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Clerodendrum - all about growing and propagation. Clerodendrum - flexible shoots with amazing flowers Clerodendrum bunge planting cuttings in open ground

Clerodendrum is familiar to almost everyone. This plant with unusual flowers is often found in the foyers of various institutions. It is quite unpretentious, so it is also suitable for beginner gardeners who want to grow it at home. The variety of flowering species is a wonderful opportunity to create a collection that will simply be impossible not to notice during flowering. Read about all the features of planting and caring for this plant in our article.

What does clerodendrum look like and where does it come from?

Clerodendrum is a genus belonging to the Verbenaceae family. It has significant diversity. Among its more than 400 representatives there are trees, low shrubs, vines that shed their leaves for the winter and evergreen species.

Its homeland is tropical rainforests around the world. It is found in Southeast Asia, Oceania, Africa. Slightly less common in South and Central America.

The name of the plant is translated from Greek as “tree of fate.” This is due to the old belief that it can change your life for the better. It is not known exactly where the legend came from, but most consider the island of Java to be its homeland.

Where climate permits, clerodendrum is widely used in landscape design.

Flower growers sometimes, meaning clerodendrum, say “innocent love.” Perhaps this popular name is associated with the combined red and white flowers.

In nature, clerodendrum grows up to 3–5 m tall. But you can “shorten” it to a potted plant, up to about 1.5 m. Only regular formative pruning of the shoots will be required.

Most clerodendrums do not have a clearly defined stem. Instead, they have many shoots of approximately equal length and thickness that quickly become woody at the base. If there is a trunk, it is most often hollow. In nature, ants will almost inevitably settle inside.

Clerodendrum leaves, depending on the type, are located opposite each other or in groups of three. Their shape is always heart-shaped, with a pointed tip. The length, depending on the type, is 7–15 cm. The surface of the leaf is dark green, uneven, and evokes associations with a quilt. “Bloats” are located between the veins. The edge can be either smooth or jagged. The leaves are thin to the touch, but dense and harsh.

Even non-flowering clerodendrum looks quite impressive

The main thing that attracts gardeners to clerodendrum is the flowers. In suitable conditions, the plant blooms very profusely, literally becoming covered with inflorescences in the form of a shield or panicle. Each inflorescence consists of 4–20 flowers. They are small (2–3 cm in diameter), but this is more than compensated by quantity.

In nature, the plant blooms from mid-spring to autumn. But at home, especially in winter gardens, greenhouses, greenhouses, you can achieve almost year-round flowering. Most species have a very special smell of flowers and leaves, characteristic only of this clerodendrum.

The fruit of the clerodendrum is similar to a berry, although from a botanical point of view it is a drupe. There are always 4 nests in it, in which 2–4 seeds ripen.

If you do not need clerodendrum seeds, cut off the faded inflorescences

A non-flowering plant can also be used in design. This is an excellent material for a trellis. It grows very quickly along guides (supports, wire), creating a continuous carpet of leaves.

The most beautiful and popular varieties grown at home

Of the many clerodendrums, 15–20 species are most often found in indoor floriculture.

Mrs. Thompson's clerodendrum (Thomsoniae)

This species is a climbing vine with shoots that quickly become woody at the base. The leaves are pubescent, with smooth edges. Sometimes the upper side of the leaf blade is covered with vague spots, darker or lighter than the main tone. Inflorescences in the form of panicles. Flowers with a white, cream or greenish calyx, similar to the “lantern” of physalis, and a scarlet corolla, which falls off before the calyx. In captivity it blooms in early spring, sometimes a second time in autumn. A variety with lime-colored leaves was developed. A superstition widespread on the islands of Oceania does not recommend growing this species for girls who want to get married. It is believed that the flower “attracts” loneliness to them.

Mrs. Thompson's clerodendrum is the only one named after a woman

Brilliant or magnificent (splendens)

Low evergreen shrub with creeping shoots. The leaves are quite small, corrugated at the edges. Inflorescences are in the form of corymbs or short racemes, each with 30–40 flowers. They are very beautiful, dark pink, greenish calyx. The stamens are bright scarlet, curved.

The color of the petals of Clerodendrum brilliantis is known to artists as scarlet

Most beautiful (speciosissimum)

Also called prickly (fallax). An evergreen upright shrub, in nature it grows up to 3 m. A characteristic feature is tetrahedral-shaped shoots and reddish petioles of leaves covered with “lint”. It is short at the bottom and looks like wool, at the bottom it looks like fluff. The bush blooms all summer. Inflorescences in the form of panicles are located at the tops of the shoots. The outer calyx is purple-violet, the corolla is deep scarlet, almost the color of blood. Unlike most species, it does not have a dormant period.

Clerodendrum most beautiful is sometimes called Javanese due to its place of origin.

Fragrant (fragrans) or Philippine (philippinum)

Low (1.5–2 m) evergreen shrub with pubescent shoots and leaves. The edge of the leaf blade is highly serrated. Shield inflorescences are formed at the tips of the shoots. The pink-white flowers have a strong scent that intensifies in the evening and at night. It resembles a mix of violet, jasmine and orange blossom.

A distinctive feature of fragrant clerodendrum is its very long stamens.

Based on it, a hybrid was developed with double flowers that appear regardless of the time of year.

The terry variety of fragrant clerodendrum looks even more impressive


Also known as Pagoda. Tree up to 12 m high. Suitable only for greenhouses and winter gardens. The characteristic bulges on the leaves are almost invisible, and the petioles are dull red. Flowers in inflorescences are arranged in clear tiers, evoking associations with pagoda roofs.

Due to its size, Clerodendrum paniculata is almost never grown in apartments.

Ugandan (ugandense)

A very fast-growing evergreen shrub with creeping shoots. The maximum height is 2 m. The inflorescence does not have a specific shape. Flowers with five petals look like butterflies. The top and sides are sky blue, the bottom resembles a boat and is slightly lilac. The long, outwardly curved stamens are pale blue. Flowering continues throughout the year with short interruptions. Even direct sunlight does not harm it. An additional plus is easy reproduction.

The "blue butterflies" of Ugandan clerodendrum are worth trying to grow.

Video: description of Ugandan clerodendrum

Clerodendrum Wallichiana

Other names: Veil, Bridal Veil. The plant received its official name in honor of the Danish botanist and researcher of Indian flora Nicholas Wallich, who managed the Calcutta Botanical Garden for 25 years in the 19th century. In nature it is a bush, but with the help of pruning you can form a kind of tree about 0.5 m high. It blooms for 1.5–2 months starting from the end of summer. The calyx is greenish, the petals and stamens are snow-white. There is a breeding hybrid of it - clerodendrum Prospero, which differs from its parent in coral-orange cups.

The nickname of Clerodendrum Wallich is associated with the beautifully flowing clusters of inflorescences


This variety is also called Bouquet of Kashmir. Under natural conditions, the shrub grows up to 3 m, at home - about half as much. The flowers are small, pastel pink.

From a distance, the spherical inflorescences of Clerodendrum Bunge are very reminiscent of hydrangea

Inerme or spineless (inerme)

An erect shrub up to 3 m high. The flowers are snow-white, with pale lilac stamens and pistil. There are 3 of them in each umbrella inflorescence.

Unlike other species, clerodendrum Inerme survives even in saline soil, for example, on the seashore


Another name: Splash of champagne (sahelangii). In Russia it is still little known. The plant owes its unusual nickname to its small white flowers on long stalks, looking like drops scattering in different directions.

Due to its very successful nickname, the official name Clerodendrum indicum is almost never used

Clerodendrum Schmidtii (Schmidtii)

Also known as Chains of Glory. The edges of the leaves are slightly corrugated. The inflorescence is a very long (up to 50 cm), flowing raceme of small white flowers, reminiscent of a waterfall.

