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Buckwheat diet for psoriasis reviews. What diet should be followed with psoriasis


Many scientists have proven that proper nutrition can alleviate the course and eliminate the manifestations of the disease in women and men. The diet for psoriasis is based on the exclusion from the diet of foods that are allergens. Tables of allowed and prohibited foods can help you deal with the menu.

What not to eat with psoriasis

The diet to get rid of the disease involves the exclusion of food that causes oxidation in the body. Prohibited foods for psoriasis of the scalp and other types of disease - table:

Product group

Prohibited foods for psoriasis




strong tea




fatty parts of beef


smoked meats

meat sauces


hard cheeses with high fat content



processed cheeses



canned food

smoked and oily fish



spicy seasonings

white flour bread

rich pastries

What can you eat with psoriasis

Fighting the disease, give preference to food that reduces the burden on the digestive system and normalizes metabolism. Foods that can be eaten with psoriasis are listed in the table:

Product group

Name of products allowed for psoriasis

greens (dill, parsley, onion feathers)

cabbage (sometimes sauerkraut)

Fruits and berries





fat-free kefir

light cheeses

skim cheese

goat milk (rare)


pasta whole grains

Meat and fish


lean fish

boiled eggs

weak tea

juices from permitted fruits and vegetables without sugar

Pegano diet for psoriasis

An effective method of treating the disease was developed by the American doctor John Pegano. It is based on a strict observance of the balance of acids and alkalis in food. The Pegano diet for psoriasis is a set of measures for the consistent cleansing and healing of the whole organism. The nutrition system helps to create in the intestines unsuitable for the life of harmful organisms, cleanses and prevents the deposition of toxins in the body. The balance of how to eat with psoriasis according to John Pegano is the following ratio: 70% - alkalis, 30% - acids.

To medical technique worked effectively, follow the specific plan set by the doctor. Stages of the John Pegano diet for psoriasis - table:

Stage of psoriasis treatment

ongoing processes

How to implement



Activation of the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

A diet that includes many types of fruits.

Diet only on apples or citrus fruits.

Reception of enterosorbents, glycothymoline, intestinal colon therapy.

Throughout the diet

Specialized Nutrition Principles

Protection of the intestines from penetration harmful substances with psoriasis.

Improving the functioning of the joints.

Stopping the accumulation of toxins.

Improving immunity.

Form a diet balanced in acid-base composition.

Perform bowel movements 1-2 times daily.


Physical exercise

Preventive measures to prevent disorders in the functioning of the spine in psoriasis.

Do spine exercises.



Restoration and cleansing of the epidermis.

Removal of toxins from the body.

Periodically take a steam bath, visit a bath or sauna.

for life

Set for success

Prevention of stress in psoriasis.

Timely rest.

Relaxing treatments.


Fire diet for psoriasis

Dermatologist Svetlana Ogneva has created an effective method for the treatment of psoriasis, based on the revision of the usual diet. The main principle of the diet is the balance of food in terms of acid-base index. The share of alkaline-forming foods should be 80% of the daily diet of a person suffering from this disease. Diet Fire with psoriasis improves immunity, heals joints and skin, removes toxins from the body.

The diet for psoriasis of the scalp or another type of ailment is based on the following basic principles of treatment:

  • When the disease is at the acute stage, it is recommended to exclude carbohydrates and proteins from the menu for 30 days.
  • It is necessary to completely ban fried and smoked foods. Diet dishes should be stewed, baked, boiled or steamed.
  • Fasting days should be spent on cottage cheese, kefir, apples or vegetables 1 time per week.
  • To maintain the necessary balance of the diet will help the intake of lecithin in granules.
  • Fasting must be banned. It is necessary to use foods allowed for psoriasis, adhering to fractional nutrition.
  • You should drink about 8 glasses of pure water per day during the diet.
  • Salt restriction recommended.
  • A complete ban on smoking and drinking alcohol in psoriasis is shown.

