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Fast weight loss in 7 days 10 kg. A very strict diet for weight loss

There are situations when there is simply no time for slow weight loss and you urgently need to get rid of excess weight in seven days. We bring to your attention eight of the most popular weekly diet programs. After reviewing each of them, you can choose the most suitable one for you.

This method of losing weight has gained popularity and trust among those who lose weight due to its simplicity, effectiveness and the relatively inexpensive cost of the necessary seven-day food set.

So, get ready for the following throughout the week:

  • the first day is drinking. Only liquids are allowed. These can be broths, juices, teas without sugar, etc. Pay special attention to drinking pure water. The main thing is not to drink cold water, its temperature should be about 35-38 degrees;
  • the second day is vegetable. Stew any vegetables, bake them in the oven, make fresh salads. The exception is potatoes and corn;
  • third day - drinking again. Repeat the diet of the first day;
  • the fourth is fruity. Eat any fruit, even the sweetest. Include natural fat burners in the menu - kiwi, grapefruit, oranges, lemon, etc.;
  • the fifth is protein. Boil, steam or bake lean meat of chicken, rabbit, turkey, young beef. Eliminate pork and duck;
  • sixth - drinking;
  • the seventh day - a smooth transition to a balanced diet. On this day, it is better to eat a couple of boiled eggs or porridge on water for breakfast, vegetable soup for lunch, and boiled meat + salad for dinner.

diet for weight loss for 7 days: reviews

Judging by the reviews, in just a week it is really possible to lose weight from 5 to 10 kilograms. However, nutritionists warn that this technique should not be used more than twice a year. After all, the diet itself is limited and not balanced, which can lead to health problems. At the same time, it contains breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, making the diet easy to tolerate.

Buckwheat diet for 7 days

A mono-diet for seven days includes only two products in its diet - buckwheat and one percent kefir, therefore such a diet program is difficult to tolerate. However, this method of losing weight also has advantages:

  • the number of meals is not limited. You can eat at any time and as much as you want;
  • in a week, the arrow of the scales will show minus 6-7 kilograms;
  • allowed to drink herbal teas without sweeteners and pure non-carbonated water.

Buckwheat should be cooked in this way:

  • thoroughly rinse a glass of buckwheat, pour boiling water over and cover tightly;
  • leave the cereal to infuse overnight. Remember that salt, pepper porridge is strictly prohibited. If you cook buckwheat in a thermos, the cooking time will be noticeably reduced.

Remember, you shouldn't "sit up" on any mono-diet. After all, initially this weight loss program was not designed for a period of more than seven days.

Kefir diet for 7 days

The diet is considered useful and quite effective:

  • the intestinal microflora is restored;
  • the volume of the stomach decreases;
  • there is a feeling of lightness;
  • you imperceptibly get used to eating less.

But, despite the beneficial properties of this fermented milk product, it is better to consult with your doctor before starting your dietary days. After all, a kefir weight loss program includes a meager diet that is not always easily tolerated.

  • the first day - one and a half liters of low-fat fermented milk drink (1% fat) + four boiled potatoes without salt and oil;
  • second day - kefir + four "Semerinka" apples;
  • the third is a kefir drink + one kilogram of any fresh vegetables, fruits or berries;
  • the fourth - only kefir and pure non-carbonated water;
  • fifth - the main drink + five hundred grams of boiled chicken or turkey breast;
  • sixth - kefir + vegetables (1 kg);
  • seventh - repeat the fourth day.

It is very important to gradually prepare the body for the beginning of the dietary days. To do this, in a week you need:

  • reduce the daily diet to 1200-1400 calories;
  • exclude fried foods, smoked meats, pickles, fatty foods, sweets, alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  • enrich the diet with fiber and protein;
  • drink kefir at least 2-3 times a day.

For example, a menu might look like this:

  • breakfast: oatmeal on water with honey;
  • second breakfast: a glass of kefir;
  • lunch: okroshka with boiled meat on kefir;
  • afternoon snack: kefir;
  • dinner: stewed vegetables + boiled meat;
  • before bedtime: kefir.

Kefir diet for 7 days: photo

Japanese diet 7 days

It is believed that in Japan it is rare to find obese people due to the low calorie content of their daily diet. It was on the basis of this that the seven-day was created, which allows you to lose weight by five to seven kilograms.

