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What is table number 10. For what diseases is it used?

Heart diseases vascular system They require the most careful treatment. Constant maintenance therapy is needed, and, of course, proper nutrition. The “Table 10” diet was developed precisely for these purposes. The medical diet “Table 10” according to Pevzner is enriched with elements necessary for the body in such diseases, and, at the same time, completely excludes foods that can cause harm. Next we will talk about indications, recommendations, and you will also find a menu for a week of the “Table No. 10” diet according to Pevzner.


Various diseases of the cardiovascular system caused by circulatory failure

It is forbidden: meat, fish and mushroom broths, adding legumes.

Bread and pastries

Bread made from first and second grade flour, dietary baked goods, dry cookies and biscuits

It is forbidden: pancakes, pancakes, fresh baked goods, muffins, puff pastry products

Meat, poultry, fish

Diet 10 according to Pevzner allows lean varieties of meat, poultry and fish, with a limitation - doctor's sausage and frankfurters. The meat must be boiled, and then baked or fried

It is forbidden: fatty meats, offal, any sausages except doctor's sausage, smoked meats, canned food, fish caviar, salted and smoked fish.


Table 10 according to Pevzner includes milk, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese and dishes made from it. Sour cream and cream with restrictions. Low-fat cheese is allowed.

It is forbidden: fatty, spicy and salty cheeses


Dietary table 10 according to Pevzner allows only one egg per day.

It is forbidden: hard-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs


They can be almost anything, porridges are allowed, both with milk and water, and cereals. You can have pasta.

It is forbidden: legumes


It is best to consume them boiled, stewed or baked. In raw - less often.

It is forbidden: all pickles, pickled canned food and pickled vegetables, as well as spinach, radish, radishes, sorrel, garlic, onion and mushrooms

Important! Any fruit is allowed, except varieties containing coarse fiber


Honey, jam, jams, jellies, marshmallows, marshmallows - all this is possible

It is forbidden: chocolate and cream products


Weak tea and coffee drinks, fruit and vegetable juices, decoctions and fruit drinks are allowed

It is forbidden: coffee, cocoa, grape juice


As we have already said, the weekly menu for the “10 table” diet is designed taking into account all the needs of the body. You can download it in .doc format by clicking on the button below.


The menu for week 10 of the Pevzner diet may include the following dishes:

Vegetable gravy

  • Bulb
  • Carrot
  • Tomato
  • bell pepper
  • 200 ml water
  • Salt to taste
  • Tomato paste
  • Half a tablespoon of flour

Be sure to read about, learn all the subtleties of nutrition for digestive diseases.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Sauté in olive oil for 5 minutes. Take a saucepan, bring 200 ml of water to a boil and add the roast. Cut the peeled tomato into cubes and bell pepper, then put it in a pan with frying. Reduce heat and simmer vegetables for about 10 minutes. Add a tablespoon tomato paste and flour, so that there are no lumps. Simmer for another 5 minutes, turn off and let it brew.

Vegetarian pilaf

  • Bulb
  • Carrot
  • Tomato
  • Olive oil
  • A glass of long grain rice
  • Two glasses of water

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a fine grater. Sauté the vegetables for five minutes, then add the peeled and finely chopped tomato. Fry for another 3 minutes, add washed rice, heat with vegetables, add salt and add water. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes, then turn off the stove and leave for another 15 minutes without opening the lid.

Curd pudding

  • Pack of cottage cheese
  • 40 grams semolina
  • 100 ml very hot water two eggs
  • Melted butter (40 g)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar

Pour semolina hot water and leave to swell. Separate the whites from the yolks, grind the yolks with sugar and cottage cheese. Add butter. Drain the liquid from the semolina and also add it to the mixture. Beat the whites until stiff and carefully fold into the dough. Place the dough in the mold and place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees for half an hour.


If you adhere to this diet, you can achieve the following results:

  • Blood circulation improves
  • The function of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system is normalized
  • Metabolism is normalized

Diet No. 10 (table No. 10)– therapeutic nutrition system used in treatment cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment table 10 strengthens the heart muscle (myocardium), increases diuresis and reduces the load on the heart during digestion.

Diet No. 10 normalizes blood circulation and fully meets the body's needs for energy and nutrients. This diet limits the consumption of liquid and table salt, while the diet remains complete and balanced.

Chemical composition of diet No. 10:

  • proteins 80-90 g (60% animal origin, 40% vegetable origin);
  • fats 70 g (30% vegetable, 70% animal origin);
  • carbohydrates 350-400 g;
  • salt 5-7 g (3-4 g for salting, 2-3 g for cooking);
  • liquid 1.2 l (including soups, compotes, tea, jelly, etc.).

Weight of daily ration: 2-3 kg.

Daily intake of diet No. 6 (calorie content of diet): 2300-2600 kcal.

Diet: 4-6 times a day (last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime).

Indications for use of diet No. 10

  • heart defects;
  • swelling;
  • heart failure;
  • kidney diseases;

Diet No. 10 (Table No. 10). Food

What can you eat on diet number 10:

Soups: vegetarian with various cereals, potatoes, vegetables, beetroot soup, also milk and fruit soups.

Cereals: any cooked in water or milk, pasta can also be used.

Vegetables, greens: boiled or baked vegetables, rarely raw: potatoes, cauliflower, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin. Limited White cabbage and green peas. You can add parsley and green onions to dishes.

Meat fish: lean meats (beef, veal, chicken, turkey) and fish. To cook, meat or fish must be boiled and then baked or fried. You can also prepare aspic.

The consumption of dietary sausage is limited.

Eggs: 1 egg per day, but provided it is cooked soft-boiled, omelet (steamed, baked or white) or as an additive to dishes.

Fresh fruits and berries: V fresh ripe fruits and berries, also dried fruits.

Dairy products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese and dishes made from it. Sour cream, cream and cheese – limited.

Sweets: jellies, mousses, jelly, creams, jams and non-chocolate candies.

Flour products: wheat bread made from 1st and 2nd grade flour, yesterday's baked goods, dietary salt-free bread, savory cookies and biscuits.

Fats: vegetable, butter and ghee.

Beverages: weak tea, coffee drinks with milk, juices (fruit and vegetable), rosehip decoction. Grape juice – limited.

What not to eat on diet number 10:

  • fatty, salty and fried foods;
  • fresh bread, baked goods, puff pastry;
  • legume dishes, meat, fish and mushroom broths;
  • canned foods, salted, pickled and pickled vegetables;
  • radish, radish, spinach, sorrel, onions, mushrooms;
  • fruits and berries with coarse fiber;
  • fatty meats and fish, lard, liver, kidneys, brains, smoked meats, sausages, meat and canned fish, salted and smoked fish, caviar;
  • strong tea, natural coffee, cocoa;
  • chocolate, cakes, ice cream;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Diet No. 10 (table No. 10): menu for the week

Diet No. 10 is not as scary as it seems, it is varied and beneficial for the body. Below is a sample menu for the week:


Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, milk oatmeal, tea.
Lunch: baked apples.
Dinner: vegetable soup with pearl barley, boiled fillet with vegetables, compote.
Afternoon snack: decoction.
Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled fish, kefir.


Breakfast: cottage cheese with fruit, tea.
Lunch: yogurt.
Lunch: vegetarian borscht, baked potatoes, beef stroganoff.
Afternoon snack: fruit jelly.
Dinner: pilaf (with boiled meat), baked vegetables, compote.


Breakfast: milk soup, tea with milk.
Lunch: mousse.
Lunch: beetroot soup, baked fish cutlets, vegetables.
Afternoon snack: fruit jelly.
Dinner: buckwheat, boiled veal, baked vegetables, tea.


