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The principle of operation of the heat exchanger UMPEU

1 - confuser; 2 - water nozzle; 3 - receiving chamber; 4 - wall reverse currents; 5 - camera preliminary displacement of steam with water; 6 - ripple dampener; 7 - pipeline; 8 - steam line; 9, 10 - nozzles; 11 - vortex generator; 12 - return flows; 13 - vortex flow.

The return water from the heating network after the circulation pumps by pressure enters through the water inlet to the booster nozzle of the unit, and the steam through the steam inlet enters the pre-mixing chamber, where water and steam are mixed into the mixture, which then enters the diffuser and pulsation dampener, where further mixing of the steam-water mixture occurs and heating to the desired temperature. Heated return water enters the heating network.

Advantages of introducing UMPEU heat exchangers

shielded steam boilers appeared on March 20, 1939 at the NKEP for 2263 Published on November 30, 1940. screen-displays-lend a place to, for example, the colronto. In addition, since the last time, in the screen lecturers, fixed nozzle tubes are connected either to the boiler sampling pipe for the purpose of using wires to supply steam, or to piped pipes specially for Observing lighted steam boilers, which, in addition to the great utilization of their kindling, there is also uneven heating water in the screens, Takmer, the water temperatures in the lower side screen and the lower and lower screens are different from each other, In addition, the reduction of the lower pipes that heat the pipes from the piping of the heating water, the temperature of the boiler water at the top These areas of the screens are much higher than in the lower ones. Therefore, in practice, in addition to changing the burning places of fuel oil nozzles, in order to accelerate the kindling and achieve uniform heating of the boiler water in all elements of the boiler, they resort to a very inefficient and ineffective reception of water for drainage, regardless of its level in the drum, from the colder lower collectors of screens. This leads to heat loss and, in addition, uncontaminated boiler water is lost. In the proposed device for preheating steam with water in shielded steam boilers, in order to be able to achieve minimal costs during kindling. In the drawing, FIG. 1 and 2 depict exemplary diagrams of a device for preheating water vapor in shielded steam boilers; FIG. 3 is a longitudinal section through a lower manifold with a nozzle tube; FIG. 4 - a cross section of it; FIG. 5 is a top view of the nozzle tube (the clamp has been removed) .If steam is passed through the existing wiring for sampling boiler water through the intermediate flanges of the washer), it is possible to slowly heat the water and initiate circulation in the upper collector when starting up, For faster heating of the water and excitation of circulation in a contour of the screens, in the lower collectors of the screens, collapsible oil pipes b are installed (Figs. 3–5) with holes directed to the side of the heating screen pipes, fixed by clamps 8 to the stand. 6, welded in the spaces between the hatches 7 (Fig. 4), nozzle tubes are connected either to the existing pipelines 3 for sampling boiler water connected to lines 1, 2, or to special branches 4 with valves 15, 16, carried out by spec. cialpo for supplying heating steam from a neighboring boiler. Saturated steam for heating the boiler water of the melted boiler should be fed with a gradual increase in its supply, for which the corresponding valves must be opened slowly and carefully. The proposed device, reducing the time of kindling boilers and giving a big saving of fuel oil, for its implementation requires minimal capital costs and is not associated with any alterations of the boiler unit itself, the subject of the invention. nozzle tubes shields installed in the lower collectors connected either to pipelines for sampling boiler water, with the aim of using these pipelines to supply heating steam, or to pipelines specially made for this purpose.


23638, 20.03.1939

Tsopnkov G. M

IPC / Tags

Link Code

Device for safety heating with water vapor in shielded steam boilers

Related Patents

The floats b and 18 are between themselves. The upper float b is connected to the class. Ian 12, moving In the cylinder 7 along the guide sleeve 9, and on January 1, 96). The lower annular float 18 lying along the same axis with it is connected with a valve 13 placed in the housing part 14. Thanks to the hinged suspension 1,2,25 the device always maintains a vertical position at all positions of the boiler. With a normal water level in the boiler, both floats 6 and 18 are located in the device so that the valves 12 and 13 controlled by them overlap the mouths of the pipes e and 3 leading to with the signal whistles 26, 27 of the corresponding tone, and steam enters them. When the Water level in the boiler rises, water passes through the hole 19 of the lower ring float 18 and valve 13 and at ...

