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Horoscope for April Libra man love. What to expect for Libra in April according to the horoscope

The already violent temperament of Libra will be greatly enhanced by the restless and depressive character of the Earth Pig - says the horoscope for April 2019. Libra is like a real fountain of emotions and feelings, beating at full power, because of which many of his actions in April will be, as they say, out of row over there. The circumstances are such that in the middle of spring, Libra’s sense of proportion can not only fail the representatives of the sign, but disappear altogether.


When taking on any project, Libra can put in much more effort than is necessary, turning the right thing into shooting sparrows from a cannon. With such an attitude to the process, which, by the way, the management will not be slow to take note of, any gifts of Fortune can very easily be turned from “plus” to “minus”. A sense of proportion is the key to success in April, without it you can’t even build a relationship with Aladdin - you can wish for so much that you’ll have to clear it out even next year.

That is why the stars give Libra much needed advice - in April, divide any plans by 2 or even 4. Tactics will be more effective when Libra plans less, but at the same time, it takes a lot of soul-straining and physical exhaustion to finish what they started.

Representatives of the sign who are going on a business trip in April or planning an important and responsible business meeting are advised by the stars to prepare, at least mentally, for possible delays, disruptions in the travel schedule, and all sorts of disruptions to your plans.


Libra in April 2019 is indecisive in everything. The unknown scares them, and if Libra is the head of the family, do not expect any actions or words from him at all. This can be the main cause of conflict in the family. After such a conflict, it will be very easy to make peace with the representative of the sign. To do this... you don't need to do anything at all. Despite the fact that quarrels with Libra are very emotional and stormy, they, as a rule, end spontaneously, because Libra is very easy-going and not at all vindictive. If you have set yourself the goal of making peace with Libra, just watch the representative of the zodiac house carefully, and as soon as you see that he is behaving as if nothing had happened, simply answer him in kind.

In April, Libra should avoid conflicts with relatives and friends. He is unlikely to be able to emerge victorious from the scandal, but unpleasant memories will remain in his soul for a long time.

Many Libra may not begin the planned repairs in the spring. The reason is the same uncertainty. By the way, for many representatives of the sign this will be a blessing, since they do not have sufficient resources. But all the same, many Libra will not be able to avoid financial costs in April.

Libra woman

Representatives of the fair half of humanity belonging to this horoscope sign will not adhere to any particular style of clothing in April 2019. And it is right. During the experiments, a completely new image will be developed in which the Libra woman will be comfortable, but at the same time she will look absolutely stunning. Pay attention to loose-fitting clothes. It will not only emphasize the advantages of your figure, but also hide its minor flaws. Don't neglect accessories either. Give preference to something sweet and gentle, it will emphasize your femininity and sexuality.

Forgetfulness will cause a lot of unpleasant moments in April. The keys to the apartment on the table in the cafe, a mobile phone on the desktop, an umbrella on public transport - these are just the little things in life. Follow household appliances and a gas stove, left turned on, they can bring much more problems to their owner.

Libra man

It's time for Libra men to take care of their own appearance. They often wear things that they bought at the dawn of their youth and have long gone out of fashion. It's time to update your own wardrobe. Choose clothing that is closest to the dress code required at your workplace.

In April 2019, the Libra man will be overly straightforward, to say the least. Deceit and evasiveness are always completely unusual for them, but in the spring this will go beyond the bounds of reason, and the representative of the sign is unlikely to remain silent where it is simply necessary to hold his tongue.

Libras who are creative can successfully realize themselves in their favorite activity in April 2019. And the gypsy mail represented by best friends will create an excellent advertising campaign.

Libra Child

In April 2019, little Libra will strive to become good to literally everyone. And, if in the family this is received with a bang, then in the children’s group the child’s tender feelings may be misunderstood, and sometimes simply trampled upon by their peers. Try to explain to your child what a personal opinion is and the basic principles of how it can be defended, otherwise the child may be considered an unprincipled weakling. Sports may temporarily cease to be a priority for Libra teens. They can be sharply thrown towards creativity or art. Please support this initiative. Among talented and famous people, the percentage of Libra is very high.


Representatives of the zodiac house Libra in April 2019 will be inclined to enjoy all the delights of life, and most Libras are even able to feel like hedonists - they strive to receive pleasure in everything: in food, in sex, in relaxation and in work. Perhaps this is not bad, but the horoscope warns Libra that one should not forget about a sense of proportion. This mostly applies to food. The Year of the Yellow Pig, a glutton and carouser, will incline representatives of the sign towards gourmetism, which can result in obesity, a very rapid change in body mass index, and as a result - all sorts of problems with the stomach and intestines.

The most correct decision for representatives of the sign in terms of health would be to go on a soft, “not hungry” and at the same time balanced diet. Even by replacing “tasty” food with healthy food, many Libras will achieve good results in the fight against excess weight. And, of course, another banality - finally start playing sports!

