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It means seeing your ex-boyfriend in a dream. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the ex-boyfriend whom you still love?

Dream books are able to explain why an ex-boyfriend dreams, and there are explanations for every taste. At all times, dreams interested the minds of people and made them worry about why this or that event was dreamed about. As a result, there were many different interpretations the same events. The difference arose because the interpretations were made by people with different views and different life experiences. Therefore, it cannot be said that one of the dream books is more accurate than all the others. Each of them is accurate in its own way.

When you dream of a departed boyfriend, lover or husband, they try to interpret dreams literally. This is not always true. Except in cases where a person dreams for no reason just because he was remembered the day before, his appearance in a dream may not be related to relationships at all.

It is precisely in order to find some kind of explanation for what is happening in a dream that there are dream books. Which one to choose is a personal matter. Some are based on psychology or worldly wisdom. Some took psychoanalysis as a basis, and some were compiled according to rather incomprehensible principles, and yet they sometimes explain more accurately than others.

Not everyone trusts dream books. For some, personal impressions or advice from a psychologist are more important, especially if they are visited after a breakup. Such interpretations are often literal and reflect not events, but the internal states of a person. This is also important, because often the events that happen in life depend precisely on the psychological mood and state. If you are just starting to interpret your dreams or decide to do it once, you can use several interpretation options. This can be done to select the answer that best suits your situation.

Here are a few rules to help you avoid getting confused in the information:

  • before you begin the interpretation, write down in detail what you dreamed;
  • from all the dream books, select several where the information on the issue differs most;
  • When comparing results, look at life situation and the circumstances of the separation.

When looking for an answer, you should not turn to the paid services of a fortune teller; it will not be much more accurate than the answer from a dream book.

Women's dream book

Women's dream book gives a more psychological than mystical interpretation of the dream. He interprets it differently depending on who made the decision to leave. If people broke up on a woman’s initiative, the dream suggests that she was in a hurry and made a decision in the heat of the moment. If the couple separated at the man’s suggestion, it means that the woman is still strongly emotionally connected to the man who left her, is offended and wants to be with the man who left her. The dream book advises not to get hung up on dreams about the past, but to focus on the present and not rush to confess your unresolved feelings. It is worth concentrating on new relationships, if any, on communicating with friends. On anything other than permanently living in past relationships, especially if this is a long-standing matter.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga’s dream book, a no less adequate interpretation of the dream emerges. You dream about your ex-boyfriend because he is still important. They constantly think about him, want to be reunited and still love him. They believe in the best, and cannot so easily let a person go from their life. However, when there is a new man, such a dream may mean that the relationship is in trouble. Seeing your ex in your dreams is like a warning that your current lover could at any moment become the same, from the past.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

Astrological dream book

This version of the dream book gives an original interpretation of dreams about an ex. If you dream of a past love, this indicates that a meeting and acquaintance with you is coming. interesting person. Such a dream indicates something new in life. Either it is about to happen, or it has already happened, but you have not noticed it yet.

Miller's Dream Book

If you look into Miller’s dream book, it turns out that a loved one left in the past dreams of change. It is impossible to predict whether the changes will be good or bad. But circumstances may clarify the nature of future events.

  1. If there was a kiss in the dream, a pleasant surprise is coming.
  2. When you had sex with your ex in a dream, you should expect quarrels and conflict situations. Sharing a bed with an ex in reality is not too much good idea, and in dreams even less does not bode well.

Reconnecting with a past love speaks of future situation, which will be connected in some way with these relationships.

The interpretation of this dream book is very different from other interpretations. A former lover appears in a night dream to indicate problems and feelings that it is time to part with. Something important in life will suddenly lose its meaning, because a completely different life will begin, radical changes will occur that you had never even thought about before.

If in a dream the man who left was haunting you and there was no way to get rid of him, it means that problems, events and memories haunt you and interfere with your life. The dream book advises to solve them as soon as possible and live a new life.

If the interpretation of dreams seriously interests you, you should choose one dream book, maximum two, for comparison. Interpretations can differ greatly from each other.

When analyzing a dream, the state in which the person dreamed and what happened to him also plays a role. This can be an important clarification to the main interpretation and will help form a complete picture.

