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How to bleach tulle with laundry soap. How to whiten curtains at home

Windows decorated with snow-white tulle give a special lightness, freshness and elegance to the home. But, like all white fabrics, synthetic tulle accumulates pollution and quickly loses its dazzle. The sun's rays “burn out” the fabric structure, street dust contaminants penetrating inside, particles of kitchen soot and burning change the whiteness of the tulle to a dull grayish-yellow color over time, and are saturated with cigarette smoke if there are smokers among households.

The most radical and impatient housewives begin to think about changing the tulle curtains. But let's avoid hasty shopping. The glow of the tulle will surely return if you follow the time-tested tips that will teach you how to properly whiten your favorite tulle at home with folk remedies with minimal financial cost.

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We reveal the secrets of whitening

When the critical mass of pollution and the patience of a neat housewife reaches the limit, the curtains go to the laundry. But with tulle, paradoxically permanent washings do not help save the situation, but lead to the opposite result. The whiteness of the tissue is not restored, but, on the contrary, stubbornly acquires a smoky hue.

Either industrial household chemicals or folk methods of our mothers and grandmothers will help us bleach tulle.

Chemical bleaches

The modern chemical industry offers a great variety of bleaches with both bleaching and additionally with a stain-removing effect.

When bleaching, follow the instructions for the purchased product and follow the rules of chemical protection. But remember that the frequent use of chemicals destroys tissue fibers before holes form.

Chemical bleach is added together with washing powder to the machine tray or the tulle is soaked separately for 20-30 minutes in the bleach after washing. Rinse thoroughly.

Home bleaches and how to use them

All whitening products are usually available in any home at hand. They are inexpensive, the method of application is simple even for novice housewives, the efforts are minimal, and the result is snow-white and radiant.

It is very important that home bleaches do not lead to allergic consequences.


The genius of simplicity is confirmed by ordinary table salt, which perfectly removes impurities, while not being an allergen. To bleach the tulle we need 3 tbsp. tablespoons of coarse grinding of unmodified salt, which we mix with 10 liters of water and half a glass (per eye) of washing powder. We leave tulle in this solution ideally for the whole night or for at least 3 hours. After time, we wash it either manually or in a washing machine, and rinse thoroughly several times.


An amusing combination of “bleach with green” ... Nevertheless, we are not joking, because the result is such that the tulle will turn out to be really snow-white, even for very yellowed curtains.

We stir in 200 ml of water pharmacy brilliant green (brilliant green) in the amount of 10 drops. You can add to enhance the effect of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt topped. We look after a couple of minutes if a precipitate has formed. If yes, then mix until complete uniform dissolution to avoid the formation of green streaks during bleaching. We pour the finished concentrate into the basin filled with water and for the final time rinse the tulle curtain. You can hold it for 5 minutes in the pelvis, periodically turning over. Having taken out the tulle, we do not squeeze it out, but we hang it up and let it drain in water, and then in the straightened form we finish it to the end.


Pre-washed tulle we immerse the container for bleaching, in which one cap of blue is dissolved in 10 liters of water. We check the solution for the absence of sedimentary lumps that can cause stains on the tissue. We rinse the tulle alternately in blue, then in water. When washing in an automatic machine, add a cap of blue to the tray for rinse aid.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

An excellent folk remedy, how to whiten sensitive nylon tulle and organza - ammonia mixed with hydrogen peroxide. They are available at every pharmacy and are inexpensive. Depending on the availability of time, we choose different methods of whitening.

Express method. Pour 1 tbsp into water above 50 degrees. a spoon of ammonia and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Mix the concentrate well with a spoon. Soak in it bleached fabric for half an hour, periodically turning over. Then rinse thoroughly. Without wringing, we hang out the straightened tulle to dry.

Night method. We stand the tulle for bleaching the whole night in a solution of water and a bubble of ammonia. In the morning, carefully rinse and hang to dry.

Machine-wash whitening. Add 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution to the tray for washing powder with it. Set the “delicate” washing mode.


Pre-washed with hands or in an automatic machine, we lower the tulle for rinsing in a basin with a mixture of 200-300 grams of starch and 10 liters of water. We leave curtains for 5 hours, after we hang them without push-ups to dry. The advantage of starch is not only in its whitening properties, but also in giving embossed forms to tulle.

Laundry soap

Grate a briquette of laundry soap on a coarse grater and pour it into a metal container with water. Let the mixture boil and remove from the stove. Cool the soap solution, diluting it with slightly cool water, until a warm mixture is obtained. Soak the tulle in it for the night. Wash the tulle in the morning and rinse thoroughly.

Whitening nylon curtains

Kapron tulle, with all its structural strength, requires a neat approach to washing and bleaching. It is extremely sensitive to chemicals, so it can not be washed with bleach.

Make sure that the water temperature during washing does not exceed 30 degrees, and the machine wash mode is carried out at 400 rpm.

If during the general cleaning you stopped at the problem of how to bleach tulle, then the best choice for this is soaking in salt solutions (one glass per 10-liter volume of water) or rinsing in an aqueous solution of brilliant green or blue. Similarly, bleaching with a solution of potassium permanganate, in everyday life - potassium permanganate. We breed in a three-liter jar of water grains of potassium permanganate until a faint pink tone is obtained. Add half a briquette of planed laundry soap and mix until smooth and foamy. We place the tulle in the solution for half an hour. Then we erase it in the automatic machine in the “Hand wash” or “Delicate wash” mode.