The flowers of Clerodendrum Schmidt, a tropical plant, persistently resemble snowflakes

Fireworks (quadriloculare)

The only one with burgundy leaves on the reverse side. The inflorescence is spherical, each flower is located on a long stalk. It blooms from the beginning of winter, for 2–3 months.

The inflorescence of Clerodendrum fireworks is a kind of hybrid of a sea urchin and a volley of fireworks

Musical notes

Another variant of the name of this variety is Morning Kiss (incisum Macrosiphon). Leaves with toothed edges. The flowers are white, with dark pink or crimson stamens. Flowering continues almost continuously.

Unopened clerodendrum buds Musical notes really look like quarter notes

Clerodendrum calamitosum

Compact low bush (0.6–0.75 m). Both petals and stamens are snow-white. It has a characteristic aroma that intensifies in the dark.

A distinctive feature of Clerodendrum calamitosum is its snow-white petals and stamens.

Video: types of clerodendrum

How to create optimal conditions?

Clerodendrum is a fairly hardy and unpretentious plant. But if you want to observe flowering regularly, take care of optimal conditions.

Table: optimal conditions

Factor Optimal conditions
LocationA window sill facing east or west is suitable. If it faces north, the clerodendrum will not die, but it will not bloom. When placing a flower on a south-facing window, think about how you will protect it from the hot sun.
LightingAny clerodendrum needs bright but diffuse sunlight for 8–10 hours daily. In winter, use fluorescent lamps as additional lighting.
TemperatureIn the phase of intensive growth (early spring-mid-autumn) optimal temperature- 20–25ºС. During the rest period it is reduced to 16–18ºС. The flower will survive at 10–12ºС, but this is the limit. If there is no suitable room where you can put the plant away for the winter, place it as close to the window glass as possible. Avoid sudden changes in temperature.
Air humidityClerodendrum reacts negatively to dry air. To achieve a humidity level of 75–80%, spray the flower daily with water at room temperature (2–3 times a day in summer), remove it as far as possible from working radiators. If the indicator drops below 45–50%, place wet moss, peat, or expanded clay in the pan.
Availability of supportThe presence or absence of support depends solely on how you want the clerodendrum to look. If you want to get a continuous carpet of greenery or a long vine, send shoots along wire or thin twine. To form a more compact plant, use a ring-shaped support and wrap the shoots around it.

Support option for clerodendrum

Transplant procedure

The optimal time for replanting clerodendrum is early spring, when the flower “wakes up” after a dormant period. Plants under 5 years of age are replanted annually, each time increasing the diameter of the pot by 2–3 cm. For adult clerodendrums, one transplant every 3–5 years is sufficient.

Simultaneously with replanting, it is advisable to cut each shoot by a third to make the flower more decorative and bushy.

If you purchased clerodendrum in a store, give it 10–15 days to get used to the new environment, then replant. Universal primer used by manufacturers indoor plants

, does not take into account the specific needs of the flower.

The pot should have a large drainage hole. Place a layer of drainage (expanded clay, pebbles, crushed stone, brick chips, ceramic shards) 3–4 cm thick at the bottom.

Ready-made soil can be purchased in specialized stores. Look for one that is designed for roses and azaleas. They need to be mixed in a 4:1 ratio.

  • When preparing it yourself, remember that clerodendrum prefers slightly acidic soils, light and breathable. When collecting soil from your own garden, check the acidity level. The soil mixture may look like this:
  • Fertile turf, ordinary soil, dry peat, coarse river sand, humus in equal proportions.

Leaf soil, powder clay, coarse sand, dry peat. The first component needs to be taken twice as much as the others. The fragile roots of clerodendrum should never be disturbed during transplantation.

It is strictly forbidden to shake off the soil from them and/or rinse them with running water. The entire ball of earth is removed from the pot and placed on a layer of substrate in a new pot. The prepared soil is added to the edges and compacted. The transplantation method is known as transshipment.

The support (if needed) is placed in the pot at the same time as the earthen ball, and not stuck in later. Otherwise, there is a high risk of injuring the roots.

Necessary care

Clerodendrum vitally needs only abundant watering. If you want to make the plant more decorative and tidy, annual formative pruning is necessary.

During the active growth phase, water the clerodendrum abundantly every 3-4 days and spray the leaves daily with soft water at room temperature, which has stood for at least a day. The plant is especially demanding of moisture during flowering. Ideally, you need to use rain or melt water, but not everyone has this opportunity. Tap water can be softened by adding 3-4 granules of citric acid to a 10-liter bucket and waiting for sediment to settle.

But it is also undesirable to create a swamp in a pot. After watering, wait 15–20 minutes and drain excess water from the pan. This way you will gradually decide on the norm.

Clerodendrum that lacks moisture can be easily identified by its drooping leaves.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied only at the active growth stage every 12–15 days. The first fertilizing is carried out immediately after transplantation, associated with pruning. After flowering, clerodendrum does not need fertilizer until next spring.

The flower accepts both organic matter and store-bought liquid fertilizers for flowering indoor plants (especially those with high concentrations of phosphorus). If possible, alternate them.

Natural organic matter is an infusion of fresh cow manure or bird droppings. It is best to cook it outside of your apartment. Even with the lid tightly closed, the smell is very specific. The selected container is filled about a third with raw materials and topped up with water. Then close tightly. After 3–4 days, after the characteristic odor appears, the contents are vigorously mixed. For irrigation, the fertilizer is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15.

If you notice that the leaves are turning pale, becoming translucent, spray the underside with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.


Clerodendrum blooms profusely and almost continuously from May to October. If you want to receive flowers by a certain date, try to “deceive” the plant. Put it in the darkest corner of the room, stop fertilizing, spraying and reduce watering. After 20–25 days, the lower leaves will droop, turn yellow and fall off, but buds will form on the tops of the side shoots in the leaf axils. Wait for this moment and return the plant to its original place, providing it with optimal conditions.

Rest period

Most varieties of clerodendrum require a dormant period. This necessary condition flowering next year.

After the plant has finished flowering, stop feeding and gradually reduce watering. When the lower leaves begin to fall off, move it to a bright, cool (15–18ºС) room.

Clerodendrum cannot do without water at all, even in winter. One watering every 3-5 days is enough. The norm is approximately halved compared to summer. Do not bring the flower to such a state when the soil begins to move away from the edges of the pot. In this case, immediately water the plant outside of the schedule.

Pruning: how to shape a bush, tree and other options

Pruning is a necessary procedure for clerodendrum. Otherwise, it will look very sloppy, take up the entire window sill, and also hang down.

Long vine shoots provide gardeners with a wide range of possibilities for giving the plant a wide variety of shapes. The easiest option is to send the shoots up along guides (thin wire or twine) tied to a curtain rod or fixed to the ceiling. Soon you will have a solid green wall. An alternative option is hanging flowerpots. Then you can do without tying. Every year, the shoots need to be cut back by about a third, while at the same time getting rid of dried, broken, dead lashes.

This way you stimulate the flower to form new shoots.

If you want to form a bush from clerodendrum, cut all shoots to 50 cm every year. Pinch the tops of young shoots from last year by a quarter at the same time. Ideally, the shape should be close to spherical.

You can give clerodendrum the appearance of a tree, justifying its name. Select 2–3 most developed shoots, cut them to a height of 60–70 cm. Cut the side branches on them by half. At the bottom, to a height of 10–15 cm, cut off all the greenery on the main shoots, leaving bare trunks. In the future, annually pinch out young shoots by 8–10 cm, and remove all growth at the roots.