Breakfast: cottage cheese and carrot casserole, fresh juice.
Lunch: fruit.
Lunch: pasta with tomato sauce and chicken, compote.
Afternoon snack: kefir.
Dinner: barley, beef meatballs, baked vegetable salad with vegetable oil, jelly.


Breakfast: fruit pilaf, juice.
Lunch: fruit.
Lunch: vegetarian borscht, chicken and carrot cutlets, milk.
Afternoon snack: jelly.
Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled fish with vegetables, compote.


Breakfast: milk soup, juice or compote.
Lunch: cottage cheese with fruit.
Dinner: chicken cutlets with cheese, vegetable stew, compote
Afternoon snack: freshly squeezed juice.
Dinner: vinaigrette, barley, vegetable vegetarian cutlets.


Breakfast: steam omelette, tea with milk.
Lunch: fruit jelly.
Dinner: potato soup with buckwheat, chicken fillet with vegetables, compote.
Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.
Dinner: potato cutlets with prunes, vegetables, compote.

Important! Cooking with moderate mechanical gentleness. The food temperature is normal.

Diet 10 according to Pevzner – special complex, which is intended for patients with heart and vascular diseases. helps strengthen the muscles of the heart, increases diuresis, reduces the load on the heart during digestive processes. Diet 10 table improves blood circulation and also completely enriches the body with essential substances.

The essence of the dietary table is to improve overall health in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is necessary to use more products that have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and do not increase the amount of urine.

While using the diet, you should reduce the consumption of water and salt, and foods with cholesterol. Table 10 requires a reduction in the amount of fiber and ingredients that lead to the formation of gases in the intestines. It is important to avoid foods that stimulate the cardiovascular system and nervous system. Desirable microelements in foods include Magnesium and Potassium.

General rules and principles

Table 10 for cardiac patients involves observing certain simple rules. Among the main ones:

  1. Any type of meat or fish should only be steamed or boiled in water. In the future, it is possible to cook the products in the oven and even fry them a little.
  2. Any dishes are prepared. It is important to note that salt is found in many prepared foods, such as bread, rolls and other ingredients. The acceptable intake is up to 4 grams per day. If severe swelling occurs, the additive is removed completely.
  3. You need to eat food in small portions, but often. The last meal should be a couple of hours before bedtime.
  4. In diet number 10, the menu for every day should include ingredients that improve the removal of fluid from the body. Milk, potatoes, herbs, and currants are used for this.
  5. You can drink up to a liter of liquid per day.

It is important to understand not only the principles and essence of the diet, but also the basic chemical properties.

Chemical composition and energy value

Diet table number 10 for heart disease implies the following chemical composition:

  1. Proteins – 80-90 grams (about 60% animal, the rest plant).
  2. Fats – 70 grams (most, namely 70% animal origin).
  3. Carbohydrates – 350-400 grams.
  4. The amount of salt is up to 7 grams per day, half of the volume is for adding salt, the rest is already included in food products.

Throughout the day you should drink up to a liter of liquid, including it in soups, compotes and other drinks. Energy value nutrition is up to 2600 kcal per day. The weight of food per day is about 2-3 kg.


Dietary table 10 has several options for patients with mild, moderate or severe forms of the disease:

  1. Diet 10a - recommended for cardiac diseases when circulatory failure is at stages 2-3 (decompensation). In this case, you should avoid as much as possible cardiovascular system from loads. Nutrition consists of reducing salt intake and reducing the calorie content of the menu. Skip the first courses. Basic chemical composition: 70 grams of protein and fat, as well as 300 grams of carbohydrates per day. Increase the intake of Calcium and Potassium into the body.
  2. Diet 10b - indicated for rheumatism with low activity without interruption of blood circulation. The menu should contain about 120 grams of protein, the amount of salt is reduced to 4 grams. Be sure to enrich your diet with vitamins. Dishes are not salted; cooking method - boiling or baking.
  3. Diet 10c - indicated for cardiac ischemia. This allows you to slow down the development of the underlying disease. It is recommended to add more dietary fiber and vegetable oil, which is high in fatty acids, to your diet. Nutrition is divided into 2 subtypes: for people with obesity and normal weight.
  4. Diet 10p - indicated for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This diet is complete, with minimal restrictions on fat consumption, but carbohydrates must be reduced to 250 grams per day by avoiding sweets and sugar. Salt intake is also reduced to 2 grams.
  5. Diet 10g – prescribed for hypertension. Diet number 10 for hypertension has a certain feature: the use of salt is completely excluded. Every day you need to eat more plant foods; to get vitamins, you can introduce vitamin complexes with Potassium and Magnesium. It is useful to cook dishes with seafood.
  6. Diet 10i - recommended after a heart attack, the menu allows you to speed up the recovery of the heart muscles and normalize blood flow. The bottom line is to reduce calories, remove salt and products that lead to gas formation. Since bed rest is indicated for patients after a heart attack, meals are prepared in a semi-liquid form. For the first 2 days, drink only in the form of decoctions and light tea.

You will notice that in any version of the dietary table 10. This is caused by the fact that when Sodium accumulates in the body and diet, fluid retention occurs. Swelling develops and blood pressure increases.

Indications for use

Dietary food table 10 is prescribed by doctors in the following cases:

  1. Hypertonic disease.
  2. Atherosclerosis.
  3. Arrhythmia.
  4. Dyspnea.
  5. Heart failure.
  6. Kidney pathologies.
  7. Rheumatism.
  8. Diseases of the nervous system.

The duration of the diet is determined by the doctor based on the illness, condition of the patient and other indications. To understand what is possible and what is not possible with diet number 10, you need to familiarize yourself with the lists, as well as a sample menu.

Menu table

Diet food is not as scary as it seems at first glance. The diet can be made not only healthy for the body, but also tasty and varied. The table shows a sample menu for the week for table number 10:

Day Eating Menu
Monday Breakfast One soft-boiled egg with oatmeal, milk and tea
Lunch 1-2 baked apples
Dinner Plate, boiled chicken breast with vegetables, compote
Afternoon snack Rose hip decoction
Dinner Mashed potatoes with boiled fish, a glass of kefir
Tuesday Breakfast Cottage cheese with fruit, tea
Lunch Yogurt
Dinner Meatless borscht (vegetarian), baked potato, beef stroganoff
Afternoon snack Making fruit jelly at home
Dinner Pilaf with boiled meat, baked vegetables, compote
Wednesday Breakfast Milk soup, with tea (you can add milk)
Lunch Mousse
Dinner Beetroot soup, baked fish cutlets, vegetables
Afternoon snack Fruit jelly
Dinner Buckwheat with boiled veal, baked vegetables, tea
Thursday Breakfast Cottage cheese and carrot casserole, fresh juice
Lunch Fruits
Dinner Vermicelli with tomato sauce homemade and boiled chicken, compote
Afternoon snack Kefir
Dinner Barley grits, beef meatballs, baked vegetables, jelly
Friday Breakfast Rice with fruit, juice
Lunch Fruits
Dinner Meatless borscht, steamed carrot and chicken cutlets, a glass of milk
Afternoon snack Jelly
Dinner Mashed potatoes with boiled fish and vegetables, compote
Saturday Breakfast Milk soup with juice
Lunch Cottage cheese and fruits
Dinner Cutlets with steamed chicken and cheese, stewed vegetables, compote
Afternoon snack Fresh Juice
Dinner Vinaigrette, pearl barley porridge, vegetable cutlets
Sunday Breakfast Steamed omelette, milk tea
Lunch Fruit jelly
Dinner Potato soup with buckwheat, chicken fillet with vegetables, compote
Afternoon snack Rose hip decoction
Dinner Potato cutlets with prunes, vegetables, compote

Knowing approximately the diet menu for heart patients, it will be possible to diversify it in the future. In addition, the table shows meals for a week, but you can create a menu for more days. Patients or their relatives can make a menu for 10 days according to diet 10 and show it to the doctor.