Organza curtain whitening

Organza tulle is very delicate, respectively, requires a neat approach when washing and bleaching. Do not heat water above 40 degrees for both processes. For bleaching, soaking in brilliant green, blue, salt or hydrogen peroxide with ammonia is suitable.

The best for organza is considered to be starch whitening, which gives it a relief of forms and a radiant white color.

After rinsing, the tulle without twisting immediately hangs.

Whitening old tulle curtains

You will have to work longer on old and yellowed tulle curtains to bleach them to their initial whiteness. Here you should combine several consecutive tricks:

  • first - wash in the machine;
  • boil in a strong solution of laundry soap;
  • bleach by soaking in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia;
  • rinse in saline;
  • rinse in starch solution - at the end.

Washing machine whitening

To minimize effort and with a shortage of time, it is possible to bleach the tulle in the washing machine. To do this, you need:

  • manually wash the tulle first;
  • before using the machine, make sure that the drum is clean and that it has not forgotten colored linen after the last cycle to avoid accidental staining;
  • place the tulle in a special mesh bag to prevent deformation of the fabric;
  • wash in the "delicate" mode with a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees and a speed of 400.

  • having removed the curtain, gently shake out the tulle outside the house to maximize the removal of dust particles so that they do not soak into the fibers of the fabric;
  • soak very dirty curtains before washing overnight in water with powder;
  • tulle should be washed at a water temperature of no higher than 40 degrees, so that yellowness does not eat forever in the fibers of the fabric;
  • always remodel curtains before bleaching;
  • during hand washing, do not rub the fabric, but only squeeze it slightly by turning it over;
  • a relatively new tulle can be washed with the addition of store bleach;
  • bleached curtains should not be twisted and wrung out by hand, including the spinning program of the washing machine. Having removed the tulle from the basin, we hang it in such a way as to allow water to drain, and then in a semi-wet state we hang it on the cornice. The folds are straightened under the weight of the tulle;
  • when ironing, use a slightly heated iron so that the synthetics do not turn yellow again when exposed to high temperatures;

We hope that folk technologies based on the long-known home remedies will help you whiten the tulle at home and breathe new dazzling white life into it, giving a feeling of freshness and aesthetic pleasure.

Over the years, even the most delicate snow-white curtains begin to look more like used gauze. Yellowness is the enemy of a fabric such as tulle, from which they sewed in Soviet times and continue to sew curtains for windows. In this instruction, we will tell you not only how to bleach the nylon tulle yourself at home, but also how to prevent a yellowing soon.

Remember: normal washing with a powder for white linen can remove the yellow tint, and instead “reward” it with gray. The problem must be dealt with with the help of professional and proven bleaches!

First, a brief briefing for those who decide to bleach the tulle at home, so that it is fast, but also safe for health!

  1. Buy tight household rubber gloves. Choose the size (S, M, L) so that the product does not hang in the palm of your hand and water does not get inside;
  2. Take away the bath mat, towels and beloved cat away, because if you get a bleach spot on them, it will be unpleasant for you;
  3. Change into home clothes, which on occasion are not a pity to spoil;
  4. It is advisable to cover the work area with plastic wrap;
  5. Strictly follow the dosage if you do not want to color the tulle in other colors of the rainbow!

A big request is not to try to mix two incompatible types of bleach, since substances in 99% of cases neutralize each other's work. If possible, soak the tulle in low chlorine water.

How to whiten nylon tulle at home, 8 quick ways

Method 1. Water and salt

One of the cheapest methods, because a pack of rock salt can be found in any store. Conveniently, with this approach, you can quickly whiten the tulle at home, both before washing and after it. So, give the battle to yellowness!

  • Take 3 tbsp. l rock salt (without a hill, do not overdo it);
  • Dissolve them in water at a temperature of 90 degrees;
  • Add the powder there and put the curtain;
  • Can be left overnight;
  • Rinse well in the morning.

The second way, how to whiten an old kapron tulle at home using saline:

  • First, wash the curtains in the machine, choosing a gentle mode and powder for washing white;
  • Take a bowl of warm water;
  • Add 1-2 tablespoons of rock salt to the bowl and mix;
  • Put the tulle in salt water and leave for 15 minutes;
  • Then gently squeeze (do not rinse!) And hang on the window.

Salt gives a light shine effect, in addition, properly washed curtains will look starched.

Method 2. Peroxide and ammonia

If there is a vial of ammonia in the home medicine cabinet and a second, with hydrogen peroxide, consider this your luck. After all, you no longer need to buy bleach. You can cook it yourself (do not forget about gloves!):

  • Pour water into a basin with a temperature of 80-90 degrees;
  • Measure 1 tbsp. peroxide and pour into a basin;
  • In the same way measure out 2 tbsp. l ammonia and add to the vessel;
  • Carefully lay the curtain and stir the water.

Attention! Mixing is carried out not with hands, but with something suitable for this. For example, a wooden stick or metal tongs. In extreme cases, you can do it with your hands, but so that the gloves are tight and without holes. Keep the curtains in the bleaching solution for no more than 20 minutes, then rinse them abundantly under running water and hang them to dry on the ledge.

