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How to draw a room diagram. Layout of a children's room - rules for ideal zoning (90 photo ideas)

A comfortable, tidy, children’s room that takes into account their needs and abilities plays a significant role in the development of children.

Rationality and aesthetics are important from an early age. And a competent layout of a children's room will make any area a cozy nest for a young child.

Advantages of a small nursery

Even in a small but separate room for a baby there are a lot of advantages:

  • the size of the room corresponds to the baby, provides a personal protected space (“house”);
  • scattering of toys and things in a small area, everything is within close reach;
  • for 2 children there is little room for fights, but enough for “secrets”;
  • in a small space it is more convenient for dolls and books to live, and the baby communicates with them;
  • If you want to run, there are other rooms.

Teenagers still have their advantages, but their priorities gradually change:

  • the room is sometimes a restricted area for adults;
  • no space for parents' belongings;
  • there is often a “poetic mess”, only when friends arrive can you do a thorough cleaning;
  • It is important for teenagers to have their own “den” with their own rules;
  • Often only what is absolutely necessary is stored at the present time, when interests change, things are often thrown away (distributed);
  • the desire for frequent changes pushes the teenager to do redevelopment on his own, that is, to strive for originality and creativity.

The compact dimensions of the room have an impact on the formation of the child’s character, teaching independence, independence and decision-making.

The main thing is that the children's room supports:

  • psychological comfort of the child;
  • health;
  • purity;
  • comprehensive development;
  • safety.

Basic rules for planning children's rooms

The main requirement for planning a children's room is versatility: games, sleep, then study. Zoning is possible conditionally or with low partitions.

In small rooms it is more difficult for a student to concentrate, because there are many distracting things nearby.

In children's planning, “perimeter” planning is the most common, but there are many wonderful original ideas for rooms of different sizes.

Children's room for preschoolers

What you will need for babies: a crib near the wall so that the sun doesn’t shine in the baby’s eyes, a changing table and a small chest of drawers, a basket with a lid for dirty laundry. A small table and chair are needed for drawing, looking at first books, puzzles, Legos, etc.

  • It would be nice to have a comfortable high chair for feeding. A tall, narrow cabinet is ideal for storing ointments, pills, dangerous bottles and other things out of your baby's reach.
  • There is a fluffy rug on the floor, and large boxes for storing toys against the wall.
  • A sports corner of 80x60 cm is always recommended.

For the little ones, choose only soft pastel colors with a few bright accents (curtains, rugs, furniture).

Girls' rooms

For girls (high school girls) softer tones are needed: pink, orange, yellow-sand. Applique and frills on the curtains in childhood, a bed like a princess on the catwalk.

An older girl needs a table with a mirror for jewelry, first cosmetics, and perfume.

Revealing the secrets of planning

In children's rooms, layout options depend on the age of the children. For children primary school It is important to learn to understand when to play and when to devote time to lessons.

Even in a small room, zoning must be done correctly so that nothing in the study area can distract the child from homework. The main requirement of the workplace is isolation and compactness.

A podium near a bright window with storage space underneath can help. Often a study table is placed under the 2nd tier of the bed, but then you will have to solve the lighting problem with additional lamps (sconces).

It is convenient to place the table near the window (wall), next to shelves or racks with textbooks, and it is better to place the place for games behind the student’s back.

For schoolchildren in grades 1-4, a table, chair and shelves suitable for height are needed so as not to have to reach too far for books. Therefore, it is more practical to purchase ready-made kits for schoolchildren in one color palette and size.

Low bedside tables (chests) and shelves up to 20 cm deep are convenient for toys. Furniture standards: depth 45 and 60 cm; for things in the nursery, a cabinet depth of 40-50 cm is enough.

By reducing the depth of all cabinets, you will greatly increase the amount of available space. It is better to decide the color design together with the child, let it become the first serious choice in his life.

Children's room for 2 owners

If there are 2 children over 6 years old in a family, then it is necessary to make a second tier. When planning a children's room for two schoolchildren with a height of 2.5 m or more, it is ideal to place the sleeping places on the mezzanine.

The free zone will have space for two tables (computers) and a common gaming area.

If the children's room is small, this is not a reason to refuse to meet friends there. The main thing for every child is a personal (private) space for self-expression.

You can see interesting design solutions in the photo from our article.

Photo of children's room layout

Do we draw a house plan by hand or do we draw a plan on a computer? What will you choose today? I advise you to try to choose both options, but entrust the final work to modern technologies.

There are a huge number of scheduler programs today. Paid and free, professional and unprofessional, simple and complicated. It’s easy to get confused, and you can spend a lot of time studying.