For the duration of this diet program, you should categorically abandon flour, fatty, fried, smoked, canned food and semi-finished products. Between meals, it is allowed to drink water in unlimited quantities, but only purified and not carbonated. To achieve the desired result, the menu for this method of losing weight must be strictly observed, and it is strictly forbidden to replace products.

Japanese diet for 7 days: menu

To get even better effect after the end of the Japanese diet program, use special Chinese sticks during the meal, thanks to which you will be able to eat food slowly, and you will feel fullness much earlier than usual.

Pay special attention to getting out of the diet. After all, within a week your stomach will get used to small portion sizes and digestion of low-calorie foods. Introduce new foods into your diet gradually (in small portions, one food per day). Prepare energy meals, but low in calories. Slow carbohydrates (cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits) are great.

Drinking diet for 7 days

A diet is a strict diet that completely excludes the use of solid foods and is designed to reduce the load on the digestive system without reducing the amount of nutrients entering the body. Compliance with this diet for seven days will ensure the loss of 4-5 kilograms of excess weight, cleansing the intestines, removing toxins and toxins.

The menu of this diet program includes:

  • juices;
  • broths;
  • liquid dairy products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, milk, etc.);
  • jelly and compotes;
  • herbal teas (coffee should be excluded);
  • water.

Rotate these foods daily. For example, today - only broth, and tomorrow - only juices, etc. Of course, you can drink pure water any day and in unlimited quantities. It is forbidden to add sugar, honey, salt and other spices to drinks.

  • boil vegetables until tender;
  • grind them with a blender and add salt. Make sure that the consistency of the soup is liquid.

Drinking diet 7 days: reviews

This weight loss program is considered to be very effective. Already on the third day of the above food, you will notice that the stool has become liquid. Don't be alarmed, this is normal. Side effects are possible in the form of dizziness, weakness, nausea. This can happen due to a decrease in the amount of nutrients and a lack of chewing activity.

Salt-free diet for 7 days - effective

It is known that salt retains fluid in the body, which is why excess weight appears visually. the diet is perfect for people who suffer from puffiness. The main requirements for observing this method of nutrition are as follows:

  • complete rejection of salt as a seasoning;
  • exclusion from the diet of some harmful products: baked goods, confectionery, pickles, smoked meats, "soda", fast food and semi-finished products;
  • spices, garlic, pepper, etc. are allowed to be added to dishes.

And the diet should include only the following foods:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt;
  • light soups;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • dried fruits.

Judging by the reviews, about 3-4 kilograms of excess weight go away in seven days, the swelling is noticeably reduced and a feeling of lightness appears.

Diet 7 days minus 10 kg - strict

If you want to get rid of, get ready for the fact that your diet during diet days will be very poor, and from time to time you will feel hungry. But, if this does not bother you, then the following weekly diet is made for you:

  • day number 1 - only mineral water and nothing else. This day will probably be the most difficult. Therefore, a week before starting the diet, it is recommended to prepare and gradually reduce the daily amount of food consumed;
  • day number 2 - one liter of milk, one green apple before bed;
  • day number 3 - repeat the first day;
  • day 4 - water, tea without sugar + vegetable salad (one portion);
  • day number 5 - only a liter of milk;
  • day number 6 - two boiled eggs for breakfast, vegetable broth for lunch, 100 grams of boiled meat for dinner and one green apple before bed;
  • day number 7 - kefir + 100 grams of cottage cheese.

Diet 7 days - minus 10 kg: reviews

Many who have tried this method of losing weight are advised to responsibly approach the problem of excess weight and prepare for dietary days, gradually reducing the usual calorie intake and excluding harmful foods. Pay attention to getting out of the diet, do not "run over" food, introduce new foods gradually and in very small portions. Remember, if you return to your previously habitual diet, the lost pounds will return again. The only way to maintain the achieved result for a long time is to switch to a healthy diet and exercise.

Diet 7 kg in 7 days - oatmeal

This diet is considered to be light and well tolerated. Wherein:

  • the intestines are cleaned;
  • the removal of toxic substances and slags is accelerated;
  • there is no constant feeling of hunger;
  • allowed to apply a diet of 7-10 days, after which it takes about 7-8 kilograms of excess weight.

In the first three days, you can only eat oatmeal, boiled in water or rosehip broth. You cannot add butter, salt, sugar to the dish. Don't forget to drink plenty of clean water or green tea.

From the fourth to the seventh day, up to 400 grams of vegetables or fruits can be introduced into the diet. They can be eaten raw, boiled, steamed, or baked.

