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An interesting question: do flies bite or not? Fly bites. Do flies bite - what, when and why Hornets biting flies, etc. in Siberia

When summer begins to decline, in August and early autumn, "flies become aggressive and angry." Is this true, and are all these insects really starting to behave so bloodthirsty for some reason?

In fact, it is difficult to imagine an insect capable of experiencing human emotions, including anger. But what then makes flies attack people in order to feed themselves with blood in late summer - early autumn, and how true is the myth about their increasing aggression at this cool time?

Ordinary house flies, so annoying with their constant buzzing and omnipresence since spring and throughout the summer, it turns out, are not at all to blame for the fact that, unknowingly, most people were "caught" in the increased aggression. Their absolute "alibi" is the physical inability to bite anyone. The proboscis of ordinary flies is too soft to pierce the skin of a person or animal, and was created by nature only to suck out juice, eat liquid and soft foods like fibers of fruits or vegetables, rotting organic matter, etc.

The true "aggressors" are autumn flies, which really bite in August and early autumn. It is because of them, outwardly so similar to their indoor counterparts, that the wrong generalization went, asserting that by autumn all flies begin to "get angry" and attack.

How to distinguish a flare from an ordinary fly (description)

As already mentioned, these insects are extremely similar to their harmless "relatives" - house flies, unable to bite. But if you look closely, they still have differences. Of course, you will hardly be able to see this difference on the fly (these insects sweep by too quickly), but in a sitting fly it is quite noticeable:

  1. Widely spaced wings (whereas in a common fly, the wings are more attached to the sides).
  2. The color of the body is gray, on the back there are longitudinal black stripes, and on the abdomen there are dark spots (in non-biting counterparts, the body is dark, almost black).
  3. The proboscis is comparatively thin, more like a sting (in common flies it is thickened, not sharp).

The proboscis of flayers has a special structure that allows the insect to pierce even the rough skin of cattle, and even more so human. Sharp, slightly rough chitinous plates at the tip of the proboscis quickly cut through the epidermis, after which the "sting" easily penetrates directly to the blood vessels.

Unlike many other species of insects, both females and males feed on blood.

Causes of burn attacks

The observation that these flies bite more often in August (closer to autumn) has its own explanations. It has been noticed that during the summer, while it is warm, burners attack people much less often than with the approach of the cool season. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • over the summer, the population of flies increases significantly (during her life, each female lays up to 4 hundred eggs, and the general development of an insect from an egg to sexually mature age is 1-1.5 months, depending on external conditions);
  • burners cannot stand the cold, therefore, closer to autumn they rush to the warmth (in a person's dwelling, premises for livestock, etc.);
  • before the cold weather, insects begin to actively bite, because their need to nourish themselves with protein sharply increases in order to bring out healthy offspring by next spring.

From the above it is clear why the bites of flies have nothing to do with the invented anger of these insects, allegedly experienced by them before their imminent death due to cold weather.

Danger of being bitten

The Burner Attack is an unforgettable moment for those who, at least once, were not lucky enough to become its victim. Sufferers describe their bite sensation as a very painful injection followed by a strong burning sensation. The fact is that after cutting through the skin layer, the insect injects a special substance into the wound that prevents blood coagulation. This substance is poisonous, and it is this substance that causes that very sensation of a sharply increasing burning sensation.

But pain is not the only nuisance that a burner bite brings with it. A fly is a fly, it sits on various dirty surfaces, bites animals that may not always turn out to be healthy, and in times of famine, even a burner does not hesitate to take carrion due to a shortage of fresh blood. All this carries with it a certain risk of contracting the following diseases:

  • sepsis;
  • tularemia;
  • anthrax;
  • allergy, etc.

An allergic reaction develops precisely to a poisonous secret introduced by a fly-flare after a skin puncture. In this case, the bite site can become very reddened, swollen and unbearably itchy (and this is only the mildest form of an allergic reaction to an insect bite).

If the allergy develops rapidly, in addition to the above symptoms, the victim may experience:

  • severe swelling of the affected area;
  • weakness, nausea with or without vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock - in the most severe cases.

If, with a mild course of an allergic reaction, the victim can be helped independently (give an antihistamine, cold to the bite site, bite ointment, etc.), then at the first suspicion of a more severe form, an urgent visit to a doctor is necessary.

How to get rid of burners

Despite the identified differences between flies and flies that do not attack people and animals, you can get rid of both species in the same ways. With a moderate number of insects, mechanical methods are quite suitable:

  • Velcro tape;
  • fly swatter;
  • nets on the windows.

If there are too many flies, more aggressive agents can be used - any insecticides from flying insects.

- is not at all a harmless diptera, both in terms of the transfer of infections on the paws, and in the relatively dangerous consequences of a bite. Therefore, an active fight against it is necessary in order to avoid contracting serious diseases.

