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What to spray with infusion of tomato tops. Infusion of tomato tops against pests

Every gardener wants to have healthy fruits, berries, vegetables on his plot and wants to use less pesticides. Your helpers in this will be the plants, animals, and insects themselves. When planting in the garden and garden, it is necessary to adhere to satellite crops, that is, those that protect each other from pests.

Leverage Companion Crops

  • Cabbage. The sweet vegetable is attacked by many pests. By combining the planting of cabbage with dill and onions, you will protect it from pests.
  • By planting onions in beds with cucumbers, you will protect the cucumbers from spider mites.
  • Onion sets (batun) protect strawberries from nematodes and slugs.
  • Garlic and onions will help tomatoes against late blight.
  • Carrots will help onions against onion flies. Onions, in turn, will help carrots against wireworms.

By observing plants in this way, you can find green defenders in the vegetable garden and flower garden. Many plants in the garden are affected by aphids. Cabbage, beans, cherries, cherries and other crops are severely affected. Spider mites harm cucumbers. Treat these crops with garlic infusion, and the pests will die in three to four hours. Plant dill next to them. It will attract hover flies. And onions repel many pests and butterflies. They will not be able to lay eggs on the plant.

Onion will help protect strawberries from gray rot. Onion phytoncides destroy the causative agents of this disease. It will protect potatoes and tomatoes from diseases and pests.

Plant marigolds (Chernobrivtsi) in the garden. They protect the soil from nematodes and are the best precursors for strawberries.

Mustard, dill, and parsley blooming in the garden attract beneficial insects.

Use herbal infusions

In addition to using satellite crops, in the garden it is necessary to treat crops and plantings with herbal infusions.

  • At the first signs of tomato blight and to prevent diseases, treat the plants with garlic infusion.
  • From wrath (pest of gooseberries and currants), meadow moth (pest of potatoes and vegetable crops), sawfly, cabbage cutworm - moth use infusion of tomato tops.
  • An infusion of potato tops and tomatoes will help against pests such as thrips and small caterpillars.
  • Fight against such a pest as wireworms, which gnaw carrot roots and potato tubers, by digging potato slices to a depth of five to ten centimeters (marking them with twigs), checking them daily and destroying the pests.
  • An infusion of dandelion leaves will help in the fight against aphids and mites.
  • Some gardeners grow large burdock. It is important not only in folk medicine, but also to combat major pests. Freshly cut burdock leaves - one and a half kilograms - are placed in a tank, filled with five liters of water, left in a dark place for three to four days and filtered. If the plants are severely damaged, add twenty grams of laundry soap and mix. The infusion is used for spraying against cabbage moths, voracious cabbage white caterpillars, cutworms and many other harmful insects. A mixture of burdock and mustard greens(one to two). It is used against meadow bugs and aphids.
  • Burdock infusion is also effective against spider mites. Fill half a bucket of the crushed mass with warm water to the top, leave for ten days and strain. You can spray trees with this infusion at intervals of ten days. After spreading out the burdock leaves overnight, collect the slugs hiding under them.
  • An infusion of chamomile will rid plants of mites, aphids, and mice.
  • From powdery mildew- diseases of cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, squash, gooseberry and currant bushes - use an infusion of rotted hay. It is better to carry out processing in the evening.

On personal plots you can use non-chemical pest control methods using traditional methods.

In nature, a large number of plants grow wild and cultivated, which contain toxic substances. They are harmless to people and not as dangerous as pesticides, but are capable of killing pathogens and insects.

Plants in pest control

Let's give description of plants And pest control recipes. However, in the manufacture of infusions, decoctions and powders Do not touch your face or eyes with your hands. Bury the remaining decoctions in the ground.

Burdock infusion

Burdock leaves are finely chopped, add up to one third of the bucket, and fill it to the top with water. Leave the resulting mass for 3 days, then strain through cheesecloth. Used burdock against cabbage white and cutworm caterpillars. Spraying is carried out 3-4 times every 6-8 days. Cabbage will be saved.

Infusion of potato tops

When growing potatoes, we also benefit from the tops. 1.2 kg unaffected fresh or 800 g. Grind the dry potato tops, add 10 liters of water and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Afterwards, filter and spray any melons and vegetables. against spider mites and aphids, which die after 3-4 hours. If you increase the amount of potato tops in the infusion, then it will be effective against leaf-eating pests.