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Oatmeal diet for 7 days: photo reviews

Nowadays mono diets (so called short diets) are very popular with many women. Most often, these diets last no more than one week and at the same time make it possible to lose 5-7 kilograms of unnecessary weight. The results, of course, are very impressive, some even in one month cannot win this "victory", all the time limiting themselves in food and exhausting their body with physical exercises.

But you need to clearly understand that these nutrition systems negatively affect the well-being and the body, since they provide significant dietary restriction, against this background:

  • frequent dizziness appears;
  • various chronic diseases are aggravated;
  • there is a constant feeling of uncontrollable hunger, because of this, insomnia appears, as well as depression, from which many women cannot get out for a very long time, even after completing the diet;
  • rapid fatigue and weakness appears;
  • bloating and pain in the abdomen appear, which are caused by a sharp change in the diet.

In addition, for many, after completing short diets, the stomach stops taking daily food, as a result of this vomiting and nausea appears.

And this is just a small list of what these short diets can give you as a "bonus". Therefore, before you "sit down" on them, you need to think carefully about everything, visit your treating doctor and undergo a full examination to determine the state of the body.

But for many women, appearance is much more important than their own health, because they are ready for weeks not to eat normal food and even get some pleasure from this process. Since the seven-day diet removes fat from the hips, buttocks and waist very effectively, and the reflection in the mirror creates an even greater incentive to lose weight and lose extra 2-3 kg.

If you are just as determined, you do not have any health problems and you are not afraid of the possible consequences that may appear after completing a short diet, then you are probably already impatient to find out which mono-diets for 7 days are considered the most effective and from which menu they consist. Let's take a look at several dietary methods so that you can choose a nutrition program that is right for you.

Kefir diet for a week

Such a fast seven-day diet will allow you to lose 4.5-7 kg. As the name suggests, kefir will be the main source of energy here. You will need to drink it for 1.5 liters. a day for a week. Moreover, this drink must contain no more than one percent fat.

Kefir is very easy to digest and perfectly cleanses the intestines from toxic substances that poison the body inside and negatively affect the work of the whole body. After this week of cleaning, you will feel incredible lightness and just a desire to flutter.

But you need to understand that weight loss in this version is due to the cleansing and release of feces stagnant in the intestines. And in order to lose fat, you need to monitor your diet and consume only those foods that are described in the menu below. Failure to comply with these rules leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the mono-diet.

Kefir diet menu

So, during the week you will need every day drink 1.5 liters. kefir... It must be divided into equal shares and drunk in 3-5 doses. You can also eat:

  • on the 1st day unsalted boiled potatoes in a small uniform, no more than 4 pieces;
  • on the 2nd day, unsalted chicken breast, no more than 120 gr.;
  • on the 3rd day of boiled unsalted beef, no more than 120 gr.;
  • on the 4th day of boiled low-fat and unsalted fish, no more than 160 gr.;
  • on the 5th day, raw fruits and vegetables (grapes and bananas are not allowed), no more than 450 gr.

The diet of the 6th day consists only of kefir, and on the 7th it is forbidden to even consume it, only non-carbonated mineral water.

Weekly diet

This is the most effective protein diet for a week, since observing it, you can throw off up to 10 kg. This may seem unrealistic at first, but it really is. You just need to strictly follow the menu of this diet and you will succeed. Let's say right away that the diet is pretty tough, so listen to your body all the time. If you experience severe pain in the lower abdomen, loss of consciousness and dizziness, you need to give up the diet and consult a doctor.

Effective diet menu:

Oatmeal diet for a week

This diet is considered the "mildest" one. It is very easy to transfer and allows lose up to 5 kg... During the week, you will need to eat oatmeal made with rosehip broth or water, without sugar, salt, oil and other spices. One serving should be no more than 120 gr. This amount of porridge contains about 87 kcal.

Oatmeal should be eaten three times a day. In addition, the first 3 days, you can drink unsweetened green tea and still mineral water. After that, you can add raw fruits and vegetables to the menu, but not more than 450 gr. in a day.

This protein diet effectively cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. Against this background, the metabolic process and the work of all internal systems and organs are normalized. Moreover, oatmeal, being in the stomach, creates the effect of satiety, so you will not feel a great feeling of hunger.