What can you do on a diet?

The very first thing that can and should be used during diet No. 10 is low-calorie soups, which are made from grated or finely chopped vegetables. The use of cereals and skim milk is allowed. Such dishes should not exceed the norm of 300 grams at one time. It is recommended to eat soups once a day, at lunchtime, and sometimes use the dish in the morning. The best option with diet 10 - beetroot without sour cream.

Bread is allowed 1-2 days old from 1-2 grade cereals. It is best to dry the bread a little and use crackers. If you wish, you can introduce salt-free bread and crispbread into your diet. dietary nutrition, which are sold in stores on special shelves.

You are allowed to eat different dietary meats or fish. The best meats are turkey, chicken, and rabbit. You can make aspic, cook meat and fish, it is especially useful to use marine fish.

Eggs are allowed 1 piece per day. They should be eaten exclusively soft-boiled, but you can make steamed omelettes using protein.

Allowed to eat dairy and dairy products, but without fat. Cottage cheese, which is combined with plant products, is good. Cheeses should not have a fat content higher than 20%. Cream and sour cream are prohibited due to their high concentration of fat.

There are different types of cereals; during cooking, cook them thoroughly in water or milk without adding other ingredients.

Use vegetables, fruits and other plant ingredients in pure form, make salads and other dishes. The products are allowed together with honey, but it must be limited.

The use of spices and seasonings is not excluded, but they are limited and determined by the doctor. From drinks you can drink weak teas, chicory, juices and decoctions, compotes.

What not to do on a diet

Prohibited foods and dishes include:

  1. Any rich and heavy first courses; broth made from mushrooms or legumes is also excluded.
  2. Sweets, baked goods, fresh bread are prohibited foods for all patients with heart problems.
  3. Pork, lamb, duck and goose, as well as offal, are excluded from meat products.
  4. Semi-finished products, sausages, smoked products.
  5. Spicy and pickled, canned.
  6. Among vegetables, radishes, mushrooms, garlic, spinach and other components that cause heaviness of the stomach, bloating, and gases are prohibited.
  7. Fruits with coarse fiber.
  8. Strong tea, natural coffee, cocoa. Pineapple, grape, and cherry juices are excluded.

Knowing the basic lists of healthy and prohibited foods, you can choose delicious Table 10 diet recipes, prepare a menu for the week and follow it throughout the entire period of treatment.

Dish recipes

For cooking delicious dishes, you can use one of the simple recipes:

  1. Meat broth soufflé. You need to boil the beef and grind 50 grams in a blender and add a little broth. Dry a little 1 tsp. flour and 2 tbsp. l. milk. The ingredients are needed to create the sauce. Add the egg yolk to the meat and make foam from the white. All components are placed in a container and steamed. After this, the soufflé needs to be poured with heated butter.
  2. . To prepare, you will need potatoes, half a carrot and a peeled tomato. Everything is cut into slices, cabbage is shredded in the amount of 100 grams. Place the ingredients in the broth and cook for a quarter of an hour. Grate some beets and add to the broth, simmer for another 15 minutes. Add salt to taste, and at the end grate the cheese and add parsley.
  3. Oatmeal with milk. In 50 grams oatmeal add 100 ml of milk and 50 ml of water. Place the ingredients and cook over low heat, making sure that the porridge does not burn. Add a piece at the very end butter.
  4. Curd soufflé. To prepare, pass 120 grams of low-fat cottage cheese through a sieve and add 10 grams of butter and semolina. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l. sugar and 1 tsp. starch. After stirring, add some dried berries without bones and leave in a water bath under the lid for 40 minutes. The finished soufflé is poured with syrup.

You can find even more on the Internet delicious recipes for dietary table 10.

Reviews, results with before and after photos

Dietary table 10 – which allows a person to constantly comply with it without any special difficulties. The results of systematic use of the diet are positive. The menu is easily tolerated by patients, although many have difficulties with limiting salt and lack of meat, but you can quickly get used to it.

Medications are not the only way to improve a patient’s condition during a disease. The regular food a person eats can either have a good effect or slow down recovery. Our country has developed a system of diets that are recommended for patients with various diseases. For example, to a patient with cardiac pathology, the doctor will explain during a consultation what diet is, 10 table menu for the week, what can be eaten, in what form and how many times a day.

Diet 10 for Cardiovascular Health – Basic Principles

When developing a nutrition system for patients with heart and vascular pathology, the reasons for its occurrence were primarily taken into account. Therefore, in the table 10 diet the following rules:

  • the content of animal fat is limited, it is proposed to replace it with vegetable fat (saturates the body with healthy polyunsaturated acids);
  • consumption of simple carbohydrates is minimal;
  • the addition of potassium, magnesium, calcium salts, antioxidants and vitamins to food is encouraged;
  • meat and fish are also present in small quantities to reduce the intake of extractive substances into the body, so it is recommended to cook soups with vegetable broths;
  • significant restriction of salt and fluid intake;
  • food is prescribed to be baked or cooked in a double boiler;
  • if cardiac pathology is aggravated by the presence of excess weight, atherosclerosis, foods that help break down fat and eliminate “bad” cholesterol are added to the diet.

Who is prescribed diet number 10

The general 10th table is prescribed to patients when the signs of circulatory failure are not pronounced, and heart ailments are in a state of compensation. Also, patients with kidney pathology adhere to the 10th diet without compromising their excretory function.

Heart disease has various causes, stages of development and complications. Therefore, the 10th table has varieties that provide for the addition or limitation of certain foods as part of general dietary recommendations.

  • diet 10a – for circulatory insufficiency II – III degree. ;
  • diet 10b – for rheumatism in an inactive or fading phase;
  • diet 10c – for atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, ischemic heart disease;
  • diet 10i - for myocardial infarction,
  • diet 10r – for rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diet 10g – for arterial hypertension.

Diet 10 table: what is possible, what is not (table)

Allowed under diet number 10:

  • Flour products in the form of bread with bran, preferably dried, crackers, cookies such as biscuits. Pasta.
  • Cereals are porridges cooked in low-fat milk and water without adding sugar, salt or spices.
  • Milk – low-fat, fermented milk products.
  • Oils and fats – in small quantities, preferring vegetable ones.
  • Lean meat and fish - (turkey, rabbit, skinless chicken, pike perch, pollock, pike, cod), baked in the oven or cooked in a double boiler.
  • Vegetables – any kind, baked or boiled, chopped. Raw tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, herbs. Fruits are best consumed in the form of compotes, jelly, or baked. A small amount of freshly squeezed juices is acceptable (except grape, pineapple and cherry).
  • Sweets and dried fruits - limited quantities - honey, dried apricots, raisins, marshmallows, marmalade.
  • Soft-boiled chicken eggs - maximum 3 per week, can be in the form of an omelet.

Which products are best to forget about:

  • Fresh white bread, buns, butter cookies, pancakes.
  • Rich fish and meat broths.
  • Legumes – lentils, peas, beans.
  • Mushrooms, mushroom broth.
  • Smoked, salted, pickled foods, canned food.
  • Fatty meats (goose, duck, lamb, pork).
  • Fatty and spicy cheeses.
  • Sour cream.
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs,
  • Spicy seasonings, sauces - horseradish, mustard, adjika.
  • Fried food.
  • Alcohol, soda, tea, coffee.
  • Fresh vegetables that cause flatulence - radish, sorrel, spinach, radish.
  • Sweets - cakes, chocolate.

The list of main permitted and prohibited products is in the table below.


First meal Using weak vegetable broths.

Milk soups.

With pureed vegetables.

On strong meat, fish, mushroom broths.