The most common variants of dreams with departed loved ones:

  • he dies;
  • he becomes an alcoholic;
  • he gets married;
  • he is sick or, on the contrary, he radiates health.

There are other options, sometimes you dream of men trying to kill you, or they appear in other types of nightmares. Dream books give one explanation for this - it means trouble. But psychologists, if you tell them the content of the dream, will first of all ask: “Why did you break up?” Maybe, ex-husband or the lover is having nightmares only because waking life with him was also a nightmare.

If a person in a dream is sick or healthy

When you dream of a lover or husband with whom you separated a long time ago, and in the dream he is seriously ill, it is too early to rejoice. This is due to the illness of one of the relatives or loved ones. Sometimes you dream about something like this, foreshadowing disappointment. If a man only looked sick, this meant financial difficulties.

In his dreams, the young man was healthy and energetic - this meant a successful period in life, major acquisitions.

I dreamed that I drank myself to death

In the dream, the guy became an alcoholic, and I just want to gloat, but I shouldn’t. This will lead to trouble and serious problems. If you drank with your ex, this means establishing relationships with unpleasant people. Perhaps, without wanting it, you will have to obey someone or something.

But there is also good news: if in a dream you had to bring a drunken person back to normal, then this promises joyful events.

Got married or about to get married

The wedding of a departed man is a sign of a quick and unexpected marriage. But if you were present in a dream at the wedding of your best friend and ex, this suggests that your friends are not too frank or that for some reason you do not trust them. On the other hand, such a dream may mean loss loved one or a big quarrel with him. If he gives a ring to a friend, and she refuses, this means the loyalty of friends and relatives despite the circumstances.

Dream about the death of an ex

In the dream, the guy died, he looks ominous, but the meaning of this dream is simple. If a person who is alive in reality dies in a dream, it means that he got married. Sometimes such death in a dream means strong fear. You need to understand yourself and stop being so afraid, it can lead to trouble.

But if you dreamed of an already dead lover, then this promises:

  • major health problems;
  • troubles for no reason.
  • It is advisable to remember such a dream with maximum accuracy and decipher all the details. This can give you clues and help you avoid problems.

When you dream of many events at once, you need to highlight the main thing and interpret it. If the guy was far from being the main element of the dream, you should not focus too much attention on him, but rather interpret the plot of the dream itself.

A person rarely dreams just like that; usually there is a certain plot associated with him. Lovers and husbands can dream of a wide variety of actions.

The most typical of them:

  1. Kisses.
  2. Reconciliation.
  3. Unexpected call.

Except in those cases when this is a dream because the departed love is still dear and evokes pleasant memories, such events have special interpretations.

Dreaming of a person who is still loved

A guy or man who is still loved is usually dreamed of as a pleasant memory. Or, if there is a new relationship, as a warning, watch your words and actions. Comparing out loud, even by accident, a new chosen one with the past is a big mistake; the relationship may come to an end.

Kissed in a dream

In a dream, kissing a man who has left means events that will greatly surprise you. Depending on the circumstances, this may mean having to submit to someone against your will.

Another interpretation suggests that this is a dream about the possibility of reunion. Or such a dream symbolizes regret about the separation and the fact that feelings, even if not realized, are still present.

We made peace in a dream

When you make peace with a guy in a dream, this must be taken literally. Especially in cases where you got rid of it yourself or you no longer need it. The man wants to return, but there are some obstacles, including from the woman who is dreaming. You should not try to make peace in reality after such a dream - there is a possibility of major disappointment, especially when feelings have cooled down or are far from warm.

Dreams of reconciliation often occur if the separation was recent. Therefore, it is advised to pay attention not to all dreams of this kind, but only to those that were the most vivid, memorable and aroused strong emotions.

Dreams about renewing a good relationship in a dream with an ex are interpreted as follows: this applies to any other person in your life: mother, girlfriend or boss.

Forgiving lovers in a dream means realizing your mistakes and living a harmonious life.

In a dream, the guy calls or has returned

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, and in the dream he returned to the woman. There's nothing wrong with that. Such dreams promise positive changes in life, awareness of old mistakes. There will be an opportunity to build your life in a new way, taking into account conscious mistakes. A past love has returned to the house - a dream of pleasant events for relatives. If a lover in a dream communicated with his ex-beloved on the phone, this means shocking news, although nothing bad should be expected.