Diet for psoriasis - a table of products that are allowed and prohibited to use:

Product groups

Allowed for psoriasis

Forbidden for psoriasis





Few times a week:




semi-finished products

Fruits and berries





apple without peel





Twice a week:

any dried fish


rolls, sushi



whole grain pasta

legumes (peas, beans)

mineral water

fresh from allowed vegetables and fruits

carbonated drinks


Bread and loaves

whole grains

corn and rye flour

unleavened shortbreads

White bread from wheat



other confectionery

butter 20 g per day

Low fat:


high fat foods


vegetable oils

seeds (1 tablespoon each):


Daily nutrition for psoriasis

When compiling a daily menu for psoriasis of the scalp or other areas, one should rely on the important principles of the diet:

  • the products used must be hypoallergenic;
  • sweets, marinades and smoked meats are excluded;
  • nutrition for psoriasis for every day requires a reduction in salt intake;
  • food containing preservatives and emulsifiers should be banned;
  • the main product for eczema and psoriasis should be fiber, which in pure form found in raw or frozen vegetables;
  • give preference during the diet to cereals (for example, buckwheat);
  • sometimes you can allow yourself mushrooms and nuts with psoriasis;
  • Be sure to eat low-fat dairy products as part of your diet.

A large number of foods that fall under the ban does not affect the variety of dishes that you can cook. A table will help you create a suitable menu for each meal:


Suitable products for psoriasis patients

Porridge on the water

Curd with yogurt

Green or herbal tea

Whole grain bread and cheese sandwich

Soup with vegetable or light poultry broth

Diet boiled or baked meat

A fresh vegetable salad

Steamed poultry or fish cutlets

Fruit or vegetable juices

Fruits (apples, bananas)

Kefir or low-fat yogurt

Fruit or vegetable salad

Kashi on the water

Steam cutlets

herbal teas

Stewed vegetables

Lean fish or meat

Diet for psoriasis for a week

The basis of the diet for psoriasis for a week is the menu in the form of a table. It is formed in such a way as to prevent the occurrence of disturbances in the processes of protein and fat metabolism. line up proper diet you can, based on a detailed table of an approximate diet:

Days of the week


Cottage cheese with raisins or dried apricots,

chamomile tea.

vegetable soup puree,

braised rabbit,

weak tea.

Yogurt or kefir.

baked fish,

cabbage salad,

buckwheat porridge,

green tea.

Soup with cabbage

a fresh vegetable salad,

baked chicken breast,

whole grain pasta,

herbal tea.

barley porridge,

fruit juice.

Soup puree,

turkey steam cutlets,

cabbage salad,

black or green tea.

Several apples or bananas.

Vinaigrette without potatoes

fruit drink or compote.

Ear from sea fish,

a fresh vegetable salad,

meat baked in the oven

fruit salad,

vegetable ragout,

herbal tea.

hard-boiled egg,

vegetarian soup,

vegetable salad,


steam cutlets,

A cheese sandwich,

any permitted fruit.

Soup with light broth

vegetable salad,

steam fish cutlets.

Fruit smoothies.

stuffed zucchini,

chamomile tea.


Buckwheat or rice porridge

Chicken bouillon,

vegetable salad,

boiled lean meat,

fruit juice.

Fruits (several pieces).

stewed zucchini,

steam fish,

rosehip tea.

Video: diet for psoriasis patients

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious skin disease associated with the formation of reddish-silver papular rashes. This disease can manifest itself as a result of a violation of the general metabolism. There is evidence that such disorders provoke disharmony of the microflora of the stomach with the intestines, which leads to dermatoses, such as, for example, psoriasis of the scalp. Diet in this case is a significant factor on the path to healing. Proper nutrition in psoriasis, along with drug treatments, has a significant impact on the course of the disease.