Borscht, pickles, cabbage soup.

Meat and fish Lean meats: beef, veal, chicken, turkey.

Low-fat fish: cod, pike perch.

Bake, boil, steam.

Fatty meats and fish.

By-products (liver, hearts, etc.)

Smoked meats.

Salty fish.

Canned food.

Flour products Wheat bread coarse(yesterday).

Galette cookies.

Delicious baked goods.

Pancakes, pancakes.

Fresh bread.

Vegetables Zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes, green peas.

Puree from boiled cabbage, carrots, beets.

Radishes, sorrel, spinach, onions, garlic.

Pickles, preservation.

Eggs Soft-boiled.

Omelette (preferably white).

Cereals Buckwheat. Pearl barley.
Dairy Low-fat cottage cheese, cheese.

Curdled milk.


Fatty cottage cheese, cheese.

Diet table number 10 for heart disease: regimen, calorie content and features

In order not to create unnecessary stress on the digestive tract, diet number 10 recommends eating small portions, five or six times a day. The amount of liquid you drink per day should be approximately 1.2 liters (including juices, soups, juicy vegetables and fruits).

  • 10a (circulatory failure) – six meals a day of low fat content, without salt, with limited proteins and carbohydrates. Food is boiled or steamed, chopped. The calorie content of the diet at 10a is 1800-1900 kcal.
  • 10b (rheumatism) – five or six meals a day. The diet contains an increased amount of protein, vitamins B, C, P, PP. Simple carbohydrates, extractives, and salt are limited. Boiled, baked food. Calorie content at 10b – 2600 kcal.
  • Diet 10c (atherosclerosis) – five meals a day, with a normal amount of protein, limited carbohydrates and fats. It is important to have a sufficient amount of vitamins B and C, dietary fiber, potassium, trace elements, linoleic acid, and magnesium. Food is salted only in a plate, broths are not consumed. Calorie content at 10c is 2400-2500 kcal, in case of obesity 1900-2100 kcal.
  • Diet 10p (rheumatoid arthritis) – five meals a day with a limitation of simple carbohydrates, salt, and animal fat. It is important to enrich food with phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Extractive substances are excluded. Calorie content of 2400 kcal can be reduced to 1400 kcal for obesity.
  • diet 10g ( arterial hypertension) – five meals a day with the complete exclusion of salt. Products containing vitamins C and B, P, K, nicotinic acid, magnesium and potassium salts are added to the diet. Lipotropic substances from seaweed are useful. Calorie content at 10g – 2700 kcal.
  • Diet 10i (myocardial infarction) – seven or eight meals a day with a reduced content of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The food portions are small, during the acute period it is without salt, mashed and boiled. Enriched with vitamins C, B, lipotropic substances. Products that cause flatulence are excluded. The calorie content and amount of salt increases according to the stages of recovery. During the acute period, salt - 0 g, recovery period - 5-6 g. Calorie content - from 1100 to 2300 kcal.

Diet 10 - menu table for the week, what you can eat

From the options proposed in the table, you can easily create a varied menu for the week.

Breakfast options

curd paste, protein omelet, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, tea with milk, slice of cheese

Second breakfast options

cottage cheese, applesauce, rosehip infusion, fresh fruit

Lunch options oatmeal soup with milk, vegetarian borscht, boiled or baked chicken, meat, fish, stewed beets, carrots, mashed potatoes, apples, fruit jelly
High tea options curd paste, milk soup, baked apple, rosehip decoction
Dinner options boiled fish, carrot soufflé, mashed potatoes, fish dumplings, buckwheat porridge, tea with lemon

Indications for diet No. 10

    heart defects,


    hypertension (weak signs of circulatory failure),

    diseases of the cardiovascular system (with circulatory failure of I-IIA degrees).

    diseases of the cardiovascular system,



    kidney diseases.

The purpose of the diet: improving blood circulation, providing the body with nutrients, energy, normalizing the functions of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, normalizing metabolism, sparing the cardiovascular system, and digestive organs.

Full characteristics of diet 10

Calories in the diet reduced due to fats and carbohydrates.

The diet has an increased content of potassium, magnesium, lipotropic substances, and alkalizing foods (dairy, vegetables, fruits).

Cooking: moderate mechanical gentleness. Meat and fish are boiled.

Prohibited: hard-to-digest foods.

Units and is prepared without salt.

IN The menu is limited to: salt, liquid, foods that stimulate the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system, foods that irritate the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract (alcoholic drinks, strong brewed tea, strong coffee, spicy and salty dishes, spices).

Meal regimen: 5 meals a day, regular, small portions, last meal a couple of hours before bedtime.

The daily calorie content of the diet is up to 2700 kcal.

The chemical composition of diet 10: 90 g of protein (fifty grams of which are animal), 80 g of fat (a quarter of which is vegetable), 400 g of carbohydrates, salt - up to seven grams of salt.

Diet: five times a day, in small portions.

Content of vitamins in the diet: in milligrams – retinol (0.3), carotene (12.5), thiamine (1.7), riboflavin (2.5), nicotinic acid (twenty-two), ascorbic acid (one hundred and fifty); in grams - sodium (2.6), potassium (4.2), calcium (one), magnesium (1/2), phosphorus (1.8), iron (0.06).

We prepare food without adding salt, and the amount of salt given to the patient is five grams.

Drinking regime - up to 1.5 l. water.

Authorized products:

    Bread: wheat bread made from first and second grade flour, bread without salt, yesterday's baked goods, crackers - up to 150G.per day, dry non-butter cookies, sponge cake, non-butter flour;

    Soup:Withvegetableami, with croupami, potatoes, milk, fruit, half a serving of beetroot; dressing - sour cream, lemon juice, herbs. If you have severe swelling, you should not consume soup;

    Lean meat, poultry (beef, pork, rabbit, veal, chicken, turkey without tendons and fascia) - boiled in pieces, chopped, baked after boiling, aspic;

    Low-fat fish (pike perch, pike, carp, navaga, cod) - boiled, fried after boiling, in the form of meatballs, cutlets, meatballs, boiled seafood.

    Dairy products - natural milk, sour milk, low-fat cottage cheese and dishes made from it (cheese pancakes, lazy dumplings, casserole); sour cream, cream (dressing only), cheese - limit;

    One egg per day - soft-boiled, a steamed egg omelette (up to five eggs per week) can be added to dishes.

    Fat: 20 g. butter (per day), 30 g. vegetable oil (per day) - the total fat in the diet should not be more than eighty grams.

    Cereals, pasta: porridge - semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, cereal puddings and casseroles, puddings and pasta casseroles (if you are overweight, limit the amount of cereals and flour in your diet);

    Dishes with vegetables: vinaigrette, salads with vegetable oil, dishes from potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, pumpkin, canned vegetables, caviar from vegetables.

    Leafy greens - green onions, dill, parsley (for adding to dishes).

    Appetizers: “Doctorskaya” sausage, non-salted cheese, non-spicy cheese, fruit salads, seafood salads, boiled jellied fish.

    Fruits, berries (compotes, jelly, mousses, jellies, juices), and ear-fruits.

    Sweet: up to fifty grams. sugar (per day), some of it can be replaced with honey, jam, preserves (if you are overweight, limit your consumption of sweets).

    Sauce: vegetable broth, milk sauce, sour cream, fruit sauce.

    Drinks: weakly brewed tea, coffee with milk, chicory, rosehip infusion, non-carbonated mineral water, fruit and vegetable juice.

  • vegetables - boiled, baked, fresh (carrots, beets, lettuce; white cabbage, green pea- in limited quantities).
  • fruits, berries - fresh, and we also prepare from them - compote, jelly, mousse, sambuc, jelly, eat dried fruits,
  • sweets: milk jelly, milk cream, honey, jam, non-chocolate candies.
  • sauces: vegetable broth, sour cream, milk, tomatoes, fried onions, fruit.
  • Spices: Bay leaf, vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid.