Decoction of tomato tops

400g. cut into pieces tomato tops pour 10 liters of water, cook over low heat for 30 minutes, strain after settling. Before use, add 3 liters of decoction and 40 g to 10 liters of water. soap Applies against caterpillars and aphids.

Decoction of black nightshade tops

A decoction from black nightshade tops is prepared in the same way as from tomato tops. It is used against larvae of various pests and caterpillars. Against young ages, the effectiveness will be increased.

Hot pepper decoction

1 kg. cut fresh or 500g. Dry hot pepper pods are boiled for 1 hour in 10 liters of water in an enamel bowl, closed with a lid, and left to infuse for two days. Then grind the pepper, squeeze and strain. The resulting decoction is stored in sealed bottles in a dark place. For spraying against caterpillars, slugs and aphids prepare a solution in the following composition: add 100 g to 10 liters of water. concentrate and 40g. soap

Garlic infusion

50g. mince the garlic. Dilute in 10 liters of water. It is infused for 24 hours, then filtered. Garlic infusion is used against late blight on potatoes and tomatoes, mites and aphids on cucumbers and cabbage. Spraying is repeated after 10-12 days.

Lime and tobacco dust

Lime and tobacco dust sprinkle soil along the rows of onions and garlic against onion fly. Consumption 1-2kg per 100m2. Repeat after 7-8 days. You can also use wood ash.

Marigolds and chicory

Chicory and marigold(calendula) secrete phytoncides that suppress nematodes of onions, garlic, and also repel harmful insects. These plants are planted among the beds of onions and garlic.

Onion infusion

200g. onion scales per 10 liters of hot water, infused for 24 hours. Onion infusion is effective against aphids and mites.

Yarrow infusion

800g. Grind dried yarrow plants and steam in boiling water for 30 minutes. Then add 10 liters. and insist for 2 days. This infusion is sprayed against aphids and mites.

Wormwood decoction

1 kg. Boil wormwood for 10 minutes and add water to 10 liters. An infusion of chicken manure is added to this composition. Used against leaf-eating pests of cabbage.

Mustard solution

100 g are dissolved in 10 liters of water. mustard powder and spray against caterpillars and aphids. Dry powder is used to pollinate in dry weather. against slugs. You can sprinkle the soil against them at a rate of 100g. per 1 m2.

Coriander and castor beans

Coriander and castor beans emit strong odors. The first one repels mice, the second repels flies, including the melon fly.

Infusion of hay and straw

An infusion of rotted hay, straw and mullein is used against powdery mildew An infusion of these materials is used on cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelons and melons. 1 kg of any of them is poured into 3 liters of water and infused for 3 days. Then it is filtered and diluted three times with water. Spraying is repeated after 5-7 days.

Use of birds

Birds are reliable helpers in the fight against harmful insects. It is very useful to attract birds. Therefore, it is advisable to have bird houses in individual gardens, and to organize bird feeding in winter. It’s good to entrust this work to children.

Using these tips you can effectively conduct pest control vegetable crops on personal plots.

Traditional methods of plant protection

Which ones exist? traditional methods plant protection, without pesticides and other chemicals.

Pests and diseases of vegetable plants can be combated using not only chemicals, which are sometimes insufficient or not available, but also using some wild and cultivated plants that contain toxic substances.

Most of the plants listed below are poisonous, so precautions must be taken when harvesting, processing and using them. After working with these plants, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and the dishes in which decoctions and infusions were prepared. This cookware is not recommended for other purposes. Waste from infusions and extracts of plants should be buried deep in the ground.

Such means of controlling pests and diseases of vegetable plants are either not at all harmful to people, animals and beneficial insects, or are less dangerous in comparison with some chemicals, but have a detrimental effect on pests and pathogens of agricultural crops.

Tobacco dust and lime

Onions and garlic are damaged by onion fly larvae. To combat it in the spring (at the beginning of cherry and dandelion flowering), you need to sprinkle the soil along the rows with a mixture of tobacco dust and lime at the rate of 1-2 kilograms per 100 square meters area or pollinate with wood ash. It is necessary to treat the soil with these substances 2-3 times with an interval of 8 days.