Diet "minus 5 kg per week"

This diet "minus 5 kg per week" is also well tolerated and safe. In just a week you can lose 5 kg, and you will not feel hungry all the time and eat well.

The main rule of the diet is the observance of the drinking diet. You will need to drink at least 2 liters per day. non-carbonated mineral water. This will make it possible to increase the metabolic process, which, in turn, will lead to rapid weight loss.

Menu "minus 5 kg per week"

1st day:

  • Afternoon snack: dried fruit menu;

2nd day:

  • In the morning: some unglazed cereals with a glass of yogurt;
  • Lunch: boiled unpolished rice and a boiled piece of veal;
  • Afternoon snack: medium orange;
  • Dinner: sauerkraut and boiled beans.

3rd day:

  • Breakfast: a few slices of rye and cheese bread, a glass of herbal tea or green tea;
  • Lunch: a serving of vegetable soup and a small piece of boiled chicken breast;
  • Afternoon snack: dried fruits;
  • Dinner: boiled potatoes in their skins (no more than 3), one tomato, boiled beans.

4th day:

  • Breakfast: a small portion of Greek salad, a glass of herbal tea;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad and boiled beans;
  • Afternoon snack: fruits of your choice, no more than 2 pieces;
  • Dinner: dried fruits, a cup of low-fat kefir.

5th day:

  • In the morning: a serving of unglazed cereals with a cup of drinking yogurt;
  • Lunch: a serving of vegetable soup, a small piece of boiled chicken breast;
  • Afternoon snack: dried fruits;
  • Dinner: some vinaigrette.

6th day:

  • In the morning: a small portion of oatmeal, a glass of herbal decoction;
  • Lunch: a small portion of vegetable soup, any boiled meat;
  • Afternoon snack: one grapefruit;
  • Dinner: boiled beans, steamed trout.

7th day:

  • In the morning: a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of herbal or green tea;
  • Lunch: low-fat boiled fish (120 gr.), You can eat a couple of lettuce leaves and one tomato;
  • Afternoon snack: dried fruits;
  • Dinner: boiled beans, some white cabbage and carrot salad.

If you have a lot of excess weight, then the diet can be continued for another week. The main advantage of this diet is that the menu contains carbohydrates, proteins and fats, without which the human body cannot function normally.

Another advantage of this nutritional system is that it allows physical activity. You can easily exercise without worrying about your health. At the same time, physical exercises increase the metabolic process and exclude sagging of the skin, which is important during rapid weight loss.

Vegetable diet for a week minus 10 kg in 7 days


  • Breakfast. Up to 55 gr. boiled red fish. Vegetable salads in any volume, a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch. Several pieces of rye bread and a boiled egg. Up to 120 gr. boiled turkey.


  • Breakfast. In any quantity, celery root or herbs. One boiled carrot and one potato is also possible. Up to 85 gr. boiled beef. Unsweetened green tea.
  • Lunch. 240 ml yogurt, 55 gr. low-fat cottage cheese. Possibly a plate of bran or oatmeal. For dessert, no more than 5 dates.


  • Breakfast. 240 ml low-fat chicken broth. 3 slices of rye bread. Up to 55 gr. boiled chicken.
  • Lunch. Up to 55 gr. boiled beef. 2 slices of rye bread. For dessert, an orange and an apple. Spinach in any quantity.


  • Since morning. 2/3 a bowl of buckwheat boiled in water. 240 ml of low-fat kefir. Salad with tomatoes without spices.
  • Lunch. A serving of brown rice. 240 ml of fresh juice. 35gr. low-fat cottage cheese. Kiwi, grapefruit, 5 pcs. prunes.


  • Since morning. 1 egg, up to 55 gr. boiled beef. You can salad with bell peppers and cucumbers.
  • Lunch. Asparagus beans, or one jacket potato instead. 55 gr. boiled chicken breast. One orange and an apple, dried apricots, walnuts.


  • Breakfast. Low-fat boiled red fish up to 55 gr., 120 ml of fish broth. 3 tbsp boiled peas. Green tea with honey.
  • Lunch. A plate of cooked brown or white rice. Salad with tomato and green leaves, lemon juice, sesame seeds. A cup of milk, kiwi, banana.


  • Breakfast. Two bell peppers. 120 g buckwheat and 65 gr. boiled ham. Zhmenya raisins, a few tablespoons of cottage cheese. Black tea.
  • Lunch. Half a serving of lentils. 75 gr. boiled veal. Blue grapes, a glass of yogurt. You can eat almond and pine nuts.