Method 3. Blue

A good option for how to clean an old nylon tulle at home is to buy a blue. Naturally, a very small amount will be required, otherwise your window will be framed by blueness. So, the course of your actions:

  • When washing with your hands - in a basin of warm water (you already know the temperature) add 1 cap of blue. Stir well! Rinse the tulle for 2-3 minutes;
  • For machine wash - add 1 cap to the rinse aid compartment. Do not mix with powder!

It is believed that already washed laundry curtains should be added to a basin with blue. And rinse should be no more than 5 minutes, because unlike the previous remedies, blueness reacts very quickly. After rinsing in the bleaching solution, you should still rinse the nylon cloth under running water.

Method 4. Zelenka

With the help of the same healing solution that turns children into "grasshoppers" during chickenpox, you can bleach the curtains of tulle. Again, zelenka is applied after normal washing. And unlike blue, 1 cap is a lot: add only 3-4 drops of “brilliant green” to the water. To them should be mixed 2 tbsp. l salts are the only case when two bleaches are combined. Put the tulle curtains in a basin with “green bleach” and leave to soak for 2-3 hours. Then rinse in warm water and hang.

An alternative use of brilliant green as a bleach: take a glass of water and dilute 10 drops of emerald solution in it. Stir well: there should be no streaks in the water. Then let it stand for two or three minutes and check that no sediment forms at the bottom. Pour the finished solution into the bowl and rinse the curtain. Then squeeze, but do not twist. It is better to leave the fabric to dry while the water is draining. See how the pigments of blue and green will allow the tulle to find pristine freshness!

Method 5. Purchased Bleach

We do not set readers against commerce! Good bleach can be bought at the store. Consider how to bleach nylon tulle at home in a washing machine using household chemicals:

  1. Bingo Tulle, an oxygen-based bleach, costs about $ 85 in retail.
  2. Vanish Oxi Action Stain Remover Crystal Whiteness - ½ cap is required for machine wash;
  3. Frau Schmidt “Flawless Whiteness” in tablets - 1 tablet for washing the curtain is enough;
  4. Laundry detergent "Cashmere" for curtains from TM "Aist" is the most inexpensive tool, it costs about 60 rubles. Designed for machine wash at 30-50 degrees.

Each product should be diluted or added to the compartment of the washing machine according to the instructions. The downside of household chemicals is the one-time effectiveness. When re-washing, bleach may not give the desired result.

Method 6. "White"

This "reactive" Soviet bleach continues to be in demand today. If you are looking for a recipe, how to bleach tulle at home quicklybuy the chlorine based Whiteness. With it, generations of housewives “digested” linen, curtains and even jeans in the dashing 80s. The only thing that should alert: the tool is very aggressive. After repeated use, the tulle deteriorates and begins to tear.

On the other hand, when it is necessary to bleach curtains quickly and efficiently, “Whiteness” helps out. The chlorine contained in it eliminates dust, soot, harmful microorganisms. Using bleach is simple:

  • Take a large rinse container;
  • Pour warm water and add bleach in the amount indicated on the package (usually 1 cap);
  • Leave the curtains in the water for an hour;
  • Rinse well using gloves;

Useful advice: To eliminate the pungent odor and soften the curtains, add fabric softener at the end of the wash.

Method 7. Digestion

Use grandmother's secrets and just “boil” curtains in a solution with powder. This is a passive washing method that evenly removes dirt and pigments, leaving curtains white. So, you need boiling out - a large galvanized pan with a stirrer. If you managed to get such a rarity, then the following will succeed:

  • Add water so that the tulle is completely immersed in it;
  • Pour laundry detergent and grated laundry soap into the water in equal proportions;
  • Put the curtains in the boil out and bring to a boil;
  • Boil for at least 60 minutes, stirring constantly;
  • Remove from heat and rinse first in clean, warm water, and then in cool.

Method 8. Potassium permanganate

This is not easy to believe, but brown manganese can make your curtains from tulle snow-white. To do this, you need to get potassium permanganate and use it to prepare a solution:

  • 100 g of grated brown soap, the one that is called "household";
  • 1 cup of warm water;
  • potassium permanganate at the tip of a match.

First, dilute the manganese in a glass of water to an intense pink color, and then add liquid to the wash basin with water until it becomes a delicate pink. Pour soap and mix well until foam appears. Done: you can lay the tulle and leave for 30 minutes for the reaction. Then rinse and hang. Do not iron: the curtains will straighten themselves.

You can choose any of the listed methods for bleaching tulle curtains. But it is worth remembering that they should be washed, soaked and rinsed at a water temperature of no higher than 30 degrees. It is at this mark that whiteness remains.

Also, tulle is a nylon material that does not need to be ironed. Just hang the curtains after washing, let them drain a little and they will straighten themselves. As a last resort, if you want the curtains to stand “magnificent”, add 1 tablespoon to the water for final rinsing. starch.

And finally: so that the yellowness does not return, periodically wash the curtains. It is optimal to do this once a season, in the machine, in the “delicate washing” mode. Good luck, and let your curtains shine with white!

Exquisite curtains can significantly transform the interior, visually increase the space, make the room cozy. Every housewife should know how to bleach tulle at home quickly, efficiently and without unnecessary costs, because even the most beautiful material can become dirty and acquire a gray coating over time.