In addition to true bloodsuckers - mosquitoes and bedbugs, there are some types of flies that gladly replenish this category of insects. The question here is not what flies actually bite or not, but which and why flies bite in August or autumn. Oddly enough, but not the usual houseflies attack a person, the mouth apparatus of which is not adapted for bites. The main predators living on the territory of Russia and carrying out an attack on humans are:

Autumn flies flies

Stomoxys calcitrans. Outwardly, biting flies are very similar to the usual flying insects. And after their painful attacks, bewilderment arises - do house flies bite. There are differences in appearance, but they can be noticed only after careful consideration, these are:

Habitat and life cycle of the burner

The usual habitat of the insect is pasture for livestock, a barn or a corral. In these conditions, both a table and a house are always ready for them, that is, an abundance of warm-blooded animals as food and overripe hay or manure for reproduction and rest. The diet of an insect is only blood, and in one bite, flies of the flies drink a volume twice their own weight.

The breeding characteristics of bloodsuckers give the answer why flies bite at the end of summer. Masonry, burners are arranged in manure or in the bedding of animals, in the warmest places at a temperature of at least 35 ° C. The insect goes through a full development cycle, but the time of each stage is much shorter than that of the housefly.

The laid eggs develop for only a day and release the larva, which, in turn, successively passing through four stages of maturation, after 4 days turns into adult insect... And within a day, the insect is in the imago stage, ready for mating. The fly's life cycle can be 7-8 weeks, and during this time, the burner makes 5-7 clutches of 100 eggs each. When the temperature drops to 10 ° C and below, the burner goes into hibernation. She can overwinter at any stage - larvae, eggs and adults.

Why do flies start biting in the fall?

The onset of a cold snap makes the burners look for warmer places, and during this period they can appear in the house. How flies bite is remembered for a long time. Unlike an ordinary flying insect, chitinous plates are located at the end of the proboscis. With them, she scrapes the skin to a blood vessel and, before eating, injects a poison that prevents blood from clotting.

Both females and males attack. By the end of the summer period, the population of insects is quite significant and the person who came to their hand begins to wonder if house flies bite or what others. The bite of this insect causes a burning pain, then swelling may develop. In addition to painful sensations, the burner carries a lot of pathogens dangerous diseases:

  • sepsis;
  • tularemia;
  • trypanosomiasis;
  • anthrax, etc.

For parents, if their children are attacked by a flare, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, and not to think about whether flies bite in August in a city apartment.

Other flies that bite

A visit to a forest park area can bring acquaintance with other species of Diptera predators, especially if there are water bodies nearby.


Tabanidae. The attack is carried out by female insects, since they need blood for a successful pregnancy. The mouth apparatus of horseflies is universal and is equipped with both mandibles for taking plant food and chitinous stylets for piercing the skin and feeding with blood.

The interesting question here is not how flies bite during pregnancy, but how much blood they consume at one time. The female horsefly is very bloodthirsty and can consume up to 200 mg of blood per intake.

Bloodsucking midge

Bysson maculata and Odagmia ornate. When flies bite, it is painful, but when a swarm of midges attacks, it is also fraught with severe swelling and allergic reactions. Moshkara is the most biting flies in August and June. With a large number of midge bites, simulidotoxicosis may develop.

The short proboscis does not facilitate rapid penetration to the blood vessels, so the midge carefully chooses the bite site in order to quickly get to the blood. Most often these are eyelids, nose, open limbs.

Like horseflies, the female feeds on blood for procreation. Blood proteins are needed for egg shell formation and as a supply of nutrients. Since eggs are laid in reservoirs, it is there that the largest number of them is observed.

This insect is called the tormentor of cattle. Many do not know if these flies bite people or not. The peculiarity of the life cycle of an insect consists in its long existence in the form of a larva, inside a living carrier.

In the adult stage, the gadfly exists for only a few days. During this time, he needs to find a warm-blooded carrier - a forest animal or livestock. In extreme cases, the clutch is made in the grass and can enter the stomach of the herbivore. There are cases of attacks on a person. With such attacks, in case of development of edema, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

To protect against blood-sucking insects, especially in forests, it is recommended to wear discreet, tight clothing and use repellents. Use Velcro in the house to repel essential oils and protective nets.

Flies wake up in spring, accompany us in summer and haunt us even in autumn. But if at first they pester only with their buzzing, then since August they have been biting. Popular opinion says that insects become angry with the approach of autumn, as they will soon die. However, this version, of course, has no confirmation, if only because insects cannot experience any feelings. So why do flies actually bite?

With their bites, flies annoy not only humans, but also animals

Who bites us and why

Those flies that have been with us throughout the spring and summer are not capable of causing any harm. These are common houseflies with a soft proboscis that is simply not designed to pierce the tough skin. Such insects feed exclusively on plant juices, fruits, waste products and plant debris, and in general are harmless.

And closer to cool days, representatives of another species become especially active - burners. It is these flies that bite in August. Outwardly, the burner and the housefly are very similar, so they are constantly confused.

Habitats of flies

Predatory flies live mainly on farms and pastures, where they bite cows, bulls and horses, since it is their blood that forms the basis of the diet. Farmers do their best, however, because of the high reproduction rate, the flocks of carnivorous flies do not decrease.

