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What are the most useful vitamins for the body of men. Vitamins for men - a rating of the best complexes for improving potency, restorative and sports

When choosing products in the store, people note their price, appearance, focus on taste preferences, expiration date. Particularly advanced buyers are interested in whether there are any preservatives, dyes and other chemicals in the composition. At the same time, the majority do not pay attention to the content of products and substances, and people who make up their menu based on the body's need for useful substances ah, very hard to find. Meanwhile, their role in ensuring life can hardly be overestimated.

Significance in a man's life


Vitamin A (retinol) is fat-soluble (absorbed by the body in combination with fats). Men, starting from the age of fourteen, need 1 mg of retinol per day for cell renewal, slowing down aging, the formation of sex hormones, and mucus secretion. A large amount of retinol is found in the liver of halibut, cod, beef, pork, butter, lamb liver, paprika, red pepper, sweet potato, zucchini, apricots.

() dissolves in water, it provides the body with energy, neutralizing the state of fatigue, improves the conduction of signals by the central nervous system, which is necessary for potency in men, and contributes to the action of the happiness hormone serotonin. Its daily requirement is about 2 mg. Men get thiamine with buckwheat, pork offal, sprouted wheat, bran, peas, beans, hazelnuts, liver, poultry, lamb, seeds, herbs, barley, eggs, cottage cheese.

Important! Food processing of foods, as well as sprinkling salt on peas and beans during their preparation (and not after) leads to a loss of 70% of thiamine.

(riboflavin) promotes the conversion of carbohydrates and fats into energy, the development of strong muscle tissue, improves performance genitourinary system. Riboflavin is found in yeast, liver, kidney, almonds, meat, eggs, cheese, spinach, soybeans, beans, peas, dairy products, buckwheat, whole grain bread, butter. The daily requirement for men over 14 years of age is 2 mg.

(nicotinic acid) improves the blood supply to the genital organs and is needed by the body in an amount of 20 mg per day. Foods that can saturate the body with nicotinamide: yeast, cereals, bran, liver, peanuts, cod, chicken, turkey, salmon, veal, lamb, peaches, beef tongue, almonds, beef, whole grain flour, apricots, potatoes and others.

(pantothenic acid) is involved in the formation of hormones and the work of the central nervous system, is found in almost all foods, but is destroyed by cooking and freezing foods. Required in the amount of 5 mg per day.

(pyridoxine) the body needs in an amount of 2 mg per day. It stimulates the transmission of nerve impulses, responsible for the sensations during orgasm, and also relieves fatigue. It is found in pine nuts, beans, sea buckthorn, tuna, mackerel, liver, sardines, hazelnuts, garlic, millet, bell pepper, chicken.

In men, it is responsible for the production of serotonin, a sense of pleasure, sexual desire, and for this it must be ingested in an amount of 0.4 mg per day. Ingested with bird's liver, yeast, calf's liver, orange juice, spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, soy, seeds.

Ingested with animal proteins, necessary for sexual arousal, increases the number of spermatozoa. The need for it in men is 3 mcg per day.

(ascorbic acid) - water-soluble, required by the male body in the amount of 90 mg per day. It supplies the body with energy, increases stamina, improves the conduction of nerve impulses and erection, is needed for the happiness hormones serotonin and,. In the process of cooking products, up to 90% of ascorbic acid is lost.

Did you know? In the body of mammals, ascorbic acid is synthesized independently, but man has lost this opportunity in the process of evolution.

This acid is found in (moreover, in dry it is almost 3 times more), bell pepper, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, greens, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, cauliflower, papaya, and horseradish, kohlrabi, beef liver, radish and potatoes, chicken liver, potatoes, and other products.

It activates the activity of muscles, increases blood circulation, promotes the synthesis of testosterone. This fat-soluble substance enters the body with the liver of marine fish and animals, egg yolk, butter, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, cream, milk, mushrooms. The male body needs 10 mcg of the substance per day.

(tocopherol) dissolves in fats, it is responsible for sexual activity, production of sex hormones, blood supply to the genital organs, reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Found in all types vegetable oil, soy, peanuts, buckwheat, wheat, rye, whole grains and rye bread, beans, rose hips, oatmeal, peas, butter, eggs, prunes and other products. A man needs 10 mg of tocopherol per day.

Did you know? Vitamins do not contain calories.


A very important trace element for men is, which is responsible for the production of sperm, male sex hormones, the functioning of the prostate, the absorption of vitamin E. Normally, its consumption for men is 15 mg per day. Found in seafood, nuts and seeds, cocoa, meat, legumes, dairy products, cereals, fish, green peas, corn, raspberries, broccoli, potatoes, beets and others.

Selenium is concentrated in the testicles, spermatic cords and other internal organs of a man. It is involved in the production of testosterone, increasing potency, and is used to improve the reproductive ability of men. Normally, its consumption is about 100 mcg per day. Selenium is present in the liver of animals and birds, octopuses, eggs, corn, rice, beans, barley, lentils, pistachios, wheat, peas and other products.

Sperm activity also increases and improves endurance.

Magnesium is an important macronutrient, it should be supplied to the body of young men under 18 years old in the amount of 410 mg, men under 30 years old - in the amount of 400 mg, over 30 years old - 420 mg per day. You can provide the body with magnesium with the help of wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, nuts, peanuts, spinach, and beans.

Manganese is found in tea, coffee, rose hips, spices, cereals, seafood, nuts, a man needs about 5 mg of a trace element.

The need for men in chromium - 50 mcg per day - can be satisfied by introducing tuna, liver, beets, fish and seafood, barley into the diet.

Pharmacy vitamin complexes

A person receives almost all useful substances with food, except for D, E, K, which can be produced by the body. At the same time, it is quite difficult to make a menu on your own, based on the need for vitamins. A good way out of a situation of vitamin deficiency for men can be pharmacy complexes of useful substances.


This complex includes vitamins A, B, C, D, as well as iodine, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The drug should be taken after meals, 1 tablet a day with water. The use of the drug is recommended in case of increased loads, unbalanced nutrition, seasonal deterioration in the quality of nutrition, diseases that impair the absorption of nutrients.

Man's formula

Man's formula "More than a multivitamin" is essential for men's health. It contains 20 vitamins, magnesium, iodine, chromium, boron, molybdenum, calcium, zinc, betaine, selenium, potassium, manganese, copper, extracts of fenugreek, pygmy berries, cayenne pepper and ginseng. The complex promotes metabolism, an active sex life, and helps fight chronic diseases.

Updated: 23.01.2019 10:12:42

Judge: Boris Kaganovich

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

If we compare the number of scientific publications devoted to women's health, then there will be much more of them all over the world than similar works devoted to men. And this is understandable and reasonable. A woman experiences greater hormonal stress than a man's body. Nothing compares to the intensity of the period of pregnancy and childbirth. In men, there are no such acute critical periods, but the male body is constantly under high stress, and at the same time, it is not protected by estrogens, like women, from early vascular accidents - heart attacks and strokes. In men, unlike women, muscle mass is more developed, and their role in the birth of healthy offspring is no less than that of women.