As a rule, white tulle made of thin translucent fabric is used to design a window opening, which absorbs dust and other impurities well. It is good that you can easily return to her former snow-white even at home.

Exquisite curtains can significantly transform the interior, visually increase the space, make the room cozy

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the best methods, as well as consider the advantages and disadvantages of each.

You can easily return the tulle to its former snow-white even at home

This component is definitely found in everyone's kitchen, so there should not be any problems with the preparation of a cleaning agent. In a large basin, draw warm water (optimal temperature 30-40 ° C), add 4-6 tablespoons of table salt, 2 tablespoons of washing powder (preferably with a whitening effect), mix well, and then place the contaminated product in it. It should be completely saturated with the solution, so leave the tulle in the basin for at least 5-6 hours. After the specified time, rinse it in a large amount of clean water and allow to drain.

It should be remembered that whitening with salt takes quite a lot of time.

The advantages of the method include:

  • thriftiness (you do not need expensive tools for cleaning);
  • accessibility (salt is found in the kitchen of every person);

  • harmlessness (suitable for people sensitive to chemicals, as it does not cause allergies).

There is only one drawback - such whitening takes a lot of time, so it will not work for those who want to do the job quickly.

A great example of how to bleach an old tulle at home is washing with the addition of blue. To start, the curtains should be washed manually using laundry soap. This will allow you to clean the fabric from dust and surface contaminants. Pour 8-10 liters of water into a bucket or basin, add half a teaspoon of blue to it and mix thoroughly. The product should dissolve well, otherwise stains may form on the fabric. Place the tulle in the prepared solution and let stand for 1-2 minutes, constantly stirring and turning it over, and then rinse under a stream of cold water.

A great example of how to bleach old tulle at home - washing with the addition of blue

An alternative to this method is machine wash. It is enough to load the product into the drum along with the powder, select the delicate mode, and pour 0.5-1 cap of blue into the special compartment for the air conditioner. Thus, you do not have to spend your personal time on washing.

So, we can distinguish the following advantages:

  • efficiency (as a result, you get a clean, snow-white tulle);
  • bleaching will not take much time, since you do not have to soak the product for several hours;

It is enough to load the product into the drum along with the powder, select the delicate mode, and pour 0.5-1 cap of blue into the special compartment for the air conditioner

  • thrift (blue is pretty cheap).

At the same time, one should not forget about the minuses:

  • finding blue in household chemical stores and supermarkets is quite problematic, so the search for funds may take some time;

Care should be taken to ensure that the blue completely dissolves in water.

  • care must be taken to ensure that the blue completely dissolves in water. Even the smallest crystals can leave stubborn stains on the fabric, so this method is best used for hand washing.

Effectively bleach the tulle at home and give it a pristine look will help greenback. This method is one of the most popular and has good reviews. Pour warm water into a glass and add 3-5 drops of ordinary greens. Stir the solution and leave for a few minutes. Pay attention to the presence of sediment: if it is not there, you can safely pour the contents of the cup into a basin with warm water.

Effectively bleach the tulle at home and give it a pristine look will help Zelenka

Otherwise, the product must be thoroughly mixed, wait for complete dissolution, and then pour into a bowl through a sieve of several layers of gauze. Before bleaching, the tulle needs to be properly washed and the stubborn spots removed. As soon as all preparations are completed, place it in a container with a solution of zelenka and leave it for 5 minutes, constantly turning over. Then you just have to rinse the curtain, let the excess water drain and hang it.

The advantages of the method are as follows:

  • accessibility (zelenka is part of each first-aid kit);
  • economy (a green diamond bubble has a low cost);
  • bleaching speed (the procedure will take no more than 30 minutes);
  • efficiency (tulle will look like new).

If you do everything right, you will not notice a single flaw. Problems can only arise if you mix the solution poorly and the crystals do not melt in water.

Before bleaching, the tulle should be properly washed and stubborn to remove stains.

Important! Due to this negligence, green spots or stains may form on the canvas, so be extremely careful and follow the instructions.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Immediately, we note that this method is provided exclusively for thick cotton curtains. So, fill the washing container with water heated to 60 ° C, add a tablespoon of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to it, and then mix thoroughly. In the resulting solution, lower the tulle and let stand for 30-40 minutes. Please note that the product must first be washed with detergents to remove dust and other contaminants from it. After the specified time, you only have to rinse the fabric, let it drain and squeeze it gently.

It should be remembered that this method is intended exclusively for thick cotton curtains.

  • low cost (such whitening will cost you 10 rubles);
  • effectiveness (the effect is noticeable after the first application);

Such whitening will cost you 10 rubles

  • cleaning speed (you do not have to soak the tulle at night);
  • availability (ammonia and peroxide are sold in each pharmacy).

The only negative is that this method is not universal, so it can not be used for synthetic fabrics.

Another example of how to achieve excellent results using improvised tools. Before bleaching the tulle, wash it in the washing machine to get rid of dust and stains. Dissolve 250 grams of potato starch in a bowl of warm water. As soon as all preparations are completed, dip the tulle into the solution and leave for 5-7 hours. After this time, let the water drain, and then hang the curtains without squeezing.

Before bleaching the tulle, wash it in the washing machine to get rid of dust and stains

The following advantages can be distinguished:

  • low cost (whitening will cost several rubles);
  • availability (starch can be found even in a small store);

It will take several hours to bleach, but the result is worth it

  • the tulle will take on its original appearance and will keep its shape perfectly;

Important! Of course, it will take several hours to bleach, but the result is worth it.

