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Formation of the vocabulary of preschool children. Lexicon

Formation vocabulary in ontogeny

Analytical and functional features central nervous system and peripheral speech apparatus is not mature from the birth of a child and reaches a mature level only in the process of general somatic, sexual and neuropsychological development.

The issue of the development of the child's vocabulary is a large number of studies in which this process is covered in various aspects: psychophysiological, psychological, linguistic, psycholinguistic.

The early stage of speech formation, including word acquisition, is considered in many ways in the works of such authors as M.M. Koltsova, E.N. Vinarskaya, N.I. Zhinkin, G.L. Rosengart-Pupko, D. B. Elkonin and others.

The first year of life, despite the fact that the child does not yet speak, is very important for the development of those brain systems and psychological activity associated with the formation of speech.

Oral speech presupposes the presence of a voice, and the cry of a child for the first weeks and months of life already characterizes the state of those innate nervous mechanisms that will be used in the development of speech. The cry of a healthy child is characterized by a sonorous and prolonged voice, a short inhalation and an elongated exhalation.

By the second or third month of life, the cry of the child is significantly enriched intonation. The intonation enrichment of the cry indicates that the child has begun to form the function of communication.

At the same time, the child begins to listen to the sounds of speech, look for sources of sound, turn his head to the speaker, focusing his attention on the face and lips of an adult.

By the age of three months, specific vocal reactions appear - cooing . These include the sounds of groaning, joyful squealing. They can hardly be identified with the sounds of their native language. However, it is possible to distinguish sounds that resemble vowels (a, o, y, e), labial consonants (p, m, b) due to the physiological act of sucking and posterior lingual (g, k, x) associated with the physiological act of swallowing.

During the cooing period, in addition to the signals of dissatisfaction expressed by a cry, intonation appears, signaling the state of the child. Cooing periods are especially long at the time of emotional communication with an adult.

Between four and five months of life, the next stage begins, the pre-verbal development of the child - babbling. During this period of babbling sounds, a sign of localization and structuring of the syllable appears. The voice stream characteristic of cooing begins to break up into syllables, the psychophysiological mechanism of word formation is gradually formed.

Cooing and the first stage of babbling is carried out due to the innate programs of the central nervous system, do not depend on the state of physical hearing of children and do not reflect the phonetic structure of the native language, i.e. they are phenogenetic speech memory in the functional system of speech.

In the first half of life, there is a diffuse development of the coordination of the phonatory-respiratory mechanisms that underlie the formation of oral speech.

Babbling speech, being rhythmically organized, is closely connected with the rhythmic movements of the child. Waving his arms or jumping in the arms of an adult, he rhythmically repeats the syllables “ta-ta-ta; ha-ha-ha”, etc.

This rhythm is an archaic phrase of the language, which explains its early appearance in speech ontogenesis. Therefore, it is very important to give the child freedom of movement, which affects not only the development of his psychomotor skills, but also the formation of speech articulations.

Further development of speech is associated with mandatory speech (auditory) and visual contact with an adult, i.e. Hearing and vision are required. At this stage of the ontogenesis of the babble language in a child with intact hearing, the phenomenon of autoechology can be traced. The child repeats the same open syllable for a long time (wa, va, va; ha, ha, ha). At the same time, you can notice how he listens intently to himself (the second stage in the development of babbling).

After eight months, the sounds gradually do not correspond to the phonetic system of the native language, begin to fade away.

Some of the babbling sounds that do not correspond to the speech heard by the child are lost, new speech sounds appear, similar to the phonemes of the speech environment.

During this period of development of the child, the actual speech ontogenetic memory begins to form, gradually the phonetic system of the native language is formed in the child due to auditory back afferentations.

There is also a third stage in the development of babbling, during which the child begins to pronounce “words” formed by repeating the same syllable of the type: “ba-ba; mother".

In attempts at verbal communication, children at ten to twelve months of age already reproduce the most typical characteristics of the rhythm of their native language. The temporal organization before speech vocalizations contains elements analogous to the rhythmic structuring of adult speech. Such "words" as a rule do not correspond to the real object, although the child pronounces them quite clearly. This stage of babbling is usually short, and the baby soon begins to speak the first words.

The timing and pace of development of understanding the speech of others diverge from the timing and pace of the formation of oral speech. Already seven or eight months of life, children begin to adequately respond to words and phrases, which are accompanied by appropriate gestures and facial expressions. Those. at this time, the relationship between the sound image of the word and the object in a particular situation begins to develop. With repeated repetition of words by an adult in combination with a demonstration of an object, a connection is gradually formed in the child between the visual representation and the sounding word.

Thus, the understanding of the listened word is established long before the child can pronounce it. The pattern, manifested in a significant predominance of the impressive vocabulary over the expressive one, remains with a person for life.

The first words appear by the end of the first year of life. Active, manipulative activity of the hands develops. There are some differences in the rate of speech development in boys (10-12 m.) and girls (8-9 m.). When pronouncing the first words, the child reproduces their general sound image, usually to the detriment of the role of individual sounds in it.

All researchers of children's speech are unanimous that children learn the phonemic structure of speech and vocabulary not in parallel, but in successive jumps, the development and development of the phonetic system of the language follows the appearance of words as semantic units.

The first words used by a child in speech are characterized by a number of features. With the same word, a child can express feelings, desires and designate an object. Words can express a complete whole message, and in this respect the sentence develops.

The speech activity of a child at this age is situational, closely related to the subject-practical activity of the child and significantly depends on the emotional participation of an adult in communication. Pronunciation by a child is usually accompanied by gestures and facial expressions.

The speed of mastering the active vocabulary at preschool age proceeds individually. The vocabulary is replenished especially quickly in the last months of the second year of life.

By the end of the second year of life, elementary phrasal speech is formed. There are also large individual differences in the timing of its appearance.

Elementary phrasal speech includes, as a rule, 2-3 words expressing (need) requirements (“Give mom!”; “Give Nina a drink!”). If by the age of 2.5 a child does not form phrasal speech, it is believed that the pace of his speech development begins to lag behind the norm.

The phrases of the end of the second year of life are characterized by the fact that they are mostly pronounced in the affirmative form and have a special word order, in which the "main" word comes first. By the end of the second year, speech becomes the main means of communication with adults.

The lack of verbal communication with the child significantly affects his development, not only speech, but also the general mental.

In the third year of life, the child's communication is sharply enhanced. At this age, not only the volume of commonly used words increases rapidly, but also the ability to create words that arose at the end of the second year of life increases.

From a simple verbal phrase, a three-year-old child moves on to using a complex phrase using conjunctions, case forms nouns singular and plural. From the second half of the third year of life, the number of adjectives increases significantly.

After three years, phonemic perception and mastery of sound pronunciation develop intensively. It is believed that the sound-producing side of the language with the normative speech development of the child is positively formed by the age of 4-5.

The sounds of the Russian language appear in the child's speech in the following order: explosive, slotted, affricates. Last of all, children usually begin to pronounce the trembling "r." (sonora).

The articulatory program in ontogenesis is formed in such a way that unstressed syllables undergo compression in the process of oral speech, i.e. the duration of pronunciation of unstressed vowels is significantly reduced. The rhythmic structure of the word the child masters gradually. At preschool age, the child has poor control over his voice, with difficulty changing its volume and pitch. Only by the end of the fourth year of life does whispered speech appear. Starting from the age of four, the child's phrasal speech becomes more complicated. On average, sentences are built from 5-6 words. The speech uses prepositions and conjunctions, compound and complex sentences. At this time, children easily memorize and tell poems, fairy tales, retell the content of the pictures. At this age, the child begins to verbalize his actions, which indicates the formation of the regulatory function of speech.

By the age of five, the child masters the types of declensions and conjugations. Collective nouns and new words formed with the help of suffixes appear in his speech.

By the age of five, the child begins to master contextual speech, i.e. create your own text messages. Along with the quantitative and qualitative enrichment of speech, its volume increases, there is an increase in grammatical errors, incorrect word changes, a violation in the structure of sentences, and difficulties in planning statements.

During the formation of monologue speech, the search for an adequate lexical and grammatical formulation of statements is underway, which is expressed in the appearance of hesitation pauses. The hesitation pause reflects the speaker's mental activity associated with the search for an adequate lexeme or grammatical construction. According to R.E. Levina, at this age, the affective tension of the child refers not only to the content of contextual speech, but also to its lexical and grammatical design. By about six years of age, the formation of a child's speech in lexical and grammatical terms can be considered complete.

By the age of seven, a child uses words denoting abstract concepts, uses words with a figurative meaning. By this age, children fully master the colloquial and everyday style of speech.

Emphasizing the priority position of the word in the system of conceptual and functionally effective language categories, its versatile significance (regardless of the variable designations of the concept itself), we consider the speech development and speech activity of children in accordance with the views of A.R. Luria, who said that “ any orientation in the surrounding reality in a normal adult, as in a normal schoolchild, is carried out with the closest participation of connections that have arisen on the basis of the word; these connections are intimately included in his practical activity; they allow him, assimilating universal human experience, to systematize the phenomena of the surrounding world, diverting their essential features and generalizing them into known systems. The distracting and generalizing function of the word is also directly involved in the ordering of previous experience, which in a person acquires a systematized character mediated by the participation of the word.