How can men's health be maintained without the use of drugs? Are there any vitamins and mineral complexes that are indicated for taking with certain male problems, and capable of purposefully solving them? This ranking of vitamins for men will consider some of the most popular representatives of these funds, with which you can achieve a significant improvement in men's health. And let's start with those drugs that help solve one of the most exciting male problems. It's about potency.

Rating of the best vitamins for men

Nomination place Name of product price
The best vitamins to improve potency and spermatogenesis 1 390 ₽
2 520 ₽
3 640 ₽
4 -
5 659
The best vitamins for hair loss and hair care 1 1 655 ₽
2 536 ₽
3 301 ₽
4 225 ₽
5 617 ₽
The best vitamins for sports and physical activity 1 403 ₽
2 242 ₽
3 1 980 ₽
The best vitamins for memory 1 690 ₽
2 203 ₽
3 111 ₽
The best vitamins for men 40+ 1 352 ₽
2 -
2 313 ₽
3 420 ₽

The best vitamins to improve potency and spermatogenesis

Good potency is a guarantee of confidence in one's vitality and mental comfort. But in itself potency gives little to the human race, a man must give healthy offspring. And this means that spermatozoa must be mobile, active, and healthy. And for this purpose, a man must fill in his diet not only the physiological need for minerals and vitamins, but also for microelements. So, he needs zinc, because it improves the synthesis of the main male sex hormone, testosterone. With a lack of this trace element, oligospermia occurs, and sexual desire decreases. To improve the quality of sperm and the appearance of a stable and full-fledged erection, a compound such as L-carnitine is needed. And it is not always possible to make up for their deficiency using only food. What vitamin complexes help to normalize sexual function without resorting to drugs? Here is a list of the most popular complex vitamins.

Alphabet for men is a specially designed vitamin and mineral complex, which consists of three tablets different types. The first tablet (pink-red) is recommended for morning use. The second (bluish) - for the day, and the third (green) should be taken in the evening. The first tablet contains vitamin B1, vitamin C, iron and copper, folic acid. As additional additives that stimulate active wakefulness, this tablet contains green tea extract, taurine, eleutherococcus extract, which belongs to adaptogens, improves immunity and gives vigor. The daily tablet contains vitamins B, B2 and B6, alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, selenium, iodine, zinc and other trace elements. Evening tablet contains vitamin D3, vitamin K, calcium and the amino acid L-carnitine. It is necessary to use this vitamin-mineral complex in case of chronic fatigue syndrome, with sluggish erection, as well as when planning conception. The course of taking the complex for preventive purposes is 1 month.

The Alphabet for men is produced by the domestic company Vneshtorgfarm, and a package of 60 multi-colored tablets, designed for 20 days, can be bought at prices from 340 to 460 rubles in the fall of 2018.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the Alphabet complex for men include a convenient layout of not only vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, but also supplements for men's health. The first tablet adjusts to a daytime, active rhythm, the second tablet provides the necessary energy reserves, and the third allows you to give additional food for the myocardium at night. The disadvantages include the need to take the drug three times a day, as well as contraindications: hyperthyroidism, nervous excitability, arterial hypertension and vascular atherosclerosis. Therefore, before starting a preventive course, you must first consult with your doctor.

Capsules Paritet for men from the well-known domestic company Evalar is considered a stimulator of the production of endogenous testosterone, which contributes to the normalization of potency and optimal spermatogenesis. The vitamin complex is available in the form of not only capsules, but also in concentrate for dilution and creating a nutritious drink. The capsules contain maral antler extract, yohimbe bark, ginger, zinc oxide, vitamin B6, and longleaf eurycoma extract. The root extract from this plant in the countries of Southeast Asia is called "Asian Viagra". It not only increases the body's ability to synthesize testosterone, but also activates the hormone that is already in the male body, but in a bound and inactive state. Yohimbe extract improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, and this helps to increase libido and improves erection. Ginger has the same effect. Altai deer antler extract helps with fatigue, stress, and overwork.

Capsules should be taken once a day, in the morning, with meals. The duration of the course should be no more than 2 weeks. The manufacturer is Evalar, and one package of 15 capsules, designed for a preventive course, can be purchased at a price of 460 to 670 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantage of this complex tool will be its targeted effect on improving male power. But on the other hand, it does not contain as many vitamins and microelements as in large complexes, in which their number reaches two dozen. Despite this, after a course of taking Parity, men note a significant improvement in the quality of intimate life, and according to experts, the number of successful conceptions becomes higher. The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, as well as with progressive arterial hypertension, hyperthyroidism, and excessive nervous excitability. The tool is not recommended to be taken in the afternoon, and even more so at night. You should not take Parity before sexual intimacy, one morning tablet is quite enough, subject to a course intake.

This vitamin supplement is built on the principle of "nothing more". Spematon contains only vitamin E, zinc, and L-carnitine, plus selenium and folic acid. These components, selected in the optimal ratio, taking into account the daily needs of an active man, contribute to an increase in the production of full-fledged spermatozoa, increase their mobility, and increase the likelihood of conception. It is indicated for use for couples planning to conceive a child, and urologists and andrologists prescribe Spematon in the complex treatment of infertility in men. Spematon should be used once a day, while the contents of one sachet is diluted in water and taken with meals.

Also, this remedy is indicated if, after the spermogram, such deviations as oligozoospermia were detected, when there are few germ cells, in the presence of asthenozoospermia, when the spermatozoa are inactive, and in teratozoospermia, when a significant amount of abnormal forms of spermatozoa is found in the semen. Spematon is produced by the domestic company Akvion, and its cost in pharmacies is, on average, 1300 rubles per pack of 30 sachets per course for a monthly intake.

Advantages and disadvantages

Spematon is the complex that professionals boldly prescribe. According to scientific research, it actually improves the quality and quantity of sperm produced, and increases a man's ability to conceive. The main thing to remember is that Spematon must be started at least 2 months before the planned conception. The physiology of the male body is designed in such a way that the maturation of the germ cell occurs, on average, in 72 days. If you start using Spematon, then only after this time will those spermatozoa appear that have received all the necessary nutrients for their maturation. Therefore, it is undesirable to make the course shorter than 2 months, and, consequently, the exchange rate increases to 2600 rubles and even higher. The disadvantage of Spematon is its high cost. All the substances that make up its composition, one way or another, are also found in many others in vitamin complexes with a lower cost.

Perhaps, in terms of the number of active and necessary ingredients, this vitamin-mineral complex has no equal, and not only among preparations for men's health, but in general, among all similar similar complexes. Teravit tonic contains not only 13 different vitamins, but also 17 minerals and trace elements, among which are such rare ones as tin, vanadium, nickel. In addition, the vitamin-mineral complex includes plant adaptogens in the form of lemongrass fruits, and ginseng root extract.

Teravit tonic is shown not only for regular use to fill the daily need for these substances, but also to improve the state of men's health, increase vigor, activity, and eliminate erectile dysfunction. It is also used for asthenic syndrome, and for recovery from various diseases (asthenoneurotic and asthenovegetative conditions). This complex is used one tablet daily, the course intake is from 1 to 2 months, and it is necessary to take the drug in the morning. This wonderful drug is produced by Bayer, and it is produced in the USA. The cost of one package of 30 tablets on average is about 680 rubles in a retail network.