Prohibited products:




    fresh bread, butter dough, puff pastry, pancakes, pancakes;

    soup with legumes, broths: meat, fish, mushroom.

    fatty meat, fish, poultry (goose, duck),

    offal: kidneys, liver, brains,

    canned meat;


    sausage and sausage products.

    Cheese: salty and fatty.

    Vegetables: legumes, salted vegetables, marinades, pickled; dishes with beans, peas, beans; radish, cabbage, radishes (cause bloating), spinach, sorrel, garlic, onions;


    fruits with coarse fiber.

    Chocolate, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, grape juice (causing bloating).

    meat and cooking fats.

    spices: mustard, pepper, horseradish;

    chocolate, cakes;

    fish caviar; salted, smoked fish, canned food;

    hard-boiled eggs, fried;

Diet 10 - menu for the day (for hypertension)

Per day: 150 g. wheat bread; 150 g. rye bread; 50 g sugar; 10 g butter. Food should not be salted.

Breakfast: 50 g of boiled meat, 200 g of vinaigrette with sunflower oil; a glass of tea with milk;

Secondth breakfast:fromboiled chicken with rice, vegetable salad, chath, allowedbread;

Lunch: 500 g. cabbage soup with the addition of sour cream, fifty grams of beef stroganoff from boiled meat, 100 g. of boiled potatoes, 120 g. jelly.

Dinner: 80 g. baked fish; two hundred grams of pilaf with added fruit; tea with milk .

At night: a glass of kefir.

Diet 10 - menu for the day (for cardiovascular failure)

For the day: 250 g of wheat bread, 30 g of sugar, 10 g of butter, 3 g of salt (for hands), 1 l. liquids (both soups and drinks). Dishes should not be salted.

Breakfast: semolina cooked with milk or grated buckwheat with added butter; omelette from one egg, steamed, cottage cheese with the addition of sour cream (eighty grams of cottage cheese and 20 g of sour cream); 1/2 glass of tea with milk.

2nd breakfast: 150 grams of boiled meat stew without adding salt; 100 g gratedcarrotsWithO sour cream (10 g.); apple.

We have lunch: half a plate of lean borscht or fruit soup with croutons, 100 g of efstroganoff, 150 grams of stewed beets or carrots; one hundred grams of milk jelly or apple puree.

Snack: 100 g. rosehip decoction, apple.

Dinner: 80 g. cottage cheese with milk; potato cutlets with prunes; tea with milk .

At night: half a glass of milk.

Diet 10 - menu

Diet 10 - menu

Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, oatmeal cooked with milk, a glass of tea.

2nd breakfast: baked apple with added sugar.

Lunch: half a bowl of barley soup, vegetables, vegetable oil, boiled meat, carrot puree, a glass of dried fruit compote.

Let's have a snack: rosehip decoction - a glass.

Dinner: half a portion of pudding with cottage cheese, boiled fish, boiled potatoes, a glass of tea.

At night: a glass of kefir.


In German:

Ingredients: four potatoes, three pickles, one onion, two apples, three hundred grams of beets, mayonnaise, parsley.

Preparation: Bake potatoes and beets in the oven, peel, cut into slices, mix with peeled, finely chopped pickles, onions. Add thinly sliced ​​apple slices and finely chopped parsley. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise.

Salad with cucumbers and pineapple

Ingredients: three hundred grams of fresh cucumber, pineapple - 1 pc., onion, sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar.

Preparation: Cut cucumbers, pineapple into strips, onions into small cubes, mix everything, add sugar, season with vegetable oil and vinegar.

Salad with vegetables and meat

Ingredients: two hundred grams of meat, three potatoes, two pickled cucumbers, two eggs, mayonnaise, lettuce.

Preparation: Boil meat, potatoes, let cool. Boil the eggs hard and chop finely. Cut meat, potatoes, cucumber into cubes. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise, decorate with egg slices and lettuce leaves.


Chicken pasta soup:

Ingredients: one and a half liters of chicken broth, carrots, onions, two hundred grams of pasta, greens.

Preparation: Cut carrots and onions into small slices, fry in a frying pan, add fried vegetables and herbs to the boiling broth. Separately, cook the pasta in boiling salted water, drain in a colander, and add to the finished soup. Sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped herbs.

Soup with carrots and rice:

Ingredients: one and a half liters of broth, a glass of rice, four carrots, lemon juice, vegetable oil.

Preparation: Fry the washed rice in a small amount of vegetable oil, stirring frequently. Place the rice in a saucepan and add broth. After the broth boils, cover it with a lid and cook for another twenty minutes, until the rice is almost completely cooked, stirring frequently. Add chopped carrots to the soup and cook for another ten minutes. Add lemon juice, sour cream, heat while stirring, do not bring to a boil.

Potato soup with curd croutons:

Ingredients: two liters of water, five potatoes, one and a half onions, one hundred grams of butter, herbs, 250 grams of cottage cheese, dried white bread, a couple of eggs, sour cream.

Preparation of soup: Place peeled and cut potatoes into cold water. Finely chop the onion, fry in oil, and add to the soup. We take some of the finished potatoes out of the soup, grate them, beat them with butter, put them in a saucepan with broth, and stir. Sprinkle the soup with finely chopped herbs and serve with cottage cheese croutons.

Preparation of croutons: cut the crust off the dried bread, cut into slices, and spread with butter. Put the egg and sour cream into the cottage cheese, mix everything, spread the mixture on the bread. Fry the croutons in the oven, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Meat dishes:

Stuffed cabbage rolls in grape leaves:

Ingredients: four hundred grams of minced meat, one hundred grams of fat, grape leaves, onion, fifty grams of rice, two hundred grams of tomatoes, a couple of eggs, sour cream, flour, herbs.

Preparation: In a Dutch oven, simmer finely chopped onion, rice, peeled and finely chopped tomatoes until soft, add a little hot water. After the rice has absorbed the water, add minced meat and finely chopped greens. IN grape leaf put 1 tbsp. filling, wrap the cabbage rolls in an “envelope”. Place them tightly in a small saucepan and fill with hot water. Cook over low heat. When the cabbage rolls are ready, pour sauce over them (sour cream, beaten with eggs, flour, diluted with cabbage roll broth). Bring the sauce to a boil, stirring frequently.

Meat with prunes:

Ingredients: seven hundred grams of meat, a couple of onions, butter, flour, prunes.

Preparation: Cut the meat into long and narrow strips. Finely chop the onion, fry in butter, then fry the meat in the same place, sprinkle with flour, mix, add a lot of water (it should cover the meat), bring to readiness over low heat. Half an hour before serving, add pre-soaked pitted prunes.

Chicken cutlets:

Ingredients: chicken - 1 piece, bread - 1 piece, milk, onion, a couple of eggs, flour, vegetable oil.

Preparation: Wash the chicken, separate the meat from the bones, pass it through a meat grinder, add the bun soaked in milk, onion, pass everything through the meat grinder again, put it in the minced meat. raw eggs. Mix the resulting mass. We make minced meat into cutlets, roll in flour, fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

Fish dishes:

Fish meatballs:

Ingredients: four hundred grams of minced fish, onion, two tablespoons of rice, egg, two tablespoons of flour, fat, sour cream, herbs.

Preparation: cook the rice, rinse. Finely chop the onion. Add onion and beaten egg to the minced fish, mix everything well. We form balls, sprinkle them with flour, fry them in hot vegetable oil, pour in sour cream, simmer under the lid over low heat for twenty minutes. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Baked fish with mashed potatoes

Ingredients: one hundred twenty grams of fish fillet, forty grams white bread, half an egg, potatoes, one tablespoon of milk, dill, salt.