Psychological studies on the development of speech in normally developing children during the first years of life and at preschool age have revealed certain stages in mastering the meaning of a word and the grammatical structures of sentences. Children move from an approximate to a more accurate understanding of the meaning of a word, mastering it as a designation of real objects, their properties, relationships, and actions.

Thus, the researchers proved that the formation of speech takes place both through the constant and slow accumulation of the dictionary, and through significant leaps. Building relationships of some words with others leads to the construction of a hierarchical system of verbal meanings.

It is known that a child begins to master oral speech in the second year of life. Inner speech (silent verbalization) arises in the process of thinking as a mechanism of mental activity and human consciousness. It can be expressed in the form of semantic components, fragments of words, phrases, or less expanded. Inner speech is a derivative in relation to external speech, to which a person resorts when performing mental operations in the mind. It can also be considered as the initial moment of the generation of a speech utterance.



"Methods and techniques of vocabulary work on the formation of vocabulary in children preschool age»


"Formation of a preschooler's vocabulary in different types activity"

Educator: Vojvodina T.S.

Features of the formation of the vocabulary of children at preschool age

The richness of the vocabulary is a sign of the high development of the child's speech. Vocabulary enrichment is necessary condition for the development of communication skills of children. At preschool age, a child must master a vocabulary that would allow him to communicate with peers and adults, study successfully at school, understand literature, television and radio programs, etc.

quantitative changesin the child's vocabulary. At 1 year old, the baby actively owns 10-12 words. After a year and a half, the enrichment of the active vocabulary occurs at a rapid pace, and by the end of the second year of life it is 300-400 words, and by the age of three it can reach 1500 words. In subsequent years, the number of words used also increases rapidly, but the rate of this growth slows down somewhat. The third year of life is the period of the greatest increase in active vocabulary. By the age of 4, the number of words reaches 1900, at 5 years - up to 2000 - 2500, and at 6 - 7 years up to 3500 - 4000 words. The number of nouns and verbs increases especially rapidly, the number of adjectives used grows more slowly. This is explained, firstly, by the conditions of upbringing (adults pay little attention to the acquaintance of children with the signs and qualities of objects), and secondly, by the nature of the adjective as the most abstract part of speech. Among other nouns, the most common are the names of phenomena inanimate nature, body parts, building structures etc. The third part of all words are verbs. The data presented above show that already in the third year of life, children have a fairly diverse vocabulary that ensures communication with others.

Qualitative characteristics of the dictionary. By virtue of the visual-effective and visual-figurative nature of thinking, the child masters, first of all, the names of visually presented or accessible groups of objects, phenomena, qualities, properties, relations that are reflected in the dictionary of children quite widely. Another feature is the gradual mastery of the meaning, the semantic content of the word. At first, the child refers the word only to a specific object or phenomenon. Such a word does not have a general character, it only signals to the child about a specific object, phenomenon or causes their images (for example, for a child the word watch denotes only those clocks that hang on this wall).

As the preschooler masters the surrounding reality - objects, phenomena (features, properties, qualities), he begins to generalize them according to one or another feature. Often generalizations are made on the grounds that they are insignificant, but emotionally significant for the child. A typical example is when a baby calls “kitty” not only a cat, but also other furry, fluffy objects, overly expanding the meaning of this word.

The same phenomenon can be traced in older children in other content. So, they often consider only carrots, onions, beets as vegetables, not including, for example, cabbage, cucumber, tomato. In another case, expanding the meaning of the word, children include certain types of fruits, mushrooms in the concept of "vegetables", motivating this by the fact that "all this grows" or "all this is eaten." And only gradually, as thinking develops, do they master the objective conceptual content of the word. Thus, the meaning of a word during preschool childhood changes as the child's cognitive abilities develop.

Tasks kindergarten on the formation of children's vocabulary.

In the domestic methodology for the development of speech, the tasks of vocabulary work in kindergarten were defined in the works of E. I. Tikheeva, O. I. Solovieva, M. M. Konina and refined in subsequent years. Today, there are four main tasks:

First of all, vocabulary enrichment with new words, assimilation by children of previously unknown words, as well as new meanings of a number of words already in their vocabulary. Enrichment of the dictionary occurs, first of all, at the expense of commonly used vocabulary (names of objects, features and qualities, actions, processes, etc.).

Secondly , consolidating and clarifying vocabulary. This task is due to the fact that in children the word is not always associated with the idea of ​​the subject. They often do not know the exact name of the items. Therefore, this includes deepening the understanding of already known words, filling them with specific content, based on an accurate correlation with the objects of the real world, further mastering the generalization that is expressed in them, and developing the ability to use commonly used words.

Thirdly , dictionary activation.The words assimilated by children are divided into two categories: a passive dictionary (words that the child understands, associates with certain ideas, but does not use) and an active dictionary (words that the child not only understands, but actively, consciously uses in speech on every appropriate occasion) . In working with children, it is important that the new word enters the active vocabulary. This happens only if it is fixed and reproduced by them in speech. The child must not only hear the teacher's speech, but also reproduce it many times, since in perception only the auditory analyzer is involved, and in speaking also the musculoskeletal and kinesthetic analyzers.

The new word should go into the dictionary in combination with other words so that children get used to using them in the right cases. For example, children freely say the stanzas of K. Chukovsky: “Long live fragrant soap!” - but rare child, smelling a rose, will say: “What fragrant flower"Or, touching a fluffy hat: "What a fluffy hat!" In the first case, he will say that the flower smells good, in the second - that the hat is soft. Attention should be paid to the clarification of the meaning of words based on the opposition of antonyms and the comparison of words that are close in meaning, as well as the assimilation of shades of the meanings of words, the development of vocabulary flexibility, the use of words in coherent speech, in speech practice.

Fourth, the elimination of non-literary words from the speech of children(dialect, colloquial, slang). This is especially necessary when children are in a disadvantaged language environment.

The teacher uses special techniques to ensure that the children not only know and understand the meaning of the necessary words, but also actively use them in their speech, so that they develop interest and attention to the word. (Why do they say that? Is it possible to say so? How to say it better, more precisely?). When educating the culture of oral speech, it is necessary to wean children from rude expressions or vernacular words, replacing them with literary ones.

All the tasks discussed above are interrelated and are solved on a practical level, without the use of the appropriate terminology.

Methods, directions and techniques for enriching the vocabulary of preschool children

Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. There are two groups of methods:methods of accumulating the content of children's speech and methods aimed at consolidating and activating the dictionary, developing its semantic side.

First group includes methods:

A) direct acquaintance with the environment and enrichment of the vocabulary: examining and examining objects, observation, inspections of the kindergarten premises, targeted walks and excursions;

B) indirect acquaintance with the environment and vocabulary enrichment: looking at pictures with unfamiliar content, reading works of art, showing movies and videos, watching TV shows.

The second group of methodsused to consolidate and activate the vocabulary: looking at toys, looking at pictures with familiar content, didactic games and exercises.

1. Expanding the child's vocabulary based on familiarization with a gradually increasing range of objects and phenomena.

2. The introduction of words denoting qualities, properties, relationships, based on deepening knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

3. The introduction of words denoting elementary concepts, based on the distinction and generalization of objects according to essential features.

These three areas of vocabulary work take place in all age groups and can be traced in different content: when getting acquainted with objects and phenomena of nature, objects of material culture, phenomena of social life, etc.

Assimilation of vocabulary by a child begins with the assimilation of nouns. He names everything that surrounds him: a doll, a bunny, a bed,pillow , and what makes up the parts of his body: hand, finger, head, nose.

Surrounding objects attract the attention of the child and receive a name only if the child is allowed to “communicate” with them: touch if the object is large (wall, floor), or turn in hands, stroke, touch, listen (cat, dog, bird) , smell (flowers), eat (porridge, milk).

Even at the age of about two years, children have difficulty remembering the name of an object, if only they see it. In one children's institution, a teacher showed two-year-old children a rabbit and said: "Here is a rabbit, here it has ears, look how long, here is a short tail." The kids were happy with the rabbit, they wanted to touch it, but the teacher pushed them away (they would scare the rabbit, and then they had to wash their hands). Such an "occupation", as the test showed, did not give any results: the children did not even learn the word rabbit (they said "kitty"). But the children who were given to hold the rabbit, touch its ears, tail, remembered the words and the rabbit, and the tail, and long ears.

The word at the first assimilation designates for the child the name of only a given, single object (proper name), and lengthy exercises with this word are needed so that its general meaning reaches the child, and it is perceived by him as a concept. As the child learns one by one the meanings of such words (a toy is all objects for play, dishes are objects in which they cook and eat), it becomes easier and easier for him to understand new similar words. Consequently, the child's assimilation of words of generalization develops the brain, teaches him to perform the mental operation of abstraction.

Verbs and adjectives do not have a degree of generalization of zero.
The first verbs learned by a child are not words in the exact (linguistic) sense. Often these are just signals that stimulate some specific action. At first, he says “Give it!”, expressing by this “I want to eat”, “I want to play”, “I want to listen to a song”. But by the middle of the second year of life, the verb to give is filled with meaning for him. As soon as the child begins to use the verb as a separate word, he immediately comprehends its generalized meaning: the baby performs specific actions with objects, seeing how people close to him perform the same actions, and learns the names of these actions. The child sees the same color, shape, size for different objects and begins to understand that the same name of color, shape, size can refer to different objects, that is, he begins to realize the generalized meaning of adjectives.