The meaning of sleeping with your ex depending on the day of the week

For dreams it has great value what night they dreamed about. If none of the dream books gave a suitable answer, it’s worth looking at the days of the week, perhaps the answer lies there:

When a dream occurs regularly, from night to night, interpretation by day of the week will not work. Then, firstly, the information will be contradictory. Secondly, most likely, the fact is that the subconscious or obsessive thoughts do not give you peace. Then you should pay attention to the interpretation of dreams from dream books, and it is advisable to choose one for regular use. Otherwise there will be constant confusion due to different interpretations.

Dreams do not necessarily carry deep meaning. If after reading all the dream books, articles and notes, it turns out that everything has only become more confusing or nothing corresponds to reality, you should not be disappointed in the dream books.

Other circumstances

The dream book can give other explanations for why the ex-boyfriend dreamed, depending on the circumstances:

  1. Making a guy you broke up with jealous is a sign of rash decisions.
  2. I dreamed about my ex naked - to an unexpected pleasant meeting. This could be a friend, childhood friend or distant relative.
  3. I dream that my ex went to prison. Seeing your husband or boyfriend, from whom you broke up a long time ago, in this position is a sign of disappointment in his decency. Perhaps he is spreading rumors or breaking the law.
  4. Congratulations on the holiday - plans will come true.
  5. You are dating again, but he turns out to be married - nostalgia and dissatisfaction with the current relationship, but at the same time this is a warning against repeating past mistakes.
  6. He pestered me, and it was unpleasant. Such a dream promises gossip, trouble, intrusive and unpleasant attention.
  7. Dreaming of divorce again is a symbol of complete liberation from the past.
  8. Crying over a guy means unresolved problems will soon make themselves felt.
  9. The unexpected arrival of an ex is an unpleasant encounter with the past or an unexpected favorable turn of fate.

If the details of the dream do not add up big picture, each of them should first be clarified separately.

Dreams reflect the human subconscious, which means they are an interesting tool to communicate with yourself. Even if not a single dream book comes up, you can listen carefully to your inner voice; perhaps all the answers are hidden there.

A dream about an ex-boyfriend can excite the mind and make you think about the true meaning of such a dream. First of all, try to answer yourself as honestly as possible to the question: what are your feelings towards your ex-lover? If you remember him every now and then, go to his page to see what’s new in his life, make plans that should help bring him back, it’s not surprising that thoughts about him smoothly flow into your dreams. Such stories indicate that you are not ready to build a new relationship and have not gotten rid of your emotional attachment to your ex. It must be said that the presence of a new partner in this case is by no means a hindrance.

It’s another matter if you forgot to think about the young man with whom you once had tender feelings, and suddenly saw your former beloved guy in a dream. In this case, it’s really worth turning to the dream book to find out what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming about, whether he’s with another or alone.

Loff's Dream Book

A dream where you see an ex-boyfriend indicates excessive preoccupation with the past, the need to change your own priorities. Only in this case will you be able to move on and realize your own potential. Also, the specifics of interpretation largely depend on the context, so it is important to try to recreate what you saw in the smallest detail:

  • kissing an ex-boyfriend means that you will soon experience a great surprise;
  • a dream about love with an ex-boyfriend, which includes intimate contact, warns that there may be an exacerbation of a long-standing conflict that has not been resolved;
  • parting in a dream is a harbinger of a new joyful meeting, which promises a lot of interesting things;
  • become involved in a quarrel with your ex - sure sign that in the near future very pleasant changes await you on your personal front.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretation of this dream book, a former lover seen in a dream can be a harbinger of the following events:

  • a fight with an ex-boyfriend indicates that in the current relationship your young man will show himself as an owner;
  • seeing an ex-boyfriend or entering into a conversation with him means that in the near future you will commit a frivolous act, which may result in dire consequences, primarily for yourself;
  • to see the love for your person that your ex is experiencing means that surprises await you, and they can be both pleasant and not very pleasant;
  • seeing your ex dead or attending his funeral is a sign that pleasant changes await you soon: you will either get married or become a mother.

Freud's Dream Book

Sigmund Freud believes that a dream in which a girl sees her ex-boyfriend indicates that she, on an unconscious level, compares her current partner with those she had before. That is why he regards such a plot as a warning: be careful about your young man, avoid quarrels and conflicts, especially comparisons expressed out loud.