Preparation: prepare mashed potatoes. We pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder with soaked white bread. Mix the potatoes and minced meat, add the egg and milk mixture, mix everything well, put it on a greased frying pan, and bake in the oven. Before serving, drizzle with melted butter and sprinkle with dill.

Envelopes with fish:

Ingredients: eight hundred grams of flour, five eggs, a couple of glasses of milk, cheese, fish, parsley.

Preparation: Knead the dough, roll it out into layers, cut into squares. Filling: cut the fish and cheese into cubes, separate the yolks of two eggs from the whites. Mix fish, cheese, yolks with parsley, distribute among dough squares. Mix the remaining egg with milk and brush the edges of the squares. Fold the dough into envelopes and brush with a mixture of egg and milk. Place on a baking sheet. Bake in an oven preheated to two hundred grams for twenty minutes.

Vegetable dishes:

Baked zucchini with sour cream:

Ingredients: half a zucchini, a tablespoon of sour cream, half a protein chicken egg, one and a half teaspoons of butter, salt.

Preparation: cut the zucchini into slices and simmer in sour cream. After stewing the zucchini, there will be a sauce left, you need to cool the sauce and add the whipped egg white to it. Place the zucchini on a greased baking sheet, pour in the sauce, and bake. Place on a plate and pour with melted butter.

Potato cutlets with mushroom sauce:

Ingredients: six potatoes, three eggs, three hundred grams of dried mushrooms, flour, onion, vegetable oil.

Preparation: Pass hot mashed potatoes through a meat grinder, mix with eggs and make cutlets from this mass. Dip them in flour, fry them in a frying pan, and put them in the oven for ten minutes.

Prepare the sauce: wash dry mushrooms in warm water, soak them in cold water for a couple of hours, cook without adding salt in this water. Mix a tablespoon of flour with a tablespoon of butter, fry until light brown, dilute with three glasses of hot mushroom broth. Cook this sauce over low heat for fifteen minutes. Fry finely chopped onions, add finely chopped mushrooms, fry together again, then add to the sauce and let it boil.

Zucchini stuffed with vegetables:

Ingredients: a kilogram of zucchini, half a glass of rice, four hundred grams of mushrooms, one and a half onions, a couple of tomatoes, four tablespoons of oil, a glass of sour cream, half a tablespoon tomato sauce, a teaspoon of flour, a couple of cucumbers, carrots, a couple of apples.

Preparation: Wash the zucchini, peel it, cut it in half into slices five centimeters thick. Using a teaspoon, remove the core from each piece to obtain a cup with a bottom one centimeter thick. Place the finished cups upside down in a saucepan with heated oil, cover with a lid, and fry a little for ten minutes. Then we turn the cups over, add a little salt, and fill them with minced meat. Sprinkle the minced meat with crackers, sprinkle with oil, put in the oven, and bake. After browning the zucchini, pour white sauce over them, cover with a lid, and put them back in the oven for ten minutes. Before serving, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

Make minced meat: finely chop cucumber, carrot, apple, mix everything. Cut the tomatoes and onions into small slices, fry everything together in oil, mix with sour cream, leave on the fire for a couple of minutes.

Dishes with cottage cheese and dairy products:

Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin:

Ingredients: a couple of glasses of milk, a glass of semolina, four eggs, one hundred grams of cottage cheese, five hundred grams of pumpkin, melted butter, sour cream, sugar.

Preparation: pour a couple of glasses of milk into a saucepan, cook viscous semolina porridge. We clean the pumpkin, cut it into pieces, fry it in melted butter. Add cottage cheese, pumpkin, three eggs, sugar to the semolina, mix everything well. Place the finished mixture on a greased baking sheet, level the surface, and brush with egg. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake until done.

Cheese rolls:

Ingredients: three hundred grams of cheese, four apples, half a glass walnuts, sour cream, lettuce, parsley.

Preparation: cheese, peeled apples, three on a coarse grater. Walnut clean, grind. Mix everything, season with sour cream, add finely chopped herbs. We spread the resulting mixture onto lettuce leaves, roll them into tubes, decorate them with sour cream, and sprinkle grated cheese and herbs on top.

Dishes with chicken eggs:

Omelette with potatoes:

Ingredients: three potatoes, an onion, three tomatoes, cheese, five eggs, butter.

Preparation: cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices, finely chop the onions, tomatoes, cheese, beat the eggs. Mix everything, put it in a frying pan with oil.


Ingredients: crackers, half a glass of milk, flour, a couple of eggs, butter, sour cream.

Preparation: Crush crackers and soak in milk. After they swell, add flour, eggs, mix everything well. Divide the resulting mass into balls, boil in boiling water until it floats, drain in a colander, place in a deep frying pan, season with butter, pour in sour cream, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, and bake in the oven.


Pie with apples:

Ingredients: a couple of glasses of flour, yeast, a couple of glasses of milk, three eggs, vegetable oil, five hundred grams of apples, sour cream, sugar.

Preparation: pour flour into a bowl, add yeast. Pour warm milk into a bowl, knead the dough, cover the bowl with a towel, and leave to rise in a warm place for half an hour.

As soon as the dough has risen, add the egg, vegetable oil, mix everything, form a ball, cover with a towel, and leave for another half hour.

Filling: peel apples and cut into small pieces. Grease a baking sheet. Sprinkle the board with flour, roll out the dough, place it on a baking sheet, press down a little. Heat the oven to two hundred degrees. Place the filling on the dough, spread sour cream on top, sprinkle with sugar, bake for forty-five minutes over medium heat.

Pudding with rice and carrots:

Ingredients: three medium carrots, half an egg, a couple of teaspoons of rice, a teaspoon of butter, a teaspoon of wheat crackers, a tablespoon of sour cream.

Preparation: Cook the rice. Three carrots on a coarse grater, simmer until softened, add rice. We rub everything through a sieve, add the egg, butter, crackers, mix thoroughly, place in a buttered pan, and steam.


We prepare the sauce without adding animal fat, sour cream, mayonnaise, egg yolk, or butter.


Take five hundred grams of low-fat pureed cottage cheese, a quarter glass of low-fat milk and a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice, mix until smooth. Salt to taste.


To a glass of the main curd sauce, add a clove of finely grated garlic and mix.


We wash six hundred grams of apples, cut them, remove the seeds, put them in a saucepan, add one and a half glasses of water, cook under a closed lid until tender. Let the water boil to a third of the initial volume. Boiled apples wipe. Add 50 g of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon to the puree and cook, stirring for ten minutes. If the apples are sweet, do not add sugar. Before serving, beat with a whisk. Serve the sauce hot with poultry and meat.


Prepared from fresh ripe apples or apricots, or peach, or quince. We clean the fruit from skin and seeds, and boil it a little with little or no sugar. We eat the sauce with: cereal dishes, flour dishes, rice cutlets, semolina cutlets, pudding, casserole, pancakes, pancakes.

Indications: diseases of the cardiovascular system, with circulatory failure of the second and third degree.

Goal: to relieve the cardiovascular system to the maximum (decompensation phase).

Full characteristics:

Similar to diet 10, but the caloric content of the diet is reduced by reducing the amount of bread (we eat only crackers), removing soup from the diet, and reducing the amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The consumption of extractives and salt is reduced, the amount of potassium and calcium in the body is increased.

Cooking dishes without adding salt.

Meal regimen: puree food, eat six times a day.

The daily calorie content of the diet is 2000 kcal.

Chemical composition of the diet: 70 g protein, 70 g fat, 300 g carbohydrates.