Advantages and disadvantages

Given the large list of ingredients, Teravit tonic also has contraindications. This is not only allergies and individual intolerance, but also some diseases: chronic pancreatitis and diabetes, epilepsy and erosive gastritis, hypertension and nervous irritability. It should also be borne in mind that taking at night can cause insomnia. With a course of taking Teravit tonic, you need to abandon all other adaptogens and activating agents. But in terms of the balance and quantity of ingredients, this drug for men's health is unparalleled and therefore deservedly entered the rating.

Potential Forte is a modern nutritional supplement and, according to its name, it is one of the best means to improve male potency. The drug contains a large amount of plant extracts, adaptogens, substances that improve blood supply to the pelvic organs, vitamins D and E, arginine, and zinc to improve spermatogenesis. Herbal supplements include powdered cayenne pepper, Malay eurycoma, ginseng, yohimbe, and other popular potency activators.

It is necessary to apply Potential Forte once during meals, and the course of prophylactic administration is 1 month. The use of this complex is shown not only to increase potency, but also to optimize testosterone production, increase sensuality and activity in sexual life. This tool allows you to non-specifically increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and including sexually transmitted diseases. Even in the event that a man has no problems with potency, this remedy will contribute to a general strengthening effect. Potential forte is produced by the American company Farmamed, and you can purchase a package of 15 capsules, designed to be taken in 2 weeks, at an average price of 740 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

If the previous complex preparation, Teravit tonic, was the leader in the number of vitamins and microelements, then this preparation contains a large number of plant extracts that prevail over vitamins in the mineral composition. This allows the complex to optimally and selectively affect the sexual functions of the male body, endure stress and high loads, and have a positive effect on vitality. Contraindications include, perhaps, only individual intolerance and high cost, because the exchange price exceeds 1,500 rubles.

The best vitamins for hair loss and hair care

Perhaps, for some categories of men who began to go bald early, this problem worries even more than erectile dysfunction. In the end, a man can look confident, and even brutal in society, and only during certain periods of intimate communication can he feel discomfort and fear. As for those who go balding early, they constantly feel themselves in the center of attention, often suffer, from their point of view, with such a large defect in appearance as baldness, and this leads to stress, dysmorphophobia, and anxiety. Fortunately, at present there are many not only medicines, but also male vitamin complexes that allow you to fight alopecia and allow you to take care of hair and scalp not only in women, but also in men.

Capsulated preparation Pantovigar contains all the necessary components that human skin derivatives need so much, these include both hair and nails. These are elements such as keratin, cystine, vitamin B1, or thiamine, vitamin B5, as well as a pure culture strain of medical yeast. By itself, medical yeast, of course, is not necessary for hair growth, but it contains the right set of amino acids and additional B vitamins.

Pantovigar is used for various alopecias, except for hormonal ones, which are accompanied by diffuse hair loss. What does it mean? This means that if a patient has a change hormonal background, and this was revealed during an examination by an endocrinologist, or by a trichologist, then he needs a different way to combat baldness. Diffuse hair loss means "uniform", when the vegetation on the head is thinning everywhere and at once, but gradually. Then this drug can be used. But in the event that a person has focal or nested baldness, then another treatment tactic is needed here. The second indication is a change in the shape and structure of the hair. It's split ends Thin hair, violation of their trophism due to increased ultraviolet radiation and other conditions. Pantovigar is indicated for use in men and with various nail disorders, for example, with psoriasis.

Pantovigar should be used as a medicine: one capsule three times a day with meals. The duration of taking the drug is one of the longest in our rating, and can be six months, while the minimum course should be at least 3 months. Pantovigar is manufactured by the Merz company, and this is an expensive tool. A package of 90 capsules, designed for a monthly intake, will cost an average of 1,500 rubles, and a package of 300 capsules, designed for a course, can reach a price of up to 6,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Pantovigar will be proven effectiveness, and endocrinologists and trichologists include it in complex treatment regimens for alopecia. The disadvantage may be various allergic reactions, in rare cases - urticaria, nausea, bloating, and even increased heart rate and sweating. In this case, it is necessary to either cancel this remedy, or consult a doctor. But, since the cost of Pantovigar is quite high, it is better not to start a course of treatment without a doctor's prescription.

Revalid is similar to Pantovigar, but its composition is somewhat richer. In addition to cystine, yeast, para-aminobenzoic acid, vitamin B5 and thiamine, it also contains trace elements: iron, copper and zinc, chelate complexes, methionine, as well as millet and wheat germ extract. Revalid enters retail sales in the form of dark green capsules, and helps to optimize nutrition and trophism in nails and hair.

With the systematic use of Revalid, hair loss slows down under the influence of external factors. These are adverse weather conditions, ultraviolet radiation, frequent chemical staining and other reasons. The tool helps the hair to improve their structure, which favorably affects their appearance. Hair becomes less split ends, less brittle, looks shiny and healthy. It is necessary to use this remedy one capsule 3 times a day, together with food, or before taking it. The course of treatment averages 2.5 months, but not less than two and not more than three. On the recommendation of the attending specialist, it is possible to repeat the course after a break. Revalid is produced by the Israeli company Teva, and a package of 90 capsules, designed for a monthly intake, will cost an average of 1370 rubles, and two such packages will make up the minimum course.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantage of Revalid will be its lower cost, with a very similar composition. At the same time, Revalid contains even more ingredients than Pantovigar. The instructions for the drug indicate that in severe cases of diffuse alopecia, treatment can be started with a loading dose, when the dosage is doubled during the first month, and the patient takes two capsules at a time. Pantovigar does not have such an enhanced form of treatment. But it should be borne in mind that with an increased dosage, patients may experience allergic reactions in the form of itching, as well as mild indigestion. In this case, it is strongly recommended to return to the usual dosage. In general, Revalid is in no way inferior to its more expensive counterpart manufactured by Merz, and is also used to treat various forms of alopecia and improve hair and nail trophism.


Fitoval against hair loss is the only vitamin preparation in our ranking that should not be taken internally, since it comes in the form of a topical shampoo. The shampoo is based on the action of two extracts, rosemary and arnica, in addition to them, protein compounds derived from wheat and starch glycogen are added. Glycogen is needed to supply energy to the hair follicles, and at the same time it stimulates the division of hair follicle cells. Wheat peptides help to strengthen the cork layer, which is contained in each hair, protect the hair, giving it increased mechanical resistance. Rosemary and arnica extracts normalize capillary blood flow in the superficial layers of the scalp, and contribute to the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug.

Fitoval after moisturizing the hair is applied to them, and after several intense massage movements, it is left for 5-8 minutes, and then washed off. The instruction advises to use Fitoval three times a week, and the course of treatment is, on average, 2 months. The shampoo is produced by the Slovak pharmaceutical company KRKA, and a 200 ml bottle can be purchased for 470 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus of Fitoval is a completely natural and natural composition, so it practically does not cause side effects, only with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug there may be a slight allergic reaction. Usually men tolerate the effect of this shampoo on the scalp very well. The inconvenience of the use can be attributed to the need for fairly frequent washing of the head, which, unlike the intake of vitamins inside, requires a certain waste of time and conditions. But the goal justifies the time spent on achieving it, since Fitoval is a recognized therapeutic shampoo for male pattern baldness, and, moreover, at a low price.