On a note! The zhigalka fly is very prolific and can reproduce four generations of offspring over the summer!

The females make their clutches in compost and dung heaps, where the heat from rotting helps the hatched larvae to develop successfully. Young animals emerge from the egg in about 5 days, after 2-4 weeks the larvae turn into pupae, from which new flies appear in another 1-4 weeks. And after 10 days, the young that emerged from the pupae are already completely ready for reproduction.

By the beginning of autumn, there are especially many flies, so some of them fly away from farms and pastures in search of new food sources. In addition, the gradual cooling makes them look for warm shelters, in which it will be possible to calmly survive the approaching night frosts. As a result, they find themselves in residential buildings, where they attack a person. This is why flies bite in the fall.

Features of the bite

As mentioned above, in terms of biology and morphology, the fly is very similar to an indoor fly: the body length is about 6-7 mm, the integument is gray, dark stripes on the chest, dark gray spots on the abdomen. The main difference is the oral apparatus, represented in predators by a strongly elongated proboscis. At the end of this organ there are rigid chitinous plates bent back. With them, the fly rubs on the skin of its victim, scrapes off the epidermis layer and feeds on blood. At the same time, she injects a poisonous secret, which leads to irritation. Because of this, the fly bite is quite painful.

In addition to everything, flies are carriers of pathogens of many diseases, among the most dangerous are:

  • causative agents of staphylococcal infection;
  • anthrax;
  • tularemia;
  • sepsis.

Moreover, some diseases are zoonotic - common to animals and humans.

Pet protection

In most cases, they are bitten by animals, and not only cattle, but also some domestic pets. For example, flies can gnaw a dog's ears, often very actively, and the owners do not know what to do to help their pet. Protecting your pet is pretty simple. Some owners prefer to use folk remedies, in particular, solid oil. It has a strong repulsive odor and creates a protective oil film on the skin, which prevents the attack of flies and other insects. At night, the grease can be washed off with ordinary toilet soap and in the morning, if necessary, renew its layer.

To the aid of dog lovers come special factory sprays designed to scare off blood-sucking insects. There are several formulations that are suitable not only for cattle, but also for dogs and even cats. Among them:

  • "Flycide". Repellent spray, in the composition of which there is a substance - diethyltoluamide. Its action is enhanced by camphor and menthol. It is applied externally and provides a comfortable stay in nature, during hunting and walking in the forest, as well as in swampy areas. But if the animal gets wet in the rain or bathes in a pond, the effect of the drug stops.

    Important! Read the instructions carefully and follow the rules of application. pay attention to side effects: "Mucicide" is capable of provoking an allergic reaction, urticaria, erythema and dermatitis, therefore it is highly undesirable to use it for dogs sensitive to the components of this agent!

    How else can you treat a dog from flies? As practice shows, in the fight against flying predators, the OFF ointment brings excellent results. Only for protection from flies, it is advisable to use a remedy not against mosquitoes, but against horseflies and midges. The ointment is applied in an even thin layer to the skin, bypassing wounds and other problem areas. In addition, there is also a spray in the "OFF" product line. If desired, you can use it, but only carefully so as not to get on the mucous eyes of the animal.

    And remember that if your dog is bitten by flies, then you should look for a remedy for them immediately. Often, insects cause very serious problems, nibbling the tips of the ears so hard that these wounds have to be treated in a veterinary clinic.

When spring comes and everything starts to bloom around, you want to go to the bosom of nature as soon as possible, eliminate the picnic. But these charms can be overshadowed by midges - winged insects, the bites of which can cause irreparable harm to a person. Midges can be found in alleys, in parks and squares, they annoy urban and rural residents. Consider which flies bite, as well as why flies bite, and whether there is a reason to panic.

Danger of a midge bite

Directly the very moment of a midge bite (otherwise they can be called gnats), a person may not feel right away, because the insect begins to inject an anesthetic that dilates blood vessels on the skin. But if a midge has bitten, then after a few hours a person may feel the first symptoms and ailments. They depend on the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as the degree of severity. The reasons for these factors are quite simple, because midges have very poisonous saliva, which causes characteristic signs.

Why does edema occur?

After the introduction of saliva, a biting fly can fly away and forget about its action, but after that, a person has edema after a midge bite. By the way, an allergy to midge bites is not the only manifestation. There are other risks associated with the possibility of blood poisoning by viruses (which are carried by these insects), as well as intoxication with microorganisms. The greatest activity of midges is observed during hot and sunny days, in August, most often they "attack" people wearing light-colored clothing. They often "hunt" at night. The smell of sweat also attracts them. In bad weather, such activity is not observed.

We remove the swelling formed after a bite

It is not worth ignoring the fact that it was bitten by a midge, since the absence of treatment can cause vascular diseases. Various remedies can be used to prevent the negative effects of a midge bite, but the most effective measures are preferred.

    Soda-based compresses, made by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda with 0.5 cups of water.