Chicory and marigold (calendula)

When onions and garlic are infected by the onion nematode, the leaves of these plants turn white, wither and dry out. On the bulbs, if you pull them out, even without a magnifying glass you can see many thin round larvae. To combat them, it is recommended to plant chicory or marigolds among the beds of onions and garlic. These plants repel the pest, promote the healing of nematode-damaged plants and the disappearance of the pest itself.

Potato tops

Vegetables and melons (cabbage, cucumbers, watermelons, melons) are greatly harmed by aphids and spider mites. When forming and ripening the fruits of these crops, the use of chemical substances is prohibited, therefore it is recommended to spray these crops with an infusion of potato tops. It is prepared like this: 2 kilograms of fresh potato tops are crushed and poured with 10 liters of water, then left for 2-3 hours, filtered and used for spraying. After treating vegetable plants with this infusion, aphids and mites disappear within 2-4 hours. An increase in the amount of tops in the infusion can cause leaf burns. This infusion can also be used against leaf-eating pests by spraying plants in the evening.

Bitterweed decoction

Gorchak is a well-known malicious weed that grows everywhere. It should be prepared during the flowering period and used to combat aphids and mites on vegetable and melon crops. For 1 kilogram of bittersweet, take 10 liters of water and boil for 30 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, filtered, 30 grams of soap are added to it and used for spraying.

Infusion of horse sorrel and dandelion

To combat aphids and mites, you can use horse sorrel roots and dandelion leaves. To prepare the infusion, take 300 grams of finely ground horse sorrel root or 400 grams of crushed dandelion leaves, add 10 liters of warm water and leave for 2-3 hours. After filtering, the solution is used for spraying.

Tomato decoction

To prepare the decoction, waste from the cutting of tomatoes and tops that bear fruit is used. The tops with leaves and roots washed from the ground and green unusable fruits are finely chopped and filled with water at the rate of 400 grams of green mass per 10 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes over low heat. The broth is filtered and poured into a glass bottle, which is tightly closed. To destroy aphids, mites, caterpillars and other pests, take 2 liters of decoction per 100 liters of water, add 30 grams of soap and spray the plants. Tomato decoction can even be made from dried tops, harvested in the fall after harvesting.

Garlic infusion

For 10 liters of water, take 30-50 grams of garlic, after passing it through a meat grinder. After stirring well, leave for a day. Then it is filtered and used against late blight at the beginning of potato flowering and at the beginning of fruit set, treating the area 2-3 times every 10-14 days. This infusion can be sprayed on cucumbers, cabbage and other crops against ticks, aphids and other pests.

Onion infusion

A bucket of onion peels is poured with two buckets of hot (60-70 degrees) water and left for 1-2 days. After this, filter and dilute twice with water. Used for spraying cucumber plants against spider mites, thrips, aphids and other pests of vegetable crops. Onion infusion should be used on the day of preparation.

Burdock infusion

Burdock leaves need to be finely chopped, fill a bucket with it one-third and fill it to the top with water. You need to leave it for three days, then strain it and use it to spray cabbage against caterpillars. Good results gives this infusion during the flight of moths - the beginning of the appearance of caterpillars. Spraying 3 times at intervals of 6-8 days can save cabbage from damage.

Wormwood decoction

Take 1 kilogram of dried wormwood and boil for 10-15 minutes in a small amount of water. After cooling and filtering, add 10 liters of water to the resulting liquid. The effect of the decoction is enhanced if an infusion of bird droppings is added to it. To do this, 1 kilogram of dry droppings is infused for 1-2 days in a small amount of water, filtered and mixed with an undiluted decoction of wormwood, adding up to 10 liters of water to this mixture. This decoction is used against leaf-eating caterpillars, which die 2-3 days after spraying.

The effectiveness of tomato tops against a number of pests is due to the presence of solanine in all parts of the plant - a poisonous glycoalkaloid (glycoside), which is found even in unripe tomato fruits. It is characteristic to varying degrees of all nightshades and has not only an insecticidal, but also a fungicidal effect.

When pinching tomatoes, removing excess leaves, you can use any vegetative parts of plants without signs of diseases with benefits for gardening and fruit crops, for safe pest control. And also store them for future use.