Evisent is a domestic tablet preparation produced by Yeast Technologies, and it is very inexpensive. Its composition is not refined, and does not include a large number of various components. It contains only 2 active ingredients, but in their effect they are in no way inferior to imported drugs. This is a highly purified strain of brewer's yeast, which contains B vitamins, and, splitting in the intestines, are absorbed by the body. According to the manufacturer, such natural vitamins are absorbed much better than synthetic ones. With the help of technology, sulfur molecules are embedded in these yeast cells.

Since ancient times, sulfur has been used to treat various skin diseases, it is necessary to maintain skin elasticity and normalize trophism. Sulfur preparations are indicated for the treatment of sebaceous glands, they improve the appearance of hair and nails. The use of brewer's yeast with sulfur inclusions allows you to eliminate the signs of impending baldness. Trichologists and dermatologists recommend using Evisent in the complex therapy for the treatment of alopecia of non-hormonal etiology. The course of taking Evisent is 1 month, you need to take 3 tablets 3 times a day with meals. A package of 100 tablets, designed for 10 days of admission, costs 300 rubles, and a monthly course will cost 1000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Evisent has the advantage of simplicity and monocomponent nature of its composition. The preparation no longer contains any artificial dyes, preservatives, excipients, except for the tablets that make up the shell. As studies show, the drug Evisent allows within a month to achieve a significant improvement in the appearance of hair and skin, increase the strength of the nail plates, and slow down alopecia in men. It should be noted that Evisent is by no means a therapeutic drug, but is a food vitamin supplement of an organic nature, therefore, with alopecia diagnosed by a trichologist, the remedy can only be used in complex therapy. And in the case of a simply unfavorable type of hair, due to the wrong shampoo, Evisent will be a wonderful and inexpensive drug that is well tolerated.

In conclusion of the review of over-the-counter vitamin preparations for the treatment of male pattern baldness and alopecia, we recommend Perfectil, which belongs to the real multivitamin preparations. It contains carotene, riboflavin, cholecalciferol, pyridoxine and vitamin B5, vitamin C, other essential and non-essential vitamins, trace elements including silicon and chromium, magnesium, iron, manganese and organic echinacea extract. Such a complex selection of dermatotropic vitamins allows Perfectil to be effective not only for skin and hair care, but also for some dermatological diseases. These include psoriasis, various dermatitis, seborrhea, and other disorders. Perfectil should be used one capsule a day, after meals, the course of administration is a month. Vitabiotics produces Perfectil, and one pack of 30 capsules, designed for a monthly course of use, will cost 600 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps, Perfectil in its composition does not stand out in any way among other vitamin preparations with an additional set of minerals and trace elements. Only the introduction of purple echinacea extract allows us to draw conclusions about the greater activity of Perfectil and its belonging to adaptogens. But, given the indications for its use for the treatment of dermatological diseases, we can safely recommend it to healthy men who do not have signs of such diseases, but have only hair problems associated with insufficient attention paid to them. The cost of this drug is quite affordable, and taking one capsule per day is very convenient.

The best vitamins for sports and physical activity

For many men, sports, fitness clubs, tennis, swimming, and, in general, any form of physical activity is often considered not only necessary in terms of health, but also serves as a means of self-expression. But for a harmonious sports lifestyle, it is necessary not only to load your body, but also to monitor its ability to perceive these loads. Therefore, all over the world there is an industry of products for sports nutrition, as well as specially selected and balanced vitamin complexes for men with increased physical activity. This rating included the most popular and affordable vitamin complexes for athletes and physically developed healthy men.

Duovit for men was specially created by doctors and chemists of the Slovak pharmaceutical company KRKA to ensure daily full-fledged physical activity of the male body. The main focus is on the concentration of antioxidants, which are vitamins A, C and E, and on B vitamins, such as folic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride and cyanocobalamin. The role of these vitamins is especially great in maintaining the full functioning of the cardiovascular system during increased physical exertion. In addition, the introduction of zinc into the composition of the complex improves the ability to potency and spermatogenesis. Men should take this vitamin complex, which includes 6 minerals and 12 vitamins, one tablet once a day. A package of 30 tablets costs, on average, 430 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this drug include a specially increased amount of antioxidants and protectors of the cardiovascular system, and zinc, whose role is to take care of male sexual health. Ease of use will be a plus. The disadvantages include a relatively high price, as well as rarely the development of side effects.

Complivit asset

It is not in vain that this vitamin and mineral complex bears the prefix “asset” to the name. And this means that the dosages in this vitamin complex are specially selected in such a way as to provide the daily need for trace elements, vitamins and minerals in people with increased physical activity. Of course, this tool is not specifically designed for bodybuilders and weightlifters, but it can be shown to amateur athletes, athletes and just people who prefer an active lifestyle. Complivit active contains 12 vitamins, minerals calcium, magnesium phosphorus, and trace elements such as zinc, copper, iron, manganese, selenium, iodine and fluorine in the form of sodium fluoride, which is not often found in vitamin and mineral complexes.

It is necessary to take Complivit Active one tablet 1 time per day after meals, drinking it with a sufficient amount of liquid. The course of prophylactic administration for healthy people is 1 month. Pharmstandard produces this product, and one package, designed for a monthly course, will cost an average of 180 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this complex will be a specially selected composition that satisfies the body's increased need for essential vitamins, trace elements and minerals. The disadvantages include a small set of contraindications, but since these contraindications relate to diseases, for example, hypercalcemia, pernicious anemia, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting training.

Finally, the rating includes a special complex, which is designed specifically for bodybuilders, as well as weightlifters who train a lot and experience peak loads to maintain their fitness. This drug is already a real sports nutrition, and in addition to a complex of 12 vitamins, it also contains 10 microelements and minerals, proteins, a complex of amino acids in the amount of 19 various components, antioxidants, including lutein, ubiquinone, alpha lipoic acid. Animal Pak Universal Nutrition contains adaptogens and metabolism boosters. These are substances such as inositol, choline, carnitine, eleutherococcus and hawthorn phytoextracts, additional whey proteins, as well as digestive enzymes and inulin.

For athletes undergoing heavy physical exertion, this remedy is recommended to take one or two of the supplied measuring spoons, which are stirred in a glass of any drink. Reception is supposed to be once a day during breakfast. 2 scoops contain 17.5 g of the product, and the price of one jar containing 388 g, which is enough for 22 training days, costs 2600 rubles in sports nutrition stores.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this "giant" among male complexes are obvious. It not only contains vitamins, trace elements and minerals, but almost everything you need for muscle growth and energy. In the event that a person does not train with weights, this sports vitamin cocktail can be used for very severe physical work, when doing mountain hiking, during bicycle races, and even just during multi-day hikes, in any situations with increased physical activity. Its disadvantage will be the possibility of developing intolerance to individual ingredients, due to a particularly rich and varied composition. That is why digestive enzymes such as lipase were included in this complex in order to facilitate its absorption by the body. Finally, the high price for a relatively small course of admission is also a relative disadvantage.

