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How to collect medicinal herbs. How to collect medicinal plants correctly

The collection of medicinal herbs is a mixture of raw materials, which are either whole or in crushed form.
Additional medicines can be added to the collection, and herbal medicine is used to make infusions, decoctions or tinctures.

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Collection of medicinal plants

There are a number of rules that are followed to obtain the correct collection:

  • Before you start collecting a specific herb, you need to study the specifics of this plant;
  • Those sections that belong to the above-ground parts of plants need to be collected only in dry weather in the sun, when water has evaporated;
  • When collecting, you need to adhere to the calendar dates for each specific plant;
  • Plants that were collected in damp and cloudy weather, especially immediately after rain, are not suitable for collection; they have a short shelf life and quickly deteriorate;
  • You can collect completely healthy plants without the slightest signs of rot or wilting; flowers and leaves must be fully bloomed;
  • Before the collection process, it is necessary to carefully study the structure of the required plant and distinguish it from others that may have a similar appearance, but have a harmful effect on the body;
  • At a certain time of day, the plant contains the maximum content of all useful substances, and this must be taken into account when compiling the collection;
  • It is important to find out which part of the plant is needed for a particular collection; different parts of the plant have different compositions of useful substances - different vitamins;
  • Different parts of the same plant should not come into contact with each other after they are collected; ideally, they should be collected in different containers, and it is better not to fold them too tightly or crush the contents of the container;
  • Plants in their natural environment habitats will contain much more valuable substances than those that were artificially grown in greenhouses or pots;
  • Plants should be collected as far as possible from large highways, cities and industrial enterprises, they accumulate many harmful substances, which absorb from the air and soil;
  • If the collection is carried out annually, then it must be carried out in different places so as not to completely destroy medicinal plants in a specific area;
  • Herbs from medicinal preparations should be stored in cool, dark rooms with good ventilation.

Each specific part of the plant must be harvested at its own time to achieve the best concentration of nutrients.

Proper harvesting of grass and bark

The bark of plants is taken more often in the spring, when there is a massive movement of sap, and young plants with delicate bark are better suited for this purpose.

During this period, it contains many useful substances, and it is also much easier to separate it from the plant trunk. The area of ​​bark selected for collection should be clean and free of any growths.

The grass is usually collected in the very initial flowering period. It is better to cut it close to the ground with a sharp knife or sickle. If the plant has a rigid stem, then side shoots are taken. If the grass is in dense thickets, it is better to mow them all and then select the necessary plants.

Preparing leaves and flowers

It is better to collect the leaves by hand before flowering. The leaves can be plucked either with or without a cutting.

In a number of plants, for example, coltsfoot, large leaves carry a high concentration of beneficial ingredients immediately after flowering.

Only completely healthy leaves without any signs of rot or withering are suitable for collection. Flowers are always collected when they are in full bloom, and only in dry weather.

Flowers for picking must be fresh, without the slightest wilting. They are usually collected only by hand, and only the flowers without a peduncle are picked.


Roots, berries and buds

All parts of the plant located underground are collected when the plant enters a dormant stage; during this time period, all the valuable substances necessary for the preparation of the medicinal collection are localized in the roots. These parts of the plants need to be shaken off the soil well and washed with water.

The buds are collected in the spring, before they bloom. It is better to dry the buds in a cool place without the sun to prevent their early blooming.

The fruits are harvested only when they are fully ripe. It is better to collect them in the morning or evening; during the hot day they can quickly deteriorate. The fruit should be without the slightest dents or cracks.

Calendar by month for collection

Each plant has its own time for harvesting. The medicinal plant collection calendar focuses on the time when the most common components need to be collected.

  • Birch buds;
  • Pine buds.
  • Oak bark;
  • Willow bark;
  • Ginseng root.
  • Dandelion grass;
  • Plantain herb.
  • St. John's wort herb;
  • Leaves and flowers coltsfoot;
  • Plantain herb;
  • Motherwort grass;
  • Sage leaves.
  • St. John's wort herb;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Leaves and flowers coltsfoot;
  • Dandelion grass;
  • Plantain herb;
  • Motherwort grass;
  • Chamomile inflorescences;
  • Sage leaves.
  • Valerian roots;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Leaves and flowers coltsfoot;
  • Dandelion grass;
  • Motherwort grass;
  • Chamomile inflorescences;


  • Valerian roots;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Dandelion roots.
  • Valerian roots;
  • Dandelion roots.