To draw a plan for your dream home, you need to choose the best one for a specific task. Therefore, I made a review of programs that, in my opinion, are the most famous and accessible both for professionals and for those who are faced with the task for the first time: drawing a house plan for renovation.


Svetlana Neustroyeva

A specialized program created by Graphisoft. Designed not only for professional architects and designers, but also for inexperienced users - people involved in remodeling an apartment, building a house and landscaping a site.

One of the big advantages is that it is considered convenient and simple. Works in 2D and 3D. It is necessary to take into account that it is unrealistic to master it in 1 day, but in a week you will accurately draw the floor plan of the apartment, and you will be able to virtually walk around it.

The program is licensed. Medium level of difficulty.


from those documents from the studio “On the Wave of Decor”

The program in which all professional studio drawings are performed.

This is a program for very wide use. Applicable not only for architecture and design, but for designing everything that needs to be invented, outlined and brought to life.

It was developed specifically for the everyday needs of architects AutoCAD Architecture. The authors' motto: drawings are no longer a chore.

I can note that the program is not easy to learn and will require time and patience .

High level of difficulty.


“Model whatever you want. Update your living room interior. Come up with new furniture. Create a model of your city for Google Earth. There's no limit to what you can do with SketchUp.” - the motto of the program.

One of the most promising programs today. Times have changed, and today Sketchup is no longer so easy to learn, but still intuitive. The unlimited possibilities of the program make it an indispensable assistant among architects, designers and decorators.


My favorite and main program.

There is no complete textbook in Russian. There are some great beginner tutorials available on YouTube.

There is an online version, without downloading. There is a paid Pro version for full functionality. The description of the advantages will take more than one page. So try it. In the video cartoon you can see the capabilities of the program. Such video walks around your future home will help you better understand what exactly you want and what you strive for when creating the interior.

In the paid version of PRO, you will be given the opportunity to make beautiful drawings and work actively with plans and sections.



Free interior design app. Aimed at people who need to quickly prepare for repairs for themselves.

The program is very easy to learn and use. There is a large selection of furniture and decor. Each bedside table (carpet, painting, etc.) can be set in height, width, depth, as well as color and texture.

The only thing I don’t like is that there is no way to build an accurate 2D plan with furniture placement. Indicative only.

Low difficulty level.

5. ARCON Small Business.

Simplified version of the ArCon program. There are no functions necessary for professional design; the program is most suitable for private use to design your own country house, or developing the design of the facade of a house, for remodeling a house or a separate room.

The program creates an object in two-dimensional space and gives you the opportunity to “take a walk” in your future “dream house.”

Medium level of difficulty.

6. ADOBE family of products.

studio project “On the wave of decor”

Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator (AI) are professional programs, but may also be of interest to amateurs.

PHOTOSHOP is the most famous program. Despite the fact that it was originally developed as an editor for various images, it is now widely used in various fields.

ILLUSTRATOR - conceived as a vector graphics editor, is used today for a variety of purposes.

These programs cannot be called super complex, but each one will require time to study.

If they are already on your computer and you know how to use them on good level, then consider that Photoshop and AI will replace paper, ruler and pencil.

All actions for drawing a plan are the same as drawing by hand. Only instead of paper there is a screen. And instead of a pencil there is a mouse.

Watch the video on how to draw a room plan in Photoshop.

Average and high levels difficulties

7. COREL– a program for working in vector graphics. Very similar to AI. If you love it and have the skills to work, it also replaces paper and pencil.
Medium and high difficulty levels.

Who is the program for? The authors of the project say:
“Roomtodo is a development designed for new residents and those planning to renovate their premises. If desired, the resulting design can be published on Facebook or embedded in your website (like a YouTube video).

I recommend it to all beginners and those completely inexperienced in computers from the bottom of my heart.

9. KITCHENDRAW I recommend it to beginners!

example plan in Kitchendrow

The program is designed specifically for designing kitchens and bathrooms. Simple and intuitive interface. Today there are already many introductory and training lessons in Russian. Despite the restrictions on use stated by the manufacturer, the program allows you to easily create a plan not only for the kitchen, but for the entire apartment.

Today there are many libraries of ready-made furniture available for use in Kitchendraw. You can even learn how to model interior items yourself and assign beautiful textures.

Several years ago I actively used it to quickly present ideas.

example of working in Kitchendraw

It is very convenient because you can work in two formats - 2D and 3D.
All are placed on the plan required dimensions. And they are accurate, unlike other planners. An invaluable plus is very fast file processing in the “photorealism” mode.

Low, medium and high difficulty levels.


from the Ikea website

“Let the kitchen of your dreams become a reality” is the title of the program on the official website.