In addition, an ex-boyfriend can act as a symbol of betrayal, and such a dream can be interpreted as uncertainty in the current partner.

To see in a dream how a guy reproaches you, accusing you of infidelity, means winning his favor in reality.

It is also important to analyze what was appearance young man. If you dreamed about him being tired, exhausted, it is quite possible that he is a harbinger of an illness that awaits one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

If a girl who has not found a partner often sees her ex-boyfriend in her dreams, this may indicate that deep down she wants him back. Also, such a plot may indicate that in reality you lack strong emotions and love experiences.

If you talk to him in a dream, he thinks about you and talks about you with his friends. An unfinished conversation with your ex indicates that the relationship has not exhausted itself, and, quite possibly, it is destined to resume. This is especially true if the girl herself initiated the breakup.

If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend being married or together with another girl, this means that you will let go of your grudge against someone and make peace.

To see a guy in a dream who helps you with something means to successfully overcome troubles and emerge victorious from a difficult situation.

Every person dreams constantly. Some of them can be remembered, while others are erased from memory before morning comes. Many girls and women face a problem when they dream about their ex-lover. Q What are they talking about? Do they have any esoteric meaning or are vivid dreams just the result of the activity of the subconscious?

Are prophetic dreams reality?

Today there are many dream books, each of which offers different explanations for the things seen in a dream. Of course, there are many esoteric teachings, legends, stories, religions that recognize the presence of prophetic dreams. Many women who see their ex-lover in a dream believe that this is evidence of passionate feelings on the part of the man.

Is this true? There is hardly a clear answer to this question. After all, there are many facts that deny the existence of prophetic dreams. At the same time, thousands of people say that on the eve of certain important events they see warning dreams. This is purely a matter of faith.

As for scientific research, then their results indicate that sleep is a manifestation of the intense work of the subconscious.

Dreaming about an ex-lover - why? Freudian meaning

Yes, S. Freud agreed that dreams are manifestations of the unconscious. The founder of psychoanalysis paid much attention to the analysis of dreams. After all, the subconscious communicates with consciousness through images and pictures. Naturally, the scientist more than once had to deal with patients who dreamed of their former lover. Why such a dream?

If you and your loved one have only recently broken up, then it is quite normal to see your ex-boyfriend (or husband) in a dream, because you had to disrupt your usual way of life, give up communication and relationships that in one way or another influenced the development of your personality.

But what if you're already in a new relationship that you're quite happy with? If you have a family, but you haven’t seen your ex-boyfriend for several years? In such cases, Freud advised paying attention to the little things. Perhaps in a past relationship you had something that you lack with your partner now? For example, back then there was more romance, more passion, more sensuality, and now you just don’t have such vivid emotions?

Sometimes the subconscious tries to warn a woman that in a new relationship she is making the same mistakes as in the past.

Why do you dream about your ex-lover? Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This dream book is considered the largest today, and many women use it to explain their dreams. So why do you dream about ex-lovers? If unmarried girl saw in a dream, this may foreshadow some frivolous act that will be committed by her in the near future. Be careful, as seemingly harmless frivolity can lead to serious, even disastrous consequences.

A completely different interpretation of a dream seen by a divorced or married woman. In this case, the dream predicts the appearance of unpleasant troubles. Problems may be associated with forced long trips, illness of the husband (if he has one). Dreams may signal worsening financial problems.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book also gives a very detailed explanation of such dreams. Seeing a former lover in a dream, while experiencing warm feelings for him, is a manifestation of the consequences of some events that happened a long time ago.

If in a dream you kiss your ex, then be prepared for events that will surprise you. If you make love, then this may indicate an upcoming aggravation of some old conflict. Sometimes women dream that a man still loves them - this is a sign of pleasant surprises. If in a dream your former loved one marries someone, then in the near future you will be able to forgive someone. If you are the bride, then get ready for trouble.

A strong quarrel with an ex-boyfriend predicts some pleasant changes in personal life. If you fight in a dream, then be prepared for the appearance of an authoritarian companion in your life. Parting may foreshadow a pleasant acquaintance or meeting.

What do modern dream books say?