The best vitamins for memory

In almost all cultures, a man is not only identified with strength, but also with intelligence. And this is true, because in practice a man must quickly make informed and deliberate decisions. Modern world has more mind-influencing information than hundreds, even decades ago. And in order not to drown in this flow of information, men need a sharp and accurate mind. Unfortunately, not all substances necessary for the brain can be guaranteed and constantly found in the diet of a modern man. And therefore, modern vitamin preparations come to his aid, which contain the means necessary to improve the trophism of the nervous tissue, and optimize the metabolism in it. Not always for the central nervous system best solution is the acceleration of processes occurring in them. After all, the nervous system is a balance between excitation and inhibition, and therefore these drugs should regulate the functions of the nervous system as finely as possible. The rating includes drugs with proven efficacy that improve cognitive functions in men, and especially indicated during periods of increased mental stress.

The first of the complexes presented - Vitrum Memory is a monopreparation consisting of a pure extract of the leaves of Ginkgo Biloba, the active substance of which is flavone glycosides. Ginkgo Biloba extract does not directly affect thought processes, but it does improve brain trophism. By increasing its blood supply, it improves the utilization of glucose by the brain tissue, and additionally prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the brain.

As a result, this intake of Vitrum Memory leads to an improvement in the functioning of neurotransmitter systems, improves memory and increases the resistance of brain cells to hypoxia. This drug is shown, first of all, to those men who feel a slowdown in thinking, memory loss, forgetfulness and other unpleasant symptoms. Also Vitrum Memory is shown and healthy people to prevent these symptoms. Vitrum Memory is used one tablet twice a day with meals. The average duration of the course of taking the drug is about 3 months. It is produced by the American company Unipharm, and the average cost of a package of 60 tablets for a monthly intake is 930 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus of the drug is a high-quality source of plant materials with a large amount of bioflavonoids. But at the same time, for good quality, you have to pay a rather high price, about 1000 rubles. In addition, the drug has some contraindications, including reduced blood clotting, exacerbation of vascular pathology, erosive gastritis and reduced arterial pressure. The drug does not work immediately. An inevitable consequence of the complexity of the brain and its processes is the need to wait about a month in order to note the improvement in memory and feel the effect of taking this drug.

Neuromultivit is a development of the Austrian scientists of the Lannacher Heilmittel company, and it includes only the most necessary vitamins that ensure the functioning of the nervous system and improve the trophism of the nervous tissue. These are vitamin B1, or thiamine, vitamin B6 - pyridoxine hydrochloride, and cyanocobalamin, or vitamin B12.

In addition to improving the nutrition of brain tissue, this remedy has been shown to improve the conduction of nerve impulses in the peripheral nervous system and can be used to treat various neurological diseases. So, in men quite often there is pain in the lower back, backache, and, unfortunately, functional disorders of the central nervous system due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages are not excluded. Neuromultivit is indicated for all these conditions. It is necessary to use tablets after meals, 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day. The maximum duration of treatment is no more than 1 month. You can buy Neuromultivit at retail, on average, at a price of 400 rubles per pack of 20 tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this vitamin set will be the selectivity of action - it includes only the most necessary, neurotropic vitamins that are required for the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. On the one hand, this is good, because the fewer components, the fewer allergic reactions and other side effects. But on the other hand, this will require the additional prescription of another vitamin complex, if necessary, to compensate for the lack of vitamins of other groups, since Neuromultivit does not make up for their physiological needs.

Biotredin is a unique vitamin preparation in its own way, which has a certain direction of action. It is able to reduce psycho-emotional stress, increases male stress resistance and performance, and many will find it very important that it additionally reduces the craving for alcoholic beverages and reduces the manifestations of withdrawal symptoms.

Contains Biotredin Vitamin B6, and its unique abilities listed above depend on a special amino acid, or L-Trenin. In the presence of a vitamin, it enters into certain reactions, and the result of these reactions is the stimulation of inhibitory processes in the brain, the activation of cellular respiration processes that affect the metabolism of acetaldehyde, or an intermediate product of ethanol oxidation. The drug is used from 1 to 4 tablets 3 times a day, the course is not more than 2 weeks. Biotredin is produced by the domestic company Biotiki, and you can buy a package of 30 tablets at a very low cost, an average of 115 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Biotredin is its specific focus. It is indicated for men who are over-excited, neurotic, who do not handle stress well and therefore tend to compensate by using alcoholic beverages. This niche allows Biotredin to be an indispensable tool in primary prevention. alcohol addiction, in men with memory impairment, and at the same time be very popular due to affordable price. The negative points include light side effects associated with allergic manifestations, excessive sweating and occasionally dizziness.

The best vitamins for men 40+

The use of vitamins in men aged 40 years and older should be prescribed according to one rule - no frills. The body is already accustomed to the existing loads, the organ systems work stably. The main task is to supply a man with trace elements and vitamins necessary for normal metabolism. Therefore, most of the vitamin complexes that are on sale are suitable for this age category. Here are some representatives.

The composition of this complex of the famous German manufacturer Queisser Pharma includes some vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, biotin, folic and pantothenic acids. But their combination and concentrations are chosen in such a way as to primarily compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, which are most metabolized by the body during stress reactions. Therefore, this complex is indicated for adult men, who are most often exposed to adverse environmental factors in their work, and are also decision-makers. It is very convenient to use this remedy, one tablet once a day at any time during meals. A monthly package of Doppelgerz active antistress costs about 370 rubles on average.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plus this drug in a well-chosen combination of vitamins. Without sedative or hypnotic components, the drug, however, allows the body to adequately fight back stress factors. The price category of the complex is average, the quality is European, and hypersensitivity rarely develops. According to good characteristics and good purchasing power, this tool is included in this rating.

In fairness, it is necessary to include in this rating of men's vitamins some budget product that allows you to fill the necessary daily requirement of the most important essential vitamins, without any frills. Undevit will be such a drug, and it contains retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, and other necessary vitamins, in total 11 types. Decamevit is shown in the complex therapy of the most various diseases, for the prevention of beriberi, as well as for people involved in intense physical and mental stress. You need to apply it 2 tablets three times a day for a month, possibly a second course. It is produced by the Pharmstandard company, and you can buy a package of 50 dragees at a price of 35 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps, some consumers have a disadvantage of its too low price, and consider that the complex is of poor quality. Actually it is not. All vitamins act in a similar way, it’s just that there are “promoted” brands, and there are modest and little-known ones, which, nevertheless, are used big love among the general population. Of the side effects, one can name the inevitable individual intolerance, but the low price and pleasant taste make this remedy widespread not only among middle-aged men, but also for other categories, including women and children.

Best vitamins for men 50+

The task of vitamin therapy in men of this age group is to maintain health during the normal functioning of the body, and the prevention of major diseases of this age, which after 60 years tends to clinical manifestations. First of all, these include increased cholesterol in the blood plasma, impaired metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, leading to the development of osteoporosis, as well as various congestive changes in the prostate tissue, which in the next decade of life can manifest as prostate adenoma. Consider the main vitamin and mineral complexes designed specifically for men of golden age.