By the age of six, a child no longer needs direct sensations to learn words with a generalized meaning.

The words denoting phenomena that are more remote from children turn out to be the least assimilated. For example, the people - “this is in the market. Everyone goes and buys”; trouble - "this is a girl who does not have an elegant dress"; follower - "on the trail is some kind of hunter." The preschooler has a tendency to give a literal meaning to the words he pronounces: he calls the pilot "airplane", in his opinion, you can fly in a balloon and on a glider, and "airplane" flies only on an airplane.

The figurative meanings of words are not assimilated by children immediately. First, there is the assimilation of the main meaning. Any use of words in a figurative sense causes surprise and disagreement of children (hearing the expression “he goes to bed with roosters”, the child objects: “No, they will peck”).

With the figurative use of words that are known to the child in the literal sense, children are encountered first of all in riddles. For example, listening to the riddle “A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street” and seeing a carrot, beet or turnip in the garden in her garden, the child will understand that the “girl” here is a carrot, that is, she will understand the transfer of the meaning of the word girl if in his memory there are already images from a fairy tale - “dungeon”, “a girl with a long braid”. The transfer of meaning in this case is based on the external similarity of the situations in which both compared objects are located - a maiden in a dungeon and a carrot in the ground.

Techniques for teaching comprehension figurative meaning words used in work with younger preschoolers, of course, cannot be purely verbal: it is necessary to rely on real objects, on pictures. So, in order for three-year-old children to solve the above riddle, you need to lay out vegetables (turnips, carrots, beets) in front of them or pictures depicting these vegetables and show a picture, an illustration for some fairy tale with a “maiden in a dungeon”, with a scythe falling from -behind bars and blown by the wind.

So, in order to solve riddles, children must have some life experience, keep in mind both summer and winter impressions.

Sometimes words with a figurative meaning reveal their figurative meaning only in the context, thanks to their syntactic connections: at least a minimal connected text is needed to understand a phrase with a figurative meaning. Compare:the bald head of an old man is the bald head of a mountain; velvet sofa - velvet meadow; the boy whispers - the forest whispers.Therefore, it is possible to train children in understanding the figurative meaning of words only in classes with a coherent text. The assimilation of the figurative meaning of words by children is associated with the work of familiarizing them with fiction.

In order to understand the expressiveness of speech, to understand how the speaker relates to what he is talking about, children must learn a series of synonyms that are opposed to one another in their own way. emotional coloring. So, the words sleep and snooze (a rude word) have the same nominative meaning: they correspond to the same fact of reality - “to be in a state of sleep”, i.e. they carry the same reporting function. But with the help of these words, the speaker evaluates the fact of reality he named in a different way. At preschool age, children have access to the assimilation of emotional and stylistic synonyms involved in the creation speech etiquette. For example, three-year-old children can already learn that it is impossible to say sleep: it is rude, which means it is bad, you need to say sleep. Kids often bring colloquial, non-literary words to kindergarten. The teacher is obliged to replace them with literary synonyms, explaining to the children the stylistic difference between the one and the other.

An explanation to preschoolers of all age levels can only be at the ethical level: “To those who are addressed with such (colloquial) words, it’s a shame”; “The one who utters such words is a rude, ill-mannered person, etc.

In modern methodology, vocabulary work is considered as purposeful pedagogical activity, which ensures the effective development of the vocabulary of the native language.

In conversation uses a range of teaching methods. This is due to the variety of educational tasks.

The leading role in the conversation is played by questions of a search and problematic nature, requiring inferences about the relationships between objects: why? What for? Because of which? How are they similar? How to find out? How? For what? The teacher needs to remember correct methodology posing questions. A clear, specific question is spoken slowly. In order for the child to “formulate the thought”, to prepare for the answer, the teacher pauses.

E. I. Tikheeva formulated the following requirements for conductingexcursions and sightseeing:

1.Sightseeing should be interesting for children. Children's interest leads to accuracy of observation and depth of perception.

2. During observation, children's attention should not be overloaded with details, numerous details. This distracts the child from the main thing and quickly tires. The same object or phenomenon can be observed by children of different ages, but the methods of work must be different.

3. Provide children with active perception during observation: the teacher asks questions, the children answer and ask about something themselves, they are allowed not only to look at the thing, but also to touch, hold, play with it.

looking at things, observingfor animals, activities of adults. They are held in all groups and aim to clarify and deepen knowledge about the objects with which the child often comes into contact in his life (dishes, clothes, furniture, tools, school supplies). Children learn to consistently observe, highlight the essential features of objects. At the same time, widely usedexamination, comparison methods,allowing to highlight the difference and similarity between objects, generalize, classify. On this basis, the child gradually masters words of varying degrees of generalization, expressing specific and generic concepts related to different parts speech.

The combination of direct perception of objects, the words of the teacher and the speech of the children themselves. The nature of this combination depends on the novelty or repetition of the material. If children first get acquainted with some phenomena, then an almost complete coincidence in time of perception of objects, actions and words denoting them is required. In the case of repeated observation, it is advisable to first invite the children themselves to remember the corresponding word, and then the educator to clarify it. Can also be usedhint at the beginning of a word.This technique stimulates the mental activity of children, has a positive effect on recall, the choice of the right word.

speech sample The (name) of the teacher is of particular importance. New words should be pronounced clearly and distinctly. Special techniques are used to attract children's attention to the word:intonational emphasis of the word, its somewhat enhanced articulation, repeated pronunciation of words and phrases by children.From the point of view of physiology and psychology, the role of these techniques is caused by the need to memorize a word, to store its sound image in memory, and to form kinesthetic sensations that arise when it is repeatedly pronounced.

It is very important to varyrepetition technique. With this in mind, repetition can be recommended as: literal individual and choral reproduction of the sample (“Listen to how I say the word - aquarium. Now you say it”); joint pronunciation of the word by the teacher and children (conjugated speech); game repetition "Who will say it better"; answers to questions ("What do you think, how should I say?").

The teacher often accompanies the speech sampleexplanation of words, interpretationtheir meaning. First of all, the child’s attention is drawn to the functions of objects (a dump truck is a truck that dumps and unloads itself; pedestrians are people who walk on foot, etc.).

Showing pictures with unfamiliar content. The picture in this case gives children knowledge about those objects that they cannot directly observe (about wild animals, about the life of peoples in our country and abroad, etc.). K. D. Ushinsky drew attention to the role of the picture in the development of the dictionary. He wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him, and he will long and vainly suffer over them; but connect twenty of these words with pictures - and the child will learn them on the fly. When choosing pictures in order to enrich ideas, concepts and develop speech, strict gradualism must be observed, the transition from accessible, simple plots to more complex ones. It is important to accurately determine the amount of knowledge and the corresponding vocabulary, to outline the main methodological techniques (questions, explanations, the use of a literary word, generalization of children's answers).

One of the means of enriching the vocabulary of children isfiction.The quality of text perception is directly dependent on the understanding of linguistic means, especially the meanings of words. This may be not only the vocabulary used by the author, but also the vocabulary necessary to characterize the characters and their actions. A literary work plays a special role in enriching speech with figurative words and expressions: “winter sings, haunts”, “bewitched by an enchantress in winter, the forest stands”.

In connection with reading and storytellingThe following word processing methods can be used:accumulation of speech content in preliminary work, enrichment of knowledge about the environment in order to prepare children for the perception of the work; focusing on words that carry the main semantic load; lexical analysis of the language of works of art (identifying the meanings of unfamiliar words and expressions, clarifying the shades of the meanings of words used in a figurative sense, analyzing the visual means of the text language); explanation by the teacher of the meanings of words; pronunciation of words by children; replacing copyright words with words that are close in meaning; selection of words to characterize the characters; the use of words in different contexts in connection with the conversation on the content of the work.

looking at toysas a method of clarifying, consolidating and activating the vocabulary is used in all age groups. The methodology draws attention to the difference in two methods: the method of examining toys and the method of didactic games with them. When examining toys, game techniques, game actions are used, but there are no strict rules. Didactic game has a different structure (game task, game rules, game actions). However, in practice, these two methods are often combined, with the first preceding the second. First, the children examine the dolls, and then play the game "Katya's doll meets guests"; or in the first part of the session they look at vegetables and fruits, and in the second part they play the Miracle Bag. Examination of toys is accompanied by a conversation in which children talk about the structure of toys, their details, and possible games with them. This allows you to include learned words in coherent speech, use them in combination with other words.

Didactic games is a widely used method of vocabulary work. Vocabulary games are played with toys, objects, pictures and on a verbal basis (verbal). Game actions in vocabulary games make it possible to activate the existing vocabulary. New words are not introduced. If the educator seeks to communicate new words, he inevitably interferes in the game action, distracts the children from the game with explanations, demonstrations, which leads to the destruction of the game. Dictionary didactic games help the development of both specific and generic concepts, the development of words in their generalized meanings. In these games, the child finds himself in situations where he is forced to use previously acquired knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions.

"Wonderful bag"(can be carried out using toys of different categories, in different age groups, more often in younger ones).

didactic tasks. Teach children to recognize objects by characteristic features; activate the dictionary (in accordance with the selection of toys, objects; nouns, verbs, adjectives are used)

Game rules. Get an object, name it, tell what it is. (Complication: you can guess the object by touch, you can get it and show it after it is told about it; the bag does not open if the object is not recognized from the description or is incorrectly named.)