    Substances and preparations containing menthol, this also includes toothpastes that have a cooling effect.

    Ice that is wrapped in soft tissue, and applied for several hours, this will remove swelling and inflammation.

But what to choose from bites if you have an allergic reaction? After all, sometimes the midge bites painlessly. Let's consider what else can be used to treat bites from representatives of this unwanted "neighborhood".

What needs to be done?

If the first itching from a midge bite appears, the affected skin area must be treated with pure alcohol or a special alcohol solution. This is necessary for disinfection and elimination of bleeding. After that, it is necessary to ensure observation of the affected area for several days, to see what a midge bite looks like, what changes in symptoms occur over time.

The bite entails not only swelling, but also significant soreness. This is due to the special composition of the poison, you want to comb the affected area all the time. In this case, treatment consists of regularly rubbing the lesion with a 9% vinegar solution or baking soda. To disinfect the surface, brilliant green is used. Considering the answer to the question of how to treat the symptoms of a bite, it can be noted that even without special manifestations, it will be necessary to take a preventive medicine. An effective drug is suprastin, which relieves redness and itching. If the place has had time to swell, and a person has an allergic reaction, it is recommended to take fenistil. If all measures are taken and the situation does not improve, the only thing to do is to see a doctor.

Midge bite in the eye: measures and actions

All midges bite indiscriminately - what they see, a midge bite in the eye carries a special danger. When a midge has bitten in the eye, there are many manifestations - painful itching, increased production of tear fluid, redness and swelling of the eye and mucous membrane, as well as around the eye area. If a bitten person suffers from an allergic reaction to such bites, as additional symptoms, if a fly has bitten in the eye, pain in the head, dizziness, shortness of breath and chest tightness may appear. If the eye is swollen, being in the epicenter of negative influence, it is necessary to take action.

    In no case should you rub the bitten eye to ensure the preservation of the mucous membrane.

    Rinse and blot the wound, provide ice cooling of the skin, apply a pressure bandage, blot the lesion with a tampon or disc.

    In traditional medicine, the situation is solved by applying an anti-inflammatory cream around the eye.

    To remove toxins from the body, you need to drink as much liquid as possible, preferably clean water.

If the child is bitten by a midge, or it happened to an adult, a number of actions must be performed. The most common complaint of affected people is itching, which leads to a strong urge to scratch the skin. There are a number of things you need to do to prevent a reaction to toxins.

Increased edema in children and adults can be cured with folk remedies.

    If the eye is swollen, a slice of raw potato is applied to it;

    applying crumpled mint or bird cherry leaves will simplify the process;

    special compresses made from parsley have an effect.

It is worth remembering that if the midge managed to bite the eye, and it is swollen, the first action that must be taken is to seek specialized help in order to restore vision and eyes in a timely manner and return to a normal rhythm of life.

Bite in the leg: features

Midges can bite day and night, while absolutely any place can be negatively affected. The greatest danger is the case when the leg is bitten in the ankle or lower leg. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in this part of the body, swelling and other symptoms can persist for several weeks, which leads to the formation of circulatory disorders and the occurrence of vascular diseases. Therefore, if the leg area is swollen, appropriate measures must be taken.

Effective traditional medicine

Traditional medicine is far from the only one effective remedy designed to combat midge bites. If there are no allergic manifestations, all kinds of folk remedies are used for the treatment process, which can prevent an allergic symptom and eliminate edema.

    Plantain juice from a pre-mashed leaf;

    soft mint leaves, preferably "young";

    gruel made from raw cabbage leaf;

    onion head;

    dandelion leaves;

    essential oils of lemon.

To ensure prevention, especially at night, it is recommended not to use perfumes with pronounced fragrances, and also not to wear too light clothing. A mosquito net must be attached to the windows.

The best pharmaceuticals

Ointments with antiallergic effect

These funds are usually applied twice a day - day and night.

    fenistil gel

    matinovit in the form of a cream

    prednisone ointment





So, we examined what the bites of midges look like in the photo, and determined how exactly different midges bite. If any part of the body has been negatively affected and managed to swell, it is important to take certain measures in a timely manner.

Already in August, Diptera become aggressive and begin to bite. According to our ancestors, this is how they expressed their dissatisfaction with the approaching cold weather and the imminent death that they had foreseen. But science has proven that this behavior of insects is not associated with their imminent demise. It's just that by the end of summer, the number of a certain kind individuals known as the autumn fly.

Why do flies start biting

Evil individuals can attack a person, and their bite is painful. In appearance, a biting fly does not differ from an ordinary fly, but if you look closely, the difference is easy to see. Most of these individuals are outside the city. Therefore, all those who like to relax in the country or in nature often encounter harmful dipterans in late August and early autumn.

Why do flies bite and how to deal with annoying insects? To begin with, only a few species of Diptera bite, among them the Burner. It is she who is called autumnal or evil. And if someone doubts whether flies bite people, then we can say with confidence: they bite, and with a specific purpose - to drink blood.

