necessary. The fact is that rich people became so because they were able to invest their money wisely. And the poor spend every penny.

The most common, but simple and effective advice is to save 10% of all types of income. And figure out what to do to increase your savings.

Stop comparing yourself to anyone and most importantly, stop envying and being offended by everyone around you. Forgive yourself for these feelings and let them go. You have a different life, and if it doesn’t suit you, it’s time to change something. It's never too late to let changes into your life. Are you 40 years old? But this is not a reason not to get another education (or even just the first one). Are you 50? Maybe it's time to move to another city and change your field of activity.

Set goals for yourself and move towards them. The goal should not be as much as possible more money. The goal could be work, your own business. And achieving your goal depends only on you, and not on luck.

Increase your self-esteem. Today you can find a lot of information on how to do this. Poor people are sure that they will not get anything good in this life. Instead of preparing for an interview for a good vacancy, they may give up halfway, being sure that this place will definitely not go to them. From here there is another important conclusion - you don’t have to think for others.

There is probably no person in the world who loves greedy people. We all unanimously condemn this vice. And, probably, each of us does not want to be greedy. Well, or at least not look like one. But I want to upset you. Greed is our genetic code, which we inherited from our ancestors. Getting rid of it is as difficult as getting rid of loneliness. Loneliness is inherent in each of us a priori. We are born alone and die alone with death. Loneliness is common to each of us to a greater or lesser extent. And we fight it all our lives, sometimes without even suspecting that we are fighting greed. We are all greedy.

Greed is a protective function of our psyche

It allows us to compensate for any of our problems. Most often, problems associated with a lack of something. is a way by which we get rid of lack and protect ourselves from deep, primordial loneliness. Some people lack money, some people lack things, but most often, we lack human intimacy in its true sense. And then we try to compensate for it with the help of excesses of a different kind.

Do you think that building a career, the desire for fame, power and success are normal human desires, and they have nothing to do with greed? But then answer the question: “Why does a person need a high position in a professional or any other rating?” To have more money? To gain public recognition and appreciation from society? And what is the assessment of society if not compensation for the need for love. If you think deeply about all our actions, thoughts, aspirations, then you can reduce them to only one thing: we want love.

Surprisingly, women are especially sensitive to its lack. Although, in principle, they themselves should be the source of love. But not everyone knows how to give unselfishly. But they have learned to consume very well. The civilization of consumption is gradually crowding out from our lives the intangible aspects of interaction that cannot be measured, cannot be predicted, and can only be felt with the soul and heart. But it turns out we still can’t live without them.

How to get rid of greed?

True human intimacy, without which we, unfortunately, and perhaps fortunately, have not yet learned to exist, gives us a unique opportunity to get rid of greed, that is, to get out of the matrix of acquisition and stop comparing ourselves with others. The closeness of such a plan is to another person and at the same time a feeling of security next to him.

What are the characteristics of true intimacy:
you are not afraid to be yourself;
say what you think;
you don't play roles;
you react spontaneously, according to the situation and according to your inner feelings;
realize your abilities to the maximum;
you get an adequate reaction to self-expression.

Find one like this loved one- not an easy task. But if people understood that they need to chase not a long ruble, not an ideal appearance, not the heights of career and power, but this loved one, who, by and large, is not so important to you social status, wallet or waist size, but the level of development of your soul and its consonance with his soul is important. If people understood this, then there would be no greedy people left in the world. Competition, the pursuit of prestige and status would disappear, economic, political and bloody wars for the redistribution of spheres of influence, territories and resources would disappear.

Greed and happiness are two incompatible things.
Moreover, these are mutually exclusive things.

That is, to become happy, you need to stop being greedy. It seems simple, but it is not so easy to get rid of greed. After all, it exists in us initially and is passed on from generation to generation.

Greed arose in man when he had to fight for his existence with nature and other people. When, according to the law of natural selection, the fittest survived. The one who had a larger ax and a heavier piece of meat, a warmer skin and safer home. From birth we strive to take away, grab more, hide, become better, stronger. Remember how children take toys, sweets, and jam from each other. Then adults convince them that it is a shame to be greedy. And they change externally. But internally, they remain the same Pithecanthropus. Greed goes into our subconscious.

It only seems to us that we live in a high-tech society of the 21st century and have advanced far in our development; in fact, we are still ruled by the same primitive instinct of survival. That is greed. Maybe we don’t need something, but the subconscious makes us rejoice at the acquisition. We, the acquirers, are freeloaders. We saw it at a neighbor's and wanted it for ourselves. How can I purchase this too? Or you can quietly get your hands on something that is lying badly. Hence - raiding, theft, sales rush, cheating, fraud, deception. Many other more harmless manifestations, for example, competition, competition, price dumping, ratings. How to escape from this dominance of widespread greed, manifested in everything and everyone? And is there salvation?