The human body individually in each case reacts to a variety of foods and therefore it is almost impossible to develop a menu suitable for all in psoriasis. Only a dietitian can determine what to eat with psoriasis, in a particular case of the disease. And in the same way, only a specialist can say that you can not eat with psoriasis. And although information publications are full of topics such as: psoriasis, diet, treatment, only a qualified specialist can diagnose and determine effective methods healing.

Proper nutrition for psoriasis

A diet for patients with psoriasis, with the help of a rational selection of a diet, should correct metabolic disorders in the body and prevent exacerbation of skin reactions.

Nutrition for psoriasis should comply with certain principles:

  • individually for each patient, products are determined that can lead to allergic reactions, followed by their complete exclusion from the diet;
  • complete abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • eating small amounts of food 4-5 times a day;
  • exclusion of the use of fried, smoked and spicy foods;
  • reduction in salt intake;
  • refusal to use products containing preservatives, emulsifiers, food colors, stabilizers, baking powder and other artificial additives;
  • a ban on the use of citrus fruits (exclude oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, grapefruits from the diet);
  • refusal of easily digestible carbohydrates (products from the highest grades of flour, sugar);
  • the use of plant foods - what can be eaten with psoriasis in predominant quantities, except for citrus fruits, legumes and vegetables of the nightshade family;
  • in the diet, the predominance of cereals (buckwheat diet for psoriasis is very popular);
  • the use of sour-milk products with a low fat content;
  • the daily diet must include vegetable oils that provide dietary nutrition for psoriasis.

What can you eat with psoriasis

When compiling a menu for a week with psoriasis, experts offer an option for the day:

  • Breakfast: egg omelette, boiled carrot dessert, tea.
  • Lunch: Vegetable soup with rice, baked meat with buckwheat porridge, apple, dried fruit drink.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, vegetable pudding, coffee with milk.
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to use low-fat kefir.

There is an opinion that therapeutic fasting in psoriasis leads to the normalization of metabolic processes. However, the opinions of scientists about the effectiveness of using this method differ. Since the majority of patients have impaired lipid metabolism, nutrition in psoriasis should be based on the choice of foods with a limited amount of fat. Thus, the diet for psoriasis is often based on the use of simple, varied and vitamin-rich foods.

What can not be eaten with psoriasis?

Proper nutrition in psoriasis is based on dietary regimen. Therapeutic nutrition for psoriasis Ogneva, a doctor dealing with nutrition for psoriasis, recipes, is based on the complete exclusion of condensed milk, ice cream. Many experts agree that it is necessary to limit spices, seasonings, strong broths.

Diet Pegano and Fire

To date, unique and are the most widely known. According to both authors, clinical nutrition in psoriasis should provide the necessary acid-base balance of the body, as a result of which the alkaline reaction exceeds the acidic one. It is influenced by the food you eat and emotional condition. The menu for patients with psoriasis should be 70-80% alkaline-forming and 20-30% acid-forming. Both experts decided which diet is most acceptable for psoriasis, and offered lists of products, among which there are significant contradictions.

On the use of all citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, lime, lemon), the Pegano diet for psoriasis is based. However, clinical nutrition for psoriasis Ognevoy excludes the use of any citrus fruits, except for grapefruit.

The Pegano diet for psoriasis includes the use of such foods:

  • cereals - oats, wheat, barley, buckwheat, rye, millet, bran;
  • whole seeds - sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, flax;
  • fish (not fried): tuna, cod, trout, mackerel, flounder, salmon, trout.

Pegano classifies these foods as acid-forming. However, the diet for psoriasis Fire indicates that these products are alkaline-forming. Ogneva recommends combining therapeutic nutrition for psoriasis with traditional medicine recipes.

The buckwheat diet for psoriasis has also become widely known, which is associated with the beneficial effect of cereals on all organs of the digestive tract. Nutrition for psoriasis, recipes for preparing dietary dishes are not the only ways to deal with the disease. For example, psoriasis of the scalp, in which the diet is not particularly different from the principles of nutrition for other skin diseases, can be treated with the accompanying help of traditional medicine. Dr. Ogneva combines therapeutic nutrition for psoriasis with the use of Altai and Far Eastern herbs.