A very simple program that does not require downloading to your computer. You need internet and carefully read the operating instructions. (You can also download the offline version of the program on the official Ikea website).

The interface is clear and not overloaded with information. The program is focused on IKEA products, but it will be useful even if you do not intend to purchase this furniture - you can evaluate the room in volume and with furniture.

Useful for those who are initially focused on purchasing products from IKEA:
You can not only plan the interior, but also immediately calculate its cost.
Inconvenient because it is not possible to build a 2-dimensional plan. Low difficulty level.


Another very favorite resource of mine. Simple. The program is used by many sellers of furniture and interior items abroad. It works online. All you need is the Internet and registration. Large database of furniture models. User-friendly interface. You can save your plans. There are black and white and color modes.

Works with metric and American measurement systems.


A simple and convenient computer program for apartment redevelopment, house design, office reconstruction. For all its simplicity and convenience, the program has many of the properties of professional applications.

The program is easy to learn. It comes with a pretty good textbook. The library of models is simple, but quite sufficient for planning.

Low and medium difficulty levels.

We continue the review of programs:

New technologies are rapidly breaking into our lives and we have become the owners of tablets.
You can find reviews at the applestore, they are inexpensive, and there are also free ones.

I gave you a small list of cool programs. Choose the one that is most convenient, understandable and useful at the moment for solving a specific problem.

And the task is simple and complex at the same time: draw a plan of your house or apartment. Nobody limits you from using several programs at once. It may even be very successful for some to draw a plan by hand and model the 3D in another program, for example, Sketchup.

When we talk specifically about furniture arrangement, I will return to the planners and consider some of them in more detail.

And also: important knowledge for creating dream home plans:

dream houses - how to do it right.
– what it is and how it works.

Thank you for your attention! Stay with me and be sure to share the ideas of the “On the Wave of Decor” blog with your friends and wait for new interesting articles! AND….


The blog “On the Wave of Decor” is a non-commercial project and is created only by the author. If you appreciated the article and liked it, I would be grateful for a little financial support. Thank you!

When we independently choose a design for a children's room and arrange it, sometimes we lack a clear idea of ​​what it will all look like. It’s good when the design is exactly like in the designer photos, but what if you need to combine some interior details?

In this case, drawings of a children's room will come to the rescue. Graphic sketches can contain not only a schematic image of the interior, they can also reflect its correspondence to real parameters.

First you need to measure:

  • ceiling height;
  • length and width of the room;
  • window opening parameters;
  • distance from window to floor and ceiling;
  • length of the wall from and to the window;
  • length of the wall from and to the door;
  • door parameters.

Next, you can begin to outline the lines of the walls, floor, and draw the window and door. It is better to make drawings in pencil, this way it is faster and easier to correct inaccuracies. The image can be in the form of a schematic plan - this will help to correctly zoning the space, determine the place of each piece of furniture, and provide for the location sports corner or a play complex.

The sketch is made in pencil with the proportions maintained “by eye”. But the drawing can also be made taking into account scaling, using the real perimeter of the room, real dimensions of furniture and decorative elements. All these actions will allow you to properly arrange the territory for children, organize, relax, and allocate space for games.

Thinking through the interior in more detail and displaying it on paper will help you avoid mistakes when actually implementing your ideas and your child’s wishes.

As an example, we present drawings of a children's room made in pencil. Among them are sketches for boys and girls younger age, for teenagers, among them there are also examples of rooms for two children. Ready project You can give it to your child and find out in this way what color scheme he sees in his bedroom.

With ready-made sketches, you can also contact consultants when purchasing furniture or professional designers. A visual representation will help them better understand your wishes and suggest the best and most suitable options for you.

photo: depositphotos.com/MrTwister-1 photo, further - irogova

on a topic for 5th grade


Akulyonok G.A.

art teacher

highest qualification category


Momtselidze L.A.

head of ShMO

art teachers

Moscow region, Lobnya

Development of a visual arts lesson

on the topic "Drawing the interior of a room" for 5th grade

Perspective is a science that helps to correctly depict objects in space the way we see them in nature.

Rules, laws of perspective or patterns of perspective changes in objects, their shapes:

    As we move away from our eye, the size of objects decreases.

    Parallel horizontal lines, moving away, not only come closer, but at eye level they converge into one point - the vanishing point.

    Everything that has a vertical direction in nature and looks vertical in the drawing.)

The interior is an image of the interior of various buildings: classrooms, living rooms, corridors, etc.

Interior is the organization of internal space.

Drawing the interior of a room from a frontal perspective.

How to draw an interior from a frontal perspective?

