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Ficus in the recipes of traditional medicine. Useful properties of the ficus of the indoor fiber against therapeutic properties in the disease of the back

For lovers of domestic flowers, you need to know, the ficus is poisonous or not when he can bring harm to man.

Let's find out whether the fountain is harmful to the health of the child and pets. To whom he carries a potential threat. Has Lie beneficial features. What measures do Negative reactions prevent

What kind of plant ficus

An evergreen tree or shrub of a Fishe Ficus family at home in Asia, Australia, Africa reaches 20 meters. Indoor home species do not exceed a height of 2-3 meters.

There are more than 800 species of this plant.growing in vivo or apartments. Basically, ficuses are evergreens, there are deciduous. There is a flutter view that decorates lawns. Flowers are breeding tree-like rubber rod elastica. In room conditions, the mellite Ficus Benjamins is grown.

The attitude to the plant in different nations is ambiguous. The Bible believes the plant with a symbol of well-being and wealth. By popular belief, the flower brings the family replenishment. Muslims and Buddhists consider it a sacred tree. No wonder the coat of arms of Thailand contains a fragment of a fig leaf.

Fans of vegetation are wondering if it is possible to keep the ficus of rubbing. Experts do not recommend growing at home if family members suffer from skin diseases or respiratory pathology. Poisonous properties of the plant affect primarily on the skin and bronchi. When contacting with a plant, eczema, dermatitis, allergic bronchitis, rhinitis is exacerbated.

Is the ficoma or not?

For lovers of decorative plants, it is important to know how the ficus on a person affects. The hostess during care should not forget that the indoor plant Ficus is poisonous. All of its parts contain Milky Juice, containing 40% rubber. Liquid of dairy color is highlighted by a plant during trimming, transplants, during the formation of the crown, as well as during damage and illness.

Remember! Finding into unprotected skin, the juice of the ficus in sensitive people causes an allergic reaction - redness, itching or even blisters. Therefore, when tringing or transplanting, you need to wear rubber gloves.

When chewing the sheet, there are signs of poisoning:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • liquid chair;
  • dizziness;
  • confused;
  • a large amount of Milky Juice causes convulsions up to the development of a comatose state.

Poisoning through the food tract in adults is very rare. It is unlikely that a person in his right mind will chew a house plant leaves.

Harmful effect of ficus on the respiratory tract

A common allergen of people are dust homemade ticks, pet wool. According to statistics, in third place is allergic to the ficus of any kind, home or growing in the tropics.

Ficus Benjamin is poisonous or not? The fact is that the homemade decorative plant has features. His big motley leaves love sunlight. When permutation in the shaded place, the flower may get sick and start highlighting malicious juice. Microparticles, evaporating from the leaves, fill the room airspace.

People suffering from allergic diseases by fever, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, feel the deterioration of the condition, inhaling aerosols in the air. And for the development of the reaction, no matter the amount of substance. Allergies Answer to the question, Ficus poisonous plant Or not, unequivocal. For them, the tree is poisonous. To a greater extent, this applies to the persons suffering from latex - allergen-allergen, contained in the ficus.

Ficus and children

The probability of poisoning by milky juice ficus in childhood is much higher than in adults. Kids all objects are tasteful. From curiosity, small researchers can desemine the sheet.

If there is preschoolers in the apartment, it is necessary to compare the benefit and harm of the ficus. Available in the house flower can be removed in an inaccessible place. But it is better to abandon the content of a decorative tree until the kids grow up.

Ficus and animals

The owners of the pets are interested in whether the ficus for cats is dangerous. happens not only in humans. Milky Juice has the same impact on people, dogs and hamsters.

Most animals have an instinct guarding them from eating hazardous colors. Adult favorites of the owners are not interested in Ficus. But young kittens and puppies can try to taste a sheet and get a disorder of the digestive system. If the house has curious pets taking a plant in the mouth, it must be removed to the place inaccessible for them.

Benefit from the plant

In addition to the decoration of the apartment, the flower is capable of cleaning the air.

Ficur is useful in medicine for medicine. Tincture, milk have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. The pharmaceutical industry manufactures glucose, ointment, fructose from it. Ficus-based preparations are used for diseases:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • vascular problems;
  • wen;
  • corn, warts;
  • lipoma;
  • ficus Benjamin copes with depression.

Elastica variety is used in industry to mining rubber. Other species go as animal feed. The village is used in production building material, coarse fabric.


From the ficus, the benefits and harm for the house lies in its milk juice. To eliminate the harmful properties of the plant, you just need to follow the rules for the care of the fiber:

  • only adults can trim and replant;
  • it is necessary to care for the flower in rubber gloves;
  • contraindications for the content of the ficus in the house are allergic diseases at households;
  • it is not recommended to put a decorative flower in a children's room or a place available for animals;
  • after cleansing the leaves or loosening soil, rinse your hands with soap.

If you care for homemade ficus, observing the listed recommendations, it will not give any harm to households and pets. The plant has a positive energy, which he is able to charge the owners of the house and create a comfortable setting.

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Ficus treatment is good because the methods of application of ficus do not depend on the time of year, because the medicine is growing at your home. Let's go directly directly to yourself folk recipes. It happens that the pain caresses us by surprise, and for this you need to prepare a medicine from the ficus.

In the floor-liter bank, feed the leaves of the ficus, which are in advance crushing. We fill with alcohol or vodka, we scribble and put in a warm place for 3 weeks. After that, the tincture is filtering. Store the tincture in the refrigerator. Before the start of the use of tincture, it is advisable to take a not very hot bath (water temperature 38 degrees), add 300 grams of ordinary stone salt in the bath. And after taking a bath, a wool cloth is wetted and apply to sore joints, we warm the bandage.