Content of vitamins in the diet: in milligrams - retinol - 0.3, carotene - fourteen, thiamine - 0.9, riboflavin - 1.4, nicotinic acid - 10.7, ascorbic acid - two hundred.

Drinking regime: up to eight hundred grams.

Authorized products:

Similar to diet No. 10.

Cannot be consumed:

In case of circulatory failure:

    fatty meat and fish,



    fish caviar,

    spicy foods,

    salty y e,

    snacks (canned food),

    alcoholic drinks,

    drinks: strong natural coffee, strong brewed tea, cocoa, chocolate.

Diet 10a – menu for the day

Products We don’t add salt, but we chop it.

Breakfast: 10 g. butter, porridge cooked with milk (rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet);

2nd breakfast: soft-boiled egg or steamed omelet from one egg,St.hedgehog grated apple with sugar.

We have lunch: finely chopped meat, or steamed meatballs (cutlets), 100 g. mashed potatoes with five grams of butter or vegetable puree (one hundred grams), one hundred grams of milk jelly (or cranberry jelly, black currant, or apple puree).

We have a snack: thirty grams of dried fruits, soaked, consumed without liquid (with 15 g of sugar).

We have dinner: potato cutlets with dried apricots, or cutlets with semolina and prunes, or cutlets made from grated carrots; cottage cheese grated with sugar (75 g of cottage cheese, ten grams of sugar) or a soft-boiled egg, 1/2 glass of hot milk.

At night: one hundred grams of fruit juice.

For the whole day: 150 grams of white bread without salt, 600 g of liquid, 30 g of sugar, 10 g of butter.

Indications: rheumatism (low degree of activity, course without circulatory disturbances, and still in the attenuation stage).

Full characteristics:

The menu has increased the amount of animal proteins, reduced the amount of salt, and be sure to have a large amount of vitamins.

Prepare dishes without adding salt.

Cooking methods: boiling, baking, frying. We also eat fresh o things.

Diet: fractional, six times a day.

Daily caloric intake of the diet: 2600 kcal.

Chemical composition of the diet: 120 g of protein (half of it is of animal origin), 100 g of fat, 300 g of carbohydrates, salt up to 4 g. in a day.

Drinking regimen: up to one and a half liters of liquid.


- atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels,

- atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels,

- atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels,

- atherosclerosis of the aorta,

- atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis,

- ischemic heart disease,

- high pressure.

Goal: slow down the progress of atherosclerosis, restore impaired lipid metabolism, general metabolism.

General characteristics:

The diet contains a normal amount of proteins, but a reduced amount of animal fats and simple carbohydrates; salt - four grams, diet enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, lipotropic substances (methionine, choline, lecithin).

The amount of liquid in the diet is reduced, we exclude substances that excite the cardiovascular system and nervous system (alcohol, coffee, strongly brewed tea, cocoa).

The diet has increased the amount of plant foods, vitamins, mineral salts, and fiber (dietary fiber).

You need to consume foods that contain iodine ( seaweed, mussels, squid, shrimp).

Dishes You can’t add salt, boil meat and fish before baking, eat fresh and boiled vegetables and fruits.


— we prepare soups more often, main dishes (from fish,chickens, turkey, lean beef,less often- from lean lamb,leanpork);

— we cut off the visible fat, remove the fat rendered during cooking, remove the skin from the bird.

— you can’t fry foods, they need to be: stewed, boiled, steamed, baked;

Diet: 5 times a day, eat in small portions, but not hot or cold foods. We eat our last meal a couple of hours before bedtime.

Between main meals we eat fruits, drink fruit juice, milk, kefir.

Chemical composition of the diet:

There are 2 diet options:

Option No. 1 (for excess body weight): 90 g protein, 70 g fat, 300 g carbohydrates (1/6 of which are sugar), salt - up to 5 g.

Daily calorie content is 2100 - 2200 kcal.

Option number 2 (if you have normal or low body weight): 100 g protein A, 80 g fat A, 350 G. carbohydrates (50 from none x sugar), salt - up to 7 g.

Day The calorie content of the diet is 2400-2500 kcal.

Drinking regimen: up to a liter of liquid.

Content of vitamins in the diet: in milligrams - retinol (0.3), carotene (12.7), thiamine (one and a half), riboflavin (2.3), nicotinic acid (eighteen), ascorbic acid (two hundred); in grams - sodium (2.8), potassium (4.7), calcium (one), magnesium (half a gram), phosphorus (1.7), iron (0.04).

Authorized products:

— Bread: wheat from 2nd grade flour,breadgrain,breadWithadding bran, peeled, rye.

- Fats - a third or half of the fats in the diet are vegetable oil.

— Soup: vegetables, cabbage soup, beetroot soup,souplactic,Withfruitami, with croupami.

- Meat, poultry (lean beef, pork, chicken, turkey) - boil or bake after boiling (in pieces, in the form of minced meat, cutlets).

- Low-fat fish - boiled or baked aftercooking.

— Dairy products: boiled milk, sour milk, low-fat cottage cheese and dishes made from it, sour cream (as a dressing).

One tourineOan egg a day (white omelet).

— Cereals – porridge cooked in water and milk (crumbly, viscous), pudding, krupenik.

- Pasta - boiled and casseroles made from it,

— Vegetables are fresh,fromboiled,Pscarred.

— Sweet, ripe fruits and berries.

— Nuts: but not much, because they are a high-calorie product. Any varieties in their natural form, for adding to dishes.

— Allowed drinks are weakly brewed tea, coffee, rosehip infusion, fruit juices diluted 1:1, jelly, mousse, compote.

Prohibited Products

— broth: strong meat, fish, chicken, mushroom.

- refractory fats.

- salty,

- smoked,

- baking,

— sweets are limited (up to 30G.Saharaonday).

salty fish,

- canned food - meat and fish.

- vegetables: sorrel, spinach, legumes, radish, radish,

- mushrooms.

friedmeat and fish,

- products,which causeflatulence (onions, garlic, legumes, milk, cabbage, grape juice).

- foods containing cholesterol (brains, egg yolk, offal, fish roe).

Diet 10c - menu for the day

For the whole day: 250 grams of bread (150 grams of black bread, 100 g. wheat), 50 g sugar, 20 g drained butter.

Breakfast: 100 g.t Voroga, 150 grams of vegetable salad with vegetable oil or 150 grams of oatmeal, a glass of weak tea.

2nd breakfast: a glass of fruit juice.

Lunch: half a plate vegetable soup, 50 g. from boiled meat, 150 g of vegetable side dish, one hundred grams of fresh fruit.

We have a snack: a glass of rosehip decoction or two hundred grams of fresh fruit.

Dinner: 70 g. from boiled fish, 150 g. boiled potatoes with vegetable oil, two hundred grams of pilaf with added fruit, h A th With m olok ohm

At night: a glass of yogurt.

Indications: rheumatoid arthritis.

General characteristics:

The diet is balanced and meets the body’s need for nutrients and energy.

The diet contains the physiological norm of protein and all the necessary amino acids. The amount of fat in the diet is limited (the ratio of animal fat to vegetable fat is two to one). The amount of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, sweets) is reduced. Reduced amount of salt - 3 g. on day.

The diet follows the principle of mechanical, chemical sparing, while extractive substances (strong meat and fish broths, smoked products) are removed from the menu as much as possible.

Dishes Not salt m.

Cooking methods: boiling, baking.

Food temperature - up to sixty-five degrees Celsius, do not eat too cold or hot dishes.

Meal mode: frequent, fractional, five times a day. We eat in a strictly prescribed manner O e time.

How we distribute calorie content b food And for the day: breakfast - thirty percent, lunch - forty percent, snack - ten percent, dinner - twenty percent of the daily calorie intake.