Psoriasis is a non-infectious chronic skin disease characterized by the appearance of red patches with silvery-white scales. It is assumed that it has an autoimmune nature and is very difficult to treat. The therapy used to get rid of this ailment includes not only taking medications, but also a special diet. In today's publication, we will consider what you can eat with psoriasis.

Healthy foods

People who have this pathology are advised to introduce nutritious and varied foods into their diet that maintain a normal acid-base balance. One of the most important components of the medical menu are fruits. The exact list of what is allowed should be compiled by a doctor. But the safest for health are apricots, pineapples, watermelons and grapes. Melon is very useful for such patients. But you need to eat it very carefully and not too often.

Also in the list of what you can eat with psoriasis, almost all vegetables were included. Moreover, cucumbers, green beans and carrots will bring the greatest benefit. But the use of bell peppers, potatoes and tomatoes will have to be limited.

Various berries have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Cowberries, blueberries and sea buckthorn have proven themselves especially well.

No less beneficial will be the inclusion of offal in the daily diet. Salad recipes with beef liver or heart are very popular among those who want to get rid of skin rashes.

The consumption of linseed, olive or sunflower oil has a very good effect on the state of the whole organism. All these products contain a sufficient amount of fatty acids that prevent the development of inflammatory processes and the occurrence of allergies. They are used not only for dressing salads, but also consumed in their pure form.

In addition to the products discussed above, the list of what you can eat with psoriasis includes eggs, milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese and any greens. also in diet menu fish, chicken, turkey, oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat and rice must be present.

harmful products

Of course, when choosing medical nutrition very important individual approach. But experts have developed a whole list of provocateur products that are strictly forbidden for people suffering from psoriasis.

Such patients are strictly forbidden to introduce various spices into their diet. Seasonings and spices contain a large amount of aromatic substances and essential oils activating blood flow and provoking the development of allergies. Particularly aggressive in this sense are nutmeg, clove and pepper.

Those who are very interested in what foods should not be eaten with psoriasis should remember that with this pathology it is strictly forbidden to eat nuts. They are considered the most powerful allergens and can cause an unwanted reaction in the body.

Also, patients with this diagnosis will have to give up smoked and salty foods. Substances contained in such food lead to disruption of the intestines, which is bad for the condition of the skin.

In addition, people with psoriasis should exclude citrus fruits, fatty meat, lard, alcoholic drinks, easily digestible carbohydrates, gluten-containing cereals, butter, chocolate, cocoa, red fruits and vegetables.

Having figured out what you can eat with psoriasis, you need to find out which of the allowed components can be combined with each other. So, experts do not recommend consuming a lot of acid-forming foods at the same time. Also, do not mix meat and starchy foods. This combination contributes to an increase in acidity and is bad for the general condition of the body.

It is unacceptable to combine citrus fruits and milk or its derivatives in one meal. You can not eat cereals and fruits together. Tea should not be supplemented with sugar, cream or milk. And raw apples, bananas, watermelons and melons are best eaten separately.

Diet selection

Proper nutrition will significantly speed up the healing process and bring positive results closer. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose a patient suitable diet, which should take into account not only diagnostic data, but also such individual characteristics of the patient's body as the presence of an allergy to certain products. Moreover, tests for the tolerance of a particular food should be carried out after achieving a stable remission.

To date, there are two main nutritional systems for psoriasis:

  • The diet of John Pegano, which is based on lowering the level of acidity in the blood and normalizing the work of the intestines. Such a diet consists of 80% vegetables and fruits and only 20% meat, fish and cereals.
  • The diet of Svetlana Ogneva, aimed at creating an optimal acid-base balance and excluding the use of hormonal drugs.