Where should I start drawing? - (from the location of the front wall on a sheet of paper)

What options for the location of the front wall in the picture can there be? - (left, center, right)

What line did we use and a point on this line to construct the drawing? - (horizon line and vanishing point)

Do we need this horizon line and vanishing point when drawing the interior of a room? - Yes.

Let's look at the interior construction diagrams “Perspective construction of the interior in a frontal position.”

The type of perspective of the interior also depends on the change in the location of the vanishing point of the lines or point of view. The side wall on which the painter is closer will always be in greater contraction than the opposite one.

The drawer must determine the vanishing point of parallel lines, which always lies on the horizon line and depends on the location of the drawer.

If the left and right walls are equally distant from us, then the main vanishing point will be located in the middle of the front wall. If we move left or right, the vanishing point will move accordingly.

We need to outline the side walls of the room, floor, and ceiling in the drawing.

Knowing that all parallel horizontal lines moving away from the viewer come closer and, as they continue, converge at one vanishing point on the horizon line, you can outline the side walls. Those lines that are located above eye level (ceiling line) appear to be descending, those below eye level (floor line) appear to be rising.

Here we have outlined the location of the front wall, ceiling, side walls and floor. Next, to draw the interior of the room, what needs to be done? - (draw objects - furniture in space)

Using the method of linear constructive drawing, the painter depicts all objects as if transparent and thereby has the opportunity to accurately determine the position of each object in space.

A drawing of a table by a window or a drawing of a sofa by a wall begins with an image of the edge of the side wall of the object, located in frontal perspective.

Then the lower horizontal plane of the object is outlined. The construction of the drawing begins, as it were, from the bottom up.

A linear constructive drawing of each item in the interior of the room is made.

Guys, we have completed a linear, contour drawing of the interior of the room in frontal perspective, and then what do we need to do to complete the drawing? - (Complete the volume of each item, and the room as a whole.)

Volumetric tonal drawing.

Use various shading to convey the volume and shape of the depicted objects using chiaroscuro.

Creative practical work

Assignment: Draw a picture of the interior of a room in frontal perspective or compose the interior of a room.

Each student must compose the interior of a room in the front


Sequence of task execution:

    Linear, contour drawing.

Each student remembers composition - placing a drawing on a sheet of paper.

Composition is the structural construction of a work of art, the combination of all its components into a single whole (composition, composition, arrangement).

The student's choice of the location of the front wall (to the left, straight or to the right) on a sheet of paper.

Draw a horizon line and a vanishing point on it.

Outline the location of the ceiling, side walls, and floor.

Outline the position of each object in space using the method of linear constructive drawing.

2. Volumetric tonal pattern.

Use various shading to convey the volume and shape of the depicted objects using chiaroscuro.

Shading with a pencil in various tones from light to black.

Students begin to work independently, doing it with a pencil.

Guys, while working to detect errors in the drawing, compare your method of action and its result with the tables “Constructing a drawing of a room”, reproductions of artist’s paintings and interior design diagrams found in the lesson.

List of sources used:

Full-scale production: Interior. Natural side lighting from the window.

Target: mastering construction skills interior and conveying chiaroscuro to the space of the room

This is a long-term drawing - a study, which is carried out with respect and using the appropriate ones.

Interior– the interior space of an architectural structure or the interior view of any room. How to draw interior? In a drawing tutorial interior The goal is to further improve knowledge and drawing skills, develop three-dimensional thinking, consolidate and deepen knowledge on the practical application of the laws of perspective and light and shade, expand compositional concepts, and develop a sense of proportion.

Corner interior with one horizon line

Drawing interior based on the laws of perspective depiction of simple geometric volumes, primarily a cube or parallelepiped, delimiting a closed space. Interior with a rounded shape can be mistaken for a cylinder or ball. Practical ability to portray geometric shapes in the future it will greatly help the correct image interiors both from life and from representation.

Frontal interior with two horizon lines

The internal structure of the interior space has its own characteristic features. First of all, it is a closed space, which includes various spatial plans and lighting sources that create a special light characteristic of this space, as well as objects that make up the interior of different colors and textures. All this once again confirms the specificity and features of the drawing. interior as an architectural object. However, due to the presence various items, distracting perception, it is much more difficult to see the geometry of a closed space (the contours of the floor, ceiling, walls).

Determining point of view, picture plane and vanishing point

In drawing interior The method of linear-constructive image construction and knowledge of the laws of perspective acquire special importance. The linear-constructive method of depiction and linear perspective allow you to clearly follow the progress of constructing the image of objects in the drawing. Drawing interior in its essence is no different from drawing object forms; it also requires a certain amount of knowledge and skills necessary in the art of drawing.