Game actions. Feeling the object, guessing it. Riddle guessing.

Exists variety of options this game; content, game rules and actions become more difficult depending on age.

"Choose dishes for the doll."

didactic tasks. Fix the names of different dishes, form the ability to use them for their intended purpose; activate the dictionary (names of items of dishes).

Game rule. Select the necessary dishes for the cook, nanny, to treat the doll with tea.

In the future, you can enter generalizing names: kitchenware, dining room, tea.

Didactic exercisesunlike the didactic game, it does not have game rules. The game task of vocabulary exercises is to quickly select the appropriate word. It presents a certain difficulty for children. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the selection of speech material, the gradual complication of tasks, their connection with the previous stages of work on the word.

main contentlexical exercisesare different types of word classification: by gender (by groups: vegetables, fruits, utensils); by generic and sub-generic characteristics (animals, domestic animals, wild animals); by properties (color, taste, size, material); compilation of phrases and sentences with antonyms, polysemantic words; dissemination of offers. hallmark is that most of them are simultaneously aimed at the formation of the grammatical side of speech: the agreement of words, inflection, the use of a word in a sentence, which is explained by the unity of the lexical and grammatical meanings of the word. This type of exercise can be called lexico-grammatical.

Thus, in dictionary work, a combination of different methods and techniques is used, depending on the degree of mastery of the word by children. This can be summarized in a table.

Introduction of new words into the dictionary

Consolidation and activation of the dictionary





1. Direct acquaintance with the environment and enrichment of the vocabulary

Examination and examination of objects

In all age groups

looking at toys

In all age groups

Observations of animals, plants; for the activities of adults

Looking at pictures of familiar content

In all age groups

Inspections of the kindergarten premises, targeted walks

Starting from the middle group

Didactic games with toys, objects and pictures

In all age groups

Excursions (social environment, nature)

word games

In the middle and senior groups

2. Indirect acquaintance with the environment and enrichment of the vocabulary

Showing pictures with unfamiliar (unfamiliar) content

Mainly in older groups

Lexical (dictionary) exercises

In all age groups, more often in older

Reading and storytelling literary works

In all age groups

Riddles and riddles

In all age groups

Showing dia-, movies and video films, watching TV shows

Children's storytelling different types connected statements on different material)

Mainly in middle and senior groups

Vocabulary work in different activities.

The development of children's vocabulary occurs in the process of communicating with others in various activities. Great importance for the enrichment and activation of the dictionary has household activities. Children learn vital everyday vocabulary. In connection with the upbringing of cultural and hygienic skills, the formation of self-care skills, the child learns words denoting items of clothing, furniture, bedding and washing accessories, as well as their qualities, actions with them. The naturalness of situations of communication in everyday life, the connection with sensory perception, and one's own activity lead to the fact that the child quickly memorizes words, masters the generalizations behind the words, based on essential features.

AT labor activity children's vocabulary is replenished by the names of tools, tools, actions, qualities and properties of objects. Of particular importance is joint, collective work, in which various communicative situations arise and are specially created that require the use of appropriate words: work planning, discussion of specific methods for its implementation, exchange of opinions in the course of work, brief reports on the work performed.

A big role in the activation of the dictionary belongs to the game.

AT role-playing games on everyday topics everyday vocabulary is activated, in games on industrial topics - professional vocabulary; in building games - words denoting the qualities and spatial arrangement of objects, as well as the corresponding verbs.

Exceptional opportunities for the development of the vocabulary are created by the creative artistic activity of children. Acquaintance with various types of art due to a combination of visual and auditory perception, a special emotional impact on the child's feelings expands the horizons and enriches the vocabulary of children. Theatrical games, holidays and entertainment, participation in concerts and matinees contribute to the activation of the figurative vocabulary.

Vocabulary work is carried out in all classes in other sections of the program. For example, in the classroom for visual activity, children learn the names of objects, equipment, materials, their qualities; classes in physical education help clarify and reinforce verbs of motion, etc.

Thus, the development of the vocabulary is carried out in different activities. It is important to remember that for this it is necessary to direct the process of enrichment and activation of the children's vocabulary, using different methods of vocabulary work, taking into account the characteristics of each type of activity.

It is very important that work on a dictionary, begun in one type of activity, continues in another form, becoming more complicated and modified, taking into account the patterns of mastering the word.

By the senior preschool age, children master the vocabulary and other components of the language so much that the acquired language really becomes native. Here, the formation of the core of the dictionary should "end, basically."


1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina B.I. Methods for the development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers: Proc. allowance for students. higher and Wednesdays, ped. textbook establishments. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000

2. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: Book. For the teacher of children garden. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

3. Bondarenko A.K. Word games in kindergarten. Handbook for the kindergarten teacher. M., Enlightenment, 1974.

4. Mukhina V. Child psychology. - M.: OOO April Press, CJSC Publishing house EKSMO-Press, 2000

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The richness of any language is in its words, and the Russian language is known throughout the world for its diversity. Thanks to this, each of us can talk, convey our thoughts, express ourselves eloquently. The accuracy of the formulations we select and the beauty of speech directly depend on the amount of vocabulary that we have. The more words we know, the more often we use them, the brighter and more colorful our speech, the more accurately we convey the meaning. In addition, a rich vocabulary is evidence of the intellectual development of a person. It can be useful to us at work, in school, in public speaking, in normal everyday communication. That is why the development of vocabulary is so important and even necessary. In our articles "" and "" we have already talked about this topic, but there is something to add here.

What you need to know about vocabulary

To begin with, it is useful to know that in the science of language, it is customary to use a special term to designate vocabulary - “lexicon”. It is the best suited to convey the essence of the concept of "vocabulary". It is important to understand that the lexicon is not just an archive of words, but a whole complex of vocabulary units of the language that society uses and a person owns.

And here we must immediately clarify that having a vocabulary and using it are two different things, and one should not be equated with the other. The lexicon includes:

  • Active vocabulary. This includes the set of words that we use every day, constantly communicating with family, friends, work colleagues and everyone around us. Also, these are the words that we hear from other people and can freely insert into our speech, without really thinking about their meaning. An active vocabulary is manifested not only in oral speech, but also when we write letters, SMS, messages on social networks, etc. Main Features active vocabulary the freedom of its use and the absence of any need to make efforts to select certain words, to seek out their meanings in memory are considered.
  • Passive vocabulary. Here are all the words that we know, including those whose meaning we can easily understand when they come across to us in someone else's speech, the Internet, and written sources. However, these are all words that we use very rarely or not at all in our speech. It is easy to guess that the passive lexicon can be several times larger than the active one. Naturally, if necessary, we can delve into the memory and find words from the passive lexicon there, but in ordinary life they serve as unused "baggage".
  • external vocabulary. This definition is most often used in psycholinguistics to refer to words that a person does not know and which belong to specific areas of knowledge. If we meet such words in someone's speech or text, we will not understand their meanings. The external lexicon can be called a "blind zone", within which there are archaisms, neologisms, professionalisms, highly specialized concepts, terms, etc.

It is not always possible to define clear boundaries between different types of vocabulary, since they are rather blurry and can constantly shift to one side or the other. Plus, you need to understand that, for example, a child who is just going to school can literally speak a couple of thousand words, and by the end of school there are already about five thousand of them in his lexicon. And, in principle, this amount is already quite enough for Everyday life; almost all of these words are actively used.

If a person continues to study, reads and learns new things, his vocabulary can expand to ten thousand words, but a huge number of them will already belong to the passive vocabulary. But the lexicon of true scholars and intellectuals sometimes has up to 50 thousand words. Of course, only a small part of them will be actively used. The rest will be used by such people to communicate with similar scholars or in the process of reading specific literature. At the same time, their passive vocabulary for the majority ordinary people will be in the zone of external vocabulary.

Next, we will focus on how to develop an active vocabulary. We also advise you to read the article "" and take a short video test to find out roughly how developed your vocabulary is currently.

Vocabulary development

The exercises and techniques proposed below for the development of speech and vocabulary are perfect for both children and schoolchildren, as well as for students and adults. There are no special rules and instructions for their implementation, except for the only one - they must be applied, and the more often you exercise, the better results you will achieve. Let's start by looking at three groups of tasks, and then we will give some useful recommendations.

General vocabulary exercises

Exercises from this group can be performed orally or in writing:

  • Exercise "Alphabet". You need to come up with sentences in which words begin with each letter of the alphabet in order. For example: “Antosha wanders in the thick of trees, eats honeysuckle, yawns. And the beauties of the forest sweetly, gently captivate ... ”etc. Try to come up with sentences using all the letters from A to Z.
  • Exercise Nouns. You tell a short story using only nouns. For example: "Morning. Coffee. The machine. Office. A computer. Dinner. Evening. The street. House. Entrance", etc.
  • Exercise "Verbs". Similar to the previous exercise, you tell a short story using only verbs. For example: "I came, I saw, I conquered."
  • Exercise "Adjectives and adverbs". Everything is done, as in the previous exercises, only using adjectives and adverbs.
  • Exercise "Monophone". You come up with sentences in which all words begin with the same letter. The words must be linked. It is desirable that the meaning be preserved, but at the first stage, you can give yourself an indulgence - not to think too much about the meaning.

At first, it will not be easy to perform these exercises, especially for schoolchildren and children, but with practice, the results will get better: it will become easier to make interesting sentences and stories, and new words will gradually appear in everyday speech.