Preparation of elixir from ficus leaves. Take 100 grams of leaves and mix with 100 grams of good cream oil. Put the oven for 2 hours. After that, the composition is strain and well squeeze the leaves. Patient joints are riveted with elixir.

If severe pain is bothering, you can put on sick leaves of ficus leaves. It is necessary to keep 2 hours, then remove for 2 hours and give holiday, then again impose such a compress. It is impossible to interrupt such treatment even at night, treatment is very effective.

If you can not afford the previous treatment, you do not have time, you can do much easier. We take 2 leafy of ficus, mine, knead and apply to the sore joints. Well fix and go. In the evening, my sick places where the compress was. In the morning we repeat the procedure. After such procedures, you will get a significant improvement in a week.

Prepare a compress that will help to remove the stuffing pains in the joints. The compress is preparing like this: we take a bottle of 9% vinegar, grind and add a sheet of ficus, 5 bitter pepper pods. For the week we put in a dark place. Focus and apply for rubbing and compresses.

Do you hurt your knees? How to treat the joint pain?

There are also folk treatment methods knee joints With the help of a ficus. Grind a sheet of ficus with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of water. Apply to sick knees overnight. Significantly better you feel after 3 procedures, although it is recommended to make 10 sessions.

Ficus can be applied in charges with medicinal herbswhich also effectively act on the joints. I will tell you how to prepare such compositions.

Take the leaves of ficus, yarrow grass, nettle and honey. All mix and apply to sore places.

Babushkina rubbing from a ficus with garlic is well helped. To do this, disamble a sheet of the ficus (the juice should appear), grab garlic, mix, wrap in a rag and apply patients with joints at night. In the morning, rob the sick places. The course of treatment is 5 days, break in treatment for 3 days, then repeat again.

Helps sick knees and such a composition. We take 800 grams of birch kidney, several large ficus leaves and good butter. The oil is placed in the clay dishes of a layer of one and a half centimeters, put the same layer of ficus leaves, after a layer of birch kidney. And so layer behind the layer until our dishes are filled. We close tightly with a lid, squeeze the cake from the dough and put in a non-jar of the oven. After the composition is cooled and filtered, 7 grams of camphor are added to the composition, mixed thoroughly. Such a composition is rubbed overnight in patients with joints. At this time you need to keep the joints warm. The composition is stored in a cool place, in a tightly blocked dishes.

The recipe for those patients whose joints of the hands and legs strongly hurt. Grind a sheet of a ficus, add 1 tablespoon of grated shit, one and a half tablespoon of grated potatoes, mix everything and put in a glass jar, close a tightly lid. For use, we take a warm mixture, we put on the sick places with a layer of 0.5 cm. We cover with cotton, polyethylene and cloth. It is necessary to keep this composition of 40 minutes, after washed and lubricate these places with vaseline.

We insist the bitter podpper and a sheet of ficus on vodka. Welcome rag, press slightly. I comply with this cloth to the ankle joint all night. Covered by cellophane and warm scarf. Remove in the morning. Usually after 10 procedures, the pain leaves at all.

Fill the floor-liter jar with crushed leaves of ficus with acacia, take them to an equal amount. To pour a glass of vodka to the jar, then stop the bank for a month to the ground. This recipe was used with deep antiquity, very effective for the trigger of the sore joints.

And in conclusion, I want to ask - what do you know about the treatment of joints by folk methods? Did you use the fiber on therapeutic purposes?

Take a look at the ficus of the other side, not like a beautiful plant for decoration home interiorAnd as on a home healer and assistant in the fight against joint diseases!

Almost every house you can get such a houseplant like a ficus. There is a lot of his varieties in the world. At home, the ficus of bendjamine and rubbing ficus are growing mainly. Many possessors of the plant are interested, poisonous ficus or not.

What is this plant?

Plant that has about 1000 varieties. They differ as other features and other features. The birthplace of the ficus are subtropics, and the plant itself is thermal-loving and requires a lot of moisture.

Properties of plants are different. From some types of ficus produce rubber, while others contain up to 75% fructose and sucrose. The third found its use in medicine.

Fikus flowers differ in originality, but at home to achieve its flowering.

Special properties of ficus

Does the ficus poison? Despite the negative properties of the plant, it has magical properties. In the house of a married woman who wants to give birth to a child, but can not conceive him for some reason, this plant planted. To ensure that this event happens faster, it is necessary that the ficus girl gave a husband. There are cases when a woman pregnant immediately after the plant appears in the apartment.

It is good to grow a ficus at home, because it has a positive effect on the energy of the dwelling. He is able to clean the house from anger, experiences, promotes the acquisition of internal harmony and will assist in the right resolution of life problems.

Ficus Benjamin is poisonous or not? This will be discussed in the text below, and you need to learn how to learn about the ficus.

Such a plant does not like change at all. If the ficus originally put in a certain place, where it grows well, then it should not be rearranged to another. In the summer, the ficus can be taken under the open sky so that it began to develop better, but then return to the previous place.

What the plant does not like at all, so it is drafts. It is necessary to have it in well-lit places, so the windows directed to the West or East fit the ficus.

A sign that the plant lacks light, is to reduce the number of leaves and their size.

The best temperature for it: in summer - 25-30 degrees, in winter - 15-20 degrees. It is not recommended to put a ficus on the cold tile, the windowsill, to prevent the cooling of the soil coma. Does not like a plant and sudden temperature drops.