Interior drawing. First stage

When depicting interior From nature, it is very important to choose the right point of view (horizon line). The correct compositional solution to the drawing problem as a whole depends on how well the point of view is chosen. Every interior can be considered from different points of view, but here it is important to choose the most advantageous and expressive group of elements that make up the drawing interior. This may be part or all of the room taken as a whole. The choice of horizon line can vary widely. It is either set by the teacher, or chosen by beginning artists independently, so that the gaze freely covers the object of interest interior.

Interior drawing. Second phase

Before starting the main drawing interior, you must first complete several sketches of the drawing with various points vision. They depict the main lines of walls, floors, ceilings, windows and doorways. Then, having checked and clarified the perspective construction and general proportions of the room, various large elements are outlined interior in a generalized form. At the same time, sketches, drawing diagrams and plans of the depicted room are made. At the same time, the point of view, the picture plane and the vanishing point are determined, which allows you to better understand the complex perspective construction of object forms and their location in space interior. Preliminary sketches made from different points of view will make it possible to select the best compositional solutions for the main drawing.

Interior drawing. Third stage

Following the sequence of increasing complexity of tasks, the first drawing assignments interior you should start with the corner ones and include in them, like a still life, no more than two or three large household items. Such objects are placed on the floor against a wall (or against walls) in a corner to create an interior environment. This may also include interior elements such as a window, door, projections on the wall, heating systems and so on. As they master it, gradually complicating the task, they gradually move on to more complex drawings. interiors.

Interior drawing. Fourth stage

Producing the correct perspective construction of the image interior, it is very important to strictly observe the proportional relationships of the parts and the whole (walls, floor, ceiling with objects included in the interior). The plans for the location of objects, the distances between them and their volumetric sizes are clarified.

Interior drawing. Fifth stage

In the perspective construction of an image of space interior, in some cases, two horizons can be used, and, consequently, two vanishing points. This is the case when it is necessary to show the front wall (panel, relief, mosaic, etc.) on a larger scale and more meaningfully.

Kitchen interior sketch

Thus, choosing the most successful version of the composition sketch interior, start drawing. In this case, the paper format must be selected in accordance with the scale of the frame of the completed sketch of the composition. To begin with, outline the main lines of the walls, floor, and ceiling.

Living room interior sketch

Having checked and clarified them, they mark out windows, doorways, beams, structures, etc. Only after this they move on to drawing the main large objects, without being distracted by the details. Having built the main objects in the drawing interior Having checked them, you should move on to clarifying the details and applying light shade. Moving on to the light and shadow elaboration of forms, their spatial depth is simultaneously revealed. To do this, it is necessary to compare the degree of elaboration of the foreground and distant plans, which contributes to the correct transfer of perspective cuts and aerial perspective. The details of the foreground are worked out more clearly. The details of the background are worked out more softly and somewhat generalized.

Sketch of the interior of a concert hall

When drawing interior Various visual materials can be used, ranging from simple pencils, tinted and plain paper to coal, sauce, sanguine, ink, and many other materials.

This lengthy task must be alternated with,.

Interior- this is the internal space of an architectural structure. Interior drawing aims to develop three-dimensional spatial thinking, to enable students to acquire skills in depicting internal space of varying degrees of complexity, to consolidate and deepen knowledge of the practical application of the laws of observational perspective, and to expand the compositional concept.

The entire internal structure of the interior is determined by human life. Components such as lighting, decor, color scheme, on the one hand, and internal equipment (furniture, its arrangement, etc.) on the other, make it possible to create a comfortable living environment for a person. All interior elements are subordinated and meet the functional needs of a person, his aesthetic and spiritual needs.

Interior- this is, first of all, a closed internal space, which includes various spatial plans and lighting sources that create one or another original light environment that characterizes the premises. The use of different colors, textures of materials and objects included in the interior creates certain difficulties in its depiction.

In an interior drawing The method of linear constructive image construction and knowledge of the laws of observational perspective acquire particular importance. The linear-constructive method of depiction and linear perspective allow you to clearly monitor the progress of constructing the image of objects in the drawing.

Based on Features practical application interior design In the profession of an architect, it is more logical to divide acquaintance with this section into two stages. The first stage is drawing the interior from life, the second - from the imagination.

Pencil drawing of the interior from life

Drawing an interior from life helps students gain visual experience necessary when constructing the interior space of premises, identify the main characteristics of the volume and patterns of the light and shadow solution of the drawing.