A decoction of tomato tops helps in the fight against:

  • herbivorous bugs
  • spider mite
  • leaf-eating caterpillars

All parts of the plant are suitable for this: stems, shoots, leaves, dried (should be dried in the shade in a draft) or raw.

Decoction of fresh tops

For 10 liters of water, 4 kg of chopped herbs, leave for 3-4 hours, boil everything over low heat for 30 minutes, cover with a lid, cool and strain. Before use, dilute the concentrate with water 1:4.

Decoction of dry tops

It is better to take freshly dried tops. Leave 1 kg of chopped tops for 10 liters of water for 4-5 hours. Boil for 2-3 hours, covered, over low heat. When the solution boils, add the required amount of boiling water. Cool and strain. Before use, dilute the concentrate 1:2-3.

For better adhesion of the solution, add 30 g of laundry or green soap to it before spraying for every 10 liters.

Decoctions retain their toxic properties for up to a year (but it is better to use them within six months); they can be stored in tightly sealed glass bottles in a cool place. In winter they can be useful for indoor plants, and in the spring - for seedlings from aphids and mites.

The same decoctions can be used not only for tomatoes, but also for other vegetable crops, fruit plants - against herbivorous bugs, cutworms, moths, cruciferous flea beetles, codling moths, sawfly larvae. Their effectiveness, of course, is lower than that of chemical insecticides, so you should try to use them prophylactically, without waiting for a massive infestation of pests.

Tomato tops are good add to herbal starters used for organic feeding, providing both nutrition and plant protection at the same time.

In the fall, it is useful to cut tomato tops removed from the greenhouse into small pieces and evenly spread under gooseberry and currant bushes. Some pests will avoid these plants, especially the moth. During the summer season, you can periodically replenish the “protection” under the bushes with shoots and tomato leaves.

Have a rich harvest!

Tomato tops affected by pests need to be destroyed, but untouched tops can be put to good use and even houseplants.

Tops against pests

1. Dry the tomato tops and place them under berry bushes. After the procedure, the insects will go to spend the winter in another place.

2. An effective solution against pests can be prepared from tomato tops. To do this, use any parts of the plant: leaves, shoots and stems without signs of disease. The tops can be used fresh or dry. It is better to dry the tops gradually in the shade.

Soak 4 kg of fresh or 1 kg of dry tops in a bucket. Take approximately 10 liters of water; the less water, the richer the infusion.

When using fresh tops, leave for 3 hours, then boil for 30 minutes over low heat. When using dry tops, leave for at least 5 hours, and boil for 3 hours over low heat, adding occasionally hot water. Afterwards, cool the solution and strain. Before use, dilute the solution with water in a ratio of 1:4.

The solution is used to combat aphids, mites, flea beetles and whiteweed by spraying the affected plant. The solution can be used for both indoor and garden plants. The resulting solution is stored in a glass container with a tight lid for six months without changing its properties.

Tops as fertilizer

1. To humus, cover the collected tops at the end of the gardening season with a small layer of soil and leave them until spring. Behind winter period the tops rot and can be used for fertilizing land plot. This quick way Suitable for fertilizing garden trees.

2. Place the tops and rotten tomatoes in a small hole in layers with soil and sawdust, pour a solution of one percent copper sulfate on top and bury them. From above this place is covered with a dark film with gaps. After a year, fertilizers are poured into these holes.

The resulting substrate can be used for next year, that is, two years after harvesting the tops. Some gardeners withstand humus for 3 years. This method takes longer, but is safe to use in case of late blight infection.

3. Tomato tops can be burned, and the resulting ash can be dug up with soil in the garden in spring or autumn. Also, a small amount of ash can be added to the hole immediately before planting the plant. During plant growth, you can water the plants using ash. To do this, add 100 g of tomato ash to a bucket of water for watering plants.

4. The tops are added to the barrel to settle the water and then the plants are watered with this water.

Tsemenko Margarita, especially for the Adviser.

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Herbal infusions against pests have long been popular among gardeners, which are much safer than chemical ones and are not inferior in effectiveness.

The benefits of infusions

Thanks to the tops of cultivated plants that gardeners grow on their territory, it is possible to get rid of intrusive insects that often spoil the harvest. It is common to use tops of tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and others. Decoctions and infusions from such raw materials help summer residents get rid of pests without harming the plant or the environment.