It seems to me that there is. The only salvation from greed is giving, giving. Love is based on these qualities. That is, we have the only way to get rid of greed - to love. Peace, life, people, nature, loved ones.

Only love can help us get rid of cave habits. Find something close. This or that, next to whom or with what we feel safe. Whom we accept with all our hearts and are ready to give ourselves to him without reserve. Without bills, expectations, conditions. And he (the world, man, nature, etc.) will lend a shoulder and help you get out of the trap of greed. Just like us, we will help him get out. Because together we are strong. We are able to withstand any challenges and circumstances.

The law of filling voids

The most amazing paradox is that we are greedy even when it is not necessary, when the return does not cost us anything. We feel sorry for warmth, affectionate glance, participation, time, attention and withdraw into ourselves, remain alone, and then compensate for it different types excesses and savings. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

From loneliness we are greedy, but from our greed we are doomed to loneliness.

What's the solution? Guess three times.

For some reason, people will never understand one simple truth: the more they give, the more they receive. There is a constant law of filling voids in the world.

Nevertheless, people try their best to compensate with a huge amount of anything: clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, gadgets, dishes, cars, real estate, land, power. The more a person has, the more he wants. And so on ad infinitum. The insanity of acquisition is gradually approaching humanity, and it does not even notice it, rejoicing at its new consumer achievements.

Take an ordinary woman. Her closets are full of things. There seems to be nothing wrong with this. A real lady should have a good choice, a wardrobe that could be used to create a decent outfit.

But, you must admit, sometimes we buy things that are completely unnecessary and not necessary for us. Sometimes on the cheap, sometimes to cope with a bad mood, as a therapeutic shopping experience. We have plenty of clothes, but we have nothing to wear. And we again buy another trinket. Miser pays twice.

A smart woman has several expensive items in her wardrobe that can be combined with each other, creating unique ensembles. At the same time, she knows how to emphasize her individuality. And she cannot be called greedy. In principle, she pays even less than someone who buys a lot of unnecessary, cheap and tasteless clothes. You've probably heard the expression: "We're not rich enough to buy cheap things."

So don't buy it! You can not? Of course you can't. After all, the entire industry of the modern consumer market is built on these impulse purchases. You walk into a supermarket and are hit over the head with powerful marketing strategies. Professionally crafted half-truths that merchants need to get you to shell out your hard-earned tugriks from a successful career. The cycle of buying and selling drags us to the very bottom of loneliness. Greed is a drug, a disease, a virus that affects us year after year and takes our souls to the cemetery of technogenic civilization.

Meanwhile, we just have to extend our hand, glance, utter a word addressed to someone who needs it, and buying and selling will be replaced by another pair: giving and receiving. Which is akin to communicating vessels and can pull us out of the clutches of greed and loneliness. Because by giving, we make room for a gift of the same quality to fall. According to the law of filling voids.

Surely many of us have been told since childhood that we cannot be greedy, almost forcing us to share the last candy or favorite toy with our neighbor. To the question “Why?” the answer was almost always the same: that’s how it should be, you should be generous (polite) and so on. With age, many understood why it is impossible to be greedy, although with some kind of deformed idea of ​​​​this feeling. And, most likely, if one person offers something to another out of politeness, then he may secretly hope that the other person will refuse out of the same politeness. But he may agree, again out of politeness. Who was taught how? In order to never think about it again and completely forget about the feeling of greed, we offer you ways to overcome it.

1. Admit the problem

As in most cases, first you need to admit the existence of this problem and honestly say to yourself: “Yes, I am greedy!” What's wrong with that? Everyone has their own shortcomings, and since you undertake to eradicate them, you will have to face the truth. Just remember that all people have vices. Even the most holy or exemplary at first glance. There Buddha, like our great classic Dostoevsky, at one time passionately indulged in gambling. And Tolstoy did not know the limits of his lust so much that he left behind about four hundred direct descendants today.

2. Boomerang effect

After the first step, you need to build new psychological attitudes in your head. But they must have such power that the old ideas about your stinginess go away. One of the main attitudes is as follows: “If I give something to someone or share it with someone, it won’t make me feel worse.” Works here main law Universe, which is often called the “boomerang effect”. Do good, and it will definitely come back to you. If you repeat this principle in your head every day, it will soon become entrenched in your subconscious and become something you take for granted.

3. Help people more often

Try to help people as often as possible. Scientists say that this practice quickly helps to overcome greed. Anything will do: advice, help with work, and many other things like that. Start with your loved ones and family, then you can move on to friends, and then even to people you don’t know. But without unnecessary fanaticism. And don't expect gratitude from them. You do it because you want to, from the bottom of your heart, and not for something. As they say, if you have done something good, throw it into the water.