Simple and quick tricks for developing vocabulary

As we already know, the development of speech and vocabulary is necessary primarily for voicing thoughts and conveying meaning. If you constantly train, this skill will develop, and if you do not pay attention to it, then it will become weaker. Based on this, for the development of the vocabulary, you need to communicate with people as much as possible, pay attention to the new words that they use, memorize their meaning and apply it in speech yourself.

Here we can give two main pieces of advice:

  • It is useful to communicate with diverse and dissimilar people. Among them may be: acquaintances, buddies and friends, classmates, classmates and colleagues, training partners, shop assistants and fellow travelers in taxis and public transport, people in social networks and forums, etc. In other words, the volume of vocabulary largely depends on the breadth of the circle of communication.
  • It is equally useful to listen to audiobooks. This tool is quite effective and requires almost no effort from you. In addition, it is very convenient: you can listen to audio books (as well as seminars and all kinds of tutorials) in headphones on the way to work or school, in the car during any trips, at home, doing housework or cooking. If you wish, you can find special books for the development of vocabulary, collections of quotes and aphorisms, biographies, philosophical and scientific works, artwork and more.

The presented techniques are suitable for schoolchildren, students, busy people and businessmen, as well as all those who do not have free time for special classes to expand vocabulary. If you do not have problems with leisure, and you want to spend time usefully, refer to the following means.

Special techniques for developing vocabulary

To apply these techniques, you will have to specifically set aside time for them. But the effect will be much stronger than when performing general exercises and using simple and fast tools. Vocabulary development is facilitated by:

  • Memorization. If you not only listen and learn new words, but also try to memorize them, you will increase your chances of enriching your vocabulary, and at the same time you will begin to translate many words from a passive vocabulary into an active one. As is known, the best way remembering something is repetition, so at your leisure it is useful to retell the speech of other people, passages from books you read, etc. Try to match the original as much as possible, preserve the style of the author, as well as his manner of presentation. It is no less effective to memorize poems, songs, and even definitions of various concepts.
  • Learning foreign languages. You can not limit your vocabulary to the words of only one language. Learning English, Turkish, Spanish and any other language contributes to the expansion of vocabulary in several directions at once. Firstly, the more new words you learn and memorize, the more connections you establish between them and the easier and faster you can “grab” the right word from memory. And secondly, by studying foreign words, you also get acquainted with the words of your native language, which you did not know before. By the way, interesting fact: in Russian there are about 500 thousand words, in English - about 250 thousand, and in Japanese - about 50 thousand.
  • Keeping a diary. Suppose that for some reason you cannot now, do not want to listen to audio books and do not want to communicate with a large number of different people. There is still a way out - to keep a diary. Writing for yourself is not super effective, but it can help anyway. Pick up a notebook or notebook and start writing something down every day. Due to the fact that you will constantly be forced to formulate your thoughts, your vocabulary will begin to grow on its own, because you will need to select certain words, including those that are in the passive vocabulary. And the bonus will be training your literacy and checking your knowledge of the rules of the Russian language.
  • Linguistic games. The development of the vocabulary of children, schoolchildren and adults is excellently facilitated by specialized games, such as word puzzles, charades, rebuses, crosswords, scanwords, etc. When you solve them, you will automatically learn new words and their meanings. In addition to this, on the Internet you can find many interesting games to expand vocabulary, which is great to play in the company. Here are just a few: Hidden Motives, The New Dictionary, A Day in the Life, Sound Images, and Taboo. And here, too, there is a bonus - a common one.
  • Reading. Websites, books, newspapers and magazines serve not only as a source of information, but also as a tool for replenishing vocabulary. Naturally, when choosing what to read, you need to build on individual tasks and interests. Depending on the vocabulary of which “profile” you want to replenish, you can choose a special, scientific, journalistic or fiction. Reading is recommended for at least an hour every day, and in order to learn words faster, it is better to read aloud, because. memorization is more effective when speaking. If you want to focus on individual words, then you can study all kinds of reference books and dictionaries: spelling, rare words, synonyms, sensible different authors, and others.

The exercises and techniques we have proposed should be enough to fill your head with many of the most different words, concepts and terms. It is best to resort not to any one method, but to use several at once. You can even choose a specific activity for each day. And if with exercises, foreign languages and linguistic games everything is quite simple, but with books it is quite possible to dream up. Therefore, we want to advise you to read not just everything and anything, but something specific.

Books for the development of vocabulary

Books are always good because they allow a person to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Reading in itself makes speech more developed and rich, but not all books will be useful for these purposes. There are universally recognized writers, authors of real masterpieces, demonstrating the beauty of the great Russian language (and the language in general) as much as possible.

Let's start with the Russian classics, which influenced the formation of Russian speech, as well as morality. The books of the following authors will help to significantly expand the lexicon:

  • A. S. Pushkin. It can be called the basis of Russian literature, because its vocabulary was about 25 thousand words. You can be sure that with the help of his writings, poems and fairy tales, you will seriously replenish your vocabulary.
  • M. V. Lomonosov. No less “effective” are the translations, letters and poems of this remarkable person, who is considered the founder of Russian poetic culture.
  • F. M. Dostoevsky. Reading the works of this philosopher and novelist (“The Brothers Karamazov”, “The Idiot”, “Crime and Punishment” and others), you will not only plunge into the bowels of the Russian language, but also learn the world of new feelings and experiences.
  • N. M. Karamzin. We advise you to pay attention to the books "History of the Russian State" and "Poor Lisa". They alone are enough to enrich your speech with many new words, including barbarisms and neologisms.

Foreign classics are equally capable of influencing the development of speech. In addition, by reading such books, you can get acquainted with the behavior of people of different nationalities:

  • French authors: Honore de Balzac, Emile Zola, Jules Verne, George Sand and others.
  • English authors: William Shakespeare, Arthur Conan Doyle, Oscar Wilde, Daniel Defoe and others.
  • American authors: Margaret Mitchell, Mark Twain, Ray Bradbury, Jack London and others.
  • Spanish authors: Miguel de Cervantes, Camilo José Sela, Eduardo Mendoza, Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas and others.

Next on our list is more specific literature - dictionaries. Their study, perhaps, even better helps to develop speech and vocabulary. Feel free to take any of the listed dictionaries and start reading it:

  • Russian Literary Pronunciation and Stress, ed. R. I. Avanesova and S. I. Ozhegov.
  • "School Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language" by V.P. Zhukov in collaboration with A.V. Zhukov, ed. G. V. Karpyuk.
  • Dictionary of Russian Proverbs and Sayings. V. P. Zhukov.
  • “A unique illustrated explanatory dictionary of aphorisms and winged words for children” by S. N. Zigunenko and A. F. Istomin.
  • "Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language" 3. E. Alexandrova.
  • "Spelling dictionary of the Russian language" D. N. Ushakov, S. E. Kryuchkov.
  • School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Origin of words. N. M. Shansky and T. A. Bobrova.
  • "Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language". M. R. Lvova.

And a few explanatory dictionaries:

  • Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V. Dahl.
  • Russian explanatory dictionary VV Lopatin.
  • Explanatory Dictionary of T. F. Efremova.
  • Explanatory Dictionary of D. N. Ushakov.
  • Explanatory Dictionary of A.P. Evgenyeva.

And finally, if you want to give yourself a real intensive training in the development of speech and speech skills, but also have an interesting time, refer to very informative specialized works:

  • "A word about words". Lev Uspensky.
  • "Do we know Russian?". Maria Aksenova.
  • "Live like life." Korney Chukovsky.
  • "The Russian language is on the verge of a nervous breakdown". Maxim Krongauz.
  • "Russian with a dictionary". Irina Levontina.
  • "From Adam's apple to the apple of discord." Vadim Khrappa.
  • "The word is alive and dead." Nora Gal.
  • "The Strangeness of Our Language". Nigel Brown.
  • "How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere." Larry King.

And in conclusion, a few words about how to quickly memorize new words from books. This is best done in a playful and creative way:

  • Solve thematic crossword puzzles dedicated to specific works.
  • Answer questions after reading books. They can be found on the Internet, and it is better to give answers in writing.
  • Write abstracts of your favorite works, imitating the authors. So you will develop speech, literacy and memory.
  • Keep a diary where you write down interesting and interesting words. Don't forget to include their definitions there as well.
  • . On weekends, spend a couple of hours writing a short story or essay on a free topic.

Communicate with people, read books, study dictionaries and encyclopedias, write down new words in a diary, notebook or on stickers - all these are the components of the development of speech and vocabulary. If you want to expand your child's vocabulary, read aloud to him, consider and describe wimmelbuchs, play board and active games, make words from cubes and magnets and explain their meaning, keep him inquisitiveness and interest in the world around him.

Active and conscious actions - this is what is a prerequisite and a guarantee of the development of vocabulary. Human speech can be compared to a muscle that requires constant training to grow and strengthen. Try to always keep it in working condition, not skipping or ignoring new words, learning, clarifying and remembering their meanings. And the most important thing is, of course, the use of new words in your everyday speech.

To complete the picture, we invite you to take a break from reading for a while and watch a video with the participation of a rhetoric teacher Anna Komlevskaya, in which she shares useful tips for developing vocabulary and speech. We wish you success and thousands of new words!

