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“The appearance of the earth is still sad” analysis of Tyutchev’s poem according to the plan briefly - theme, idea, genre. Analysis of Tyutchev's poem The earth still looks sad... Tyutchev still the earth looks sad analysis
Ode to unity with nature
Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a famous poet who, in his work, often turned to deep philosophical reflections, especially in the relationship between the human soul and the world around him.
Tyutchev's poetic landscapes are very symbolic, they clearly reflect philosophical thoughts, and the image of nature is inseparable from the inner experiences of the author himself. The poem “The earth still looks sad...” is a clear confirmation of this. In the first half of this poem, the author describes the state of nature in early spring, its awakening. And in the second - about the awakening of the human soul.
The nature of early spring, in Tyutchev’s description, is shown at the very beginning of its awakening:
The earth still looks sad,
And the air already breathes in spring
Spring has not yet come, “...nature has not yet woken up,” but the news of its arrival is already filling everything around. Her breath is already close. The sleep that everyone around is sleeping is no longer as sound as it was in winter. Here the author uses the comparison of a “thinning” dream, through which one can hear a little of what is happening around. The spring breeze, with a light breeze, tries to touch every twig, every stem, in order to awaken from sleep and convey the good news - the arrival of spring. And nature reciprocates, this news makes her happy:
She heard spring
And she involuntarily smiled...
In the second part of the verse, the author addresses his soul, which, like winter nature, was also asleep, but a general awakening touched it too. Tyutchev describes the awakening of his soul very romantically and tenderly, using the following verbs: excites, caresses, kisses, gilds. The human soul, like nature itself, with the arrival of spring acquires a certain special state of dreaminess and romance - it comes to life. The soul responds sensitively to the arrival of spring, expecting changes in better side, expecting something bright and clean. Here the author uses a comparison of the spring renewal of nature and man, indicating a living connection between them. Several times, using ellipses, Tyutchev calls for reflection, seeing and understanding the inextricable thread that connects all living things together. The idea of ​​the unity of man and nature runs through the entire work of the poet.

The poem “The earth still looks sad” belongs to the early period of Tyutchev’s work, although the exact date of its writing is unknown. Brief Analysis“The earth still looks sad”, according to the plan, will open the door to the 6th grade students beautiful world nature, described by a true master. It can be used in a literature lesson to explain the topic, both as additional and as main material.

Brief Analysis

History of creation– the exact date of its writing is unknown, but literary scholars are inclined to believe that the poem was written no later than 1836. Moreover, it was published after Tyutchev’s death - in 1876.

Theme of the poem– parallelism between the existence of man and nature.

Genre– landscape and philosophical lyrics.

Poetic size- iambic

Epithets“dead stem”, “thinning sleep”, “female love”.

Metaphors“the earth has a sad look”, “the air breathes in spring”, “the soul has slept”, “goldens your dreams”.

Personification“nature did not wake up”, “nature smiled”.

History of creation

There is only speculation regarding the date of writing of this poem, since it is not known for sure. Most literary scholars agree that it could not have been written later than April 1836, that is, in the early period of his work. This hypothesis is also indirectly confirmed by the fact that the work shows features characteristic of his early lyrics.

It is interesting that it was published only in 1876, that is, after Tyutchev’s death.

The history of the creation of this work is closely connected with philosophical views Tyutcheva. He was interested in the work of the German philosopher Friedrich Schelling, who argued that


The main theme of the poem is the coexistence of nature and man. The poet always inspired natural phenomena, they were spiritualized for him. And this idea is clearly visible in the poem “The earth still looks sad.” Comparing the human soul with nature, Tyutchev creates a picture that is amazing in its accuracy.


The poem is clearly divided into two equal parts - compositionally and thematically.

The first part is the first two quatrains, a description of nature, which is just waking up from its winter sleep. Tentatively, we can assume that Tyutchev is describing the beginning of March. Spring is just hinting at its arrival: there is snow everywhere and it seems that winter is in full swing, but the poet shows that this will not last long, using anaphora - the repetition of the adverb “yet”. The earth is still sad, but it is ready to awaken.

The second part is the last two stanzas. In them, the author describes the human soul, which wakes up in the same way. Thus, the author shows the kinship between the surrounding world and the human soul, their striking similarity.

The poem also has a second plan - the poet compares the awakening of spring with the birth of love. This is done implicitly, but the last two lines clearly indicate that this parallel excites his imagination. He shows that the love that has come into the soul of a person is like spring, awakening the earth from winter hibernation, in which it had remained for so long. The same idea is supported and emphasized by the verbs used by the author - all of them are directly or indirectly related to love and tenderness.