Using pruning, you can bring any variety of clerodendrum to an acceptable size.

Perform pruning only with sharp, disinfected scissors to avoid damaging the shoots and causing infection.

Video: caring for Mrs. Thompson's clerodendrum

Common mistakes gardeners make

Clerodendrum, of course, is undemanding, but mistakes by inexperienced gardeners often negatively affect the decorativeness of the plant.

Table: frequently asked questions when growing clerodendrum Problem
Most likely causeIndividual areas of the leaves lighten, then dry out and die.
The shoots become thinner and stretch out. The distance between the leaves increases, they become smaller.Clerodendrum lacks light and/or nutrition.
The leaves wither, turn yellow, fall off, the buds dry out without blooming.If only the lower leaves fall, and this happens in winter, the situation is normal. Otherwise, you are not watering the plant enough.
Light spots of irregular shape on the leaves.The room temperature is too low and/or there are cold drafts.
Lack of flowering.Clerodendrum was not provided with a period of rest of sufficient duration in compliance with all conditions. Another option is deficiency or, conversely, excess nutrients in the ground. The latter can be determined by the increased size and darkened leaves.

Pest Control

Inspect plants regularly for signs of damage and take appropriate action immediately.

Table: the most common pests of clerodendrum

Pest Symptoms Fighting methods Prevention
The pest gnaws through the leaf and sucks out the juice. The underside of the leaf blade is covered with tiny white dots. The leaves and shoots are intertwined with thin, almost transparent threads, similar to a cobweb. In particularly advanced cases, the plant is almost invisible under a dense layer of whitish mass; many pests accumulate on the tops of the shoots.
  • Having found pests, water and spray the clerodendrum, put a plastic bag on top and leave the plant hermetically sealed for 2-3 days. If there is no effect, use acaricides strictly according to the instructions - Aktofit, Aktellik, Fitoverm, Vermitek, Apollo at least 3 times. The hotter it is, the more often they spray. If the temperature is optimal for clerodendrum, process after 7-8 days.
  • Folk remedies - wiping the leaves with medical alcohol and spraying with a decoction of cyclamen tubers. They need to be cut into several parts and cooked after boiling for 45 minutes. The liquid is cooled to room temperature, the plants, soil, pot, tray are sprayed. After 3-4 days, the procedure is repeated.
High humidity is detrimental to spider mites. It is useful to give the plant a warm shower every 20–25 days. First, apply a thick foam of laundry soap to the leaves and shoots for 15–20 minutes.
The pest is easy to recognize by the small dirty white pellets that appear on the leaves and roots, similar to cotton wool. At the same time, cloudy drops appear on the underside of the leaves. The flower stops growing and the leaves fall off.
  • If the pest is noticed in time, thick foam of green potassium soap (10 g of fine shavings per liter of water) helps. It is applied in a thick layer to the flower, and after 15–20 minutes it is washed off with a warm shower.
  • Folk remedies - horsetail infusion, garlic arrows, nettle leaves, dried citrus peels. The raw materials are crushed, 60–75 g are poured with a liter of warm water. After a day, the finished infusion is filtered and the plant is sprayed with it. At least 3 treatments with an interval of 5–7 days.
  • When rubbing the leaves, medical alcohol or alcohol tincture of calendula gives a good effect. Insecticides - Aktara, Bankol, Mospilan, Commander, Tanrek, Iskra are used only in infected areas.
  • The problem will be finally solved by 3 consecutive treatments with different drugs every 7–8 days.
Proper care.
Small flying insects suck sap from plants. Shake the flower and you will find swarms of pests rising into the air.
  • Adhesive tape used to catch flies is effective against adults.
  • You can vacuum the plant.
  • Areas of mass accumulation of larvae are wiped with soap suds, the soil is loosened well, trying not to damage the roots.
  • Insecticides used include Aktara, Actellik, Tanrek, Fitoverm, Ambush, Mospilan, Fury and any other drugs against sucking insects.
  • An infusion of wormwood, yarrow, dandelion roots, garlic arrows, and dry citrus peels is prepared and used as described above.
It has been noticed that whiteflies are very attracted to the yellow color. You can make your own trap from a sheet of paper and cardboard by applying glue, Vaseline, or something else sticky to it.
Grayish-brown plaques appear on shoots and leaves. These are the shells of pests that suck the sap of the plant. At the same time, the presence of sticky transparent discharge is characteristic.
  • The first thing to do is isolate the affected plant.
  • Then thick soap suds are applied to it, using a soft toothbrush or cotton pad to remove visible pests.
  • If there are few scale insects, folk remedies help well - infusion of garlic, celandine, pods hot pepper, prepared according to the described scheme.
  • In severe cases, clerodendrum is sprayed with Fitoverm, Confidor, Admiral, Fosbecid, Aktara at intervals of 7–10 days. At least 3 treatments will be required.
Proper care. Scale insects will not appear in high humidity and bright light.

Many acaricides are toxic, so it is best to carry out treatment outdoors.

Photo gallery: clerodendrum pests

Not just any insecticide can “dissolve” the durable shell of the scale insect. Whiteflies are easy to identify, but quite difficult to get rid of. Certain varieties of mealybug attack the roots. The pest is difficult to identify until it is too late To combat spider mites, use special preparations - acaricides

Reproduction methods

Clerodendrum, like most indoor plants, propagates by seeds (generatively) and cuttings (vegetatively).

Clerodendrum cuttings quickly take root even in plain water

The easiest way to grow a new clerodendrum is to take a cutting from an old one.

Apical cuttings 8–10 cm long with 2–3 leaves are cut off in early spring and the lower third is dipped in a solution of a root formation stimulator - Epin, Kornevin, Topaz, potassium humate. After a day, the cuttings need to be rooted into individual pots with a diameter of 7–9 cm in a mixture of sand and peat or humus in equal proportions.

It is best to root the tops of clerodendrum shoots

To create a greenhouse effect, the pots are covered with plastic bags or glass jars. Cuttings need plenty of watering and bright light. Once new leaves appear, gradually acclimate them to their environment.

After 4–5 months, transplant the clerodendrums into soil for adult plants, pinching the shoots by a quarter. Care as usual.

Young clerodendrums will bloom this year

Germination of seeds

Clerodendrum seeds are definitely among the ten most unusual indoor plants

Clerodendrum seeds ripen at the end of winter. They are planted in early spring in a mixture of fertile turf soil (or humus), dry peat and sand in equal proportions. The containers are covered with glass or film, maintaining a constant temperature of about 22ºC and high humidity. Once a day, planting is ventilated for 3–5 minutes. You will have to wait a long time for germination: 45–60 days.

Clerodendrum seeds take a long time to germinate

When 3–4 true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate pots and cared for as if they were rooted cuttings. They will bloom next year.

The plant comes from China. A vibrant plant that attracts attention with its stunning flowers and decorative dark green foliage. This is a perennial deciduous shrub 1.5-2 meters high. Flowering period from June until the first frost. The plant has pink flowers, elongated in a tube and densely collected in inflorescences, and have an interesting smell.

Not afraid of lime in the soil and hot light, unpretentious. Hardy and drought-resistant plant, but loves watering and fertilizing. In the spring you need to carry out sanitary pruning. Produces good root shoots that can be replanted very easily. This versatile plant is grown both in the garden and in room conditions.

Reference! In indoor conditions it blooms all year round with short breaks. In open ground it is necessary to insulate or hill up high.

Varieties of varieties with photos

Let's talk about the most popular decorative clerodendrum. You will also learn what each type of flower looks like in the photo.