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The water in the steam field, including the creation of a backstage, which is based on the fact that, due to the more efficient accumulation of moisture and increased water-absorbing ability of the soil in the steam field under conditions of insufficient moisture and the manifestation of wind erosion, create a lumpy surface of the field by continuous soil flat cutting tools to a depth of 4 - 16 cm after freezing the soil to a depth of 6 - 7 cm. STATE COMMITTEE FOR INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES OF THE SCST USSR (71) Siberian Food Association Kolos (56) C and Aveden and Jav Omsk Region. Race 41. The invention relates to agriculture, namely to methods of accumulating moisture in a steam field from a melt wave. The purpose of the invention is to more efficiently accumulate moisture and increase ...

A steam-water heater is used to heat water in heating systems saturated with steam from low pressure steam pipelines or steam boilers for heating networks, hot water supply systems. A steam-water heater (PP) is produced in accordance with GOST "Heaters steam-water heating systems" 28679-90.

PP heaters are mainly used in heat supply systems that operate in certain temperature conditions: 95-70, 150-70, 130-70. These heaters are used to heat water in the network with steam, when using heated water in hot water supply systems and heating buildings for various purposes. The steam-water heater is a horizontal shell-and-tube heat exchanger, most often referred to as the PP heater. Its main components are: pipe system, heater body, front and floating rear water chambers, housing cover. The main components of the heater PP are assembled using a flange detachable connection, which allows for routine inspection and maintenance of the steam-water heater.

The heating steam of the PP heater moves through a special pipe in the upper part of the casing into the annulus, heating the water that moves through the heater tubes. In the annular space there are partitions that divide it into segments directing the movement of the vapor stream. Condensate, which gives heating steam in the PP heater, flows into the lower part of the device and is discharged out. Non-condensing gases, i.e. the air that accumulates in the steam-water heater is led out through a special pipe on the body. There are two types of steam-water heaters: PP1 with elliptical bottoms and PP2 with flat bottoms.

Overall and mounting dimensions of steam-water heaters

Two-way steam-water heater


Designation AND A 1 A 5 A 6 h h1 h2 h3
Flange 1 Flange 2
PP2-6-2-2 2000 2600 1100 460 340 293 293 288 1-100-10 1-50-10
PP2-11-2-2 2000 2650 1100 580 370 413 348 348 1-150-10 1-50-10
PP2-16-2-2 2000 2720 1100 640 417 440 375 385 1-150-10 1-50-10
PP1-21-2-2 2000 2785 1100 710 440 477 420 440 1-200-10 1-80-10
PP1-35-2-2 2000 2885 1100 840 516 516 500 490 1-250-10 1-80-10
PP2-9-7-2 3000 3600 2000 460 340 293 293 288 1-100-10 1-50-10
PP2-17-7-2 3000 3650 2000 580 370 413 348 348 1-150-10 1-50-10
PP2-24-7-2 3000 3720 2000 640 417 440 375 385 1-150-10 1-50-10
PP1-32-7-2 3000 3785 2000 710 440 477 420 440 1-200-10 1-80-10
PP1-53-7-2 3000 3885 2000 840 516 526 500 490 1-250-10 1-80-10

Mounting dimensions

Designation A 2 A 3 A 4 A 7 D D 1 D 2 Dy d d1 n n1
PP2-6-2-2 555 1300 460 250 180 180 125 100 18 18 8 8
PP2-11-2-2 562 1300 470 292 210 240 125 125 18 23 8 8
PP2-16-2-2 605 1300 510 330 240 240 125 150 23 23 8 8
PP1-21-2-2 607 1300 510 355 240 295 160 160 23 23 8 8
PP1-35-2-2 655 1300 440 295 350 160 200 23 23 23 12 12
PP2-9-7-2 555 2300 545 250 180 180 125 100 18 18 8 8
PP2-17-7-2 565 2300 545 292 210 240 125 125 18 23 8 8
PP2-24-7-2 605 2300 590 330 240 240 125 150 23 23 8 8
PP1-32-7-2 607 2300 590 355 240 295 160 150 23 23 8 8
PP1-53-7-2 607 2300 590 355 240 295 160 150 23 23 8 8

Four way steam heater


Designation AND A 1 A 5 A 6 h h h 2 h 3 Designation of flanges in accordance with GOST 12820-80
Flange 1 Flange 2
PP2-6-2-2 3000 3600 2000 460 340 293 293 288 1-100-10 1-50-10
PP2-17-7-4 3000 3650 2000 580 385 413 348 348 1-150-10 1-50-10
PP2-24-7-4 3000 3720 2000 640 405 440 375 385 1-150-10 1-50-10
PP1-32-7-4 3000 3785 2000 710 415 477 420 440 1-200-10 1-80-10
PP1-53-7-4 3000 3885 2000 840 480 526 500 490 1-250-10 1-80-10