Types of beneficial herbs and their uses

There are many types of fees that differ in their components, in their effects and in the range of diseases for which they are used.

For example, there is a chest collection, used for diseases of the respiratory system, and a gastric collection, used for diseases of the digestive system.

Collections consisting of medicinal herbs contain many biologically active substances, which, simultaneously with the treatment of a specific disease, can saturate the body with many compounds necessary for normal life.

What herbs to collect when?

In April, it is time to collect the first herbs, buds, flowers, leaves, and tree bark. Every herbalist knows that April herbs have special strength and unique properties. Many people wait for this time for a whole year in order to have time to collect everything they need to prepare infusions, potions and medicines according to folk recipes. Not all medicinal herbs can be collected in April, but only those that are recommended.

Birch buds. Birch buds are collected together with twigs at a time when they are swelling, but have not yet produced leaves. Branches with buds are usually dried in a warm, dry and ventilated room. Once they are dried, the buds can be removed from the branches, used for their intended purpose, or stored further. In April, when the buds are just ready to bloom, they contain the maximum amount of useful substances. As soon as the buds open and the first leaves appear, most of these substances are quickly used up for the necessary growth, development and functioning of the leaves. Therefore, it would be ideal to collect them in April. Sometimes the buds are collected at the end of March, but sometimes this is complicated by the fact that the birches simply cannot be approached because of the snow.
In addition to birch trees, pine buds are collected in April. If the scales are still tightly pressed to the bud, but the bud is already beginning to swell, this means that they are ready for collection.
In April, black poplar buds are also collected (relevant for Kuznya).
In mid or late April (harvesting until mid-May) lingonberry leaves begin to bloom. At this time, lingonberry leaves can be collected. Now they contain a large amount of various useful substances. Lingonberry leaves in April are strong and rich. Collected in early spring, they not only have good properties, but can also be stored many times longer than those collected in the summer.
Bearberry leaves are collected in April. They harvest calamus, valerian, elecampane, angelica, zamanikha, and violet.
Oak bark. The bark from young oak trees is collected before the first leaves begin to bloom. As you can already understand, at this time useful substances, various juices and vitamins circulate inside the tree. The bark on centuries-old oak trees is often already dead, and in order to get to the bark that still retains its functions, you will have to seriously damage the trunk of the old oak. Young oak trees easily survive the loss of a small part of the bark.
In addition to oak, herbalists collect the bark of viburnum and alder buckthorn.
Don't forget about the roots. Plant roots have very strong properties, which are often used in folk medicine and various folk recipes, starting from delicious recipes dishes and finishing medicines and magic.
In April, when the swelling buds require more substances, vitamins, when after a long winter the plants begin to absorb everything that has accumulated during this time from the thawing soil, the roots contain a lot of different substances.
In April, the roots of elecampane, male fern, cinquefoil erect, snakeweed, dandelion roots, burnet, and burdock are collected.

And, of course, do not forget about the following rules of any herbalist:
It is better to collect on clear and sunny days.
Only healthy-looking plants should be collected.
Do not take plants near roads, industrial enterprises, factories, or outbuildings.
It is best to collect fruits and buds in the morning - 8-9 o'clock.
It is better to collect bark, roots and leaves in the late afternoon - 16-18 hours.
The collected plants must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt, dust and soil.

May is in no way inferior to April in terms of the number of plants that enter their maximum stage of development. The following are lists of plants that you can go out to collect when the last month of spring is outside:

Herbs: spring adonis, lily of the valley, officinalis dandelion, shepherd's purse, club moss, common plantain, tricolor violet, horsetail, celandine, knotweed, mantle, nettle, oxalis, cat's paw.

Leaves: warty birch, lingonberry, stinging nettle, lily of the valley, coltsfoot, spring primrose, black currant, bearberry, trefoil watch, plantain, white lily, strawberry, bergenia.

Buds: warty birch, Siberian fir, forest pine, black poplar.