This complex vitamin preparation from the company Queisser Pharma improves metabolic processes in the tissues of the prostate gland, reduces their tendency to inflammatory manifestations, and improves the function of urination. The preparation contains pumpkin seed oil containing vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, nettle leaf extract, which reduces inflammation, constricts blood vessels and stimulates urination, vitamin E, zinc, manganese and selenium. In combination with vitamin E, selenium has a pronounced antioxidant activity and slows down lipid peroxidation. This vitamin complex is shown in mature men who either have prostate pathology or as a prophylaxis. The drug is prescribed one capsule 1 time per day, intake for 2 months. This drug costs about 330 rubles for a monthly course.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this drug, doctors consider its directed action. The components are specially selected in such a way as to influence the glandular and interstitial tissue of the prostate and reduce pathological processes. Therefore, the complex can be used not only by men of mature age, but also at the age of 40, with a preventive purpose. The disadvantage of this drug is the inability to cope alone with a process such as chronic or acute prostatitis, as well as benign prostatic hyperplasia. Therefore, if there is an appropriate diagnosis, then a consultation with a urologist is first necessary.

Alphabet 50 plus

This vitamin-mineral complex for men of mature age fully complies with the norms for the consumption of nutrients and vitamins, and was created taking into account the advice of gerontologists and nutritionists. The alphabet is designed to prevent osteoporosis, the progression of atherosclerosis, and improve the condition of vision. Alphabet 50 plus, in addition to 9 minerals and 13 vitamins, contains lutein, beta-carotene and lycopene. The drug consists of three tablets of different colors, and each of them contains only substances that are well combined with each other. It is necessary to apply Alphabet 50 plus one tablet per day, of each color, that is, 3 tablets per day. These are pink, blue and white tablets. The Akvion company produces this drug, and a package of 60 tablets, designed for 20 days, costs an average of 30 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this vitamin-mineral complex can be considered a good balance of selected ingredients that are fully absorbed by the body of a man who has reached this age. The drug helps to prevent or delay the onset of the most common pathology, or improve the outcome of treatment if it is included in complex therapy. The negative point is the need to take 3 different tablets a day, which may not be very convenient if a man does not have enough time, or there is a memory and cognitive impairment.

This multivitamin complex is the only one presented in this rating of the many products produced by Dr. Theiss. It is produced in the form of an elixir, in a 200 ml bottle, with an average cost of 345 rubles. for a bottle. The liquid form allows faster absorption and completely eliminates vitamin deficiency, activates cellular respiration, normalizes metabolism, and prevents the occurrence of anemia. Dr. Theiss Gerovital is indicated not only for healthy men, but also for patients who, first of all, are observed by a cardiologist with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension, and by a neurologist with symptoms of anxiety and depression. This complex contains 11 vitamins, as well as an extract of fruits and leaves of hawthorn and motherwort. An additional indication for use are immunodeficiency states. It is recommended to take this elixir one tablespoon twice a day, the standard course lasts one month.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantage of the elixir will be the liquid form, which allows you to use it without fear of damaging your dentures, since at this age many men have dental problems. In addition, this elixir is in the middle price range, and the quality of the original substances is at a high European level. To negative sides This good drug can be attributed to the presence of 15% ethyl alcohol in it, which makes it contraindicated for men of this age who are prone to alcohol abuse, which, unfortunately, is not so rare.

In this rating, of course, not all the vitamins for men that are on sale were considered. But the above assortment will allow men to maintain health and get rid of beriberi at almost any age and under any circumstances.

Taking vitamins helps to strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being. For men, taking vitamins is important to enhance the protective properties of the body and resistance to stress.

There are 2 main types of vitamins - fat soluble and water soluble. For an adult male daily rate vitamins next.

Fat soluble vitamins:

Water soluble vitamins:

  • Vitamin C () 65-110 mg is required, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, lower blood cholesterol. With a deficiency of C, gum disease (for example) and a tendency to viral diseases develop.
  • Vitamin B1 () 1.6-2.6 mg is required, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiac and circulatory systems of the body. With a deficiency of B1, a state of stress and even depression develops, the work of the heart and blood vessels is disturbed.
  • Vitamin B2 () required in an amount of 1.8-3 mg, necessary for the process of cell generation, skin renewal and maintaining the skin in a normal state. With a deficiency of B2, the water-lipid metabolism of the skin is disturbed, which leads to the appearance of dryness and tightness of the skin, cracks on the lips.
  • Vitamin B3 (PP - nicotinic acid) 17-28 mg is required, it is necessary for the normal process of skin renewal and the proper condition of the oral and stomach mucosa. With a deficiency of B3, peeling of the skin and the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane occur.
  • (pantothenic acid) 4-7 mg is required, it is necessary for normal metabolism, regulation of the activity of the thyroid and pancreas. With a deficiency of B5, irritability increases, bags under the eyes appear.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 1.8-3 mg is required, it is necessary for active protein-carbohydrate metabolism in the body, the stability of the nervous system, and the acceleration of chemical processes. With a deficiency of B6, a general state of fatigue and apathy is observed, anemia develops.
For potency, men need to take eleutherococcus extract and necessarily B vitamins - they are responsible for the circulatory and nervous systems and ensure the full functioning of the reproductive system.

For successful conception, vitamin E and zinc should be added to the diet - they improve the quality of the seed, these are the best vitamins for men for conception. Vitamins for men are very important just before conception.

Various vitamin complexes:

Vitamins for men, which are better?

Vitamins for men over 40.

Vitamins for men over 50.

In addition to vitamins C and D, it is recommended to take vitamin A - it allows you to maintain vision, has a positive effect on the quality of skin and hair. For men after 60, you need to crush B vitamins - they will support cardiovascular system and increase vitality. Men at this age should definitely take complex vitamins for men.

Sports vitamins for men are essential for activity, energy and quick recovery after training. This task is great for:

  • Vitamin B1- stimulates muscle growth,
  • Vitamin C- supports immunity
  • Vitamin B3- Gives energy to work
  • Vitamin A- participates in the synthesis of proteins, but, at the same time, you need to eat foods.

"Alphabet" for men

Vitamins A, C, D, E are recognized as the best vitamins for men. It is this group of vitamins that is involved in many body processes, supports immunity and activates energy.

Advantages of this complex:

contains 12 vitamins and 8 minerals, as well as eleutherococcus extract and organic acids, which help to remove toxins from the body, stimulate activity and maintain the male reproductive system;

  • characterized by an optimal balance in the intake of vitamins and minerals;
  • aimed at maintaining men's health and vitality;
  • vitamins are grouped into 3 groups, taking into account the physiological norms of consumption.
  • reduced rates vitamins A, C, IN 2;
  • separation of B vitamins according to the time of intake;
  • contains L-carnitine, which is useful only during physical exertion, with a sedentary lifestyle, this component is useless.

average price vitamins for men "Alphabet" is 300 rubles. Vitamins are produced in tablets of 60 pieces - this package is scheduled for 20 days, while the recommended consumption period is 60 days. The cost of the drug for the entire cycle will be 900 rubles.


The drug "Duovit" for men

  • contains 9 vitamins and 10 minerals;
  • recommended for use in spring and autumn, when the body is weakened;
  • stabilizes the nervous system, reduces irritability, improves the quality of memory;
  • aimed at strengthening immunity for people who spend a lot of time indoors and at the computer.