This method has been known since ancient times, but still has not lost its relevance. An auxiliary element in this recipe will be laundry soap, so pre-grate 100 gram whetstone on a fine grater. Dilute several crystals of potassium permanganate in a glass of water, mix well and pour into a bowl of warm water. Add soap shavings there. Ultimately, you should get pale pink water with foam. Soak the tulle in it for 20-30 minutes, and then wash in the usual way. Remember to rinse the product thoroughly.

Whitening procedure does not take more than 40 minutes


  • the result remains for a long time;
  • whitening procedure will not take more than 40 minutes.


  • acquire potassium permanganate is quite problematic;
  • if the crystals dissolve poorly, spots may form on the fabric.

If you still have not decided how to bleach the nylon tulle at home, because you are afraid for the safety of such a delicate fabric, use the following method. Grate the soap on a fine grater, send the chips into a pot of water and boil. Kapron does not tolerate exposure to high temperatures, so before use, the soap emulsion must be diluted with cool water. In a warm solution, soak the yellowed curtain for 6-8 hours, stir and turn it over every hour. After the time has passed, you just have to rinse the product and let it dry.

Grate the soap on a fine grater, send the chips into a pot of water and boil

The benefits include:

  • delicacy (the tool is suitable for whitening even the most capricious material);
  • low cost (laundry soap has a fairly low cost).

On a note! The main disadvantage is the need for prolonged soaking, which significantly increases the amount of time that will have to be spent on the procedure.


This is a fairly radical, but effective method. It is recommended to resort to it only in severe cases when it was not possible to get rid of yellowness by the above methods. In the iron bucket, draw the required amount of water, add the powder, and then put the tulle in it. Bring the solution to a boil, and then boil for one hour over low heat, stirring constantly.

The advantages of such whitening are cheapness and effectiveness, and the minus is the need for a constant presence at the tank

The advantages of such whitening are cheapness and effectiveness, and the minus is the need for a constant presence at the tank. In addition, only dense cotton fabrics can withstand this procedure.

To summarize

Now you know how to whiten the tulle at home quickly and efficiently, so you can “reanimate” the yellowed fabric at any time and restore its former beauty. By the way, the fight against stubborn pollution requires an integrated approach.

All the methods listed above will help to reanimate the yellowed tissue and restore its former beauty.

If the methods described did not help to get rid of yellowness, then immediately use a number of procedures. To begin, apply the digestion, then rinse in blue, and finally soak the product in starch solution. After such a multi-stage bleaching, your tulle will definitely shine with purity. Good luck

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Whitening tulle at home. The choice of product depending on the type of fabric. Recipes for the preparation of bleaching solutions based on salt, brilliant green, peroxide, soda. Features of bleaching tulle in the washing machine.

Nothing refreshes the interior like a delicate tulle dazzling with bright whiteness. However, over time, the white color fades, acquires a gray or yellow hue - street dust and sunlight, cigarette smoke and kitchen fumes do their job. One, two, three washes — and so what? Tulle does not brighten, but, on the contrary, becomes smoky. What do experienced housewives do when they want to make the tulle shine again? The answer is simple: bleach using proven folk recipes.

What bleaching method to choose?

The choice of method for bleaching tulle is related to the type of fabric from which it is sewn. Organza and nylon tulle are more common today.

  • Organza

Beautiful, but very capricious in handling. It does not tolerate contact with hot water and industrial bleaches. Of the folk remedies for whitening organza tulle, soaking in a solution of peroxide and ammonia, rinsing in brine with the addition of brilliant green are suitable. Another beautiful and inexpensive method of whitening tulle from organza at home is with blue. The rinse is prepared from 3 liters of water and 3 tbsp. liquid blue. After complete dissolution, the tulle is lowered into a container with the composition for 5 minutes and rinsed twice in clean water. You can also use blue when bleaching tulle in the washing machine. You just need to pour 2 tbsp into the air conditioning compartment. means and radiant result will be provided.

  • Nylon

A sufficiently delicate synthetic material that needs gentle washing and delicate bleaching. It can not be washed at high temperatures (maximum - 30? C) and a speed of more than 400. How to bleach nylon tulle at home? Most of the industrial bleaches offered in the store can play a cruel joke with this material, irreparably ruining the fabric, and from folk remedies those that provide a stable effect even in cold water are suitable.

Kapron is not afraid of washing and soaking with the addition of salt, rinsing with a solution of brilliant green. It helps to whiten its solution based on potassium permanganate. The preparation of the whitening composition does not take much time, and a pleasant result will remain for a long time.

To do this: completely dissolve potassium permanganate in three liters of warm water, in an amount sufficient to color the water in a pale pink color. Add 100 g of grated laundry soap, mix thoroughly until dissolved and a soft foam forms. Soak the tulle in the solution for up to 30 minutes and wash in the “Hand wash” mode, doubling the number of rinses.

More recently, the white tulle pleasing to the eye today looks untidy? Or maybe the fabric has acquired a yellowish tint? You can get rid of gray plaque and yellowness on your own.