Mounting dimensions

Designation A 2 A 3 A 4 A 7 D D 1 D 2 D y d d 1 n n 1
PP2-6-2-2 555 2300 545 250 180 180 125 18 18 8 8
PP2-17-7-4 564 2300 545 300 180 240 125 100 18 23 8 8
PP2-24-7-4 605 2300 590 325 180 240 125 18 23 8 8
PP1-32-7-4 607 2300 590 345 210 295 160 125 18 23 8 8
PP1-53-7-4 655 2300 640 405 240 350 160 150 23 23 8 12

UMPEU heat exchanger

Mixing type steam-water jet heat exchanger with pre-mixing chamber, designated UMPEU), allows to provide water heating by silent input of steam into the water stream and its condensation without vibrations and hydraulic shocks. The working fluid in the UMPEU heat exchanger is chemically purified water, and the injected is steam.

From 2000 to 2019, they have been implemented and are successfully operating. more than 200 UMPEU heat exchangers different from (3 - 1800) t / h, at various industrial facilities in Russia and the CIS countries. The implemented UMPEU units are especially efficiently operated in local heating and domestic hot water circuits of enterprises receiving steam from external sources (thermal power plants, large boiler houses, etc.).

UMPEU heat exchangers successfully replace:
  • Shell and tube heat exchangers
  • Plate Heat Exchangers
  • Transonic devices (Fisonik, TSA, SFA, Quark, Kosset, Transsonic, PSP)
  • Hot water boilers

Scopes of UMPEU heat exchangers

  • Water heating in chemical water treatment systems
  • Deaeration
  • Heating
  • Ventilation
  • Heat supply
  • Waste Steam Disposal
  • Heated industrial water for technological needs

UMPEU heat exchanger video

Reduce heat loss. UMPEU are mixing heat exchangers, they do not have intermediate surfaces (thin-walled tubes and plates) and the heat of the heating steam is transferred through direct contact of steam and water. Therefore, UMPEU heaters have a higher heat transfer coefficient (close to unity and remains unchanged during long-term operation) and are ten times smaller in size, which significantly reduces heat loss from the external surfaces of the installation. Efficiency is 99.5%.

Reduced consumption of heating steam. The heat contained in the heating steam is used in the Unit with the Main Steam Ejector Device completely, since the condensate after mixing gives off its heat to the bulk of the heated water, and there is no need to use condensate coolers and its collection scheme. Therefore, with the same thermal power at the output of UMPEU, it is spent on 20-25% less heating steam than.

Reliability and durability - UMPEU heat exchangers have the ability to work with water containing impurities, suspensions and salts, do not require a stop for cleaning, and are made of seamless steel pipes and stamped pipe parts.

Savings on maintenance. The design of the UMPEU heat exchanger does not include a package of thin-walled tubes and rolling joints, as well as rotating and moving parts, so there is no need for annual cleaning of brass tubes and plates as in surface heaters. It is enough to fulfill the requirements of the technical regulation, according to the operating instructions supplied with the installation.

Save space and reduce installation costs. UMPEU steam ejector installation is available for pipeline diameters from DN40mm to DN500mm and they are several tens of times smaller in size and weight due to this, the costs of construction and installation work are saved.

Cost and quick return on investment. The installation price is not more expensive than a plate heat exchanger and depends on the type of technological tasks of your enterprise, which are set in the UMPEU sent for the design and manufacture. The payback period is 3 to 15 months and depends on the parameters of the heat circuit (Q, G, P of heated water) and is sent together with the commercial offer to the customer.

Deep scientific technical study - the absence of pulsations of the flow pressure, the vibrations of the apparatus, low noise when mixing steam with water.

Reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere during steam recovery.