JV "Solnyshko" GBOU secondary school No. 3 of the city of Pokhvistnevo

Consultation for preschool teachers on the topic:

"Methods and techniques for enriching the vocabulary of preschool children."

Prepared by:

teacher speech therapist


Features of the formation of the vocabulary of children at preschool age

The richness of the vocabulary is a sign of the high development of the child's speech. Vocabulary enrichment is a prerequisite for the development of children's communication skills. At preschool age, a child must master a vocabulary that would allow him to communicate with peers and adults, study successfully at school, understand literature, television and radio programs, etc.

quantitative changesin the child's vocabulary. At 1 year old, the baby actively owns 10-12 words. After a year and a half, the enrichment of the active vocabulary occurs at a rapid pace, and by the end of the second year of life it is 300-400 words, and by the age of three it can reach 1500 words. In subsequent years, the number of words used also increases rapidly, but the rate of this growth slows down somewhat. The third year of life is the period of the greatest increase in active vocabulary. By the age of 4, the number of words reaches 1900, at 5 years - up to 2000 - 2500, and at 6 - 7 years up to 3500 - 4000 words. The number of nouns and verbs increases especially rapidly, the number of adjectives used grows more slowly. This is explained, firstly, by the conditions of upbringing (adults pay little attention to the acquaintance of children with the signs and qualities of objects), and secondly, by the nature of the adjective as the most abstract part of speech. Among other nouns, the most common are the names of phenomena of inanimate nature, parts of the body, building structures, etc. The third part of all words are verbs. The data presented above show that already in the third year of life, children have a fairly diverse vocabulary that ensures communication with others.

Qualitative characteristics of the dictionary. By virtue of the visual-effective and visual-figurative nature of thinking, the child masters, first of all, the names of visually presented or accessible groups of objects, phenomena, qualities, properties, relations that are reflected in the dictionary of children quite widely. Another feature is the gradual mastery of the meaning, the semantic content of the word. At first, the child refers the word only to a specific object or phenomenon. Such a word does not have a general character, it only signals to the child about a specific object, phenomenon or causes their images (for example, for a child the word watch denotes only those clocks that hang on this wall).

As the preschooler masters the surrounding reality - objects, phenomena (features, properties, qualities), he begins to generalize them according to one or another feature. Often generalizations are made on the grounds that they are insignificant, but emotionally significant for the child. A typical example is when a baby calls “kitty” not only a cat, but also other furry, fluffy objects, overly expanding the meaning of this word.

The same phenomenon can be traced in older children in other content. So, they often consider only carrots, onions, beets as vegetables, not including, for example, cabbage, cucumber, tomato. In another case, expanding the meaning of the word, children include certain types of fruits, mushrooms in the concept of "vegetables", motivating this by the fact that "all this grows" or "all this is eaten." And only gradually, as thinking develops, do they master the objective conceptual content of the word. Thus, the meaning of a word during preschool childhood changes as the child's cognitive abilities develop.

The tasks of the kindergarten in the formation of children's vocabulary.

In the domestic methodology for the development of speech, the tasks of vocabulary work in kindergarten were defined in the works of E. I. Tikheeva, O. I. Solovieva, M. M. Konina and refined in subsequent years. Today, there are four main tasks:

First of all, vocabulary enrichment with new words, assimilation by children of previously unknown words, as well as new meanings of a number of words already in their vocabulary. Enrichment of the dictionary occurs, first of all, at the expense of commonly used vocabulary (names of objects, features and qualities, actions, processes, etc.).

Secondly , consolidating and clarifying vocabulary. This task is due to the fact that in children the word is not always associated with the idea of ​​the subject. They often do not know the exact name of the items. Therefore, this includes deepening the understanding of already known words, filling them with specific content, based on an accurate correlation with the objects of the real world, further mastering the generalization that is expressed in them, and developing the ability to use commonly used words.

Thirdly , dictionary activation.The words assimilated by children are divided into two categories: a passive dictionary (words that the child understands, associates with certain ideas, but does not use) and an active dictionary (words that the child not only understands, but actively, consciously uses in speech on every appropriate occasion) . In working with children, it is important that the new word enters the active vocabulary. This happens only if it is fixed and reproduced by them in speech. The child must not only hear the teacher's speech, but also reproduce it many times, since in perception only the auditory analyzer is involved, and in speaking also the musculoskeletal and kinesthetic analyzers.

The new word should go into the dictionary in combination with other words so that children get used to using them in the right cases. For example, children freely say the stanzas of K. Chukovsky: “Long live fragrant soap!” - but a rare child, smelling a rose, will say: “What a fragrant flower” or, touching a fluffy hat: “What a fluffy hat!” In the first case, he will say that the flower smells good, in the second - that the hat is soft. Attention should be paid to the clarification of the meaning of words based on the opposition of antonyms and the comparison of words that are close in meaning, as well as the assimilation of shades of the meanings of words, the development of vocabulary flexibility, the use of words in coherent speech, in speech practice.

Fourth, the elimination of non-literary words from the speech of children(dialect, colloquial, slang). This is especially necessary when children are in a disadvantaged language environment.

The teacher uses special techniques to ensure that the children not only know and understand the meaning of the necessary words, but also actively use them in their speech, so that they develop interest and attention to the word. (Why do they say that? Is it possible to say so? How to say it better, more precisely?). When educating the culture of oral speech, it is necessary to wean children from rude expressions or vernacular words, replacing them with literary ones.

All the tasks discussed above are interrelated and are solved on a practical level, without the use of the appropriate terminology.

Methods, directions and techniques for enriching the vocabulary of preschool children

Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. There are two groups of methods:methods of accumulating the content of children's speech and methods aimed at consolidating and activating the dictionary, developing its semantic side.

First group includes methods:

A) direct acquaintance with the environment and enrichment of the vocabulary: examining and examining objects, observation, inspections of the kindergarten premises, targeted walks and excursions;

B) indirect acquaintance with the environment and vocabulary enrichment: looking at pictures with unfamiliar content, reading works of art, showing films and videos, watching TV shows.

The second group of methodsused to consolidate and activate the vocabulary: looking at toys, looking at pictures with familiar content, didactic games and exercises.

1. Expanding the child's vocabulary based on familiarization with a gradually increasing range of objects and phenomena.

2. The introduction of words denoting qualities, properties, relationships, based on deepening knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

3. The introduction of words denoting elementary concepts, based on the distinction and generalization of objects according to essential features.

These three areas of vocabulary work take place in all age groups and can be traced in different content: when getting acquainted with objects and phenomena of nature, objects of material culture, phenomena of social life, etc.

Assimilation of vocabulary by a child begins with the assimilation of nouns. He names everything that surrounds him: a doll, a bunny, a bed,pillow, and what makes up the parts of his body: hand, finger, head, nose.

Surrounding objects attract the attention of the child and receive a name only if the child is allowed to “communicate” with them: touch if the object is large (wall, floor), or turn in hands, stroke, touch, listen (cat, dog, bird) , smell (flowers), eat (porridge, milk).

Even at the age of about two years, children have difficulty remembering the name of an object, if only they see it. In one children's institution, a teacher showed two-year-old children a rabbit and said: "Here is a rabbit, here it has ears, look how long, here is a short tail." The kids were happy with the rabbit, they wanted to touch it, but the teacher pushed them away (they would scare the rabbit, and then they had to wash their hands). Such an "occupation", as the test showed, did not give any results: the children did not even learn the word rabbit (they said "kitty"). But the children who were given to hold the rabbit, touch its ears, tail, remembered the words and the rabbit, and the tail, and long ears.

The word at the first assimilation designates for the child the name of only a given, single object (proper name), and lengthy exercises with this word are needed so that its general meaning reaches the child, and it is perceived by him as a concept. As the child learns one by one the meanings of such words (a toy is all objects for play, dishes are objects in which they cook and eat), it becomes easier and easier for him to understand new similar words. Consequently, the child's assimilation of words of generalization develops the brain, teaches him to perform the mental operation of abstraction.

Verbs and adjectives do not have a degree of generalization of zero.
The first verbs learned by a child are not words in the exact (linguistic) sense. Often these are just signals that stimulate some specific action. At first, he says “Give it!”, expressing by this “I want to eat”, “I want to play”, “I want to listen to a song”. But by the middle of the second year of life, the verb to give is filled with meaning for him. As soon as the child begins to use the verb as a separate word, he immediately comprehends its generalized meaning: the baby performs specific actions with objects, seeing how people close to him perform the same actions, and learns the names of these actions. The child sees the same color, shape, size for different objects and begins to understand that the same name of color, shape, size can refer to different objects, that is, he begins to realize the generalized meaning of adjectives.

By the age of six, a child no longer needs direct sensations to learn words with a generalized meaning.

The words denoting phenomena that are more remote from children turn out to be the least assimilated. For example, the people - “this is in the market. Everyone goes and buys”; trouble - "this is a girl who does not have an elegant dress"; follower - "on the trail is some kind of hunter." The preschooler has a tendency to give a literal meaning to the words he pronounces: he calls the pilot "airplane", in his opinion, you can fly in a balloon and on a glider, and "airplane" flies only on an airplane.

The figurative meanings of words are not assimilated by children immediately. First, there is the assimilation of the main meaning. Any use of words in a figurative sense causes surprise and disagreement of children (hearing the expression “he goes to bed with roosters”, the child objects: “No, they will peck”).