It is characterized by shiny leaves. distributed in the mountainous part of India, Southern China, Nepal. It has unusually abundant and lush snow-white blooms, which appear at any time of the year. Leaves of rich bright green color, elongated, have faint serrations along the edges.

The flowers are small and collected in inflorescences, located on long peduncles. Flowering up to 2 months. A characteristic feature is long stamens. It belongs to the hanging plants due to its flexible hanging shoots. It may shed its leaves in the winter. Temperature above 18 o C.

Important! Requires quite frequent and abundant watering and spraying. Bright diffused light is required. Tolerates pruning well.

A fast-growing vine, common in China. The leaves are heart-shaped, dark green with jagged edges. May have a purple tint. The inflorescence is dark crimson, becoming lighter to pink when fully bloomed. A characteristic feature is the long stamens that protrude from the middle of the flower.

Blooms in summer. In winter, it sheds its leaves when there is insufficient light. Temperature in summer is 25 o C, in winter not lower than 18 o C. Does not require abundant watering, does not tolerate stagnant water well. In winter, water only after the soil is completely dry. Loves high humidity, needs to be sprayed.

Distributed in Sri Lanka and the tropics of Asia. The leaves are oblong, oval and smooth with a smooth edge. They have a rich, glossy light green color. The flowers are small white with light purple stamens. Inflorescences are collected in small umbrellas. It grows very quickly, is easy to prune, and is not picky about soil and temperature. It grows in a sufficiently lit place, tolerates dry air in rooms and does not require frequent watering.

Grows in the tropics of Africa. An evergreen plant with bright scarlet flowers. They have an irregular bud structure, and the stamens protrude several centimeters forward. The leaves are large and wide, heart-shaped, shiny and have hairs, green or dark green in color.

Distributed in mountainous regions of the African continent. The leaves are smooth, slightly serrated. The flowers resemble a butterfly. The stamens are long and slightly curved upward. The flowers are collected in inflorescences on long peduncles. Unpretentious loves a well-lit place and is not afraid of direct sunlight. Temperature in summer is 26 o C, in winter – 15 o C. Spray, as the flower does not like dry air.

You can watch a video review of this clerodendrum below:

lives in China and Japan. The leaves are large, up to 15 cm, have a grayish-green color and a velvety structure. The leaf shape is heart-shaped with jagged edges. Flowers small size white with a pink tint. Collected in dense bloom and resemble one flower. Unpretentious, loves bright diffused lighting. Temperature in winter is from 15 o C, in summer up to 25 o C. Water regularly and abundantly as the soil dries.

Landing Features

At home, use slightly acidic soil. You can prepare it by taking in equal parts:

  • Clay soil.
  • Leafy soil.
  • Peat.
  • Sand.

Advice! You can buy a ready-made substrate and add sand to it.

Choose a place with bright, indirect lighting. The best places are eastern and western oriented. In the northern ones, due to lack of light, the bush will die, but in the young ones, shading needs to be created. Temperature– moderate heat (18-25°C). In winter, lower it to 12-18oC.

It does not tolerate dry air well, so use spraying and using soft, settled water. For additional moisture in the summer, place the pot on a tray with damp moss, expanded clay, and pebbles. In winter, do not place near heating radiators and do not spray.

Clerodendrum needs frequent and abundant watering.. But do not forget - it is sensitive to excess moisture, drain excess water from the pan. Keep cool in winter and limit watering. Water only when the soil is dry. Use soft, chlorine-free water.

Diseases and pests

  • Shields- settle under the leaf, suck the juice from the plant and contaminate it with sticky sugar secretions. To combat, you need to treat the plant with a soap solution, in case of severe infection with a solution of karbofos.
  • Red spider mite- appears as a thin web under the leaves. This causes the leaves to turn yellow, curl and fall off. The growth of the shoots slows down, the buds turn black, sticky honeydew appears, and a sooty fungus settles on it. It is necessary to remove damaged leaves and treat the plant with insecticidal soap or actellik.
  • Whitefly– a small white insect settles on shoots and leaves. The leaves dry out and fall off. A sooty fungus appears on the whitefly secretions. It is necessary to treat the leaves with a soap solution, or in case of severe infection - with a 1% decis solution.

If growing in open ground

  1. Choose a place with bright, diffused lighting.
  2. Water and spray regularly.
  3. Feed and fertilize.
  4. Insulate in winter.

Now you know how to properly care for a flower growing in open ground.


  1. Seeds.
  2. Cuttings.
  3. Layering on shoots and then transplanting them into the ground.

Possible problems

  1. Lack of flowering.
  2. May shed leaves.
  3. The root system is very sensitive to mechanical damage.

If you want to admire beautiful blooms and unusual flowers most of the year, then definitely choose clerodendrum, both for home cultivation and for planting in open ground.

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Clerodendrum can rightfully be called one of the most unusual and original houseplants, surprising with its original flowers. The variety of their shapes and shades is amazing: blue, red, white, orange with simple or double petals, long or short stamens. The green part of the plant is no less impressive - large bright leaves are an excellent backdrop for magnificent inflorescences.

If you have blooming clerodendrum in your home, guests are guaranteed to be surprised. But it’s not at all easy to grow such beauty - among flower growers, this representative of indoor flora is considered very picky. However, enthusiastic lovers of house plants will not face any difficulties, and the result will certainly exceed all expectations.

In order to properly care for the plant, it is worth getting to know it better.

According to the botanical classification, clerodendrum (lat. Clerodendrum) is the common name of a genus belonging to the large family Lamiaceae. Everyone knows the closest relatives of clerodendrum - herbs (basil, mint, oregano, thyme, rosemary). More recently, the plant belonged to the Verbenovaceae family, but phytogenetic analyzes carried out in the 90s showed the fallacy of this classification.

The name has also changed: previously, clerodendrum was called volcameria. Subsequently, scientists found out that Volcameria is a separate botanical genus. The modern name of the magnificent handsome man is formed from two Greek words: “kleros” - fate, fate and “dendron” - tree. It was not by chance that clerodendrum was called the “tree of destiny” - the ancient Greeks used the plant for religious ceremonies in honor of the goddess Aphrodite and for medicinal purposes. And its modern popular names are “innocent love”, “crying heart”, “bloody cross” and “fluttering butterfly”.

[!] Those who believe in omens believe that clerodendrum brings happiness to girls and women. Well, more down-to-earth people note the pleasant, delicate smell of its flowers.

The homeland of clerodendrum is the tropical regions of South and Southeast Asia and Africa. Some species can be found in America, Australia and even in the south of our country.

At least three hundred species of clerodendrum are found in nature, but only a few of them are suitable for indoor growing.

Types of clerodendrum suitable for home cultivation

Despite the fact that there are not too many indoor species of clerodendrum yet, they are very diverse. Some of them, for example, are grown as hanging plants, others - in the form of a small tree or shrub. There are deciduous species that require a period of rest in the winter months, and there are also evergreen representatives. The most spectacular clerodendrums, most often found in indoor culture, are:

Clerodendrum Thomson(lat. Clerodendrum thomsoniae) - a plant with large oval leaves of a rich green color. Flowers with red petals and white bracts in the form of a box, collected in dense inflorescences, are of particular decorative value. The flowering period of clerodendrum Thomson is April-June, and buds may reappear at the end of summer. It is grown as a small tree or shrub. Soft young shoots tend to become woody over time. Deciduous species, exposing the crown in the cold season.

Clerodendrum beautiful or special zoom(lat. Clerodendrum speciosum) can be grown both in a hanging form and in the form of a bush. The leaves are oval, pointed at the end, bright green. The bracts are painted in a delicate lilac color, and the flower petals have a pink-red hue. With proper care, flowering can continue almost all year round.