The disadvantages of this complex:

  • reduced vitamin A;
  • lack of vitamin D in the composition;
  • the presence of a strong allergen - garlic powder.

average price vitamins for men Velman is 450 rubles. Vitamins are produced in tablets of 30 pieces - this package is scheduled for 30 days, which is the recommended course of taking these vitamins.


Every person should take care of their health. Taking vitamins will help strengthen and maintain the health of any man. It is worth remembering the possibility of overdose and allergic reactions.

Apart from proper nutrition and consumed in the right quantities, (more on protein diets and foods), men need to drink fluids correctly, for example, orange and even, as well as more water.

Doctor Urologist will tell you about how vitamins and men's health are connected in our video:

With the modern dynamic rhythm of life, it is very important to maintain the optimal balance of vitamins and minerals in the human body. It is believed that with proper and balanced nutrition, all the necessary substances are absorbed, turning into vital energy.

But, in fact, polluted environment, water, constant snacking and stressful situations do their job, so it is very important for men to maintain their own health within normal limits. And for autumn and spring, vitamins are doubly necessary for men. For this, special vitamin complexes were developed.

Why vitamins are needed

Before proceeding directly to the choice of the drug, it is important to understand what tasks and problems it must cope with.

There are multivitamins for men that will help eliminate constant fatigue, give energy, improve general condition, affect brain function, help gain muscle mass or cope with sexual problems.

Most often, the composition is based on vitamin B6, which is considered the main source of men's health. It participates in almost all metabolic processes of the body, regulates the functioning of the nervous system, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and all enzyme systems. Vitamin B6 is practically non-existent in plants, which is why vegetarians often experience a serious lack of it.

Further, depending on the direction, complex vitamins contain different components that affect the functioning of the body as a whole, improving its performance and the level of resistance to viruses and infections.

Top 10 vitamin complexes for men

In order to choose the best vitamins for men, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of drugs that are most often chosen by the stronger sex, and experts recommend:


The company produces many different complexes aimed at improving health and maintaining it. The series for men differs from the rest in that it contains Siberian ginseng and L-carnitine. Thanks to the ideally selected proportion and the principle of separate use of nutrients, the likelihood of allergic reactions is reduced to zero.
The composition of the drug includes 13 vitamins and minerals, which are especially necessary for men. You need to take 3 capsules per day. It turns out that one package of multivitamins is enough for 20 days.
If you systematically take the drug, the following changes will be noticeable:

  1. the body will become more resilient and will be in good shape all the time, which positively affects the mood in general;
  2. it is an excellent protection against the negative effects of polluted air, water, harmful products and other factors that are not in the best way affect the human body;
  3. performance increases significantly, there is a desire to work even more.


Suitable for men who constantly lead an active lifestyle and take care of themselves. The drug activates all metabolic processes that occur in the body, improves metabolism, increases efficiency, resistance to stressful situations and harmful effects. environment. In addition, it will relieve fatigue, improve mood and protect the body of a man from the effects of free radicals.

Besides, optimal selection composition guarantees not only an increase in endurance in ordinary life, but also the launch of cell regeneration, which will help to avoid premature aging.

Also, a complex of vitamins for men will help eliminate malfunctions in the work of the heart and blood vessels, prevent baldness and problems with nails.

The package contains 60 capsules, which are taken 3 times a day.

Vitrum Life

Vitrum Life does not release a separate complex for the stronger sex, but, judging by the reviews of many men, it is quite effective. The preparation contains as many natural nutrients as a young and active person needs for normal life.

In addition, Vitrum Life will help athletes build muscle mass, will positively affect the state of blood vessels, making them flexible and elastic. And according to the latest research in 2017, these multivitamins even prevent the appearance and reproduction of cancer cells.


It belongs to the best vitamins, which are based exclusively on natural raw materials. Some experts even classify them as dietary supplements, which are advised to be taken to improve sexual life and the normal functioning of the male reproductive system.

Thanks to a well-chosen composition, they contribute to the fact that the body begins to actively secrete the most important hormone - testosterone.

Parity is produced in the form of tablets and drops, so each representative of the stronger sex will be able to choose in which form it is better and more convenient to take the complex.


According to customer reviews, it can be called the best complex that is used in the off-season: in spring and autumn. It perfectly fights asthenia, psychological disorders against the background of constant stress, removes headaches and migraines, memory disorders, dizziness and tinnitus.


Constantly appear good feedback and about Complivit, which has already managed to positively establish itself in the pharmaceutical market of the country.

With the constant use of the drug, the following changes are observed:

  • Immunity improves significantly, which means you will get sick less often;
  • stresses and other psychological stresses will now be perceived several times easier;
  • if there are vision problems at the initial stage, Complivit will help get rid of them;
  • multivitamins are also useful for diabetics, as blood sugar levels gradually normalize;
  • the substances that make up the composition are actively struggling with problems in the intimate sphere and malfunctions in reproductive functions.


VIPER is a high-quality effective vitamin complex for men. Vitamins are completely absorbed by the body. They have a beneficial effect on the growth of libido, erection, orgasm, as well as mental and physical abilities in general. Just one tablet a day - and you will be on top!

VIPER also has a beneficial effect on mental abilities. The remedy is indicated for physical and intellectual overwork.

Mens Formula

Mens Formula also refers to drugs that are often chosen by men. This dietary supplement actively influences the rate of metabolic processes, since it contains an ideal proportion of vitamins and minerals.

Mens Formula is designed specifically for the male sex, as it significantly increases potency, sexual desire and exacerbates sensations during sex.

Pharmamed - the manufacturer of Mens Formula - also produces a complex of useful substances that perfectly calms the overexcited nervous system, increases heart contractions, and helps with hypertension. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on sleep, allowing you to sleep.

These vitamins for men are best for persistent recurrent headaches and mental stress. We can say that Farmamed is perfect for all office workers, of which there are a lot in our country.

Penis Kraft Dragees

The new Penis Kraft Dragees complex, consisting of carefully selected natural substances and vital vitamins, minerals and amino acids, is fully adapted to the male body. As a result of taking the drug, sex becomes possible and acquires a special brightness (if there are complaints of reduced erection).

Mega Man

Vitamins GNC "Mega Men" are suitable for those who are actively involved in sports, they energize and energize, strengthen the body and increase efficiency. Vitamins support the brain during stress and stress. Support men's health and improve reproductive function. Contains minerals and antioxidants for heart and vascular health.

The package contains 120 tablets.


Centrum contains 24 useful substances that improve the functioning of the nervous system, and also affect the heart and blood vessels. With a systematic intake, immunity is strengthened and vision is normalized.

The package contains 30 tablets.

Vitiron Suscaps

Our list is completed by the Vitiron Suscaps complex, which is not as widely known as the drugs described above. But this does not mean that it is less effective. It includes 11 vitamins, 10 minerals and 3 trace elements. The peculiarity of Vitiron is that all its components are perfectly absorbed by the body and almost never cause allergies.

Vitamins are prescribed for constant stress, beriberi, systematic serious physical exertion and decreased performance, as well as after antibiotic treatment, to replenish lost strength.

Taking Vitiron Suscaps, you will improve the functioning of the immune system, which means that you will get sick less often; the tone of the whole organism will increase, and mood.

Now, based on the information received, you can easily understand which vitamins are best for solving your main problems, and what to look for first.