With the figurative use of words that are known to the child in the literal sense, children are encountered first of all in riddles. For example, listening to the riddle “A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street” and seeing a carrot, beet or turnip in the garden in her garden, the child will understand that the “girl” here is a carrot, that is, she will understand the transfer of the meaning of the word girl if in his memory there are already images from a fairy tale - “dungeon”, “a girl with a long braid”. The transfer of meaning in this case is based on the external similarity of the situations in which both compared objects are located - a maiden in a dungeon and a carrot in the ground.

The methods of teaching the understanding of the figurative meaning of words used in working with younger preschoolers, of course, cannot be purely verbal: they need to rely on real objects, on pictures. So, in order for three-year-old children to solve the above riddle, you need to lay out vegetables (turnips, carrots, beets) in front of them or pictures depicting these vegetables and show a picture, an illustration for some fairy tale with a “maiden in a dungeon”, with a scythe falling from -behind bars and blown by the wind.

So, in order to solve riddles, children must have some life experience, keep in mind both summer and winter impressions.

Sometimes words with a figurative meaning reveal their figurative meaning only in the context, thanks to their syntactic connections: at least a minimal connected text is needed to understand a phrase with a figurative meaning. Compare:the bald head of an old man is the bald head of a mountain; velvet sofa - velvet meadow; the boy whispers - the forest whispers.Therefore, it is possible to train children in understanding the figurative meaning of words only in classes with a coherent text. The assimilation of the figurative meaning of words by children is associated with the work of familiarizing them with fiction.

In order to understand the expressiveness of speech, to understand how the speaker relates to what he is talking about, children must learn a series of synonyms that are opposed to one another in their emotional coloring. So, the words sleep and snooze (a rude word) have the same nominative meaning: they correspond to the same fact of reality - “to be in a state of sleep”, i.e. they carry the same reporting function. But with the help of these words, the speaker evaluates the fact of reality he named in a different way. At preschool age, children have access to the assimilation of emotional and stylistic synonyms involved in the creation of speech etiquette. For example, three-year-old children can already learn that it is impossible to say sleep: it is rude, which means it is bad, you need to say sleep. Kids often bring colloquial, non-literary words to kindergarten. The teacher is obliged to replace them with literary synonyms, explaining to the children the stylistic difference between the one and the other.

An explanation to preschoolers of all age levels can only be at the ethical level: “To those who are addressed with such (colloquial) words, it’s a shame”; “The one who utters such words is a rude, ill-mannered person, etc.

In the modern methodology, vocabulary work is considered as a purposeful pedagogical activity that ensures the effective development of the vocabulary of the native language.

In conversation uses a range of teaching methods. This is due to the variety of educational tasks.

The leading role in the conversation is played by questions of a search and problematic nature, requiring inferences about the relationships between objects: why? What for? Because of which? How are they similar? How to find out? How? For what? The teacher needs to remember the correct method of asking questions. A clear, specific question is spoken slowly. In order for the child to “formulate the thought”, to prepare for the answer, the teacher pauses.

E. I. Tikheeva formulated the following requirements for conductingexcursions and sightseeing:

1.Sightseeing should be interesting for children. Children's interest leads to accuracy of observation and depth of perception.

2. During observation, children's attention should not be overloaded with details, numerous details. This distracts the child from the main thing and quickly tires. The same object or phenomenon can be observed by children of different ages, but the methods of work must be different.

3. Provide children with active perception during observation: the teacher asks questions, the children answer and ask about something themselves, they are allowed not only to look at the thing, but also to touch, hold, play with it.

looking at things, observingfor animals, activities of adults. They are held in all groups and aim to clarify and deepen knowledge about the objects with which the child often comes into contact in his life (dishes, clothes, furniture, tools, school supplies). Children learn to consistently observe, highlight the essential features of objects. At the same time, widely usedexamination, comparison methods,allowing to highlight the difference and similarity between objects, generalize, classify. On this basis, the child gradually masters words of varying degrees of generalization, expressing specific and generic concepts related to different parts of speech.

The combination of direct perception of objects, the words of the teacher and the speech of the children themselves. The nature of this combination depends on the novelty or repetition of the material. If children first get acquainted with some phenomena, then an almost complete coincidence in time of perception of objects, actions and words denoting them is required. In the case of repeated observation, it is advisable to first invite the children themselves to remember the corresponding word, and then the educator to clarify it. Can also be usedhint at the beginning of a word.This technique stimulates the mental activity of children, has a positive effect on recall, the choice of the right word.

speech sample The (name) of the teacher is of particular importance. New words should be pronounced clearly and distinctly. Special techniques are used to attract children's attention to the word:intonational emphasis of the word, its somewhat enhanced articulation, repeated pronunciation of words and phrases by children.From the point of view of physiology and psychology, the role of these techniques is caused by the need to memorize a word, to store its sound image in memory, and to form kinesthetic sensations that arise when it is repeatedly pronounced.

It is very important to varyrepetition technique. With this in mind, repetition can be recommended as: literal individual and choral reproduction of the sample (“Listen to how I say the word - aquarium. Now you say it”); joint pronunciation of the word by the teacher and children (conjugated speech); game repetition "Who will say it better"; answers to questions ("What do you think, how should I say?").

The teacher often accompanies the speech sampleexplanation of words, interpretationtheir meaning. First of all, the child’s attention is drawn to the functions of objects (a dump truck is a truck that dumps and unloads itself; pedestrians are people who walk on foot, etc.).

Showing pictures with unfamiliar content. The picture in this case gives children knowledge about those objects that they cannot directly observe (about wild animals, about the life of peoples in our country and abroad, etc.). K. D. Ushinsky drew attention to the role of the picture in the development of the dictionary. He wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him, and he will long and vainly suffer over them; but connect twenty of these words with pictures - and the child will learn them on the fly. When choosing pictures in order to enrich ideas, concepts and develop speech, strict gradualism must be observed, the transition from accessible, simple plots to more complex ones. It is important to accurately determine the amount of knowledge and the corresponding vocabulary, to outline the main methodological techniques (questions, explanations, the use of a literary word, generalization of children's answers).

One of the means of enriching the vocabulary of children isfiction.The quality of text perception is directly dependent on the understanding of linguistic means, especially the meanings of words. This may be not only the vocabulary used by the author, but also the vocabulary necessary to characterize the characters and their actions. A literary work plays a special role in enriching speech with figurative words and expressions: “winter sings, haunts”, “bewitched by an enchantress in winter, the forest stands”.

In connection with reading and storytellingThe following word processing methods can be used:accumulation of speech content in preliminary work, enrichment of knowledge about the environment in order to prepare children for the perception of the work; focusing on words that carry the main semantic load; lexical analysis of the language of works of art (identifying the meanings of unfamiliar words and expressions, clarifying the shades of the meanings of words used in a figurative sense, analyzing the visual means of the text language); explanation by the teacher of the meanings of words; pronunciation of words by children; replacing copyright words with words that are close in meaning; selection of words to characterize the characters; the use of words in different contexts in connection with the conversation on the content of the work.

looking at toysas a method of clarifying, consolidating and activating the vocabulary is used in all age groups. The methodology draws attention to the difference in two methods: the method of examining toys and the method of didactic games with them. When examining toys, game techniques, game actions are used, but there are no strict rules. Didactic game has a different structure (game task, game rules, game actions). However, in practice, these two methods are often combined, with the first preceding the second. First, the children examine the dolls, and then play the game "Katya's doll meets guests"; or in the first part of the session they look at vegetables and fruits, and in the second part they play the Miracle Bag. Examination of toys is accompanied by a conversation in which children talk about the structure of toys, their details, and possible games with them. This allows you to include learned words in coherent speech, use them in combination with other words.

Didactic gamesis a widely used method of vocabulary work. Vocabulary games are played with toys, objects, pictures and on a verbal basis (verbal). Game actions in vocabulary games make it possible to activate the existing vocabulary. New words are not introduced. If the educator seeks to communicate new words, he inevitably interferes in the game action, distracts the children from the game with explanations, demonstrations, which leads to the destruction of the game. Dictionary didactic games help the development of both specific and generic concepts, the development of words in their generalized meanings. In these games, the child finds himself in situations where he is forced to use previously acquired knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions.

"Wonderful bag"(can be carried out using toys of different categories, in different age groups, more often in younger ones).

didactic tasks. Teach children to recognize objects by characteristic features; activate the dictionary (in accordance with the selection of toys, objects; nouns, verbs, adjectives are used)

Game rules. Get an object, name it, tell what it is. (Complication: you can guess the object by touch, you can get it and show it after it is told about it; the bag does not open if the object is not recognized from the description or is incorrectly named.)

Game actions. Feeling the object, guessing it. Riddle guessing.

There are various variations of this game; content, game rules and actions become more difficult depending on age.

"Choose dishes for the doll."

didactic tasks. Fix the names of different dishes, form the ability to use them for their intended purpose; activate the dictionary (names of items of dishes).

Game rule. Select the necessary dishes for the cook, nanny, to treat the doll with tea.

In the future, you can enter generalizing names: kitchenware, dining room, tea.