Daytime caloric content - 2400 kcal (if you have increased body weight, then reduce the calorie content of the diet by twenty percent);

Chemical composition diet: protein - up to one hundred grams, fat - seventy grams, carbohydrates - 250 grams, salt - up to five grams.

Drinking regimen: up to a liter of liquid.

Authorized products:

    Bread: wheat, made from first and second grade flour; rye bread - 200 g., X Crispy dumplings, not buttery biscuits.

    Soup: with vegetables, with the addition of cereals (barley, rice and other cereals) - half a serving. To improve the taste, add herbs to the soup (dill, parsley, green onions);

    Meat, poultry - lean beef (without tendons, fat), chicken, rabbit - boiled, cooked us it's steamed, baked.

    Lean fish – sea and river – boiled, cooked for a couple, baked.

    Chicken egg - egg white omelette;

    Cereals (man n A I, buckwheat, oatmeal I, rice new, hercules new), pasta And vermicelli, And homemade noodles (a little).

    vegetables - boiled and fresh (vinaigrette and others salads, side dish), legumes (peas, beans, beans).

    Dairy products: skim cheese(natural or puddings, casseroles, kefir).

    Fats: butter without salt, olive and by presolar oils (add in dishes).

    Fruits and berries – fresh or baked: apple, lemon, dried apricots, prunes.

    Beverages: weak tea, coffee drink, unsweetened fruit and berry juices, dried fruit compote sugarless, rosehip decoction sugarless

    bouillon: made from meat, fish, mushrooms,

    products containing coarse fiber: sorrel, spinach, radish, radish,

    fat meat,

    fat fish,

    lard, beef fat, lamb fat,

    smoked meats,

    products sharp s e,

    canned food,

    products salty s e,



    ice cream,

    drinks: strong tea, coffee, alcohol rye drinks.

Diet 10r - daily menu (for patients with normal body weight)

Option No. 1 (summer)

We have breakfast: salad (tomatoes, cucumbers), steamed omelette from the whites of two eggs, half a plate of buckwheat in water, a glass of coffee drink with 15 g of sugar.

2nd breakfast: apple, one hundred grams of berries.

Lunch: half a plate of vegetable soup, 60 g. from boiled meat, 150 g. By carcass en fresh zucchini cooked in vegetable oil, a glass of compote with unsweetened fruit.

We have a snack: a glass of fruit juice;

Dinner: 100 g. from boiled fish, 150 g. from Varno th potatoes with vegetable oil, cha th with sugar ohm.

At night: a glass of kefir.

For the whole day: 150 G. wheat bread, 100 g rye bread, 30 g sugar.

Option No. 2 (winter)

We have breakfast: a little salty home sauerkraut, 60 from boiled meat, half a plate of oatmeal cooked in water, a glass of coffee drink.

Secondth breakfast: an apple or fifty grams of soaked dried apricots.

Lunch: half a bowl of barley soup, 100 G. from boiled chicken, 150 grams of boiled rice with vegetable oil, a glass of unsweetened dried fruit compote.

Snack: 50 g of soaked prunes, a glass of rosehip decoction sugarless.

Dinner: 100 g. steam pudding from low-fat cottage cheese, 150 g of buckwheat in water with vegetable oil, a glass of tea.

At night: a glass of kefir.

For the whole day: 150 g wheat bread, 100 g rye bread, 30 G. Sahara.

If you are obese or overweight, replace cereals and pasta with fresh or boiled vegetables, reduce the amount of bread to one hundred grams, sugar is prohibited.

Indication: essential arterial hypertension.

The menu should contain: salt - up to two grams, many vitamins (C, B, A, PP, etc.), potassium salts, magnesium salts; plant products, seafood.

Day The total calorie content of the diet is 2700 kcal.

Chemical composition: protein - one hundred grams, fats - eighty grams, carbohydrates - four hundred grams.

Indications: acute myocardial infarction.

The purpose of the diet: to accelerate reparative processes in the myocardium, improve the functions of the circulatory system, and normalize intestinal motor function.

General characteristics:

Demoted to caloric content of the diet, semi-liquid diet, salt is prohibited, limited: liquid, foods that cause flatulence.

In the first couple of days, we only drink fifty milligrams seven times a day (weakly brewed tea - warm and slightly sweetened, a decoction of dried fruits).

Starting from day 3, 600 G. free liquid, and the diet includes: 60 g. squirrel, 30 g fat A, 180 g carbohydrates. Daytime calorie content of food - 1200 kcal.

We give food in small portions, pureed food. We eat up to seven times a day.

By the end of the second week, the diet includes: seventy grams of protein, 60 g of fat, 200 g of carbohydrates. Day calorie content - 1600 kcal. We do not wipe food; increase the portion of bread and the amount of liquid to a liter.

The patient will then be placed on the 10c diet.

Diet Requirements:

    We limit the caloric content of the diet, and then gradually increase it.

    We exclude substances containing cholesterol (egg yolk, caviar, brains, offal).

    Limit the amount of salt.

    Limit the amount of liquid.

    We exclude: baked goods, products that promote flatulence (milk, legumes, cabbage), substances that stimulate the cardiovascular and nervous systems (alcohol, coffee, cocoa, strong brewed tea).

    We eat more foods containing vitamins C and R.

Diet 10i (for those who have had a previous myocardial infarction)

Primary requirements:

    Exclude: fried meat, fried fish, broths: meat, fish, onions, garlic, radish, radish.

    We eat foods that contain contained iodine (seaweed, midi I, squid, shrimp A).

    Dishes you can't add salt.

    Meat, fish boil before frying or baking.

    Vegetables fruits - we use fresh e, boiled.

Allowed products:

    up to four hundred grams soup A h A once: with cereals, potatoes, finely chopped vegetables, dairy th, fruit th, beetroot B with unitary enterprise add sour cream at, lemon wow acids at, greenery.

    bread, flour: wheat bread, bread dried, n e rich O e cookies, biscuit.

    Low-fatmeat, poultry (beefA, vealA, piginA, rabbit, chickensA, turkeya) - cook, and thenbakeeat,fryingeat. We make chopped products frommeat. Jellied fromboiledmeat.V olimitedm quantity you can eatdoctoralwowsausagesat.

    Lean fishfromboiled withfurtherfrying, piece,chopped products; boiled seaproducts;

    dairy (If transfer), cottage cheese andproductsfrom it withaddingcereals, carrotsAnd, fruitov. V oborderednom amount we eatsour creamy,cream (addin dishes), cheese.

    Sour milk.

    OneeggsO behindday -boiled incrumpled,cooked onsteamy, omelette fromproteins,you can also add an eggin dishes.

    Cereals:preparingis it on the water?bomilk (porridgeA, bakedthpudding andPR.),boiledpasta.

    Vegetables -boiled, livers, fresh - potato, cauliflower, carrotska, St.ecla,zucchini, pumpkin,tomato, salad,cucumber. We eat in limited quantitiesChristmas treewowcabbagesy,greenenew peas.Add to dishes - sateeonion, dill,parsley.

    Zacoustics:vegetable withalats (fresh - grated carrot, tomato, cucumber), vinaigrette withadding sunflower oils, vegetable caviar, saladfromfruits,saladWithadding seafood, boiled aspicfish.

    Ripe fresh fruits, berries, dried fruits (compote, jelly, mousse, sambuca, jelly);

    Sweet:milkythjellyb, milkcream, med, jam, not chocolate candies.

    WITHousy:vegetable, onsour creame, dairyth, on tomatoes, fromfried onions, fruitth.

    Spices: lbay leaf, vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid.

    Ndrinks:weaktea,coffee drinkWithaddingmilkA, fruitth juice, juice vegetables, rosehip decoction,Vlimitedm quantity - grape juice.

    ANDira:nYesoleno creamyoil,fuelenew oil,Rvegetable oils.



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