No matter how complex the configuration of the interior, it can always be reduced to ordinary geometric volumes, which have a square, rectangle, circle, hexagon, etc. in plan, so the ability to draw simple geometric shapes in perspective will greatly facilitate drawing interiors from life. By this time, the student should know how angular and frontal perspectives are constructed. The main types of perspective were previously used when drawing various forms, but when drawing interiors it is necessary to introduce adjustments to the perspective construction in accordance with the visual perception of the depicted room.

First of all, the successful execution of interior drawing from life depends on the right choice points of view, horizon line and vanishing points of parallel lines. When drawing a room, the horizon lines will be located at eye level of a person sitting or standing at the easel. Depending on the location of the drawer, the perspective of his drawing will be angular or frontal.

At linear construction When drawing the interior of a room, special attention should be paid to the quality of the graphic design of the work. The lines in the foreground should be significantly brighter than the lines in the background. This will allow you to show the depth and space of the room already at the initial stage of the drawing and will facilitate the work on the light and shadow solution of the interior.

Pencil drawing of the interior from the imagination

In practice, an architect quite often encounters a situation where there is a need to quickly depict the designed interior in perspective in order to help the customer imagine the space of the room, the arrangement of furniture and the general style of the interior.

To characterize the interior drawn from the imagination, the issue of choosing the horizon line, which to a certain extent reveals the purpose of the internal space, is important. For example, when drawing a kindergarten room, it is better to take it at the child’s eye level, when drawing a small living room - at the eye level of a sitting person. If we're talking about For large rooms, such as a gym, swimming pool, production workshop, etc., the horizon line should be taken higher, this will emphasize the large volume of the room, as it will reveal the plane of the floor. The choice of the horizon line when drawing an interior from the imagination depends on the tasks that the architect sets for himself, in accordance with the need to show this or that advantage of the designed room.

Sometimes, when depicting a large volume and many complex interior details, several picture planes, vanishing points and horizon lines are selected to reduce distortion.

Perspective drawings with multiple vanishing points are called wide-angle, and the viewing angle in them can reach up to 90-100 degrees. In these cases, multiple horizon lines are used.

Working on an interior drawing from your imagination begins with working with the floor plans. Within this teaching aid We will look at the construction of drawings of interiors of small residential premises. The primary task is to choose the angle at which it is most advantageous to show the interior and the details included in it. To do this, make preliminary sketches that help determine the composition of the drawing and the proportional relationships of the whole (walls, floor, ceiling) and parts (furniture, etc.).

After that, marks are made on the floor plan of the viewpoints of the picture plane and vanishing points. Such a diagram will help you understand and understand the construction of not only simple, but also complex perspective. In order to avoid mistakes when constructing furniture included in the interior, it is advisable to depict a furniture arrangement plan in perspective (lay out the plan in perspective), which will allow you to correctly determine the location of the furniture. After this, the height is restored and the details of the objects included in the interior are worked out.

If a student sets himself the task of showing the general view of a room with the furniture located in it, it is logical to use a frontal perspective. It is necessary to correctly determine the point of view, viewing angle, horizon line and picture plane, taking into account the most advantageous angle when drawing a room.

If there is a need to show the corner of a room, it is better to use angular perspective. To avoid image distortion, you should take a wider angle of view: the farther from each other the vanishing points of parallel lines are located, the more natural the image of the interior will be.

An interior drawing that includes a staircase is extremely useful for developing spatial imagination. The staircase is one of the most difficult details for a draftsman. To draw an imaginary interior space with a staircase, the student will need knowledge of not only the typology, but also the designs and standard sizes of stairs. To make it easier to construct a drawing of a staircase, you should start with its plan in the perspective of the interior, then, by analogy with the drawing of simpler objects, restore the height and saturate the drawing with details.

The acquired skills will allow the student to independently depict designed interiors that correspond to a certain style and interests of the intended customer.

When drawing interiors, as well as architectural structures in general, all kinds of materials are used: plain and colored paper, pencils of varying softness, charcoal, acids, pen, watercolor, ink, gouache, etc.

Training drawing

How to draw a room?

If you set out to learn how to draw, then everything is quite possible. Almost everyone can draw. It’s just that some people have some achievements in this area, while others have completely different ones. Let's look at how to draw a room with furniture in this article.

You should take into account the fact that distant objects will appear smaller than they actually are. And, accordingly, those that are located closer are larger. Using a ruler, draw perspective lines that will start from one point and go through all the objects. They are the ones who will help us create the room.