There are still a very large number of diets that make it possible to lose more than 5 kg of excess weight in just one week. If you decide to lose unnecessary pounds very quickly, then do not forget that you will not be able to do this without harm to your health.

Almost all diets that promise to give excellent results in a short time are harmful to health, due to a sharp decrease in weight, mood changes, the cycle can go off, and other health problems. Often the diet has a negative impact when a girl misuses it.

Marina Kiev

I will leave a review regarding a light kefir diet. In order for the diet to bring results, you need to follow it correctly, and accordingly, the girl must drink clearly 1.5 liters of this drink per day. Naturally, no need to drink everything at once, you need to divide the total amount into 5 or 6 servings to drink it throughout the day.

Vika Yalta

The diet actually helps to quickly lose 4.5-6 kg in a week, but then the kilograms quickly return, so in the future you need to maintain the result. The diet is simply "shock" m strict, and not everyone likes it, so I would recommend it to women with a strong character.

With most diets, you can only lose a few pounds in a week. But there is another, effective diet: in 7 days, 10 kg leave without a trace and do not return. You just need to set aside a week and love healthy foods.

Goal: to lose 10 kg in a week.

Essence: you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir per day. The diet assumes a strictly regulated menu. It is easy to remember, but difficult to observe, since the framework is rigid. Small amounts of healthy food are allowed.

Day 1: 100 g of rice

Day 2: 100 g of baked or steamed turkey meat

Day 3: a piece of boiled veal no more than 150 g

Day 4: 100 g of tuna or salmon

Day 5: 100 g of fruit

Day 6: only kefir

Day 7: apple

... Diet advantages: digestion improves, the body is cleansed, nervousness decreases, immunity increases.

... Cons: if you have stomach diseases, you cannot go on a diet. Before starting it, you need a consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Buckwheat effective diet: in 7 days 10 kg

Goal: get rid of 10 kg in a week.

The bottom line: this is a classic mono diet, all 7 days you will have to eat buckwheat, drenched overnight with boiling water, kefir or yogurt.
Allowed to eat 1 sour apple as a snack or before bedtime. No spices, salt, sugar, oil, but 2 liters of water and green tea can be used.

... Pros: buckwheat is rich in trace elements and vitamins, therefore it is definitely useful and enriches the body with useful substances.

... Cons: contraindicated for people with gastritis and allergy sufferers.

Medical Effective Diet: 10 kg in 7 days

The bottom line: This diet is a type of fasting. It is very tough and many fail at first. Provides for the alternation of hungry days with those when you can eat foods with a volume of no more than a liter.

Day 1: drink 1 liter of pure water

Day 2: drink 1 liter of milk

Day 3: drink 1 liter of water

Day 4: eat 1 liter of fresh vegetables and drink 0.5 liter of water

Day 5: drink 1 liter of milk

Day 6 - exit: for breakfast boiled egg and tea without sugar, for lunch 100 g of boiled meat without salt, for dinner - an apple.

Day 7 - exit: for breakfast tea and an apple, for lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese and half a glass of kefir, for dinner a glass of tea.

... Pros: You lose weight very quickly.

... Minus: not suitable for sick people, weight comes back, very difficult to observe.

Effective 7 days diet 10 kg from top models

Goal: to lose 10 kg in a week.

The bottom line: another mono diet, but already cabbage. White cabbage in boiled, raw form or as part of a soup on water is saturated with fiber and vitamins, therefore it is extremely useful. Additionally, during the diet, you can drink green tea or water with lemon, as well as greens - cilantro, parsley. The menu is allowed to vary at your discretion, you need to eat 300-400 g of cabbage per day. Salt, sugar, spices are prohibited.

... Pros: fast weight loss, improved bowel function and overall health.

... Cons: Risk of bloating and indigestion.

Light but effective diet: 10 kg in 7 days

Goal: Lose 10 kg in a week.

The bottom line: This diet is the simplest of all listed here. It is suitable for people who find it difficult to adhere to a rigid menu. The basis is onion soup, which is prepared in water based on vegetables, without spices and seasonings. It is eaten all day, supplemented with raw, non-starchy vegetables.

Soup recipe:

For 2 liters of water - 6 onions, a bunch of celery (can be replaced with parsley), a small head of cabbage, 2 bell peppers and 2 large tomatoes.