Model range of UMPEU heat exchangers

Designation UMPEU Nominal diameter in water, mm Maximum water consumption, t / h Heat performance
Gcal / h
Steam consumption, t / h Dimensions,
mm (LxH) *
Weight, kg Heat exchanger replacement
UMPEU 01.00.000 40 12 0,36 0,6 1500x1200
UMPEU 02.00.000 50 20 0,6 1,0 1900x1450 120 PP-2-6-2-2
UMPEU 03.00.000 65 30 0,9 1,5 1900x1450 130
UMPEU 04.00.000 80 45 1,35 2,2 1730x1670 190 PP-2-11-2-2
UMPEU 05.00.000 100 75 2,25 3,7 1900x1600 210 PP-1-21-2-2
UMPEU 06.00.000 125 110 3,3 5,5 2000x1800 350
UMPEU 07.00.000 150 170 5,1 8,4 2500x1870 460 PP-1-32-7-2 (4)
UMPEU 00.00.000 200 250 7,5 12,4 2600x2000 600 PP-1-35-2-2
UMPEU 08.00.000 250 450 13,5 22,3 2800x2050 800 PP 1-53-7-2 (4)
PP 1-76-7-2 (4)
UMPEU 09.00.000 300 700 21 34,6 3000x2150 1100 PP-1-108-7-2 (4)
UMPEU 10.00.000 350 1020 30,6 51,0 4330x2100 1500
UMPEU 11.00.000 400 1400 42 69,3 3930x2200 2500
UMPEU 13.00.000 500 2160 64 105,6 4620x2190 PSV-200-7-15

* The overall dimensions do not include the length of the straight section of the pipeline, determined by calculations

Our customers make sure in practice that heat exchangers UMPEU are today the representative - the most effective and advanced heat transfer technology, the installations are simple, as efficient as possible ( high efficiency - 99.5%), with minimal operating costs, reliable, convenient to operate, easy to start, easy to automate using standard instrumentation and automation systems.

Practical experience available heaters UMPEU in heat supply systems has shown that their use gives consumers a significant economic effect. It is determined by the short payback period, the ability to utilize low potential steam, with saving up to 20% of fuel burned. Today heat exchanger Price which does not exceed the cost of the shell-and-tube and plate heater is a worthy replacement, which saves energy.

It is a mixing jet water heater, the operation of which is based on the ejection of steam into the water line by creating a vacuum in the water stream and heating the water to the required temperature, where the heat content of steam is used during its condensation.

On the steam supply line in front of uMPEU heat exchanger set sequentially:

  • disconnecting device;
  • high-speed shut-off valve;
  • control valve;
  • check valve

Designed to shut off the steam supply to the installation in the event of an emergency interruption of the water supply, controlled by an electric contact pressure gauge (ECM) installed on the inlet pipe to UMPEU. In the event of a sharp drop in water pressure associated with an emergency in the heating network, the ECM transmits an electrical signal to the shut-off valve actuator, which shuts off the steam line, thereby shutting down the installation from operation and preventing steam from entering the installation and the heating network in the absence of water.

Designed to automatically control the temperature of the supply water at the outlet of the installation, depending on the outdoor temperature.

Designed to protect the steam line from the reverse current of the mains water in case of excess of the water pressure above the vapor pressure.

Disconnecting devices are installed on the inlet and outlet pipelines of the network water.

The implementation of UMPEU is carried out according to the following scheme :

  • Preparation of facilities for the implementation of the heat exchanger UMPEU.
  • Inspection and diagnostics of equipment, drawing up, together with the customer, technical specifications for the design and manufacture of the Unit with the Main Steam Ejector Device, and the conclusion of supply contracts.
  • Calculation of the heat exchanger UMPEU in accordance with the issued technical specifications.
  • Individual design of heat-power and electrical equipment, control systems, control and protection against emergency conditions.
  • Monitoring the deadline and delivery of UMPEU to the customer.
  • Installation supervision, operational adjustment, balance sheet warranty and acceptance tests of the product, with the preparation of the acceptance certificate.

Production time for a Unit with a Main Steam Ejector device 25-30 business days.

It is much more profitable for UMPEU to start saving than wasting time and money on maintaining inefficient and outdated tubular heaters.

To fill out technical specifications for the design and manufacture of a heat exchanger UMPEU take advantage.

At the end of the 20th century, in the era of global centralized heating and hot water supply, gas water heaters in houses were considered a relic and caused considerable concern due to the unsafe design. Currently, boilers for pre-heating household water are at a new peak in popularity.

Autonomous individual boilers allow not only to have hot water uninterruptedly under almost any circumstances, but also significantly rationalize the expenditure of budget funds. Kindergartens, schools, polyclinics and hospitals, small private enterprises successfully provide themselves with vital hot water by installing powerful boilers. Their less powerful brothers can increasingly be seen in apartments of high-rise buildings and in country houses. And private cottages and townhouses impress with the variety of these water heating units.

