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Books of Catherine Wilmont. Wilmont Catherine: a list of books in order

The writer Ekaterina Vilmont is today one of the most widely read authors among the female population. The profile of her activity is romance novels, but the creative potential of the writer is much wider. She composes children's detectives, is engaged in literary translations.


Catherine was born in Moscow in 1946, a year after the end of the war. She was lucky to be born in Father Nikolai Nikolaevich was a sought-after translator, a specialist in German culture. Mother, Natalia Semenovna, worked in a similar specialization (among her works are translations of T. Mann, F. Schiller).

Naturally, due to the specifics of the parents' professions, Catherine lived in a creative environment, often there were guests in the house, including Boris Pasternak, with whom Nikolai Nikolayevich was friends, Faina Ranevskaya, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote his Nobel speech at the Wilmont dacha.

Not long thought Wilmont Catherine. The list of books in order suggests what the translator decided to do. Her friend once asked why she is not trying to write something of her own. And Catherine decided. The circulation of her books proves that this choice was not made in vain. From an early age, Catherine spoke, wrote and read in German. Therefore, she did not have a career path. She followed in the footsteps of parents, translated a lot of German fiction. But in the 1990s, the profession ceased to be profitable.

First book

The first work written was the novel "The journey of an optimist, or All the women are fools." He came out in 1995.

All the heroines of the books of Catherine Vilmont are fictitious, but only the first, according to the author himself, has autobiographical features. Even the name of a loved one is not changed there - his name is Marat.

Catherine’s personal life did not work out. She has no husband, no children. But this did not affect the optimistic character of the writer, she takes her life as it is. Actually, he advises his readers the same thing. No wonder her books are called the best cure for spleen and depression.

Catherine’s books can be easily recognized by their biting names. For example, the second novel is named "Luck, or All the Men Goats." The second part of the name is very relevant for the author himself, since only such men met in her life. All of Catherine’s love affairs were connected with married men. She did not hide this fact and repeatedly mentioned in an interview that she did not want to take anyone from the family, and she did not steal it.

Recent work

Most recently, the writer has published such novels as "Do We Fig, Beautiful Ladies," "With All the Foolishness!" Even the names show how positive Wilmont's creative world is. The content of her books confirms this, of course.

The heroine of the first novel Ariadne is smart, attractive and successful in everything that is valued in our modern world. And she seems to have no doubt that her life is a full bowl, especially since each of her entourage considers it her duty to tell her about it. But everything changes dramatically when a girl meets her true love.

The heroine of the second work is not so rosy. Lada recently experienced a great tragedy and bitter disappointment. But despite the ups and downs of life, she, like all women, dreams of love and simple happiness.

The best novels

Among the best works of the writer, her first novel can be distinguished, since he opened to the literary world a mischievous, but at the same time lyrical person.

The greatest interest in the public is the book "Chicken in Flight" about the economic girl Ella, who loves to cook. There were men in her life, but she never met the one whom she would like to cherish and cherish. Her whole life is a search for her happiness.

The character of the book “Hormone of happiness and other nonsense”, on the contrary, has everything: favorite work, beauty, and even the groom. But she cannot feel fully happy. This causes bewilderment of the reader, but as events unfold, everything falls into place. Rushing into the pool with his head, radically changing his life, the heroine finally finds happiness.

Many lovers of Wilmont love her books, where the main character is a man. For example, in the novel “An Intelligent and Two Rita,” we are talking about Professor Tveritinov, who got confused in the intricacies of his life and is trying to find an entrance.

Films of novels

Wilmont’s third book, Three Half Graces, was filmed. One of the main roles was played by Alena Khmelnitskaya and Bogdan Stupka.

By the way, Vilmont Ekaterina (see the list of books in order below) is often dissatisfied with the work of directors. They make a lot of changes to the original idea, they get too many inconsistencies and absurdities. Her tenth book, “Chicken in Flight,” according to the author, was transferred to the screen simply ugly. The director even changed the ending, which destroyed the entire ideological series of the work. The film was released under the title "Prescription Happiness", which the writer also did not like.

Also based on the books of Wilmont, the series “Love is Blind” was shot with Ekaterina Semenova in the title role, and the series “I Love You”, in which Maria Shukshina, Yaroslav Boyko and Alexander Abdulov played.


Wilmont Ekaterina (a list of books in order is presented in this article) has released more than a dozen children's detectives. In total, three series have been created:

Each series has several books. They attract attention by the sharpness of the plot, all the heroes of the writer are quite inventive and savvy. Wide geography attracts many in her books. For example, the actions of some detectives take place in Israel, Italy and Germany. Despite the entertaining nature of the works, for most children they can become instructive, as the author skillfully weaves everyday and historical details into the plot threads.