There are many modern dream books that many women turn to if they dream of a former lover. Why such a dream?

What do modern psychologists think?

It should be noted right away that dream analysis is not an exact science. Modern psychologists consider pictures seen in a dream to be signals from the subconscious, which are trying to give answers to questions that interest you and suggest what exactly needs to be changed in your life.

If you are constantly tormented by dreams about your ex-lover, try to distract yourself. Find yourself a new hobby or interesting activity that will give you such vivid emotions that it will eclipse the image of your ex-boyfriend for a long time. If intrusive dreams do not disappear, then you should consult a psychologist. Still, the clues of the subconscious should not be ignored, and deciphering them on your own is not always easy.

For example, if you and your boyfriend or husband separated after a serious disagreement, then there is an unresolved conflict. Constant dreams about it may indicate that the subconscious is trying to solve it, playing out various possible scenarios for the development of events. And, of course, we should not forget that sometimes a dream is just a dream and nothing more.

Psychologists warn that visions of previous passions can provoke conflicts with the man who is caring for the sleeping woman today. This is natural. After all, she constantly compares her gentlemen: current and former. The partner senses this and expresses dissatisfaction.

Sigmund Freud emphasizes that yesterday's lover is dreamed of by young ladies who are afraid of treason and betrayal. If this gentleman is angry and shows feelings of jealousy, then in reality, he considers you a decent, honest woman.

A bad dream in which a recent admirer looks dejected and tired. This vision can predict illness in one of the sleeping family members.

If a girl is passionate about memories, then she dreams of past relationships. The question immediately arises: why does the ex-boyfriend dream? The dream shows a subconscious comparison between current relationships and past ones. In this case, you need to regret your actions less. This makes it difficult to start new life. You should also control thoughts and conversations with your loved one so as not to provoke a quarrel.

The dream may also mean an unconscious fear of losing the value of life. If in reality there is no loved one, then the dream book speaks of uncooled feelings. Perhaps it is worth renewing the relationship. Various nuances of sleep can create different interpretations. It is important to take all points into account. But the general folk sign says that any person who comes to you in a dream thinks about you.

See your ex-boyfriend in a dream

Tsvetaeva’s dream book warns that if you dreamed about an ex-boyfriend, then you need to be careful in your actions. Perhaps you will commit a frivolous act for which you will have to pay.

  • mean that you will soon be very surprised.
  • What does it mean to dream about an ex, it means an exacerbation of a long-standing conflict.
  • If your ex-boyfriend or ex-boyfriend in a dream is exhausted and looks sick, then in reality either you or one of your relatives will become seriously ill. Possible illness that leaves you bedridden.
  • If you break up in a dream, it means that a new acquaintance awaits you soon.
  • Quarrel too good sign dream book talking about happiness in your personal life.
  • talks about how the young man regained a sense of ownership.
  • If your ex-lover wants you back, then expect a pleasant surprise.
  • ex-boyfriend talks about an imminent wedding and the birth of children.
  • Sigmund Freud argued that such a vision speaks of the fear of betrayal of the current young man.
  • If your ex-boyfriend accuses you of infidelity in a dream, then in reality he will show respect.
  • The English dream book warns against the influence of magic on you. You especially need to be wary when a man shows passion.
  • If you are in a relationship and you dreamed about past moments with your ex, then in reality you and your partner are missing romance.

After a dream in which you communicated with your ex-lover, are you sad and a little sorry that the dream is over? This means only one thing - you are still living in the past, dreaming that your relationship with your former gentleman will be restored. And everything will be as before... Remember! This is an extremely harmful attitude that prevents you from organizing your personal life today and now. Dozens of worthy guys pass by you and don’t pay attention to you because you look at the world with detachment. And you don’t even see them, immersed in dreams of the past.

So why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend? The interpretation of the dream book depends on your actions, emotions, and the response of your former boyfriend.

Predictions from various sources

The classic dream book predicts extreme amazement and surprise for the one who kissed her ex-boyfriend while she was sleeping. But if the matter could not be solved with kisses alone, and it happened intimacy, then the dreamer faces another, painful showdown regarding a long-standing quarrel. If a quarrel occurs in a dream, then in reality the girl will have good luck in matters of the heart.