Ficus care

Ficus poisonous or not? The answer to this question can be obtained below, and the plant does not require increased attention. Watering plants depends on its age, development, soil in the pot, temperature and external conditions. There is no definite and permanent scrapement. Be sure to adapt to illumination, temperature, time of year and be sure to monitor the state of the soil.

In summer, the plant is poured abundantly, but before that it is necessary to make sure that the soil is dried. Watering the ficus is better from above, until the excess fluid in the pallet is published. After a quarter of an hour, the remaining water should be merged.

In winter, the plant is watered with caution to prevent overflow. The optimal moisture is considered to be 70%, but also to fall below 50% is not desirable. Be sure to be constantly spraying the ficus, regardless of the season, and arrange a warm shower. Water must be warm and soft so that it does not leave on the leaves of divorces.

Dust, which settles on the leaves, must be regularly removed with a cloth from below and on top. If you do not clean them, then the ficus will have difficulty photosynthesis.

Dry leaves and twigs must be periodically removed from the plants.

It's not difficult to care for the ficus, because it is very unpretentious.

Therapeutic properties of ficus

Does the ficus for a person poison? Despite the poisonous properties of the plant, alcohol tinctures are widely used in folk medicine, frosting from ficus are used to treat.

The tincture prepared from a mixture of leaves and colors of the plant can prevent the occurrence of a malignant tumor. It provides assistance to a reduction in myoma and fibromes.

In traditional medicine, a tincture of ficus leaves is used to rub the hardening when mastopathy.

Using the useful substances that are contained in the plant, you can assist in the occurrence of boils.

When coughing, the ficus leaves boil over 5 minutes and, lubricating honey, put on the back and chest, fastening the towel.

Ficus is popular not only in medicine, it is not inferior to Alo in its properties. The plant has the ability to clean the air. Therefore, in the room where it is located, less dust accumulates.

Ficus rubbing can kill bacteria that appear in the air of the room.

Ficus - poisonous plant or not?

With complete confidence it can be argued that the ficus is a poisonous plant. It contains juice that reminds milk. It cannot be tastefully tasted and especially to drink.

If it falls into the skin of the face, hands or in the stomach, then the following reactions may occur:

  • in the form of urticaria or solid rash;
  • on the skin, a person can feel itching and burning;
  • in case of contact with the eye, the burnt burn may occur and, as a result, impairment of vision;
  • in swallowing, signs of organism poisoning may appear: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache and confusion.

The influence of the plant on small children, pregnant women and pets is particularly dangerous.

If the leaf appears in the body, it is necessary to make it washing it, give a sorbent and call an ambulance. If the juice fell into the skin of the face or eye, then it is necessary to wash it with a lot of water.

If there is a deterioration in view, then hospitalization may be needed.

Ficus has such properties: when sunlight It absorbs carbon dioxide, and emitting oxygen. At night, the opposite occurs, so it is not recommended to put a plant in the bedroom, and even more so in the children's room.

Can Ficus cause allergies?

Poisonous ficus or not? The plant is allergenic and can highlight rubber. These properties of the ficus may adversely affect the health of asthmatics.

People who have increased sensitivity may occur: asthma attacks, diarrhea, vomiting and edema mucous membranes.

According to studies, Ficus Benjamin ranks third as an allergen after dust tick and pet wool.

How to prevent fico poisoning?

Ficus poisonous for a person? In order for the ficuses could not adversely affect the health of a person, when careing, some rules should be followed:

  • It is necessary to care for the plant in gloves. The transplantation or pruning does not need to be entrusted to children or people suffering from allergies.
  • It is not recommended to install a ficus in the room in a child or on the floor so that it does not take out pets.
  • If the family has a person suffering from various forms of allergies, it is better to refuse to avoid complications from the plant.

If you properly care for the ficus and abide by the precautions, it will not harm the body to a person and his loved ones.

Despite the existing negative qualities, Ficus is a plant that is completely unpretentious in care. It does not like direct sunlight, frequent watering and temperature drop.

Ficus because of its negative properties it is necessary to grow with caution in the house where small children have.

Flower growing this plant at home, know how beneficial it affects the atmosphere of housing, cleaning the air of the room.

But the ability to spend at home treatment with a ficus of common diseases for many is a surprise that requires learning.
Therefore, the knowledge gained in this vital issue will always help to get out of adverse circumstances and get rid of ailments.

The world of fikuses is very diverse and, probably, there will be a mistake of the statement that many types of ficuses, if not all, have certain abilities to curable various diseases.

First of all, this is explained by the presence of a large number of biologically active substances as part of the ficuses. If you do not go into the debris of frightening terms and make a clear generalization, these substances have anti-inflammatory, painful properties and even find use in folk medicine as an antitumor agent.

And in almost every house where flowers live, you can meet at least one of the representatives of the ficuses. But many do not even know about healing properties This widespread plant, and the palm of the championship belongs to the fraud, which owns chic, juicy, fleshy leaves, which are successfully used in a home aid kit.

The spectrum of diseases that can be treated with ficus at home is quite wide.

  • Leaves decoctions are used to reduce pain and reduce hemorrhoidal nodes, as well as warts.

If there are skin diseases, painful pain, disorders of digestive, inflammation of the bladder, joint problems, mastopathy - that's just a small list of diseases with which the ficus is successfully coping with.

Treatment with ficus leaves

We will get acquainted with some kinds of diseases and recipes for their treatment with the help of the healing features of the ficus leaves.