Solutions of brilliant green, salt, soda, blue, hydrogen peroxide under any conditions will successfully cope with the yellowing of tulle from fabrics of various types. Grayness predominantly affects curtains made of nylon and organza, so be sure to consider the properties of these materials - do not immerse in hot water and do not boil. Better than others from gray plaque will help get rid of hydrochloric, soda and hydrogen peroxide solution.

How to tidy up the old fabric?

Returning the original whiteness to the old tulle is quite difficult. One or two methods of whitening is often not enough and complex resuscitation measures are required

  • Wash the tulle in a machine with powder
  • Boil the tulle - boil for an hour in a strong soapy solution
  • Soak in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, rinse with clean water
  • Rinse in plain saline
  • Fix the effect by rinsing in slightly warm water with the addition of 200 g of starch.

How to prepare and apply the solution?

Consider the simplest means that every housewife has on hand.

A permanent resident of any kitchen, it not only improves the taste of food, but also surprisingly helps to whiten curtains that have lost their appearance. Salt is a safe, affordable, non-allergenic affinity that can be safely used to clean any tissue in all rooms, including the nursery. So, how to whiten tulle at home with salt?

In order for the tulle to become snow-white again, it is necessary to prepare a powder-salt solution at the rate of 4 tbsp. coarse salt + 100 g of ordinary washing powder per 4 liters of warm water. In the resulting solution, the tulle is held for 5 hours (ideal - all night), then washed and rinsed, as usual. Salt can also be used as a prophylactic, each time after washing the curtains, placing them for 15 minutes in a solution of 5 tbsp. salt and 5 liters of water.

  • Zelenka

Strengthen the whitening effect of table salt will help, surprisingly, greenback. Apply it at the stage of final rinse. To prepare a solution that gives the dazzling whiteness of tulle, you need to mix 3 full tablespoons in 250 ml of hot water. salt. Then add 7-8 drops of brilliant green to the container, mix again and set aside for 4 minutes. During this time, a precipitate should precipitate from the solution. The resulting composition should be poured into rinse water without passing a residue - otherwise annoying greenish stains on the fabric cannot be avoided. Soak the pre-washed tulle for 3-4 minutes, periodically turning it over. To take out the processed curtains, slightly squeeze out without twisting and hang to dry.

  • Hydrogen peroxide

In combination with ammonia, it helps to clean kitchen tulle from cotton fabric from yellow plaque, burning and dust. A very simple, inexpensive and effective method. To bleach tulle with it, you need to mix a 3% peroxide solution and ammonia in a ratio of 2: 1 and pour it into a container with five liters of warm water. Leave the tulle to soak for 25-30 minutes, then gently rinse twice and hang to dry, without squeezing.

A worthy and at the same time completely inexpensive way to bleach tulle at home is soda. Like salt, it is always in the kitchen - you can return the radiance to the old curtains at any time. Use it as an additional tool for pre-soaking tulle before machine wash. It is simple to do: add 50 g of washing powder and 1 tablespoon to 4-5 liters of water. soda with a slide. Stir until the powder grains are completely dissolved and soak the tulle in the resulting composition for 20 minutes. Set aside, wash as usual and rinse well. Dry similar to all previous cases.

We wash in the washing machine

If there is not enough time for additional soaking of tulle, you can speed up the process by combining bleaching with machine wash. For best results, it is advisable to shake out the tulle from dust and small debris, carefully fold it in several layers, and only then load it into the drum. It is important that at the same time in the typewriter, a thing that can paint the curtains does not accidentally remain forgotten.

As bleaches, both special chemical products (Dr. Beckmann, Bingo tulle, Frau Schmidt, Pilotex tulle) and popular recipes tested by experience are used.

The most effective and safe for equipment and fabrics are soda, salt and confectionery baking powder. They are added to the compartment for washing powder (in the amount of 1 tablespoon of soda or salt and 1 bag of baking powder) and a normal wash cycle is carried out in the “Delicate”, “Gentle” or “Hand Wash” modes. The water temperature should not be more than 30C, and the speed of revolutions - 400. An increase in temperature will give the opposite effect - the tulle will turn yellow, and the high spin speed will simply spoil the fabric structure. But add 1 tbsp when washing. vinegar will not only not harm the tulle, but will give it a dazzlingly bewitching sparkle.

To whiten the tulle at home, without spending a lot of money and effort, is quite realistic. A couple of hours - and a delightfully white tulle will again decorate the windows, filling the interior with light and comfort.

An integral part of many modern interiors is tulle. Using this product, the room becomes more cozy and comfortable. But for sewing tulle, moody materials are most often used, which need regular and careful maintenance. To date, there are a large number of proven methods that will help you in this matter.

Is it possible to lighten?

Most often, classic tulle in light colors lends itself to pollution. Therefore, most people wonder about whether it is possible to bleach a product of high quality at home. Even the most whimsical materials can be carefully and quickly removed from stains, but in this case it is important to choose the appropriate method.

Currently, the most common are models made of organza and kapron.

The first type refers to whimsical materials, so cleaning should be taken very seriously. Especially popular are white models, which are most often amenable to pollution. To begin with, it is worth saying that organza does not tolerate contact with hot water.

In order to become a snow-white tulle, you must use brine. Effectively remove strong spots will help greenadded to the liquid.

But the processing of kapron will take quite a lot of time. This synthetic material needs gentle gentle cleaning. Fortunately, there are many ways that can give your fabric the same whiteness. For cleaning, you can use the same salt and brilliant green.