Instead of using pesticides, gardeners also prefer to use an infusion of tomato tops. It does not harm the health of animals, birds and people. Plant poisons do not tend to accumulate in the soil. Toxicity disappears when exposed to sunlight. Some vegetables are ready for consumption within 12 days after the infusion of tomato tops has been applied to the plant.

To combat leaf-eating pests, codling moth caterpillars, aphids, moths, and sawflies, an infusion of tomato tops is made at home. The product actively fights unwanted guests on currant, rose, and gooseberry bushes. It is recommended to spray berry bushes in mid-spring.

To combat the moth, spraying is carried out before flowers appear on the bushes and immediately after flowering.

A truly useful infusion of tomato tops, its uses are endless. The infusion is used to treat potato tops, cucumber leaves, and cabbage. The time interval between treatments should not be less than 10 days. It has been proven that within 12 hours from the moment of treatment, 85-90% of mites die and fall off under the leaves. In addition to the fact that an infusion of tomato tops helps get rid of pests, it can cope with diseases of peppers, tomatoes and potatoes.

How to prepare tomato infusion

Knowing how diverse the use of tomato tops infusion is, there are many recipes for its preparation. Classic recipe:


  • chopped green and juicy tops – 2 kg;
  • water - 1 bucket.


  1. Grind the tops.
  2. To boil water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the tops.
  4. Leave for about 4 hours or bring to a boil, then simmer for 30 minutes over low heat.

To obtain a smaller volume, the infusion of tomato tops is prepared in a different way. You need to pass 40 g of tops through a meat grinder and add warm water. Leave for 3 hours. Strain and add 30 g of soap to make the product stick.

In some cases, an infusion of tomato tops against pests using dried crushed tops is also suitable. Experienced gardeners They make their own preparations and store them in fabric bags in a dark, well-ventilated room.

Potato tops

An infusion of potato tops is used to combat pests such as:

  • all types of aphids;
  • spider mites;
  • caterpillars – cabbage whites;
  • mole;
  • flea beetles;
  • scoops;
  • codling moth;
  • leaf-eating caterpillars.

To make the infusion, both fresh shoots and dried and prepared in advance are used. The tops should be free from fungi and any damage. Each gardener can prepare a suitable amount of material for his garden and store it in fabric bags in a dark place.

Recipe for infusion of potato tops for spraying


  • chopped dried potato tops – 800 g;
  • water – 10 l.


  1. Collect, chop and dry the tops.
  2. Place dry raw materials in a large container.
  3. To boil water.
  4. Pour boiling water over it.
  5. Leave for at least 4 hours.
  6. Strain.
  7. To obtain a sticking effect, add 40 g of soap.

Using the same principle, an infusion is made with fresh green tops. It should be used in an amount of 1.5 kg. The remaining steps are identical.

Application and recipe for carrot tops infusion

An infusion is made from carrot tops to combat aphids, mites and caterpillars. Both fresh carrots and dried carrot tops are used. It can be collected at any time while the orange fruit is sitting in the ground. But the most concentrated tops are considered before harvest in late summer.


  • fresh green or dried chopped tops – 500 g;
  • water 8 l.


  1. Place the raw materials in a container.
  2. To boil water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the tops.
  4. Leave for about 4 hours.

This infusion of carrot tops is suitable for spraying.

Tomato decoction

A toxic substance for poisoning pests is found in even unripe fruits. A decoction of tomatoes is used to combat herbivorous bugs, cutworms, moths, cruciferous flea beetles, codling moths, and sawfly larvae. Experienced gardeners recommend not to wait for massive pest infestations, but to use the product as a preventive measure.


  • healthy tomato tops and shoots – 4 kg;
  • water – 3 l.


  1. Grind the raw materials.
  2. To fill with water.
  3. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Leave for 3 hours.
  5. Strain.
  6. Dilute the broth with water and add 45 g of soap.

Decoction of tomato tops

Due to the presence of the toxic substance glycoside in tomato tops, a decoction of tomato tops has insecticidal and fungicidal effects. For safe control of harmful insects cultivated plants, any vegetative parts of the tops will do. The main indicator is the absence of signs of the disease.