Vegetables should be cut into large pieces and thrown into cold water. If onions are not your favorite vegetable, simply chop them down. When the vegetable broth is done, the soup is chilled and ready to eat.

... Pros: easy to follow, useful.

... Cons: Potential digestive problems (bloating).

Lose weight and do not forget about a healthy diet so that the pounds do not come back!

How long does it take to lose 10 kg without harm to health?

The correct menu for a week with a diet for weight loss "minus 10 kg" has many other advantages. It allows you to cleanse the body, restart a number of functional systems (digestive tract, cardiovascular, excretory, endocrine). And also reduce the risk of various diseases, enrich the body with nutrients and fill the body and mind with energy. The diet also has one significant drawback - the allotted time is too short for the body to have time to adapt to all the changes. Therefore, even if all the recommendations regarding the menu of proper nutrition are followed, not everyone can reach the coveted mark and see minus 10 kilograms on the scales.

The features of fast weight loss are as follows:

  • The body gets rid of excess fluid. Its excess is associated with the use of smoked, sweet, salty foods and alcohol. Once all of these are eliminated from the diet, the body quickly loses weight. But do not flatter yourself - this is not a loss of body fat, but water.
  • You can lose a maximum of 3-4 kg of fat per week. And then on condition of active physical activity (2-3 hours of intensive training per day). Of course, due to dietary nutrition, you can create a kilocalorie deficit, but it should not exceed 500-700 kcal per day. The total energy value of food should not fall below 1200 kcal. In this case, the body begins to draw energy not only from the food eaten, but from its own fatty deposits. To get rid of kg of fat, you need to spend about 7,000 kcal. If the nutritional deficit per day is 700 kcal, you can lose weight by kg due to exclusively fat in 10 days.
  • To create a greater kcal deficit and speed up the processes of fluid excretion, you need to exercise for at least an hour a day. And in this case, you can lose weight by 10 kg per month. And in a week this can only be achieved thanks to a rigid diet and longer workouts.

Nutritionist's comment. Fast weight loss can only be called healthy. There are times when, by all means, you need to get rid of 10 kg as quickly as possible (in view of the upcoming operation or any threat to health). But in general, it is better to lose such an amount of kilograms gradually, over two months. The body adapts to all changes in three weeks. During the first, he looks closely and is careful, during the second, he adapts, and only in the third week, qualitative changes begin to occur in him. This means that those who want to lose weight need to tune in for at least a month. After that, do not return to the usual diet, but maintain the achieved results. When it comes to losing 10 kg in a week, there is a huge risk that they will return as quickly as they were lost. And all because the body is easily trained. If he sees that something unacceptable is happening to him, he returns everything lost in abundance in the event that in the future the conditions of existence may be even more difficult. That is, the return of not 10, but already 12 kg is a kind of compensation and insurance in case of a hunger strike.

Another drawback of express diets is a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, impaired performance and dizziness.

So, how much you can lose 10 kg:

  • during the week;
  • for two weeks;
  • in three weeks;
  • per month;
  • in two months;
  • for a longer time.

But experts consider the period from a month to two to be optimal. If you lose weight gradually, the body will have time to adapt, will not get stress; the diet will not harm your health, and the lost pounds will not return again.

Nutrition principles for easy weight loss of 10 kg

The principles of most diets are roughly the same. Differences can be in the consistency of certain foods during the day or the entire diet for a week or a month.

How to lose weight by 10 kg correctly:

  • Refuse alcohol, sweet soda, fast food, fatty, fried, smoked, salty, sweet, baked goods, salt.
  • Drink plenty of fluids - 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water per day. Thanks to water, the body removes harmful substances from the body faster. This quantity does not include liquid from soup, tea and coffee. When drinking coffee to compensate for fluid loss (caffeine stimulates the elimination of not only fluid, but also the leaching of calcium), you need to drink the same amount of water.
  • Reduce portions to the size of a fist (about 300 g) and eat every 2-3 hours. This amount is easier for the stomach and intestines to digest. The body knows that it will receive the next portion of food on time, which means there is no need to make supplies in case of hunger.
  • Do not get carried away with fruits. Only on proper nutrition, not everyone is able to quickly achieve results, since fruits are often consumed in any quantity. This is wrong, because they have a lot of sugar. So it is imperative to reduce the amount of fruit. Let there be two of them, but in the first half of the day (before 16:00), so that the body has time to utilize (spend the received sugar). And it is better not to mix them, since some vitamins neutralize each other's action. Also, fruits combined with other foods can cause fermentation, bloating, and flatulence.
  • Do one fasting day a week. It will help speed up the process of removing accumulated toxins, toxins and fluids. On this day, you can include kg of cucumbers or apples, kg of watermelon or zucchini, 700 g of boiled lean meat or cottage cheese. The choice of drink depends on the selected menu. If it is a fasting day on vegetables, you can drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk before going to bed. During the day, drink green tea or rosehip infusion (pour a handful of rosehips in 1 liter of boiling water). If it is cottage cheese or meat, dried fruit compote without sugar will do (you can replace it with honey). Compote fruit can also be eaten.