In April 2019, Libras with hearing problems need to visit an otolaryngologist. Perhaps the cause of hearing loss is ordinary ear plugs, but ignoring a visit to the doctor can lead to a more serious illness.

Horoscope for April 2019, Libra should avoid quarrels and conflicts with relatives and friends.
Libra women in April are prone to forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. Get your act together!
The Libra man, who is engaged in creativity, will be successfully implemented in April 2019.
Horoscope for May 2019 Libra.

Surprisingly, Libra themselves will have little desire for the title of “leader” in April 2017! Probably the reason why you will ultimately become the leader of a certain group of people is hidden not in you personally, but in the position of your heavenly leaders. Judge for yourself. There will be several powerful planets on your side, each of which can easily give you leadership status.

Your main patron in April 2017 will be Saturn. It is he who will send you peace of mind and incomparable worldly wisdom. You will begin to boldly look only forward, without worrying for a minute about what happened to you in the recent past.

Your second guide to the world of peace and harmony will be the “red planet”. Yes, yes, don’t be so surprised that it is warlike Mars that will push you towards creativity and positivity! This planet can not only play pranks, but also sow a unique creative atmosphere around itself. Say “thank you” to Mars for the fact that in the middle of this spring he will save you from stereotypes in words and actions. Here is the answer to the question - why you, independently of yourself, will become an ideological mentor for someone (you must admit, a person who does not think like everyone else is capable of captivating huge crowds of people).

However, when describing the location of the leading planets in April 2017, one cannot help but say that among the celestial leaders you will have obvious opponents. They will be the Sun and Pluto, from which you will periodically receive “cuffs” and “scoldings”. Most likely, the negativity coming from these planets awaits you in such aspects as business and career (this was to be expected, because social life will absorb you so much that you will practically stop thinking about work).

The horoscope for April 2017 warns Libra against being too gullible. Not every person who starts praising your intelligence, beauty and other virtues in every possible way in the middle of this spring will behave sincerely and unselfishly! The most unpleasant thing is that it will be oh so difficult for you to distinguish falsehood from truth. Hence the advice - soberly evaluate everyone with whom fate will bring you together in April 2017. Why would you need to be extra careful? The whole point is that you risk becoming a puppet in someone’s deft hands, which will entail both the loss of your emotional comfort and very large financial problems.

In general personal life Libra in April can be called quite calm and harmonious. Of course, some difficulties cannot be ruled out for you (especially if you are a family man and are already accustomed to the fact that harsh everyday life throws all sorts of challenges at your married couple over and over again). So, in mid-spring, there is a risk that a very important device will fail, and your couple will have to urgently look for finances to purchase a worthy replacement. This will provoke some brief arguments between you and your marriage partner, but they will end soon enough. What risks becoming a really large-scale problem for you is the interest that your partner will experience in some young lady. Try to immediately define the boundaries of communication with this flighty person, beyond which your significant other is not allowed to cross. Lonely Libra will spend April extremely uneventfully. You will very soon realize that among the people loudly singing your praises, there is no person with whom you are ready to build serious relationship. As a result, you will continue to listen to a stream of flattering phrases and at every convenient opportunity you will “convict” your suitors of insincerity.

As for the work direction of Libra’s life, this aspect will require special concentration from representatives of this sign. The thing is that in April 2017 you risk overnight losing everything you have been trying to achieve for several years, due to the fault of some cunning and dishonest person. If you are an employee, keep your distance when communicating with a new colleague (it is he who will “set you up” at the first opportunity in order to firmly occupy your position). If you work for yourself, before hiring a specialist, carefully check his resume and make sure that he is not a “scout” sent by your main business competitor. Even if you have to refuse the highly professional services of one or another candidate, this should not upset you (this is the only way you will protect yourself from problems, many of which may have a number of irreversible consequences).

It is not surprising that the need to live in a state of constant emotional stress by the end of April will provoke both a nervous breakdown and a state of catastrophic moral fatigue in Libra. How can you get rid of these problems? Of course, with the help of measures that have already helped you more than once! Your younger relatives will become your outlet in the middle of this spring. More often, organize “outings” with them on country picnics (watching how children directly enjoy the beauties of nature, you will understand that in life there is still sincerity, kindness, and everything that cannot be measured by money).

What does April 2017 have in store for the Libra man?

In April, Libra men will get a promotion and many envious colleagues who will want to put a spoke in your wheels. Be smart and don't share any information with your colleagues. At the hospital, you may be scared about your health due to incorrect tests and technical failures. In terms of love, Libra without a partner will develop feelings for an old acquaintance, and family representatives should help their wife more around the house.