Common osteochondrosis

The diseases of the spine are concerned with many, limiting in movements and creating inconvenience. If you have pain in the neck or suddenly grabbed the attack of the radiculitis, as a rule, they advise you to contact a specialist. Of course, it is necessary. But you can make it easier easy sensations And pain, using a decoction of ficus leaves.

Recipe number 1.

  • Choose a sheet of ficus, grind it to a casket state.
  • Add to the mass on the tablespoon of honey and salt.
  • Stir and give it to strengthen about 30 minutes.
  • Then this mixture is mixed up to a homogeneous state and it can be used to treat it, wrapped with Cashitz in several layers of gauze and superimposed on a sore place.

You can use the plaster by attaching this bandage to the body. It is enough to carry out 2-4 procedures for an hour to reduce pain syndrome.

Recipe number 2.

  • You can also take three sheets of ficus, grinding them into small pieces.
  • Next, add 300 grams of alcohol and 10 ml of iodine and camphor oil.
  • Capacity with content thoroughly shacks and insist for three weeks in a cool place.

After this time, use liquid for rubbing.


Deals, which, as a rule, may arise suddenly and causes a lot of suffering. Therefore, the presence of a ficus of the house can help, without waiting for medication reinforcements.

Recipe number 1.

  • You need to take 4-5 ficus leaves, scroll through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  • Next, press the juice from the resulting mass.
  • Add one teaspoon of honey.

The resulting mixture is received during the first three days two tablespoons every two hours before eating. Then you can cut the reception to 3 times a day.

The lack of this tincture in a short period of possible storage. Therefore, many prefer to make an alcohol tincture based on the leaves of the ficus.

Recipe number 2.

  • Take 1-2 large ficus sheet, get the above juice.
  • It turns out approximately 50-60 g of juice, add half a 70% alcohol and give it in the refrigerator 2 days.


Frequently often emerging trouble, especially in the family, where there are fidget children who manage to hit something at the most unexpected moment, after which the "bruise" occurs. And here the home ficus can also come to the rescue.

  • We need a known way to get one tablespoon of ficus juice, add three tablespoons of flour and honey and knead the dough.
  • To form a cake from it and attach it to the patient, fixing the plaster for the whole night.

Do this procedure to recovery.

Treatment of joints

The fact that the ficus is used to treat joints for many will be output from the state of permanently accompanying pain strongly complicating daily life. For such suffering people, it is best to store in the refrigerator in advance prepared tincture.

Recipe number 1.

  • Take a half-liter bank and freeze to fill it with chopped ficus leaves.
  • Pour vodka, close the jar and put for three weeks in a warm place.
  • Further the tincture is strain and remove for storage in the refrigerator.

Before applying tincture, it is desirable to take a hot bath with the addition of a rock salt. And after the bath, put the fabric moistened in the tincture, to the sore place, shook the joint woolen bandage.

Recipe number 2.

Everyone knows the "cabbage sheet" method used to facilitate arthrine pain. The list of ficus can also be performed exactly the same function. It can be imposed on a sick joint, fixing the bandage and not to take as much as you can not leave the house without removing even for the night.

Recipe number 3.

  • For this tincture, you need to take a bottle of 9% vinegar, crushed sheet of ficus and 5 pods of bitter pepper.
  • This mixture is placed for a week in a dark place.

After the polling procedure, you can use tincture as a compress or as rubbing.


If you are catching up, and cough suffers, recipes folk Medicine They advise the following deliverance from the hands.

Recipe number 1.

  • Take 2 sheets of ficus and boil them for three minutes.
  • Next to smear the sheets with honey and put on the chest, wrapped the body with a wool handkerchief or scarf to fix leaves.

Leave compress until morning.

Recipe number 2.

  • Boil 2 sheets of ficus for about three minutes.
  • Leaves dry and wrap marley dipped in hot vodka.
  • Put the leaves on the back and chest. Scarf wind the body and leave until the morning. You can use this procedure until your condition facilitates.

The presence of such an interesting plant in your house as a ficus, not only refreshes the air of your housing, but also will help in a difficult moment to cope with various malaise, making your life more comfortable and calm.

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What is the ficus? The healing properties of the ficus. Treatment of mastopathy, treatment of radiculitis, treatment of zoyne pain, treatment of bruises, treatment of corns.

Ficus grows in Africa, Southeast Asia. There are currently about 800 species of this plant today; 20 species are considered an extractive species, among them the most common indoor plant is the ampel ficus. For us, the largest interest is the room Ficus Karika (figs). Its fruits are widely used and everyone is known to everyone, these are so-called wine berries, figs, figs, figs.

Ficus attracts with its bright greens, is a wonderful decor in an apartment, office space, winter garden.

Crown pruning produce in the spring, giving her necessary view, a few weeks before the transplantation.

❧ The first rubber (rubber) was extracted from the Jewie Brazilian juice, many know about it. Among the ficuses also have rubious species. They are specifically grown on plantations in Southeast Asia to obtain rubber.

IN chemical composition Carics ficus include biologically active substances, namely: flavonoids (rutin), fourocumarines (lupodol, mannogeptulose and se-heptoutulosis); Psoralen and Bergapten, palmitic acid, trioxisteroid saponin (fishenegenin), essential oil. In folk medicine, the ficus is used as an anti-cancer. Leaf decoction is used as an painful, it helps to reduce hemorrhoidal nodes, warts. The nollion is practiced to improve digestion and soft lactation stimulation in women. Infusions are used to rinse the oral cavity, the surcharge from colds, softening the dishes and tumors.