Judging by the readers' feedback, the books resonate with their souls. Therefore, it was not in vain that more than ten years ago Vilnont Ekaterina chose the writing field for herself. The list of books in order proves this, because it is huge.

One of the best contemporary novelists is Catherine Wilmont. List of books in order and in series. Her best works that you definitely need to read.

Goshka, Nikita and Co.

In the hands of a killer

The two brothers Gosh and Nikita could not even think that because of their girlfriend, Ksyusha would become assistants to the killer. To protect an unknown pensioner from imminent death, the guys follow the killer for a day and night and even help him. Every day, the investigation is becoming more dangerous, but the guys continue their work. Can real detectives miss the opportunity to attract the attention of a beautiful girl and leave the villain without retaliation? Farther

Two brothers Gosha and Nikita get a great chance to visit Mallorca, and even in the middle of the school semester. A huge amount of entertainment awaits them: the warmed sea, mysterious grottoes and attractions. But the rest is disturbed by the terrible cry of a woman, heard in the late evening. As it turned out, actress Elena Kutsenko was killed. The brothers do not believe the police, and they know that all the strings of the murder lead to Moscow. The guys are happy to get to work, because who does not want to become a real detective? Farther

An ordinary teenager Gosha Gulyaev once found a wallet with documents in a park. The guy wanted to return the lost things to the rightful owner, but then explosions, harassment and brawls began ... More

Dasha and Ko

Dasha really wanted her older brother. Her desire was so strong that he once appeared. They became Stas Smirnin, a new neighbor. Once the children found a mysterious letter with the place of the buried treasure and, of course, they went in search of it. However, the guys did not realize at all that the real treasure was not money and gold ...

The secret of the lost treasure

Dasha Lavretskaya is a beautiful and smart girl, as well as an investigator with a capital letter. For this reason, she often finds herself in difficult and dangerous situations. Together with her, adventures are shared by true friends Stas Smirnin and Petya Kvitko. Oh, and it’s hard to be a real detective, especially if two things strangely intersect with each other ... More

The Secret of Grandma's Collection

Dasha Lavretskaya is a beautiful and smart girl who does not sit still in search of adventure. This time she goes on a trip to Germany. While staying with her grandmother to tighten up the German language, Dasha discovers a strange collection of donkeys. How are they connected with the world mafia? Who wants to rob a jewelry store in a hotel? Only a real detective can solve these crimes ... More

Detective Bureau "Quartet"

Detective Bureau "Quartet"

Asya and Matilda are best friends. They become aware that a ghost has wound up nearby. The piano is closed, but the music is playing. Girls infiltrate housing in the neighborhood, but encounter real thieves. The case includes friends of the girls Mitya and Kostya. And the detective bureau “Quartet” takes up its first business ... Read more

Dangerous neighborhood

The Quartet Detective Bureau has a new business. The directors of one of the country's main banks were attacked. As it turned out, he is a friend of the Asi family. So, the guys enthusiastically take up the job, and the girls with no less inspiration build their eyes to the victim. However, the investigation reveals unexpected details ... more

Crime Holidays

Most of all, children dream of a trip to a popular resort - the warm sea, delicious fruits and sweets. But girlfriends Asya and Matilda love to build eyes for guys and investigate complicated crimes. This time the girls go on vacation to the famous foreign resort. But at the airport, girls pay attention to an unusual personality. Who would know that this is a famous world criminal. It seems that the girls are waiting for an unforgettable vacation ... More

Cool lady

Cool lady, or Tender than the Polish panna

The famous composer died and in his will indicated in the heirs relatives from the village. Thus began the story of Asya with her daughter Tosei. Mother and daughter come to the capital, the family unites after many years of separation. Now all dreams and dreams begin to come true ... More

Sunflowers in winter

This story tells about the further adventures of Asya and her daughter Tose. Unexpected wealth fell on the girls, but everything around is filled with secrets. In this part of the novel, we will talk about love and betrayal, quarrels and reconciliation. Is there real love in our time? Can men be faithful? Farther

Varya dreamed of becoming an artist all her life. It seems that she received a theater education, but she did not attend the auditions and did not participate in the performances. One day she meets a director who offers to film her in a film. Dreams start to come true, but what will it cost Varia? Farther