The best diets with a menu for the week

It is better to entrust the choice of a diet to a specialist. A protein diet suits someone, but someone needs to eat a lot of vegetables, otherwise there will be constipation. In addition, many suffer from individual food intolerance, but do not even know about it. Signs of such a problem may be bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, heartburn, and rashes.

Within a week, the diets described below will help get rid of extra pounds.

  • Soup. The basis of the diet is vegetable soups. Every day you need to eat soup from certain foods. The number of servings is not limited. In a week, you can lose more than 4-5 kg. From spices to soups, you can add a pinch of salt, black pepper and any dried herbs. Cook vegetables only, never fry them before adding them to the dish.

Food combinations in soups can be as follows:

Day of week Soup Option
  • from fresh or dried mushrooms;
  • any herbs (fresh or dried);
  • a tablespoon of rice or barley
  • borscht from beets, carrots, cabbage;
  • onions, parsley and dill (do not add potatoes);
  • add fresh tomatoes instead of ketchup
  • spinach soup with dill and parsley;
  • add low-fat sour cream instead of cream
  • carrot with garlic and leek
  • with chicken, carrot and rice meatballs
  • ear from any fish with carrots
  • from celery (stem), cabbage, carrots;
  • onions, tomatoes and bell peppers
  • Estonian. The principles of the diet are similar. A feature of this diet is the alternation of certain foods throughout the week. The Estonian diet includes 7 mono diets for one day.
  • Buckwheat. Fans of cereals will like it, since they will have to eat buckwheat all week. You can cook it, but another way of cooking is even more effective. In the evening, rinse the groats, pour boiling water over and insist overnight. Do not add salt, oil or other spices. In addition to buckwheat, you need to consume 1.5 liters of kefir or fermented baked milk every day.

Nutritionist advice. Fast weight loss is usually associated with the use of express diets, which can in no way be called balanced. They exclude many healthy foods from the menu and the person does not receive the nutrients he needs. If you follow express diets, your metabolism suffers. The more often a person practices the use of different diets, the more difficult it is for him to lose weight in the future. A balanced diet can hardly be called a "diet". This is a diet that does not imply the presence of unhealthy foods such as white sugar, white flour, white rice, refined oil, etc. This is food that should not become a "diet" for a certain period of time, but a way and lifestyle. And then the question of losing weight will exhaust itself.

How not to gain weight again

Achieving planned results is easier than keeping them. In order not to gain the lost pounds again, you need:

  • Get out of the diet smoothly. Immediately after the end of the course, do not pounce on your favorite unhealthy foods. It is better to give the body another 2-3 days to adapt and introduce familiar foods gradually. On the first day, there should be a lot of vegetables in the diet, on the second day, meat products can be introduced.
  • Sweets, fast food and other unhealthy foods can be consumed, but no more than once a week. For example, allocate one "loading" day when you can eat what you want, but no later than 16:00.
  • One fasting day a week should be left. You can do it once every two weeks. But it must be present in the diet.
  • Don't limit yourself too strictly. If you want something forbidden, eat it. But go for an hour's walk right away.

How to work out in the gym

Aerobic exercise - running, swimming, cycling, walking uphill, jumping rope, dancing - will help get rid of body fat. You need to perform any exercise for at least 30 minutes, eventually bring the duration to an hour. If the task is to achieve maximum results in a week, you need to do 1.5-2 hours a day. Let one hour be intense (a combination of running or jumping with squats, push-ups, body lifts), and the second hour can be replaced by a walk in the fresh air.

For more on losing weight, see the video below.

With the right approach fruit diet allows you to quickly get rid of unnecessary pounds, which is especially important in preparation for the summer season. If there is a desire not only to lose weight, but also to replenish vitamin and mineral reserves, you should choose the ripening season for fresh fruits.