K. Thomson, K. wonderful

Clerodendrum Wallich(lat. Clerodendrum wallichii) is also known as “Nodding Jasmine”. The long branches of the plant are decorated with large dark green leaves and clusters of snow-white flowers with long stamens. Under the weight of the inflorescences, the shoots bend slightly; this feature of the plant is noted in its name. Typically grown as a spreading shrub.

Clerodendrum uganda(lat. Clerodendrum ugandense) - this variety is distinguished by thin elongated shoots, small oval leaves and pale blue five-petaled flowers with long stamens. Most often it is cultivated as an ampelous (hanging) plant, less often - in the form of a shrub or tree. Ugandan clerodendrum looks especially decorative on decorative supports entwined with stems.

K. wallich, K. uganda

Clerodendrum philippines(lat. Clerodendrum philippinum). Extraordinarily beautiful, creamy pink flowers, collected in a ball-shaped inflorescence, resemble small roses. Flowers can be simple, five-petaled, but more often you can find a double variety of the plant. Flowering continues almost all year round, and the aroma emitted by the flowers is very rich and pleasant. The leaves are large, green, heart-shaped.

Clerodendrum Bunge(lat. Clerodendrum Bungei) is distinguished by its original shape of inflorescences. The ball-shaped inflorescences consist of a large number of pink, star-shaped flowers with elongated petals and stamens, while the total diameter of the ball can reach 15 cm. The flowering of Clerodendrum Bunge is often compared to fireworks in a dark sky. The leaves of the plant are dense, oval, dark green. In bright open sun, the color of the leaves may take on a purple tint. It is grown as a shrub with many shoots or as a tree with one central trunk.

K. filipinsky, K. Bunge

Clerodendrum tripartite or three-forked(lat. Clerodendrum trichotomum) – a large plant with large leaves and woody shoots with age. Decorated with small bright pink flowers with pointed petals and a blue center.

Clerodendrum Inerme or thornless(lat. Clerodendrum inerme) blooms with small white flowers with long stamens, densely strewn throughout the bush. The leaves are dense, glossy, oval-pointed in shape.

K. tripartite, K. Inerme

Clerodendrum fireworks(lat. Clerodendrum quadriloculare) surprises with the shape of the bracts and buds. Long purple bracts with snow-white buds at the ends look like an intricate flower fireworks. The leaves are large. glossy with purple color on the underside. There are also variegated (variegated) forms of this species.

Spectacular inflorescence clerodendrum paniculata(lat. Clerodendrum paniculatum) is shaped like a Chinese pagoda with a bright orange color. The flowers stand out brightly against the background of large green heart-shaped leaves.

K. firecracker, K. paniculata

IN Lately clerodendrum is increasingly found in the collections of Russian and foreign flower growers, and botanist breeders have paid close attention to the plant. More and more new varieties of this representative of the tropical flora are appearing: double flowers of various shades and with leaves of variegated color. But, no matter what type or variety of clerodendrum appears in your home, the plant needs proper and careful care.

Caring for clerodendrum at home

In order to grow a healthy and blooming clerodendrum, it is necessary to create a microclimate in the room that is reminiscent of the natural one. These are, first of all, good lighting, high humidity and temperature. In addition, you need to take into account that winter and summer care for the plant differ, since during the cold season the clerodendrum rests.

Temperature and lighting

The range of summer temperatures most suitable for the southern flower varies between 20-25°C. In autumn and winter, it is advisable to move the plant to a cooler place where the thermometer does not rise above 15°C. A cold winter will mark the change of seasons, which will subsequently have a beneficial effect on the growth and flowering of clerodendrum.

As for lighting, its intensity should be equally high at any time of the year. It is best to place clerodendrum on southwestern or southeastern window sills. In summer, on especially hot and sunny days, the plant needs to be shaded a little, otherwise burns may appear on the delicate leaves. In winter, when there is little sun and short daylight hours, additional shade is not needed.

Watering and air humidity

The watering regime, as well as the temperature, depends on the season. In spring and summer, when the plant is in the growing season, it should be watered abundantly, however, avoiding waterlogging and acidification of the soil. In general, you need to water as the top layer of the substrate dries.

[!] Water for irrigation should always be soft (filtered) and warm (25-27°C)

In autumn, when clerodendrum is preparing for a period of dormancy, watering should be gradually reduced to once or twice a week. Well, in winter, moisture is needed in minimal quantities; the plant should be watered no more than once every two to three weeks.

For clerodendrum, a plant from tropical forests, air humidity is of great importance. This is why it is important to spray the flower frequently. For example, in spring and summer this procedure should be carried out at least twice a day; in spring and autumn two or three times a week is enough. In general, the colder and cloudier the weather, the less frequently spraying is required. You can increase air humidity in other ways:

  • using a household humidifier;
  • placing the flower on a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay;
  • using an aquarium or other open container of water located next to the plant.

Framing and trimming

Clerodendrum is good because, depending on the type and desire of the grower, it can take various forms: ampelous (hanging or on a support), branched shrub or tree. The fact is that the young shoots of the plant are flexible and pliable, but over time the branches begin to become lignified.

When you start growing young clerodendrum, you should immediately decide on the desired shape.

If you need a vine that climbs along a support, when planting you need to dig a frame and, as the shoots grow, intertwine them with wire. A spreading shrub can be formed. by planting several shoots of clerodendrum in one pot. And the tree will turn out if you cut off the extra side branches, leaving only the strongest, which will later become the trunk.

Regardless of the chosen form, clerodendrum needs to be pruned and pinched every year.

[!] Buds appear only on young growth. The more new shoots the clerodendrum grows, the more flowers there will be.

The best time for pruning is late February - early March. The following are subject to pruning:

  • dry and weak branches - completely, at the base;
  • branches thickening the crown - completely, at the base;
  • the remaining shoots - by about a third, to stimulate new branching.

Soil, fertilizing and replanting

The soil for planting a tropical plant must have the following qualities: looseness, nutritional value, moderate acidity (pH 5.6-6.5). You can prepare the substrate yourself by mixing leaf soil, turf soil, peat and sand in proportions 2:1:1:1. From ready-made mixtures, a universal nutrient soil with the required pH is suitable. For better water and air permeability, you need to add a little vermiculite, perlite or sphagnum to both the prepared and finished substrate.

Clerodendrum should be fertilized only in spring and summer, during the period of growth and flowering. Best choice will be fertilizers for flowering flowers (Agricola, Pokon) in the dose recommended by the manufacturer. To maintain the glossiness and rich green color of the leaves, you can use the organo-mineral complex “Emerald”.

In order for an adult clerodendrum to feel good, it needs an annual transplant. Experienced flower growers have different opinions regarding the timing of transplantation. Some believe that a tropical flower should be replanted in early spring, after pruning. Others say that in this case the plant does not have time to recover and set a large number of buds, so best time clerodendrum transplants - early autumn, after flowering ends.

In any case, when changing the place of residence of a flower, you need to remember some nuances:

  1. The pot should be only 1-1.5 cm larger than the previous one. Too large a bowl is the reason for the poor flowering of clerodendrum.
  2. The best method of transplantation, which is least traumatic to the roots, is transshipment. The plant is removed from the bowl along with a lump of earth and planted in a new container. The voids between the walls of the pot and the root are filled with fresh soil.
  3. If it is not possible to replant the clerodendrum, you can simply update upper layer substrate.
  4. The drainage layer in the container should be at least a quarter of the total volume of the pot.
  5. After replanting, in order to avoid root burns, any fertilizing should be excluded for about two weeks.