But why do flies bite in autumn? There are several reasons for this:

  1. the number of individuals increases sharply;
  2. the need for food increases before the onset of cold weather;
  3. competition between Diptera in the fight for food increases;
  4. a cold snap forces you to move closer to a person.

Typically, the flare fly feeds on the blood of animals, but when the number of insects greatly increases, the flies bite people. The flare is not attracted to sweets and food that a person eats, so the individuals circling over the table have nothing to do with the flare.

What flies bite besides the flare? The most famous are horsefly and tsetse. But the former prefers to live near the water, while the latter does not live in our climatic conditions. So the only colored fly that bites is the burner.

Her bite is far from harmless. The burner is a carrier of diseases such as anthrax, relapsing fever, tularemia, yellow fever. A massive insect attack on livestock can lead to its death.

How to recognize a flare fly

In size and shape, the predator resembles an ordinary fly. It is distinguished by a long proboscis with a sheen. Who does not know what flies bite with, then it is with this proboscis. It works in exactly the same way as a mosquito: through it, the insect sucks blood. Teeth are located at the end of the proboscis. Using them, the insect bites through the skin.

Other differences include:

  • dense and shortened body,
  • wings spread wide,
  • the presence of stripes on the abdomen.

The insect's development period is 2-3 weeks. This explains why the number of pests increases so much by the fall. The insect lays eggs in manure or straw, but sometimes clutches directly in the open wound of the animal.

The appearance of a flare fly is not too different from a room specimen. But their behavior and lifestyle are different. The predator sees in a person only a source of food. If a burner appeared in the house, it means that it will bite constantly. Diptera is dangerous for babies and people with disabilities who cannot drive away annoying individuals themselves. Weight loss may occur with multiple bites. If flies bite in the fall and annoy the owners of a house or apartment, it is necessary to process the premises.

The site of the bite is treated with a soda solution, and an antihistamine is taken internally to prevent allergic reactions. If swelling or inflammation develops, see your doctor.

Now we have found out if flies bite and what kind of threat they pose to humans. Diptera themselves are not dangerous if their number does not exceed the permissible level, and there are no sick animals living in the neighborhood that could become a source of infection for others.

Probably, many of us noticed that with the onset of autumn, some insects, especially flies, begin to show somewhat more aggression towards humans than usual.

Why do flies bite in principle? Are there bloodsucking flies? These questions are answered in this article. As well as an explanation of what causes bloodsucking flies to show such an unhealthy interest in a person precisely in autumn period, which only intensifies with the onset of the first cold weather.

Who bites?

Let us not conceal that among such seemingly harmless in terms of physical impact on the surrounding insects, like flies, there are many predators. We will not dwell on exotic varieties like the tsetse fly or the Siberian midge, but let's talk about this primordially our, domestic, one might say, type of biting flies, which is autumn burner.

Autumn flare: description.

The autumn flare is an insect from the family of real flies. Outwardly, the autumn fly practically does not differ from any other, the same room fly. It is also small in size, usually reaching a length of no more than 5-8 mm. It has a monochromatic gray color with a slightly darker thoracic region and a slightly lighter abdomen, on which dotted black blotches can be seen.

The main hallmark of these insects is their predatory nature. These are the same bloodsuckers, like mosquitoes or vampire bats. Their mouthpieces have a proboscis-like structure that allows these bloodsuckers to pierce the skin of warm-blooded animals and suck out the blood that serves as food for these predators.

How does the bite take place?

The flare fly, as we have already said, has the necessary instrument of access to our blood. Its proboscis has a pointed shape, and along the edges of its tip there are small teeth resembling a nail file. In this case, the tip of the proboscis looks flat, resembling a serrated knife.

With the help of these teeth, the insect wipes upper layer skin, after which it injects its poisonous saliva onto the site of the bite, the composition of which does not allow blood to quickly clot. Thus, having drilled a hole in the skin, this bloodsucker licks off the protruding blood droplets.

Why is it dangerous?

Development phases of flies.

Well, here we will even start with the fact that the sting of a burner is very painful. After all, it is not without reason that this species of flies received such a name. At the time of the bite, the person feels a rather strong burning pain.

This is not at all a harmless mosquito bite that appears only some time later, no. The burner acts, shall we say, much more rudely. A mosquito next to a fly is just a jeweler in his business.

In addition to, in fact, a painful puncture with a proboscis, a fly-burner, moreover, brings in irritating saliva to the affected area, which has an inflammatory effect at the site of the bite.

In addition to pain and inflammation at the puncture site, these two-winged pests, like all flies, are malicious carriers of all kinds of dangerous diseases.

One can only imagine how many times this pest used its piercing weapon per season, and how dangerous the bite of such a carrier of all nasty things can be for a person.

Among those diseases that can be awarded to us by the bite of such a bloodsucker, we highlight the following, namely:

  • sepsis;
  • anthrax;
  • tuberculosis;
  • dysentery;
  • polio;
  • trypanosomiasis.

And this is not the whole list of "free services" that this pest can voluntarily and completely free of charge.

How is a bite treated?