Ampelnaya ficus use leaves for the treatment of carbuncles, dysentery. With hemorrhoids practiced dried leaves; Stems - with furunculese, rheumatism, gustry ulcers. The juice of the ficus stem is used in dysentery, skin diseases, with spine pain, hemorrhoid, digestive disorder and tuberculosis. The decoction of the roots helps with the inflammation of the bladder and urination disorder.

In the medicine of eastern countries, drugs from ficus increase the sexual possibilities of men. It is also believed that the reception of this plant inside removes pain in the heart, prevents the danger of cancer.

Among other things, the ficus is very beautiful and cleans the air indoors. It absorbs trichloroethylene, phenol, benzene. There is also a belief that if there are no children in the family, and their spouses want them very much, you need to plant and grow ficus, and after some time a child will appear in the family.

Ficus juice when mastopathy

Composition: 2 sheet of ficus, honey.

Method of preparation: Leaves wash, twisted through a meat grinder, add honey.

Method of application: Take 1 tsp. 1 time per day at the same time in the morning or in the evening for 1 week, then interrupt the course for 14 days and repeat again.

Note: Store medicine in the refrigerator.

Tincture of ficus with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis

Composition: 1 sheet of ficus, 120 ml of vodka, 250 g of cook salt.

Method of cooking: leans sheet, skip through a meat grinder, add vodka. Insist 14 days in a dark cool place. Then filter with gauze, pour into a bottle of dark glass, remove to the refrigerator.

Method of application: Take a warm bath with a cook salt, then griely sick places in infusion, tie them with a warm woolen scarf. The course of treatment can be up to 10 days.

Fikus pellets during mastopathy

Method of cooking: leans sheet, skip through a meat grinder, add honey, flour, kneading a cake.

Method of application: Apply a bump on problem areas overnight, fix with a dressing. Do within 1 week, then interrupt treatment for 14 days and repeat again.

Ficus at Furunkula

Composition: 2 sheet of ficus.

Method of preparation: Grind leaves in Cashitz.

Method of application: Put the crawl out of the leaves on the inflamed place, tie a bandage for the night. The next day, everything is repeated. After the 2nd use of the pus ficus comes out.

Ficus tincture with dental pain

Ingredients: 20 g of fresh juice from ficus leaves, 100 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol.

Method of preparation: mix juice and alcohol, put in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Method of application: to gain infusion in a pipette, carefully drop in a sick tooth in a hollow, not falling on the gum.

Pellet ficus against bruises

Ingredients: 1 sheet of ficus, 1 tsp. Honey, flour.

Method of preparation: Wash leaf, skip through a meat grinder, mix with honey and flour, make a cake.

Method of application: At night attach a cake to a bruise, tie with warm tissue.

Ice from ficus with bruises

Composition: 3 sheets of ficus, water.

Method of preparation: Cut leaves, pour into a small amount of water, boil 5 minutes. Cool decoction, strain, pour over molds for freezing, put in the refrigerator.

Method of application: Attach a piece of ice obtained to the bruise, hold 10 minutes.

Casseli Cashier

Composition: 1 sheet of ficus, 50 ml of 70% acetic acid solution.

Method of cooking: leans sheet, skip through a meat grinder, mix with vinegar.

Method of application: Put the mixture for gauze, gently apply on the corn, secure the marla with the plaster. After 24 hours, remove the plaster, carefully remove the corn. In the event that the corn has not been deleted, repeat the procedure again.

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Ficus, care

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Ficus is a genus of evergreen or deciduous plants of the family of tute, common in countries with a subtropical climate. Grows in Crimea, Transcaucasia, Krasnodar Territory, Mediterranean, America, Africa, etc.. Refers to valuable fruit plants and grown in open soil. In hot countries, ficus leaves are used to cover the roofs. In industry from several types of ficus, rubber is mined. Also, the ficus is popular in home flower growing as a decorative plant cleansing the air in the house.

In addition, this plant is widely used in traditional medicine and is part of some formal medicine drugs. Especially cited medical properties Ficus rubbing, ficus Benjamin and Fikus Karika (figs).

Description and blank

Ficus rubbing has a webly trunk and large glossy oval leaves on thick cuttings. The fruits are small, yellow-green, oval shape.
Ficus Benjamin has a wide crown with branches, which are regularly located thin-bedish leaves 6-13 cm long. Fruits of this ficus are intolerable.
Ficus Karika has beautiful paddle leaves falling on the winter. It gives fruit even at home.
The folk medicine uses: stalks, leaves, juice, roots and fruit ficus.
Plant leaves are used both in fresh and dried. The fruits of figs use fresh in the rock, as well as dried in the future - within 3-4 days in the sun.

Composition and properties

In the leaves and ficus stems are contained: flavonoids, trioxisteroid saponin, coumarins, palminthic acid, essential oil and other valuables. Fruits of figs are rich: tuban substances, organic acids, proteins, fats, glucose, fructose, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B1, B3, C, PP.

The plant has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, stiff, antipyretic, painful, antitumor and tonic effect. Dried figures of figs have a laxative effect.
In traditional medicine, the ficus is used at:

  • throat disease;
  • tracheake, bronchitis;
  • mastopathy;
  • neurasthenia, depression;
  • radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • violation of digestion, dysentery;
  • hemorrhoid;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • mastopathy, moma of the uterus;
  • dental pain;
  • oncological diseases, tumors;
  • casins, furunculaes, wen, warts.