It often happens that clerodendrum does not bloom, which upsets its owner. Beginner flower growers especially often fail to achieve flowering. In order for the buds to appear on time and in large quantities, it is necessary:

  • Give clerodendrum a cool winter. During the dormant period, the plant gains strength and prepares for future flowering.
  • Trim clerodendrum in a timely manner, stimulating new branching.
  • Place the plant in well-lit places. Without enough light, flowering will not occur.
  • Replant clerodendrum in late summer - early autumn, after flowering.
  • Fertilize generously during the growing season and flowering period. At this time, clerodendrum consumes a lot vitality, therefore needs additional microelements.


At home, clerodendrum is propagated in only two ways and by cuttings. Let's take a closer look at them.

Growing clerodendrum from seeds is not so easy - they take quite a long time to germinate, and a specimen obtained from a seed blooms only in the second or third year of life. In addition, during seed propagation, varietal qualities are sometimes lost.

Seeds can be collected from a faded plant or purchased at a specialty store. To plant them, you need to prepare a closed plastic greenhouse and soil consisting of equal parts of peat and sand. In February-March, the seeds, practically without deepening, are placed in the ground and placed in a bright and warm place. From time to time the soil needs to be moistened and the greenhouse needs to be ventilated. Shoots should appear in 1.5-2 months.

Propagation by cuttings is a less labor-intensive method. The shoots remaining after pruning are perfect for propagation. The only thing worth paying attention to is the age of the shoots: for planting you need to choose mature, semi-lignified branches. Young, green stems most likely will not produce roots.

Rooting of cuttings occurs in water or in a damp peat-sand mixture, and the container with the cuttings should be located in a warm and bright place. After the roots and several pairs of leaves appear, the cuttings can be planted in regular soil and cared for like an adult clerodendrum.

Pests, diseases and growing problems

The main insect pests that threaten clerodendrum are scale insects, mealybugs, aphids and spider mites. If the colony of insects is small, you can get rid of them using folk methods that are safe for the plant - infusion of onion, garlic, tobacco, mechanical removal. In case of a high number of pests, modern broad-spectrum insecticides will come to the rescue - Aktara, Intavir, Actellik and so on.

Diseases of clerodendrum are usually associated with improper care of the plant. Inexperienced gardeners spray the plant too rarely or, conversely, water it too often, place the clerodendrum pot in a dark place, and do not fertilize the tropical flower. Because of this, most of the ailments from which clerodendrum suffers arise.

The plant itself will help determine what exactly needs to be changed in its care:

  • The leaves become pale and their tips dry out from watering with hard tap water.
  • Clerodendrum leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain green - a symptom of chlorosis. Iron chelate will help get rid of the disease.
  • Clerodendrum sheds its leaves and some of the shoots dry out. If this happens in the fall, there is no need to worry: the plant is preparing for winter. The cause of spring or summer leaf fall may be excessive dry air. It is necessary to spray the plant more often, at least twice a day.
  • Shallow buds and excessive stretching of shoots indicate a deficiency sunlight.
  • Brown spots of irregular shape on the leaves indicate that the plant is frozen - the air temperature is too low and the water for irrigation is too cold.

The handsome clerodendrum is undeservedly rare in our homes, although its flowering is an impressive sight that brings joy to any person. The thick green cap of large emerald leaves is also good. Put in just a little effort and you will grow one of the most wonderful representatives of the kingdom of Flora - the luxurious clerodendrum, the beautiful flower of love.

(7 ratings, average: 4.57 out of 5)

Clerodendrium most beautiful was first found in the Canary Islands. In the wild, it can most often be found in parts of Africa, South America and Asia.

The leaves of this plant are green. They have a core shape, and their edges can be either jagged or solid. They also have a rough surface reaching twenty centimeters. The leaves are located on the stem of the plant. They have flexible shoots. The stamens of Clerodendrium most beautiful form tassels on the plant. The flowers are shaped like butterflies. This plant has a wonderful and aromatic smell that comes from the leaves and flowers. Everyone has an individual scent.

Varieties of varieties and their photos

It has two most common varieties - this and Clerodendrium Brilliant. There are others as well.

Has dark, green leaves. It is a deciduous vine. The leaves are ovoid and grow up to twelve centimeters. The flowers are white, airy, with a red corolla. Reproduction occurs using cuttings. Flowering occurs from March to July.

You can learn more about the features of keeping Thomson's clerodendrium at home, as well as see a photo of the flower.

An evergreen shrub with round leaves up to eight centimeters long and six centimeters wide. They have a rough surface and red flowers. Flowering occurs all year round.

The plant has a pronounced sweet aroma. Does not require much effort in care. The flowers are pink with a white tint and grow up to twenty centimeters. The leaves are wide and green in color.

It is a vine that reaches about two meters. has dark green leaves and blue stamens. You can adjust the shape of the tree.

Presented as an evergreen shrub. The leaves are broadly ovate in shape and grow up to twenty centimeters.

It has many names, for example: bride's veil, Cleopatra's tears, bride's veil. Its main difference is its abundant flowering. The inflorescences are white. The leaves are green and lance-shaped. It is the most difficult to care for.

We talked about what Wallich clerodendrum (or) is and how to properly care for it at home.

Soil and fertilizing requirements

If you carry out the planting process at home, you must have slightly acidic soil. Thanks to such soil, the plant will bloom and grow well. To prepare it you need to take:

  • peat;
  • clay soil;
  • sand;
  • leaf soil.

Attention! From mid-spring until the end of summer, the plant must be fed with fertilizer intended for indoor plants.

This plant requires conditions as if it were in natural conditions. A favorable place for the most beautiful clerodendrium will be window sills, the windows of which face the west, east and south.

Love plenty of sunlight, but do not allow direct sunlight, as the plant can get many burns.

Northern windows are not suitable because the plant will not have enough sun and it will not grow, bloom and develop well, so it is necessary to install additional lighting for the plant.

Care instructions

  1. The temperature in summer should be from eighteen degrees to twenty-five degrees Celsius for the most beautiful clerodendrium. For the winter season, the temperature should be fifteen degrees Celsius.
  2. The temperature should be maintained high and the plant should be sprayed with warm water daily. Watering must be done frequently and a lot.
  3. During the flowering period, care should be the same as for everything else.

Diseases and pests

The most common pests include:

  • Whitefly. They are located below on the leaves, and at the top there is a coating from the feces of this pest.
  • Spider mite. Small and inaccessible to the human eye. It looks like small, white dots on the lower surface of the leaves of the plant and in the form of a small cobweb. A drug called an insecticide will help in the fight against these pests. You need to take an ampoule of Actelic and mix it in a liter of water. Spray the plant with this solution. Spray four times, every three days.


Propagation of Clerodendrium most beautiful occurs both by cuttings and with the help of seeds.

  1. By cuttings. As a rule, cuttings of this plant are pruned in the spring. Coarsening occurs well in water. When the cuttings take root, they should be transplanted into small pots and covered with glass. When shoots appear, you need to choose a larger pot. In a year the pot should be even larger.
  2. Seeds. Sow at the end of winter and at the beginning of summer. The mixture should consist of peat, grain soil and sand. An important condition when growing this plant from seeds is good lighting and greenhouse conditions. After two months, the first sunrises appear.

    Important! Transplant the plant into pots when they have four leaves.

Possible problems

This is absolutely not a problem plant. If you take proper care, the most beautiful clerodendrium will delight you with its flowering for a long time.

This plant can also be used in phytodesign, where it is used in vertical gardening of buildings. Among all gardeners, this plant is highly valued for its beautiful flowers with large stamens.