It is important to remember that in order to obtain the desired results, the recommended nutritional system must be supplemented with plenty of fluids. Therefore, patients need to drink at least one and a half liters of water daily.

Pegano Diet Features

The menu for psoriasis is designed in such a way as to achieve a stable remission and minimize the risk of recurrence of rashes. The essence of such a nutrition system is the complete improvement of the whole organism through the use of certain products.

A well-regulated menu will allow the patient to refuse to take medications. Therefore, when compiling this diet, it is important to rely on the results of specially conducted laboratory research and related analyses.

Stages of the Pegano Diet

Before using this technique, you should always consult with your doctor, because not everyone can go to the bathhouse and exercise, and some products that are allowed for psoriasis can cause allergies. As for the system itself, it includes five main stages.

First of all, you have to do unloading. This stage involves a three- or five-day mono-diet. During the entire period, the patient is allowed to consume apples or citrus fruits. And to accelerate the cleansing of the intestines, it is recommended to additionally take enterosorbents.

The second stage is to follow an individually selected diet. Its main purpose is to create a protective barrier that prevents the entry of pathogenic microflora.

The third stage involves the development of the spine with the help of special physical exercises. This is due to the fact that pathologies such as scoliosis provoke a violation of normal blood flow and contribute to the appearance of skin rashes.

The fourth stage includes cosmetic procedures that help get rid of peeling and improve skin condition. During this period, a visit to the bath, sauna or steam room is recommended.

The fifth stage is the adjustment to the positive. A good mood is just as important as proper nutrition. Therefore, the patient must avoid conflict situations and not get into arguments.

Menu for the week

With psoriasis, you can eat right without making any special effort. These words will be confirmed by the example of the seven-day menu discussed below.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water with dried fruits and green tea.

Lunch: lean borscht, boiled chicken fillet and compote.

Snack: low-fat yogurt

Dinner: baked fish, cucumber salad and herbal tea.


Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs, cheese sandwich, fresh cucumber and tea

Lunch: buckwheat soup, boiled veal, cabbage salad and fruit drink.

Snack: cottage cheese with fresh berries.

Dinner: lamb with baked vegetables and compote.


Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole and kissel.

Lunch: chicken soup with mushrooms, cucumber and spinach salad, fish cooked in the oven and compote.

Afternoon snack: jelly with biscuit cookies.

Dinner: steamed vegetables, pasta, pineapple and tea.


Breakfast: millet porridge on the water with fruits and herbal tea.

Lunch: carrot salad with sour cream, cabbage and steam cutlet.

Dinner: fruit yogurt and compote.


Breakfast: and kissel.

Lunch: buckwheat soup, boiled turkey, steamed vegetables and compote.

Dinner: oatmeal with almonds and a decoction of dried fruits.


Breakfast: baked fish, vegetable salad and compote.

Lunch: mashed chicken soup, boiled meat and chamomile tea.

Dinner: vegetable stew and fat-free cottage cheese with pieces of fruit.


Breakfast: buckwheat with vegetable oil and herbal tea.

Lunch: chicken with stewed broccoli.

Dinner: an apple baked with low-fat cottage cheese.

Of course, the daily diet may vary according to personal preferences, but it should be formed exclusively from permitted foods.

vitamins for psoriasis

To successfully get rid of manifestations this disease a comprehensive approach is needed. Apart from proper nutrition and enterosorbents, patients are usually advised to take vitamins. How much they are needed in each case, the dermatologist who conducted the examination should decide.

Those who want to find out which vitamins to drink with psoriasis should remember that they are all divided into water- and fat-soluble. The first category includes ascorbic acid and eight varieties of group B. Their intake does not affect the plaques themselves. But without them, regulation of metabolic processes is impossible.

Those who do not know what vitamins to drink for psoriasis need to understand that most often patients with this diagnosis are prescribed retinol, tocopherol, calciferol and lecithin. All of these substances are found in most approved foods. But sometimes experts recommend taking them in the form pharmaceutical preparations.