To combat spider mites, leaf-eating caterpillars and herbivorous bugs, any part of the plant, fresh or dried, is suitable.

Prepare a decoction of fresh tops according to the following recipe:


  • chopped greens – 4 kg;
  • water – 10 l.


  1. Cover the greens with water.
  2. Leave for at least 3 hours.
  3. Boil for half an hour over low heat.

Before use, the concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4.

We cook from dry tops like this:


  • crushed dried tops – 1 kg;
  • water – 10 l.


  1. Fill the raw material with water.
  2. Leave for 5 hours.
  3. Boil over low heat for 3 hours.
  4. If the water boils away, you need to add it little by little.
  5. When cool, strain.

Dilute with water before use in a ratio of 1:3.

Important! The decoction is stored in a tightly closed glass container in a cool place. You can use it for six months.

Precautionary measures

When using plant tops to make decoctions and infusions against pests, do not forget about the following precautions:

  • carry out production according to the recipe;
  • special utensils must be allocated for cooking, which will not be used for other purposes, including cooking;
  • It is recommended to bury the pomace and residues after making the products in the ground;
  • spraying stops 25-30 days before harvest;
  • Spraying is carried out in the evening, since when the sun hits the plant, the toxic properties can cause the plant to burn.

The modern agrochemical industry offers gardeners and gardeners a variety of preparations for feeding crops and controlling pests for every taste. However, you can make fertilizer and protective equipment for plants on the site with your own hands. Moreover, weeds and even tops from various crops that have already yielded a harvest with the onset of autumn are used. There is no need to rush to throw it away - such green mass will be useful on the farm.

Article outline

After the potato tubers have been dug up, the question arises of what to do with the green mass of plants that remains in a fairly large volume. It can be used as a top dressing for future plantings on the site and as an insecticidal agent that protects against various pests.

Potato tops are a valuable material. Such raw materials are used mainly in three types:

  1. obtaining effective fertilizing using composting technology;
  2. combustion followed by the use of ash to fertilize the soil;
  3. preparation of special infusions that are used to treat plants to destroy and repel harmful insects.

Adding potato tops to the compost

First of all, it is necessary to mention that potato tops as fertilizer after rotting in compost heap will be ready for safe use as a top dressing only after three years. This is a method that requires time and patience.

Such a long composting period is explained by the fact that during the decomposition of potato tops into substances, the activity of pathogenic fungi does not stop, the introduction of which into the beds can cause a lot of harm.

Along with the long wait, you will also need to treat the compost heap with a disinfecting solution: 2 tablespoons of copper sulfate crystals diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water.

This helps destroy harmful microorganisms. Not all gardeners are willing to wait that long, so this method has not gained much popularity.

This method saves time because it is extremely simple. The tops, which have already dried out by the time of harvest, are collected in a heap and set on fire. The resulting ashes are applied to the beds as top dressing.

Potato tops as a fertilizer in the form of ash are valuable because they contain great content potassium and phosphorus. These are substances without which no plant can develop successfully in the soil. Their deficiency negatively affects the taste and quantitative characteristics of the future harvest.

In addition, the ash contains a whole list of macro- and microelements that are valuable for growing crops. Flowers and fruit and berry plants will also like the addition of ash - just distribute it evenly over the soil surface.

Insecticidal solution from potato tops

The concentration of toxic substances in potato tops is quite high. For example, corned beef. Therefore, it is prohibited to be used as feed in livestock farming: consumption leads to serious gastrointestinal disorders in cows and horses. The only exception to this rule is sheep.

And here harmful insects, affecting plants in the garden, products based on potato tops will definitely not be to their taste.

An aqueous solution using potato tops helps cope with:

  • fleas;
  • caterpillars various types(including codling moth and cabbage moth);
  • spider mite
  • moth;
  • scoop;
  • aphids and others.

There is only one requirement for tops suitable for making an insecticidal infusion: they must be completely healthy. It is excluded to take shoots with signs of damage by various diseases. Otherwise there are no restrictions. You can use both still raw tops and dried ones. This allows the owner of the site to prepare raw materials for pest control products in large quantities for future use and use them next year with the onset of spring.