Now it is quite reasonable to talk about what to do if a fly bites. First aid measures are somewhat similar to those that are obtained with a wasp bite, however, of course, in a much more relaxed version.

So, if you are bitten by a fly, you need to do the following:

  • wash the wound, preferably with hydrogen peroxide or just a soapy solution;
  • take an antihistamine, such as suprastin;
  • to relieve pain, you can apply cold lotions with ice to the bitten area;
  • treat the bite site with iodine;
  • monitor your condition and the appearance of the wound for any suspicions of infection.

Thus, if everything goes well and the bite site begins to heal (usually the very next day), you don't have to worry, the inflammation will soon go away on its own. If there is a persistence of the inflammatory process at the site of the bite, or, even more so, on the person of a deterioration in health, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why do they bite?

So we moved on to the main question of this review. Indeed, why do flies tend to bite, especially somewhere from the end of August, up to November frosts.

We have partially answered the question earlier, pointing out the predatory lifestyle of these insects and their need for blood for food. But this is only one side of the coin, because blood is needed for burners also for the ability to produce offspring, like mosquitoes.

This biting fly is activated in autumn for the simple reason that the insect senses the approach of cold weather. The fly quickly reacts to the tendency of daily weather to steadily strive to worsen the conditions for life and reproduction of the insect, hence in the behavior of these biting bloodsuckers, nervousness and haste can be traced.

Among the reasons why flies still bite in the fall, we also note the maximum increase in the population of insects of all species in the period from August to October. That is, the competition for food sources is increasing.

Also, one should not forget about the cold weather, the approach of which makes insects increasingly intersect with a person, stimulates to search suitable places for wintering or laying eggs in human habitats.


It is very short and without innovation here. We do not forget to use mosquito nets on the windows at home. And on the street, and especially in suburban dacha maneuvers, you should use special sprays that scare away bloodsuckers and do not yawn.


So, we figured out the main reasons why flies bite last fall. Now we know that not all flies are harmless and there are many among them that are capable of delivering memorable sensations with a painful bite.

We also got acquainted with such a species of flies as a flare, and now we know that this bloodsucker is a carrier of many dangerous diseases, which this insect can reward with any gape lover of outdoor recreation.

In addition to true bloodsuckers - mosquitoes and bedbugs, there are some types of flies that gladly replenish this category of insects. The question here is not what flies actually bite or not, but which and why flies bite in August or autumn. Oddly enough, but not the usual houseflies attack a person, the mouth apparatus of which is not adapted for bites. The main predators living on the territory of Russia and carrying out an attack on humans are:

Autumn flies flies

Stomoxys calcitrans. Outwardly, biting flies are very similar to the usual flying insects. And after their painful attacks, bewilderment arises - do house flies bite. There are differences in appearance, but they can be noticed only after careful consideration, these are:

Habitat and life cycle of the burner

The usual habitat of the insect is pasture for livestock, a barn or a corral. In these conditions, both a table and a house are always ready for them, that is, an abundance of warm-blooded animals as food and overripe hay or manure for reproduction and rest. The diet of an insect is only blood, and in one bite, flies of the flies drink a volume twice their own weight.

The breeding characteristics of bloodsuckers give the answer why flies bite at the end of summer. Masonry, burners are arranged in manure or in the bedding of animals, in the warmest places at a temperature of at least 35 ° C. The insect goes through a full development cycle, but the time of each stage is much shorter than that of the housefly.

The laid eggs develop for only a day and release the larva, which, in turn, successively passing through four stages of maturation, after 4 days turns into an adult insect. And within a day, the insect is in the imago stage, ready for mating. The fly's life cycle can be 7-8 weeks, and during this time, the burner makes 5-7 clutches of 100 eggs each. When the temperature drops to 10 ° C and below, the burner goes into hibernation. She can overwinter at any stage - larvae, eggs and adults.

Why do flies start biting in the fall?

The onset of a cold snap makes the burners look for warmer places, and during this period they can appear in the house. How flies bite is remembered for a long time. Unlike an ordinary flying insect, chitinous plates are located at the end of the proboscis. With them, she scrapes the skin to a blood vessel and, before eating, injects a poison that prevents blood from clotting.

Both females and males attack. By the end of the summer period, the population of insects is quite significant and the person who came to their hand begins to wonder if house flies bite or what others. The bite of this insect causes a burning pain, then swelling may develop. In addition to painful sensations, the burner carries many pathogens of dangerous diseases:

  • sepsis;
  • tularemia;
  • trypanosomiasis;
  • anthrax, etc.

For parents, if their children are attacked by a flare, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, and not to think about whether flies bite in August in a city apartment.

Other flies that bite

A visit to a forest park area can bring acquaintance with other species of Diptera predators, especially if there are water bodies nearby.


Tabanidae. The attack is carried out by female insects, since they need blood for a successful pregnancy. The mouth apparatus of horseflies is universal and is equipped with both mandibles for taking plant food and chitinous stylets for piercing the skin and feeding with blood.