From yellowness

The most difficult thing is to whiten the yellowed curtain, which has long lost its original appearance. But modern housewives offer several effective ways to solve this problem, and one of the most effective is the use of green. Basically, it is used to prepare a solution.

The tulle needs to be washed accurately in water (250 ml) with brilliant green (10 drops). Before soaking the product, you need to see if a precipitate has appeared. If there is brilliant green at the bottom, the liquid must be mixed until completely dissolved, so that no stains form on the fabric. Tulle is lowered into the finished mixture and left for 5 minutes.

Often yellowness on a tulle appears from the sun, mainly in the summer.

To bleach the material is quite simple: you need to soak it in water with powder. The product is left for 2 hours, after which it is rinsed in water. If there is additional contamination, you can add table salt.

From gray

To restore the old look to the grayed material will help ordinary potassium permanganate. It is worth noting that people have been using this method for quite some time. Basically, a solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for bleaching capron.

To prepare the mixture you need to take laundry soap (150 g) and potassium permanganate. To dissolve the product, ordinary water is used.

In order to make a solution, the pelvis must be filled with water. The soap is grated, and then the liquid is added. The solution must be thoroughly mixed to make it homogeneous. Then potassium permanganate diluted with a small amount of liquid. If a precipitate forms, mix the mixture.

After this, the solution is poured into the pelvis. The mixture should acquire a pale pink hue. Also on its surface a small foam from soap forms. Pre-washed tulle is left in solution for 25-30 minutes. Rinse the curtain and hang to dry.

It is worth noting that the result after applying this method is preserved for a long time.

If potassium permanganate was not at hand, a simple soap solution will help restore the former beauty of tulle. It is brought to a boil, after which cold water is added to it. It is worth noting that this method also allows you to get rid of yellowness.


As already noted above, organza and capron are most often used to create tulle. This is due to the fact that these fabrics have a good appearance, products from them fit perfectly into almost all interiors. But the disadvantage is that the materials quickly get dirty and lose their original appearance under the influence of many factors.

For example, not only brilliant green, but also starch.Also this product is suitable for organza products. To prepare the solution, starch (250 g) and clean warm water are required. Tulle should be left in the basin with the contents for several minutes.

Often, chiffon is used to create products.Beautiful flowing material favorably complements the interior of any bedroom. The peculiarity of the fabric is the small thickness of the threads, and because of this, chiffon tulles do not differ in high strength. Most often used for bleaching textiles is salt added to cold water.

Another common and at the same time beautiful material is the veil.A dense mesh complemented by plain weaving provides a presentable appearance to home textiles. Veil tulle is quite easy to damage, especially with regard to the washing process. That is why it is recommended to clean the material by hand with the help of blue or starch.

But removing pollution from synthetic nylon tulle will help a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. This tool copes with stubborn stains. In addition, the fabric is not deformed during processing.

Compared to previous species, cotton products are less whimsical. To clean them, boiling with the addition of laundry soap is used. You can also apply stain remover peroxide and ammonia solution. A good option for whitening is a starch mixture.

Hydrogen peroxide

Often, for the bleaching of tulle at home, ordinary hydrogen peroxide is used. Most often it is used together with ammonia.

Basically, hydrogen peroxide is used to bleach cotton materials. Also with this tool you can easily bleach nylon, silk and polyester.

So, to prepare the solution you will need warm water (10 l) and 3% peroxide (60 ml). To these components you need to add ammonia (25 ml). Tulle must be immersed in a basin with a solution for about 30-40 minutes. Make sure that the material does not rise above the liquid, otherwise yellow stains will form on this surface.

At the end of time, the tulle needs to be washed and rinsed carefully.

It is worth noting that hydrogen peroxide is often used for machine processing of products. The product must be added to the powder. Before washing, 10 tablets of hydroperite are poured into the compartment. The optimum temperature is 40 degrees. Spin mode is not required.


Often, modern housewives use table salt to clean the tulle curtains. This product is present in every home, and therefore if there were no funds at hand, you can safely apply this option.

Salt must be used to prepare the solution. 1.2 kg of product is dissolved in warm water, after which washing powder is added to the components. Textiles should be left in a basin with water for 9-10 hours until the spots are completely dissolved. It is worth noting that tulle can be washed both manually and using a machine. In the second case, spinning is not required.

Often, saline is used for regular rinsing. Also, using a mixture of salt and water, you can whiten and starch the material. Often, the solution is used to process textiles in the children's room, since the product is not one of the allergens.


To whiten home textiles, ammonia and peroxide are often used. The method of preparation of the solution was described above. But there is the so-called "night whitening method." It is necessary to add a bubble of ammonia into the water, and then immerse the product in a basin with a solution. In the morning, rinse the fabric thoroughly and hang to dry.


To eliminate pollution and stubborn spots from tulle will help blue. Before applying the solution, the material must be washed carefully.

It is worth noting that bluing is used both for manual processing and for machine processing.

In the first case, it is necessary to dilute 1 tsp. means in 8 l of warm water. Be careful not to get lumps. Otherwise, stains will remain on the fabric.

Then the tulle must be thoroughly rinsed in blue and clear water. The manual method is used for whimsical materials that do not tolerate automatic washing.