Barbara is a famous artist who performs under the pseudonym "Mittens". Some time has passed after the events of the first book, the girl broke up with her boyfriend Stas and hardly endures the breakup. Stas himself went abroad, and regularly receives news about how terribly Varya behaves. Returning, he decides to find out with her the relationship, which leads to assault. The girl breaks off relations with him completely. A holy place is never empty. And her location immediately looking for two guys. But you won’t be forcibly sweet, Vary’s thoughts constantly return to Stas, with whom life constantly brings her ... More

Lucky streak

Masha Shubina is firmly convinced that decent men cannot be found in our time. So to speak, he knows from the experience of three failed marriages. She does not have a good job, and there is no decent salary either. The friends Tanya and Marta try to convince Masha that there are miracles in life. But she will believe in it only when they begin to happen ... More

About life and love: Catherine Wilmont

Spy Waffles

No series

And I'm the fifth fool!

Karina is a widow for five years now. As soon as she refuses mourning, fans of her ex-husband do not let her live in peace. But Karina is not as simple as it seems. She is ready for anything for a new and bright love ... More

Do not we figs, beautiful ladies!

Ariadne is a beautiful, confident woman. Men of all ages look after her. One day, fate brings her to Danil. And she falls under his spell. It seems that he is not her type, but suddenly - is it fate? Farther

One swan!

Yaroslav is not happy in marriage and decides to get a divorce. But the family does not take her back. The girl needs help, grabs any work and meets Ivan Vereshchagin. The guy is in love with Yaska, but married to another woman. How this tangle will unravel, because you will not leave problems even in Stockholm. Farther

Intelligent and two Rita

Zakhar Tveritinov is a happy person. He has everything in life: good work and time for rest. However, the fate of the professor at Moscow University is giving surprises in the form of a long-lost mother and new acquaintance. Can Zakhar cope with all the difficulties without breaking his dreams and expectations? Will the hero be able to figure out simple and at the same time complex relationships? Farther

Sometimes it seems that the loss of loved ones in life cannot but change a person. But Lada Gudilina helps to cope with all the problems of work, friends and beloved. Will the girl survive all the trials and stay the same? Or will feelings overwhelm her? Farther

Oia is a successful young girl. She has a wonderful family, great job. But once her husband leaves her. And Oia seeks salvation and support from her husband’s brother. Suddenly there is a meeting with a man whom the girl has loved since her youth. Who will stay with Iya? You will find the answer to this question on the pages of the book "I Have a Giraffe."

Detective Bureau "Quartet"

In the next apartment, where no one has lived a long time ago, a poltergeist was wound up. Moreover, the poltergeist is unusual, talented. A closed piano in an empty room suddenly starts to play classical music itself!

Two girlfriends - Matilda and Asya - want to solve the mystery and decide to devote Kostya and Mitya to this matter. They are reliable, quick-witted and smart guys, and, therefore, they will surely understand everything.

So, the Quartet detective bureau is starting its first investigation!

Dangerous neighborhood

The girls froze in admiration when they saw a young banker getting out of his car ... Suddenly Asya and Matilda realized that they had fallen in love at first sight with this dazzling handsome man. And it soon became clear that he was the head of a large Russian bank, on which attempts were made almost every day!

Is there really a real case for the Quartet detective bureau?

The guys follow the trail of criminals, but a new problem arises ...

Crime Holidays

Asya and Matilda, tough girls from the Quartet detective bureau, go abroad all summer. The banker, whom they helped to avoid death, gave them a trip to the world famous resort. Warm sea, exotic fruits - is this not the ultimate dream for teenagers?

But Asya and Matilda at the airport spotted a suspicious subject who, as it soon became clear, turned out to be a dangerous international criminal!

Vacations will be hot and criminal! ..

Fake dad

Luda Kosheleva, a classmate of Matilda and Asya, showed up ... a dad who had once abandoned their family.

The event seems to be joyful, but Lyudka believes that she is being deceived. To ask her mother whether this person really belongs to her father, the girl does not dare.

It is hoped that the detective bureau “Quartet” will understand this complicated story. And the young detectives have already developed a plan of operation "Fake Dad"!

Desperate girl

How good it is at the summer cottage! Walking in the surroundings, fun parties. But Matilda and Asa, desperate detectives, want more - give them a new detective story!

And soon this story happened: in the forest, girlfriends found a man who escaped from the kidnappers. That's all he managed to tell the girls.

But the girls will definitely find out who is behind this abduction. Otherwise, a terrible thing will happen ...

The secret of the blue folder

Is there anything cooler than a vacation trip? Sure! This is a journey and a detective investigation at the same time.