Flowers: red hawthorn, lily of the valley, coltsfoot, spring primrose, bird cherry, white lily of the valley, coltsfoot.

Roots: angelica officinalis, burdock, dandelion, comfrey, peony, creeping wheatgrass, horseradish, coltsfoot, marshmallow, bergenia.

Bark: oak, viburnum, alder buckthorn.

Chaga and Icelandic moss are also collected in May.

The first month of summer is June, great time for all herbalists. Vegetable world is entering its full strength, many plants have already bloomed and continue to collect juices in order to grow and nourish the fruits. Collecting herbs in order to use them for their intended purpose is not at all the privilege of experienced herbalists. Anyone can do this. However, here it is worth understanding that you need to have a good understanding of the types of plants, methods of their preparation and use. Otherwise, this can lead to very unpleasant situations, including poisoning. Collect only those plants that you have an accurate understanding of. If you doubt which plant is in front of you, then stop trying to take it with you.

A few more tips for those who are planning to go into the forest, field, meadows to collect medicinal herbs.
1. Under no circumstances collect plants near industrial centers or near roads. Also avoid fields and surrounding areas that are treated with herbicides and pesticides. Avoid landfills. It is best, as the old wisdom says, to collect herbs at such a distance from human habitation, where the crow of a rooster cannot be heard.
2. It is recommended to collect plants in the morning, immediately after the dew has dried. It is believed that plants should not be collected after rain. Collect in dry weather.
3. Do not take herbs that are damaged by diseases and have obvious differences, defects, or damage.
4. Place different herbs in different bags and dry separately.
5. The best container for collecting plants is a basket, since here the grass does not wrinkle and does not lose its properties.
6. After the collected grass is brought home, you should quickly check your harvest, weed out any random grass of other types that you do not need, and quickly start drying. This should not be delayed, since delay in drying can cause a loss of a lot of beneficial properties and substances of plants. Drying can preserve everything beneficial features until you decide to use them.
7. To dry, use dry, warm and ventilated places. The grass should be laid out on some dry surface, preferably wood or paper. In this case, the plants should not be crumpled or piled in a heap. The grass should lie flat and in a thin layer so that it can dry quickly and prevent mold, rot or pests from growing in it. The faster you can dry the plants, the better quality your raw materials will be.
8. Drying is considered complete when the leaves are ground into powder; the fruits do not stick together, do not smear, and do not release juice; roots and bark do not bend, but when bent they break with a bang.
9. Dried plants should be stored in dry and dark rooms.

So, what plants need to be collected and prepared in June:

Leaves: birch, primrose, bearberry, shepherd's purse, stinging nettle, coltsfoot, clubmoss, European hoofed grass, currant, sweet clover, wild strawberry, cornflower, fireweed, speedwell, lily of the valley, warty birch, three-leaved watch, plantain big, wormwood, blueberry, black henbane.

Needles: Siberian fir, forest pine.

Herbs: knotweed, sweet clover, gray yellowthroat, small centaury, parsnip, shepherd's purse.

Buds: warty birch, Siberian fir, forest pine.

Flowers: hawthorn, rowan, lilac, wild strawberry, cornflower, clover inflorescences, linden blossom, speedwell, black elderberry, flowering tops of celandine, lily of the valley, chamomile, heart-shaped linden, coltsfoot.

Fruits: wild strawberry, red hawthorn, bird cherry.

Roots: angelica officinalis, burdock, dandelion, comfrey, peony, horseradish, orchis.

Chaga, sprigs of wild rosemary, “herringbone” horsetail.

July is a real expanse for the herbalist. The middle of summer, when meadows, fields and forests abound with herbs and flowers, when fruits begin to ripen, is the time to prepare useful and healing potions for the whole year. If you like to collect herbs and use the gifts of Mother Nature, then here you can find out what kind of herbs, leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, etc., to go out in July.