4. But don't be generous to everyone.

When becoming generous to others, you must remember that you don’t need to lavish your generosity on everyone. There are two outcomes here: either they will sit on your neck, or they will use your kindness for other purposes. For example, you shouldn’t give money to every beggar on the street. After all, there are those who really need them, and there are those who just need a hangover. You might say that helping someone with a hangover can also be added to the list of good deeds. It’s possible, we don’t argue. We will leave the solution to this issue at your discretion.

5. Give gifts to loved ones

Get into the habit of giving gifts to relatives and friends for no reason. And your present doesn’t have to be expensive. It could be some small trinket. After all, the main thing is your attention, which is higher than the cost of the gift.

6. Don't get attached to things

Don't get so attached to things that it looks pathological. Of course, each of us has something favorite and memorable. Mug, rare book, watches, socks and much more. But remember that none of this lasts forever, just like you yourself. And the rule “I carry everything I own with me” will not work in the next world. Your last wooden bed won't hold all your favorite things. And you are not a pharaoh, but an ordinary mortal.

And remember that generosity is one of the main adornments of a gentleman.

Let's think a little about how not to be greedy without being wasteful. In my opinion, the topic is quite serious. Analyzing it, I will remind you what greed is, what wastefulness is, and I will share my thoughts on how to find the “golden mean” between these states, and why look for it at all. So, let's begin.

Greed is a negative human quality, and greedy people are always perceived negatively. Being greedy is bad, and you can't argue with that. Therefore, we will figure out how to get rid of greed, stop being greedy, if you have such a “sin”.

But there is also the opposite side of the coin. Many people, worrying about how not to be greedy, not to look greedy, go to the other extreme and become wasteful. And if greed does not cause significant harm, then wastefulness can lead to, including very deep harm, which is already a colossal problem, which is not at all easy to solve.

How not to be greedy and not to be wasteful? It's simple: you need to be economical and live within your means, without being greedy. And now a little more detail.

In other words, a frugal person. In the link, again, I described in detail what this means, but here I will briefly remind you. Living within your means means bringing your expenses into line with your income: clearly understanding how much money your income allows you to spend on what needs and adhering to these limits. At the same time, do not be greedy: it is easy to spend money without experiencing any psychological discomfort about it.

How to get rid of greed?

If you feel greedy for money, you need to get rid of this negative quality. How to stop being greedy? You just need to change yours. Namely: money should be perceived as a tool to satisfy your needs and achieve your goals.

Is it possible to be “greedy” in some way regarding a tool? Imagine having a hammer and not hammering nails with it. Or have a drill and not drill holes, sparing the tool. Agree, this is stupid!

Money is exactly the same tool. Just as we buy a drill not to hang it on the wall and admire it, but to get holes, we earn money to satisfy our needs and achieve our goals. So feeling sorry for them and being greedy is a meaningless and dead-end attitude. Money needs to be used. But use it sparingly, carefully, competently, effectively!

Again, let's make an analogy. Imagine that you have a small drill with a regular drill bit, and you want to drill through a thick reinforced concrete block. You will not be able to do this, you will break the drill, possibly the drill, and maybe even hurt yourself. Because for such work you need a powerful hammer drill with a pobedit drill.

Likewise, you need to use money sparingly and within your means, so as not to injure yourself through illiterate and dangerous use of it.

How not to be wasteful?

And to avoid turning from being greedy to being wasteful, you just need to start taking into account and planning your finances. Initially, put some effort into this, and later it will become a habit and will be performed automatically, without thinking.

How to keep track of personal finances? Why is this necessary at all, what will change from this, what to do if you have a small income and many other answers to frequently asked questions on this topic I have collected in a separate article:.

In order not to be greedy, and at the same time not to be wasteful, you just need to live within your means, that is, spend money strictly commensurate with your income. You need to evaluate how much money your earnings allow you to spend on what needs and adhere to these limits. That is, use your monetary instrument for its intended purpose and according to your capabilities.

For clarity, let's continue with the example under consideration. If you earn, say, 30 thousand rubles a month, then going to dinner at a restaurant and paying 10 thousand rubles for it is living beyond your means, it’s equivalent to trying to drill a thick reinforced concrete block with a small drill. If you still need to drill this block, it’s great that you have such an ambitious goal, but you can only achieve it when you buy the appropriate hammer drill.

I hope that my examples helped you figure out how not to be greedy and not to be wasteful. Every time you feel sorry to part with money, remember my example about a tool. But don’t forget about it even when you want to spend money disproportionately to your earnings. When you learn to treat money correctly and live within your means, your financial condition will become stronger.

I will end here. I wish you financial success! The site is your reliable information partner in the field of improving financial literacy and teaching competent management of personal finances. Stay with us! See you again!



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