Did your former boyfriend fight in a dream? This means that the current one will begin to show his character, command you, be jealous, like an owner. In Tsvetaeva’s dream book it is indicated that an ex-boyfriend may appear before some rash act, which the sleeping woman will have to regret. In the Modern Collection of Dream Interpretations, a vision about the feelings of a former boyfriend is interpreted as unexpectedness and surprises. Moreover, it is unknown whether they will make you happy, or, on the contrary, upset or scare you.

A nightmare about the death of an ex-boyfriend, a dream book foreshadowing a joyful event in the life of a sleeping girl. She will soon get married and give birth to her first child.

Why is he dreaming?

Girls who are still going through a breakup sometimes ask the question: why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend? They supposedly don't want to hear anything about him. And even more so to think and tolerate his “appearance” in night dreams. Be patient, as soon as you meet a worthy man, this vision will stop bothering you.

What if a dear friend from the past says goodbye to you in a dream and explains why he is leaving? Psychologically, the dreamer is tense; she is afraid of losing something dear and valuable.

If you dream about the same person with a certain frequency, then think: were you in a hurry with the decision to break off the relationship? He, according to the interpreters, definitely dreams of returning to the past. According to popular belief, the person in your dream is thinking about you. And if you saw in a dream the object of your former passion, then, most likely, you will be glad that he is still not indifferent to you.

But among the British, this same vision is interpreted as a terrible omen, warning that spiteful critics are plotting against the dreamer, who do not even hesitate to turn to sorcerers and witches for help. Why dream if you have already cooled down, but your ex-boyfriend is still burning with passion.

Modern interpretations

IN modern dream books There is the following explanation: you dream about your ex-boyfriend if you lack romance and sensuality in your relationship today. My only advice is to try to add some variety to your intimate relationships with the suitor who won your heart today.

Did you dream that your recent loved one has already found a new darling and is even getting married? Then, when you wake up, be sure to forgive someone for minor sins and even serious offenses.

Why do you dream about a former lover with whom you haven’t completed the conversation? If the dreamer was the initiator of parting with him, then the meaning of this plot is direct and clear. She needs to come up with a reason to meet and have a heart-to-heart talk with the hero of yesterday. Explaining to him that they are now just friends, but not lovers.

Did you dream that the guy you were friends with died? This is a dream book warning about danger. But if he helps and supports, then in reality everything will work out in the best possible way.

An interesting interpretation is offered to the vision of how you met an ex-man, but did not recognize each other. Dream Interpretation foretells serious changes in the fate of the dreamer and her former lover, or predicts their rendezvous.

Treason is prophesied by a dream about receiving a gift from an ex. But hearing the voice of a once beloved man on the phone in night vision is not bad at all. The dream book suggests that he still loves, and I really want to meet and discuss something.

Seeing your first love in a dream is a dream of a pure, romantic, unburdensome relationship like you had in your youth.

A nightmare about killing your ex-lover, oddly enough, predicts good luck. If you are thinking about something, making global plans, make up your mind or start implementing them immediately. You'll be lucky!

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think about it. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look into lunar calendar- what and what lunar day.

By comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 02/29/2020

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...

Dream books claim that dreams in which you happened to see your ex-man speak of the dreamer’s subconscious desire to start a relationship again. The girl secretly hopes that she will be together with her lover again. If the young man has long been forgotten, such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a bright streak in the dreamer’s life. But an accurate interpretation of a dream can only be made after analyzing all the details of the dream.

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    Key values

    If a girl dreamed about her ex-man, this suggests that she cannot let go of her past and hopes to renew her relationship with a young man. This negatively affects her personal life, prevents her from changing life priorities, and she does not develop as a person. If you often dream about your ex-husband, this indicates that the woman needs to complete many things in order not to think about all the problems at the same time.

      If you see a guy you broke up with, this is a sign of a rash and frivolous act. The girl will regret her behavior, as the consequences will be dire. If every day you dream of a man with whom a woman recently broke up, then this speaks of the dreamer’s undying feelings. In reality, she often thinks about her former lover.

      If the dreamer dreams of a former man showing tender feelings, this is a sign that in the near future the girl will face a surprise, perhaps an unpleasant one. Seeing your former lover in a dream means a quarrel and a showdown with your current boyfriend. The cause of the scandal will be a subconscious comparison with a former young man. In this situation, you need to monitor your behavior so as not to cause negative emotions with your other half. If you happen to see in a dream how a former man started a fight, then this is a sign that the current guy will have a sense of ownership.