There is another rather controversial method of getting rid of psoriasis. It involves a starvation diet and is contraindicated in people who have problems with the digestive system. This method allows you to quickly cleanse the body of harmful substances. Therapeutic starvation helps to accelerate metabolic processes, reduce weight and stop the growth of diseased cells.

However, this technique also has negative sides. Prolonged fasting can cause dizziness, fainting, nervousness, psychological discomfort and bad smell from mouth.

Cooking examples

Among patients with psoriasis, a variety of recipes for salads with beef liver, chicken or vegetables are especially popular. Also in the menu of patients with this skin pathology there are all kinds of first courses, casseroles, stews and other goodies. As an example of a tasty and healthy lunch, consider the recipe for cooking vegetable soup. To play it you will need:

  • 1 liter chicken broth.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 parsnip.
  • 1 small zucchini.
  • 100 g cauliflower.
  • 2 tbsp. l. corn grains.

Peeled and finely chopped vegetables are immersed in a pot of boiling broth and boiled for seven minutes. The finished soup is briefly insisted under the lid and served.


Psoriasis is not fatal, but an unpleasant disease that cannot be completely cured. But a positive attitude, special procedures and compliance proper diet help to achieve a stable remission and get rid of skin rashes.

Diet in psoriasis plays one of the key roles in the implementation of therapeutic measures that ensure an accelerated transition of the pathology from the active phase to the stage of long-term and stable remission.

Despite the fact that psoriasis is an incurable autoimmune pathology, the results of using restrictions on the consumption of various products become noticeable just a week after their introduction - the patient has a decrease in the intensity of the manifestation of the main symptoms of the disease.

What is this article about?

General principles of dietary nutrition in psoriasis

The use of dietary nutrition is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in the body. In addition, the use of a specially designed anti-psoriatic diet guarantees a decrease in the intensity of the manifestation of the main symptoms characteristic of scaly lichen.

The patient should be aware that the use of a dietary diet involves the rejection of eating many foods. Despite the fact that psoriatic disease is incurable, adherence to a diet makes it possible to obtain positive results of therapy already a week after the introduction of dietary restrictions.

Nutrition for psoriasis involves strict adherence to certain principles, the main ones being the following:

  • the appointment of a hypoallergenic diet, which excludes the use of foods that have high level allergenic danger;
  • complete rejection of bad habits;
  • food intake should be fractional, at least 5 times a day;
  • smoked meats, sweets and pickled foods are completely excluded from the diet;
  • the use of table salt is limited to a minimum;
  • food containing emulsifiers, dyes and flavor enhancers should be completely abandoned;
  • in the presence of psoriasis, you should eat more vegetables;
  • a variety of cereals should become an obligatory element of the diet;
  • it is recommended to use low-fat dairy products in the diet.

In addition, an essential element of the diet should be olive oil.

What cereals are useful and what are their benefits?

Psoriasis is not fatal, but an unpleasant disease that cannot be completely cured. However, the use of a diet and anti-psoriatic measures and procedures contribute to the establishment of a period of long and stable remission. This approach to treatment allows you to get rid of the characteristic manifestations of scaly lichen and significantly improve the quality of life.

Porridge for psoriasis should become an indispensable component of dietary nutrition. The use of this component of the diet allows you to saturate the body with a large amount of essential nutrients and biologically active components.

The best option in the presence of scaly psoriasis is to cook cereals on the water. It is best to use oatmeal, rice and buckwheat for nutrition.

More than half of the adult population suffer from various disorders in the work of the digestive tract. The presence of inflammatory processes in the intestine leads to an exacerbation during psoriasis and an increase in the characteristic symptomatic manifestations on the skin.

The use of a variety of cereals in the menu while following a diet allows you to reduce the degree of inflammatory processes on the inner wall of the intestine and thereby reduce their negative impact on the condition of the skin of the psoriatic body.