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Surely you have seen this beautiful flower and were eager to get to know it better. The bright greenery of clerodendrum and its magnificent flowers leave no one indifferent. People call it the tree of destiny and believe that flowering brings happiness to the house and pleasant updates to life. But in order to grow a strong and healthy plant at home that will delight you with its beautiful appearance, you need to know the features of caring for it.

The name of the plant is translated from Greek very simply: kleros - “fate”, and dendron - “tree”. This plant became popular in the 19th century, when tropical galleries and winter gardens were in great fashion among aristocrats. Climbing woody vines could be used as living partitions or a beautiful vertical backdrop.

In those days, this plant was more often called volcameria; now the name clerodendrum is more common. Also in Ancient Rome The temples of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, were abundantly decorated with its flowers. Even our ancestors knew a flower that received the name “innocent love” from them.

Clerodendrums have long been used for landscaping rooms, greenhouses, and winter gardens.

The plant belongs to the Verbena family, known for its beautiful flowering. In addition, our hero is famous for its delicate aroma, which intensifies in the evening.

Some species are quite easy to care for and can even be grown in the yard in well-lit areas. For example, the beautiful clerodendrum, which is sometimes called sea, grows even on the southern coasts, not afraid of the burning rays of the sun and salty splashes of water.

If you live in a region with a hot climate, you can easily grow clerodendrum in your yard or garden.

But it would be more correct to say that this is a rather capricious flower that is not so easy to grow correctly in an apartment or house. It is equally demanding on lighting, humidity, watering, temperature; in general, if you want such beauty to live next to you, you will have to follow some rules. Until recently, only a couple of varieties of clerodendrum were available to our flower growers, but now their range is very wide, so the plant is gaining popularity again.

Isn't this a reason to study in detail the principle of growing an exotic beauty?

This plant is native to the tropical regions of Asia, South America and Africa. In the wild, at least 400 varieties are known; they are found in the form of trees, shrubs or vines, and can be evergreen or deciduous. In addition to the lush, beautiful flowering, this plant has one more feature: its branches are very flexible, but become woody over time. This will allow you to give the crown any shape that your imagination suggests.

The most common varieties

  1. Among the many varieties of the tree of fate, it is worth highlighting several of the most beloved by our flower growers for their relative ease of care and visual effectiveness. Let's look at them in more detail: Mrs. Thomson's clerodendrum (Clerodendrum thomsoniae).
  2. It has thin, smooth shoots with a high growth rate. With age, the trunk of the vine becomes covered with dense woody bark. It is a deciduous plant and most often sheds most of its leaves in the winter. Clusters of inflorescences consist of white, heart-shaped flowers with bright red corollas. The leaves are large, juicy green in color, oblong, pointed in shape, and can reach 12 cm in length. Mrs. Thomson's Volcameria grows very quickly when grown indoors, flowering time is from March to June inclusive. An evergreen non-deciduous shrub with liana-like shoots. The leaves are almost round in shape, up to 6 centimeters wide, about 8 cm long, with a heart-shaped base, wavy edges and an oblong apex. Corymbose and racemose inflorescences, located in short axils, are collected from red scarlet flowers. With proper care, it will delight you with brilliant blooms all year round.

    The color of the petals of Clerodendrum brilliantis is known to artists as scarlet

  3. Philippine (Clerodendrum philippinum). It has wide leaves of a dark green hue, which contrast favorably with dense, up to 20 cm in diameter, inflorescences consisting of pinkish pinkish-white flowers. This variety has a delicate aroma with jasmine-vanilla notes, which becomes especially intense in the evening. This type of Volcameria begins to bloom already in the second year of life.
  4. Ugandan (Clerodendrum ugandense). An evergreen vine that grows so quickly that a few months after planting it can reach a length of 2 m. The wide, lance-shaped leaves are dark green in color. Few-flowered, loose inflorescences consist of butterfly-like flowers with thread-like blue stamens. The petals on the sides and top are pale blue, the lower petal is purple or lilac-blue.
  5. Fragrant (Clerodendrum fragrans). An evergreen shrub plant capable of reaching two meters in height. The leaves are 20 cm long, wide, pubescent, with recessed teeth along the edges, and ovate in shape. Flowers white with a slight pinkish tint on the outside, collected in apical-type scutes, distinguished by a subtle violet-citrus scent. Clerodendrum fragrant blooms almost all year round.

    Clerodendrum fragrant is characterized by long flowering and long stamens

  6. Clerodendrum Wallich, or Prospero. This variety is also called “Cleopatra’s tears” and “bridal veil” - the plant is an elegant small bush, you can easily place it even on a narrow windowsill. The shoots are tetrahedral, the leaves are lanceolate, 5 to 8 cm long, with wavy edges, dark green. Clerodendrum Wallich is considered the most capricious of all types of this flower: it is difficult to grow indoors due to its demands on air humidity and day length.
  7. Clerodendrum inerme (Clerodendrum inerme, unarmed or thornless). An evergreen bushy plant characterized by rapid growth. It loves sunlight very much and tolerates growing outdoors - in the yard or garden. It blooms with snow-white flowers with elongated stamens of a violet or lilac hue.
  8. A fast-growing vine with heart-shaped, dark green leaves that turn purple when exposed to direct sunlight. This species blooms all summer, from June to August inclusive. Wide inflorescences (reaching 16 cm in diameter) from bright crimson buds bloom with pale pink flowers. Thanks to the long stamens, the blossoming inflorescence looks like a salvo of fireworks. If you replant it in the spring, then after 2 months it will begin to bloom.
  9. Clerodendrum beautiful, or most beautiful (Clerodendrum speciosum). The plant is a shrubby, evergreen, capable of reaching three meters in height. Large, heart-shaped leaves with a shiny surface and covered with hairs are attached to the tetrahedral shoots on long reddish petioles. Flowers of a purple hue are collected in apical panicles. Flowering time is from June to September inclusive.

Growth and flowering of Ugandan clerodendrum - video

Varietal diversity in the photo

Philippine clerodendrum has a jasmine-vanilla aroma. Wallich's clerodendrum can fit even on a narrow windowsill. Ugandan clerodendrum, when properly pruned, can take the form of a tree or bush. Mrs. Thomson's clerodendrum is characterized by rapid growth at home. Fragrant clerodendrum flowers have a tonzi citrus-violet aroma. Clerodendrum brilliant can bloom constantly. throughout the year The pink-purple flowers of Clerodendrum beautiful are striking in their beauty Clerodendrum Inerme is well suited for growing outdoors Clerodendrum Bunge during flowering can be compared to a salvo of fireworks

Seasonal growing conditions - table

Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Lighting Well-lit areas of the room with the possibility of shading from direct sunlight. The best place for growing is on east and west windows. You can move it to a south window or provide additional lighting.
Temperature +18…+25 °C +15…+18 °C
Air humidity To ensure an adequate level of humidity, spray the plant with settled or filtered water every evening.
  1. In dry, sunny weather, spray the plant with settled water every evening.
  2. During rainy, cold periods, reduce spraying to 2-3 times a week.
  1. Move the pot with clerodendrum away from heating appliances.
  2. Spray the plant with settled water every evening or use automatic humidifiers.
Watering Abundant, only with settled water. The top layer of soil in the pot should dry out between waterings. Moderate, as needed. Do not allow the earthen ball to dry out.
  1. Rarely, with a small amount of water, but without allowing the earthen clod to dry out.
  2. Reduce watering when temperatures drop.

Among other things, your flower may need support so that the growing vine does not fall to one side, risking falling from the window. This can be a stretched wire or twine, as well as a spacer of any convenient shape.