How to draw a room with a pencil

  • First of all, you need to draw a horizontal line to indicate the horizontal plane. Mark a “vanishing point” on the line. Draw a little further from the corners, three lines that will converge at this point.
  • Construct the fourth line. It must come to the point. Place the rectangle so that all four corners are on lines that converge at a point. This rectangle will be the wall of the room. You can draw a window on it.
  • Just below the ceiling, on the left wall, draw a straight line, which should also lead to the outgoing point. Between the floor line and the new line, draw two vertical lines that will become the door. Draw a rectangle on the right side. The lower right corner of this rectangle should touch the wall. Then draw two lines that should extend from the corners of the rectangle. One is on the wall and the other is on the floor. Don't forget that they must cross the "vanishing point". Between two lines, draw one horizontal one. On the right side, you should have a parallelepiped.
  • Place a rectangle under the window, in the middle of the sheet. From the central point, directly to the table, there should be two lines, and under them a quadrangle.
  • Using the same lines, draw a chair and a table, and draw an oval on the ceiling.
  • Draw small details. Don't forget about the window and the chandelier on the ceiling.
  • Erase all unnecessary lines with an eraser. Then draw in the items in the room that you think are missing. For example, a toy or a flower pot.
  • You can start coloring.

Now you know how to draw a room. Using this method, you can draw your room or the room of your dreams.

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A room plan is sometimes necessary when remodeling the room itself, when arranging a new one or rearranging old furniture. Now there are various computer programs for drawing up an apartment plan, but it is easier to do it in the usual way - using a pencil, ruler and tape measure.

You will need
- roulette;
- plain and graph paper;
- pencil and eraser;
- ruler.

1. First, draw a rough plan of the room. It is not necessary to maintain the required proportions. Imagine seeing the room from above. Draw its shape.
2. Take a tape measure and measure the dimensions of the room. Mark the measurement results on the drawing. Mark important details such as the door, windows, radiator. Mark the location of all electrical outlets, switches and light fixtures. The area occupied by the door when it opens is usually depicted as an arc.
3. Next, measure all furniture, windows and other objects. Also transfer their dimensions to the preliminary drawing. You won't need their height, so measure only the length and width. Measure the height of the room and circle it next to the drawing.
4. Take graph paper and a ruler. Now you need to draw an even and neat plan of the room, observing all the necessary proportions. Select the ratio of the sizes of real objects to their sizes in the drawing. Usually choose a scale of 1:20. This will be quite enough. Calculate the sizes of objects in the drawing. For this they actual size in millimeters, divide by 20.
5. On graph paper, draw the perimeter of the room using a pencil and ruler. Carefully transfer images of windows, furniture, doors and electrical outlets onto paper. Remember to respect the size ratio. The arc that represents the area where the doors open can be drawn using a compass.
6. When all objects have been transferred to graph paper, use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines and irregularities. Mark the room height and used


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First, measure the length and width of your room, as well as all the furniture you plan to place in it. After this, display the plan on graph paper using a scale of 1:3. Separately on a sheet of paper...

instructions 1. wide wallpapers undoubtedly have quite a few advantages over the usual thin types. Thus, meter-long wallpaper simplifies the work of pasting, reduces the number of seams, which often spoil the overall appearance of the room, and

or use a special computer planning program. When organizing space, it is important to determine the central element of the room. in the living room it could be a painting, a fireplace, a TV, or even a window; in the bedroom -

1. give up bright and contrasting colors, giving preference to pastel colors. Keep in mind that cool colors enhance space better than warm colors.2. the room will look bigger if everything

An interior door is an essential part of a room, especially for an adjacent one; it creates comfort, while at the same time protecting it from eyes and noise. it is possible to install it at all times of the year, however, one must take into account

It is worth noting that there can never be too many sockets. It is necessary to provide the necessary quantity so that in the future appearance The room was not spoiled by a large number of extension cords. Recommended…

An interior door is designed to visually separate rooms in a room - this is its direct function. V residential buildings It is not customary to install locks on doors; they are most often installed in office complexes, but

1. Avoid bright and contrasting colors, giving preference to pastel colors. Keep in mind that cool colors enhance space better than warm ones. 2. The room will look b...

Exquisite brevity, simplicity but depth of form, perfectly selected colors and spaciousness - all this is present in the design of modern bathrooms from the Italian company Cerasa. Floor, walls and furniture...

Let's continue today to talk about planning a bedroom and how we correctly draw the plan of a Dream Bedroom. When opening the topic of dream bedrooms, we talked about the importance of the First Step.
And today, as promised, we will talk about various options planning solutions for a wide variety of bedrooms.

I have chosen for myself the TOP 8 - the most common bedroom layouts in our realities - from the smallest bedroom to the largest.

Here we go? First, let’s remember the “BASICS” of any layout - let’s remember how many people take up space.

from the book by E. Neufert

This is important, since we can arrange furniture in the bedroom endlessly... but if later it turns out that there is no room to turn around in the room, it will be sad...