Only now Matilda and Asya are embroiled in a really complicated and dangerous business. In the hands of the young detectives was a blue folder with secret documents. An accident? But the girls are being chased by real international criminals!

Fortunately, the girlfriends have brave and determined fans who not only admire Matilda and Asya, but are also ready to help at any time of the day or night ...

In the wake of four

A series of daring robberies took place in the city. Four of our teenage criminals are confronted by our old acquaintances - the Quartet detective bureau.

Who would have thought that you could find robbers just by drinking tea in your kitchen!

And for Matilda and Asi, the most courageous and cutest detectives, nothing is impossible!

Goshka, Nikita and Co.

In the hands of a killer

Because of Ksyushka, who accidentally overheard a conversation of suspicious types, Gosh and Nikita became the assistants of the killer. Wow adventure! But what can’t you do for a pretty girl?

To save the unknown old woman from death, the guys are ready day and night to monitor the criminal.

And although the investigation is becoming more dangerous, Nikita and Ghosh are not going to retreat!

One piece of evidence, two pieces of evidence!

A trip to Mallorca at the height of your studies! What could be better? Gosha and Nikita, Moscow schoolchildren, are waiting for the warm sea, windsurfing and mysterious caves. Not a life, but a holiday!

But disasters happen at the resort: actress Elena Kutsenko is killed. Boys who heard a desperate female scream on the night of the murder do not agree with the official version.

The real "customer" is located in Moscow. And that means that friends will also join in the investigation of the murder ...

Find for the spy

Continuous surveillance, endless chases, exploding cars, fights ... What happened? Yes, it’s a complete trifle.

Gosha Gulyaev, an ordinary guy of thirteen years old, found a wallet with a passport and some papers. As a completely honest man, Goshka returned the find to the owner.

And now one of the most dangerous investigations of our young detectives has begun ...

Dasha and Ko

Searching for treasures

Dasha and Stas, the girl’s new neighbor, accidentally discovered a mysterious note in the old closet, indicating the place where the real treasure was hidden.

How can schoolchildren abandon such an exciting adventure? All forces are cast in search of family treasures!

But someone very strong and dangerous gets in the way of the guys ...

The secret of the lost treasure

Dasha Lavretskaya is just a super-girl! Clever, beautiful and a real detective. Perhaps that is why Dasha is constantly in difficult and complicated situations, from which it is impossible to get out without the help of Stas Smirin and Petit Kvitko.

The search for the lost treasure, the rescue of the journalist ... In the most mysterious way, these two crimes are interconnected, and therefore the paths of young detectives converge.

Musya and Viktosha join our company.

The Secret of Grandma's Collection

What is the connection between clay donkeys from the grandmother's collection and international crime?

Who wants to steal jewelry from the jewelry store of the hotel where Dasha and her mother stayed?

For Dasha and her friends, nothing is impossible! Only they are able to unravel this tangle of crimes and bring the robbers to clean water.

It's hard to be brave

If not for Petka, the younger brother of Dasha Lavretskaya, nothing would have happened. Only he could think of climbing onto someone else's balcony to get a runaway cat. It was there that Petka, unexpectedly for himself, saw a girl chained to the battery ...

Gang fights, abductions, chases ...

How hard it is sometimes to be brave!

  • The secret of precious garbage. Incredible luck (compilation)

Cool lady

Cool lady, or Tender than the Polish panna

After reading the will of the famous composer, family members decided to immediately and amicably make happy the poor relatives from the village. Let them get a piece of wealth and happiness.

The fragments of a large family reunited.

Now you will learn how dreams come true!

Artist, damn it!

Artist, damn it!

Varina's life turned out to be successful. But she never managed to fulfill her childhood dream: on the stage of the theater, she never had the chance to perform, although she was studying at the theater school behind her ... What are the performances! She did not pass a single casting, not a single test.

But one day she met a good fairy. Rather, the director who offers Varya the main role and fame.

Do you think this does not happen?

Lucky streak

Best classic for girls

About life and love: Catherine Wilmont

Spy Waffles

No series

Lady from the snowdrift

According to a long tradition, Timur Almetov celebrates Christmas in Paris.

A conversation that was accidentally heard in one of the cafes turns up the whole - already difficult - life of Timur.

And now he flies to Moscow to meet those people on whom his fate and future happiness depend ...

Do not we figs, beautiful ladies!

Women like Ariadne are called fatal.