Fruits of figs are useful for iron deficiency anemia, chest pains, rapid heartbeat.
Also, the ficus is used to improve lactation in women and sexual power in men.


We bring to your attention recipes medicinesprepared on the basis of the rubber naval ficus.

Tincture with dysentery and intestinal disorders:

  • 50 g of juice from fresh ficus leaves;
  • 100 g of vodka.

Mix juice with vodka and let it brew for two days in the refrigerator. Treatment: Take the first day on 1 tablespoon of tincture every two hours, the second-third day take on 1 tablespoon of tincture 5 times a day, and for 4 days - 1 tablespoon is three times a day after meals.
Still medicine from dysentery:

  • juice from 5-6 leaf of ficus;
  • 1 tsp. alcohol;
  • 1 tsp. Honey.

Mix juice with alcohol and honey. During the first 3 days, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture every 2 hours. In the following days, take a mixture 3 times a day after meals.
With tracheake or bronchitis, hold the ficus sheet in boiling water for 3 minutes, then lubricate it with honey and impose on the chest at night. Top tie a warm handkerchief. Such a compress contributes to the discharge of sputum.
To improve lactation, a drop of 5 drops of ficus juice on a piece of sugar, slowly disperse it, and then eat a banana. A day can be done twice.
With neurality or depression, 3 drops of the juice of a fresh ficus leaf dripped on a piece of sugar or bread and eat, without drinking water.

Tincture with radiculitis:

  • 1 sheet of ficus;
  • 120 ml vodka.

Wash leaf, grind in a blender or scroll through the meat grinder and pour with vodka. Put the mixture into a dark cool place for two weeks. Perfectly obtained by infusion. Store the finished remedy in the fridge in a dark glass container. Take a bath with the addition of 250 g of salt, and then scroll the patients with the place of the ficus. After rubbing, we assure these places with a woolen scarf. The recommended course of treatment is 7-10 days. Use with radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis.
Tinting tincture:

  • 20 g of juice from fresh ficus leaves;
  • 100 ml of 70% of alcohol.

Mix juice with alcohol and place 2 days in the refrigerator. The resulting tincture drip down when the damaged tooth is hooked, avoiding the mucous hit.
Pellets when mastopathy:

  • 1 sheet of ficus;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 1 ppm flour.

Wash the ficus sheet, grind, add honey and flour and prey pretty so that it turns out to be a cake. Enter the patient on the night and fix the bandage. Recommended course treatment: 7 days. Then take a break for two weeks and repeat the course of treatment. Such pellets can be used for the treatment of bruises (in this case, the cake is fixed on the night with warm tissue). Instead of cakes when mastopathy, you can make a row from sophisticated leaves.

Also, when mastopathy can be taken inside a mixture of chopped ficus sheet with honey in a ratio of 1: 1 1 teaspoon a day or in the morning or in the evening (at the same time). Course treatment: 7days, then break for 14 days and repeat the reception rate.

Under the Moma of the uterus:

  • 2-3 sheets of ficus;
  • 1 tbsp. vodka;
  • 1 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 crude yolk chicken egg.

Pour the crushed ficus leaves with vodka in a bottle of dark glass and put it in the refrigerator for two weeks to appease. Perfoliate the finished tincture, add honey and yolk into it and mix well. Fit the mixture to the bottom of the abdomen for the night for two weeks essay. From above, be sure to wrap your hips with a woolen scarf or handkerchief.
Ficus with hemorrhoids:

  • 1 part of the ficus juice;
  • 2 parts of filtered water.

Mix juice with water and freeze in foil molds. Candles are obtained in the rear pass for 10 seconds for 3-4 days in a row. In subsequent days, you can increase the holding time of the candle. Recommended treatment course: 7-10 days.
For the treatment of boils, the leaves of the ficus are crushed into the cleaner, apply to the place of inflammation and fix the bandage. Make overnight. Usually there are enough two procedures for the opening of an ulcer.

For the treatment of bruises, ficus ice are prepared: Cut three sheets of ficus, fill them with 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Cool the decoction, strain and freeze in molds. For the treatment of bruises, attach such ice on 10 ice.

Ficus from solid corns:

  • 1 sheet of ficus;
  • 50 ml of 70% acetic acid.

Clean sheet rubbish in the crawl and mix with vinegar. The resulting mixture impose on a small piece of gauze, attach to the corn and secure the plaster. Leave a skip for a day. After the specified time, the corn should easily be easily removed. If the corn has not taken out, then repeat the procedure.
Tincture to get rid of wen and warts:

  • 1 sheet of ficus (medium size);
  • 50 g of apple or table vinegar.

Reflect the sheet through the meat grinder, pour the vinegar and give it to brew for 10 days. Ready to the tincture. For treatment, moisten a tincture of a small piece of cotton, attach to wart or wiring and secure the leukoplasty. Keep no longer than 5 minutes.
Another recipe from warts: 2 pieces of ficus juice mix with 1 part of acetic essence. Drip on the wart. After 5 minutes, wash. With a strong wave, wash the remedy with water in 5-10 seconds. Keep such a medicine is needed in a dark place.


  • children under 5 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • in allergies and individual intolerance.

I am very sorry that this beautiful plant has almost ceased to breed in modern apartments. All my childhood passed precisely under the canopy of such a cozy ficus. With a little brother, as soon as you did not scoff at the meek church - cut the leaves with scissors, mastered the rafts and boats, and even shalas were built. And it only magnificently green and threw even more new shoots.