Grass: hemlock, blue cornflower, sweet clover, fireweed, meadow clover, field bindweed, St. John's wort, cinquefoil anserina and erecta, coltsfoot, thyme, horsetail, string, celandine, sage, clearweed white and other lambswort, thistle, heather, knotweed, hare cabbage, meadowsweet, oregano, centaury, calendula, lyubka bifolia, mint, wormwood, plantain, motherwort (dead nettle), chamomile, angustifolia fireweed, stinging nettle, scepter-shaped mullein, creeping thyme, common yarrow, tricolor violet, spring adonis, marsh calamus, marsh rosemary, yellow rosemary, larkspur reticulate, toadflax, dandelion, parsnip, marsh grass.
Leaves: storekeeper, oregano, calendula, centaury, bileaf, mullein, mint, wild strawberry, common raspberry, common bearberry, warty birch, three-leaved watch, coltsfoot.
Flowers: immortelle sandy (tsmin), heather, storekeeper, oregano, calendula, centaury, lyubka bifolia, mullein, mint, chamomile inflorescences, motherwort cordial (deaf nettle), calendula officinalis (marigold), cordate linden, common tansy, red hawthorn, blue cornflower, Spanish lichen, coltsfoot, brown rosehip.
Fruits: blueberries, viburnum, common raspberries, black currants, caraway seeds, red hawthorn, juniper, bird cherry, blueberries, brown rose hips.
Bark: common viburnum.
Roots: burdock, peony, horseradish, dandelion, comfrey, male fern, orchis.
Buds: Siberian fir, forest pine, warty birch.
Needles: Siberian fir, forest pine.
Collection poisonous plants(treats carefully and only with knowledge of the matter) - Common ram (moss moss), black henbane (dark, black), field thistle (sow thistle and thistle).

Nature takes care of us and gives us real treasures - healing plants. When collecting medicinal herbs, do not forget to treat nature with care and precision. Do not litter or break trees and shrubs; cut grass and plants carefully so as not to damage the main trunk or root of the tree.
Plants should be collected either in the morning from 8 to 9 am, or in the late afternoon from 4 to 5 pm. It is advisable that the weather be dry and sunny. Under such conditions, you can prepare plants that have the maximum amount of valuable substances.


August, like other summer months of the year, is rich in medicinal plants, which are collected by herbalists. Every month offers for collection certain types plants, as well as certain parts of plants, depending on their maturity. It is necessary to adhere to the deadlines set by nature in order to take only the gifts of the earth that are truly useful for humans, and also not to harm nature in vain, because a plant that is picked at the wrong time and that cannot help a person will simply die.
Herbs: Peppermint (water pepper), nettle, tansy, plantain, marsh grass, barberry, lingonberry, fireweed, meadowsweet, horsetail, heather, field loach, St. John's wort, clover, snapdragon, chamomile, celandine, oregano, cumin, meadow calamus, marsh calamus, marsh rosemary, knotweed, melilot, centaury, small centaury, dandelion, garden parsley, wormwood, yarrow, shepherd's purse.
Flowers: blue cornflower, tansy inflorescences, flat-leaved eryngium, sandy immortelle, red hawthorn, coltsfoot, fragrant chamomile.
Leaves: black currant, bearberry, barberry, henbane, lingonberry.
Fruits: black currant, unripe anise, red hawthorn, blueberry, calendula officinalis (marigold), viburnum, common raspberry, rowan, horse chestnut, hops.
Buds: Forest pine
Bark: Viburnum viburnum
Roots: Blue cyanosis, meadow calamus, marsh calamus, valerian officinalis, angelica officinalis, dandelion officinalis, male fern, garden parsley, evasive peony, burdock, bergenia, elderberry, ninesil, burnet, yellow capsule, erect cinquefoil, soapwort, primrose, chicory , horse sorrel.
Needles: Forest pine

© Denis Blintsov.

Today, no one doubts that herbs are more beneficial to our body than many modern medicines, since they contain natural compounds and natural forces, necessary for the body. Herbs are widely used not only for the treatment of chronic diseases, but also for prevention in the form of infusions, decoctions, balms and poultices.

Caring about the environmental purity of products, many people prefer to prepare medicinal herbs on their own. If you want to join, then the lunar tips will be of great help to you.

Preparation of herbs, processing before storage try to carry out on the waning moon , if possible - on the days of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Preparation should not be done on the full moon and during the waxing moon in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.