Types of Boilers

The whole variety of modern heating water devices - boilers, can group as follows:

  1. According to the used energy source - electric, gas, indirect heating, combined.
  2. According to the material of the inner coating of the heating chamber - glass porcelain, stainless steel, titanium spraying.
  3. By the method of installation - floor, mounted on a crane or wall, mortise.
  4. By the principle of work - flowing and accumulative.

Instantaneous boilers

unlimited heating time and the issued volumes of hot water. As a rule, hot water from such a boiler does not mix with cold from an adjacent tap and is supplied directly. The outlet temperature depends on its input indicator, the power of the heating element and the pressure of the water. This can bring additional inconvenience because, the higher the pressure in a centralized system, the lower the temperature.

There are single phase or three phase. They require a large amount of electricity and high-quality wiring. They differ in water heating elements: spirals - preferably for hard water; Heating elements are more capricious to water quality, but 15% more energy-efficient. It is installed on one (maximum two) parsing, actually on the spout at the crane, crashes into a riser or hangs on the wall, in the immediate vicinity of the water distribution point.

Ideal for ensuring uninterrupted washing of dishes at home and at profile points.

Gas flowing boilers or columns much more economical than electric and much more comfortable to use. Their main advantage over storage systems is the instant heating of an unlimited amount of water and the further possibility of mixing hot and cold before releasing into the nozzle. Unlike electric ones, one gas boiler provides uninterrupted water heating for all water distribution. These water heaters do not depend on the availability of electricity, in case they are equipped with a battery ignition. Modern models for small households do not need an additional chimney.

Accumulative boilers

The absence of specific wiring requirements and diplomatic prices ensured the highest popularity for accumulative boilers. With numerous options, the names of such units and regardless of the energy source used: storage, buffer, indirect heating, gas, electric, combined; their essence remains unchanged - the water is first heated to the set temperature in the tank, and then used as necessary.

Therefore, before setting off to buy such a boiler, it is necessary to determine its cubic capacity, which depends on the number of family members and points of drawdown. Necessary boiler volume, from the proposed, in the range from 15 to 1500 liters, can be calculated in several ways:

According to the formula N x (T - T1): (T2 - T1)

  • N \u003d approximately 4 to 10. This figure characterizes the expected consumption of hot water in liters per minute and depends on the strength of its constant pressure in the central system, types of taps, nozzles and their simultaneous use.
  • T \u003d desired hot water outlet temperature.
  • T1 \u003d temperature in taps with cold water.
  • T2 \u003d declared hot water temperature in the boiler data sheet.

According to ready-made (approximate) calculations:

  • 20−50 l - for one person or a small country house;
  • 50−100 l - for a family of 3 people;
  • 100−150 l - for a family of 4 people;
  • from 200 l and more - for private houses (requires installation in a separate room).

When choosing a storage boiler, you need to pay attention to:

Electric storage boilers are cheaper than gas, but more expensive to operate. Modern electric boilers supply a magnesium anode, which additionally guarantees protection of the inner layer of the tank from corrosion, but gas will supply hot water even in the absence of electricity. When choosing an electrical modification, choose a powerful heating element (optimally 2 kW) with an optimal length and a large cooling area of \u200b\u200ba “dry” heating element, because the heating time of the entire volume of water directly depends on it, otherwise there is the possibility of over-expenditure of electric power up to eight extra hours of operation per day.

In apartment buildings, electrical models are preferred, therefore a specialist from the Management Company needs to be consulted on the correspondence of the permissible power of existing networks. In the case of redevelopment and overhaul, approval in energy supervision and energy sales may be required, and in some cases coordination with the construction company is necessary.

Combined boilers and indirect heating devices

Among the owners of large private households, they began to use more and more popularity new generation boilers. With the ever-increasing price of energy carriers, it becomes more and more impractical to heat large areas with gas and the owners of such housing are switching to more modern heating methods using multi-circuit boilers of a new generation working on wooden, peat pallets, household waste, and plant materials.

It is this generated heat that is used in boilers for indirect heating of sanitary water. They do not have their own heating element or source in their design. The heat carrier from the main circuit (sometimes several) is supplied to the coil installed in the tank and, as a result of heat exchange, the water becomes hot.

In order for the operation of indirect water heaters to become possible in the non-heating season, they integrate electric heating elementss or gas burners. Thus, the combined boiler provides uninterrupted production of hot water using both solid fuels and gas and electricity.

Always hot water and peace to your home!



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