This is a landscape-philosophical lyric, which is also due to the two-part nature of the work. As you know, the poet sincerely believed that nature was animate, therefore the seemingly simple description of the landscape in the second part of the poem is associated with his philosophical reflections. It is interesting that the poet believed that to comprehend nature is an impossible task for a person, but at the same time he must try to do it. These views of his were reflected in the poem “The earth still looks sad.”

It is written in one of Tyutchev’s favorite poetic meters – iambic. With its help, the poet conveys a complex philosophical thought in a simple form. The ease of perception of the verse is also facilitated by the ring rhyme, which seems to complete the thought within each stanza, and the alternation of male and female rhymes.

Means of expression

Tyutchev's lyrics are characterized by personifications, which are used to describe nature, and other classical tropes. They are also used in “The Earth Still Looks Sad”:

  • Epithets– “dead stem”, “thinning sleep”, “female love”.
  • Metaphors- “the earth has a sad look”, “the air breathes in spring”, “the soul has slept”, “goldens your dreams”.
  • Personification- “nature did not wake up”, “nature smiled.”

All of them work to express the author’s philosophical ideas about love, the animation of nature and its unknowability and convey them to the reader.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev supposedly wrote this poem during the heyday of creativity, but, as is known, it was published only after the poet’s death. The date of first publication is 1876. It is worth mentioning the peculiarity of Fyodor Tyutchev’s work - nature in his poems is something living, the same as a person. Therefore, in many of the author’s poems there is a parallel or overlap between nature and man, as a comparison. This is also the case with the poem “The earth still looks sad...”.

The poem contains two main pictures that attract attention and reflect the author’s intention. The first picture is of nature waking up from the arrival of spring, the approximate time is the beginning of March, when spring begins to slowly hint at its early visit. And the second picture is a description of the human soul, which also wakes up, sings, something “excites it, caresses and kisses it, gilds its dreams.” It is here that one can already see a connection, a certain comparison of nature and the human soul. With this, Tyutchev wanted to connect these two concepts and show that man and nature are one whole.

Another interesting idea is that there is a second parallel in the poem, but it is less noticeable and fades into the background. The author, willingly or unwillingly, associates spring with love. “The azure glitters, the blood plays... Or is it spring bliss? Or is it female love? in the text the author clearly divides and introduces misunderstanding - why did the soul wake up? However, the concept of “love” came precisely with spring into the poem. Just as spring comes to nature, so love comes to the human soul. This is another way to connect people and nature.

It is interesting to note that such a connection between nature and man was a whole idea for Tyutchev. He adopted this from Friedrich Schelling, being carried away by his works. The German philosopher believed that nature is a living organism.

Tyutchev was a master not only in creating beautiful comparisons and intersections in his poems, but also in describing the landscapes and paintings that take place in his creations. In this poem, he was able, with the help of several details that were invisible to the average reader, to convey an immense picture of nature in the spring. When “the air breathes in spring, and the dead stalk in the field sways, and the branches of the fir tree move.” But this is exactly how the awakening of nature begins, when the snow begins to melt, revealing dead plants and fresh, cool, light air begins to wake them up, swaying the stems.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a talented poet who wrote with unimaginable accuracy; he could convey an entire event with a few words, and from a comparison create a huge idea.

Analysis of the poem The earth still looks sad... according to plan

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In this essay-analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “The earth still looks sad”, you can see how the interpretation of various visual and expressive means, primarily tropes, helps to understand the meaning of the lyrical work.

“The earth still looks sad...” - analysis of the poem.

Man has always been an integral part of nature, which for many millennia fed him, clothed him, and gave him shelter. But with the growth of urbanization, everything has changed. Many of us have lost the natural sense of harmony and unity with the world around us that was originally inherent in every person.

One philosopher called poetry “the pure spring of art.” Of course, we were talking about real poetry. After all, it is she who helps people understand simple and at the same time complex things. The topic of interaction between nature and man has been touched upon by many poets.

But the poems of F.I. Tyutchev are especially expressive and heartfelt in this regard, for the sensitive soul of this man was able to feel not only himself in nature, but also nature in himself.

In a poem “The earth still looks sad...” Tyutchev uses the technique of figurative parallelism, comparing natural phenomena and the state of the human soul. In the first stanza, we are presented with an image of nature that has not yet awakened from its winter sleep. It is the image, since nature is perceived by the poet as living, endowed with qualities, inherent in man. Personifications speak about this: nature " didn't wake up», « she heard spring" And " she involuntarily smiled at her».