Key principles

When choosing a fruit diet, it should be borne in mind that there are no strict restrictions on the amount of food allowed. The main criterion is the needs of the body. However, even low-calorie foods should not be oversaturated. The optimal portion weight is considered to be within 200 - 350 g.

The diet three-day diets are organized so that there are three main meals of fruits prescribed by the diet per day and the same snacks in between.

It's important to know, what fruits can you eat with a dietso that the result does not disappoint:

  • Citrus varieties are a source of ascorbic acid, which helps to increase immunity. Due to the presence of dietary fiber in the composition, they actively stimulate bowel cleansing.
  • Have a positive effect on lowering cholesterol, regulate blood pressure fruits with iron content - papaya, nectarines, peach and. Can be included in the menu mango .
  • Must be consumed apples , activating brain activity.
  • Replenish the calcium reserves necessary for bones dried fruits .
  • Promote cellulite reduction and rapid fat burning pineapple .

Excluded starchy varieties (bananas, fresh figs). Allowed to be included in the menu berries except grapes. Alternate between fresh and baked apples.

If a fruit diet is practiced for weight loss for 7 days , then it will be more diverse. For 4 meals, it additionally includes low-fat fermented milk products, vegetables without starch, light soups, and lean meat.

The maximum duration is ten day a diet with the indispensable inclusion of healthy foods to prevent the appearance of a deficiency of a certain group of vitamins.

Mandatory during any type of diet is the use purified water... Part of it is replaced with unsweetened tea or unsaturated herbal infusion. You can squeeze and drink juice from permitted fruits for breakfast or afternoon tea. Coffee is undesirable, but with a high demand, you can allow a cup in the morning.

After exiting the diet, it is necessary to adjust the diet, excluding, if possible, high-calorie foods. Fruit remains a must on the daily menu. Weekly fruit fasting days are ideal for keeping fit.

Sample menu

Starting the process of losing weight with fruits, you need to achieve the possible variety in the menu.

For 3 days

  • Breakfast - orange, apple (you can make a salad),
    green tea.
  • Lunch - green apple.
  • Lunch - salad, including orange, berries, kiwi.
  • Afternoon snack - fresh fruit juice.
  • Dinner - salad, which includes tangerine, apple, kiwi.

For 7 days

  • Breakfast ... May contain a handful of walnuts and grapefruit. Alternatively, crackers (≈ 20 g) and kiwi (2 pieces) are used. If you're making a fruit salad, dress it up with low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch ... The main requirement is to add protein food to the fruit - an omelet, boiled chicken meat.
  • Afternoon snack ... One of the varieties of fruit is allowed - orange, apple. If a watermelon is chosen, then it cannot be combined with anything. The same limitation applies to melon. You can make an apple and carrot salad by grating and adding low-fat sour cream (a teaspoon).
  • Dinner ... Berry salad and lean steamed fish, alternated with boiled chicken.

With a competent diet, an impressive result is possible - minus 10 kg per week, allowing you to noticeably correct the figure for the better.
It is advisable to repeat after 3 months.

If it is difficult to eat monotonously for several days, it is advisable to practice the daily allowance every week for a slow but effective weight loss. You need to eat one type of fruit in 5 meals. Drink water during breaks. You can alternate varieties every week. Spend the first fasting day on grapefruits, after a week change it for apples. Next time take pineapples, then oranges.


In order not to cause negative reactions from the body, at the decision-making stage it is necessary to study contraindications to a fruit diet:


  • The popularity of fruit varieties of diets is explained by the fact that it is quite easily tolerated, since fruits rich in fiber, contribute to the feeling of fullness. Low calorie content becomes an additional factor provoking rapid weight loss.
  • The sweetness of most fruit varieties compensates for the need for sweets. The presence in them vitamins, a variety of minerals helps to improve well-being, strengthen immunity.
  • The hair becomes healthier and stronger, the skin becomes firm and fresh.
  • Fruits stimulate metabolic processes, promote the elimination of toxins and toxins.


Is a fruit diet effective? Reviews and results of those who have lost weight testify fairly objectively.

In the absence of negative manifestations in the form of diarrhea, weakness, loss of working capacity, it is possible to achieve a sufficiently significant weight loss, reaching 10 kg after one week course ... If, nevertheless, negative consequences arise, all dietary experiments are stopped.



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