The interesting question here is not how flies bite during pregnancy, but how much blood they consume at one time. The female horsefly is very bloodthirsty and can consume up to 200 mg of blood per intake.

Bloodsucking midge

Bysson maculata and Odagmia ornate. When flies bite, it is painful, but when a swarm of midges attacks, it is also fraught with severe swelling and allergic reactions. Moshkara is the most biting flies in August and June. With a large number of midge bites, simulidotoxicosis may develop.

The short proboscis does not facilitate rapid penetration to the blood vessels, so the midge carefully chooses the bite site in order to quickly get to the blood. Most often these are eyelids, nose, open limbs.

Like horseflies, the female feeds on blood for procreation. Blood proteins are needed for egg shell formation and as a supply of nutrients. Since eggs are laid in reservoirs, it is there that the largest number of them is observed.

This insect is called the tormentor of cattle. Many do not know if these flies bite people or not. The peculiarity of the life cycle of an insect consists in its long existence in the form of a larva, inside a living carrier.

In the adult stage, the gadfly exists for only a few days. During this time, he needs to find a warm-blooded carrier - a forest animal or livestock. In extreme cases, the clutch is made in the grass and can enter the stomach of the herbivore. There are cases of attacks on a person. With such attacks, in case of development of edema, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

To protect against blood-sucking insects, especially in forests, it is recommended to wear discreet, tight clothing and use repellents. In the house, use Velcro, essential oils repellent and protective nets.

Probably many of us have noticed that with the onset of autumn, some insects, especially flies, begin to show a little more aggression towards humans than usual.

Why do flies bite in principle? Are there bloodsucking flies? These questions are answered in this article. As well as an explanation of what makes bloodsucking flies show such an unhealthy interest in a person precisely in the autumn period, which only intensifies with the onset of the first cold weather.

Who bites?

Let us not conceal that among such seemingly harmless in terms of physical impact on the surrounding insects, like flies, there are many predators. We will not dwell on exotic varieties like the tsetse fly or the Siberian midge, but let's talk about this primordially our, domestic, one might say, type of biting flies, which isautumn burner.

Autumn flare: description.

The autumn flare is an insect from the family of real flies. Outwardly, the autumn fly practically does not differ from any other, the same room fly. It is also small in size, usually reaching a length of no more than 5-8 mm. It has a monochromatic gray color with a slightly darker thoracic region and a slightly lighter abdomen, on which dotted black blotches can be seen.

The main distinguishing feature of these insects is their predatory nature. These are the same bloodsuckers, like mosquitoes or vampire bats. Their mouthpieces have a proboscis-like structure that allows these bloodsuckers to pierce the skin of warm-blooded animals and suck out the blood that serves as food for these predators.

How does the bite take place?

The flare fly, as we have already said, has the necessary instrument of access to our blood. Its proboscis has a pointed shape, and along the edges of its tip there are small teeth resembling a nail file. In this case, the tip of the proboscis looks flat, resembling a serrated knife.

With the help of these teeth, the insect wipes the top layer of the skin, and then injects its poisonous saliva into the bite site, the composition of which does not allow blood to quickly clot. Thus, having drilled a hole in the skin, this bloodsucker licks off the protruding blood droplets.

Why is it dangerous?

Development phases of flies.

Well, here we’ll even start with the fact that the sting of a burner is very painful. After all, it is not without reason that this species of flies received such a name. At the time of the bite, the person feels a rather strong burning pain.

This is not at all a harmless mosquito bite that appears only some time later, no. The burner acts, shall we say, much more rudely. A mosquito next to a fly is just a jeweler in his business.

In addition to, in fact, a painful puncture with a proboscis, a fly-burner, moreover, brings in irritating saliva to the affected area, which has an inflammatory effect at the site of the bite.

In addition to pain and inflammation at the puncture site, these two-winged pests, like all flies, are malicious carriers of all kinds of dangerous diseases.

One can only imagine how many times this pest used its piercing weapon per season, and how dangerous the bite of such a carrier of all nasty things can be for a person.

Among those diseases that can be awarded to us by the bite of such a bloodsucker, we highlight the following, namely:

  • typhoid;
  • sepsis;
  • anthrax;
  • tuberculosis;
  • dysentery;
  • polio;
  • trypanosomiasis.

And this is not the whole list of "free services" that this pest can voluntarily and completely free of charge.

How is a bite treated?

Now it is quite reasonable to talk about what to do if a fly bites. First aid measures are somewhat similar to those that turn out to be with a wasp bite, however, of course, in a much relaxed version.

So, if you are bitten by a fly, you need to do the following:

  • wash the wound, preferably with hydrogen peroxide or just a soapy solution;
  • take an antihistamine, such as suprastin;
  • to relieve pain, you can apply cold lotions with ice to the bitten area;
  • treat the bite site with iodine;
  • monitor your condition and the appearance of the wound for any suspicions of infection.

Thus, if everything goes well and the bite site begins to heal (usually the very next day), you don't have to worry, the inflammation will soon go away on its own. If there is a persistence of the inflammatory process at the site of the bite, or, even more so, on the person of a deterioration in health, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why do they bite?