But, although such complexes are of great benefit, it is better to consult a doctor when choosing.

Vitamin complexes for men are gaining popularity, as the strong half of humanity has begun to pay more attention to their health and appearance. Many began to eat right, eating only healthy foods. Vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements strengthen not only physical, but also emotional health. Not every man knows which synthetic vitamins are better to buy. There are several tips to help you make the right choice.

Read the label!

In synthetic preparations, vitamins can be contained in such an amount that covers from 50 to 100% of the body's needs. The focus here is on diet. That is, if the daily menu contains fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products in the required quantity, then it is enough to replenish with the help of vitamin complexes and half.

Consider your lifestyle

For men who undergo heavy physical labor or are actively involved in sports, vitamins and minerals are needed in larger quantities. You should also take into account the age with which the body's needs for many elements also increase. This is very difficult to achieve, relying only on a healthy diet, so it is best to choose a vitamin-mineral complex for yourself, which will compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body, it should include vitamins and minerals that cover 80-100% of the body's daily need.

Popular nutritional supplements

Pharmaceutical companies are currently offering wide selection vitamin and mineral complexes for men, the impact of which is aimed at various body functions: reproductive, physical, mental, strengthening, etc.

In order to choose the most suitable drug, you should consult a doctor who will advise the most suitable vitamin complex for each man individually.


In this complex, vitamins are balanced in such a way that they increase vitality and support men's health. The drug was developed taking into account the recommendations of the joint and separate use of useful substances, which minimizes the likelihood of allergic reactions, and is 30-50% more effective in terms of vitamin prophylaxis.

The vitamin and mineral supplement contains L-carotene and Siberian ginseng root, thanks to which the functioning of the reproductive system in men is maintained, the overall endurance of the body increases and mental performance is stimulated. It is necessary to use the drug in a peculiar way, that is, in the morning, afternoon and evening, you should take 3 different tablets with an individual composition:

  • Morning (tablet No. 1): A - 0.5 mg, B1 - 1.7 mg, B9 - 0.2 mg, C - 40 mg, Iron - 15 mg, Copper - 1 mg, L-taurine - 60 mg, Polyphenols - 20 mg, Eleutorosides - 1 mg.
  • Daily (tablet No. 2): B2 - 1.6 mg, B3 - 16 mg, B6 - 2 mg, E - 15 mg, Magnesium - 60 mg, Zinc - 15 mg, Manganese - 2.3 mg, Iodine - 0, 2 mg, Selenium - 0.1 mg, Lutein 1 mg, Lycopene - 1 mg.
  • Evening (tablet No. 3): B9 - 0.2 mg, B12 - 0.003 mg, D3 - 0.005 mg, K1 - 0.12 mg, Calcium - 150 mg, Chromium - 0.05 mg, L-carnitine - 45 mg.


A combined vitamin and mineral preparation designed specifically for men leading an active lifestyle. The nutritional supplement activates the metabolism in the body, stimulates metabolic processes, increases efficiency, relieves fatigue and protects the body from the effects of free radicals.

It contains in its composition the most essential minerals and nutrients for men, which, due to the combined effect on the body, increase its endurance and maintain its appearance, preventing premature cell aging.

  • A - 1 mg;
  • B1 - 1.5 mg;
  • B3 - 20 mg;
  • B12 - 0.006 mg;
  • D - 0.005 mg;
  • E - 30 mg.
  • Magnesium - 100 mg;
  • Copper - 15 mg;
  • Iron - 10 mg;
  • Manganese - 3.5 mg;
  • Copper - 2 mg;
  • Iodine - 0.15 mg.


This drug is not specially produced for men, but the composition of Vitrum "Life" contains exactly as many nutrients as necessary for young representatives of the stronger sex. It contains vitamins A, E and C, which are supplemented with selenium and magnesium, which enhance the effect of nutrients.

The multivitamin complex, which includes minerals, amino acids and plant components, increases muscle mass, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, cancer and cell aging. Due to the high concentration of nutrients, this preparation is suitable for people involved in active sports, as well as for those who monitor their health and appearance.

  • A - 1.5 mg;
  • C - 250 mg;
  • E - 35 mg;
  • Zinc - 10 mg;
  • Manganese - 2 mg;
  • Copper - 1.1 mg;
  • Selenium - 0.02 mg.


A natural herbal remedy, part of the group of dietary supplements, which is intended to restore or increase potency, as well as to improve the quality of sexual life. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals contained in it, the production of testosterone, the male hormone responsible for reproductive functions, is stimulated.

It is available in the form of drops and tablets, has strict indications for dosing and is intended only for adult men. Eliminates the lack of sexual desire and impotence.

  • A - 2.5 mg;
  • C - 150 mg;
  • E - 50 mg;
  • Zinc - 20 mg;
  • Selenium - 0.5 mg.


A restorative health complex, which is indispensable for the strong half of humanity and is necessary in the spring-autumn period. Eliminates asthenia, mental disorders, headaches, memory impairment, dizziness and tinnitus. Replenishes nutritional deficiencies, but may cause allergic reactions.

  • A - 0.75 mg;
  • B1 - 12 mg;
  • B2 - 5 mg;
  • B5 - 20 mg;
  • B9 - 0.5 mg;
  • B12 - 0.009 mg;
  • C - 60 mg;
  • D - 0.005 mg;
  • Magnesium - 50 mg;
  • Zinc - 15 mg;
  • Silicon - 10 mg;
  • Iron - 6 mg;
  • Manganese - 3 mg;
  • Iodine - 0.15 mg;
  • Selenium - 0.15 mg;
  • Chromium - 0.050 mg,
  • Arginine - 20 mg;
  • Methionine - 20 mg.


Helps to cope with a range of problems and is available in various options:

  • "Selenium" - to raise immunity,
  • "Antistress" - against the fight against stress and nervous overload;
  • "Ophthalmo" - with age-related deterioration of visual functions;
  • "Calcium D3" - for inactive people;
  • "Diabetes" - to combat diabetes;
  • "Classic" - against male diseases and weakening of reproductive functions.

mens formula

A biologically active drug that affects the humoral factors of metabolic processes, as it contains vitamins and minerals in a balanced amount. It is a general tonic based on yohimbe bark, Siberian ginseng root and green mollusk extract.

This complex of minerals and vitamins improves and restores potency, activates vital energy and exacerbates sexual sensations.

  • B3 - 40 mg;
  • E - 60 mg;
  • Zinc - 50 mg.

What is the result?

It becomes clear that the composition of vitamin and mineral complexes is very diverse. That is why you should choose for yourself exactly those “vitamins” that will meet the needs of the body. Athletes and men leading an active life should opt for Alphabet, Duovit or Vitrum. The vitamin-mineral preparation "Vitrum" contains a large concentration of nutrients, so you should give your preference to it.

For those men who decide to soon acquire healthy offspring or increase their sexual capabilities, the most suitable option is Mens Formula, Complivit Classic or Parity. "Complivit" and "Mens Formula" are more prophylactic drugs, but with the help of "Paritet" you can restore the reproductive functions of the body, since it contains a large amount of the substances necessary for this. "Velmen" and "Pharmamed" are designed to maintain the immune system of the body, therefore, they are necessary for men after 40 years.



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