As for machine processing, the process here is somewhat simpler. Blue is used instead of air conditioning. It is necessary to fill 1 cap into the compartment.

The advantage of this method is that whitening does not take much time. Bluing returns the tulle to its original appearance, the fabric becomes clean and snow-white.

As for the cons, they are also available. Many housewives claim that it is almost impossible to find such a tool in stores.

In addition, if the powder is not well mixed during solution preparation, traces may remain on the material. It is worth noting that blue spots are not removed. That is why it is recommended to wash the curtains by hand, since the machine is not always able to completely dissolve the bleaching agent.

Baking soda

To return the original form to the white tulle will help ordinary soda, which is available in every home. To prepare the solution, you need 1 tbsp. l this product and a small amount of washing powder. The ingredients are diluted in 5 liters of water.

The curtains must be soaked in the solution and left for about 20 minutes. After the tulle is washed and rinsed thoroughly. With this solution, you can quickly and easily whiten a yellowed curtain. It is worth noting that most often the method with soda is used to wash curtains that hang in the kitchen. The tool perfectly removes stains from fat and removes unpleasant odors.

It is worth noting that soda ash is often used instead of bleach.

The product is ideal for digestion. The process itself is not difficult and consists of the following steps:

  • cold water, previously grated soap and powder are poured into the container;
  • a small amount of soda ash is introduced;
  • water is stirred until the soap and powder are completely dissolved;
  • the tissue is placed in a solution.

Then the water must be brought to a boil. The solution should be stirred frequently, which will enhance the whitening effect. After this, it is necessary to reduce the fire and leave the tulle to languish for an hour. After this time, the fabric is rinsed, squeezed slightly and hung out to dry.

Citric acid

You can restore the original whiteness of the tulle using ordinary citric acid. This tool is found in every home, and therefore there will not be any special problems with the process of preparing the solution.

So, the material is soaped with household soap in order to eliminate stubborn stains. Tulle is soaked in hot water for 30 minutes. If you notice that there are grease spots or traces of burning on the tissue, add a small amount of peroxide to the basin.

Then the product must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water using a bag of citric acid.

In the washing machine

You can also wash the white tulle using the washing machine. The process itself requires a minimum amount of time and effort, but when processing delicate fabrics, some features must be taken into account.

Basically, before washing in the typewriter, the tulle is cleaned manually. This will help remove stubborn stains and dirt. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the drum and check the machine inside for the presence of forgotten colored things that could remain after the previous cycle.

It is recommended to place the white tulle from a type of fabric such as organza or nylon in a special bag. This will help to avoid damage to the material during the washing process.

Also in the machine you need to set the "delicate" mode. Basically, a temperature of 40 degrees is suitable for tulle.

As for the detergent, it is better to use special oxygen bleaches. Often, in order to return the product to its original appearance and former freshness, a standard food baking powder is used. A bag of product is mixed with 1 tbsp. l baking soda. If such an ingredient was not at hand, salt can be used.

All components are poured into the powder compartment. Instead of a delicate wash, a manual program can be set. When using these components, the water temperature should be 30 degrees.

To wash the tulle well, rinse must be set. It is best that this treatment is repeated 2 times.

If this is your first time doing whitening tulle at home, you can take advantage of some useful recommendations from experienced hostesses. To begin with, it is worth saying that after removing the tulle from the cornice, you must carefully shake it out, but not at home. This will help get rid of dust.

Soiled old curtains should be soaked overnight before washing. Products must be immersed in water with powder. Due to this, even the stubborn spots quickly soften.

In order for the tulle to turn white, it is necessary to use water with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. This is especially true for the processing of products that have turned yellow. If the water is hot, impurities are permanently absorbed into the fabric fibers.

If you manually wash delicate materials, do not rub them in any case, otherwise it will cause damage.

Often, chemical bleaches are used to wash tulle, which quickly remove even the strongest spots. The advantage of these options is that the process of removing contaminants does not take much time and effort. But before using these tools, it is recommended to study the instructions in detail. It is also necessary to properly observe precautions when working with chemical bleaches.

Basically, these funds are used simultaneously with washing powders. Bleachers fall asleep in the compartment of the machine. Also, tulle can be soaked separately with the tool for 20 minutes.

Often, modern housewives use the popular Vanish stain remover. It is worth noting that the tool only processes areas where there are traces of dirt. According to customer reviews, this significantly reduces the cost of an expensive product. In addition, the stain remover provides a pleasant aroma to the washed product. Due to this, there is no need for additional rinsing.

As for the method of application, it is not difficult. In warm water, you need to dissolve the required amount of stain remover. A dirty tulle is placed in the basin and left for 1 hour. If there are strong stubborn stains, it takes 3 hours. At the end of time, the tulle needs to be pulled out and rinsed.

In no case should bleach stain removers be used. Aggressive substance negatively affects tissue fibers. This is especially true for burnt products.

Often, modern housewives wonder about how to clean the tulle from rust. Lemon juice, which is applied to the place of pollution, will help to solve the problem. After processing, it is necessary to iron the fabric through gauze or thin material. In most cases, the stain disappears the first time. If contamination remains, you must repeat the procedure.

But getting rid of dullness and yellowness is possible not only with the help of green. Often for these purposes, aspirin is used, which is diluted in water. 4 tablets are added to 5 l of warm water. The fabric is soaked for 20-30 minutes, then rinsed.



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