The position of the Moon in the Zodiac plays a big role in the collection and use of medicinal herbs. The rule applies here: a medicinal herb collected to treat and strengthen a certain area of ​​the body helps especially well if it is collected on the day of the sign that rules that area of ​​the body. So:

  • Aries manages head, eyes.
  • Herbs collected on days Moons in Taurus , especially helpful for pain in the throat and ears.
  • Moon in Gemini - collect herbs o t sprains of the shoulder girdle, lung diseases.
  • Moon in Cancerfrom bronchitis, pain in the stomach, liver, gall bladder.
  • Moon in Leo from circulatory disorders, heart function;
  • Moon in Virgofor disorders of the digestive system, pancreas and nervous system;
  • Moon in Libra - collect herbs for pain in the hips, kidney and bladder diseases;
  • Moon in Scorpio - prepare from the herbs collected these days mixture for the treatment of diseases of the genital organs.
  • Sagittarius and Volodya are responsible for our veins.
  • Capricorn- s and bones and joints, as well as for clean and healthy skin.
  • Moon in Pisces - from the herbs collected these days you can prepare an excellent ointment for the feet.

For example, if you have a sore throat, collect thyme, brew it and drink it like tea, be sure to add honey. Do all this when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus, which is associated with throat treatment.

  • Favorable time for digging roots - early spring, when the plant has not yet fully grown, or autumn, when it again mobilizes its strength and is full of juices.

Roots should always be dug on the full moon or during the waning moon, then they have the greatest power. They should not be exposed to the sun, so night hours or late evening - most the right time for digging up roots.

  • Leaves can be collected almost throughout the year, just remember that the plants must be young. If they stand in the juice for a long time, then they are not very suitable for treatment.

When collecting, the sun does not have to be shining, but the morning dew should already be dry, therefore, the best time to collect leaves is the first half of the day, before noon.

Leaves should be collected with the waxing moon , between new moon and full moon. Alternatively - (from Sagittarius to Gemini) or on leaf days(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Leaves collected on days when the Moon is in Scorpio have a special healing power. In addition, they are perfect for drying, preparing and storing. Leaves collected on days when the Moon is in Cancer or Pisces are best consumed immediately.

Occupies a special place nettle. It is an excellent blood cleanser. It needs to be collected only during the waning moon And you should also drink nettle tea only during the waning moon.

Spring and Summer- The best time to collect is when the plants are in full bloom.

  • Best to collect flowers in the middle of the day, around noon. Well, if the sun is shining, at least it must be warm so that the flowers are fully open and fresh, otherwise their healing power will be much less.

Collection of flowers must happen during the waxing Moon or Full Moon ; possible - at (from Sagittarius to Gemini), if the weather prevents gathering during the waxing Moon.

Also good fit flower days (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), or you just need to pick flowers on the full moon, regardless of your Zodiac sign. If the collection is for winter stock, then the waning and rising moon is well suited, because the flowers dry well at this time.

  • Fruits and seeds When harvested, they should be ripe, but not soft, overripe. Most often, medicinal fruits and seeds are collected in summer and autumn. Choose a dry, not too hot day to collect them. Fruits and seeds can be collected throughout the day because they are not as sensitive as other plant parts, but it is best to avoid the midday heat. Dry weather is more important than time of day.

Collected with the waxing moon fruits and seeds cannot be stored for a long time. They are only suitable for immediate consumption.

Best suited for storage (Sagittarius to Gemini). Good days for collecting are fetal days when the waning Moon is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

The most unfavorable days for collecting fruitsMoon in Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer or Virgo.

Medicinal plants, collected or prepared during the new moon, have maximum healing properties.

General rules collecting plants:

  • It is best to collect herbs in clear and dry weather;
  • the most suitable time is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
  • Do not collect plants after rain or dew. Collected in humid weather, they dry slowly, change color and become moldy;
  • You should not take broken, diseased plants.

Best time for drying plants waning moon , especially on the days of Libra, Gemini, Aquarius.

Do not dry their on the waxing moon , especially on the days of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, and on the full moon. Otherwise, the herbs may not dry enough and mold will appear on them over time.

It is very beneficial to sleep on pillows and mattresses stuffed with dried medicinal herbs. To do this, be sure to collect the necessary plants. on the waxing moon, and fill the pillows or mattresses themselves during the waning moon. If you want to make an aromatic sachet from flowers, collect the inflorescences on the days of the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) - they will smell longer and stronger.