Didactic exercisesunlike the didactic game, it does not have game rules. The game task of vocabulary exercises is to quickly select the appropriate word. It presents a certain difficulty for children. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the selection of speech material, the gradual complication of tasks, their connection with the previous stages of work on the word.

main contentlexical exercisesare different types of word classification: by gender (by groups: vegetables, fruits, utensils); by generic and sub-generic characteristics (animals, domestic animals, wild animals); by properties (color, taste, size, material); compilation of phrases and sentences with antonyms, polysemantic words; dissemination of offers. A distinctive feature is that most of them are simultaneously aimed at the formation of the grammatical side of speech: the agreement of words, inflection, the use of a word in a sentence, which is explained by the unity of the lexical and grammatical meanings of the word. This type of exercise can be called lexico-grammatical.

Thus, in dictionary work, a combination of different methods and techniques is used, depending on the degree of mastery of the word by children. This can be summarized in a table.

Vocabulary work in different activities.

The development of children's vocabulary occurs in the process of communicating with others in various activities. Household activities are of great importance for the enrichment and activation of the dictionary. Children learn vital everyday vocabulary. In connection with the upbringing of cultural and hygienic skills, the formation of self-care skills, the child learns words denoting items of clothing, furniture, bedding and washing accessories, as well as their qualities, actions with them. The naturalness of situations of communication in everyday life, the connection with sensory perception, and one's own activity lead to the fact that the child quickly memorizes words, masters the generalizations behind the words, based on essential features.

In labor activity, the vocabulary of children is replenished by the names of tools, tools, actions, qualities and properties of objects. Of particular importance is joint, collective work, in which various communicative situations arise and are specially created that require the use of appropriate words: work planning, discussion of specific methods for its implementation, exchange of opinions in the course of work, brief reports on the work performed.

A big role in the activation of the dictionary belongs to the game.

In role-playing games on everyday topics, everyday vocabulary is activated, in games on industrial topics - professional vocabulary; in building games - words denoting the qualities and spatial arrangement of objects, as well as the corresponding verbs.

Exceptional opportunities for the development of the vocabulary are created by the creative artistic activity of children. Acquaintance with various types of art due to a combination of visual and auditory perception, a special emotional impact on the child's feelings expands the horizons and enriches the vocabulary of children. Theatrical games, holidays and entertainment, participation in concerts and matinees contribute to the activation of the figurative vocabulary.

Vocabulary work is carried out in all classes in other sections of the program. For example, in the classroom for visual activity, children learn the names of objects, equipment, materials, their qualities; physical education classes help to clarify and consolidate the verbs of motion, etc.

Thus, the development of the vocabulary is carried out in different activities. It is important to remember that for this it is necessary to direct the process of enrichment and activation of the children's vocabulary, using different methods of vocabulary work, taking into account the characteristics of each type of activity.

It is very important that work on a dictionary, begun in one type of activity, continues in another form, becoming more complicated and modified, taking into account the patterns of mastering the word.

By the senior preschool age, children master the vocabulary and other components of the language so much that the acquired language really becomes native. Here, the formation of the core of the dictionary should "end, basically."


1 . Alekseeva M.M., Yashina B.I. Methods for the development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers: Proc. allowance for students. higher and Wednesdays, ped. textbook establishments. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000

2. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: Book. For the teacher of children garden. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

3. Bondarenko A.K. Word games in kindergarten. Handbook for the kindergarten teacher. M., Enlightenment, 1974.

4. Mukhina V. Child psychology. - M.: OOO April Press, CJSC Publishing house EKSMO-Press, 2000

One of the essential indicators of the harmonious development of the child is his vocabulary - the amount of words that he uses in the process of communication and learning.

Experts have calculated that at the age of one and a half years, the vocabulary of young children can contain no more than 50 words, and by the age of five, kids already freely operate 2000-2500 words. However, not only a quantitative indicator is important (how many words the child uses), but also a qualitative one - how much he understands the meanings of the words he uses, whether he correctly uses the necessary word forms.

That is why the development of the vocabulary of preschool children is a very important direction in preschool education and upbringing.

Features of the development of the vocabulary of preschoolers

At the initial stage, the child's vocabulary is replenished mainly due to the words that he often hears in the process of everyday communication with relatives.

At the age of one to three years, the baby learns the following categories of words:

  • names of toys, names of family members; words denoting elements of everyday life that surrounds the child (dishes and bedding, furniture, food);
  • words showing knowledge nature: names of weather phenomena and seasons, the names of the most common and easy-to-pronounce plants and animals;

In this period, the ability of children to operate with emotional-evaluative vocabulary (words denoting emotional states, quality characteristics of items) is still extremely low.

At the age of 4-5 years, there is a significant leap not only in the quantitative content of the vocabulary (1500-2000) words, but also in its qualitative content. The child begins to actively use the following thematic groups:

  • words denoting experiences and feelings: cheerful, sad, joyful;
  • evaluate objects and phenomena according to their qualitative characteristics: high, hot, heavy;
  • try your hand at word formation, using diminutive forms of words: mommy, darling. Form word forms of single-root words, for example, forms denoting animal cubs: cat - cat - kitten, duck - duckling, goose - gosling, etc.;

At the age of 5–6 years, the quantitative stock of the vocabulary of a preschooler can already be about 3,000–4,000 thousand words, while there is also another breakthrough in its qualitative content. The preschooler begins to use the following group of concepts:

  • vocabulary denoting time intervals: hours, days of the week, minutes, months. Words describing the category of space: top - bottom, right - left;
  • simple and compound numerals (one, five, twelve, twenty);
  • words denoting the categories of social science: people of the country, Motherland, labor, national army, state;

Observing the development of the vocabulary of preschoolers, experts have identified the essential points that need to be paid attention to.

Features of replenishing the vocabulary of children with various types of parts of speech

The fastest and most willing children begin to use nouns and verbs, which allows them to easily denote objects and actions that are performed with these objects. But such an important part of speech as the adjective is used reluctantly by preschoolers. Meanwhile, the active use of adjectives makes it possible to make speech beautiful and rich, makes it possible to compose common sentences and full-fledged speech constructions. Therefore, it is necessary that parents pay more attention to the description of the signs of objects and phenomena, their qualitative characteristics.

Active and passive vocabulary

It often happens that children know the word, but do not use it in their speech. This is due to the fact that they do not quite clearly imagine the meanings of these words and the scope of their use. Therefore, it is important to monitor the presence of "dead" words in the vocabulary of a preschooler and "translate" them from a passive dictionary into an active one.

For this you need:

  • Explain the meaning of the “dead” word, pronounce it clearly several times. Thus, you activate not only the auditory mechanism of information perception, but also the musculoskeletal one, that is, the pronunciation of the word will be fixed in the memory of the speech apparatus of the person pronouncing it.
  • Use the word more often in the right situation. It is also desirable to pick up lines of literary works in which this word is used and its meaning is easy to understand from the context.

You can use antonymous meanings to interpret the meaning of a new word. Some children find it easier to remember information by starting from “the opposite”, that is, from the opposite meaning of the word.

Developing a preschooler's vocabulary

Reading with a child

When reading aloud to a preschooler, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • Pronounce the words clearly and clearly, observing the correct placement of stress and articulation.
  • Be sure to explain the meanings of unfamiliar words found in the text, pay attention to their pronunciation, if necessary, repeat new words the next day, asking the child to explain their meanings.

Reading books will ensure the full development of the vocabulary of preschool children, and it is very important that children love reading books.

You will not only provide a quality source of replenishment of his vocabulary, but also contribute to the development of literate writing skills.

This will be due to the work of visual memory - often children who read a lot write correctly, without bothering to know spelling. They simply "photograph" the correct spelling of the word, leaving its correct version in the visual memory.

Games and tasks to expand vocabulary

"Conductor"- during the walk, close your eyes, and ask the baby to be your "guide", describing to you as accurately as possible what he sees around him. You can complicate the task by asking the child, if possible, not to use the same words.

Ball games allow not only to expand the vocabulary of children, but also to develop logical thinking, generalizing knowledge in the field of words of various lexical groups.

"Name the Animals"- The host takes turns throwing the ball to the children. The task of the child is to catch the ball and answer by naming some animal. Those children who could not name the animal when their turn came up are eliminated from the game. The winner will be the player who lasts the longest by naming the most animals.

The same version of the game can be used to consolidate knowledge of words from other general categories: “transport”, “fruits”, “vegetables”, “plants”, etc.

"Where does anyone live?"- the host, throwing the ball to the children, asks questions:

Who lives in a hole? - / mole, mouse, fox, hedgehog /.

Who lives in the river? - / frog, fish, otter /.

Who lives in the sea? - /whale, octopus, dolphin, jellyfish/.

This game will not only expand the vocabulary of children, but also strengthen their knowledge of the world around them.

"Big small"

We train the skill of forming word forms with a diminutive meaning. Explain to the child with an example how the following words are obtained: chair-highchair, fork-fork, key-key, apple-apple. Throwing the ball to the baby, name the word from which he should form a diminutive form. At first, give him enough time to complete this task, do not rush.

There are a lot of tasks that allow you to effectively replenish and develop the vocabulary of preschoolers, choose from them those that will bring pleasure to young students. For example, it is better for mobile children to offer tasks with a ball, phlegmatic and observant - tasks of a descriptive nature, involving the analysis of phenomena, objects and situations.

The timely development of the vocabulary of preschool children will allow them to easily master the skills of correct coherent speech, and will also contribute to the harmonious development of their intellect and logical thinking in the future.

Lecturer, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Speech therapy lessons to replenish the child's vocabulary:



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