So we moved on to the main question of this review. Indeed, why do flies tend to bite, especially somewhere from the end of August to the November frosts?

We have partially answered the question earlier, pointing out the predatory lifestyle of these insects and their need for blood for food. But this is only one side of the coin, because blood is also needed by burners to be able to produce offspring, like mosquitoes.

This biting fly is activated in autumn for the simple reason that the insect senses the approach of cold weather. The fly quickly reacts to the tendency of daily weather to steadily strive to worsen the conditions for life and reproduction of the insect, hence the nervousness and haste can be traced in the behavior of these biting bloodsuckers.

Among the reasons why flies still bite in the fall, we also note the maximum increase in the population of insects of all species in the period from August to October. That is, the competition for food sources is increasing.

Also, one should not forget about the cold weather, the approach of which makes insects increasingly intersect with humans, encourages them to look for suitable places for wintering or laying eggs in people's habitats.


It is very short and without innovation here. We do not forget to use mosquito nets on the windows at home. And on the street, and especially in suburban dacha maneuvers, you should use special sprays that scare away bloodsuckers and do not yawn.


So, we figured out the main reasons why flies bite last fall. Now we know that not all flies are harmless, and there are many among them that are capable of delivering memorable sensations with a painful bite.

We also got acquainted with such a species of flies as a flare, and now we know that this bloodsucker is a carrier of many dangerous diseases, which this insect can reward with any gape lover of outdoor recreation.

With the onset of the first warm spring days, insects appear, including the ubiquitous flies. And if during the spring and most of the summer they behave mostly peacefully, then in August the flies bite, and very painfully. It is believed that they become angry on the eve of death with the onset of the cold season. This is fundamentally wrong - in the fall, another type of insect attacks people and bites painfully - the flies, the number of which increases significantly by the end of summer.

Flies-flies are very similar in appearance to ordinary house flies, differing only in the structure of the proboscis

Flies are dipteran insects that are widespread throughout the world. Currently, about 5 thousand of their species are known. The bulk feeds on plant sap, decaying fruits and other organic matter, feces, manure. Only a small part of these insects bite. Blood-sucking flies are capable of attacking people and animals. The most common of these are flies.

By appearance and the biological characteristics of the flies are very similar to house flies, which is why they believe that house flies bite. These are insects gray 5-7 mm long. The main difference from non-predatory flies is in the structure of the proboscis. Common flies cannot bite humans or animals, as their proboscis is soft and unable to pierce the skin. In flies, the proboscis is elongated and "armed" with rough chitinous plates, with the help of which they cut through the victim's skin. Both females and males of these insects feed on blood (which means they bite). Basically, animals become their victims, and only sometimes - people. Penetrating with their proboscis under the skin, flies-flies inject poisonous saliva into the wound, so their bite causes severe pain and itching.

During the summer, flies are found in large numbers in places where domestic animals congregate - on pastures and farms, where they have all the conditions for feeding and reproduction. During her life, one female lays up to 400 eggs of an off-white color in manure or rotting plant debris, and sometimes in wounds in animals. The larvae hatch after 1-5 days, depending on the ambient temperature. In the larval phase, the future fly stays for 2-4 weeks, after which a pupa is formed. After another 7-26 days, young flayers are born, which are capable of laying eggs for about 10-15 days. Thus, the development cycle of a fly from egg to insect emergence lasts from three to eight weeks. During the warm season, several generations of flayers manage to leave, rapidly increasing their numbers. The largest number of individuals is reached by autumn.

Mechanical method fly control - the simplest and most harmless, but ineffective

In autumn, with the onset of nighttime cold snaps, these insects often fly into homes and apartments for warmth, and, having no other food sources, inflict bites on people. That is why most often these insects bite in the fall. The appearance of a flare fly in human housing is especially dangerous if there are babies or the elderly and disabled in the house who are not able to drive away insects and prevent a bite.

Flies feed on blood, which means they bite animals and people. Moreover, they are able to carry pathogens of dangerous diseases such as tularemia, sepsis, trypanosomiasis, anthrax and many others. It is clear that it is better to avoid the bites of these insects. Control measures for biting flies are almost the same as for house flies. They can be divided into mechanical, chemical and biological.

  • Mechanical include various barriers on windows and ventilation in the form of mosquito nets, which prevent insects from entering the premises.

Sticky tapes or various types of traps are used to kill those individuals who manage to get into the apartment.

These methods are effective for controlling adult flies and are aimed at preventing insect bites. These methods are harmless to residents, which is why they are used mainly in residential premises.

  • Chemicals, which include various insecticides, help get rid of not only adult insects, but also larvae. These drugs are used to treat farm premises, dung heaps, animal stalls.
  • In large farms, it is possible to use biological control methods that are completely harmless to humans and animals. For this purpose, predatory insects (entomophages) are used, which feed on different kinds flies and their larvae. The population of bad flies will decline rapidly.


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