To get the greatest effect and strength from the herb, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. You should not take withered and weak grass growing in polluted places;
  2. It is not recommended to harvest plants in large quantities. A single twig or root, collected with faith, acts long enough and strongly.
  3. any herb must be collected at a favorable time, in accordance with the days lunar calendar, watching the changing phases of the moon. It has long been customary to collect plants on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. In mythology, it is associated with the purification of man and nature by the elements of Fire and Water, the first and last elements of the zodiac. The special power of plants is due to the fact that it is on these days that the Sun is at its closest to the Earth and all living things on it, including herbs, have enormous energy.

In the first phase of the Moon, especially on the 6th and 7th lunar days, collect underground parts of plants, and above-ground parts - in the second phase. The third phase of the moon is similar to the first. This period is especially favorable for drying herbs. And the fourth phase is similar in its effect on plants to the second.
Plants gain special powers, collected on the full moon. But 9, 15, 23, 26, 29th lunar days are unfavorable, and at this time you should neither harvest herbs nor prepare medicines from them.

Favorable days are considered 3, 7, 12, 16, 24, 28th lunar days . Most suitable for preparing medicines 5th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 16th and 24th.

In addition to the phases of the Moon and the position of the Sun in the zodiac signs, the weekly rhythm should also be taken into account. Each day of the week is associated with one of the seven planets solar system(Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn), and by collecting plants, you can strengthen their energy at the expense of the planet - the ruler of the house. Thus, Monday is associated with the Moon, Tuesday with Mars, Wednesday with Mercury, Thursday with Jupiter, Friday with Venus, Saturday with Saturn, Sunday with the Sun.

Besides energy Earth plants contain energies of other planets by which they are controlled.

For example, to the sun(zodiacal constellation Leo) correspond to aromatic plants turning towards the Sun; with leaves and flowers closing at sunset. Among them are aloe, orange, birch, immortelle, mountain valerian, grapes, heliotrope, spring adonis, elecampane, St. John's wort, strawberry, calendula, laurel, lavender, lily of the valley, linden, lemon, onion, coltsfoot, lemon balm, juniper , peppermint, oats, dandelion, hazel, shepherd's purse, plantain, peony, sunflower, wormwood, tomato, rye, chamomile, rowan, senna, pine, plum, pumpkin, string, celandine, horse sorrel.

Moon(constellation Cancer) controls swamp, aquatic, spongy, bizarre-looking plants with round roots. Among them are calamus, watermelon, peppercorn, peas, angelica, zucchini, viburnum, cabbage, potatoes, lily of the valley, lily, larch, onion, borage, cucumber, aspen, yarrow, bird cherry, apple tree.

Mercury(constellations Virgo, Gemini) controls plants various types with multi-colored leaves and flowers of unequal shape, with an indefinite smell, and also curly. Among them are anise, basil, bean, hawthorn, lingonberry, valerian, bindweed, blueberry, knotweed, pea, sweet clover, oregano, strawberry, St. John's wort, Icelandic moss, cranberry, buckthorn, coltsfoot, flax, juniper, mint (green, pepper), narcissus, mistletoe, aspen, shepherd's purse, parsley, plantain, agrimony, rye, currants, thyme, string, blueberries.

Venus(constellations Taurus, Libra) governs graceful, beautiful, aromatic, tasty, healing plants with juicy sweet fruits. Among them are acacia, marshmallow, virgin grass, spring adonis, oregano, blackberry, strawberry, centaury, hyssop, camphor tree, chestnut, dogwood, clover, lavender, lily of the valley, linden, lemon balm, almond, myrtle, mint (green and peppermint) , foxglove purple, peach tree, parsley, peony, Peter's cross, agrimony, rose, chamomile, licorice, bearberry, dill, violet, chicory, blueberry, sage, apple tree, hawthorn.

Mars(constellations Aries and Scorpio) controls bitter plants, moderately poisonous, with thorns and prickles, sometimes with a pungent odor. Among them are aloe, barberry, henbane, belladonna, elderberry, lingonberry, yellow gentian, white mustard, elecampane, blackberry, zoster, St. John's wort, centaury, dogwood, stinging and stinging nettle, cranberry, buckthorn, onion, purple foxglove, aspen, tomato , wormwood, black and red currants, bearberry, celandine, garlic.