A ring-shaped support for clerodendrum will help to form an arch from the plant

Features of planting and transplantation

In indoor growing conditions, clerodendrum needs slightly acidic soil, the composition of which will ensure good growth and regular flowering. You can cook it yourself. To do this, take in equal parts:

  • clay soil;
  • leaf soil;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous substance.

If you prefer to use ready-made substrate bought in a store, add a little sand to it.

Transplanting a flower into another pot - necessary measure: firstly, you need to update the soil from time to time due to the loss of useful properties, and secondly, the clerodendrum will need more space as it grows.

Transplantation is carried out in the spring, when the active growth period begins. Before this, you need to prune the plant. A young plant requires replanting every year.

And when it grows up and gets stronger, in about five years, you can disturb it less often - once every 3 years.

Plant care

Water and feed correctly

Clerodendrum needs soil that is moist enough to give the appearance of a rainforest. That is, you should water regularly, but you don’t need to overdo it. In the spring and summer months, the flower undergoes a period of growth and flowering. It's time to water properly: a lot and often. As soon as you notice that the soil in the top layer has dried out, feel free to water it. Then wait for the next drying. But keep in mind that you need to water so that all the water is absorbed and its excess does not remain on the surface in noticeable puddles. In autumn, watering can be reduced slightly by controlling the drying of the earthen clod.

Clerodendrum that is not watered enough can be easily identified by its drooping leaves.

It is very important not to allow the earthen clod to dry out, but it is also very easy to fill it at this time: Volcameria reduces the moisture consumption necessary for active growth and proper development. Therefore, in winter, water the flower a couple of times a week with a small amount of water.

From March to the end of summer, when clerodendrum begins to grow and bloom, use special fertilizers for flowering plants to feed it according to the instructions on the package, at least once every 2 weeks. This is the simplest and most effective way to maintain his health. But in the autumn-winter period, such fertilizing can be suspended and instead, the leaves can be sprayed or rubbed with preparations containing iron.

This will help you cope with chlorosis, which is often observed in Volcameria during the dormant period.

Trimming: how to create a beautiful shape

Most species are famous for their rapid growth. If you have enough space in your house, then you can let everything take its course: in the end you will get an entire wall braided with flowering vines. But, firstly, it is not very convenient to care for and replant, and secondly, most often we have too little free space in our apartments. And a beautifully formed, neat crown is always better than a chaotically overgrown plant. In addition, proper pruning promotes healthy growth and timely abundant flowering.

After all, you will remove some of the branches, which otherwise would take most of the nutrients, increasing the vegetative mass to the detriment of flowering.

And, of course, you need to promptly remove dried, pest-damaged branches and weak shoots.

Pruning involves two methods: forming a bush and giving the shape of a tree.

Pruning to remove dry branches and weak shoots should be done in early spring, before the flowering period begins - in February and March, every year. It is recommended to remove shoots almost to the point where they have already become woody. But the formation of the crown can be done both in spring and autumn, when flowering ends, the shoots stop growing, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

Flowering period Usually the plant begins to bloom in June and ends in September.

It is very pleasant and interesting to observe how the color of flowers of almost all types of Volcameria changes during flowering. At first you see very light, often almost white buds, which, as they bloom, grade from light pink to purple, blue to violet or red to dark cherry.

During flowering, do not forget to feed the flower twice a month with the same period of time with fertilizers for flowering indoor plants and water with plenty of water every time the top layer of soil in the pot dries out.

Clerodendrum inflorescences with seeds are very decorative

Fruits are formed on inflorescences that have completed flowering. They look like berries in appearance, but according to the botanical classification they are drupes, divided into 4 nests with 2-3 seeds in each.

Rest period

After the end of flowering and the formation of seeds, clerodendrum begins to prepare for a period of rest - wintering. Flowers fall off, and some varieties of Volcameria can shed their leaves. You will be able to observe this in late October or early November. Evergreen species lose only dried inflorescences.

During wintering, you need to move the flower pot to a room where the temperature fluctuates between +12...+15 °C.

At lower rates, the plant may begin to die from the cold. At higher levels, it will not reach dormancy and will continue to grow and develop, which is why it may simply not bloom next season.

In addition, you need to significantly reduce watering the flower. Monitor the condition of the soil in the pot and water it with a small amount of water as it dries out. The leaves will also help you understand when to water the plant. If they wilt, it's time to add moisture.

Maintenance errors and ways to eliminate them - table Signs Possible reason
Fixes Clerodendrum sheds its leaves A natural phenomenon if the variety belongs to the deciduous group.
There is no reason to worry, the plant is simply preparing for a period of dormancy. Low air humidity and lack of watering.
Provide a sufficient level of humidity in the room or spray the plants with settled water from a spray bottle. Increase watering of clerodendrum. Lack of nutrients in the soil.
Increase the dosage of fertilizers, but no more than 10%. Flowering does not occur Incorrect conditions during wintering.
Make sure that the plant is provided with the correct wintering conditions: after flowering, place it in a room with a temperature of about 15 ºC and significantly reduce watering. Transplant the clerodendrum into a larger container, following all the rules.
The soil in which the plant is planted has become depleted and lost its nutrients. Fertilize with special fertilizers for flowering plants; Replanting in new soil will also help.
The plant began to gain vegetative mass, devoting all its strength to the leaves to the detriment of flowering. Reduce or stop feeding for 1–2 months.
Lack of lighting. Move the pot to a place where there is more sunlight.
The plant was transplanted into a pot that was too large. You will have to wait until the flower grows its root system to the required volume. Perhaps it will be already next season. It is not recommended to replant it into a smaller container.
Leaves lighten or turn yellow Chlorosis damage Treat the leaves of the plant with preparations containing iron, such as Ferrovit.
Excess light. Move the pot with Volcameria away from the window or shade it with a screen.
Lack of light. Move the flower closer to the window (preferably on the west, east or south side) or provide additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.
The water you water the flower with is too hard. Use carefully filtered water or water that has stood for at least a day for watering.

Disease and pest control - table

Name of disease or pest Signs of appearance Treatment Prevention
Spider mite A thin, barely noticeable cobweb appeared on the leaves. The underside of the leaf blade is covered with white dots. 1 ampoule of Actellica per 1 liter of water. Spray the plant every 3 days, repeat 4 times. Regularly and generously spray the plant with settled water, periodically using a soap solution. Observe temperature and light conditions.
Whitefly The leaf becomes covered with a shiny coating from whitefly excrement - honeydew or honeydew; the pest itself can be seen on the underside of the leaf.
Shchitovka The leaves of the flower begin to wither quickly and intensely. Brown scale insect pustules can be seen on the stems and the underside of the leaf blades.
  1. If there are only a few scale insects, you can carefully scrape them off with your fingernail or knife (blunt side).
  2. Wipe the stems and leaves of the flower thoroughly with soapy water, alcohol or beer.
  3. Treat clerodendrum with a solution of insecticides: Phosfamide, Actellica, Metaphos or Aktara. Spray the leaves from below especially carefully. Carry out the treatment weekly for a month.
Powdery mildew A white coating is noticeable on the leaves. If only a few leaves are affected, remove them. Treat the flower three times at an interval of 10 days with a fungicide for indoor plants. The cause of the disease is cold water for irrigation or low temperature. Leave the water to stand for at least 24 hours in a warm place. Move the clerodendrum to a warmer room.
Mealybug Dirty white pellets, similar to cotton wool, appear on the leaves and at the roots. The flower stops growing and begins to shed its leaves.
  1. Wipe the leaves with alcohol or alcohol tincture calendula.
  2. Spray the infected areas with insecticides: Aktara, Mospilan, Commander or Iskra.
Proper care and timely spraying with water.


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