Somehow fate threw me into one of the towns of Costa Rica. In some scholar, I saw Ficus and delighted him as an old friend. Local

told me about the wonderful healing properties of the plant. Already later I myself studied them thoroughly.

Ficus has a wide range of pharmacological action on the body. The juice of ficus and the tincture of his leaves is treated by many diseases.

Many know that an ordinary cabbage sheet helps with bronchitis. It is lowered for a few minutes to boiling water, then lubricated with linden honey and apply to the chest area, covering the warm scarf on top. The ficus sheet has the same properties as the cabbage, and use it in the same way. For example, I believe that it acts even more efficiently in the cabbage.

Ficus has pronounced antitumor properties. In the same Costa Rica Ficus is treated with mastopathy - hardening in mammary glands. To do this, put a row from the Kashitz leaves and drink its juice.

For the preparation of juice, 2-3 sheets are passed through the meat grinder, press. To the resulting juice, you can add honey to taste. Keep such a medicine in the refrigerator. Take 1 tsp once a day in the morning or evening before eating for 7 days, then take a break for two weeks and repeat the course.

With benign


In addition, the ficus tincture can be used outwardly. For its preparation of 2-3 finely chopped sheet pour 200 ml of vodka and insist within two weeks in a cold place. Then strain, add 1 tbsp. Spoonful of honey and egg yolk. Mix mix thoroughly (better with a mixer) and store in the refrigerator, but no more than two weeks. (The resulting volume is designed for the entire course of treatment.)

It is necessary to take a little tincture in the palm and mild movements to rub into the skin above the place where the hardening is forgiven. After the procedure, put on a sore place a warm fabric and fix it with a bandage or put on warm linen. But before you do self-medication, it is necessary to be examined to eliminate the malignant process when the urgent operation is required, and consult about the "fishery treatment" with your attending physician.

Under the seals in the field of breast and at the site of injections, the applique of the casher of the ficus with honey helps. It is necessary to skip a sheet of ficus through the meat grinder, add 1 tsp of honey, a little flour and knead the cakes. To impose them for the night of problem areas and fix the bandage. The course of treatment is 7 days, after a two-week break, if necessary, you can repeat.

Ficus has both antiviral action, so it is successfully used in dealing with


In order to bring these formations, the leaves of the ficus must be insisted on an apple or ordinary table vinegar. A sheet passed through a meat grinder to pour 50 ml of vinegar and insist in a dark glass dish in a cool place for 10 days. The resulting infusion is filtered through a double layer of gauze. Mixed cotton swabbone attached to


and fix the plaster. Keep no longer 5-10 minutes so as not to burn the skin.


good effect give "fake" candles. From the meat grinder of several leaves of ficus, squeeze the juice and add clean boiled water to it (on 1 tbsp. A spoon of juice 2 tbsp. Water spoons). Mix thoroughly and pour into small homemade foil molds. Install molds in a cup and send to the freezer.

Before use, to move the foil, omit the candle in warm water. The first 3-4 days enter the candle carefully, no longer than 10 seconds. Then gradually increase the time. Course treatment 7-10 days.

You can also in a fresh ficus juice, you can moisten a piece of bandage, roll out a tampon from it, carefully enter into anal hole and leave for the night. The course of treatment is 10 days.


Arthritis use rubbing tincture of ficus leaves on vodka.

For the preparation of tincture, one medium in size is to skip the meat grinder, pour 100 ml of vodka, insist in a dark cool place for two weeks. Then filter through the gauze and store in the dish from dark glass in the refrigerator.

Before going to bed, take a moderately hot (39 ° C) bath with a salt salt (200 g per full bath), then rub sick places heated (under the jet hot water) A tincture of ficus and tied up with a warm woolen scarf. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Russia has long been treated


baked onion, which literally removes inflammation and pulls the pus. Ficus acts in a similar way.

The ficus sheet is boiled in boiling water before softening. A hot leaf is laying out the kashitz from the meat grinder of one fresh leaf. When Kashitz warm up slightly, and the sheet is cooled, it is imposed by a casket on


and fix the bandage. By the morning of Krasnut and pain disappear, and the next night a sheet of ficus will extend the pus.

Ficus is able to reassure strong toothpow and remove

Rinse alcohol tincture Ficus is cleaned by purulent cysts formed on the roots of patients

10 g of fresh ficus juice dilute 50 ml of 70% alcohol, insist in the refrigerator two days. With severe pain, pack the tincture of a pipette in an open hollow

Trying not to burn the gums.

For resorption of purulent cyst, dilute the tincture of water (one part of the tincture of 3 parts of water), heat up to a temperature of 38-39 degrees. Rinse your mouth 3 minutes several times a day.

wrapped (no more than three minutes) in boiling water, and then cooled leaves apply to a tumor and fix the bandage. Compress keep a few hours.

Ficus leaves and juice of them are perfectly absorbed by hematomas formed after

I offer two ways.

"Fikus ice". Missed through a meat grinder or finely chopped medium sheet pour the glass of boiling water and cook on slow heat for 3-5 minutes. The resulting decoction to cool, pour into molds for food ice And put in the freezer. Frozen cubes apply to hematoma.

"Fikus pellets". From the meat grinder of the middle the magnitude of the sheet to squeeze juice. Add 1 tsp. Honey and a little flour. Easy token and impose them for the night for a sore place by fixing the bandage.

For the treatment of painful

and their removal is used by Kashitsa Fikus, diluted with 70% vinegar. Skipped sheet through the meat grinder and dilute by vinegar to the thickness of sour cream. The composition is applied on the folded four piece of gauze, impose on

and fix the plaster. After a day, the plaster must be removed, and the softened corn carefully removed. If the corn has not fully deleted, the procedure should be repeated.