Jupiter(constellations Pisces, Sagittarius) governs majestic plants with oily fruits, as well as aromatic medicinal herbs. Among them are quince, acacia, aloe, marshmallow, watermelon, lingonberry, cornflower, cherry, pomegranate, buckwheat, elecampane, oak, angelica, spruce, strawberry, centaury, potato, cedar, maple, cranberry, flax, lemon, linden, larch, burdock, lemon balm, almond tree, young, green mint, hazel, walnut, shepherd's purse, parsley, rhubarb, rose, agrimony, rowan, beet, plum, black currant, chicory, blueberry, sorrel, apple tree.

Saturn(constellation Capricorn) Controls dark-colored plants with a bitter taste and strong odor. They are divided into: a) poisonous, leading to numbness and stupefaction; b) without fruits; c) having black roots, leaves, fruits; d) bitter, with a strong odor. Among them are calamus, aconite, chokeberry, wild rosemary, henbane, immortelle, valerian, poisonous weed, blueberry, knotweed, yellow gentian, datura, blackberry, spruce, willow, galangal, cypress, buckthorn, laurel, lungwort, burdock, mandrake , olive, juniper, carrot, peppermint, aspen, parsnip, wormwood, radish, rye, celery, linden, licorice, thyme, yarrow, chicory, Chernobyl, bird cherry, sage.


Use healing properties Man began to develop plants in ancient times. Surrounding nature became the “first pharmacy” for our ancestors, and continues to serve people to this day.

Despite the highly developed pharmaceutical industry, amazing properties medicinal plants are recognized by scientific medicine and recommended for use.

Plant collection

A person can always use the services of a natural pharmacy. Medicinal plants include herbs, trees, and shrubs. You just need to learn to recognize the ones you need among the huge diversity and richness of the natural floristic fund. And also know where to look, when to collect, how to process and store medicinal herbs so that they maximize their healing properties.

First of all you need to know in which part of the plant the healing power is concentrated. For example, in plantain, lily of the valley, bearberry it is in the leaves, in hawthorn, chamomile, linden, calendula, all active substances accumulate in the flowers, blueberries, viburnum, strawberries are useful fruits, in valerian, licorice, burnet - healing roots, birch and pine have buds.

Followed by find out when the active ingredients are most active, that is, when is the best time to start collecting raw materials. Leaves and flowers are best collected during the flowering period. It is at this time that the largest amount of active substances accumulates in them.

The weather also plays a big role. To prevent leaves and flowers from deteriorating when dried, they must be dry during collection. This also applies to fruits. They should be harvested only after they are fully ripe. At this time they are most useful.

Late fall - best time for collecting roots and rhizomes. The plant has already withered, but the roots are just at their strongest. You can dig them up in any weather, since they still need to be thoroughly washed before drying.

Drying and storage

Besides You also need to know how to properly dry and store the collected raw materials.

First of all sort through the herbs and clear them of debris. Plants infected or damaged by pests are also removed.

It is better to dry in the fresh air in the shade. Since the bright sun deprives raw materials of useful substances. Perfect option- a warm and well-ventilated room.

Plants are divided into bunches and tied. Then they are smoothed out on shelves or hung with flowers down. Healing herbs are also dried using a special ventilation dryer, which is designed for drying fruits and vegetables.

For leaves, flowers and shoots it is necessary to set the temperature from 50 to 60 degrees, for roots can be increased to 70°C, but the fruits will need at least 80 degrees. However, the temperature should not exceed 90°C.

There are exceptions. Herbs containing essential oil should be dried at a temperature of 35°C so that the beneficial properties do not evaporate from them.

Keep healing herbs Needed in a dry, dark place in cloth bags or paper bags. For plants with essential oils It is better to use glass jars.

The shelf life depends on the type of herb. For example, if medicinal raw materials have volatile compounds, store them for no more than a year. For other species it can vary from two to three years.

It may be easier to buy the required herbal mixture at the pharmacy. But it’s much more interesting, and even more useful, to wander around bodies of water and look in search of useful plants into forests, meadows and swamps.



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