      Sigmund Freud's dream book says that the former young man in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer's fear of treason or betrayal.

      If the guy looked tired, this may warn of the development of a serious illness in one of the dreamer’s friends. If you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend died, this is a favorable sign, foreshadowing an imminent marriage or addition to the family. If in a dream a deceased guy helps the dreamer with something, then her cherished desire awaits her. Close people and friends will help her with this.

      Hearing reproaches from a young man and suspicions of infidelity means hearing words of praise from him in reality.

      What do the dreamer’s actions with her ex-boyfriend portend?

      The meaning of the dream directly depends on what actions the dreamer happened to perform with her ex-man:

  1. 1. Kissing - to great surprise.
  2. 2. Having sex - aggravates an old conflict in real life with one of your relatives.
  3. 3. Quarrel - to a new romantic acquaintance, pleasant changes in life. If you see a conflict with a long-forgotten young man, this is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the receipt of good news from afar or an unexpected gift.
  4. 4. Getting married means big troubles and obstacles in achieving your intended goal.
  5. 5. Breaking up means dramatic changes for the better. Anxious dreams about an ex-boyfriend leaving the dreamer are a symbol of a girl’s subconscious fear of losing something very valuable and important.
  6. 6. Talking - to the illness of the current lover. It is necessary to show more care and attention towards your beloved young man.
  7. 7. Talking on the phone, hearing a voice - means renewed feelings. Night vision is a sign that the guy still has tender feelings for the dreamer. He wants to talk about this with a girl in real life. If in a dream the conversation was not completed, then this is a sign that warm feelings remained between the lovers. The best option in this situation it will be frank conversation with each other.
  8. 8. Seeing means the need to rest. The dream suggests that the dreamer needs to take a vacation and rest, to restore not only physical, but also moral strength. Just seeing from the outside, but not talking to your ex-man, means a quarrel with your current lover.
  9. 9. Taking life, killing is a favorable symbol that promises the dreamer success in all endeavors.
  10. 10. Feel love - the dream is a warning. You need to beware of making any rash decisions that you will later regret.
  11. 11. Walking at his wedding is an auspicious sign. He says that the dreamer has completely forgotten about her past relationships, and will soon meet good man who will become her husband. If a guy marries a dreamer, then this is a sign of great anxiety and worry.
  12. 12. Dating is a warning. The dream reminds you of the need to control your behavior. She may commit a frivolous act that will cause a big scandal with her current man or large material losses.
  13. 13. Breaking off a relationship means a new romantic acquaintance, which may not end entirely successfully.
  14. 14. Not recognizing your ex-man is a sign of big changes in the lives of young people. The possibility that they will meet in reality cannot be ruled out.

Why else do you dream about a young man you broke up with?

If the dreamer is already in a new relationship, then the dream about her ex-boyfriend is a symbol of the fact that she lacks tenderness and care from her current chosen one. You need to look at your relationship with your loved one differently. However, there may be other interpretations of the dream. It all depends on its details:

  1. 1. If you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend was married to another girl, then in reality the dreamer will have to forgive someone for previous grievances.
  2. 2. A dream in which a former boyfriend cries and begs to renew the relationship promises see you soon with this man. If you also dream about your mother-in-law, this is a sign of her regret that the couple’s relationship did not work out. If in a dream the ex-man was drunk, then this is a sign that he is bored and needs the support of the owner of the vision.
  3. 3. If the previous guy confesses his love, hugs, tries to kiss, then this promises a big surprise. If the kiss caused pleasant feelings in the dreamer, then the surprise will be pleasant. If a girl is ashamed of his behavior in a dream, then minor troubles and negative emotions should be expected.
  4. 4. If a former lover gave a girl a gift, it is a symbol of betrayal on the part of the current beloved man.
  5. 5. Seeing a man smile is a sign that the girl underestimates her current boyfriend. She sees only bad qualities in him, but does not notice his merits.
  6. 6. Seeing the relatives of a once-beloved man in a dream is a favorable sign that promises peace and mutual understanding in the dreamer’s family.


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