Love horoscope for Libra Men

Single Libra men will have strong, sincere feelings for a girl they know, perhaps even close friend. The horoscope advises to open your heart. Don't invent complex plan to conquer her, or better yet, confess and start courting her.

Married representatives of this sign need to pay attention to their women and try to be more interested in their affairs and help their other half with the housework. Such a manifestation of care will greatly touch your beloved women.

Love horoscope for April 2017: Libra A man will feel that honesty and attention are the key to a successful relationship.

Finance and work

In April, you should not borrow money, even from loved ones. You can frighten Fortune in this way, which can lead to financial losses. Don’t rush into a major purchase, save money from each salary gradually and buy the thing you want without any loans. At work, you will be eligible for promotion up the career ladder, which will come with a salary increase. Finally, you will see that all your efforts were not in vain. You will have ill-wishers in the person of your colleagues, be vigilant and do not discuss work issues with everyone.

Health and leisure

In April, you are not recommended to undergo medical examinations: do not take tests or make diagnostics. Suppress your desire to find some kind of illness, because you will feel great and you don’t need to go to the doctors. Otherwise, you will get what you were looking for, namely, you will be informed of a serious illness. Fortunately, this diagnosis will not be correct, since there may be a technical error and you will be scared by bad (incorrect) test results. While everything is being figured out, you will experience a lot of stress, so don't look for what isn't there.

  • Favorable days for Libra men are 3, 9, 14, 26, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for Libra men are 4, 11, 27.
Published: 2017-03-12, Modified: 2018-10-22,

April will be the most successful month for Libra if they take advantage of opportunities and favorable circumstances. Laziness and overestimation of their capabilities can prevent them from achieving their goal, so it is better not to relax until you see the result yourself.

At the beginning of the month, your mood will be high for no apparent reason. Libra will want novelty, love and tenderness more than ever, so development is possible love story or flirting, although you had never thought about anything like that before. Do not give in to temptation: the disappointment of hasty and thoughtless actions will be stronger than the joy of anticipation of change, so do not be deceived by the influx of feelings.

This month, Libra will want to clarify relationships with others, especially if there has long been a reason for suspicion or quarrels. It’s better not to do this directly, otherwise you risk not understanding everything as it really is. An unexpected situation or a case when the suspect himself lets slip or clarifies the situation will help you understand the complexities of relationships. Try not to interfere in other people's relationships.

Your endeavors will be successful if you are active. Don’t give in to laziness and idleness - in April many Libras will be tempted, especially if they are busy creative work. Don't give in to your mood, otherwise you risk missing out on a happy opportunity. Listen to the advice of your superiors or senior comrade: he will definitely not advise you anything bad.

Libra Woman: Horoscope for April 2019

The spring mood will contribute to changes in your character. Many people want to get rid of old things, clean up their room or dacha, and buy something new and unusual. But a passionate desire for change can lead to unexpected and unpleasant discoveries that will make you doubt the honesty of loved ones. Do not make hasty conclusions: very soon the unpleasant situation will resolve itself or unexpected events will put an end to all doubts. If you act directly, you risk quarreling with those who previously trusted you.

This month, Libra may awaken a passionate desire to gossip and penetrate into the essence of other people's relationships and affairs. Your curiosity can take unexpected forms: it is likely that you will change your views on ordinary situations and finally learn to understand people. This can lead to a dramatic change in friends and girlfriends, which will help you see their actions from the outside. Try not to interfere in this process, even if you want to prevent friends from becoming enemies; most likely, they have been for a long time, but this has only become known now. Give yourself time and do not rush to act in the situation yourself.

You will especially feel the wind of change at the end of the month. By this time, many situations will become certain, and you will no longer be tormented by doubts. To accept them calmly, learn to be impartial. And, although many moments will not be easy for you to survive, she will tell you how to act in an unpleasant or unpredictable situation.

Libra Man: Horoscope for April 2019

At the beginning of the month, get ready for the fact that you will not be able to relax. Trips and business trips may be postponed for some unknown reason, and your home vacation will be ruined by unpleasant news. Get ready for the fact that you will have to delve into various matters and circumstances, forgetting about what really worries you. You shouldn’t worry or get annoyed about this; you need such a pause to gather your strength for an important and decisive step.

Success this month is only possible if you postpone your planned activities for a while. Old problem will remind you of itself again and you will have to spend a lot of time solving it. Don’t rush to blame others or yourself for this if you think you made a mistake. Bustiness is common in April, so before you get down to what is really important to you, try to clear your living space of unpleasant matters and outdated problems.

In the second half of the month, old friends will remind you of themselves. You will spend more time with children and relatives, but beware of your own temper - the search for justice will not lead to anything good and will only worsen relationships. It’s better to do common things and devote your free time to relaxing outside the city or having a picnic. In the spring, such a pastime will give you a sea of ​​positive emotions that will allow you to successfully cope with even routine tasks.



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