Here is such an extensive range of this healer - ficus growing on the windowsill. -

Ficus Care Tips- From spring to autumn, abundantly water the ficus, in winter, watering should be moderate, and warm water.

At species with large glossy foliage from time to time, rub the leaves with a sponge.

Feed the ficus preferably in spring and summer.

Winter Ficus loves low temperatures. Temperature minimum for it - 13 ° C.

At the hottest time of the day, make sure that the straight sun rays do not fall into the leaves.

Young plants transplant each second spring.

Irina Filippova,

Kira Tsekolova

In almost every apartment you can see flowers in pots. Most are grown with a decorative goal, but there are plants that can boast not only attractive external species. The article describes what is the benefit and harm of the ficus - the popular tenant of our homes. So, the ficus is harmful for a person or not?

Plant Features

Ficus, belonging to the family of mulberry, originally from hot countries. Evergreen plant, numbering more than 1000 varieties of shrubs, trees and lian, is noteworthy in that it allocates milky juice. It is he who is the key component that determines the harm of home focus and their benefits.

All famous silky and figs also belong to representatives of this plant. Among the domestic species (not more than 1.4-2 m) is the most common ficus of bendjamine (elegant, patterned, with small leaves) rubber (powerful, largest), Benedict, Bengali, Lirectic, Dwarf. Differing in size, color sheets and form, they and care require different. But for all species, the heat and lightness, the intolerance to drafts, addictive to a permanent place.

In the summer, it is advisable to move the flower to the balcony or to the garden, and it is impossible to forget to protect against direct sunlight on it. Watering the ficus during the cold season is required once every 10 days, in summer - much more often; The leaves rub every day, the air in the room, where the plant is standing, should be very well moistened: fresh air is important for flower. In the spring and summer, the soil feed the special fertilizers. A young ficus replant is recommended every April, an adult - once every 2-3 years. The reproduction occurs with cuttings and seeds. You should be attentive! Running roots and spots on the leaves - signs of plant disease. Among other things, it is necessary to fear pests.

Home ficus benefit for people

This flower is not just part of the interior; Gardeners can tell a lot of interesting things about his advantages. Let's get acquainted with the main one:

  • Purification of air in the apartment, its oxygen saturation, processing harmful substances in amino acids.
  • The healing property in the treatment of oncology, diseases of the joints, backs, female ailments, hematomas: from the leaves they prepare a decoction and, depending on the type of problem, they apply it to sick places or take internally. The most healing properties in relation to human health has a rubbing variety of plants.
  • Frozen juice from it is useful as raw materials in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • This is an excellent basis for alcohol drugs treated with robust cavity and riding pain.
  • According to popular beliefs, Ficus is a powerful energy protection of the house from evil forces (according to popular beliefs).

Before external and internal use, you must be consulted with your doctor. To prepare a decoction from the ficus juice, 3 sheets scroll through the meat grinder and press the juice through the gauze. For the preparation of tincture pour overwhelmed leaves with a glass of vodka and insist 2 weeks in a dark cool place. After the filping, an egg yolk and 1 tbsp are added. l. Honey. Store such a tincture should be in the refrigerator not longer than 3 weeks.

What other properties possesses

For diseases of the female sex system, traditional medicine advises to take a tincture of 1 t. On the day, regardless of food for seven days, you can repeat after a half months. When fibromes, raw juice ficus is useful. Frozen juice or broken ficus leaves are used to treat bruises and mechanical damage. A leaf is applied to the furuncle with a grip, then a bandage is made. The next morning leaves the pus.

The usefulness of the flower is determined by the whole of its type. As mentioned above, the greatest value in folk medicine have large leaves of rubber ficus.

As for Esoteric, everything depends on what you yourself believe. It is an opinion that acquiring the ficus should be exclusively on a growing moon, and it is necessary to give something in return to the donor. Flower, obtained free, brings the new owner only trouble in the house. So thank the one who gives you a flower at least symbolically.

Dangerous health houseplants

Iodine for indoor plants ❖❖ Reads or harm?

What flowers do not keep at home and which you can

It is also said that the ficus helps childless pairs. If you put it near the place where money or products are stored in the house, the family will be achieved. Interestingly, in Asian countries, he is honored for the sacred and grown everywhere. Get as a gift such a flower or a thing with his image is a sign of great respect and the wishes of success in affairs and personal life, as Ficus transfers its energy to the one who gives it.

Calling such a flower in the house, the owner takes responsibility for him, for his prosperous existence in the dwelling. For proper care Ficus will bring the owners to benefit and delight their appearance.

Harm and contraindications

There are certain limitations, because of which not every owner can allow the ficus in its apartment. What features are harmful to humans, cause damage to his health?

  • Strong allergen. In the list of the most common pathogens of the allergic reaction, the ficus occupies the top places along with the wool cats and ticks. If asthmatics are present in the family, this plant starts forbidden.
  • Ficus juice, falling on open wounds, can cause skin irritation. If there are pets in the apartment, it is impossible to give them to the leaves of the ficus: the beast can earn poisoning.

Before you have at home this plant, you should make sure that no family members have intolerance. Do not neglect precautions, otherwise harm from indoor ficuses for health will be essential.

In general, it can be said that this plant is an excellent option for a small apartment: unpretentious, pretty and possessing useful properties. What is harmful to the ficus, it is also clear, and if there are no such threats, it will always be a place in the house for him.



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