In the very first lines we see the antithesis: “ sad look"earth is opposed to fresh, " in the spring» breathing air. Metaphor " sad look“in the first line helps to highlight the word “earth” to enhance the contrast between the winter, still sleeping nature, and the already waking up one, depicted in the second line. It is noteworthy that a barely noticeable breath of spring is still felt only in the air. The mobility of air masses is depicted using a series of verbs: “ breathes», « sways», « stirs" And immediately, in contrast to them, the motionless is shown, “ dead» the state of the earth, depicted using an epithet. The meaning of the verbs also speaks to this. “To sway”, “to move” is to set objects frozen in any one position in motion. The creation of an image of air “breathing” in “spring” is also facilitated by the alliteration on “w” in these verbs, which helps the ear to catch this barely noticeable movement of objects on the awakening earth: a stem dead in a field, branches of fir trees. The awakening of nature is further illustrated with the help of the epithet “thinning sleep”. The word “sleep” helps to understand why “the earth still looks sad,” and the epithet shows that the earth will not remain in this state for long. Moreover, in terms of meaning, this epithet is unusual, because in direct meaning It is simply impossible to use it in relation to the word “sleep”.

What does thinning sleep mean? The word “thin out” means “to become rare, to decrease in number,” and the word “rare” means “one in which the parts are located at a certain distance, with intervals” (Ozhegov’s Dictionary). But sleep cannot be quantified. And imagining spatial gaps in dreams is also problematic. This is if we take the meaning of the word in the poem literally. But the fragility of nature’s sleep is vividly imagined, especially since the sound of the word also contributes to this.

The second stanza shows that nature, smiling at spring through a dream, is compared to the psychological state lyrical hero: “Soul, soul, you slept too...” In the center of this stanza is an image that can simultaneously be attributed to the description of both man and nature: “ Blocks of snow glisten and melt, // The azure glistens, the blood plays... " If this image is attributed to the description of nature, then in our imagination there arises a picture of rapid snow melting, which also contributes to the awakening of nature from its winter sleep. But, if this description is correlated with the soul to which the poet addresses at the beginning of the stanza, then we understand that he used a metaphor that depicts the human condition. It can be defined using another metaphor that appears associatively in memory: “the soul has thawed.” The legitimacy of such ideas is confirmed by the second line of this quote, where the images of nature and the human soul are put on the same page: “ azure glitters "(obviously heavenly), " blood plays "(it is clear that a person has it). Thus, the semantic field expands. This unity of the state of nature and man, created through the interaction of figurative series that cannot be separated, is a feature of Tyutchev’s poetry. This feature helps the poet in his quest " capture the soul of nature, its language "(V. Bryusov) and show that a person is " just a dream of nature ».

I hope you liked this analysis of F. I. Tyutchev’s poem “The appearance of the earth is still sad...”

(Illustration: Sona Adalyan)

Analysis of the poem "The earth still looks sad..."

Ode to unity with nature

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a famous poet who, in his work, often turned to deep philosophical reflections, especially in the relationship between the human soul and the world around him. Tyutchev's poetic landscapes are very symbolic, they clearly reflect philosophical thoughts, and the image of nature is inseparable from the inner experiences of the author himself. The poem “The earth still looks sad...” is a clear confirmation of this. In the first half of this poem, the author describes the state of nature in early spring, its awakening. And in the second - about the awakening of the human soul.

The nature of early spring, in Tyutchev’s description, is shown at the very beginning of its awakening:

The earth still looks sad,

And the air already breathes in spring

Spring has not yet come, “...nature has not yet woken up,” but the news of its arrival is already filling everything around. Her breath is already close. The sleep that everyone around is sleeping is no longer as sound as it was in winter. Here the author uses the comparison of a “thinning” dream, through which one can hear a little of what is happening around. The spring breeze, with a light breeze, tries to touch every twig, every stem, in order to awaken from sleep and convey the good news - the arrival of spring. And nature reciprocates, this news makes her happy:

She heard spring

And she involuntarily smiled...

In the second part of the verse, the author addresses his soul, which, like winter nature, was also asleep, but a general awakening touched it too. Tyutchev describes the awakening of his soul very romantically and tenderly, using the following verbs: excites, caresses, kisses, gilds. The human soul, like nature itself, with the arrival of spring acquires a certain special state of dreaminess and romance - it comes to life. The soul responds sensitively to the arrival of spring, expecting changes for the better, expecting something bright and pure. Here the author uses a comparison of the spring renewal of nature and man, indicating a living connection between them. Several times, using ellipses, Tyutchev calls for reflection, seeing and understanding the inextricable thread that connects all living things together. The idea of ​​the unity of man and nature runs through the entire work of the poet.



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