(ratings: 3 , the average: 3,33 out of 5)

Name: Ekaterina Nikolaevna Vilmont
Date of Birth: April 24, 1946
Place of Birth: Russia, Moscow

Catherine Wilmont - biography

Ekaterina Nikolaevna Vilmont is a translator and popular Russian writer of our time, working in the detective and melodramatic genres. Catherine was born on April 24, 1946 in an intelligent family. Her parents have been engaged in professional translations all her life, so the girl from childhood studied various languages \u200b\u200band dreamed of following in the footsteps of her father and mother. The craving for writing was noticed by Wilmont at school - she was a member of the literary circle, having got into it after a successfully written story.

At the age of fifteen, Katya completed the first translation - from Chinese - and received parental approval. The girl firmly decided that she would deal with translations professionally. After school, she graduated from the German language courses, although this was only a formality - Catherine received all the luggage of philological knowledge at home. Wilmont has no higher education.

For almost three decades, Ekaterina Nikolaevna successfully translated works of art from German. Even her colleagues could envy the quality of her work. At first they did not believe that the translator worked herself and attributed all the merits to her parents. However, over time, Catherine proved her professionalism, gaining respect and recognition.

Vilmont set foot on the writing path at a rather late age - almost fifty years old. The reason was simple - she wanted popularity. 1995 was marked by her debut novel, The Journey of the Optimist, or All the Women of the Fools, published two years later. The first book of Catherine made it clear that a new talented author has appeared in modern literature, creating soulful melodramas with love experiences - always a relevant genre for the fair sex. The basis of this work is the story of the unhappy love of the author himself. Having thrown out all the pain on paper, the writer felt enormous relief. This method of peace of mind Catherine took into service and constantly used it. As for family relations, Wilmont has a special opinion - she has no children and has never been married, since she considers this optional for a woman.

After a successful debut, the author immediately took up two episodes in the genre of a children's detective with elements of a love melodrama - Detective Bureau “Quartet” and “Dasha and Co.” (another name for the cycle is “First Love and Dangerous Investigations of Dasha Lavretskaya”). A light detective theme captivated the writer, and at the beginning of the two thousandths another similar cycle appeared - “Once evidence, two evidence!” (Another name is “Goshka, Nikita and Co.”). The fun and adventurous adventures of friends, coupled with action-packed investigations, received a huge amount of rave reviews from readers.

After three detective episodes, Ekaterina Nikolaevna decided to focus on romance novels. She creates off-cycle works and entire series of works of the melodramatic genre, with each new book becoming increasingly popular. In the characters of her novels, many readers recognize themselves and their friends. A peculiarity of the author's style is an amazing combination of egregious realism and a humorous manner of narration with a predominant share of irony. Thanks to this, all the books of Catherine Vilmont are read quickly and easily, they make you experience a whole gamut of emotions - from bitterness and hopelessness to peace and excitement.

The works of the modern novelist constantly occupy high lines of reader ratings. The following romance novels are recognized as the author’s best books: “The Optimist’s Journey, or All the Women Fools,” “Luck, or All the Men Goats,” “Three Half-Graces, or A Little about Love at the End of the Millennium,” dilogy “The Cool Lady”.

To date, the works of Catherine Wilmont are published in millions of copies. By 2017, the novelist’s creative piggy bank contains more than thirty novels and more than forty stories and short stories (as a rule, they make up her detective cycles). The writer more than once fell into the lists of the best-selling Russian authors of our time, annually compiled by the Russian Book Chamber. In addition, Ekaterina Nikolaevna is among the top five most famous writers who create works on the relations of men and women. At the beginning of the 2000s, several films were shot based on the works of a talented novelist - the melodrama series Love is Blind, I Love You, Three Half Graces and Prescription Happiness, as well as the one-part film Snow Angel. The last film was awarded the prestigious TEFI Award for Best Television Picture. Despite the success of all the films, the author is unhappy with the adaptation of his works. Catherine claims that the directors have changed a lot in the storylines, and she barely recognizes her work in films (in her opinion, the mini-series “Three Half Graces” is the most successful and believable).

Today, the famous writer lives in Moscow. Her hobbies include traveling and cats. According to Ekaterina Nikolaevna, she has an extensive collection of cats - more than five hundred. Also, the novelist likes to spend time in a relaxed home environment, playing backgammon, playing solitaire or just watching TV.

If you want to plunge into vivid life stories filled with humor, irony, optimism and sincerity, you need to familiarize yourself with the literary masterpieces of the Russian writer. On our site you can download her books absolutely for free by choosing a convenient format for downloading: fb2, txt, epub or rtf. Also, our virtual library invites everyone to read online books by Ekaterina Vilmont in Russian. Among our materials is a huge bibliographic list of the author, the sequence of books in which is in chronological order.


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