In addition, cereals are able to act as sorbents, helping to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the body and promotes healing of the body.

Use of oatmeal in the diet

Sowing oats is a valuable food and fodder crop. Its grains contain about 55% starch. 24% fiber and about 11% fat. About 20% of the substances stored in the grains are proteins, which contain a large amount of lysine and tryptophan.

In addition, grains contain sterols, saponins, organic acids, carotenoids, vitamins, sugars and essential oils.

When cooking oatmeal in water, the grains are boiled soft and form a sticky mass that envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, does not provoke its irritation, and relieves the existing inflammation.

A mucous decoction of oatmeal for psoriasis is beneficial for the stomach and does not provoke its contractions. Oats in psoriasis are well absorbed by the body with minimal secretion of gastric juice and enzymes, which helps to reduce the degree of the inflammatory process.

Oatmeal with dietary nutrition ensures the normalization of the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Mucous decoction of oat grains regulates the functioning of the small intestine. The use of oatmeal in the diet provides cleansing of the intestines from toxins and toxins. Which in turn reduces the negative impact on human skin.

One of the most popular dishes for psoriasis made from oatmeal is porridge with the addition of dried fruits. Such porridge is prepared as simply and quickly as possible. The presence of dried fruits in its composition provides the body with useful microelements and vitamins.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  1. Oatmeal - 0.5 cups.
  2. A glass of boiling water.
  3. A variety of dried fruits, the most useful are dried apricots, dark raisins, prunes.
  4. A small piece of butter.
  5. Salt and sugar.

A handful of dried fruits are washed well with boiling water and chopped into small pieces. Oat flakes are mixed with prepared fruit additions and poured with boiling water. After a short infusion, the porridge is seasoned with sugar, butter and salt. Before eating, the dish should be infused for an additional 15 minutes.

Rice for psoriasis

Rice for psoriasis can be used to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Soaked and cooked grain is used for cleaning. It is required to soak the cereal for 5 days, after such a procedure it becomes porous. In this form, rice acts as a sorbent.

After processing, the grains acquire the ability to draw mucus, various slag formations, putrefactive bacteria and old feces from the intestines. In addition, this processing of rice gives it the ability to remove salts from the urinary tract and articular joints.

By applying this variety of cereals in general, not just the large and small intestines.

For cleaning, you will need to purchase long-grain rice. 20 spoons of rice are poured into a saucepan cold water and washed well. After that, the water is replaced, and the grain is placed in the refrigerator for 5 days for soaking. Every day the water needs to be changed and the rice rinsed well.

After soaking, rice is cooked in the usual way. Without adding extraneous ingredients to it. Cooked rice should be consumed in one day, on the next day you need to prepare the next batch of grain. Such cleaning is carried out for 40 days.

Rice should be consumed on an empty stomach, after taking it you can not eat or drink anything for 4 hours. Such cleaning is recommended for psoriatics 1-2 times a year.

In addition, the use of rice in psoriasis as a food product as part of an anti-psoriatic diet is justified, since during its preparation a sticky mass is formed that can envelop the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the degree of inflammation in the intestine, which favorably affects the condition of the skin.

For eating psoriatics, it is best to boil rice porridge on water without adding additional ingredients to it, and use fish baked in foil as a side dish.

The use of buckwheat, pearl barley and semolina in the menu of a patient with scaly lichen

The introduction of buckwheat porridge into the diet of a person suffering from psoriasis improves the supply of tissues with nutrients. This type of cereal contributes to vitamin and microelement saturation of tissues, which plays an important role in the prevention of exacerbations of psoriatic disease.

The effectiveness of buckwheat lies in the special effect of the dense shell of the grains on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. In the process of moving through the intestines, the shell of the grains, like a sponge, begins to absorb toxic components, which are subsequently excreted from the body.