To prepare an effective insecticidal solution based on potato tops you will need:

  • 0.6 kg fresh tops or 0.4 kg dried
  • 5 liters of water;
  • bucket with a volume of 10 liters;
  • soap (you can use any soap, for example, liquid and laundry soap).

Cooking method:

  1. Using pruning shears or a sharp knife (you need to be careful and take precautions so as not to get hurt!) the raw materials are thoroughly crushed.
  2. Tops trimmings are placed in a bucket and filled with 5 liters of water, tightly closed with a lid and placed in a warm place.
  3. After 4 hours, filter the composition through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  4. The product is ready to use!

To treat plants, you can use a spray bottle or sprayer. When pouring a solution into it, it is recommended to add grated soap (for convenience, you can use liquid soap). This will ensure better adhesion of the insecticide to the green part of the plants, and will also produce an additional disinfecting effect.

This procedure must be carried out in dry weather so that precipitation cannot wash the solution off the greenery, as well as in the evening, when the sun has already leaned toward the horizon.

The frequency of use of the product is once every 2–10 days. It depends on how many pests live on the plants. It would also be useful to carry out preventive treatments once every 2 weeks - the plantings themselves will not be affected.

The use of such methods for processing potato tops does not require any monetary costs and allows you to avoid using chemicals. These are environmentally friendly methods that do not harm plants and future harvests. The only rule is that it is recommended to spray no later than 2 weeks before harvesting, so that the substances do not end up on the surface of the fruit.

Tomato tops as fertilizer can also be used as compost, but, as with potatoes, you will have to wait 3 years before they can be used on your plot. This is due to the high risk of fungi spreading throughout the territory, in particular late blight. Therefore, most often it is simply thrown away.

But tomato tops can be used as effective remedy against pests. This is due to the presence of solanine, the same substance that is present in the green part of the plant. This poisonous glycoalkaloid has a mild but very effective insecticidal and fungicidal effect, on the basis of which special solutions. Anyone can do this in their own garden.

You can use both dry tops left after harvesting and fresh ones. In this case, any parts of the plant will be useful. For example, those remaining after pinching or plucking unnecessary leaves. The main thing is that they do not show signs of fungal and infectious diseases.

An aqueous extract from tomato tops is effective against:

  • Klopov;
  • Spider mite;
  • Fires;
  • Moly;
  • Various larvae;
  • Leaf-eating caterpillars and other pests.

To prepare an insecticidal agent from fresh green mass of a tomato, you need to take about 4 kg of tops and fill it with 10 liters of water. Then leave to infuse for at least 4 hours. Next, the solution is boiled under a closed lid for half an hour.

After this, the natural preparation is almost ready for use - all that remains is to strain it, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:4 and wait for it to cool.

Preparation of an insecticidal agent from dried tomato tops: Finely chop dry raw materials and add 10 liters of water. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat for approximately 3 hours. If the liquid boils away, new water should be added. Then strain and cool to room temperature. It is used by diluting it in the proportion of 1 part of the decoction to 2-3 parts of water.

It is noteworthy that such products retain their insecticidal properties for up to a year. Thanks to this, they can be used both in winter (for example, to treat indoor plants against pests) and during spring and summer. It is enough just to pack them well in glass containers and store them in a dark, cool place.

This is a universal and environmentally friendly product that is suitable for spraying any crops: agricultural, fruits and berries, flowers and ornamentals. To make the solution stick more firmly to the leaves, 30–50 g of soap is also added to them before use. The effectiveness of such a product is still somewhat inferior to chemicals, but still remains quite high.

Also, tomato tops as a fertilizer can be used as an ingredient for grass-based starters, which are then used as organic fertilizer. They provide plants with the necessary nutrients and elements, while simultaneously performing the function of a protective drug. It is only important that the raw materials used do not show signs of disease. Also, the tops are sometimes laid out on the ground under gooseberry or currant bushes.

How to use tomato tops on soil

Tops of other crops

Beet and bean tops can be used as a high nitrogen fertilizer. The complexity of this application lies in the fact that the need for this element in all crops exists during the period of their active growth, while raw materials appear after harvesting.

The tops of almost all vegetable crops, corn, legumes, and sunflowers can be used as fertilizer as the contents of a compost pit. This allows you to independently create an effective fertilizer on your site that does not contain chemicals.

How to use carrot tops



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