If there is a double bed there, then the area should be increased to 12-14 square meters...

I always say the following - if there is no choice of rooms, then we think about IN THE BEDROOM WE JUST SLEEP. And we do it beautifully, comfortably even in the smallest room.

Especially if you have a child... Think three times before dividing rooms - maybe you should still give the child a larger room? Should I keep the smallest one for myself? But these are lyrics :)…

We remember that The minimum standards for passage are 70 cm. Better, of course, more... In my bedroom there is less than 70 cm:(.. and I’ll tell you that, of course, this is sad.. and not super convenient... but you can live! In the room we only sleep, and do not carry out active activities...

by Oksana Panteleeva

As I already said in the first article on the topic “Dream Bedroom”, we start planning by choosing a bed and finding the best place for it in the room.

Here are the main options for placing the bed in the bedroom: freely, in a niche, against the wall, etc...

You should choose the location of the bed based only on the area of ​​the room, the presence of other furniture (especially large ones such as cabinets, tables, chests of drawers) and personal preferences.

Since we can, of course, place a bed in the center of a 3x3 m room... But can we then squeeze a wardrobe into this room? 🙂

Now we will consider the different planning solutions that I have prepared for you, but let’s start with one layout, which is considered the most controversial and, in the opinion of professionals, the most incorrect.

A professional designer, as a rule, does not place a bed on the same wall as the front door.

by Oksana Panteleeva

This is not right and not comfortable... I try never to do this... But... There is always a BUT.

by Oksana Panteleeva

And there are exceptions (this happened in one of my projects), there are situations when the bed cannot be placed differently due to various reasons: the features of the room, the location of windows, heating devices, etc... In this case, I build a niche, placing the bed and bedside tables there or tables or cabinets... This way the layout is perceived much more comfortably, and the feeling of “security” that we psychologically strive for is more clearly expressed. Maybe this will help someone.

by Oksana Panteleeva

It is also considered wrong to place the bed “facing” the windows... But I consider this an unnecessary restriction. I don’t see any obvious and so pronounced shortcomings in this arrangement of the bed. Blackout curtains can solve the problem sunlight, and what other problems?

It is also not customary for us to place the head of the bed next to the windows. There is only one reason for this: climatic conditions and heating radiators. But in the south, I think that such a layout can be very, very successful!

And now to my selection:

Option 1.
The most standard one for a bedroom, which is a rectangle with sides of 3 and 5 meters. An area of ​​15 meters on which we can place everything you need: a bed, bedside tables, built-in wardrobes, a chest of drawers with TV.
In this layout, the entrance door is well located, thanks to a 60-70 cm indentation from the corner; along the wall of 3 meters you can install a built-in wardrobe, which will be equal in capacity to a small dressing room. There is a large bed (180 cm mattress width). If desired, you can place a shallow chest of drawers so that there is a comfortable passage between it and the bed.

Option 2.
When in rectangular rooms the door “sticks almost to the corner.” It also often occurs in our conditions and it is not possible to move the opening. In such cases, I advise making cabinets with different sections in depth.

Option 3.
This is an option for my personal layout, when I have a small room of 3x4 meters, and I really want to have a large built-in wardrobe, almost a wardrobe (we have a depth of 90 cm). A small chair fit in the corner. The passages turned out to be 60 cm long. The minimum was not met, but you can live :). Tip: in this layout, leave the usual cabinet depth of 60 cm - it will be more correct and more comfortable!

Option 4.

The area of ​​the room is the same as in the third option – 12 square meters. This is a very common bedroom layout where a niche is built to accommodate a bed and cabinets around it. If the length of the room allows small tables/bedside tables to be placed in the niche with the bed. If it doesn’t allow, in the walls that separate the closets and the bed, make a small “niche” or shelf for “putting a book, glasses, phone...

very nice layout. The room does not seem small and cramped.

Option 5.

Another standard rectangle. In this case, the entrance door does not allow building a closet that covers the entire wall, so it is usually placed along the wall and I always supplement it with a mezzanine above the door. It turns out that we are integrating the door into the closet system.

To get away from the “trailer” feeling, it is possible to change one bedside table for a desk (if necessary), for a chest of drawers, for a dressing table.

For TV, we install a narrow console or hang a narrow shelf, since this option is unlikely to accommodate a full-fledged chest of drawers 60 cm deep... and to maintain a comfortable passage.

Option 6.

A rectangular room with a very convenient arrangement of windows and front door(often found in older houses). With this layout, we get a beautiful bedroom, with a correctly placed bed, the TV area is connected to wardrobes, and the length of the room allows you to add a banquette at the foot of the bed. There will be about 1 meter left for passage.



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