Simultaneously with the removal of toxins and toxins, buckwheat porridge improves the motility of the small and large intestines. Excellent results in cleaning and stabilizing the work of the digestive organs are obtained with the simultaneous consumption of buckwheat porridge and fermented milk products, which improve the intestinal microflora. The complex use of these products improves the functioning of the immune system, due to this, the body has additional internal reserves to fight pathology.

When using buckwheat, it should be remembered that in each case it can act differently, therefore, in the event of a deterioration in the condition, this product should be removed from the diet.

Buckwheat can be used with any additions, the latter can be:

  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • meat.

In addition to these cereals, barley, corn, wheat and semolina porridge can be used in dietary nutrition.

Barley has unique properties and is able, when used, to purify the blood of toxic components, which favorably affects the course of psoriasis and helps maintain long-term remission. This porridge should be boiled in water without adding additional ingredients to it.

When using porridge, you should be aware of the presence of protein in cereals - gluten or gluten. For the majority of the population, this protein is not dangerous, however, 1% of the population has a problem associated with a lack of an enzyme that breaks down gluten.

Recent studies have established a link between gluten and psoriasis. Therefore, if a patient has celiac disease, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that have a large amount of gluten in their composition, this will reduce the negative impact on the body and, as a result, improve its condition.

There is not a well-known buckwheat diet for relieving exacerbations.

Its recipe is very simple.

It is necessary to cook buckwheat porridge in water without oil. Eat as much as you want, and drink about 1 liter of kefir, preferably not fatty 1%. Such a simple diet is designed for 1-2 weeks, preferably with a break of 1-1.5 months. If desired, the buckwheat diet can be repeated.

How to cook buckwheat porridge?

To begin with, the grits must be washed, poured over with boiling water. With the help of boiling water, all oxidized fats unnecessary for the body will come out of the cereal. Then pour buckwheat groats with boiling water so that the water covers the groats a little, and cover with a lid. Wrap with a towel. If possible, use a thermos. If you cook porridge in the usual way, then it will lose all the useful substances necessary for the body.
100 grams of buckwheat contains:
Fiber 1-1.3%;
Fat 2.5%;
Protein 14-15%;
Starch 70-75%;
Sugar 2-2.3%;
Ash elements 2-2.2%.
Also such vitamins as I2, I1, PP, P and rutin.

During the diet, other products can be added to buckwheat porridge and kefir. For example, you can do this:
1 day - kefir + buckwheat porridge;
Day 2 - kefir + buckwheat porridge;
Day 3 - kefir + buckwheat porridge + fresh cabbage salad (without salt, sugar and a minimum of oil);
Day 4 - kefir + buckwheat porridge + fresh cabbage salad + steamed fish.
Also, fruits can be added to the diet during the diet, tea is not sweet, herbal and, preferably, not very strong. Salad can also be not only from cabbage. For example, a salad of boiled beets and carrots is very useful for the intestines and constipation. To do this, boil the vegetables, grate, salt a little and season with a small amount of butter or sour cream. If you cannot eat without bread, then it is easy to replace it with bread (rice or buckwheat). If you cook vegetables, it is better in a double boiler or baked in foil, so they will have more substances useful for the body.
Forum member *Emma* suggested another recipe using the same buckwheat.
The recipe is as follows: grind buckwheat until a powder mass is formed. Pour one tablespoon of ground cereal with 1 glass of kefir and put it overnight. Drink for breakfast in the morning.
I would like to note that the buckwheat diet does not cure psoriasis, it only relieves exacerbations, that is, the wounds stop growing.

However, such a diet is contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women, young girls, children and people with an unstable psyche. Also, a diet for patients with ulcers and gastritis is not recommended, as these diseases can worsen.

Naturally, for an unprepared organism, a buckwheat diet is the same as fasting, which is not acceptable for patients. It should be noted that such a diet is great for those who want to lose weight. Therefore, especially slim people should not be abused.



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